Is It Wrong to Summon Waifus in the Dungeon - PoetIbn (2024)

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

Author’s note: first fic…mercy.

‘Bored…so bored .’

Those were the thoughts of a, as of currently, God of heaven. Wallowing in a state of stagnation upon his own domain.

Nevermind the plush interior, luxurious carpet and curtains, and aromas that stimulated the senses beyond imagination. They were nice, just not enough.

On his bed he lay. A figure laying aloft in his chambers staring at the stars above. There was a roof he simply wished to look at the stars instead of the ceiling. As was his will in his domain.

‘Granted. That mural is very pleasant to look at. Especially after a fun night or two…or six.’

He muses that thought with a slight chuckle. Nights including love and passion a plenty. Nights of carnal ecstasy and savage whispers.

Nights he ruled over again and again. Not just in heaven but in the mortal world itself.

For he is Eros, God of sex and love. The passion maker, the mood setter, the best wingman any God or Goddess could ask for. Whether it’s at parties, weddings, reunions, and more. If it ends with a heart full of love or a bed reeking of passion. Oftentimes both. It falls directly in his domain.

“And a good reason to keep me here rather than let me come down.” He said, rising from his bed.

Normally a love God like him would be welcomed down there. Walking and talking amongst the mortals. Drinking and dancing. Laughing and crying.

And most of all. Seducing and f*cking.

‘Lovemaking is the obvious intention but…things can get crazy in the moment.’

A rational reason was after Freya, Ishtar, and Aphrodite all descended to the mortal world, things got chaotic to say the least.

Freya practically bagging powerful children by the handful with her charisma and beauty and most of all ambition. Ishtar seducing and plotting in light and in shadows. Creating a network of prostitutes and warriors alike.

Aphrodite…was just using her Godly charm like it was free candy. Results varied but she stood out nonetheless.

Eros was prohibited from entering shortly after those three started to make names of themselves.

Were he to go to the mortal realm, he would no doubt be a powerhouse in his own right. Leading mortals by temptation and desire. Carnel gifts spread far and wide amongst an army of followers.

A new beautiful man or woman by everyone’s bedside every night and every morning. Rewarding his children with new thrills for their progress in either dungeon crawling or personal achievement of some other kind.

This is what other Gods and Goddesses feared of him. But it was honestly far from that. Beyond far more than that.

Truth was he just wanted to walk amongst them. See them achieve their own desires first hand.

A crush becomes a partner, a partner becomes a lover, and a lover becomes something more after a certain event.

Marriage. The ultimate destination of love. Hopefully lasting long and well when both are withered and gray.

And further lasting beyond that of life itself.

Eros sighed aloud. After fully dressing himself he leaves his domain and enters heaven proper.

He shouldn’t be so sour about it. He was happy where he was ,there is no denying that. He takes his duties here very seriously and enjoys looking from afar at what mortal kind has done.

But he still feels like he could do more. Which is why today is so special.

After walking what felt like a short distance but was actually a great length to travel. Eros Stands before a large pool of water.

The water is still, with not a single ripple taking place on its surface and looking more like clean glass than liquid.

He leans over more and stares at the pool. Where once he saw his reflection, now he sees the mortal world.

He sees it in parts, depending on his interests. He sees a farmer tending a field of wheat. He sees the wife watching him work holding a tray with snacks and a cool drink.

Another place, he sees an elven woman teaching a small class of young elves on their history. Her stern features only softening when she glances outside and sees a male elf holding a wrapped bundle of food. Accompanied by a kind smile that softens the woman more.

In another area he sees something special. On a bed in a tiny cottage. There is a great thing taking place.

A couple are engaging in a night of pleasure. A young cat man was thrusting himself behind a human woman. There figures dancing with lust and love with each thrust, each ripple, each breath, and each sweat. The man leans over the woman as he thrusts on. One hand holding a curvy hip the other reaching the woman’s hand and clasping it. The woman reciprocates and clasps his in return. The silver rings on both hands gleam in the midst of the passion.

Eros smiled. Love settled and passions alight. A wonderful first night for them.

“A voyeur again today, Eros? Has shame left you so quickly again that you can’t leave mortals to their privacy?”

A voice asked the God of love and sex. Deep and strong but not unkindly.

An easy jab at a God such as him.

Eros smiled and turned his attention to the speaker who was walking up to him. He was a man taller and wider than he was. Well muscled with the look of either a craftsman or a fighter. Sometimes both if the mood takes him.

And Eros and every God and Goddess in heaven hope that mood never, ever, takes him.

Besides his physique he has brown hair on his head and face the color of a rich brown. This color complimented his gold white robes he wore that seemed to glow at certain angles.

The man’s face ,like his body, was strong. Square jaw and broad nose and eyes that burned a soft amber.

Despite his words to the God before him. There was no judgment in them. Merely a jest in good will.

Eros faces the man with a small smile. As innocent a one he could ever make.

“A voyeur? Hmmm maybe. But I prefer to think of myself as a critic on some matters I specialize in and viewing the mortals' attempts at the craft I rule is what a critic like me would do, no?”

The man stands next to him and looks down into the pool. Seeming to look at what Eros was just witnessing.

He looks at him and says, “I’ve seen more interesting things in my spare time.”

Eros gives a sigh but never loses his smile.

“Not everyone can look at stars being born everyday and not get bored. The fireworks are fun at first but after the tenth or twentieth day they can get to be eyesores. Quite literally if I’m honest.”

The man gives a laugh, “Guess I can’t judge you for what you like then?”

“No you cannot.”

Both stare at each other, their smiles never dropping. Then as one they reach a hand to clasp in a firm handshake.

“Been a while Svarog.”

“And you the same, Eros.”

Svarog, a blacksmith God. A craftsman not unlike Goibniu or Hephaestus. A God that works the forge and fire just as great and yet separately unique.

For his domain of the forge contained some of the only remnants of the first stars made and the first ones to die. These scraps are not wasted in his hands, instead they are used to aid in the birth of other stars and lights in the night.

Eros appreciated Svarog. The stars were some of his favorite things to look at. It’s almost criminal that not many could appreciate the work this forge God does. Both mortal and God alike.

But he was getting off topic. Eros hadn’t seen this God in over a thousand years.

Not since the end of ‘The Age of Heroes.’ On the mortal plane.

“Have you finished it?” Eros held his breath after that question.

So long…so long has he waited. Was it finally done?

Svarog let out a sigh. His breath reeked and Eros had to cover his nose and take a step back.

The forge God smiled at the reaction, “Sorry about that,” he said, not sounding it all, “you gave me quite the project to do. It’s a miracle I made any progress in the first place.”

His face grew stern but with a sense of accomplishment in his eyes.

“But yes. I’ve finished it.”

He reached into his robe's pocket and pulled it out.

A flower…unlike any flower Eros had ever seen.

It resembled a mix between a rose and a water lily. It was in full bloom and was a vibrant pale pink with the center bulb being a lovely crimson. It glowed with divine beauty that only a God or Goddess could know.

“Amazing,” Eros said looking at it, “you outdid yourself this time. I can practically smell the power on it.”

Svarog smiled at the love God’s words and expression.

“I made it exactly to specifications. It wasn’t easy and it was agonizing to work on but it should do what you sought out to do and then some if I’m honest.”

“Then all I have to do is-”

“Your power is the final catalyst. The final ‘blessing’ if you will.”

“And it will-”

“Across many spaces and time itself.”

“The requirements?”

“Installed and active upon arrival. ‘Great gift but no shortcuts’ were the instructions.”

“Will I be able to-”

“Yes. You may have to give that thing fresh ideas now and again. Can’t keep repeating here and there with it. That’s cheap and boring.”

“It’s perfect.”

“Not yet.”

Eros looked up from the flower and into the forge God’s eyes.

“Like I said, the final ‘blessing’. You have to give it your power so it works right.” He shrugs his shoulders, “I had everything but one last material.”

Eros looks down at the plant again.

“It was my idea after all.” He smiles, “Almost thought it impossible to be honest. Another far flung ‘Gift from the Gods’ like the ‘treasures’ we gave them.”

Svarog laughs, “Still can’t believe that sometimes. This however will be far more useful but tricky than a bikini would be.”

Eros laughs loudly. That moment with the treasures is one of the best moments he ever got to experience in his long and eternal life.

But no, it is not the time for laughter. Now is the time to act.

To help the mortal world after so long.

To aid against the coming darkness that breathes down everyone’s neck without them even noticing.

To stop great evil.

To save all that is to love.

Love…his domain as precocious as sex was. If not more so.

The love he saw got smaller and smaller in the lives of the mortals below. Whether by cruel circ*mstance, savage action, or twisted machinations. The love was getting smaller and smaller.

And the darkness kept getting bigger and bigger.

Time to help push it back.

Eros takes the flower. It weighed practically nothing and was virtually weightless.

Yet he felt the power in it, the cosmic forces that aided in its creation were very potent in his hand now.

Without a word he turns back to the pool and holds his hands out over the water. Gently cradling the flower in both hands.

With almost painful effort he closes his hands around it. Completely covering it from any visibility.

“Please, to those who may come,” he says in a whisper, “Aid whoever finds you. Aid them in helping this world against the evil that is… and the evil that is to come.”

He squeezes his hands around it.

“May whoever finds you be kind, caring, and brave. May they be worthy of your strength and you worthy of theirs.”

He squeezes tighter. Practically gripping his own hands.

“May the days be bright and full of light to all who come and may the nights be passionate to those who answer.”

The God of love and sex then squeezes as tight as he could. As tight as a being like him could manage on the force he held in his hand.

It almost went unnoticed…but both Gods saw it and one of them felt it.

A drop…a drop was forming at the bottom of Eros hands. Between the near non-existent gap between his hands there is a drop forming. It was a pale pink color, nearly transparent. But it was there.

Eros never loosened his grip. He just waited.

Eventually the drop fell from his hands and into the water. When it landed, the images of the mortal realm stopped. Replaced with one single ripple from where the drop landed.

Eros opened his hands and the flower was no longer there. Neither was there any sign of the drop of liquid that fell from his hands. In fact, they were completely dry.

Eros turned to face Svarog again and gave another smile.

“Now we wait and see who gets the gift.”

With that said, Eros turns and heads back to his quarters.

“You do not wish to see?” The smith God called to him.

Eros, without turning around, says, “that was enough excitement for one day. Even for me,” he lets out a long exhale as he walks, “ I’ll leave it up to fate or luck on who gets the blessing. The will of Gods can only go so far.”

Nothing else was said after that. Svarog returned to his domain and continued his work.

Eros enjoyed his rest before he started enjoying the company he had over next.

The whole time the drop fell. Passing objects and spaces to get to a destination it never knew.

To bestow itself upon another. To give a gift unlike any other.

Til eventually, it landed



Bell Carnell was not what you would call adventurer material were you to meet him.

You would probably see him as a young man with eyes too big for his stomach. Or someone so innocent that he would take practically anything told to him at face value.

In some cases you could see him as a rabbit…like quite a few do. Nevermind the fact he was a human and not a hume bunny.

Regardless. Bell came to the city of Orario for the same reason as many do.

To go on an adventure. To see unseen sights and sounds. To see the dungeon itself and explore it to the furthest he could reach. Which wasn’t very far right now to be honest.

And in the back of his mind there was another reason. ‘To pick up girls in the dungeon’.

That part of his reason he looks back with embarrassment and disbelief. His grandpa really put some wild ideas in his head growing up.

Though his first time in the city was…heartbreaking to say the least. With almost every God and Goddess rejecting him for his youth or lack of experience. Then, when he was at the end of his rope, she appeared.

A Goddess given her beauty and presence. Short but with…proportions that boggles the mind and rich dark hair. That mattered nothing to Bell though, she came to him in his lowest point and picked him up with a simple question.

“Would you like to join my Familia?”

Her name was Hestia. Goddess of the hearth and home. Something Bell was looking for since arriving. A home.

Now he had a Goddess, a home, and a falna by the grace of his Goddess to go register at the guild and venture into the dungeon.

It was coming up well for him so far.

So far, until now.

With a scream Bell narrowly dodges a strike that would have turned him into a puddle on the ground.

He heard the beast give frustrated grunts and move forward giving chase.

‘Is this really it? Is my adventure over already!?’

He eventually met a dead end and could only have his back to the wall as the danger approached.

A minotaur. A mid-floor monster somehow made it to upper floors and picked him as its next victim.

Bell pushed himself further against the wall as the monster approached. It tried to gore him with its horns but Bell ducked out of the way.

He could feel and smell the breath of the creature so close to ending his life.

It rears its arm back to strike. Bell knew then he was going to die.

‘Goddess. I’m sorry.’

A sound cut through the air and the minotaur lost the arm it was swinging. The monster stared at the stump before turning and roaring at the intrusion.

It was over in seconds.

Bell briefly saw flashes of silver as thin red lines appeared on the monster's body. It then exploded in a splash of gore and dissipating ash.

When nothing was left of the beast, Bell saw the figure that saved him despite the blood in his eyes.

And all over his body for that matter.

The figure was a young woman with blond hair. Wearing armor that shamed his own measly wears.

She held a blade of extreme quality and held it in a pose that spoke of years of training and experience.

Her face was in a neutral mask as if cutting down such a beast was like sweeping dust off her shoulders. Her golden eyes gave nothing away and their color added to her overall beauty.

“Are you alright?”

The question asked broke Bell out of his astonishment. He didn’t have an answer to give. He was recovering from a near death experience and now the most beautiful and powerful woman he has seen is talking to him.

Bell never had any experience with women. He’s talked to plenty to be sure. But not when his body was feeling as if his heart would burst.

Bell eventually broke out of his stupor when a cool wet drop landed down the back of his shirt. Giving him a jolt of chill that got him to move and talk.


Or run and scream.

Indeed the rookie Bell Cranel, after being saved by who he will find out was the ‘Sword Princess’, would turn tail and make a dash out of the dungeon while screaming his head off.

Truly a great start to his journey. Especially with the gift he inadvertently picked up.

A gift that tickled his back along his way to the guild and his home.

“Mmmm…Eina was mad at me.”

Walking back home was honestly a reprieve after the day he had.

Survived a mid-level monster attack on the upper floors.


Met the most beautiful woman he met and screamed and ran instead of thanking her.


Get chewed out by his advisor for coming into the guild covered head to toe in blood.


So far the day seemed to throw curveball after curveball at Bell Cranel and now he just wanted to eat and sleep after the day he had.

Coming upon the old and dilapidated church that he and his Goddess call home. Bell entered and proceeded downstairs to where he and his Goddess lived.


A short, curvy, dark pigtailed missile barreled into him upon his arrival.

“You look tired! Are you hurt? Did someone hurt you? Rob you? Why do you smell like you showered? What happened today?”

The Goddess Hestia fired her questions off the scant breath. Her concern and love for her sole child plain as day.

Bell really appreciated his Goddess and would be just as much concerned if she were having a bad day at one of her jobs.

Bell, with a red face, reached up to his Goddess that somehow ended up on his shoulders with her legs wrapped around his head while checking it.

He tried his best not to think how soft and smooth her legs were.

He put her down in front of him and said, “I’m fine Goddess. I had a bit of a rough time in the dungeon and had to clean up at the guild. I’m fine though.”

He smiled at her looking right in her eyes. A reassurance that he was fine.

His Goddess looked into him. Finding his ruby eyes to be a calming force in her worried heart.

But he wasn’t getting out of it that easily.

No sir! No way!

“You can tell me all about it during dinner,” she turns to the table where their food lay, “you’re gonna tell me everything that happened. Leave nothing out. I wanna know how my precious Bell got so roughed up.”

“Goddess,” Bell began.

“No negotiations!”

With that the matter was settled and all Bell could do was join her at the table.

With a sigh he began, “Well it started off like this…”

So he told her what happened and reactions were to be expected.

She checked him over again. She gave a half deadpan stare and half glare when mentioning his savior. She then checked him again when mentioning the shower he had to take

All in all…it was just nice being back home with his Goddess.

“So Bell. Ready to check your status.”

The question came just as Bell was finishing cleaning up the table alongside his Goddess.

He looks at her and sees her smile.

The worry she had was gone and wanted to move to greener pastures. A quick Status check was just what was needed.

“Yes Goddess!”Bell replied excitedly to see if his ordeal bore any fruits for his trouble.

They moved to the bed where Bell removed his shirt. All under his Goddess’s gaze. Who was appreciating the toned eye candy her child was gradually becoming.


Hestia was struck out of her gazing to see Bell on the bed belly down with his back bare to the world.

“Alright! Let’s do this!”

Hestia got up into the bed with her child and straddled his back. Not sitting on it but hovering over with her knees by his sides.

After again appreciating the toned back before her, Hestia got down to business. Taking a needle she brought over with her, she pricked her finger enough to draw a drop of blood.

She hovered the drop on her finger over Bell’s back and let it drop. Immediately a glowing light and letters and numbers made themselves apparent on her child’s back. Denoting his strength, endurance, dexterity, agility, and magic.

Hestia gazed at the status before her and her eyes widened.

Bell Cranel lvl 1

S: 58-77

E: 5-13

D: 72-93

A: 107-148

M: 0

Liaris Freeze: Rapid growth. Continued desire results in continued growth. Strong desire results in stronger growth.

Drop of Eros: Direct blessing from heaven. Summon forth allies from far distant lands, time, and space.

To summon speak: By my voice hear. My words come. Answer my call and come forth.

Results are random and limited to available Tiers.

Further Tiers unlocked upon leveling up.

Upper Tiers can be summoned based on certain tasks.

Additional blessed summons are required by completing tasks.

Tasks are random and scale with the user.

Tasks must be completed in a set amount of time.

Tasks must be completed at least with two thirds results.

No blessed summonings will be given upon failure to complete tasks.

Bonus tasks are hidden and activated at random. Blessed summoning rewards varies.

Current tasks:

  • Kill 30 Kobolds.
  • Venture down 3 floors in the dungeon.
  • Complete above tasks without using healing items.

Time to Complete: 10 days.

Summon limit: Tier 1-Tier 2

Blessed Summons available:3

One Tier 1

One Tier 2

Bonus summon: One Tier 4

Hestia was flabbergasted.

Eros? The most perverted playboy in heaven? Only rivaled by Zeus?

He was still in heaven wasn’t he? Looking at mortals in bed and doing…things.

Hestia shook her head. It was already jarring seeing Bell’s stats jump like that. Him gaining a skill was already celebratory enough but this other one.


“Goddess? Is everything alright?”

Hestia broke out of her thoughts by her child’s question.

He was looking back at her with a worried expression, “Did my stats not go up much?”

Hestia shook her head and finished up making sure to hide Laris Freeze when she transferred the results to paper.

She had a feeling she knew how that skill came to be and who inspired it, much to her chagrin.

She kept the magic on the paper. This was a weird one and Bell needed to know.

‘The other skill definitely based on his encounter with that girl that saved him. Waaaa!! Bell! Why can’t you look at me like that?!’

After transferring the results to paper. The Goddess and her child look down at the results.

Upon seeing the numbers, Bell jumped a bit on the bed, “My agility went up by so much!” He exclaimed with a smile.

“Guess that could happen when you’re running away from big monsters.” Hestia replied with a mirthful look.

Bell could only chuckle before continuing on.

“Drop of Eros?” his puzzlement was to be expected. As he read further on he became more and more confused. But he rounded on Hestia and simply asked.

“I can summon stuff now? I have magic?” his face holding a naive expression.

He was more excited about having magic than what it was. Such a sweet soul.

“It seems that way, but I have to ask,” Hestia looked at him. This time with a look that clearly said ‘What naughty thing do you get yourself involved in?’


“Did you read that skill’s name Bell?”


“Do you know who Eros is Bell?”

“Ummm. N-no”

“Well then,” Hestia took a deep calm breath.

Before slamming her hands on both sides of the bed. Causing Bell to scream and jump before falling on the ground.

“That’s the name of probably the most perverted God in all of heaven!” she exclaimed, rising from the bed.

“He is without a doubt the most depraved God at least! Anytime anyone talked to him, he would always tell a story of how he got…dirty with someone and just make it about him and his exploits and if things weren’t already awkward enough, he would tell stories of how he watched mortals go at it!”


“Yeah! In way too much detail too.” Hestia sighed and took a few breaths to calm down before continuing, “the point is that it’s Eros name on that skill and I know he hasn’t left Heaven because he’s not allowed to. There are already enough Gods and Goddesses of love in this world. We don’t need another one that specializes in…in,” she took another breath, gathering her courage, “sex.” She finished red faced and practically steaming with embarrassment.

Bell too was red faced with embarrassment. A skill with a lust God’s name attached to it. Who knows what it could mean.

‘But still.’

Summoning…the ability to bring something forth with magic. Bell had read stories of heroes summoning spirits to aid them in their journey’s and even their battles.

Maybe this was something similar.

“Goddess.” He said.

Hestia, now relatively less steamed, turned her attention to her sole child.

Bell swallowed, “I’d like to try out the magic. If that’s alright.”

Hestia was stunned for a moment, before her brain finally processed what she heard, “But Bell,” she gestured with waving arms which caused a funny dance on her chest that Bell had to look away from, “Didn’t you listen to me? It’s Eros. I don’t know how he was able to do this or what game he’s planning but it can’t be good.”

“Maybe,” Bell said, “but it’s still magic that’s now a part of me. I can’t just turn my back to something that’s always with me. Can I?”

Hestia puffed her cheeks. Picking up the paper again and looking at the skill. Silently wishing she could glare it away.

“No,” she eventually said, “I guess not.”

Bell smiled at his Goddess. He will forever be thankful to her for giving him a chance no one else could.

Giving him a home to come back to.

It was only natural she was worried in the extreme for him.

Steeling his nerves, Bell walked up to his Goddess and drew her in for a hug.

Normally a thing would turn him into a stuttering mess. But his Goddess was upset and he had to try and make her happy.

Hestia gave a surprised gasp when Bell hugged her. After a few moments she finally relaxed in his embrace.

“That’s cheating,” she said, not sounding unhappy.


Hestia sighed again, “Fine. You can use the spell.”

Bell was ecstatic and moved to release the hold on his Goddess until her arms wrapped around him and clung on.


“Just a bit longer!”

“Hasn’t it already been long enough?!”

“Nope! In fact it needs to be tighter!”

“Goddess! I can feel them! Your chest! Your chest!”

The embrace would last about five minutes before a satisfied Hestia and a cherry faced Bell got preparation ready.

After some rearrangements, Hestia thought it best they test the spell in the church auditorium. Clearing some old debris and moving some pews around should provide enough space for them to work with.

Or Bell to work with as it were.

“Okay Bell,” Hestia said, “Just repeat the words and focus on the space. I don’t know how this magic works but maybe you’ll figure it out. It’s your magic after all.”

Bell would be flattered by his Goddess’s faith in him. It would normally give him the confidence boost he would readily need.

Were it not for one thing.

“Goddess…why are you behind the door?”

Hestia was behind the door to the basem*nt that led to their living quarters.

“Like I said earlier…Eros!” The Goddess voiced aloud. Her head peeking behind the door.

Bell thought it best to continue. He turned towards the empty space he and Hestia cleared and reached his arm out.

He recalled the words his magic said to intone.

By my voice, hear.

My words, come.

Answer my call and come forth.”

The moment he uttered the first words he felt power flush over him and converge on the focused spot. He could only describe it as a soft pressure over himself. Not aggressively or forcefully but like a gentle hug over his body.

The magic became visible before his eyes. Streams of light passing past his eyes and coming from every which way. It all started to form something before his eyes.

The lights made the figure of a flower seemingly about to bloom. The color of the flower flowed between a soft pink to a vibrant red.

Then it bloomed and opened and a bright light covered Bell’s sight. He had to close them out of reflex.

When he felt the light go down he opened his eyes again. Steam or smoke remained in the spot seemingly obscuring a figure.

It cleared and Bell looked at what…or who in this case he summoned.

It was a woman that stood before him. She had dark hair that reached her mid-back and was styled in two large curls going down her back and two smaller ones going down past her collar, topped off with a purple bow on her head.

She was wore a pink uniform of some kind and wrapped in a gray cloak with yellow and orange marks with the inside of it being red.

She also wore an eyepatch over her left eye.

While her other eye showed itself a lovely crimson.

Her clothes ,though strange, seemed to do well in emphasizing a generous figure.

An arm was held under her sizable chest and the other was held up towards her head with her hand touching the eyepatch.

After the spell finished and the smoke cleared. Bell was staring at the woman who was staring back at him while doing a strange pose of some kind.




“I am called!” she suddenly exclaimed, “Arue, the most voluptuous among the Crimson Demons, and future author!”

She changed her pose again, bringing the arm she held under her breasts over her head and pointing at Bell with the other. Her one visible eye seemingly glinting red after posing.

Bell could not really believe this. He summoned not a spirit but an actual person.

‘Was this kidnapping?

Is anyone looking for her?

Why does she pose like that?’

Did she mean for her chest to bounce like-

He cut his panicked thoughts off before they led him to much more embarrassing thoughts.

“Bell,” the voice of his Goddess cut through the silence, “you summoned a person.” she said in a blank tone.

“Yes Goddess.”

“You summoned a big boobed woman too.”

“…yes Goddess.”

There was a long pause before finally the silence was shattered.

“Ahhhh!!! I knew! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!,” Hestia screamed. “That magic is totally perverted! Eros has corrupted my precious Bell. My child’s innocence has been stolen.

“Goddess!! That might be an overreaction! I haven’t lost anything, least of all my innocence!”

“It’s too late Bell! Your mind has gone too far into the pervert zone. There’s no coming back!”

“My mind is still here!”

“Denial only hides the truth! It doesn’t get rid of it! Banish the perverted thoughts! Banish! Banish! Banish!”

“Please stop acting like I’m a cursed victim!

This would go on for some time. The Goddess and her child danced around each other in an embarrassing display.

A sight that Arue thought was truly amusing before her eyes. She had an inkling of how things are at the moment.

She had most of her memories. Her time at school, her friends, her studies, her brief adventures, and of course her literary works.

She recalled a great deal of her life before being brought here…well not exactly brought.

She knows how she came to be. All that was left was to explain.

But as she stared at the short Goddess shaking the white haired boy to and fro. Still wailing about his apparent ‘degeneracy’.

She thinks she’ll interrupt them after a minute or two…maybe five.

“Got everything out of your system?” Arue asked with a smile from where she was seated.

The three were in the basem*nt now, with Bell and Hestia taking the couch and Arue finding a seat for herself.

She eventually decided on the bed that was also in the room. Like most of everything is except for the bathroom.

She realized now that her summoner and his Goddess don’t exactly live well.

‘Reminds me of a certain someone.’ She thought mirthfully.

Any further reminiscences we’re paused by a meek cough from her summoner. Clearly wanting to escape the awkwardness.

“So um…I summoned you,” he started, looking like a nervous rabbit when doing so, “are you a spirit or familiar or something else. I read stories of mages summoning allis or spirits sometimes but I’m just not sure…”

“No,” Arue interrupted with a smirk, “you summoned a person. A flesh and blood person. Or more accurately,” she brought her hands up and did another pose, “you summoned a demon! A Crimson Demon!”

Bell gave a sharp cry and stretched out his hands as if to hold off a great enemy, “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Don’t take my soul please!”

Arue had to hold back a laugh at her summoner’s expression. He really was a cute one wasn’t he?

“Bell stop panicking,” Hestia said, “She’s not a demon. She’s messing with you.”

Hestia gave Arue an unamused stare. Clearly not having any of her games.

“Ohhh?” Arue replied, “How could you know I’m lying? What powers do you claim to have to tell truth from lie?”

Hestia pointed a thumb at herself, “I’m a Goddess that’s how! You can’t lie to a God or Goddess. No mortal can and that alone tells me,” she stood up sharply, making her chest bounce again.

‘Those things are so big on her!’ Thought Arue .

“That you’re a mortal!” She finished before sitting down and crossing her arms, “so stop messing around and tell us the truth.”

Arue knew she had better come clean, the Goddess would just be annoyed at her even more if she just made up more ridiculous stories for her amusem*nt. Which to her was a pity. The white haired boy looked gullible enough to believe anything.

“Okay. Okay,” Arue said, “I wasn’t really lying about being called a Crimson Demon. That’s just what my home and people outside of it call us. I am a human, a mage actually,” she puffed herself up, getting another blush out of Bell, “Some of the most powerful mages in the world in fact.”

Bell lost his flushed expression and replaced it with wonder, “Wow!” he said, “Were you one of them?” His eyes sparkled.

“No,” Arue simply replied, “I was just a fresh graduate student and a so and so adventurer. With aspirations of writing for that matter.”

Bell's expression lost its glow, the sparks dying in his eyes.

“But still,” she went on, “I’m still a mighty mage in my own right. You won’t find yourself disappointed with me.”

Bell's expression became a bit more hopeful. Arue liked this one already. Easy to tease and easy to please.

“Okay that’s good,” Hestia broke in, “but how did the summon spell bring you here? I know a few stories myself and none I remember involved a spell summoning mortals.”

Arue nodded, agreeing with the Goddess’s explanation, “Because you’re right. The spell he used didn’t exactly ‘bring’ me here,” she paused as if remembering something, “It wouldn’t be inaccurate to call me a ‘copy’ of the person I am.”

She got dazed and clueless looks from the two in front of her. Probably should explain more.

“What knowledge I have is only what the magic used for summoning me can impart. I have a basic idea of what I am or who I am,” she waved a hand as if turning an imaginary wind, “I am Arue. I am also a copy of her. But it’s more true to say I’m a recreation. Brought to this realm beyond space and time and ended up here.”

She sees them starting to understand and disbelief was overtaking confusion.

“To put it in a much simpler way. I was ‘brought’ here from another world in response to your summons. A recreated person from another world to be accurate.”

Bell and Hestia could only gape. Summoned from another world? Bell had never heard anything like that in all the tales he and his grandfather read.

Hestia however has read many stories both here in the mortal realm and in Heaven. It was the stories in Heaven that she recalled the most. Stories involving mortals being sent from one reality to the next. Having crazy adventures on the way.

It beggars belief that it was happening now but there was still one thing she picked up on.

“You said you were recreated?” Hestia asked, “you weren’t brought from your world but ‘made’ for the summon.”

Arue gave a small nod, “Something like that. I don’t know exactly how the process works but I can only say this,” she looks at them both, “ I am Arue! I recall most if not all I’ve done to a point. I’m me! As flesh and blood as anyone else.”

Her words left no doubt in them and Hestia detected no falsehoods. She was who she was and that’s all that matters.

There was something else bothering her though ‘recreated’ from someone in another world and ‘summoned’ here.

‘What have you done, Eros? What forces are you playing with that you would give a mortal this kind of ability? Why did it have to be my precious child too? What are you playing at, you underdressed skirt chaser?!’

As Hestia stews in her thoughts. Bell could only stare at the person in front of them. Another world? There were other worlds with people like him? Like the person in front of him?

Bell’s mind was just flowing with such excitable questions but there was something he had to do

“Arue, right?” Bell asked, bringing a hand up to her and scratching the back of his head with the other, Bell sheepishly smiled and said, “I know it’s a little late to be saying this but it’s nice to meet you.”

Bell gave another cough in his nervous state, “Sorry if summoning you was unexpected or surprising to you in any way.”

Arue stared at the one who summoned her and then at the offered hand. She smiled before reaching out with her own and grabbing it in a soft handshake.

“It’s no problem at all. It’s what that spell is used for after all. To Summon allies to aid you and from the looks of things, I’m the first.”

She then looked around and gave a soft laugh, “I hope you don’t mind me saying but…is this where you live?”

Bell gave a nod, “It was given to my Goddess by a friend of hers. I’ve been living here since I got my blessing.”

That raised another good point, “Blessing! Of course,” Arue looked at Hestia, “ I hope you don’t mind but could you bless me with a Falna now.”

Hestia looked at Arue with a tilt of her head, “You know what a falna is?” She asked.

Arue nodded, “I was given knowledge of this world, prior to my summoning. Only basic stuff though. Language, writing, some basic knowledge. Knowing about the Gods and Goddesses of this world and Familia stuff was covered.” Arue paused to think for a moment, “I guess that will be true to anyone else summoned.”

Hestia just sighed and rubbed her temples. So much craziness in just one day.

Her child was nearly killed, he got a weird skill on his back, he can summon people from other worlds…technically, and now that person wants a falna.

…why was she complaining? Her Familia just got a new member.

A very busty member by her own admission but still…

Hestia rose from the couch and nodded, “Alright. Just head over to the bed and we’ll get started.”

Arue nodded and rose herself, before gasping and looking at Hestia with a hand over her mouth, as if in shock, “My my. I’ve not been here an hour and already someone is taking me to bed. This world is surprising to be sure.”

Hestia gaped. That wasn’t what she meant! Not anything like she meant at all.

“Th-th-that’s not…n-n-nothing like that!” She eventually got out, “It’s just for comfort and nothing else! It’s where I blessed Bell!…not in a dirty way!!!”

Bell was red in the face the moment Arue said what she said. He only got redder when the Goddess added her own words to the mix.

Arue laughed again. These two will be fun for the times ahead.

“Alright sorry,” she said, “you both are just so much fun to mess with.”

Hestia just *harrumphed* and moved over to the bed herself, “Bell please wait outside while we do this.”

Bell nodded and proceeded upstairs.

“Awww don’t want to give him a good show,” Arue said, a smile in her words.

Bell went from walking to dashing and opened and closed the door behind him in the span of a second.

Arue chuckled, ‘Fun to tease, always fun to tease.’

Hestia cleared her throat, “ if you’re done, let’s get a move on this.”

Arue nodded and joined Hestia on the bed. Sitting down by the edge while the Goddess was behind her. Arue then took off her cloak, loosened her tie, and unbuttoned the few buttons around her neck.

Her pink uniform was one big piece so it was required she remove the whole thing so her back was bare to the Goddess.

Hestia watched the girl remove her uniform from behind. From her position, she can clearly see that life has blessed this girl with generous curves, near flawless skin, and of course breasts that potentially rivaled hers. Even from behind she can make out the roundness of them.

But back to business, “Are you ready?” Hestia asked, needle in hand to administer the blessing.

Arue nodded, not turning to face her,”I only ask one thing.”

“What is it?”

“Be gentle.” Arue said with a cheeky laugh at the end.

Hestia only sighed, picked her finger, moved Arue’s drilly curly hair out of the way and administered the blessing.

A light once again glowed out and illuminated the room.

Hestia watched as the drop of blood she put on her back seemed to glow itself and eventually expanded outward to create Arue’s status sheet.

Hestia looked at the numbers, they were impressive for a beginner. She looked at the magic further down, three spells right off the bat. She continued further and got to skills.

This is where she felt like she was shot with a physical force of disbelief.

After a while, Arue turned her head slightly and saw Hestia’s gobsmacked expression.

“Is everything alright?” Arue asked; worried, “There weren’t any problems, I hope.” She was used to messing with people and expected rebuttal every now and again, but Hestia’s expression just unnerved her.

Without saying a word, Hestia took a sheet of paper and brought it to Arue’s back. The Familia mark that now made Arue one of her children, went from her back to the paper. Creating a copy of the stats Hestia saw.

Without another word, she handed the sheet of paper over Arue’s shoulder.

Arue picked the paper and began to read her status.

Arue lvl 1

S: 15

E: 12

D: 18

A: 20

M: 76


Swiftstrike, no chant: Fireball

Cursed Lighting: Strike my foes down in the chaos. Let the darkness bite swiftly. Bring the end in a flash and a roar.

Inferno: Flames burst forth. Swallow my enemy in a tide of heat. Leave nought but ash and steam. Congregate in full and unleash.


Crimson blood: Magic takes less power to cast. Mind down effects are greatly reduced.

Tongue of a Demon: Advantages in conversation. Can apply to the written word as well.

Passion Recipient: Status can be increased to a degree by intimacy with the summoner. Full copulation results in better increases. Results to status vary upon intent and focus.

Arue stared at the information before here. Almost disbelievingly.

She eventually turned her attention to the Goddess behind her.

“Well,” she started, “That’s unexpected.”

“Yeah..” Hestia replied seemingly done with the day.

Arue wasn’t one to let it rest like that though.

“At the very least,” she started, “he’s a cute one.” She finished with another cunning smile.

Arue expected a lot of reactions from the Goddess behind her.

She did not expect the tackle.

A new journey begins for the red eyed Bell.

With unexpected help, with no reason to tell.

Starting with an unexpected bloom.

A new ally in the room.

Only time can tell if this will end well.

Alright first chapter done. I hope you enjoyed this first chapter of my first story.

Critiques are welcomed. This story involves the WaifuCatalog in more of a focused sense. Where it is a blessing by a God rather than a product of an interdimensional corperation. Hopefully It turns out well because like I said ‘first fic’ followed by ‘mercy’.Take care and see you again.

Chapter 2

Chapter Text

Chapter 2

While Hestia and Arue were getting sorted downstairs, Bell was sitting in one of the pews pondering something.

What he was wondering about currently is when he summoned Arue. At the moment of her summon he could have sworn he heard a melodious voice say something in his ears.

“Tier 4 summon complete”

It nearly made him jump sky high in the air were it not for Arue’s arrival bringing him back into focus.

He had summoned a ‘Tier 4’ summon apparently. Without really meaning to. When he first started the summon, all he could think of was this.

‘I want the best I can get’

Now, he admits, it sounded kinda selfish. But he was just so curious.

Which may have had a great hand in what he is about to do…again.

Bell got up from the pew and made his way to where he first summoned Arue. Where he first used magic. His magic.

Bell was all giddy inside at the thought of it. He actually used magic! For real, like in the stories.

And he summoned a person…a living, breathing, person.

That boggled his mind even more. He had never heard of such power or abilities, or even read them in the stories he and his grandpa used to read.

In those stories, it was usually a familiar or a spirit to help the heroes on some quest and sometimes it was just to answer a difficult question they were having problems with.

A question Bell was asking himself now. Should he maybe…use the spell again.

A part of his brain knew that was probably a bad idea. They had just summoned someone just under an hour ago and now he was thinking about doing it again. The thought made him feel selfish but another thought also came forth.

‘I could get more help for my Goddess!”

It’s no surprise at all, to know that the Hestia familia wasn’t in the best condition. A better description would be it was struggling. With Bell as the sole adventurer in the familia, it was his duty to go forth into the dungeon, slay monsters, and bring back magic stones to be traded in for valis.

And of course to explore the dungeon but that was a no brainer as well.

All by himself. Alone.

Meanwhile, his Goddess was working multiple jobs at food stands and shops to supplement their income as well as pay off some debts she owes to a friend of hers.

Bell honestly, just wanted the absolute best he could give to his Goddess. For taking him in and giving him a home, he would forever be grateful.

And he wanted to give something back to show his thanks.

Some time ago he bought some ribbons for her hair and his Goddess was ecstatic for the gift. Hugging him for nearly an hour as thanks.

It was a bit rough for him when she made sure to put her ‘full’ chest into the hug.

Now though, he could do more than just give her a gift. He could help the familia grow, if by a little and his grandpa did always say a little went a long way…before meandering into something called a ‘man’s romance’.

But he was getting off track.

Bell looked right at where he summoned Arue. He raised an arm toward the area and repeated the words to call forth his magic.

“By my voice hear.

My words come.

Answer my call and come forth.”

Again a large glowing flower made of magic appears again, getting steadily brighter.

Bell heard the voice again.

‘Tier 1 summon complete.’

The flower bloomed again in a flash of light. Briefly obscuring his vision again.

When he tried to open them again, he found he couldn’t. His eyes felt so heavy. His arms lost their strength and his legs felt like jelly.

He briefly heard a voice. It sounded concerned. After that, Bell experienced unconsciousness.

After using such potent magic, Bell experienced Mind Down for the first time.

Arue and Hestia were pulling at each other’s cheeks on the bed. Arue was on her back while Hestia loomed over her.

They each had each other at a stalemate. Both of their hands on one another’s cheeks with tears in their eyes but a determined gaze to them.

Hestia was not gonna let this over dramatic hussy draw her bell into temptation. The new skill of his was already proving troubling, the accompanying skill on Arue only compounded things and made Hestia go into full ‘preserve chastity’ mode.

Arue thought what she said was hilarious. The actions of the Goddess only made her more amused. This Goddess was so easy to tease it seemed. Now though, her cheeks we’re getting numb. This went from playful to painful in just a short time. But would she apologize?


“Gib up!” The Goddess above Arue said, “your teeks aren’t nooking too guud.” She finished, words distorted by her stretched cheeks.

“Neber!” Arue exclaimed, her pride aflame and words just as messy, “I’m nod gunna abologize for a joke!”

“Wor you joking?”


Hestia gave another yell before pulling harder. Arue doing just the same then.

They both felt the magic in the air then. Coming over them like the wind.

They stopped what they were doing and turned their heads to the door. Where they saw a brief flash of light in the gaps of it.

Hestia and Arue looked back at each other before letting each other go and rushing upstairs.

Bell was in a dreamless state. He felt as if his body and mind were completely drained of energy. Even trying to open his eyes was too much.

Instead, Bell rested. He slept dreamlessly, not even having the strength to dream.

He did not know for how long he rested. He was too tired to worry about that honestly.

He was just tired…so so tired.

A sound eventually stirred him to consciousness. A chirping sound that he could barely make out but could be recognized if he was paying attention enough.

Birds,’ he thought.

He blearily opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling of his and Hestia’s living quarters. He was on the bed, given its softness, the pillow his head lay on, and the blanket pulled up to his chest.

He turned his gaze to the basem*nt window and saw that the orange light of the evening was being replaced with the bright yellow light of morning.

‘I must have collapsed after that last summon,’ Bell thought, ‘guess I used too much magic.’

Which, now that Bell thought about it, he got lucky overall with just passing out.

He recalled that his status for magic was a big fat zero. He was pushing his luck the first time, never mind the second.

Bell exhaled a sigh, he really needed to think things more carefully. No matter how exciting or tempting they may be.

‘But I can cast magic,’ he thought again with a smile. His excitement at the fact still tickled him silly for it.

Bell still had a smile on his face as he got up. Or tried to in any case. He found a weight on his chest and stomach that wasn’t the blanket but was quite warm and soft.

He lifted the cover off him to see his Goddess laying on him. Her chest pressing just below his own, giving reason to the softness he was feeling.

Bell nearly screamed, his Goddess did it again! This wasn’t the first or even the third time this has happened but it didn’t cease in making him blush up a storm or, in some cases, scream in embarrassed panic.

He tried to move himself out from under his Goddess, only to find out that it was much more difficult with her legs entangled with his.

“Goddess please!” Bell whispered, slowly untangling his lags with hers and moving upward on the bed.

“Mmmmm…Bell,” Hestia murmured and as if fate was plotting against him, Hestia moved herself further up on his chest.

Now Bell felt his Goddess’s soft breasts in greater detail. Plump, soft, and firm as they glided up to him.

Bell was near hyperventilating as his Goddess moved further up him before eventually stopping with her head by his neck. Her soft breathing tickling his skin.

Soon though, Hestia eventually ended her head on the pillow. After which, she flopped her body to the side in a less than divine display for a Goddess.

Bell briefly watched as her chest moved about in the action. Then shook his head as if riding himself of his thoughts, before pulling the blanket off himself and over his Goddess. Who snuggled even further into the bed. Muttering Bell’s name with a dopey smile.

“And so the rabbit escaped the clutches of the busty predator. Escaping a fate many would want but never have. But how long can he escape before he is…eaten good and proper,” a familiar voice said just above a whisper, careful not to wake the Goddess up.

Bell turned to the voice and saw Arue on the couch in her pink clothes with her cloak absent. She was sitting on the couch with a pillow near where she sat at the end and a blanket bundled on the other side. Her feet were propped up on the table and Bell could just nearly see…

Bell, once again, rid his mind of temptation filled thoughts and stood from the bed. Time to get to business.

“What happened?” He asked, gradually approaching her. Making sure to come at an angle so not to see up her skirt.

Arue smiled when she saw Bell walk toward her. She wasn’t surprised given his other reactions since he summoned her.

‘He’s so unused to women. Not surprising but could dampen a few things in the future. Especially if he keeps summoning more help,’

Arue’s thoughts were one of worry at first before they began drifting to her more honest thoughts.

‘But he’s just so much fun to tease! His reactions are straight out of the stories I’ve read.’

Arue was still herself even in this world. Finding entertainment in the people around her and a new story to bring to her mind.

Maybe Bell will get used to the company he’s gonna have. If so, it’s gonna take a good deal of time for him to get used to it.

Or maybe not. Arue could tell there was more to her summoner that she hasn’t seen yet. Maybe she will, in the dungeon.

Bell finally got himself seated in a chair nearby, looking at Arue while he waited for an answer.

“You did something reckless,” Arue started, her smile replaced with a frown, “You decided to use magic again, forgetting that it was still your first time with it.”

She closed her eye and rubbed at her eyepatch, “After Hestia blessed me,” she was gonna leave out the little battle she and the Goddess ended up in, “she and I felt the magic in the air before seeing a light beyond the door. We rushed up and found you collapsed with your new summoned ally fretting over you.”

She turned and gave Bell a look, “Quite the first impression to give to a new Familia member.”

Bell could only lower his head in embarrassment and shame.

“Sorry,” he began, “I was just so excited about getting magic and…and I was happy that I had a way to get more members in our family.”

Arue raised a brow, “Family? Not ‘familia’?”

Bell blushed and looked away even further, “it’s just been me and my Goddess so far,” he started, ignoring the question,“between me going into the dungeon and Hestia working her part time jobs. We haven’t been able to recruit anyone to our Familia,” he gave a long sigh, “not that anyone wants to join a brand new Familia like ours.”

Arue stared at Bell a moment longer, reassessing him. He didn’t summon again simply on just a wimsey. He summoned again to make his familia bigger. To help it and to help his Goddess.

This boy was way too sweet for the world. Maybe even too sweet for her stories.

All the pity there. He would have made a saucy protagonist. A hit with female readers looking to quench their thirst with such a young innocent soul.

Ah well, there’s still time for him to grow.

“But what about who I summoned?” Bell asked, looking around, “ I don’t see anyone else here.”

Arue nodded, “She’s still here. She’s just taking a shower right now.”

Bell listened then and could hear the water running in the bathroom.

Arue rose from the couch then and went to pick up her cloak that she had on a rack on the wall next to Hestia’s uniforms she wore for her jobs.

With a rather dramatic flourish, Arue put her cloak on with a final clipping at her breasts, turned back to Bell and said, “She was concerned about her impression on you and decided to take a shower a short while ago,” she pointed at the doorway that led to the bathroom, “perhaps your deviancy corrupted her somehow and she needs to wash the dredges of it from her soul!” she ended with a stylish poke in Bell’s direction, who was feeling put off guard by the sudden dramatic change.

“Wait! What!” Bell exclaimed.

“To think such a new maiden brought forth into this world, must be summoned by such a lustful demon. Truly! How long will it be before your mere thoughts start corrupting me as well? Must I bathe to rid myself of your dirty imaginations upon my body?”

“It’s not like that! My thoughts aren’t like that!”

“Impossible I say the proof is already…evident,” Arue was on a bombastic roll before something caught her gaze and drew her momentum down.

Bell blinked at her, wondering where all her energy went. He was so flustered from here to high heaven that he didn’t know how to react to the next tease, besides screaming his denial again of course.

But something drew Arue to a halt on her next words and she was staring at something towards the…restroom.

As Bell turned to gaze at what had paused Arue, he now understood exactly why she was caught so wrong footed.

A young woman stood in the doorway of the entrance to the bathroom. She looked to be around Bell’s age if not a year older at most. With short dark purple hair that framed a young, cute face with light purple eyes.

She possessed a blessed figure as well. Big breasts, curved hips, and a generous bottom.

Bell knew this because he saw all of it. All of her.


The girl stared at Bell and Bell stared at her with his face growing embarrassed and horrified at the same time.





She looked away and covered herself with her hands and arms, “As I thought,” she said in a soft voice, “I’m not quite there yet.”

“I-I-I’m so sorry!!!” Bell shouted out loud, kneeling on the ground with his head flat towards it. Keeping his eyes closed as tight as possible.

“Wa-huh? What’s the noise? What time is-huh!!” Hestia’s voice suddenly arrived but Bell wouldn’t dare to look at anything right now.

“My my…the story ideas I have right now, a little saucy perhaps but guaranteed to grab a reader by the-”

“Rejected!!!” Hestia cut Arue’s words off before they went further, “I’ll have none of that! And you put some clothes on!”

“Wait…let me try again. I can be braver.” The new girl’s voice was still soft but with conviction.

“No! You’re brave enough and bold enough! My child and I can see that! Now put some clothes on, you nudist!”

“I am not a nudist…I haven’t reached that level of bravery yet.”

“So you planned to be a…”

The whole scenario was getting crazier and crazier. His Goddess was yelling at the new girl for her perverted showing. Arue was just watching and taking mental notes for later. While Bell still bowed low.

Things kept getting crazier and crazier and no matter how hard he tried, he could still see the nude figure of the girl in perfect detail. He was embarrassed and deep, deep, deep down…thankful.

After that whole debacle was over and done and all three of her children were sitting before her. Well. Two were sitting on the couch while her Bell was sitting in a chair to the side.

The Goddess coughed to get everyone’s attention. The two before her already had their eyes on her. Bell had to look up then, he was still embarrassed, the precious boy.

“Now that everything has calmed down,” she gestured to the new girl, to Bell, “Bell. I would like to introduce you to our new member. One you were so kind enough to ‘invite’.” she said ‘invite’ with a clear smile that was not a smile. It scared Bell.

“Please introduce yourself,” Hestia nodded to the girl. Who rose up to face Bell. Fully clothed, thankfully, in a school uniform of some kind.

“It is nice to meet you. My name is Hana Sunomiya and I am here to aid my summoner in any way possible. I just ask for one favor in return.”

She then bows fully to Bell and asks, “let me see and experience eccentric things in this world!”

Bell was caught off guard, ‘Eccentric? What?’

Hana rose up from her bow, “Let me explain. In my world, things like dungeons, dragons, elves, dwarfs and many other things were just something out of imagination and put into story books. Here though, they’re real,” she had a fire in her eyes and raised a fist, “already knowing some things about this world from my summoning has only increased my passion to experience them more. My creative soul is a-light to see them with my own eyes.”

Bell was flummoxed. There wasn’t a dungeon in her world? Dwarfs and elves were just in storybooks?

He didn’t think of it earlier because of his excitement with his magic, but now that he does think about it. He may be summoning people from worlds where his was something out of a story.

But that also means he could be summoning people from worlds like the ones he read in books. Which brought his excitement back in full. What manner of figures could he bring forth from his stories? Mighty knights. Mysterious spell casters. Dashing rouges. So many possibilities!

Bell allowed his excitement to fuel his features and smiled at Hana, “I’ll do my best!” he exclaimed.

The girl, Hana, smiled in thanks, still carrying a determined expression on her face.

Arue found it cute. Both her summoner and the new arrival are off to a good start with each other.

Hestia too found it cute…but there were more immediate matters to attend to.

She clapped her hands to get everyone’s attention, “Alright, back on point,” she began, “Hana is a new member to our familia and has already received my blessings. I explained what I could to her while you were passed out,” she turned a look to Bell, “Which brings us to another matter. Bell!”

Bell stood ramrod straight before his Goddess as if she were a drill instructor.

“You did something incredibly reckless yesterday,” Hestia went on, “I get that your new magic is exciting but you need to remember something,” she walked up to him and leaned forward, focusing on him more. Which Bell would have found intimidating were it not for her chest bouncing when she did it.

He couldn’t catch a break today…not that he deserved one.

Hestia continued, “Your last update showed you have a zero in terms of magic. You don’t have the strength yet to perform magic like that all willy-nilly.”

Her words reached their destination and Bell understood. He jumped ahead when he should have walked. Using magic like that with a zero in stats. That was already a recipe for disaster.

He got lucky passing out. If he pushed it even further, who knows what could have happened.

He may not be standing here if that’s the case.

Hestia saw understanding and shame on Bell’s face. It didn’t please her to do this but it had to be done. Her child was sweet but impulsive at times.

She still remembers when he killed his first goblin. The event made her smile that day.

“Just promise me Bell,” Hestia said, “promise me you won’t use that spell haphazardly like that again. I don’t want to lose you so soon.”

Bell felt the shame again. He shouldn’t make his Goddess worried like that. He didn’t mean to but that is hardly an excuse now.

“I’m sorry,” he said in a soft voice l, it was all he could say.

Hestia put both her hands on Bell’s cheeks softly. Gaining his attention. Any embarrassment Bell had was taken out of him from the look in his Goddess’s eyes. They were eyes that held forgiveness and the kindness that brought Bell into the Hestia familia.

“It’s okay,” she said, “Just be careful, okay?”

Bell could only nod. He was nearly in tears at his Goddess’s kindness.

The two were so wrapped up in their moment that they forgot one thing.

“My. With my red eye, do I spot something more inspirational for story craft? Could this be where the embrace and passion soon begin?

“Such devotion! Truly eccentric! Please continue!”

That they were not the only ones in the building.

Bell gave a sharp squeak before jumping back, not unlike a startled rabbit.

Hestia was left slightly fuming. ‘Another opportunity, lost.’

She gathered her composure before turning to her new children. “Alright then,” she began, “continuing on, Arue and Hana need to register at the guild now. Bell, I want you to take them there and show them around. They are experiencing our world for the first time and they need a guide. Can you do this for me?”

Bell rose out of his flustered state and gave a resolute nod, “Yes Goddess!” he said.

“Can you help them wherever it’s needed?”

“Yes Goddess!”

“Can you help them if they enter the dungeon?”

“Yes Goddess!”

“Can you promise not to give into any wiles they throw at you?”

“Yes Godd-huh!!”

“Answer the question! Don’t hesitate!”

Arue saw that this was just gonna postpone things even further and elected to do something about it.

It was then she stood up, walked over to Bell, and looped her arm around his.

“Now. Now. That’s enough for now I think. Hana and I are eager to see this world of yours with our own eyes and can barely wait any longer.”

Hana, who was watching everything unfold with a blank expression, felt her excitement stir at the Crimson Demon’s words.

It was no surprise that she went to Bell’s other side and looped her arm in with his as well.

“Yes! Let us be off. There is much to do and see,” determination really burned in her eyes now.

Why did she decide to copy Arue at that moment?…it seemed like the most eccentric thing to do.

With both his arms held, Bell was led along to the Church’s exit. Flanked side by side with his new Familia members.

Who’s breasts he could feel squishing into his arms tightly.

The sensation nearly made him pass out. His new members were very…gifted.

“Wait! Wait! Wait!” the Goddess’s voice reached them, drawing them to a stop, “Do you remember what I told you two?”

Arue sighed and nodded with Hana just nodding once in reply.

“Yes, yes. We’ll keep a lid tight on our status, as by your request,” Arue replied in a manner sounding as if she went through this topic over and over again against her will, much to her annoyance.

“Good,” Hestia nodded, “Some aren’t quite ready to hear about your…skills just yet.” For a moment, it looked like she briefly looked at Bell. As if trying to be subtle.

Arue knew better and recalled the talk she, Hana, and Hestia had while Bell was unconscious.

Hestia raised the paper from Hana’s naked back. On the paper were the contents of Hana’s status and abilities.

Hana Sunomiya

S: 29

E: 18

D: 31

A: 20

M: 7


Adaptive Space: User gains temporary increase in strength and dexterity based upon short distance perimeter with opponents.

Passion Recipient: Status can be increased to a degree by intimacy with the summoner. Full copulation results in better increases. Results to status vary upon intent and focus.

Numbers were very decent for a beginner adventurer and, like Arue, Hana was blessed with a skill right off the bat. Two skills actually.

With one being the same as Arue.

“This is crazy,” Hestia groaned in frustration, “I heard of adventurers getting the same skill as others every now and again but I think this is more detailed than chanced.”

She handed the stat sheet to Hana who was just finishing putting back on her clothes.

Hestia decided not to comment again on Bell summoning another well endowed girl into being. Some things were just gonna have to wait.

‘My chest is still the best though,’ the Goddess thought…rather childishly.

Hana stared at the status on the paper and her cheeks started to glow a bit red when they reached the expected skill set.

“That is,” Hana began, “a very unique skill to have.”

She sounded unsure but not disgusted, surprisingly.

Hestia nodded, “Arue said something similar. Now that we see it on you, I can only guess it’s because of Bell’s new magic,” she frowned deeply then, “and that new magic came from one of the most perverted Gods in Heaven.”

Hestia leaned back on the bed she was on with Hana, staring at the ceiling in exasperation. Her thoughts directed at the ‘perverted’ God in Heaven.

‘What are you up to? And why did it have to be my Bell?

Her thoughts were broken by a polite cough from Hana, who still held the sheet of paper in her hands. “If I may,Goddess?” she asked, “At the very least, it seems more optional as a skill.”

Hestia thought about that. She was correct, the skill didn’t seem to compel them to be intimate with Bell but it was still a potent motivator to say the least.

It was also possible that there was more to the skill that she was not seeing.

‘Just what exactly did you do to my Bell, Eros, and why him?’


Hana’s voice broke the Goddess out of her thoughts again. She really needed to get back on track.

Looking at Hana, Hestia said, “Like I said earlier, Arue also has that skill. Since it’s on you as well, it’s safe to say that anyone Bell summons will also have that skill as well.”

“A fair assumption to be sure,” a familiar voice replied, Hestia and Hana both looked at Arue, who was seemingly getting ready to sleep on the couch. She had removed her cloak and placed it on the rack by the stairs. She was now only in her pink clothes and was setting up the extra blanket and pillow Hestia and Bell had around.

Not looking up from her task of getting ready to sleep, Arue continued, “the summoning that called us forth is unique to say the least, there are bound to be caveats here and there that can’t be explained.” she patted the pillow on the couch and stood up, seemingly satisfied with her work.

She turned to face the two again, “The skill Hana and I share is nonetheless a boon though,” her gaze then went to her summoner, who lay on the Bed in a deep, deep sleep, “helps that the summoner is a cutie.”

“No!” Hestia exclaimed, jumping out of the bed to stand protectively in front of the bed, “No! Denied! Negative! I’m not going to let you sink your fangs into Bell!”

Arue sighed and looked at the Goddess before her, “I’m not talking about going all the way like the skill said. Remember what it said before, ‘Status can be increased to a degree by intimacy with the summoner’, it doesn’t necessarily mean going all the way,” she paused, thinking, “a greater degree of choice for a lust God to be sure.”

Hestia grumbled and was forced to admit, “Yeah, that’s true.”

She then thought for a moment, before realizing something and acting quickly, “Arue, Hana! Let me check your status again.”

Arue looked surprised at the Goddess’s change in demeanor, like she just realized a mistake. She would have asked more but the little Goddess of the Hearth’s expression left her no room to complain. Hana too saw the sudden change and proceeded to show her back to the Goddess as well.

Another moment later and Hestia was holding two new pieces of paper with an air of relief, “that was a close one.” she sighed.

Arue and Hana got to look at the new status sheets in her hands and saw that the skill they both shared was no longer a part of the results.

“Lady Hestia?” Hana asked, leaving the unspoken question obvious.

“In the morning, you two will take these status to the guild when you register,” Hestia said, “ I took that skill off the sheets because a skill like that could raise some questions. Not to mention how rare a status boosting skill is in the first place.”

Arue heard the Goddess’s explanation and nodded, “I see. Keeps unwanted attention off us from powers that would take advantage of us and keep our origins a secret overall.”

Hana was quick on the uptake as well, “Hiding the fact we’re summons and Bell’s new ability.”

Hestia nodded again, “If anyone found out about Bell’s new magic, it could bring the attention of more power hungry Gods and Goddesses, something that our Familia is not prepared for.”

Arue and Hana nodded. It was sound logic to be sure. They knew of the attitudes and desires of some Gods from what little information they received upon their summoning. A power hungry

God or Goddess would definitely capitalize or intimidate the Hestia Familia if given the chance. A beginner Familia like theirs would hardly stand a chance.

“Now that that’s settled,” Hestia said before getting up and moving to Bell, “it’s time to sleep.” She then proceeded to lift the covers off Bell slightly, bent down, and move under them, giving the two an unknowing flash of her panties doing so.

After some squirming under the covers, Hestia found a comfortable spot and proceeded to rest, nearly squealing in joy when she felt Bell’s hand on her back.

Arue and Hana looked at them on the bed for a moment before turning to each other, “A thirsty virgin God. Never read that in a story,” said Arue.

Hana only nodded, before adding, “She’s eccentric though,” she smiled then, “there’s a beauty in that.”

Arue shrugged and proceeded to go to the couch where she set up her own sleeping arrangements. She paused then and looked back at Hana, “By the way,” she began, “did you decide where you are going to sleep.”

Hana thought for a moment and looked around, she was caught up with her summoner passing out and this new world that she neglected where she would sleep tonight.

She could sleep on the floor or the table by the couch if it could hold her weight. It was a difficult decision but she was not adverse to it. She was a Sunomiya, they endured for their creativity and passion, this would be no differ-

“You can sleep next to me if you would like?”

Hana turned her attention to Arue, who was on the couch with the blanket raised over her in invitation. There was enough space for two people to sleep on the couch.

“You don’t mind?” Hana felt compelled to ask.

“Not at all,” Arue said with a gentle smile, “ I used to have sleepovers with classmates in my world. I’m not unfamiliar with cuddling in a bed or a couch in this case.”

Hana thought for a moment before deciding, it was bold of her but most of all…

It was eccentric!

Hana removed her school uniform and left herself in her underwear before going to the couch. Arue didn’t raise any objections and waited patiently.

Hana went under the covers and after looking at Arue’s smiling face, she decided to turn and face away from her on the couch.

‘Still not brave enough!’ she thought.

Arue lowered the covers over them and quickly they began to rest.

After the first birds started to sing, Hana woke to take a shower.

Few minutes later, Bell would wake and start an eccentric morning.

Bell Cranell was in an interesting spot right now. After leaving their home, Bell found himself giving a brief tour of Orario while escorting his new Familia members to the Guild to get registered as adventurers.

It was quite entertaining to see some of their expressions as they passed homes, restaurants, stalls, stores, street performers and more.

After entering the street proper, the girls let go of his arms, to his embarrassing relief, and started to take in the sights, sounds and smells around them.

Arue kept a polite smile and visage on while she gazed at everything around her. Her intention was to seem impressed but not excited but Bell saw how she looked at everything with focus. Especially in regards to some of the buildings that towered over them.

Comparing it to the village she was from, it practically dwarfed it on every level. It could be a bit overstimulating for anyone else in the Crimson Demon village. Luckily she was well versed in an ingenious poker face that got her through in life.

Hana, by contrast, was initially trying to keep a calm visage as well. That only lasted ten seconds.

When Hana saw an elf, she was shocked by their mystic features and beauty. When she saw a dwarf, she was shocked by the height but amazed by the wall of muscle they seemed to be. It almost became an issue when she saw the animal-people.

She nearly ran to see a legitimate cat girl, chienthrope, and sheep girl sitting at a cafe having drinks.

Bell stopped her by her collar and dragged her back on path. Where Hana took in more and more sights with undisguised amazement. Her thoughts on the stories she read paled in comparison to the reality before her.

Everything and everyone before her eyes were beautiful and amazing, and most of all, eccentric!

Bell watched them take in everything with a small smile, remembering when he walked these streets as a fresh faced wannabe adventurer from a tiny village. It was very hard for him at first and now he gets to do something no one but his Goddess was able to do.

He gets to help those in need for their adventure.

As they near the Guild, with Arue and Hana both gaping at the size and architecture of the building, Bell couldn’t help but feel giddy about another thing.

He no longer was adventuring alone.

Inside the guild, there is a half-elf that could be described as professionally beautiful. Her hair a sweet brown color and eyes a rich green already made her a sight to see at first glance. Her uniform marking her as a Guild employee seemed to enhance a generous figure that added to her beauty.

This person’s name is Eina Tulle. Advisor to adventurers and dutiful overall guild member.

She took her tasks seriously and did them with a professional accuracy that barely anyone could approach.

Despite her work acumen making her seemingly come off as coldly professional at times. She was in fact a very caring professional in her field. Always encouraging those she was assigned to to ask questions when they wanted to and give advice when she could give it.

Bell was very lucky to have her as his advisor and always counted on the info she could provide for him.

Bell walked up to the counter where she was, “Miss Eina,” he began, “good morning!”

Eina raised her head from her look to see Bell’s smiling face. She smiled as well, welcoming the interaction, “Good morning Bell! Are you feeling alright after yesterday?”

The incident with the minotaur was still fresh in the minds of those in the Guild and any adventurer who saw him run into the Guild covered in blood.

It was a sight none of them will ever forget not because it was horrifying, because it was. It was because it was hilarious.

Though any laughing would be silenced by glare from Eina.

“I’m fine. Thanks for asking,” replied Bell, “I’ve also got some good news!” The excitement in his voice was telling. Eina was momentarily taken aback by it.

Bell gestured behind him at two girls, both close to him in age, one with purple hair and wearing a school uniform and another with dark hair, a red eye, wearing a pink uniform and gray cloak, as well as wearing an eyepatch of some kind.

They were also very blessed in their figures from what Eina could tell and at such a young age.

“These are Arue and Hana and they’re new members of the Hestia Familia.” Bell’s voice absolutely showed his joy.

Eina could definitely pick up on his excitement and with good reason. Bell was the first member of the Hestia Familia, more to it he was technically its founder as its first member and its captain by default.

But it must have been so lonely for him and his Goddess back home. Now though it seems, things have changed.

Their names declared, both new members introduced themselves.

“Yes! My name is Arue! The most voluptuous of the Crimson Demons and future author!” She finished with an exaggerated pose that made her chest bounce.

Eina needed a moment to process that, "The most…voluptuous? Crimson Demons?”

“And I am Hana Sunomiya,” the other girl said with a polite bow, “I am here to experience eccentric things.” The last thing said was spoken softly but carried a burning passion.

Eccentric things? What does that all entail?’ These new members were already throwing Eina for a loop.

Bell for his part went from excited to sheepish after his new Familia members introductions. Especially in a public place like the Guild.

There were already eyes on them, wondering what they just heard.

Bell had to think quickly.

“Umm Miss Eina,” he began, “Is there any place we could-”

“Follow me to a private room. We can work on the paperwork there.” Eina’s quick response cut off Bell’s question.

“Thank you very much.” Bell said, embarrassed and grateful.

After some time and explaining as well as some necessary paperwork. Arue and Hana were almost officially registered adventurers.

Though Eina was curious about something when they filled out their registration papers. Their previous residence was left blank. Which altogether wasn’t uncommon.

Many adventures leave that part blank due to some…sordid history or something similar and many leave it blank because some literally came from nowhere or had nowhere to go back to.

It made Eina curious for a moment but it wasn’t worth pursuing right now. It was optional for a reason, like many things on the form.

Even the ‘name’ was optional. Which Arue picked up on and tried to write down her whole apparent ‘title’ as her name.

Bell and Eina both jumped in and stopped her before she got started. They also had to stop Hana from doing something ‘eccentric’ with her name.

These two were already a handful and Eina could not help but sympathize with Bell a bit. On the other hand though, she was also happy for him in finding new members to help him in his adventures.

He had another responsibility now though and it was time to mention it.

“Bell,” Eina said, voice suddenly firm and demanding attention. It brought the response needed, because Bell suddenly became ramrod straight on the couch across from her.

“I know you probably know this but I feel it must be said,” she continued, “You now have new Familia members to your ranks and you, as the most senior member, could be considered their captain.”

Eina let the words sink in, this was information that if Bell hadn’t thought about already, be needed to now.

She went on, “They are also your new party members. They have virtually no knowledge of the dungeon, outside of what we discuss in here and discussing and experiencing are different things,” she leveled a more fierce look at Bell, “as I’m sure you know from yesterday.”

Bell nodded, his face stern. He was focused on the words and meanings that Eina was conveying to him.

“They are your responsibility, Bell. In more than just adventuring. They are part of your Familia and you need to watch after them. Do you think you can do that?”

Bell didn’t need to think about it for a second. He had time to think on his way to the guild and the more he thought about it. The stronger his conviction became.

“Yes!” he exclaimed, “I’ll take that responsibility on, for myself, my Familia, and my Goddess.” His eyes were focused when he said that, his voice strong and unwavering.

Eina was honestly taken quite aback by it and given how Arue and Hana leaned back from him in surprise, their own eyes wide, so were they.

Bell meant it, Eina could clearly see that.

To think just yesterday he was asking about the Sword Princess while covered head to toe in blood. What a sudden change.

Then again, many adventurers aren’t the same after some trips into the dungeon. Even someone as green as Bell was bound to change a little.

“My, our captain is bold to be sure,” Arue suddenly said with a smile, sitting on the couch and leaning on Bell’s arm. Bell suddenly lost his serious demeanor and replaced it with the typical flushed expression Eina knew him plenty for.

“He is not just bold,” Hana suddenly said, appearing from the other side of the couch and leaning close to his face in focus. Inadvertently pushing her own sizable chest into his other arm, though she seemed oblivious to it , “He is positively eccentric too.”

Bell found himself caught off guard and blushing up a storm at his two new companion’s actions.

Eina was blushing too at the apparent boldness of the two but she focused on Bell more than anything and still saw the blushing nervousness that put a smile on her face whenever he visited.

He hadn’t changed all that much it seemed. It honestly relieved her a bit.

Now though it was time to move onto a different matter, a final matter.

Eina cleared her throat to begin and drew back the attention of those before her.

“Well now all that is needed is a status sheet from you both, for our own records,” she began, “and after that we can discuss some beginner equipment provided by the Guild,” she smiled with a tilt of her head then, “for a reasonable fee of course.”

Bell then remembered something important then and there. That both his new Familia members didn’t have any money for equipment and as he felt Arue and Hana lean into him more, he realized that he was going to have to step up here.

Bell’s first day as a leader of a new party and official captain of his Familia, was gonna be financially painful at first.

He could only give a slight whimper when he handed the valis over. ‘Reasonable?’ It wasn’t reasonable when he got his equipment!

So far, today was quite the start for the Hestia Familia.

A new ally has answered the call.

And blessed hu a Goddess so small.

Seeing the world around.

With adventures inbound.

The Hestia Familia may stand tall.

Author’s note: Here it is chapter 2! Already started making this when chapter 1 was complete like a week and a half ago. Chapter 3 is gonna be a fresh start and eta is…unknown. Don’t have a concise writing schedule I’m afraid but I’ll work at it nonetheless.

To answer a few questions, mostly about the skill. Let’s just say that RNG is playing a surprising role in making this story. I have certain choices for summons in the future but that’s still a ways off. For now though, it’s all RNG, adapt, and write.

Take care and see you all again.

Chapter 3

Chapter Text

Chapter 3

“My goodness. That is certainly big.” Arue said with a bit of awe to her voice. Which is appropriate considering she never saw anything like it in her own world.

“Eccentric…doesn’t even begin to describe it.” Hana added, she too was stunned into silence by the sight before her eyes.

What they were looking upon was a sight that could be seen anywhere in the city of Orario. A sight that made the city famous for what it was. What every would-be adventurer around the world came to see with their own eyes.

Babel, the largest tower in Orario. A sight that every visitor and resident sees should they enter or wake up in the city. Truly a massive feat in architecture and art all together.

And it stood over the entrance to what truly made the city famous worldwide.

The dungeon, the place where legends were made in exploring its depths. Or where dreams were lost like the lives of so many hopefuls who dare to challenge it.

A place where you can gain further strength in battling the beast and creatures that dwell inside with the aid of a blessing. Or where you may find fortune in the rare and legendary materials it produces, whether it’s in the walls and surroundings or in what lives in them.

Bell had heard these tales and more and everyday he goes in and asks himself the same questions.

‘How much further can I go today? What monsters will I face? Will I bring back enough to help my Goddess?’

Two questions though, stand out from the rest.

‘Will I make it back alive?’

‘Will I be a hero?’

These questions will always ring in his mind no matter how often he goes into the dungeon. They are at the forefront of his mind next to his sense of survival, which has served him greatly so far.

Now though, his thoughts are now on his new party and new members of his Familia.

He turns to face them and takes in their appearance. When offered by Eina to get some beginner gear for his new party, Bell was at first nervous about the cost, given the amount he paid for his equipment at the start. However he was quite surprised by what kind of equipment his new party members requested.

Arue only asked for chainmail that could go under her clothes. When asked by Eina if she needed anything else like a weapon, Arue told her it wasn’t necessary because she was a spell-caster. Eina further emphasized that she should also take a staff or wand to use her magic. Arue scoffed, much to Eina’s chagrin, saying she needed not the aid of a stick to cast her spells.

Eina dropped it when she went on a tangent about, ‘My crimson dark soul shall be enough to eradicate my foes’, or something like that while doing another pose.

Hana was far more accepting of receiving more equipment than Arue but her choice in weapons left something to be desired. Namely that she didn’t request a weapon besides gauntlets that offered a good deal of flexibility with her hands. Other than a good set of grieves and similar chainmail to Arue’s, Hana went with nothing else.

Bell had no issue with paying the fine for the equipment. Hilariously enough, the two’s equipment were surprisingly cheaper than his…he suspected it was because it was the weapon he got. Weapons did tend to be more expensive than armor was, surprisingly.

He had to focus though, “Are you two ready?” He asked his Familia members.

“Yes! I’m ready to dive into the unknown!” came Hana’s excited monotone. She banged her gauntleted fists together, in an effort to pump herself up.

“Yes! Time to dive into darkness and light the way with our might and power!” came Arue’s mature tone followed by a pose that had her partially cover her one visible eye with her hand, the glow of the eye seeming to shine past her fingers.

Bell elected to act like he hadn’t seen that display from Arue, even though passing adventurers going both in and out of the dungeon were giving his party odd looks and a wide berth.

“Okay! Let’s go!” and so Bell led on.

They entered through the archway entrance and went down the long staircase that led to the dungeon floor proper.

Now their adventure really begins.

Bell had expected that his first journey back into the dungeon would be a new experience with a party by his side.

He was unprepared for the shocking difference with Arue and Hana by his side.

“Fireball!” Arue shouted with an arm and open palm held out. An orb of fire formed in front of her hand and grew to be about the size of her torso before being unleashed upon the trio of goblins running towards her.

Before Bell’s eyes, he saw the ball of flames engulf the first goblin before the orb exploded in a blinding flash of orange and red, the emerging flames from the explosion quickly consumed the other two, who were not long for this world after.

It was a shocking sight for Bell. He had read briefly about magic and the many spells a mage could cast. Spells ranging from modest healing to destructive forces that could shake whole floors of the dungeon and the toll it could take on the body doing so. A toll he was familiar with given his rush to summon again after Arue.

Yet Arue stood there, amidst the kindling flames and falling ash with nary a heavy breath. She still looked fresh and ready to cast that spell another twenty or thirty times before she got winded.

It made him a bit jealous to be honest but he remembered that he could summon people, so he was in no place to throw stones there.

A grunt of effort behind him caused him to turn around to see Hana, with arms raised, just dealing with another goblin by throwing it to the dungeon wall by its head, the bone jarring force being great enough for the monster to disintegrate into ash and leave a magic stone behind.

Hana, as it turns out, was a pretty skilled martial artist. Bell had not seen an unarmed style of fighting like hers in the dungeon before. On some occasions when he saw other adventurers employ martial arts, they were typically striking with sharp blows with punches and kicks. Strong enough to break a monster apart…literally at times.

Hana’s martial art seemed to be more focused on throwing and counterbalancing attacks. When a Kobold emerged from the wall near them and went to attack, Hana was the closest and wasted little time to counterattack. She grabbed the beast by its wrist and with her other hand pushed up on its jaw. She pivoted herself in a quick half spin and flipped the monster literally head first into the ground. There was a crunching sound and the Kobold was ash a second later. Hana picked up the gem from the ashes and held it up high, face emotionless except for the clear gleam of pride in her eyes.

Bell was left stunned at what his new party was capable of. It made him try all the harder himself.

So when another group of monsters came around a corner nearby, Bell acted fast. Emphasis on fast.

He quickly dashed forward to the monsters and got within striking distance. There were four of them, all Kobolds, snarling and gnashing their teeth at him. When Bell was close enough, one of them tried to take a bite out of him on his approach. Bell reacted fast and leaned out just in time for the teeth to close on open air. He then followed up with a slash with his guild-knife across the creature’s throat. Blood flowed from the cut briefly, before the Kobold burst into ashes.

One down, three to go.

The remaining three immediately rushed Bell in a frenzy of swinging claws. He stepped back at their approach and when he saw another opportunity, he went for it. When one of them overextended their swipe, Bell went in quick and stabbed upwards into its jaw and into its skull. It burst into ashes near instantly upon the successful attack.

Bell’s instincts kicked in a moment and he ducked suddenly, narrowly avoiding a claw from one of the remaining Kobolds. He leaped up to his feet and stabbed his knife downward into the side of the monster’s neck on the return down. It coughed a snarl of blood before bursting into ash like the rest.

There was only one left and instead of waiting for the next strike, Bell decided to go on the attack. In a burst of speed, Bell dashed to the last monster. When the monster raised a claw to strike, Bell acted first. In another burst of sudden movement, Bell lashed out with his knife and cut across the Kobold's raised arm, making it fall limp, damaged, and causing the monster to give a snarl of pain. Bell then came around behind it and stabbed at the back of its head, the monster went still then and burst into ash like the rest.

Bell sighed in relief and a bit of pride at his success against the monsters and with the battle done, Bell went to pick up their magic stones. When suddenly he paused and heard a voice speaking.


  • Kill 30 Kobolds. 4/30 complete
  • Venture down 3 floors in the dungeon. 1/3 complete
  • Complete the above tasks without using healing items.‘

It was the same voice that spoke to him during his summoning of Arue and Hana. It caused him to remember something.

His new magic, the Drop of Eros. It spoke of his ability to summon and also mentioned tasks to complete. Was this the magic reminding him of his tasks? What happened when he completed them?

What happened if he didn’t? Bell should have studied his magic more carefully now that he thought about it.

Bell shook his head to clear his thoughts and bring them to the present. One thing at a time now, first he wanted to see what would happen if he completed the tasks. Kobolds weren’t too difficult to handle, especially now with a party by his side and the first three floors of the dungeon are the most manageable to explore for beginner adventures. He’s gone up and down them plenty of times already and that was by himself.

That drew his mind back to his party, he was so focused on other things that he briefly forgot about them. They had to know his plans and they had a right to object to them.

Bell turned to face them and saw that they were also looking at him, their mouths slightly open.

“Everything alright?” Bell asked, seeing their expressions. Both of them closed their mouths and nodded.

“We’re fine, Bell,” Arue replied, “We were just surprised, is all.” in saying that, Hana nodded her head again.

This got a co*cked head from Bell, ‘surprised?’ He thought. Why would they be surprised?

“You moved fast,” Hana spoke up, “very fast.”

Bell realized that this was their first time in the dungeon, while this was his…he lost count or, more likely, didn’t bother to count.

“Yeah,” Bell replied, scratching at the back of his head in a sheepish manner, “I have been going into the dungeon quite regularly, since getting my falna.”

It made sense to the two. Bell had been going down into the dungeon for a fair bit of time, getting stronger and stronger as a result. It shouldn’t have come as a surprise to Arue or Hana, who were just experiencing the dungeon for the first time.

But Bell was still fast, amazingly so, even as a beginner adventurer still. When Bell went on the attack, he moved so swiftly that Arue and Hana had to try not to blink, lest they miss any action they saw from Bell.

It was honestly a good reminder that this world was not like their own, especially when they considered that there are adventurers that still dwarfed Bell in terms of speed, strength, and magic, and dwarfed them by default as well.

They all had a ways to go it seemed but that was the thrill of adventuring, wasn’t it?

“Excuse me, Arue, Hana,” Bell said, walking towards them, “there’s something I want to ask.”

He told him of the tasks he was seemingly assigned when he got his magic and about his desire to complete them to see what happened. He further went on to tell them about the second and third floor of the dungeon and what to expect. In addition he also said if they didn’t wish to go that far down, he understood and respected their choice.

Arue and Hana though, were not so quickly dissuaded. For any ‘normal’ reason, they might have agreed and stuck around to the first or second floors out of caution, as would be natural given any starting adventurers. Bell however, told them about these ‘tasks’ that came with his magic and as a result. Arue’s interest was piqued and a Crimson Demon’s interest was meant to be followed through. Hana was also curious about these tasks and wanted to know what would happen if Bell completed them. An ‘eccentric’ idea to be sure.

They gave Bell their answers.

“Curiouser and curiouser,” Arue started, “What manner of mysteries will be revealed should we venture forth,” her one eye seemed to gleam, being enhanced further by the smoldering remains behind her, “there is only one true way to find out. We must continue!”

Hana had a much more subdued reaction, “Now there are hidden objectives it seems. Ones with potential rewards” she brought her armored arm up and clenched the hand into a fist, “it is a worthy trial to go on. My heart burns with passion to see it all completed!”

Bell didn’t need to hear anything else, his party was with him, his Familia was with him. It was a nice feeling to have, knowing they had his back.

As they went further down and encountered more and more monsters, Bell could hear the melodious voice update him on his progress

They reached the second floor and encountered more monsters than they did on the first. Arue and Hans killed eight goblins and two kobolds between the two of them and Bell slew another six kobolds and three goblins as well.


  • Kill 30 Kobolds. 10/30 complete
  • Venture down 3 floors in the dungeon. 2/3 complete
  • Complete the above tasks without using healing items.‘

At first the voice was a surprise that made Bell jump practically every time, drawing worried and curious glances from his party. He quickly reassured them that he was fine though. Now though at this point, Bell had pretty much expected the voice anytime he made a bit of progress on the tasks.

They were still on the second floor and Bell was fighting back to back with Hana while Arue acted as rear fire support.

He slashed a Kobold across its chest before spinning with Hana so she could throw one she had by its wrist. She succeeded and near flawlessly threw her opponent into the one that Bell injured with bone cracking force.

Bell had also struck out and attacked the ones that were going to capitalize on Hana’s back when she threw her opponent. He slashed at three with enough force and precision that they were ash seconds later. He brought his attention around to see Hana blocking a claw of another Kobold and with quick instinct, grabbed its wrist and reached for its shoulder, before spinning and flipping the creature on its back. Stunning it with great success.

Bell capitalized on this by stabbing down at its chest, ending its life. He followed up by ending the other two he and Hana incapacitated initially before they could rise.


  • Kill 30 Kobolds. 16/30 complete
  • Venture down 3 floors in the dungeon. 2/3 complete
  • Complete above tasks without using healing items’

So far so good.

Eventually they reached the third floor and only went so far from where they entered, knowing that they only needed to fight monsters at that point.

And fight them they did. Arue was blasting away at any overwhelming swarms of monsters, making them break off from another so Bell and Hana could capitalize and strike them down in more manageable numbers.

Hana was tossing, tripping, and countering monsters toss for throw. Pushing her martial arts training for all it was worth with bone breaking efficiency.

Bell was using all his speed, strength, and agility the best he could. Slashing and stabbing with his knife at any area he could get a quick kill in and anywhere he couldn’t, he wounded enough of them for him to follow back and end it on the following strike.

It was getting exhausting at this point for them all that Bell was happy when he heard the voice a final time.


  • Kill 30 Kobolds. 30/30 complete
  • Venture down 3 floors in the dungeon. 3/3 complete
  • Complete above tasks without using healing items’

They were done. They all had completed the tasks. It took effort, a lot of it but they succeeded in getting them complete, as far as Bell could tell.

Bell told his party the news and at that point, both he and them were pretty exhausted. His two party members gave him smiles and a thumbs up.

Success for the Hestia Familia.

They gathered what magic stones and drop items they could and proceeded back up the floors and out of the dungeon. By the time they reached the first floor again, they were practically dragging themselves out of the dungeon. Looking quite haggard when they finally exited it.

The sight of them wasn’t too surprising to anyone they passed, they were actually complimented for the work they put in as they passed fellow adventurers.

Just another day as adventurers in Orario.

Their journey back to the guild was more work than they thought. Now out of the dungeon, the two newcomers to Hestia Familia felt the exhaustion at what they went through. Their bodies were sore, their clothes were a mess, and they were in desperate need of a shower.

Arue and Hana pushed themselves perhaps too far today and realized that they were quite lucky Bell was there to aid them as he was to receive aid from them. Though they admit, Bell still looked better than they felt. He was a little scuffed up here and there but he still walked on with plenty of energy in his step.

One might even say he walked on excitedly.

Bell by contrast wasn’t nearly as tired as his two new party members, obviously. His time in the dungeon already gives him a pretty good amount of endurance. Though he admits to being a bit tired. If not from the dungeon, then by the tasks he set out to complete.

He felt a good deal of pride at completing, and wondered what rewards he would receive from finishing them. There was also another reason for his joy. He and his party collected quite a bit of magic stones and drop items on their journey into the dungeon.

It was definitely the most he had earned since starting out as an adventurer and that was just what he collected. Arue and Hana both collected a good deal of magic stones as well. Though Hana did end up earning more than Arue, since Arue’s spell often-times destroyed both the monsters and the magic stones within them.

Arue tried to hide her frustration at this by keeping a neutral expression when collecting for herself but Bell and Hana both saw her give groans of frustration when she was sifting through the monster’s ash and found nothing.

But that was over and done now. Now they can report to the guild, turn in their winnings, and get home to rest.

“You three did what!”

Or that would have been the plan had they not forgotten about Eina, who was looking at the haggard group before her with disbelieving eyes, “Bell!” she looked at the young man, “I can’t believe you! You took them to the third floor for their first time into the dungeon? Do you know how dangerous that was?”

Bell had the decency to look down at Eina’s words. He was so excited at what he and his new party did that he forgot one thing.

His advisor did not hesitate to grill him on his and his party’s first venture down. When she found out that they went down to the third floor, she gave them a verbal lashing that all three of them could practically feel, let alone hear.

After a brief time, Eina needed to catch her breath, Arue and Hana both came to Bell’s aid. They each gave an explanation on how they wanted to go forth further into the dungeon. On how they wanted to see how far they could push themselves for their first trip down.

Albeit they explained in their own ways.

“It is only natural that a demon, like myself, wants to find out how far she may venture down into the depths of the unknown.”

Eina was exasperated at Arue’s response.

“To venture forth into the unknown. To test your body against new challenges. To do because I wanted to. There are no better reasons!”

Hana’s rather passionate reply did not move Eina in the slightest. It only seemed to wear her out even more.

After a while and a rather long day, Eina let them go with a warning and a promise of a more potent scolding should they do something like that again.

The party turned their attention to the exchange counter and deposited their magic stones and drop items.

Needless to say, Bell had never thought his Familia would see such money.

At the far end of the guild hall, at a standing table, Bell and his party looked at their earnings.

36,336 valis…staggering.

It sat there in collection pouches. Three pouches that were divided up to hold 12,122 valis a piece.

It was truly a blessed day.

Bell was so happy with what he earned today, given this was leaps and bounds more than he ever made on his own.

Arue and Hana were also very proud of their work, appreciating it all the more given all the effort that went into it.

All three had very good reasons to be proud and as one they would have leapt and said “Victory” in celebration.

But Bell, Arue and Hana, more so Arue and Hana, were exhausted so they only raised their hands halfway and gave the best cheer they could.

“Yaaay!” It wasn’t shouted, more like a slight raise in their voices.

“I can’t wait to show this to Hestia,” Bell said, taking hold of one of the pouches, “she’ll be so surprised.” His excitement was nearly palpable. He couldn’t wait to tell her the good news.

“It is indeed well and good news for our little group,” said Arue. She too reached for a pouch of her own, feeling the weight and smiling, “Though I wouldn’t say we go that far or long in the dungeon next time.” She wasn’t wrong. After Eina was done lecturing them on dungeon safety, the group did agree that this was a once in a while event that shouldn’t be made a regular occurrence. At least until Arue and Hana experienced significant growth in their status.

“Agreed,” Hana said, grabbing her own pouch, “the experience was exciting, but we should air on the side of caution next time. It was exciting, yes, but were we to push further, I doubt we would escape with a few scrapes and bruises.”

They both had a point and Bell understood, it made him even all the more grateful for accompanying him and agreeing to his request in the dungeon.

He took a step back from the table and bowed his head to the two of them, “Thank you both. From the bottom of my heart, I couldn’t have done all this without you.”

Bell’s gratitude was a genuine one and Arue and Hana both were taken aback by the sheer sincerity of it. It left both of them momentarily stunned before a warm feeling swelled in them at his thanks. Their own gratitude at their summoner was as genuine as his.

‘Summoner,’ Arue thought for a moment before looking around briefly for any prying eyes or ears. There were none looking or listening in their direction and so she acted.

“Bell, Hana, a quick word if you will,” Arue started, and gestured them closer to the table.

Bell and Hana responded quickly, wondering what Arue wanted to discuss so closely.

“It has come to my attention,” Arue started, voice serious, “that we have important matters to discuss.”

Bell couldn’t help but ask, “About what? What’s wrong?”

Hana stayed silent, her curiosity evident though.

Arue continued, “Bell, you haven’t told Eina about your new magic yet, have you?”

The question puzzled Bell before he realized he didn’t tell her yet. He was so wrapped up in going down to the dungeon with his party that he practically forgot.

He should probably go and-

A hand on his shoulder stopped him from finishing his thoughts.

“Bell. I know this may be hard to ask this of you but please listen,” Arue was looking him in the eye, her crimson one holding a slight plea, “don’t tell her about your new magic or subsequent additional blessing for that matter.”

Bell was left puzzled by the request and was going to ask further but Arue went on to explain.

“Your new magic is a potent one to be sure and one of its kind. That’s what also makes it dangerous. To you, to us, and to lady Hestia,” Arue gauged his reaction to her words. He was still puzzled but now it was tinged with worry.

“That’s why we should keep it to ourselves for a while longer. Until our Familia has significant strength at the very least.” Arue turned to look at Hana, whose expression went from curiosity to understanding.

She turned back to Bell and continued, “I know you trust Miss Eina, Bell, but we can’t take the risk of giving such information to the guild. It may not happen immediately, but should Eina report about your magic, even if she promises confidentiality, there’s no telling if her other associates hold themselves to such confidence.”

Bell’s expression of confusion gave way slowly to worry and slight hurt. It wasn’t easy for Arue to say these things, especially since Bell puts a lot of Faith in Miss Eina anyway. But it needed to be said.

“If say another God or Goddess grew curious on why Hestia had so many members come out of nowhere, I doubt that some guild workers would turn away if offered some heavy coin for information, and if that happened, I don’t think I need to tell you what that means for us and lady Hestia.” Arue finished.

Bell was silent for a moment and processed Arue’s words. He did trust Eina quite a bit. When he first started, she was the one that took time to help tutor him on the dungeon and adventuring. Taught him about monsters he would fight and what kind of drops or rare resources he would find in the dungeon.

Bell did trust her. In his short time as an adventurer and as a resident of Orario, Eina was one of the few that Bell trusted without a doubt.

But Bell wasn’t a fool, at least not completely. He knew the games the Gods and Goddesses liked to play with each other. Sometimes at the expense of their followers' lives and the lives of some bystanders as well. He heard stories here and there, some from his Goddess and some from Eina, about the various power struggles that went on in Orario.

The thought that all that could be directed at his Familia, at his Goddess, for his ability, made him shudder a bit. He saw the wisdom in Arue’s words. Even if he didn’t feel too good about keeping a secret, the alternative is too much to consider.

Now that he processed Arue’s words more carefully, he could definitely understand why his Familia would be targeted.

Summon a new potentially powerful ally at will? What God wouldn’t jump at that opportunity?

“Okay,” Bell eventually said, “I understand.” and he did.

Arue nodded and gave Bell a comforting smile followed by a gentle squeeze at his shoulder, “Thank you, Bell. I know it’s probably not easy but thank you nonetheless.”

Bell nodded with a small smile before he felt another hand on him, this time his arm. He looked over to see Hana with a small smile and squeezing his arm gently as well, as if in thanks.

She was in agreement too.

“Now that that’s settled,” Arue let go of Bell, secured her new money pouch and continued, “Let us be off. We still have some things to take care of today.”

This drew Bell’s curiosity. What else did they need to take care of today?

“Hana and myself are in desperate need of new clothes and will be going out shopping as such.” Arue explained while gesturing to her vestments with a flourish.

Her clothes were considerably dirty after their venture today, with Hana’s clothes being little better.

Bell was used to coming back home dirty from the dungeon and the spare clothes he had back home. He felt kinda foolish now that he didn’t recognize his own teammates needed new clothes after he summoned them. He would have to remember next time.

This also made him recall something else, their bedding situation. Or more accurately, their lack of bedding.

“Then I’ll go somewhere to get our bedding situation sorted,” he declared, “I feel kinda bad for putting you all in such a tight space. This is the least I can do.”

His two new party members were surprised at his thoughtfulness yet again. They really shouldn’t be but Bell liked to surprise at times. Even if he was unaware of it.

“Are you sure?” Hana ended up asking, “I’m comfortable sharing a sofa with Arue for a little longer if necessary.”

Arue had no arguments either. She slept rather well last night thanks to the rather comfortable sofa and she knew Hana slept comfortably last night as well. Especially thanks to Arue’s chest acting like an extra pillow for Hana.

Something that Arue took a bit of pride in.

“Thanks,” Bell started, “but I don’t want to put you all out any longer than I have to. If I have a bed to sleep on, then my Familia deserves a bed to sleep in as well.” he finished with an honest smile.

His words struck Arue and Hana both with the weight of their kindness. Bell could have taken the money and bought a new weapon, an armor set, or even a fine meal at a restaurant. Yet his first thoughts are for his Familia’s well being.

They really lucked out with him, didn’t they?

Arue turned and held a hand up to her head in a rather stylish and dramatic display, “When my leader’s words strike true. How can I raise my voice to argue? What mighty power you have, Bell.” she finished turning her head slightly away to hide her pink cheeks.

Hana wasn’t afraid to show her blush, nor her words of admiration, “You are truly like no one I’ve met Bell,” she had her arms to her chest, fists clenched as if containing her excitement, “Your kindness is appreciated and above all,” she smiled and seemed to blush harder, “eccentric!” she finished.

Bell was taken aback by his party’s compliments. He really only spoke what he felt his Familia deserved.

Nonetheless, the words of his party made him blush a bit in modest acceptance.

“Okay,” Bell said, wanting to bring things back to topic, “Will you two be alright getting clothes while I go find a way to adjust our living situation?” He thought it best to deal with both problems at once and he really didn’t know what he could do with the girls' clothing situation.

Both Arue and Hana didn’t think there would be any issue with getting clothes for themselves. When they were brought forth by the summoning , they were given a great deal of information on the world.

They understood the language, so reading and writing weren’t difficult, at least in terms of the language koine, given it is the more widespread language of the world. Any other language would require a bit more study.

In addition, they understood the currency well enough.

The summoning spell really went out of its way to adjust whoever was summoned. Makes sense if it was given by a God after all.

“Alright then,” Bell said, “I’m heading off. See you back home,” he turned to leave with a final smile and wave.

Arue and Hana both waved back as he departed. When he exited the guild hall, both turned to look at each other.

“You ready for a shopping trip?” Arue asked with a smile.

Hana looked down at her vestments, dirty and a bit ragged here and there, a school uniform was definitely not something to take into combat. She looked back up to Arue with a neutral expression but with eyes that showed her need.

A need for better clothes.

“Yes please.”

And together, they went off to find better vestments, because who dungeon crawls in a school uniform?

If any residents in Orario were to answer a simple question such as, “Who is the best crafting Familia in the city?” You would get one of two answers on average. Hephaestus or Goibniu Familia would be the typical answer. If you were to ask who made the best weapons, you wouldn’t get an answer instead you would get an argument about which one is better than the other, and if you're lucky the argument would only last a few minutes, provided punches were thrown.

But if you asked which Familia was best at home renovating, you would be told Goibniu Familia much more often.

Though Hephaestus was mighty in many things in craft, her specialty was in armor and arms in addition to magical sword making and enchanting. By contrast, Goibniu had a knack for home construction in addition to his weapon crafting skills. And any who fell under his banner would also be taught how to build a home just as they would also be taught on how to forge a sword.

It’s what Bell found out when he went to their Familia workstation. He asked around for any Home renovators available before finally being pointed at a hut off to the side. He went inside and found himself in the presence of the crafting God Goibniu. Bell immediately bowed in greeting and instinctively apologized for bothering him.

As was Bell’s nature.

The Crafting God, who was seemingly busy working on a rather thin but elegant sword fresh from the furnace, paid Bell little notice and told him to get on with what he wanted.

Bell explained that he would like to hire some workers to renovate the Hestia Familia home. In at least adding some rooms to the ground floor.

Goibniu paused in his work to turn to Bell, “Hestia?” he asked, “That Goddess round up enough money for renovations?”

Bell was quick to correct him and told him it was actually his money he earned that was going into this and that his Goddess had already given him much already and he wanted to pay her back somehow. As well as making their home more welcoming to their new Familia members.

The Craft God was further intrigued. Introvert, borderline neet Hestia? Had new followers! This was the biggest surprise today.

Well if he had to be honest, finding out that amazoness from Loki’s Familia had melted her weapon was the biggest surprise.

Some of his children were still crying at their forges at such news.

“Alright,” began Goibniu, “let’s cut to the obvious chase. Hestia still live in that old rundown church?”

Bell nodded, “We all do.”

“And how many of you are there?”

“Four, including myself.”

Goibniu nodded, his decision settled, “Alright. For ten thousand valis, I’ll have my children go and renovate that place. Install extra rooms for living, the works.”

Bell was happy with what he was hearing. He was a little put off by the price but this was why he went here anyway. He was honestly prepared to spend all the money he had if that was what it took.

“That’s great!” Bell exclaimed, unable to contain his joy, “When would be a good time for you to work? I can talk to my Goddess about a proper-”

“Tonight,” Goibniu cut Bell off.

Bell was stunned, “Tonight?” he asked.

“That’s what I said.”

“Isn’t that kinda…soon?”

Goibniu shook his head, “Actually no,” he stared at Bell for a moment before looking behind him, where his children were working, “This kinda work might be a good break for some of my children.”

Bell was flummoxed. On one hand, the craft God was willing to get the work done tonight. On the other hand, Bell's nature naturally wanted to argue that he didn’t want to take the God’s craftsmen from their work. He didn’t want to impose.

Goibniu saw Bell’s expression and moved to clarify things, “Don’t think you’re going to trouble my children with this. Truth be told, a few of my best smiths are working on a troublesome weapon for a client. Given how difficult it is to make and the materials that go into it, the work is making their morale drop quite a bit.”

The God sighs and rubs the bridge of his nose, “Compared to making that weapon, renovating a dusty church is practically child’s play. My children need a break from this thing and you just gave them one.”

Bell wanted to argue but the tone of the God broke no argument. He was set on this and honestly, who was Bell to argue in the first place?

Bell handed out the money to the God, who took it with a nod of thanks. Before he left, Bell asked one last question.

“How many rooms are you going to install?”

The crafting God returned to his work with the elegant blade before replying, “That church is a good size, we should be able to fit ten rooms at most. They won’t be big but they won’t be small either,” he glanced back at Bell after returning the blade to the furnace, “If Hestia is planning on getting more members, then ten rooms are a good starting amount. At least until you all gain enough to get your Familia a new home.”

Bell found no fault in the God’s words, what he said was true enough. He knew that eventually, as the Familia grew, he and his Goddess would have to find a new place to live in order to house themselves and their other members. It still felt like a long way off but with Bell’s magic, it might just come sooner rather than later.

For now though, ten extra rooms was a good start.

With business done, Bell gave a deep bow to the God, who returned to his own work, before leaving himself and went on to tell his God the good news.

Briefly, he wondered how Arue and Hana were doing with their shopping. Orario was rich with many cultures with different styles. He was confident that they would find something they liked.




“Oh come on! You’ll look gorgeous!” said Arue, “at least try it on.”

“No and for starters, how did we end up in this store of all places?” questioned Hana.

“Don’t mind that,” Arue countered, “Just please try this on.”


Arue and Hana were already pretty much done with their shopping, they found it fortunate that there were so many stores to choose from and so many styles of clothing as well.

In fact, many of the apparel they found wouldn’t be too dissimilar to what they wore in their worlds’ originally. Arue even found cloaks similar to her own that were on sale and Hana found better shirts and skirts that were like her casual wear back in her original world.

They both had effectively completed their shopping and were set to come home, having spent less than what they originally planned, which was a nice bonus.

Now though, as they proceeded to go home, Arue’s eyes caught sight of a certain store and she couldn’t help herself. She also couldn’t help dragging Hana along as well.

Dragging her into an Amazoness clothing store, where she saw the style of the warrior women first hand. Hana knew at least one person in her life who would be ecstatic by such a place. Hana would even compliment and praise her bravery if she were here now.

But they weren’t and Hana didn’t consider herself ‘that’ brave just yet.

They continued back and forth, with Arue picking out different clothing options and Hana shooting her down each and every time. It wasn’t so long that eventually Arue just gave a huff and let the whole thing go.

It would have been fun but Hana remained steadfast.

With no other plans, the two left the store and proceeded to venture back home.

Behind them, the store owner, an Amazon, clicked her teeth and snapped her fingers. She was hoping to see either of them try her wears on. They had good bodies on them and she wanted a show after such a long day.

Oh well, you win some, you lose some.

Bell continued on his trek back home, a bit of a spring in his step. He couldn’t wait to tell his Goddess. He couldn’t wait to tell his party.

He just couldn’t wait!

Sure it cost a pretty penny in terms of funds but it was really a discount all things considered. He was honestly prepared to drop the whole pouch at the God’s feet if that was what it took.

Thankfully not.

“Oh! Excuse me!”

A voice called out to Bell behind him. He turned and saw a gray haired, gray eyed woman maybe a year or two older than him, she wore a green waitress outfit with a white apron tied to the front. Her uniform was modest and cute.

The girl was even cuter though.

Bell was at a loss for a moment, why would this pretty girl just suddenly talk to him? Eventually though, he found his voice.

“Hello,” he began, “can I help you?”

The woman gave him a mischievous smile before holding up a small purple stone up to him. A magic stone.

“You dropped this when you walked by our restaurant,” the girl said, “you gotta be more careful.”

“Oh!” Bell was surprised, he thought he and his party turned all their magic stones in. Guess he missed one

“Thanks,” he said, “I appreciate it.”

“Hmmmm,” the girl hummed, leaning closer to Bell as if to look at him more clearly. It made him blush a bit, despite being around Arue, Hana, or even his Goddess, he still wasn’t great around pretty women.

“You’re an adventurer, aren’t you?” she suddenly asked, finally leaning back from Bell’s space.

“Yeah,” he replied, now wondering why this pretty girl was talking to him.

She smiled before continuing, “You should come by here tonight,” she gestured to a good sized building that was clearly a pub of some kind.

‘Hostess of Fertility,’ was what it said on a sign posted just beside the doors.

Bell was in a tizzy, he dropped a magic stone he failed to turn in, a pretty girl is talking to him, a pretty girl is talking to him and inviting him to eat! So much is going on!

“Sorry,” the girl's voice broke Bell from his internal rambling, bringing him back to the here and now. She continued, “I know that was abrupt and out of nowhere but I just like bringing new people to our pub. It’s especially popular with adventurers, I just thought you would be interested.”

The girl trailed off, looking down at her shuffling feet, seemingly embarrassed by her earlier forwardness.

Bell was always and probably always will be a softy at heart. Here was a pretty girl who was just inviting him to the pub and see if he enjoys it, like many other adventures in the city.

In Bell’s mind this was just a polite invitation that he really had no reason to say no to.

“Sure,” he said with a smile, “I’ll be here tonight.”

The girl was ecstatic, giving Bell a wide smile and a clap of her hands. “Wonderful!” she exclaimed, “Be sure to bring a lot of money. You’re gonna eat a lot right?”

Okay, maybe the girl just invited Bell to the pub just for him to spend his money. It was too late to back out now anyway, not when she still looked at him with a cute smile and pretty eyes.

Eyes that seemed to have an edge of cunning to them, now that he looks closer.

“I’ll try my best,” Bell eventually said, “See you tonight Miss…” he trailed off, realizing he never got her name.

“Syr,” she said to him, “Syr Flova, and your name is?”

“Oh! It’s Bell,” he said in return, “Bell Cranel.”

Syr nodded with a smile, happy with getting his name, “Well, I’ll see you tonight then Bell Cranel.” She finished with a small bow before returning to the pub.

Bell watched her go before looking at and around the pub and committing its location to memory.

With that done, he turned and went back down the road to his residence.

He couldn’t wait to tell his Goddess how his day went and the good news he brought as well.

“Tonight. Really?” We’re Hestia’s first words after Bell told her about his trip to Goibniu’s Familia, “That's so soon. I’m surprised Goibniu did this out of any goodness in his heart. He’s always been a professional God through and through. Very practical and practically not smiling all the while.”

Bell saw that in the God, he didn’t think a stern visage like his had smiled in decades, or, since he was a God, eons.

“Well regardless,” Hestia went on, leaning back on the couch she sat on next to Bell, “It’s gonna get busy and loud here tonight. Hopefully for not very long but it’s a small price to pay for some extra living space.”

Bell had to agree. Overall it was well and good that they were making use of the empty space they had in the church. After an untold amount of years, the space was finally being made into something useful. Since what it was hadn’t been used since the Gods descended.

“It is splendid news Bell,” came Arue’s voice from across the coffee table from them, she was eating a potato puff that Hestia brought back from work. She was taking a fresh pinch of salt to the treat before continuing, “though alas, I won’t get to have the chance to cuddle with Bell or Hana,” she gave another dramatic sigh before biting into her snack.

“And you never would in any case!” Hestia exclaimed, latching herself to Bell’s arm, “If Bell is gonna cuddle with anyone, it’s gonna be me!”

Bell couldn’t comment right now as he was experiencing the rather soft sensation currently pressing against his arm. His face burned red at his Goddess’s apparent lack of tact. She always found some way or excuse to embrace him.

It made Bell happy that his Goddess was so loving. It also embarrassed him with how she showed her affection sometimes.

Arue finished her snack and with a dab of her napkin on her lips, she continued, “My my. Quite the risqué desire of a…virgin Goddess.”

It was Hestia’s turn to go red in the face, how dare this upstart floozy mock her divine status, “And what’s wrong with that?” she countered, “I just want to hug and snuggle my precious Bell like any loving Goddess would with their children. Nothing risqué about it.”

Bell was flattered and embarrassed again at his Goddess’s words. And if he thought he was embarrassed now, what Arue said next practically made his face a cherry on color.

“Sure your intentions now may just be hugging and snuggling,” she said, her hand posed near her eyepatch in another dramatic display, “but where does that lead next? Kissing, caressing, maybe some heavy…petting? How quick one's desires grow in the throes of love and passion!” Arue could have been more gentler and discreet with her word choice.

But where was the fun in that?

Hestia let go of Bell and put her full focus in attempting to counter her arguments. Arue responded in kind with more hypothetical scenarios that just inflamed Hestia even more.

Bell turned his attention to the last member of the Familia, as if by sight, beseeching her to help settle things down.

He needn’t waste his breath though. Hana was practically in her own world, one full of potato puffs no doubt. Indeed, the moment she took her first bite of the fried snack, Hana was enthralled by its taste and texture. Even now she was eating what would be her fourth potato puff, staring at nothing while her focus would be on the delicious flavor in her mouth and hand.

While all of this chaos was going around him, Bell had an additional thought to add.

‘Is this what having a Familia is like?’

Sure it was crazy right now, but Bell didn’t think for a moment he would dislike it.

As their meal was being finished, Hestia noticed something.

“Bell?” His Goddess asked, “You didn’t eat anything. Everything alright?”

“Sorry Goddess,” Bell said, “It’s just that I was invited by someone to check out this pub that’s apparently popular with adventurers” he looked down, wishing he brought it up sooner, “Sorry that I didn’t mention it before.”

If his Goddess was offended in any way it was not visible for any to see, “It’s okay Bell. I get you wanting to see something new and taste something that isn’t a potato.”

Bell elected not to comment, the potato puffs were starting to get tiresome to eat at times. But his Goddess went out of her way to bring them home from her work and could just refuse them.

Hestia gave a pat to Bell’s head, standing on her tiptoes to reach further up and stare closer into his eyes.

“It’s okay Bell,” she said, “You work hard in the Dungeon and you deserve to reward yourself every now and again. Go out, have fun, and eat some good food.”

Bell was touched by his Goddess’s kindness again. She really looked after him.

Bell then turned his attention to his two new members and was about to ask them if they wanted to come.

“Tempting as it is,” Arue interrupted his question before he voiced it, “I’ve had my fill of excitement today and would like to finish today with a good read.” And reading was what she was doing on the couch having picked up a book that Hestia possessed.

Bell turned his attention to Hana. She was laying on the bed, staring blankly up at the ceilings while holding her hands to her stomach.

“Too much,” Hana said, “full,” she finished.

The potato puffs had proven to be her match it seems.

With the matter settled, Bell set out to go.

When Bell arrived at the Hostess of Fertility, he had not expected it to be this busy. Standing just outside the doors, he could see inside that the place was nearly filled out. With many patrons enjoying food and drink aplenty, as well as the occasional tale told at some tables and a card game or two at another.

“Bell!” A voice broke through his wonder as Syr walked through the doors and greeted him outside.

“I’m glad you came,” she said, her smile practically glowing, “I was worried you would have ignored my invitation,” she put in a faux sad frown, “and that would have made me really sad.”

“I wouldn’t have done that,” Bell said quickly, falling for her fake frown, “you really sold me that this was a place where adventures gather, how could I not come?”

Indeed, just standing outside and watching the people enter and leave, Bell could tell that most of the people inside tonight were experienced veteran adventurers and now he was about to enter the same place as them.

What characters would he meet? What stories would he hear about the dungeon? And in a later thought, how good is the food here?

Syr believed he clearly thought enough ‘about’ entering. She grabbed Bell’s hand, drawing a surprise yelp from him, and proceeded to guide him inside.

They passed tables, chairs, people, and waitresses as Syr led him to the Bar. Bell had scant time to take a good look at everything around him.

He saw a group of four dwarfs seemingly in a drinking contest with one another. On another table, he saw a duo of amazons leaning against a giant were-tiger, who was blushing up a storm at the gorgeous attention he was receiving. And at another table, he saw a party of adventurers enjoying one of their members playing a lute, though it was difficult for Bell to hear with all of the noise.

This pub seemed to be a haven for many adventurers of Orario, a place where they can rest, relax, and enjoy themselves in each other’s company. This pub was a place that could breathe life into the weary with just its atmosphere alone.

Bell immediately liked this place and knew he would be back here again. Maybe with his Goddess, Arue, and Hana as well. He was sure they would like it too.

Eventually, Syr had Bell sit right at the Bar.

“Remember,” she said, her eyes full of mischief, “To eat lots and lots,” with her duty done, Syr went back to work. Leaving Bell in the care of someone else.

A plate was slammed in front of him, making him jump in surprise. On the plate was a spaghetti dish that was one of best Bell had ever seen. It was also the largest.

“So,” a strong boisterous voice said behind the bar in front of him, “you’re the scrawny new adventurer Syr was telling me about.”

The speaker was a woman. One that was taller in height and wider with muscle than Bell could ever dream to be. She had brown hair and wore a uniform that was similar to what the waitress wore, except where theirs were green, hers was blue. She had a tough face but also kind, with smile lines evident.

This woman also had a presence that Bell could instinctively feel. She was someone who when she spoke, you listened. No if’s and’s or but’s.

This was Mia Grand, or ‘Mama Mia’ by some. Owner and proprietor of the Hostess of Fertility.

“Well?” Mia asked, “You gonna introduce yourself or somethin?”

Bell remembered his manners then, “Sorry,” he said, “my name is Bell Cranell. It’s nice to meet you.” He gave a brief bow where he was seated.

Mia laughed at the kid, his nervousness was apparent, “Take it easy! No need for that in my pub. Take a look around! You see anyone acting so polite.”

Bell didn’t need to look, his first steps in this place told him already that this place was as informal as it could politely get.

“There ya go,” Mia said when she saw him relax a little, “just enjoy the food and drink, overhear some gossip or tales and have a good time. And above all else,” she dropped another plate next to Bell’s spaghetti dish, this time it was a whole fried fish, still steaming as it was freshly made.

“This all looks really good!” Bell exclaimed, absolutely delighted by what was in front of him, though there was one thing that bothered him, “but I didn’t order anything, I just got here.”

Mia pointed a thumb to the side, where Syr was taking orders at another table, “Syr told me you were here to eat well and that you’d pay well too,” she gestured down at his plates, “ and those two are some of our house specials. Do eat up!”

Bell looked down at his hot and fresh food before looking over at Syr. She caught his eye and pointed behind him with a smile.

Bell looked behind them then and saw on a far wall, where the house specials were listed on a board. He saw their prices as well.

“Two hundred…three hundred. This dinner is going to cost me five hundred valis!”

After he paid Goibniu for renovations and gave Hestia a portion for the Familia treasury. Adding this dinner in, he’s coming close to spending all the money he earned today.

If Arue and Hana were here, he didn’t know if they would laugh or scold him. They might do nothing, which could be worse than anything.

Bell could only sigh, it really had been a long day, now he just wanted to eat and go to bed.

So eat, Bell did and it was some of the best food he had in the city. The spaghetti was plentiful and coated in a rich sauce that was only enhanced with the coating of vegetables on it. The fried fish was juicy and flaky, as well as having a delicious breading that was well coated with different spices.

Did it cost a bit? Yes. Was it delicious? Absolutely!

Bell was well on his way to finish his dishes, when he heard a voice to the side of him.

“So, how are you liking it?” She had come up to Bell, when things were getting to a slow point. The dinner rush was nearly over and some waitresses had time to take a break.

“It’s good,” Bell replied neutrally.

“Awww! What’s wrong? You’re not upset that I may have invited you here just to get you to buy some of our best dishes?” She finishes, voicing exactly what Bell was thinking. She was very good at reading people.

“Maybe,” Bell said, wiping his face of any spaghetti sauce he had on it.

Syr had the decency to look down in meek shame, “Sorry,” she said, “I just saw you and you looked like a fresh adventure. I just wanted to show you a good place that many other adventurers liked,” she demurely added next, “I hope you're not mad.”

Bell was annoyed and that was as far as it went. Syr tricked him, yes, but it wasn’t anything malicious.

Besides, Bell really couldn’t stay mad at anyone. Wasn’t in his nature.

“I’m not mad,” Bell said, “Just next time, be a bit more honest with me, please.”

Syr practically alighted at his words, “Next time? So you’re going to come by again?”

Bell was left briefly stunned by her words, ‘What happened to being apologetic? Where did this energy come from?’

“Y-yeah,” Bell replied, “this place is very fun and the food is great. I’ll definitely come by, maybe next time with the rest of my Familia.”

“That sounds great! Oh! But come by in the morning before you go into the dungeon.”


Syr looked at Bell as if he was struggling on a study problem that had an easy answer. “So I can give you a lunch before you go into the dungeon, silly.”

This stunned Bell, what an abrupt offer, “U-u-m, are you sure you want to do that? I don’t want to cause you any trouble.”

Syr waved Bell’s concerns aside, “It’s alright. I already asked Mama Mia and she was okay with it.”

Bell turned to where Mia was handing out drinks to a few more patrons down the Bar. Mia caught Bell and Syr staring at her and she gave a halfhearted wave.

“Don’t care. Do what you want.” was what the gesture meant.

“Well…if you’re okay with it,” Bell eventually conceded.

The smile on Syr’s face told Bell he had made her day. Whatever it was that he did, and besides, he’s getting a free lunch out of it every day and Syr seems very happy to do it.

“Nya, Everyone! The party with the big reservation arrived! Nya!” a brown haired cat girl waitress said near the entrance.

Coming through the doors was a group Bell never expected to see.

Coming from the doors was a group of adventurers, a blonde pallum that walked ahead of the party with an unwavering gait and confidence. Behind him was a brown beard dwarf that Bell could describe as a stout wall of muscle. Filing in close was an elf in robes with long emerald hair, who walked with grace and beauty that only a noble could have. Besides her was another elf dress in pink with honey-brown hair tied in a ponytail. Following close behind her were a pair of amazons, one with long dark hair and blessed with a curvy figure that was emphasized with her choice of wear. The amazon near her had short, dark, spiky hair and in comparison, possessed a much more lithe figure than the other amazon, the tube top she wore in addition to the pareo around her waist highlighted the firm strength she possessed. A bit back was a werewolf with gray hair and possessing an air of strength and intimidation, his very demeanor telling everyone around him to step aside or be crushed. There were a few others as well but they went unnoticed when Bell saw someone he recognized.

It was the last person in the party that drew Bell’s attention immediately. He felt his heart jump in his chest and a warm flash coursed through his body.

She was just as beautiful as he remembered her, gold eyes and long golden-blonde hair, an athletic and slender figure that was complimented with her one piece battle dress, minus the armor, and long blue boots. As she passed by, Bell saw that the dress she wore showed a small amount of her chest on the side to be visible and that it was backless as well.

Ais Wallenstein the ‘Sword Princess.’

Seeing this made Bell blush while still in his stupor and Syr was waving her hand in front of his face in an attempt to get his attention, with no results.

Eventually Syr turned to where Bell was looking and saw the new arrivals just sitting down and where a waitress was taking their orders.

“That’s the Loki Familia, they’re practically regulars here,” Syr said with a smile, “they just came back from an expedition a day ago and Loki immediately called ahead for a reservation. To celebrate their return.”

Eventually, food and drink were brought forth to their table, practically overflowing it. The members raised their drinks high.


With the shout done, they proceeded to feast and drink a-plenty. Bell spent some time watching them, he wasn’t just looking at Ais by then, but the Familia as a whole.

An expedition, a journey into the unknown parts of the dungeon. To find new treasures the dungeon produces, to see new environments in the deep floors, and to face all manner of mysterious and monstrous creatures that lurk down there.

Bell could hardly imagine himself doing such a thing, even with his new members, he knew that it would be a good long while if he ever got to something that exciting.

But it was still something he would like to strive for someday. He glanced over at where Ais sat.

There were a few things he would like to strive for.

“Hey Ais!” the werewolf suddenly barked out, face red with drunkenness, “You gonna tell that story or what?”

Bell listened, wondering what tale would be told.

Ais seemed at a loss at what her companion was talking about, “What story?” She asked.

The werewolf gave a howl of laughter at the reply before continuing, “You know the one! When we came up from the floors chasing the minotaurs. When you saved that white haired weakling!”

Bell’s body went stiff.

“You all should have seen it! This little rookie adventurer was on the fifth floor when this minotaur came runnin for him! Kid scrambled and ran around like some luckless rabbit!”

Bell turned his head down, looking at his knees, seeing his hands were clenched upon them.

“The guy gets backed into a wall, screaming his lungs out, when Ais comes and cuts it to pieces! That kid got doused in blood from head to toe! He looked like a damn tomato!” This detail got a few chuckles from some members at the table but some were silent, not interested in the werewolf’s telling of events.

Bell heard those that laughed and he wished he could just crawl in a hole right now.

“Then after the kid got doused, Ais asked if he was alright. And you know what he did next?” He paused for a moment, adding a drunken dramatic effect, “He ran! Fast! He turned tail and ran from the Sword Princess as fast as he could, screaming his lungs out!” He burst out laughing again, which some members did upon hearing the end to such a crazy tale.

Bell’s heart was beating like crazy. He felt embarrassed, ashamed, and not a small amount of anger.

Some at the werewolf’s words but mostly at himself.

“Enough Bete!” A regal woman’s voice cut through the commotion, “Do I need to remind you that it’s all our fault for scaring those monsters to upper floors? Don’t you think it’s ridiculous to mock someone for suffering ‘our’ mistake?”

Her words were like getting splashed with ice cold water to those who laughed at Bete’s story. Though that didn’t stop him in the slightest.

“What!? Please! A scrawny weakling like that kid had no reason to be on the fifth floor if that’s how he reacts to a surprise encounter,” the werewolf countered, words slightly slurred.

‘Is he right?’ Bell's thoughts were a storm of doubt and self incrimination, ‘It may have been a minotaur but would I have acted similar to a monster coming an extra floor or two up from where it was?’

“Ais be honest with me,” Bete went on, moving to a different subject, “Who would you go for? Me, or that scrawny weakling?”

“Umm Bete. I think you really had too much to drink now,” another voice said, the pallum, Bell thinks.

“You’re wasting your time Finn. Bete is too far gone to stop now,” said another more gruff voice, the dwarf.

“Well Ais? What’s the answer?”

Bell had heard enough, before he realized it, he had left his seat, turned, and ran to the exit.

“Bell!” Syr’s surprised voice called to him but he was too focused on leaving.

He ran outside and down the street ignoring any further cries behind him. The aching in his chest and frustration in his stomach propelling him on.

Unaware of a pair of golden eyes, looking out towards where he ran.

‘It hurt!’

Bell’s thoughts were askew with doubts and frustration. He had been running for who knows how long. He couldn’t stop, he didn’t want to stop.

The anger and frustration at the werewolf’s words were potent enough on their own but there was one thing about them that hurt Bell more than anything.

The truth.

Bell couldn’t deny it. What the werewolf had said was the honest truth, no matter how anyone could tell him otherwise, the truth in the words was plain to see.

Bell wasn’t strong enough for himself. What made him think he could be strong enough for someone like Ais, a level five adventurer where he is a level one.

He never faced the foes she faced, he never fought for years in the dungeon, he didn’t have her skill, her speed, her technique.

He honestly didn’t think he would have her time.

Let alone her heart.

Bell kept running. He ran until he felt his lungs burn, where every breath felt like he was breathing in fire. Until he reached where he wanted to go. Where he could take his frustration out and be productive about it.

Babel and underneath it, the dungeon.

Bell went in and immediately started to find the nearest monster to fight.

He did and it wasn’t long for this world.

But it wasn’t enough Bell’s heart and mind burned with one desire.

‘I have to get stronger!’

He kept on fighting monster after monster. Going further and further into the dungeon.

A kobold tried to bite his neck, its throat met Bell's dagger.

A goblin tried a sneak attack, Bell dodged and severed the goblin’s head in a back cut.

A dungeon lizard hoped from the ceiling somewhere to ambush Bell, he reacted swiftly and split the creature’s belly.

More and more they came and Bell met them head on. Every swing and stab with his blade was made with purpose, with desire.

He felt something wrap around his waist and pull him back, before a slimy darkness covered his vision. Thinking quickly, he thrusts up with his knife and feels it stab through something soft, squishy, and rubbery. Next thing he knows, the monster that attempted to eat him dissipated into ash, leaving Bell on his back, panting.

His arms felt like they weighed twice as before, his legs felt ready to give out from under him at any minute, and he was beginning to feel the numerous cuts and bruises he got from monsters he encountered.

As he stood up, he saw something some distance away beginning to form. It was almost like darkness itself was giving itself shape and form and sure enough that was what was happening.

Wall shadow. A monster that makes its domain on the sixth floor of the dungeon. It was humanoid in shape but resembled little else in any regard.

He had ended up on the sixth floor.

And the monster wasn’t alone.

Where there was one, now there were nine others forming around it and they all had their sights set upon Bell, their target, their prey.

Bell stared down the monsters before him. A brief shock of fear stings his heart. He had never faced monsters like these before, he had never even seen them. He thought about running, he was injured enough as it was and this may be too much for him to handle.

“A scrawny weakling like that kid had no reason to be on the fifth floor if that’s how he reacts to a surprise encounter.”

The words of the werewolf stung him again. Here he was, now on the sixth floor, a surprise revelation only compounded by the encounter before him.

Was it a surprise? Definitely!

Was he gonna run? No!

Bell got into a stance, his dagger held in front of him. He had no armor but his clothes, he had no potions to heal his wounds or recover his stamina.

But he had something else, a desire that burned in his heart that he could even feel in his back as well. He wouldn’t run. He would fight.

The monsters came at him then and Bell met their charge with a shout. With one driving answer at the forefront of his mind.

‘I will get stronger!’

The remaining members of the Hestia Familia were worried. Their captain had been gone since last night and daybreak was about to occur on the horizon.

Arue, Hana, and their Goddess stood outside, looking down the road that led to the city proper. Waiting for Bell to return since last night.

The Familia were waiting just outside their newly renovated home, courtesy of the Goibniu Familia. What was once a church, though it still bared some similarities, now was more akin to a dorm home. Each room was a good size for a single person, even with a double-bed, small desk, and small closet inside, there was still a comfortable amount of space in each room to walk around in.

What threw Hestia off was that she had expected them just to add rooms to the ground floor.

She had not expected them to add a second floor to the building for the additional rooms.

Five rooms at ground level and five rooms on the newly constructed second floor.

It was almost too much but upon questioning the lead worker, she got an unexpected reply.

“We needed a break from working on ‘that’ gods-awful weapon. This was a palate cleanser and you needed the space anyway right?”

Hestia could not argue after that and the results were telling. The second floor was well and good with a staircase and even a small lounge area by a window. They went quite far at ground level as well. Clearing out pews and debris from the dilapidated church to make space for the five rooms. Who’s doors were along the aisle upon entering, with three to one side and two on the other with similar design layout upstairs.

In addition, what was once an altar, was now a large lounge area that was emphasized by the large stained glass window providing wonderful lighting.

Hestia needed to get new furniture for both lounges though, considering the only furniture in them were the remnant wooden pews that were left.

And sitting on them could get painful after a while.

This was all well and good and Hestia was as happy as a clam when they were done. Goibniu must have sent his best because they got the work done before the night was out.

The thing was that, though Hestia was happy, she would be happier if Bell was here with her. With their Familia.

Their Family.

Arue and Hana were similarly worried. They had been keeping watch for any signs of Bell’s return and had yet to see anything and as the sun rose upon the horizon and still no sign coming from the visible landscape, their concern grew all the more.

Has something happened at the pub? Did he get mugged? Or, Hestia’s concern, did he get seduced and taken away for the night?

Whatever thoughts or ideas they would have were cut off when Arue noticed someone walking down the path towards them.

It was a familiar figure and even more so when the rising light shined upon him.

It was Bell, walking/limping his way back home.

Covered in cuts and blood.

Arue and Hana acted fast, followed by their Goddess, they raced down to Bell who just arrived midway from their home.

Upon seeing the damage that was inflicted on him, Arue and Hana paused. What happened to him? Was the thought of the two and as they thought more on it and peered closely at the damage, they knew that there was only one place he could have sustained such cuts and bruises.

His shirt and pants showed cuts that came from not a knife or any blade, but from the rough sharp claws of beasts, monsters.

Bell had gone into the dungeon, by himself, with nought but a knife to protect himself.

His two Familia members were taken aback. Why would he do this? What possessed him to go down there? Alone?


The shout of the Goddess Hestia drew their thoughts away from ‘why’ to ‘now’.

Hestia approached her first child and held his face in her hands, ignoring the dirt and blood on it, focusing solely on her first child’s safety.

She was glad he was alive but questions still came to the forefront.

“Bell,” Hestia began, “what happened?” She had many more to ask but that was the most important one.

“…ong.” Bell’s voice just came out, barely above a whisper.

Hestia, Arue, and Hana leaned in close. Trying to catch what he said.

“I want to get strong.”

There it was, a simple desire. Whatever happened while he was gone, it seemed to trigger a desire within him.

It was admittedly a selfish desire and not an uncommon one in this city.

But it was one that Bell felt strongly enough to nearly get himself killed for.

Hestia wanted to ask more but before she could, the last vestiges of Bell’s strength finally left him and he collapsed.

Hana was quick to act and caught him before he fell upon his Goddess. Arue went to aid in supporting their now unconscious captain.

All under Hestia’s watchful eyes. Seeing the concern and relief in the girls as well.

With slow trudging steps, in an effort to not jostle Bell too much, the now complete Familia headed to their home.

Words that stung a fragile heart.

Doubt eating him apart.

A spark ignited his soul.

To strive to his goal.

Ambition alight, a fighting start.

Holy crap this chapter was an effort to put together. I just couldn’t find a good stopping point in it, so I just kept going until I hit the end. Full disclosure, I don’t plan to make my chapters this long if I can help it, for the sake of expediency of course. I am also aware that chapters like these can happen here and there on occasion.

Enough of all that though. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter!

Edit: I fixed an error (a series of them actually) in regards to my interpretation to the economy of Danmachi. Hopefully they are more digestible all together. This world does have a funny economy now that I looked at it more closely.

Chapter 4

Chapter Text

Chapter 4

Bell woke up feeling as if his whole body was a massive bruise. He blearily looked up from where he lay.

‘I’m in bed,’ he realized, feeling the soft mattress beneath him, the covers on him, and staring at the familiar ceiling, ‘I’m home.’

Bell stared at the ceiling above him, trying to remember exactly what happened to him last night.

The pub, Loki Familia, the mocking, the frustration, the dungeon.

‘The dungeon.’

Bell remembered what he did after his trip to the pub.

He ran right to the dungeon in, in hindsight, a fit of frustration.

He couldn’t remember completely what he did or what he fought when he arrived there. All he could remember is his frustration at his weakness and a desire to get stronger.

A desire, he realized, that hadn’t completely gone away.

There was another thing he remembered, he remembered walking out of the dungeon, feeling far worse than he does now, and walking back to his home. To his familia.

His familia.

‘Goddess,’ Bell thought, ‘I’m sorry.’

He could remember the expressions on his familia’s faces when he came back home. They were worried for him for who knows how long? While he was taking his frustrations out inside the dungeon, they were waiting for him at home the whole time.

He should have said something or done something at least to ease their worries and concerns. Bell knows this deep in his heart and knows what he did was wrong.

‘But even still,’ he thinks.

Bell recalls what he heard at the pub, what the werewolf said, how he laughed, how they laughed, the boiling frustration he felt at the words, the painful truth of them, and the fire they lit in his heart and soul.

‘I want to get stronger!’

That desire still burned heavily in his heart even as he lay there exhausted. His need to grow stronger, to prove to himself and to ‘her.’ That he was worthy of being an adventurer and worthy of…

The sound of a door opening drew Bell’s attention from his own inner thoughts. He glanced to where the sound was and saw his Goddess, Hestia, coming down the stairs.

She saw Bell was now awake and quickened her pace towards him, careful not to drop what she was carrying with her.

“Bell!” she cried, “You’re awake!”

She was at his side then, nearly leaning over him. Her worry was clear on her face and she was holding herself back from hugging him, less she upset his injuries.

Bell looked at his Goddess and what she was carrying. Two small vials that were familiar to Bell. A healing potion and a stamina potion. Something he feels he could use right about now.

“Godde-,” Bell choked then, finally feeling how dry his throat was.

“Calm down Bell,” Hestia said, “we’ve been giving you some healing potions when able and the last one was some time ago. I had to run to Miach to get more,” she laid a hand on his cheek and Bell blushed at the contact, “you’re looking a lot better than when you came home yesterday.”

‘Yesterday?’ Bell thought, ‘I’ve been asleep for a whole day?’

He knew he pushed himself, pushed himself hard. But it beggars belief that he pushed himself that far to need a whole day's rest and in all that time, his Goddess and Familia were taking care of and worrying over him.

He felt all the more guilty for his choice. He made no effort to hide that.

Hestia saw his expression and read his guilt, “Bell,” she began, “what you did was reckless. Very reckless! I would even go far to say it was foolish.”

Her words hit Bell, only compounding his guilt all the more. He turned his gaze down, staring at the blankets, seeing his hands clench the fabric.

Two soft hands landed on his cheeks then and gently directed his gaze up, to stare into his Goddess’s eyes. There should have been anger, sadness, judgment, anything that Bell honestly thought he deserved. Instead he saw relief in his Goddess’s eyes and the same kindness he recalls the day they first met.

“But you came back,” she said, her relief and joy evident, “you didn’t leave me,” she gently rubbed his cheeks some more, “thank you Bell.”

Bell had no words. He messed up, he ran into the dungeon, he didn’t tell anyone, he came back bloodied and sore, he left them worrying.

And his Goddess thanked him for just coming back.

Tears welled in his eyes and he bowed his head again, “I’m sorry,” he choked out, “I’m sorry.”

Hestia didn’t say anything, still holding onto her child, she brought him into a hug, gently rubbing his back.

Her first child was home, that was all that mattered.

Bell stared down at the piece of paper in disbelief and amazement. While he was resting, Hestia decided to be a bit proactive and check his status, as if anticipating what Bell wanted to see when he woke up.

Bell Cranel lvl 1

S: 77-120

E: 13-48

D: 93-142

A: 148-228

M: 0-74

His status jumped up so much! It was amazing! Were it not for the fact that in nearly killed him getting this far, he would be itching to go into the dungeon again.

He felt his Goddess glare at him, as if reading his thoughts.

After he cried a bit into his Goddess’s arms and drank both the healing and stamina potion, Hestia told Bell that he was prohibited from going into the dungeon today. She emphasized that he should take a break and recover some more, in addition, she told him that Arue and Hana were in the dungeon, doing their best for the familia. Bell almost wanted to rush out then and there when he heard but one hard look from Hestia was enough to give him pause.

She told him not to worry, that they both know their limits and will only stick to the first two floors. At least until Bell was well and rested for them to go further.

Bell was a little unhappy but understood. He already made his familia worried with him going down by himself and unlike him, Arue and Hana both had each other’s backs down there. Bell recalls seeing what they both were capable of. Arue was a quick casting spell-caster that could glass any low level monster on the upper floors. Hana was a skilled martial artist that could hold her own against the same foes as well.

Bell let the matter go and continued to view his status, moving onto his magic and skills.

He balked.

He saw ‘Drop of Eros’ and the long description of it still. But as he read on down to the ‘Tasks’ section, he was stunned.

Tasks completed:

Reward, 2 tier1 summon

Reward, 1 tier2 summon

Bonus tasks:

Kill 50 kobolds: reward- 1 tier3 summon

Kill 40 goblins: reward- 2 tier1 summon

Go down 5 floors and return alive with no healing potions: 1 tier3 summon

Go down 6 floors and return alive with no healing potions: 1 tier3 summon

Kill wall shadow: 2 tier2 summons

Kill 10 wall shadows: 1 tier4 summon

Summon limit: Tier 1-Tier 2

Blessed Summons available:12

Tier1- 4 summons

Tier2- 4 summons

Tier3- 3 summons

Tier4- 1 summons

Bell stared at the rewards he gained for his troubles. Twelve summons, he could summon twelve more Allies for his familia.

He almost couldn’t believe it, in fact, he couldn’t believe it at all.

He looked at his summon limit, noticing that it said he could summon between Tier 1 or Tier 2 at most. So how could he summon a few Tier 3 and a Tier 4?

It didn’t make sense to him.

“It’s the bonus tasks.”

Hestia, as if reading Bell’s confusion as an open book, answered. “I was just as puzzled as you, when I first read it but then I looked at the bonus tasks and that answered some things.”

Bell stared at where the bonus tasks were defined.

Bonus tasks are hidden and activated at random. Blessed summoning rewards varies.

“Rewards varies,” Bell read aloud, “then that means-”

“Yep,” Hestia chirped in, “the bonus tasks let you get the chance of acquiring higher Tier summons depending on what you do and what the tasks are,” she thought a moment before continuing, “If you hadn’t gone back into the dungeon, you would have gained just the initial task rewards, so three summons at most.”

Bell stared at the sheet again, still baffled by what he had gained, in both his status and his summonings.

“Still though,” Hestia went on, now staring at Bell with a firm gaze, “The risks of pushing yourself like that definitely outweigh the rewards,” her gaze became a bit more gentle, “please Bell. Promise me you won’t do something that dangerous again. If it can be avoided, please avoid it.”

Bell couldn’t bring himself to argue with his Goddess. How could he? It was his impulsiveness that landed him in his current condition anyway. He hurt his body, he worried his familia, he worried his Goddess.

“I promise Goddess,” he said, “I won’t do something that reckless again,” he smiled at her, “ I can’t call myself captain if I keep doing something as selfish as that all the time.”

Hestia smiled then and nodded, satisfied with the answer, “Now then,” she suddenly clapped her hands, “ do you want to see the new rooms the Goibnui familia built for us?”

Bell, now healed and full of energy, jumped from the bed. Excited to see the new look of his home.

He was stopped by his Goddess’s raised hand. Hestia had her head turned aside and was blushing crimson.

“Ummm, maybe you should put on some pants first,” she said, her voice cracking with embarrassment.

Bell looked down at himself now realizing he was freed of his bloody shirt he wore before and wearing a plain white one now.

He also now realized he was without pants.

“Gyaaa!! Goddess! What happened to my pants!?”

“They were damaged and covered in blood! We had to get them off to check for more injuries!”

“And you didn’t replace them!?”

“It was embarrassing the first time!”

“I’m embarrassed now!”

“Hold on Bell! I’ll get you some pants!” Hestia ran towards the small dresser where Bell kept his clothes.

Bell leapt back into bed and covered himself, only being grateful that they left his underwear on.

Now fully dressed in some comfortable casuals. Bell and his Goddess went upstairs to see their new renovated home.

Hestia had already seen the end result of the work but she couldn’t wait to see Bell’s reaction. Sure enough, she wasn’t disappointed.

“This is amazing Goddess!”

Bell’s reaction was exactly what Hestia expected. He was openly gaping at the lounge they walked into, the row of doors leading to the new rooms installed, he had to stop himself from running up the new stairs to see the new floor, he speed walked though.

The whole time, his Goddess was smiling at his reactions to everything new in their home. ‘He really is an excitable one, isn’t he?’ she thought with a smile, ‘but that’s my Bell!’

Finally seeing what was to see upstairs, Bell came back down, hand on the rail, admiring the smooth woodwork done to it.

“This is so amazing Goddess,” he said, “I can’t believe this was done in a night.”

Hestia nodded, “I was surprised too. Goibniu’s children did amazing work,” she looked up at the now foreshortened ceiling. Goibniu's children did have to make a whole floor to make room for more bedrooms and, if Hestia was honest, she would miss the tall ceiling of the church.

But it was worth it if they were gonna summon more people, especially since Bell went through all that work and effort.

“What did you think of the rooms?” Hestia asked.

Bell reached the bottom floor and replied, “I only looked into one of them upstairs,” he thought for a minute, “they’re a nice size to walk around in and the closet and desk looked nice enough. I’m surprised they got us beds though.”

Hestia smiled, “Technically we already had them,” noticing Bell’s puzzled expression, she elaborated, “When they built the rooms, they didn’t just use the equipment they brought with them,” she gestured to the open lounge where the altar use to be and the few pews in it, “they used materials lying around in the church as well. I know they made the beds out of the pews we weren’t using.”

Bell was impressed, leave it to a crafting God’s familia to make use of the materials around them. ‘Waste not, want not’ as the saying goes.

“So did you pick your room out yet?” Hestia suddenly asked.

Bell thought for a moment before remembering something, “Wait, did Arue and Hana pick out their rooms yet?”

Hestia nodded and walked to a door close to the lounge and pointed up slightly on it. On the door was a piece of discolored wood nailed in, on it it said ‘Hana.’

“They picked their rooms when construction was done. Hana picked a room close to the main lounge and Arue picked one upstairs,” Hestia explained, “I think she picked the one closest to the stairs if I’m not mistaken.”

Bell nodded and thought of the remaining rooms available.

“In that case,” he said, “I’ll take the room farther down on the second floor, by the church hall window,” Bell liked to wake up to sunlight, gave him a welcoming feeling to the day ahead.”

Hestia nodded, “In that case, I’ll take the room next to yours,” she gave Bell a smile, “I hope that’s alright. I’m just more comfortable being near my first child is all.”

Bell thought nothing wrong about that. His Goddess felt safe near him and he could oblige.

“It’s no problem at all Goddess,” he said, “I’m glad you feel safe near me,” and he did genuinely, his Goddess’s faith in him was uplifting as always.

Though the honest reason why Hestia wanted the room so close to Bell was less flattering.

In truth, she wanted to keep an ear open in case any of the girls tried to sneak into Bell’s room.

Never too careful with someone as cute as Bell.

Arue and Hana were returning from their trip into the dungeon. Carrying the spoils of their troubles.

Just a bit over ten thousand valis from their efforts today, a good haul all things considered, but a tiring one to be sure.

They both left for the dungeon early in the morning and were only now coming back in the late afternoon. Feeling their tired and sore bodies aching with each step.

Arue really needed to work on the power of her spells. Blasting the monster and magical stone is not economical.

How Bell did this by himself everyday and not just collapse from the effort of it all was beyond them. Maybe he really was a rabbit after all. Seems to have the stamina of one.

Arue knew why they both were so tired, they honestly had no issues with the monsters on the floors themselves. Between Hana’s intermediate martial art skills and Arue’s sweeping magic spells, really just fireball, the duo could handle themselves safely enough.

But between the long ours they spent in the dungeon, the tedious work of picking up magic stones, fighting monsters popping up here or there, there was still something that taxed their thoughts all day.

The condition of their summoner, their captain, Bell Cranell.

When he arrived home yesterday, covered nearly all over with cuts, bruises, and blood, Arue and Hana both were shocked at his condition and that he was still able to make it home.

Arue wanted to berate Bell at first, and still may if he was awake right now, but something else rings in her mind, and not just hers. Hana too had the same thing running through her mind.

“I want to get stronger.”

These simple words, they are what rang through their minds.

More accurately, it was the sincerity in them. Many could say ‘I want to get stronger,’ or, ‘I can do this,’ or anything similar, and oftentimes they would seldom mean it. It would just be said to encourage oneself a bit or to assure those around them with just a bit of confidence.

Bell was not that person, when he said he wanted to get stronger, he meant it with his heart and soul.

Arue thought for a moment that Bell was a character from one of the many stories she read, or the ones she wrote. Someone who is more likely to appear in a work of fiction than in reality.

It made her excited to have such a person as her summoner and captain.

Hana by contrast was more enthralled by Bell’s sheer determination. It was no secret that Hana appreciated all things eccentric and unique and yesterday, Bell hit the marks. Going into the dungeon with just a dagger and casual clothes? Stupid? Definitely. Brave? Absolutely. Eccentric? Without a doubt. Inspiring? Not even a question.

Hana knew of only one other person that had that kind of drive. Someone from another life.

If she were here. She would probably paint a masterpiece to convey her feelings. Hana might do the same.

They both finally arrived at the door of their home and with little heed, they went in.

Hestia and Bell were lounging in the main lounge when they heard the door open. They looked to see two familiar figures walking in, looking a tad haggard but no worse for where.

“Welcome back,” said Bell with a smile, glad to see them home.

“Glad you made it back okay,” said Hestia, “I hope it wasn’t too much trouble without Bell.”

Arue and Hana were looking at the person just mentioned, their relief clear on their face.

“Bell,” Hana said, moving down the hall to reach him in the lounge. She stopped a bit away to look him over, checking for any lingering injuries.

Bell saw what she was doing and reassured her, “It’s alright Hana. I’m healed up now,” he looked down then hiding a frown, “I’m sorry for worrying you.”

Hana looked at Bell again, seeing his expression and knew his words were genuine.

“Don’t worry,” she said, “what you did was reckless and we all were worried about you,” Bell didn’t raise his head at her words, still feeling guilty for worrying them, “However. I was absolutely inspired by your courage in going into the dungeon by yourself.”

Her words made Bell bring his head back up. Courage? Him? He was more frustrated than brave if he was honest.

“In fact,” Hana continued, bringing a clenched fist up, “I was almost tempted to rush into the dungeon myself and do nearly the same.”

Bell was relieved that she didn’t.

“Only I would have gone in with less on!”


Hana spoke passionately, “To brave the dungeon on your own with just your plain clothes and a knife was inspiring enough,” she stared hard into Bell’s eyes, her passionate burning determination scaring him a little, “but to go bare, with nothing but your natural born form,” she paused, as if savoring the thought, “would be an exciting experience. Nay! An eccentric experience!”

She turned away from Bell then, her face was glowing a bit red now, “Yet I still haven’t reached that level of bravery just yet,” she said, voice more reserved,

“And you won’t be that brave! Never that brave!! Absolutely not that brave!!!” Hestia was quick to exclaim, now over the shock of Hana’s sudden speech.

“Like I said, not yet that brave.”

“Not that brave!”



Hestia and Hana were in a verbal loop that could make Bell’s head spin if he listened for too long. So he tuned them out and went to face Arue, who moved closer to him but not taking her eyes off the amusing display.

“Always something interesting going on in this home,” she said before turning to face Bell, “Are you alright Bell?”

Bell was going to give a simple yes before realizing she wasn’t talking then just his physical health. He vaguely remembered when he limped his way back home and into the arms of his familia. They all asked what happened and he never gave them an answer. Only a statement.

“I want to get stronger.”

Bell signed deeply before looking at Arue, his mind clear, “I’m better now,” he said, “I did something dumb and I know that. I don’t plan on doing it again though,” he smiled a bit, “I can’t worry my familia like that again, sorry.”

Arue stared a bit longer at him, her expression unreadable, before she gave a small smile and nodded, “Glad to hear,” she said, “We were just summoned forth in this world by a rather cute and kind summoner. We don’t want to lose you so soon after fighting alongside you.”

Bell nodded, accepting the words and slight criticism he heard, before pausing at a few select ones. Cute and kind.

Bell blushed at the compliments now that they registered, a reaction that Arue expected and planned for.

It was time to punish Bell for his recklessness.

“Bell!” Arue exclaimed, making Bell stand straight backed in attention, “You have earned the fury of a crimson demon with your actions. Such an act only comes with dire punishments,” she did a pose and pointed a finger at him, mere inches from his face, “Are you ready for what is to come?”

Bell was shocked by this sudden turn of events and could only reply, “Yes!”

He tried not to make his voice hitch in suprise. He failed.

Arue nodded, “Good,” she said with a smile, “then your punishment for worrying us is the worst punishment I could think of for someone like you.”

Bell gulped.

“It is something you have never been prepared for. Something I noticed during my time with you.”

Bell was sweating now.

“This revelation I discovered has allowed me to form a punishment that you can not run from, no matter how hard you try.”

Bell was shaking now.

“Your punishment is this! Secret Crimson Demon Technique!”

Arue walked up to him and Bell closed his eyes at what was to come. His nerves finally caved in. He only hoped that whatever punishment was coming, he would be able to walk away from it intact.

He felt hands on his shoulders and was brought forward, the next thing he knew, a soft sensation covered his head.

He opened his eye, only to see darkness but he did pick up a pleasant smell in the darkness.

“Crimson Embrace!” Arue said, her voice close to his ears, “The ultimate punishment for shy little rabbits like you, Bell.”

Bell moved his head up slightly and noticed light and vision were coming back to him. As he turned his head up, the softness he was feeling was ebbing off and what he saw made him pause.

He saw Arue’s smiling face close by, her visible crimson eye gleaming. He also noticed where his head was.

Pressed firmly but gently between her breasts.

Her large soft breasts.

That half his face was pressed into right now.

Bell’s own face grew fire red and he tried to get out of the soft prison he found himself in, only to feel Arue’s arms circle around his shoulders and head and press him back into the soft darkness of her chest.

He gave a muffled cry and waved his arms about, seemingly panicking.

Arue was not deterred in her administering of punishment. Bell had to pay for his recklessness and this was the best/amusing punishment she could think of for him.

Bell made it clear he had almost no experience around women when Hana was summoned. The shower incident that followed gave all the info she needed to gauge Bell’s character.

And it was working wonderfully right now.

“Embrace the soft punishment you brought upon you,” she said dramatically, “be trapped and know fear!”

Bell flailed his arms about, unable to escape the soft prison he found himself in. This was indeed a mighty punishment for someone like him.

His savior eventually came.

“What do you think you’re doing to my Bell!”

The shout of the shortstack Goddess came from the side as Hestia barged her way between Bell and Arue. Bell drew in a breath of air, recovering from the soft and pleasant smelling prison he was just in.

Arue stood back, hands up in faux surrender, “Hestia,” she began with a smile, “I was just punishing Bell for worrying us so bad yesterday.” Her tone gave way that this was less ‘punishment’ and more amusem*nt than anything else.

Hestia would not have it, “Ridiculous!” she exclaimed, “As if you had his head squeezed to your chest as ‘punishment,’ that’s a reward if anything!”

Bell would disagree, having been completely caught off guard by the abruptness.

He tried to rid the pleasant sensation he recalls from his buxom prison. He was not succeeding.

“Come now Hestia,” Arue spoke in a chiding tone, “what better punishment is there for a sheltered boy like Bell. Look at him. Now he knows what awaits him if he tries something like that again.”

Hestia didn’t believe her, not even for a moment. This was just Arue being Arue.

“Like hell that was a punishment! That was just an excuse to put your mitts on Bell!”

“It was a punishment for him, but a reward for me.”

“Why would you need a reward!?”

“We just came back from the dungeon and without our senior member backing us up, we had to be extra careful and work extra hard. So I needed a little extra from my captain.”

“Well enough is enough. No hugs for you.”

“Alright. Alright…maybe later.”

Hestia tried to tackle her but Arue stuck out an arm and held the short Goddess back by her head, looking amused all the while.

Hestia, by contrast, was waving her arms forward and was unsuccessfully trying to reach her.

It seemed to be a theme with the two. Arue enjoyed teasing the Goddess and Hestia was quick to respond.

Hana was standing beside Bell now and looking at the show before them. She looked to Bell and asked, “It’s always gonna be like this with them isn’t it?”

Bell could only sigh, his embarrassment at Arue’s ‘punishment’ had worn off, “Yeah, I think it will be.”

Hana looked back to Hestia and Arue before looking back at Bell, a smile on her face, “Eccentric.”

Bell could only sigh and nodded again but found himself smiling a short moment later.

He was alright, his familia was alright. Everything was alright.

Hestia finally succeeded in getting past Arue’s hand and tackled her to the ground before going for her face and began pinching, Arue reciprocated.

Bell sighed once again.

Everything was alright…for now.

After a while, and dabbing at some now sore cheeks, Hestia called all Familia members into the main lounge. When everyone was sitting on the pews in front of the standing Goddess, Hestia began telling Arue and Hana the news. On Bell’s completion of the tasks he was assigned by the magic and the bonus tasks that were completed as well.

Arue and Hana were both happy that Bell completed the tasks assigned when they first entered the dungeon, glad that their efforts bore results for their summoner. It was when Hestia described the bonus tasks, that they started to be surprised, shocked, and dumbfounded.

When they are summoned, they are given knowledge about the world they are to be made to. From basics like language and general knowledge to some certain specifics based on their character. But both do hold knowledge on the magic that brought them here. That recreated them from another world so that they could be here.

It wasn’t complete knowledge on either of their ends though, possibly intentional, but it was enough for them to know one thing.

‘It wasn’t normal for someone to complete those tasks at level one.’

They both took a glance at Bell who was smiling at his success for the boon he gained with his work.

There was definitely more to Bell than meets the eye it seems.

“Lady Hestia,” Arue started, “Are there any more tasks that Bell was assigned when you got his status?”

Hestia shook her head, “No,” she replied, “I didn’t see anymore new tasks assigned to Bell. I thought he would get new ones after completing the old ones.”

“Strange,” Arue added in, “Do you have any ideas why Goddess?”

Hestia closed her eyes and thought about it a bit more. That magic was fickle enough as it is with Eros’s name attached to it but that was honestly Hestia’s bias coming through.

There could be a number of reasons why there were no new tasks but maybe the simplest answer was the obvious one.

And Bell was the one to voice it.

“Maybe it’s giving us a break.”

The girls were looking at Bell now, wondering what he meant.

Bell continued, “Maybe after I complete the tasks, it gives me a break from doing more,” he scratched the back of his head with a sense of modesty, “it’s what I would do whenever I got my chores done, back where I was from.”

The reason was impossibly simple…and possibly correct. It made sense to Hestia the more she thought about it, that there would be a wait time before more tasks were assigned. It gave the user time to rest and prepare for more to come.

And if he couldn’t wait for any to be assigned, that’s where the bonus tasks came in. They were random to be sure and risky to boot, but they were there if one got impatient in waiting for the general tasks.

Yes, the more Hestia thought about it, the more it made sense. Though still, it was mysterious magic. So who knows the real reason?

For now though, Bell’s explanation was as good as any the other three could think of, for now at least.

Hestia cleared her throat again and brought about a new subject. Namely the new opportunity that they are now presented with.

Bell could now summon upon twelve new allies. A relative boon if ever there was one. With that many to summon, Hestia familia would grow by leaps and bounds. But a question arose that was unexpected.

“Should we really summon that many?”

The question came from Hestia herself, who was looking unsure about the whole idea itself.

Bell was quick to ask, “Why is that Goddess?,” he didn’t sound upset, merely curious and a bit worried, given his Goddess’s demeanor, “Isn’t it good for our familia to grow?”

It was good for the familia to grow, especially since recruiting from the city had been negligible at best and barren at worst for results.

Hestia nodded and decided to explain, “I’m not against the idea of us expanding our numbers it’s just-,”

Arue cut her off, understanding the dilemma, “It’s just that we are still a new familia and you’re worried about attracting too much attention with a sudden jump in members.”

Hestia nodded in agreement, “Yeah. I know the deities well, and a crazy increase in membership like now would definitely make some of them curious.”

“And ambitious,” Hana added, coming to her own conclusion.

“Yes! Exactly,” Hestia agreed, pointing at Hana, “It’s a risk we currently cannot have as a no-name familia.”

That admission hurt Hestia to say but then again, it would hurt worse if anything happened to her familia because some god or goddess with time, ambition, and amusem*nt on their mind did anything.

There were certainly enough in the city with such goals.

“With that in mind,” Hestia continued, “If we want to summon anyone else, we have to be limited in our selection,” she sat down then, just across from her children and gave a deep sigh, tired with the topic.

She still wasn’t too thrilled about Bell’s magic, more so since a certain God’s name was attached to it. But she would be a fool not to make use of it, especially since Arue and Hana have already been a good help so far, and the more help the better for Bell and the familia.

“Then we should make this as simple as possible,” Arue said, folding one arm under her chest and propping the other one on it to hold her chin in thought, “Bell. You have one summon in Tier-four and three in Tier-three?”

Bell nodded.

Arue continued, “Then summoning the Tier-four is an obvious choice. As one myself, we could get someone with similar or even greater magic power to my own,” she gave a hum, “or we could get someone with great physical might instead.”

Bell couldn’t find fault in Arue’s logic there. Getting another ally like Arue would be a definite boon for the familia.

The real issue is how many and which Tiers should he focus on. Eventually though Bell’s curiosity came to play. He had summoned a Tier-four with Arue as the result. Hana was brought forth as a Tier-one summon.

And he definitely couldn’t rule out Hana’s usefulness, despite being a lower Tier, she was capable enough in the dungeon and he could imagine she wasn’t the only one in her Tier that was capable as well.

Still though, Bell was curious about the other Tiers and what they could bring.

Maybe it’s time to see what the other two Tiers could offer and what characters he’ll meet.

“How about this,” Bell started, “I would like to summon three allies. One from Tier-four, one from Tier-three, and one from Tier-two.”

It seemed like a good idea, definitely an odd one, though one Goddess had one question to ask.

“Why not summon the Tier-four and the whole of the Tier-threes? Wouldn’t that be better?”

It was a valid question and Bell did have a reply, albeit a simple one.

“I just would like to see who we’d meet in the other Tiers,” Bell was a curious individual through and through and honest to a fault.

A fault that Hestia loved about him.

“Alright,” Hestia said, smiling at her child, “It’s as good a reason as any and we probably shouldn’t summon all our best options straight out of the blue.”

Summoning someone like Arue was one thing, summoning too many of those just a Tier beneath her might just draw the attention they’re trying to avoid.

Bell smiled at his Goddess, his gratitude visible on his face. He turned toward Arue and Hana, to find that they wore similar smiles. Their agreement is apparent as well.

“Well!” exclaimed the Goddess, who rose and gave a clap of her hands, “Let’s get ready to welcome some new members to the familia.”

“Yes!” Her children chorused.

They got the area in the lounge ready for Bell’s magic, before a sudden thought crossed Hana’s mind.

“Oh Bell! I remembered something,” she said, gaining his attention, “when we were coming home, I overheard some waitresses from a pub talking outside about a ‘white haired dine and dasher,’” Bell froze in place at her words, “do you know anything about that?” Hana finished, her tone not accusing but merely curious.

Bell realized he forgot something important and recalled the Pub owner. Of how big she was compared to him, and muscular, and why he wouldn’t want to upset her.

He had to do something!

Faster than any were prepared, Bell dashed upstairs to his room and dashed back down nearly as quickly, carrying a money pouch when he came down.

He didn’t stop moving and dashed his way towards the door, “I’m sorry!” he shouted, “I have to take care of something real quick!” He was out the door before any of them could ask anything.

The remaining members and their Goddess were left looking at the door that Bell ran out of, completely flabbergasted by his switch from excitement to sheer terror.

Hana gave a hum as she stared out to where Bell ran. Before coming to an epiphany and dropped a fist into her palm in realization.

“Ah, Bell was the dine and dasher.”

Her statement drew blank looks from Hestia and Arue.

Another day in the Hestia familia.

The rabbit returns from the pit.

To a worried goddess, with a fit.

Now together, they planned.

To call more allies to this land.

Now if only that rabbit could find time to sit.

AN: Sorry for the long update. Lots of stuff happened and it took my mind from my words. I thank you all for your patience. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. See ya next time!

Chapter 5

Chapter Text

Chapter 5

It wasn’t so long before Bell returned, looking haggard and defeated after a long sprint to the Hostess of Fertility. Mama Mia was annoyed at first and even threatened to hunt him down if he ever dined and dashed her establishment again.

Bell remembers shaking like a leaf under her glower. Though she didn’t stay angry for long, not with someone as earnest as Bell, she gave Bell a pat on the back, nearly flooring him with her strength, and wished him the best. Assuring him that he was welcomed to come back anytime.

Overall it could have ended worse and Bell was grateful to return home in one piece.

Now he returns and sees what the rest of his familia had been up to during his brief absence.

They had pushed the pews in the lounge far apart from the center area, making a great deal of space for what was about to happen.

Hestia, Arue, and Hana were on one side of the room, seemingly just finishing moving the last pew. They all turned to see Bell coming through the door, their expressions different from one another.

Arue had a teasing smile on her face, finding his earlier panic humorous. Hana didn’t reveal much in terms of facial expressions but she had a gleam in her eyes that spoke plenty of how she felt from his previous behavior. His Goddess gave him an exasperated look and a small smile, as if unsurprised by his actions and fully ready to comfort him if he needed it.

Bell could tell he was in for some teasing later. As he approached them all he could do was smile gently with a bit of red to his own face. Now realizing that he could have conducted himself in a more professional manner.

But it’s just his nature to react like that at times, especially if he feels guilty about something, like accidental dine and dashing.

“Sorry about that,” he said as he approached them, scratching the back of his head sheepishly, “I had to correct a mistake I made at the pub.”

Arue was about to say something, most likely a teasing remark, before Hestia placed her hand on her mouth before she got a word out, “It’s alright Bell,” the Goddess said, “it’s nice that you were responsible for your actions and I’m ‘sure’ Arue and Hana are just as happy and won’t give you any trouble over it. Right?”

The Goddess’s emphasis on her words were clear for Hana and Arue, the last thing the two wanted was an irate Hestia to deal with. Arue’s cheeks were still sore from earlier.

With some effort, Arue nodded and withdrew her teasing expression. Hana lost her gleam in her eye and seemed to pout a bit, which was adorable, Bell had to admit, used to seeing her with a neutral expression most times.

With her duty done, Hestia withdrew her hand from Arue and gestured for Bell to come over, “Alright Bell,” she began, “we cleared out the lounge a bit for you to work with. Whenever you’re ready.”

Bell nodded and walked close to the center of the lounge, now bigger by a good margin with the furniture moved aside.

Hestia watched her child get ready to use his spell with mixed emotions. She was happy Bell was eager to use his magic to help the familia grow and she was happy to have more members watching his back during his trips into the dungeon and she was definitely happy to have a bigger income for her familia’s coffers. She didn’t think she would ever have coffers a while ago. She truly had much to be thankful for.

Even still though, Bell’s new magic somehow came from one of the most perverted Gods Hestia had ever known. A God that swam in debauchery and preached on and on about love and lust. A God that Hestia never wanted to be associated with. A God that, by all rights, shouldn’t have an interest in the mortal world, other than being a glorified peeping voyeur.

So why had he done something like this now? Why give a gift to the mortal world, knowing the consequences that brings?

Hestia didn’t like to think too hard about that last thought. There was also another thing that bothered her about the magic.

She looked around and saw Arue and Hana, both waiting like her for the summoning to begin. Hestia stared at them long and hard for a bit before looking back towards Bell, ‘I know what to expect,’ she thought, ‘but so many pretty girls around my Bell is still something I can’t get used to!’

It was an immature thought…and she did not care. As was the case with this hopeless virgin goddess.

She focused then, putting her full attention on her first child. Now wasn’t the time for wandering thoughts, now was the time to witness results.

Bell stuck out his arm, his focus set, best start small and end big.

‘Tier-two is first’

His mind set, he began the incantation.

“By my voice, hear. By my words, come. Answer my call and come forth.”

Before Bell's eyes, the same phenomenon happened. The magic seemed to come from the very air around him and began to form the flower of light just about to bloom. Sure enough it did, the reds and pinks he saw brightened as the flower opened up and once again, he closed his eyes from the intensity. When he felt the magic dissipate and the light died down, Bell elected to open his eyes and see his results.

‘Tier-2 summon complete.’

The phantom voice only he could hear confirmed his hopes. He summoned exactly what he wished, now to see who he summoned.

As the light finished dying down, a figure could be seen.

It was another woman close to Bell’s age, around sixteen or seventeen. She had long blonde hair that was tied with a red ribbon, giving an appearance of rabbit ears with how it was styled. Her clothing was like a school uniform of some kind but was much different than Hana’s was, the short blue skirt was the most different, as well as the blue collar and long orange tie. Her long leggings and modest shoes finished the ensemble.

Bright blue eyes blinked at Bell when all the magic dissipated around them, they looked at him for a moment before turning and looking at Hestia, then Hana, then Arue. Her eyes took in all of them before looking around herself in general, taking in her surroundings.

“Woah,” she said, after seeing all she could around her, “This is crazy. I know that I’m in a new world but,” she trailed off, nervousness mixing with disbelief, “It’s still crazy to think about and kinda scary too.”

Bell felt a little sympathy at that, recalling his first few days in Orario, when he left his little piece of the world behind and saw how vast the rest of it was. It still kinda scared him a little still if he were honest.

That brings another thought to Bell, though they are ‘recreated’, as Arue put it, they were still coming from worlds very different from his own and if Bell put himself in their shoes, he imagined he would be scared as well.

This compelled him to act, reaching out with his hand, with a soft smile on his face, Bell introduced himself, “Hello. I’m Bell Cranell. I’m the one who summoned you.”

He felt his introduction could use some work, now that he spoke it out loud. But how do you introduce yourself to someone from another world? Arue practically accepted it as easy as breathing. Hana’s first introduction to the world was Bell passing out in front of her and still she didn’t seem perturbed by her new surroundings, if anything, she was excited.

This new girl was still nervous and turned to Bell. She saw him with his arm extended and hand held out. She looked up at him as if he was hiding some kind of deceit or motive. After a bit of time staring into his eyes, which honestly distracted her, given that they were a color she had never seen in another person, she determined that he was being honest.

She walked up to him and shook his hand with her own, “Chitoge,” she began, “Chitoge Kirisaki. It’s nice to meet you, Bell Cranell.”

She had a strong grip despite her lithe appearance.

Bell shook her hand and smiled, glad to make a positive impression. Chitoge relaxed a bit as well, any suspicions she had put mostly to rest thanks to Bell's honest demeanor. ‘He’s a good guy,’ she thought.

Bell then gestured to the others behind him and Chitoge finally saw everyone else. She went over to greet them as well.

“Greetings,” Arue said when Chitoge was closer, “Fellow being from the great beyond, it brings me joy to have another ally to our cause,” she brought a hand up to her brow and did some kind of pose, Chitoge saw then the eyepatch she wore and that she had a red eye that was darker than Bell’s, almost crimson

“Relish this opportunity, newcomer!” Arue exclaimed, “you now fight alongside a demon. Be fortunate that I have not stake a claim on your soul, for I am Arue the most voluptuous of the Criimson-eek!” she suddenly screeched, cutting herself off from continuing. Arue looked behind her with a glare and saw her Goddess holding her hand up with her index finger and thumb ready to pinch again.

She rubbed her bottom, her theatrics thoroughly extinguished, “That was mean Goddess,” she whined.

“If I didn’t stop you,” the now identified Goddess started, “we’d be here until morning. Stick to making basic introductions or I’m going for the other cheek next.”

Hestia turned her attention to Chitoge, “Sorry about that. Arue is one of my more dramatic children,” she gave a polite bow, “I’m Hestia, Goddess of this familia. Nice to meet you.”

Chitoge did a double take, this was a Goddess? When she was summoned, the information she was given upon arrival did tell her this world had Gods and Goddesses inhabiting it alongside mortals. It was a little staggering to be sure but it felt like something she could handle.

Though, when she expected to see a God or Goddess, she didn’t expect them to be so…short…and stacked.

“Hmmm? Is something wrong?” Hestia asked, co*cking her head at Chitoge’s focused attention.

Chitoge brought her attention back up to the Goddess’s face, “Nothing! Nothing’s wrong,” she stumbled for an explanation, “Just trying to get used to the surroundings is all.”

Hestia crossed her arms over her chest, she knew Chitoge was lying but it seemed like a harmless lie so she let it go. It was time to move on anyway.

“Well not to overstimulate you or anything,” Hestia began, “but we’re summoning two more next. After that I’ll give you your blessing, sound good?”

Chitoge blinked, two more summonings? She looked behind her at Bell, who was drinking from a vile of some kind. A potion perhaps? He finished drinking and proceeded to get ready again.

Chitoge was immensely curious then and there, the thought of seeing the magic that brought her forth grabbed her attention immediately and she found herself viewing the action alongside everyone else.

Bell prepared to cast the spell again, the mind potion helpfully provided him with more mana to work with.

He wasn’t too winded from summoning Chitoge, but the Goddess was adamant he refresh his energy after every summon to be safe.

She reassured his worries about any cost by telling him that Miach, a good friend and fellow God, gave them to her at a discount. She didn’t say how much but she didn’t seem bothered by any cost.

It reassured Bell a little, just a little.

He cleared his thoughts and focused on the task at hand. He began the spell.

“By my voice, hear. By my words, come. Answer my call and come forth.”

Again the bright flower of light and magic came forth, brightening as it bloomed. Bell closed his eyes once again.

It was really bright!

‘Tier-3 summon complete.’

Bell opened his eyes again to see who he brought forth. His breath caught in his throat at who he summoned.

She was an older woman than those he summoned so far, emanating a mature and professional beauty by her presence alone.

She had tan-dark skin like that of an amazon, only a tad lighter, if that. Her long dark hair went down past her waist, with two bangs framing a serious face and green eyes behind a pair of red glasses.

It was her outfit however that really drew attention. She wore a red dress of some kind that left little to the imagination, it seemed similar to some far east clothing he had seen in the city, only much more minimal. With it leaving her shoulders, the middle of her chest, and stomach exposed. The dress seemed to cover the important bits of her large chest somehow, much to Bell’s relief. It seemed additionally secured by a pair of white belts at her waist.

Finishing off her wears, she wore black nylon leggings and her sleeves were of similar make. Topping it off with white-heeled dress shoes.

She was without a doubt, one of the most exotic looking women Bell had met. She was so stunning that Bell just stared at her with his mouth agape.

Like an idiot.

The woman stared at Bell, her expression shifting into one of concern. She was waiting for him to introduce himself so she could do so in kind, but it seems that her summoner was on another plane of existence.

She turned her attention to those behind him, seeing their expressions were wide-eyed and agape as well.

This made her smile a bit, they clearly weren’t expecting someone like her to show up. Her tactician mind formulated up multiple scenarios she could approach this as. She chose a more direct and simple path to take. Expediency was needed.

She walked up to Bell, raised a hand to his chin and closed his mouth with an audible ‘pop.’

“It’s rude to stare you know,” the words were simple and spoken in a polite tone.

It was all the stimulation Bell needed to wake up from his stupor.

Jumping back a bit, with speed that surprised the woman, Bell gave a deep bow.

“I’m sorry!” he exclaimed, “I didn’t mean to stare!”

The woman blinked at him, he was a curious one to be sure, and definitely a shy one. She could work with this, with patience of course.

She walked up to him and introduced herself, “My name is Koukin Shuuyu, I hope you’ll do me the courtesy of introducing yourself.”

Bell floundered a bit before standing straighter and replying, though not looking directly at her, “My name is Bell Cranell, it’s nice to meet you Miss Shuuyu.”

He was staring up at the ceiling now, much to Koukin’s chagrin. Why wasn’t he looking her in the eye? Is he trying to be shy and rude all at once?

“Why do you not look at me?” she asked, “Did I do something to offend you?”

Bell, to his credit, brought his gaze back to her, and apologetic look on his red face now, “No it’s nothing like that,” he said, trying to keep his gaze centered on her face,“It’s just that-,” he lost his words for a moment, “we haven’t really seen anyone who is-,”

“One wardrobe malfunction away from baring herself to the world.”

Hestia came from behind Bell and looked Koukin over herself, “How can you wear that without feeling embarrassed, or at least a bit cold?”

Her question caught her off guard and amused Koukin a bit, who replied, “Given the information I’m provided upon my summoning, aren’t there adventurers out there that go out with even less on?”

Hestia was about to reply but stopped herself. She was right, in the times Hestia worked her part time jobs at the food stands, she would see adventures, especially amazons, walk around with apparel that could be considered underwear to most others. It was something she eventually got used to…eventually.

With a grumble, she agreed, “That is true, but this home hasn’t had someone so boldly dressed. So we’re unprepared.”

Koukin gave a shrug, “Then that’s something we’ll overcome at a later date I imagine,” she said, “until that time, is there anything else? Or are introductions done?”

She didn’t want to sound rude, but it felt like there was something else to be done, not just her blessing.

Hestia nodded, “We’re about to summon our third and final member for now,” she pointed over her shoulder at the rest of the familia, “please wait over there with us so Bell could perform his magic again.”

Magic, the word was strange to Koukin with her new knowledge mixed in with her old. What was rare in her world and could be considered a blessing from heaven or a curse from Hell, depending on what side she was on, was practically commonplace here. It was used to harm and heal and many other things besides.

She shook her head of any more wandering thoughts, there was time for more information later. Right now, she would be able to witness it with her own eyes.

She walked over to where the others were and tried not to be bemused by their expressions on their faces. They were as taken aback by her appearance as her summoner was.

It was entertaining in its own way but hopefully they can get over it relatively soon.

Koukin Shuuyu was not one for distractions, the strategist of GO was about efficiency and victory.

If she could voice one complaint however, it was that she didn’t have her queen and lover by her side as well. That would have made things much more bearable and greater for her.

Bell regained his focus again and prepared to cast the spell for a third and final time.

He hoped that this time, he wouldn’t make a fool of himself like he did in front of Miss Shuuyu.

He had seen amazons in Orario’s streets dozens of times and he didn’t get flustered as bad as he did then.

Granted he was a better distance away than he was with Shuuyu, but still,

Bell focused, getting himself ready for the third and last summon for a while.

‘Time for the fourth-tier.’

“By my voice, hear. By my words, come. Answer my call and come forth.”

Again the flower of light and magic formed and forced Bell to close his eyes.

This can’t be good for him.

The light died down and Bell opened them to see his new ally.

She was another older woman but while Koukin had the pose of someone analytical, this one held themselves like a warrior.

She had long purple hair tied up in two stylized pigtails, with two bangs curing down beside a stern and focused face, where orange-yellow eyes stared at him with calculated intensity.

Her apparel was quite unique, like Koukin’s, but definitely not as risqué. She wore white and black clothes that reminded Bell of some eastern designs he’d seen, with her puffy dark pants sporting a cloud like design on them adding to the theme and seemingly held together with a yellow corset with an odd symbol upon it. In addition, she had what appeared to be golden armor on her arms and legs. The armor on her arms covered her forearms and hands partially, while the armor on her legs were greaves that covered her knees all the way down to her feet. Her last armor was a pauldron of some kind over her left shoulder.

The woman stared at Bell for a moment before turning her gaze to look around herself, taking in the building and the people in it. She gave a long sigh that Bell thought she sounded relieved, next she spoke quietly but Bell could make out the words.

“Another chance, I mustn’t waste it.”

She knelt then, surprising Bell, and greeted him.

“My name is Takeru Yamato! I am here to serve with blade in hand,” she reached for something at her waist, only to find it empty, this briefly caught her off guard but she recovered well enough, “I swear, as a warrior of Zipang, to fight with honor by your side.”

Bell was thrown for a loop, this was so sudden, so formal, he felt like that this was a bit much for someone like him.

“Thank you,” he said, “I appreciate it, but you don’t need to kneel to me,” he knelt down to her, drawing her gaze up to him, they were both at eye level.

“In this familia, we’re family,” Bell didn’t know where these words came from but they felt like the right ones to say right then.

Takeru stared at Bell, her expression unmoving, before nodding and standing once again. Bell followed her up and could swear he saw a small and brief phantom smile on her face.

“Very well,” she said, “You may be right, in that we’re family, but you are the captain of this familia, are you not?”

“I am,” Bell replied with honesty.

Takeru nodded, “Then please allow me to call you captain at the very least, I’m afraid this whole situation is new to me and I would feel more comfortable with more-,” she trailed off as if looking for the word, “familiar terms to address you by.”

Bell wanted to argue and say it was alright for her to call him by his name but thought against it, reminded that every new summon is going to approach their new existence in their own way. If Takeru wanted to start off with more formal terms of address, then Bell couldn’t really argue. If it made her more comfortable, he would acquiesce.

“Alright then. Let’s get you introduced to the others.”

With that said, they both went to where the others were, introducing everyone to the third and final summoned ally for a while. Names were said, introductions made, and plans were set for them to get registered for the guild.

First things first though.

“And done! You can put your shirt back on.

Takeru gave a nod and went to put her shirt, sans armor, back on.

She was the last one to receive the blessing of the three just summoned forth. Hestia just went in whichever order they were summoned in for simplicity’s sake.

Once her shirt was secured over herself, Takeru glanced back at her, now Goddess, to see one of two sheets of paper held out towards her. She took it and began to read.

Takeru Yamato lvl 1

S: 77

E: 54

D: 60

A: 64

M: 40


Imperial Blade of Flames: Focused magic. Damage increased with greater focus. Risk of damaging the user.


Endurance of Zipang: The more damage received, the greater increase in strength and endurance.

Passion Recipient: Status can be increased to a degree by intimacy with the summoner. Full copulation results in better increases. Results to status vary upon intent and focus.

A solid start to be sure, with what information she’d been given upon her summoning, she knew that these were high stats for an initial blessing.

‘That last skill though..’

Like those before her, she looked at the skill with surprise and a no small amount of suspicion. It was an odd skill to be sure but with benefits that went without saying.


Definitely an unorthodox way to get stronger for sure, she glanced up at the other two who received their blessing alongside her.

Chitoge looked down at hers and despite a red face on reading a skill they shared, she was happy with her stats at least.

Chitoge Kirisaki lvl 1

S: 34

E: 25

D: 42

A: 30

M: 0


Bee Hive: Great temporary increase in agility, strength, and dexterity when in a party. Greater increase when in a greater party.

Passion Recipient: Status can be increased to a degree by intimacy with the summoner. Full copulation results in better increases. Results to status vary upon intent and focus.

She smiled a bit at her first skill, it reminded her of home in a way.

‘Well other me’s home…kinda.’

Her summoning and the reason behind it still made her head spin a bit but trying to understand something a God created was exhausting to say the least.

For now though, she was here, she was alive and that’s all that mattered to her…well almost.

She kinda wished some of her friends were here with her. A familiar face can make any strange land feel familiar when you’re with good company.

‘It be even better if mo-‘

She cut off the thought, looked down at her status again and looked up in realization before shaking her head so fast that everyone was worried it would fly off.

‘No! No! Never that! Too awkward! Too weird!!’

Koukin stared at Chitoge for a bit, wondering what exactly made her react like that. A glance down at her own status sheet gave an answer.

‘It’s a weird ability, sure. But at least it’s not outright forcing us to do anything we don’t want to do’

Koukin Shuuyu lvl 1

S: 28

E: 25

D: 31

A: 29

M: 20


Great Flame of the Red Cliffs: Face forward, unflinching. Stand firm, unyeilding. By my will, kindle. By my shout, burn. Let the mountains ignite.


By the will of GO: When giving out commands, the party loses fear and is boosted in courage. Status temporarily boosted.

Passion Recipient: Status can be increased to a degree by intimacy with the summoner. Full copulation results in better increases. Results to status vary upon intent and focus.

Koukin smiled a bit at her status, good, not great but good to start with. Looking at her magic, she smiled at the name and made a mental note to memorize the incantation as soon as she was able and practice it soon after that.

Her skills made her raise her eyebrows a bit in interest. Besides the ‘Passion Recipient’ skill, the other one, ‘By the Will of GO’, really resonated with her, given it came in part from where she came from and what she fought for.

And who she fought for.

A brief ache of longing settled itself in her heart, she quickly vanquished it.

‘Nothing I can do about it. Only hope that there is a chance, sometime in the future.’

Time to get things on track, “Lady Hestia,” she started, “Is there anything else we should be aware of. Our summoner called us forth but this is still your familia. Is there anything we should be aware of?”

Her question was genuine and it was an unspoken one amongst the other three. They were in a familia now, they wanted to know what their new patron wanted out of them.

Hestia thought for a moment, it was a question she expected and she had an answer. It was something simple that she expected and hoped Bell followed every day when he went into the dungeon.

“Come back home safe and sound, that is the only goal of this familia,” she said with a gentle smile and genuine earnestness.

The three were taken aback by the Goddess’s words, the sheer sincerity of it leaving them speechless.

Chitoge was first to break the silence, standing tall and loudly proclaiming, “We will not let you down Goddess Hestia! We’ll kick ass in the dungeon and come home safe and sound!”

Hestia was caught off guard by Chitoge’s sudden enthusiasm. Where before, she acted nervous and a bit scared upon being summoned to this new world. Now, she suddenly had an ignited fire in her soul, ready to go forth and take on the world itself.

Hestia couldn’t help but smile at this young woman, mortal children were still capable of surprising her now and again. Which shouldn’t be too surprising, given her first child tended to surprise her often.

Maybe too often if she were honest.

Koukin gave a smile and she stood up herself, “Well. After those bold words, how can someone like myself stand by and be hesitant?” she said.

This was a new world and a new life but the fires of GO still burned in her heart and pushed her forward. Whatever may come, the strategic general of GO would face it down.

And one day, there may be a greater goal that this familia could achieve in the future and she would be there to analyze and formulate a plan of action for victory. As befitting someone like her.

Takeru also stood and gave a resolute nod of her own, “Whatever comes our way from now on,” she said, holding a clenched first to her heart, “we face it together, so we may return to you, Goddess.”

She had a new life now. She was not gonna waste it by disappointing her Goddess at the first chance. She had a new purpose now and by her honor, she would fulfill it.

Hestia was touched by the words of these children, Bell summoned some good ones this time.

She made a great effort to hold back her tears. Now wasn’t the time to cry in front of her new children. It was time to wrap things up.

“Okay,” she clapped her hand and rose from the bed, “now that everything’s settled. You three need to take these,” she held out the three sheets she kept, copies of their status, “and hand them to the guild when you register.”

Chitoge was puzzled and tilted her head before looking at her own sheet, “Why can’t we take these instead.”

Koukin was quick to pick up on Hestia’s logic and reasoning, befitting a strategic mind, “It’s the skill we all share,” she said.

She gave an explanation on the reasoning for the sudden caution. Going from the summoning magic Bell used and the skill they all shared.

And the target that could paint their backs if they were careless about it.

Chitoge was pale by the end of the explanation, now realizing the caution they must take, while Takeru was stoic, as if all that was spoken was common knowledge, she had been on the receiving end of schemes in the past. It didn’t surprise her much to know they were played often in this world as well.

Adding that they were played by Gods and Goddesses, just made things more troublesome.

Hestia nodded with Koukin’s explanation, “It’s exactly that. Despite our current numbers, we are still a fledgling familia at best. We can’t afford unwanted attention right now.”

It was sound logic, none of them could refute it. In fact, the more they thought about it, the more they realized that they were probably gonna be the last few summons for a while.

Which made sense, it was a potential gamble, summoning them as it is.

“Now that that’s all settled,” Hestia said, walking to the stairs leading them out of the basem*nt, “Let’s go meet up with the others. They should be getting back from getting food for dinner tonight.”

While Hestia was giving the three newcomers their blessings, she had sent Bell, Arue, and Hana out with some money to get groceries for dinner tonight. They had enough money to finally get some real food and not have to eat potato puffs again. Though Hestia swears that Hana was a little disappointed at that, she made a mental note to bring back some for her to snack on after her shift at the food stand tomorrow.

For now though, it was time to eat and then rest.

And see what tomorrow has in store for them.

More allies have been brought forth.

To aid the familia and prove their worth.

What trouble could arise.

They would push it aside.

And face it, be it on heaven or earth.

Chapter 6

Chapter Text

Chapter 6

Bell and his familia set out unto a new day in Orario. After some discussions last night, it was decided that Arue would take their three new members to the guild and get them registered as adventurers. Meanwhile, Bell and Hana would head to the dungeon and garner up some funds for the familia and excelia for themselves.

Bell wanted to volunteer to take over and escort their new members himself to the guild but was struck down by Hestia, Arue, and, surprisingly, Koukin. Their reason being, as he was the most experienced member in the familia, it made more sense for him to get back to the dungeon and earn better revenue than what Arue and Hana could do on their own.

Koukin added that she wanted to ask a few questions of her own at the guild, saying that they would stay for a little longer to gather what information she could glean about this city, before meeting up with him and Hana in the dungeon.

Takeru agreed with her in addition, wanting to be best prepared for this new world they were in and being informed was the best method to do so.

Chitoge didn’t care one way or another. She wanted to see this new world and go down this dungeon herself. In fact she was outright impatient to get going. So much so that she tried to dash out of their home the second the door was open, only to be caught by the collar by a bemused Takeru, who was the one who opened the door.

After some grumbling, Chitoge conceded and was walking along with the other three. Heading to the guild headquarters.

That left Bell and Hana to venture to the dungeon and so they did. Continuing on the road to the dungeon but not before stopping by somewhere first.

It ended up being the pub that Bell went to and ran from the same night, a place where he made a promise to someone.

That someone happened to be just outside the pub doors, sweeping the stairs and humming a gentle tune. She briefly looked up, noticing Bell and Hana then.

“Oh! Bell!” she exclaimed, “Good morning! Off to the dungeon today?”

Bell nodded, happy with her greeting, “Yeah! Hana and I are heading down there for a bit. We need to earn a lot today to help our new members out.”

Syr blinked at that and then finally noticed the purple haired girl standing by Bell’s side.

Hana gave Syr a polite bow and introduced herself, “Good day. My name is Hana Sunomiya. It’s nice to meet you.”

Syr took in this girl’s appearance quickly. Hana was dressed for the dungeon as well as she could be as a starting adventurer. She wore a leather piece of chest armor that seemed to just fit her chest over a white long sleeve shirt, a studded corset that protected her stomach, a long red skirt that went down just past her knees, and wore a pair of shoes that were steel toes and light enough for her to run or kick with.

Hana and Arue shopped well where they went and they definitely made sure to get some appropriate attire for themselves.

Though in Arue’s case, she opted for more specialized robes befitting her mage-like appearance.

Syr stared at Hana, seemingly puzzled, before pointing a smile in her direction and introducing herself, “Hello! My name’s Syr Flova. It’s nice to meet you as well.”

Hana gave a small smile in return and then looked at Syr up and down real quick. Her features suddenly became neutral and focused before she moved closer to the waitress and eventually she walked around her, looking at her from top to bottom as she did.

Bell was flummoxed, what had gotten into Hana all the sudden.

Syr was in a similar state, she expected a polite greeting, not a full on examination.


Hana’s sudden words brought both Bell and Syr to the present moment, staring at Hana, who returned to where she was at Bell’s side, a hand to her chin as if focusing on a sudden insight.

“It is simple by design, yet it still emphasizes the wearer’s figure,” Hana said, “It highlights beauty while maintaining an approachable countenance with modesty.”

Her eyes sharpened and she looked at Syr, who had to take a step back at such an intense stare.

Hana pointed at Her, “Your uniform is wonderful! Masterfully designed! A wonderful piece of Art!”

Syr was taken aback, she had been complimented on her uniform before but never so…


Bell was torn between surprise and embarrassment. He knew of Hana’s personality pretty well by now but he never thought it would pop its head up at this moment.

Though in her defense, Bell thought the uniform looked pretty great as well.

“Ummm, Syr,” Bell started, “Sorry for the surprise but I’m here to make good on my promise.”

Syr broke out of her shock at that before giving Bell a big smile and running off inside.

Bell sighed as he saw her go before turning his attention to his excitable familia member, “Was all that really necessary, Hana?”

Hana crossed her arms, closed her eyes, and gave a deep and thoughtful hum before replying, “My apologies, but I cannot hold back my feelings when something artful or eccentric is before me.”

Bell knew that would be her answer. She’d been here a short time and Bell already expected such. He couldn’t help but smile at that. It meant he understood his new familia members more and more each day. He hoped they in turn were understanding him as well.

Syr eventually returned, holding a wrapped up boxed lunch in her hands, “Here you go, just as promised.”

Bell took it and smiled in gratitude, “Thanks Syr! I appreciate it.”

She nodded and said, “Anytime you want a little lunch to take to the dungeon, come by here and I’ll have one ready for you.”

Bell nodded and tried his best not to smile like an idiot. His grandfather told him stories about this, absolutely embellished ones he admits, but this was still something he did not expect. He couldn’t believe his fortune, a cute girl making lunches for him? Unbelievable!

It made Bell all the happier knowing it was real.

With a wave behind him, Bell and Hana both went down their way to the dungeon, leaving a happy maid to stare at their retreating figures.

“Nya? Was that the white haired dine-and-dasher Mama Mia scared yesterday?” The voice came from behind, a brown haired cat girl, also dressed in the pub uniform, “That the one Syr?”

Syr did not reply, seemingly only to beam brighter in her happiness.

“Man you got some tough luck there,” she went on, “with a chest that big, that’s not gonna be easy competition, nya!”


“Seriously, squeezing those girls into that armor couldn’t be easy, nya! And that corset seemed set pretty comfortably too, guess she’s got a good waist as well, nya!”


“I can imagine it in the dungeon already, nya! Surrounded by monsters, armor torn apart, barely making it out by the skin of their teeth, nya. Then, coming back, emotions are high, bodies are filthy and sweaty with exertion, and then White-Hair jumps into act-“

She felt two hands on her ears, holding them firmly and none too gently. She stares at Syr who was holding unto her ears and giving her a wintery smile.

“Anya…” Syr spoke in a voice that brought a chill to her spine.

The girl, Anya, now in Syr’s grasp, shook like a leaf at her friend’s demeanor.

“Nya! Syr I was just joking, nya. It was just an innocent joke, nya!”


“Hey, nya! You’re squeezing my ears awfully tight, nya!”


Nya! Nya! Nya! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Too tight! Too tight!!”

Eventually the two members of the Hestia familia found themselves on the second floor of the dungeon, dealing with a surprise today.

With a shout, Bell cut the chest open of another goblin that went at him. It felt like his fiftieth, though he knows it’s only his fifteenth or so. He heard a shout of exertion and saw another goblin fly out past his side and impact the ground with a solid thud and crack as it landed neck first.

Hana backed herself to Bell’s back and stared in front of her at the eight other goblins before her, Bell was doing just the same with the seven in front of him.

Whether by chance or dumb luck, the two found themselves in a bit of a pickle. As they were venturing down through the second floor, the dungeon decided that now was a good time to summon nearly forty goblins near their location, a ‘mass spawn’ as it were known. A rare phenomenon when the dungeon spawns way more than the average monsters in a single moment.

To some adventurers, it was a massive payout, a good sized group of monsters ready to be cut down by an excited party of adventurers, ready to earn what they came here for.

To others however, it was a worst case scenario. Tired and weary after so long in the dungeon, now they have to deal with a sudden rush of monsters. It was practically a death sentence.

Bell and Hana were determined not to be the latter in that example.

The goblins charged then, and Bell and Hana met them. Hana kept her distance and only acted when the goblins attacked and overreached themselves. She managed to take one by its wrist and with a twist and pull, she took the creature’s arm out of its socket. She followed up by pivoting and throwing the goblin into another as hard as she could, sending them both flying into the dungeon’s walls, the creatures gave a shrill cry before impacting into the wall. Their bodies bursting into ash was enough confirmation for Hana to focus on the rest.

Bell was much more aggressive in his approach. Using his best asset, speed, Bell dashed to the nearest goblin and swung at it with his knife, the beast fell back bleeding before bursting to ash, leaving behind a magic stone. Bell continued, dash and cut, dash and cut, again and again. He went at exposed necks, bellies, hearts, and ribs. Any vital point he could hit to end the creatures as fast as he could. It didn’t always work and he had to return to one or two and finish them off properly.

A sudden exclamation drew Bell’s attention to Hana. She was taking a step back from a goblin that seemed to have gotten a good hit in with its claws. Hana still held her martial art stance but she was trailing blood down an arm. Bell could see the claw marks that tore her clothing and cut into her.

The goblin made to leap at her again to follow up on his attack and Hana could tell she wouldn’t have enough time to counter attack.

She didn’t have to though.

A white blur passed her vision and suddenly Bell was before her, knife in hand. He struck out at the goblin with a thrust of his knife, stabbing the monster in its shoulder. It gave a cry and went to swing with its other claw, fury overwriting pain. Bell struck at the goblin’s chest with his knife and soon after, the creature burst into ash.

Bell couldn’t relax just yet though, there were still some monsters left and he readied his guard.

Which he found out he didn’t have to either.

An armored fist struck out into the goblin’s cheek, knocking it back before being followed by several more consecutive hits by a blond haired, red ribboned woman.

Chitoge gave a mighty shout and delivered a precise uppercut to the goblin’s head, knocking it back with a savage ‘crack’ sound. It burst into ashes shortly after.

Chitoge took a breath and moved to Bell and Hana, never taking her eyes off the goblins, “You two alright?” she asked.

Hana answered first, “A scratch on the arm is the worst I have right now and it’s not bad,” it stung a bit, she admits, but it was negligible for right now.

“I’m fine as well,” Bell replied, “Did you come alone?” He knew Chitoge left with the others to get registered at the guild and the process should be relatively quick with Arue informing them on the way.

Chitoge gave a brief start and Bell saw the ends of her ribbon stand up like rabbit ears. How did that happen?

“Umm…I may have ran ahead of them…by a lot,” Chitoge answered sheepishly, this was true, the second all the paperwork and questions were answered, she pretty much dashed right into the dungeon when she saw the entrance of it.

She recalled the others calling out to her, something about ‘reckless,’ ‘impulsive,’ and ‘how daring to charge into dark-’ she didn’t hear the rest of that last one.

After entering the first floor, she was immediately in awe. A dungeon. An actual dungeon! Like the stories she read and games she played. It wasn’t long on her way in that she ran into her first enemy, a kobold. It was intimidating at first with its swiping claws and gnashing fangs but Chitoge quickly lost her apprehension when she saw she was both faster and stronger than the beast.

A multi-combo with her guild issued gauntlets brought the beast to its end.

This brought her confidence up even higher and she was soon facing one beast after another and bringing pain and defeat to them in droves. As she went on further into the dungeon, she soon caught sight of Bell and Hana and saw that they were in a bit of a pickle. She dashed to them and here she was now, facing meager goblins alongside them.

There weren’t many left and Chitoge was confident in their chances of victory.

It was at that moment that the dungeon decided to challenge that.

Cracks started to form in the walls ahead of them and they saw more goblins begin to spawn before their very eyes.

In total, ten goblins spawned then and there. To add more insult to injury, Bell spotted three holding what looked like stone daggers.

Bell knew better enough, thanks to Eina, to know what those weapons are.

“Be careful!” Bell exclaimed, “Those are land-form weapons!”

A rare item that the dungeon spawned at random anywhere in the dungeon and if a wandering monster was smart enough, it would recognize it as a weapon and utilize it as such.

Thankfully it shouldn’t mean much right now, their opponents were still just goblins, alot of them to be sure, but goblins nonetheless.

Bell had faced such odds before and he managed to drag himself back home. With Hana and Chitoge here, he was in no doubt that they would succeed.

Before anyone or anything could react however, someone decided to make themselves known.

Bell made out a quick purple blur heading to one of the goblins. As it passed it, the goblin’s head flew off its shoulders in a spout of blood. The figure paused in the midst of them and Bell saw it was Takeru, who was looking down at the sword in her hand that barely had a drop of blood on it from the kill .

It looked to be a guild issue weapon, similar to Bell’s knife. He would have gotten the sword instead of the knife, were he to have had more funds at that time.

Takeru looked as though she would have liked anything else than the sword in her hands. It wasn’t up to her sense of quality, it was functional to be sure but she could tell it would require much more maintenance if she wanted to use it effectively.

If it even could be used effectively to her liking.

A goblin tried to take advantage of her distracted state and leaped at her backside, a stone knife to bring down on her head.

Before the knife was even an inch away from grazing her hair, Takeru moved. She was a brief blur before appearing behind the attacking goblin, the goblin in turn continued on only to suddenly split cleanly in two and bursting into ash to signify its end.

Takeru went on the attack in earnest now. Speeding along and cutting down one after the other, sending blood and limbs flying before they too were reduced to ash.

Bell, Hana, and Chitoge were entranced. They hadn’t expected anything like this, not from someone who was a fresh adventurer.

Chitoge was amazed at the site. Takeru was showing such speed and technique that Chitoge was admittedly jealous. She prided herself on her own fitness and physical abilities but Takeru had her beat in almost every aspect. It made her envious and want to push herself all the more and she fidgeted in place as she stared at the display, anxious to move but too entranced at the display.

Hana was in a similar state but she could not find herself to be jealous at the site. She in truth expected this, Takeru Yamato was a famous figure in her studies back in her world. A warrior, a legend. Though admittedly a man as well, Hana chalked this up to the summoning magic bringing her in from a different world like herself. Regardless though, this Takeru was living up to the tales with each movement and swing of the sword. It was like watching art move and be made before her eyes. Hana could only stare in awe, the pain in her shoulder from the attack already forgotten.

Bell was amazed as well and he felt his chest burn with excitement. As he watched Takeru dispatch foe after foe, he tried to study her movements and technique, taking in as much information as possible from the warrior before him. A sudden thought reached his mind though, Takeru was a level one, like himself, but she moved and fought like someone two levels higher than him, maybe more.

It was vexing to be sure and Bell would have to ask about that some other time.

For now though, he observed and studied the swordswoman in action. Taking in every action he could see and remember.

Eventually there was only one goblin left, who was intelligent enough to back away when the blood started to really fly. Takeru just cut down another goblin, leaving it the sole remaining survivor.

It hissed at her and backed up a few feet, never taking its eyes off her. She in turn just stared at the little monster with a blank expression, unimpressed by its attempt at bravado. She stood still as it backed away from her, gnashing and growling as it did. She made no attempt to pursue it and finish it off.

It was time someone else had a turn anyway.

A blade punched through the back of the goblin’s head, ending its retreat.

Koukin watched as the creature burst into ash upon her blade, leaving only a trail of blood on her blade to signify its passing. She walked where it once stood and reached down to pick up the magic stone it dropped.

She gazed at it for a bit before putting it in a pouch at her side. She looked around then and spotted Takeru and the rest.

“I guess this wasn’t much of an issue for you then?” She asked Takeru, who gave a deep sigh, expressing her disappointment.

“No it wasn’t,” she replied, “I know these creatures are supposed to be relatively easy,” she stared down at the magic stones and ash on the ground, “but I expected something more challenging still.”

“You were amazing!”

The exclamation by Bell surprised Takeru, who turned to him with wide eyes.

“The way you moved and fought was incredible! I could barely keep up with just watching!” Bell’s excitement was as visible on his face as it was in his voice.

“Yeah,” Chitoge added, “I couldn’t come close to that skill, I mean,” she gave a loud exhale and ended with, “wow.”

Hana didn’t have anything to add, she only nodded but her excitement was obvious, given her nodding head was a blur.

“My, my. Takeru is already making herself into the familia favorite,” Arue chose that moment to appear behind Koukin, hand held up to her eyepatch in a dramatic gesture, “Such praise already? It’s enough to make this Crimson Demon jealous.”

She spoke her words with no malice and nobody could take her words seriously when she posed like that.

Takeru wasn’t one to accept such praise for doing something she didn’t feel too accomplished about but she nonetheless smiled, thankful for the kind words.

“In any case,” Koukin interrupted, trying to get things on task, “As you can tell already, myself, Miss Kirisaki, and Miss Yamato have successfully registered with the guild and are now adventurers.”

Polite clapping followed, Bell and Hana both congratulating them. Such good souls.

“Now we can get down to business,” Koukin focused her attention on Bell, who jumped at her sharp eyed focus, “Captain. What is the plan for our journey into the dungeon?”

Bell was struck dead still at the sudden question. She was asking him all the sudden? Why?

He then remembered, he was the captain, the first member of the Hestia familia and these were his familia members now and he realized the sudden responsibility he had.

The authority expected of him.

He didn’t notice it too much with Arue and Hana but now that his familia had grown even further, he suddenly felt that weight of responsibility on his shoulders even more so.

He looked at Koukin and saw her eyes, they were not looking at him in judgment or doubt, but he could see something behind them. A test perhaps? Was she testing him?

Bell remembered Eina’s words when he was with Arue and Hana upon their registration.

“They are your responsibility, Bell. In more than just adventuring. They are part of your Familia and you need to watch after them.”

Watch after them.

Lead them.

Bell answered.

“For now we’ll take it easy today,” he began, “We’ll go down to the fourth floor but no further. With our party size, we should be able to handle things that far down.”

Koukin stared at Bell for a moment before nodding in agreement. The others voiced their agreement as well, Chitoge being the loudest by jumping in excitement at the pronouncement.

And so they went, to explore what they could see and fight what they could. Keeping a close eye on one another for the duration of their journey.

Koukin was not impressed with her captain.

Not yet anyway.

He had potential, she could see that easily enough. Anyone with a good pair of eyes could see that, once you looked past the obvious flaws.

Inexperienced, hesitant, shy, and meek were already visible and abundant when she first met him.

But as their party ventured down to the fourth floor, she saw a different side of him in the dungeon.

Quick, decisive, vigilant, and brave were on display before her eyes. As well as many other observations she could make of him.

But it still wasn’t enough. Not for her and if she was honest, not for the familia.

It was something to discuss and work on later, for now though…

Koukin dodged a swiping claw from a kobold and followed with a backhand slash with her sword, cutting the beast’s throat open.

It sprayed out its blood upon her briefly before dissipating into ash.

Koukin was proud of the successful kill but frowned at the blade in her hands. A guild issued sword left much to be desired but it would do for now. Nevermind that she was proficient in using a different weapon altogether.

She was also not the only one dissatisfied with her new equipment.

Takeru gave a clean severing cut to a goblin running towards her, its head flying off and impacting against the dungeon’s walls with a wet sound.

Without looking, she reversed her grip on the sword and stabbed behind her towards the ground, impaling a dungeon lizard by its head that was trying to sneak up behind her.

She then pivoted and cut down another kobold that attempted to rush her.

Each strike was made with practice intent and every kill was done perfectly.

Yet none of that changed the awkwardness Takeru felt. What she felt when she killed the first monster she came across and every monster since.

She had a bad blade in her hands.

Normally she would adjust to any weapon she could wield, regardless of quality. But the guild sword was different. It felt too flimsy, the edge didn’t cut right, and she was making every attempt to stop herself from breaking the sword on every swing or thrust.

The answer came to her then, it wasn’t the sword’s fault for what it was, it was a decent blade in the hands of any starting adventure.

It wasn’t so great in the hands of an experienced and powerful warrior. In her hands, it felt like a fragile piece of iron, one wrong swing away from snapping in two.

Adventures who use powerful weapons at low levels typically grow their status much slower than average. In Takeru’s case, she was using a much weaker weapon than what she would normally have.

Was she growing quicker as a result? Probably. Was it worth it though? Definitely not.

An adequate blade could make the difference in a life or death situation and though she knew she was definitely stronger than the creatures she’s facing on the upper floors, possibly even a few floors below her as well if she was honest, she did not want to take a risk and keep utilizing the poor blade in her hand.

She wouldn’t discard it, not yet at least. For now though, she would continue using the sword as carefully as she could.

She just had to make sure to earn enough today to obtain a more adequate blade later.

Chitoge was having the time of her life right now.

A downward strike from her put down a dungeon lizard just ahead of her.

A quick flip from the strike had her avoid a kobold’s claws. She was quick to return to the offense and met the kobold head on. Several debilitating strikes and one final kick to its neck put the monster down.

There was a cathartic joy in this, she admits. Running straight into the dungeon, fighting monsters, exploring further, and snagging rare drops.

Her life really became a fantasy adventure!

She turned her gaze to see three goblins running at her, their snarling faces aimed right at her along with their claws and fangs.

She knew family members that were scarier.

Chitoge rubbed one of her new gauntlets covering her hands with a smile on her face.

It was always nice to cut loose like this.

She ran at them in earnest and gave a cry that could be mistaken for an angry gorilla.

So the new party and familia went. Fighting monsters, collecting magic stones and rare drops, as well as venturing around the area in order to have a better understanding of it.

Bell was glad to be a part of this. He had a party now and they were making all the difference compared to all the times he went in alone.

He always felt he had to keep his head on a swivel when exploring the dungeon. Always on the lookout for monsters lying in wait to ambush him. Always entering with apprehension in his heart.

Now though, things have changed, he no longer had to look over his shoulder constantly for monster attacks, he no longer had to scour the ground by himself for any magic stone he missed or oversighted in his adventuring.

He now had a familia to help him, both himself and his Goddess.

This did not mean he would be lax now that he had additional aid. If anything, he wanted to push himself even further and work harder for his familia now more than ever. He knew it was a bit ridiculous, he was already helping them and they in turn were helping him, and together they all were helping the Goddess and the familia.

Regardless of the thought being ridiculous, Bell especially felt the need to push himself after seeing everyone in action.

Hana’s martial art was a great counter offensive and delivered so much with so little movement.

Chitoge by contrast, struck and hit every monster with fierce speed and surprising strength. In addition, she was quick footed and athletic, dodging and even flipping from oncoming attacks.

Arue was their spell caster who used her quick casting spell as easy as if she was breathing. She never seemed to run out of energy when casting. It made Bell wonder what her other spells could do and how powerful they were as well.

Koukin was taking lead as a commander and observer of sorts. Alerting of any monsters incoming on their location and giving brief orders of attack. Bell didn’t begrudge her for issuing orders, especially since a skill of hers apparently boosted their abilities somewhat. He actually felt it when she told him to attack a pack of kobolds. He imagined the others could feel it as well.

That left Takeru, who was the perfect definition of a vanguard. Any monster that remotely got close to her was immediately cut down. There was never wasted movement with her swings. Each cut was done to slay immediately and swiftly return to cut again. Her style was very different from what Bell had seen and he found himself wondering if it could be taught.

Something to ask her later.

But so it went. The Hestia familia continued to face the creatures inside the dungeon. All the while they were familiarizing themselves with the fourth floor to the best of their abilities. Some were just content to explore and fight, some were taking mental notes on where bottlenecks or choke points were at.

Eventually though the time came for them to call it a day and head back to the service. With their magic-gem pouches stuffed full. Takeru more so than the others, who’s pouch was near bursting at her waist. One could even see a stone poke out of it slightly where she had it tied off.

It was a great day for the Hestia familia. Profitable and exciting.

Bell was absolutely grateful for it all. He was still getting to know his new familia members but this journey definitely helped him get an understanding of them, understanding their skills at the very least. Them personally however?

Bell had to work on that to say the least.

As the party ascended from the dungeon, Bell came to recognize something.

The closer they got to the surface, the more other adventures were staring at them.

It started small from level four, just a curious glance before they turned their attention back to the dungeon. But as they traveled up each floor and came across more and more people in the dungeon, the glances became open stares. Mostly at the girls around him, which Bell could not blame them, he found himself staring at them at times as well at times.

Especially when Arue got…dramatic.

When they finally exited the dungeon and were now walking the streets, Bell now felt the stares in full. Fellow adventurers, passersbys, stall workers, and common citizens alike were looking in their direction.

Bell followed where their gazes went. Some went to Arue and Hana, who ignored them with ease. Some went to Chitoge, who returned some stares with one of her own…well not really a stare, more so a glare that definitely got them to look away. Takeru had her own stares directly at her but if she gave any sign of acknowledging them, Bell couldn’t see.

Koukin had the most stares directed at her, gazing at her form, her face, her pose, and especially her clothing. Out of all of them, she attracted the most attention and she did not care at all for receiving it.

She weathered the stares as if she was a mountain against the wind. She gave no semblance to acknowledge the gazes and still walked forward with her head held high and a confident stride.

Bell found himself staring at her, not in the shameless gazing that more than a few already gave her, but in admiration.

He doubted he’d be brave against such gazes of any kind.

The irony wasn’t lost on him given his goals. He would eventually have to accept such looks in his life.

He only hopes that when it happens.

They would look up to him, like he did to others.


Koukin’s voice brought Bell’s attention into the present and he briefly panicked that when he stared at her, she grew offended then.

She was already facing the stares in the streets, adding his own so close would not help things at all!

“Stand by me.”

Bell quickly came to her side, matching her pace with his own.

“Is there something-?” Bell started to ask.

Koukin reached over to Bell’s arm and wrapped it with her own.

Bell nearly jumped at the sudden contact. He could feel her body so close to his, especially given her chest being pressed against his arm. On top of that, his arm was maybe an inch or two away from slipping into the ‘vast’ cleavage her clothes offered.

He tried to use words, but he failed. He briefly thought of escaping but her grip was tight, very tight.

He was running out of options, and before he finally managed to form proper words, Koukin cut him off.

“Don’t panic,” her words were spoken softly but they still possessed some edge, “just look and walk forward and try to relax for heaven’s sake.”

‘That’s not as easy as it sounds!’

Bell wanted to scream that but that would just bring more attention towards them.

To Bell’s credit though, he walked on and kept his gaze forward. Trying his best to ignore the soft sensation on his arm, or the pleasant warmth, or the nice smell.

He saw though that Koukin’s sudden action had an effect on the people around them. The looks they were getting earlier had decreased and now most weren’t trying to pay attention to them. Some even looked away with tears running down their faces, their anguish clear to see.

“My apologies,” Koukin suddenly said, “I thought I could handle the stares I was receiving but,” she trails off and looks down a bit, “It was getting difficult after a while so I had to think of something.”

Bell was concerned now, his flustered behavior now replaced with genuine concern for his familia member. “It’s alright,” he said, “I’m glad to help. It’s just that,” he trailed off, looking for the words, “How does grabbing my arm help with the stares?”

She was doing much more than grabbing his arm, given her chest was so pressed against him.

Koukin gave a smile and answered, “Because now they're looking at someone else.”

Bell realized then that she was right, the stares he was receiving earlier seemed to have doubled in the last few seconds. Those who were looking and Koukin and her outfit were now staring right at him.

And their gazes were not appreciative ones. In fact they looked downright hostile and envious.

Bell could tell that the appreciative gazes that were once on Koukin were now directed squarely at him.

Jealousy and rage were pointed at him in equal measure and Bell had to fight the instinctual urge to run away because otherwise he might drag his party member around with him in the attempt.

It only got worse when he started picking up some whispers in the crowd here and there.

“That scrawny guy is walking around with such a babe on his arm? Unreal.”

“Check out the cuties around that white-haired kid. Guy’s living the dream right there!”

“Why…why do some people have all the luck. Why must we suffer in such single lonely lives?!”

“Dude…aren’t you a God? This is embarrassing to look at.”

“I don’t care!”

Bell thought it best to ignore anything else he overheard, it was just getting sad.

He definitely tried to ignore the envious threats he could barely make out as well.

Bell just kept walking, doing his best not to be flustered by Koukin clinging to him, or let the sudden attention on him bother him.

It was a very difficult walk back to the guild, didn’t help matters that Bell could hear Arue giggling behind them.

Just another day for the Hestia familia.

And a crazy day for Bell Cranell.

The familia faces the dungeon as one.

United together and having fun.

Upon leaving the abyss maze.

Under no little gaze.

The captain's face was as red as the sun.

AN: Sorry for the long delay. Still don’t have a stable writing schedule but I try. Bell is slowly getting to know what being a captain is like and he still has much to learn. Luckily he has a strategist who is used to working with great leaders and crazy ones at that. There is still much to do in the Hestia familia and much to be ready for but Bell should be able to handle it with the help of his allies.


Well only time can tell and until next time. See ya and take care!

Chapter 7

Chapter Text

Chapter 7

Despite the stares Bell and his party were receiving, they made it to the guild without any issues. Koukin let go of Bell’s arm when they came in sight of the building, much to his relief.

And hidden disappointment.

When they entered the building, they lined themselves up at the exchange counter to drop off their magic stones and rare drops. Being told to wait while they calculated their earnings.

So they did and managed to flag down Eina and give a brief report.

“There weren’t any problems on the fourth floor?” she asked with some concern, she couldn’t fault them going down that far, given their party size, they shouldn’t have had much trouble at all.

But it was the dungeon and anything could happen down there. Plus she was Bell’s advisor and now seemingly the advisor of his familia now.

She had to get a meeting with Roman about that, maybe get a raise as well. But knowing that elf, unlikely.

“None whatsoever,” Koukin answered from the couch in front of her, legs crossed and a professional air about her, “In fact it was almost too easy, our numbers not withstanding, myself and a few others found the opposition lacking to our expectations,” she turned her head to Takeru, who elected to stand rather then sit, “some more so than others.”

Takeru didn’t reply at first, seemingly picking what the right words to use, “The foes we faced required minimal effort to take down. If I were completely honest, I feel I could spend a day or two cutting down those monsters and not even feel winded.”

Her words stunned Eina a bit. A fresh level one adventurer not even bothered with monsters on the fourth floor? That was a surprise to say the least and Eina couldn’t bring herself to doubt Takeru’s words. Given how blunt and honest they felt.

If she was honest, Eina could swear that Takeru was disappointed that she didn’t get a decent challenge in the dungeon.

Eina had a feeling she was the warrior-spirit type of adventurer. Someone who could be given the best treasures the dungeon could offer and push it aside for the sake of martial pursuit.

It definitely seemed that way when she registered, upon completing the application, Takeru jumped at the chance to inquire about the monsters she could be facing in the dungeon. Eina kept it minimal, only telling her about the monsters she could find on the first five floors. Even then she only told her that much because she assumed Takeru would stick with the party.

Had she told her about the creatures on the lower floors, she may have dashed down further to test her skills.

Thankfully it seemed Takeru had her mind on something else. Namely the sword she was issued to her. Eina could tell she wasn’t satisfied with it and although Eina wasn’t an appraiser of any means in terms of weapons or equipment, she could tell that the sword couldn’t handle much more of Takeru’s use of it.

Hopefully their rewards gained would be satisfactory enough for her to get a better weapon and additional gear. All the better if they earned enough collectively to get themselves better equipment.

Eina glanced back to the front desk and spotted her friend, Misha, fumbling about with several things at once. She knew now was a good time to return to work. She stood up and with a quick polite bow and well wishes, she returned to her duties. Leaving the Hestia familia to their devices.

Takeru decided to start a new discussion, “After our earnings are given, I would like to obtain a better blade.” She wanted to cut straight to the point and deal with the subject that bothers her the most.

Koukin added on to a subject she had forgotten as well, “I’d imagine some clothes as well,” she looked down at her own wears and gave a small sigh, she knew she had to change her wardrobe somewhat but still, she liked what she wore. Maybe they could find something similar.

“If you’re looking for some stores to shop at. Hana and myself know of a few.” Arue added.

“Excellent,” replied Koukin, who turned her attention to Bell, “would you like to accompany us Bell? I imagine you could use some new equipment yourself, correct?”

Bell was about to reply before he remembered something. They were going shopping, for equipment yes obviously, but also clothes.

Women’s clothes.

He swore he could hear his grandpa right now, bestowing wisdom from beyond the grave.

‘Bell, you are given a rare opportunity before you.’

‘What is it grandpa?!’

‘To go on a grand adventure unlike any other!’

‘Tell me!’

‘A chance to observe the women’s changing room!’


‘The ladies going behind the curtain, putting on clothes, emerging just for you to see!’


‘You’ll give them your thoughts! Tell them how beautiful they are, even if it looks bad.’

‘That’s dishonest!’

‘That’s part of the strategy! As you butter them up with sweet words and compliments. Eventually they’ll ask your opinion on something else they wanted to try on.’


‘Underwear of course! You’ll get to see and comment on their underwear! Just think, you could talk them down to go skimpier and skimpier. See more of them! See the promise land before your eyes! Embrace the opportunity!’


While Bell was receiving wisdom from his long gone guardian, his familia faced another issue.

Namely the fact that their captain hadn’t responded or moved for about twenty seconds.

They were beginning to grow very concerned and were just about to do something to get his attention but before they could, Bell stood up ramrod straight, giving everyone a startled jump.

“I’m sorry, but I have to decline!” he exclaimed before giving a deep bow, “I am grateful for the offer, however!”

Bell’s response took his party back a bit, it was very dramatic for an otherwise yes or no question.

But as some in the familia already know, Bell could be a very…dramatic individual.

It was part of his charm in a way. Brave and bold in the dungeon, shy and modest on the surface.

Koukin eventually responded to Bell’s answer, “Very well. You could give just a simple ‘no’ next time however, I certainly wouldn’t take offense.”

Bell blushed and looked down at his feet, his embarrassed features plain for them to see.

Chitoge observed him and was reminded of a shy rabbit she knew once in her old world. Only she’s certain that the rabbit wasn’t so easily flustered like Bell. In fact, she’s certain it was far more aggressive than what Bell could be.

It made her want to pat his head. She fought the urge.

Eventually they were called back to the exchange counter to receive their rewards.

Needless to say, the familia didn’t have to work much about their finances for a while.

Earning nearly eighty thousand valis, would make any hard day in the dungeon worthwhile.

After some discussion, it was decided that Bell would take most of the winnings home and add them to the familia’s finances.

The girls would take their portion and go out to get equipment and clothes for Chitoge, Takeru, and Koukin.

The plan settled, they went their separate ways. Bell had to stop himself from skipping on his way home. He could not wait to tell his Goddess the good news.

Hestia wasn’t just happy about the news Bell brought.

She was overjoyed.

She made this known by running up to Bell, arms spread, and jumped up to seemingly hug his head.

Bell once again found himself at the mercy of his Goddess’s chest. His face being firmly pressed against the softness threatening to embrace his vision.

After a few more happy shouts of joy, Hestia finally let her first child go from the soft prison she embraced him in.

“I’m so happy Bell,” she said, “Our familia is coming along nicely,” she beamed up at him, her smile contagious, “you don’t have to work so hard and you have a party to back you up in the dungeon.”

As Hestia had good things to say to Bell, Bell in turn had good things to say to Hestia.

“And you don’t have to work so hard either, Goddess,” he said with a smile, “you don’t have to keep going to those part time jobs all the time.”

Hestia smiled at her child, touched by his concern, “Thanks Bell but I actually like some of the jobs I work at. I mean, the potato puff stand would crumble without me.”

The owner of the stand was an elderly one and was always compassionate to Hestia for her hard work. Even if Hestia’s familia did financially well, she couldn’t see herself leaving the owner by herself with the stand.

Bell was touched by his Goddess’s kindness, once again glad to be her first child in the familia.

Bell finally noticed something about his Goddess that he should have noticed sooner in hindsight. Hestia wasn’t dressed in her usual garments, she instead wore a dress.

It wasn’t a fancy dress by any means, it looked more like something she’d wear for a casual gathering.

“Goddess, are you going somewhere?” Bell asked.

Hestia nodded and gave a twirl before replying, “Yep! Ganesha is throwing a party and all the Gods and Goddesses are invited,” she put her hands on her hips and puffed her chest up.

Bell tried to ignore the bounce on her chest from that action. Key word ‘tried.’

Ignoring that though, a party of Gods and Goddesses? That had to be a grand thing to witness, especially with how many deities are in Orario.

Bell was happy that his Goddess will be among them, he felt she deserved it after her own hard work.

“I hope you enjoy yourself, Goddess. You deserve it!” Bell said to her with a smile, his happiness for her plain to see.

Hestia smiled in return, “Thanks Bell,” she said, “I promise to do my best,” she paused and just now recalled something, “Oh before I go, do you want me to fix you anything before I leave.”

She didn’t want to leave her children hungry while she ate at a banquet.

Bell shook his head, “No, that’s alright. We still have food here we can make.”

It was nice to have a healthily stacked pantry and refrigerator of food now. Eating potato puffs everyday could only go on so long.

He then remembered he still had Syr’s lunch he made for him, he should probably have that less it go to waste

Hestia nodded, satisfied with the answer, “In that case, I still have to finish getting ready and you,” she pointed at Bell’s breastplate with one hand and used the other to pinch her nose with a teasing smile, “need to shower after a day in the dungeon, can’t have our new renovated home smell like sweat and blood now can we?”

Bell could not argue with that and agreed with his Goddess.

Hestia went back upstairs to her room to finish getting ready for the party. Bell followed her upstairs and went into his room to gather clothes for after his shower.

Having more rooms now was definitely a bonus but going all the way down to the basem*nt, where the restroom and shower were, could get tiresome after a while.

Maybe next time they garner enough funds, they could negotiate a restroom renovation.

Only, Bell knows that Goibniu may not be so merciful with a discount this time around.

The women of the Hestia familia were fairing pretty well in Orario’s shopping district.

They were currently exploring the wears and wardrobes of the city and were fairly surprised by the variety of styles they were witnessing.

Fanciful to practical, exotic to modern, there were many styles and fashions to choose from. In addition, there prices were malleable per shop. To the wealthy to the poor, someone could find something for anyone.

Chitoge had the eye of fashion, amongst the party. Seeing all the designs and styles excited her greatly, she practically had to get pulled away from one elven store that housed very intricate and wistful wardrobes.But paying the amount for such wears could impact their equipment plans.

Eventually, Chitoge found a store that possessed clothing she was more familiar with. She thought it almost funny how a store like this would have similar clothes to her world back home.

Or the original Chitoge’s home.

This summoning thing was still confusing at times.

Takeru wasn’t as artfully inclined as Chitoge and got most of her wardrobe from a store that possessed clothing that catered to eastern tastes.

She was pleasantly surprised to find pants that were nearly a mirror to her own.

She recalled an old friend calling her pants ‘puffy and practical’ and Takeru could not argue with that. Her puffy pants saved her from a misaimed arrow or sword strike quite a few times.

Koukin had the hardest time finding a wardrobe that suited her tastes. She had found some clothes to buy but they weren’t anything special, bought for necessity then anything else. It wasn’t until they caught the eye of a shopkeeper in passing that they were invited, though you could argue they were dragged into the shopkeeper’s store.

An amazoness store.

Koukin looked around the store and while many would have thought it strange to see such minimal clothing, Koukin couldn’t help but enjoy what she was seeing. There were of course wears that were practically bikinis, some could even just be called thin strips of cloth, but there were also some clothing that was more modest, at least to an amazon.

Koukin elected to try the latter ones on first, the shopkeeper and manager as they found out was happy to oblige and even offered them a great discount on her wares if she could study Koukin’s current wardrobe. She was fascinated by the style and wanted to potentially put something new in her store. Koukin told her she could, with the condition she returns it when she is finished.

And that they discuss potential royalties with her clothes being used for potential designs.

With that done, Koukin went to the changing area and disappeared behind the curtains with some clothes in her hands, the manager waiting just outside with a giddy expression, waiting for the offered clothing of Koukin.

The remaining members of Hestia familia found themselves waiting in the amazon store, not really a problem considering they’ve already done it at a few other ones already.

But this was the first store that had more…risqué inventory.

“This place is certainly something,” Chitoge said holding a less than modest top set, it was apparently ‘standard wear’ for most amazons, “I can’t really picture myself walking around with this on as casual clothes,” she finished with a blush, this thing was basically a bikini.

Takeru was staring at a table of pants that seemed to be designed to fit skin tight, though the inner thighs of them were left bare, “Amazons are a warrior race after all,” she said, “if their focus is more on strength and agility, than it makes sense why they’d prefer minimal clothing.”

Less cloth, more strength and movement. Pretty strong logic. She even knew of a few in her old world who subscribed to such beliefs.

“Hmmm, I guess so,” Chitoge said, unconvinced but accepting of the logic.

Arue and Hana were staring at a few displays of amazon wear near them. Arue wasn’t interested in buying any but still admired the style of them.

Hana was staring at a set of clothes intently, as if debating a critical decision, before giving a sad sigh and turning away.

Still not ‘that’ brave just yet.

They were broken from their focus by a sudden exclamation.

“Come on! This is the best place to buy new clothes!”

Coming through the entrance was a pair of girls, two amazons, one with short dark hair and a lithe figure and another with long dark hair with a curvaceous figure. Behind them was a honey-brown haired elf and a blonde haired woman following close by.

The two following the amazons gave blushes when staring at the clothes around them. With the elf practically glowing cherry red at the sights.

“Tiona! This place is hardly appropriate to get new clothes for Ais!” Exclaimed the elf.

The amazon, Tiona, gave a casual wave at the elf, not bothered at all by the criticism, “It’s fine Lefiya, I get my clothes here all the time and I’m dressed okay,” she went over to a shelf that had various pareo skirts similar to the one she wore, “See! Wouldn’t Ais look good in one of these?”

The elf paused in thought as if considering, before shaking her head and expressing her disagreement via gesticulation.

They were a loud bunch to be sure and the Hestia familia members did their level best to ignore them.

But it was a store and only so big that eventually interactions unfolded.

Chitoge was studying a section that possessed possibly the most modest pieces in the store, though that wasn’t saying much, when she noticed someone approaching.

The blonde haired girl, Ais. If Chitoge could recall, or even bothered to care if she were honest.

The girl was looking at the clothing but looked like she didn’t know what she wanted and was giving concentrated ‘hums’ all the while.

Chitoge was getting gradually annoyed and after a while decided to do something about that. Not anything violent or aggressive mind you, she wasn’t going to start a fight in a store. Instead she looked the girl over, took in her appearance, nodded when she was finished before turning her attention back to the clothes. She found what she was looking for and held it up to Ais who looked at it and her quizzically.

“Here’s a good start for ya,” Chitoge said abruptly, drawing a startled jump from Ais, “you want something that goes well with your best features, from what I see, that’s your hair and eyes. Look for lights that go well with them or abrupt darks if you're looking to contrast and want to stand out.”

Her duty done, Chitoge placed the clothing in Ais’s hands and went back to looking at the apparel hoping to find something she liked.

“Thank you,”

Chitoge paused and looked over at Ais, who held the light clothing she gave her with a small smile.

She sincerely appreciated Chitoge’s advice.

The sheer sincerity that Chitoge faced just then took her aback. She found herself struggling to reply to such honest words from such a person.

“N-no problem,” she eventually said, looking away and twirling a strand of her hair, “you looked like you were having a hard time and I just felt like helping,” she gave a brief huff before finishing, “it’s not a big deal.”

Ais didn’t add or say anymore and simply went to rejoin her friends.

She happened to come at an awkward time.

“My name is Arue! Most Voluptuous amongst the Crimson Demons!”

A very awkward time.

Lefiya and Tiona were staring dumbstruck at Arue. What kind of person introduced themselves like that? Especially after they introduced themselves so politely.

Tiona felt personally attacked by the title ‘Most Voluptuous.’ But couldn’t argue against it, not when the proof was staring at her in the face.

Arue’s robes were supposed to be modest but even still, the size of her chest was noticeable.

Hana, by Arue’s side, gave a modest bow and introduced herself in turn, “Greeting. My name Is Hana Sunomiya, it’s nice to meet you.”

At least she gave a normal introduction.

Lefiya thought it was time to move things along and did so accordingly, “Well it’s nice to meet you both as well. I see you’re shopping here as well and wondered if there was anything more…‘modest’ could be found here.”

Arue gave the elf a playful smile, amused by the question, “An amazon store doesn’t really prioritize modesty in its clothing. It’s more ‘function over form’ as the saying goes.”

Tiona nodded happily, agreeing with the statement, “Yep! I told Lefiya that before we got here,” she paused, thinking of something, “though I didn’t use so many words.”

Arue gave a slight giggle at Tiona’s honest statement. It was adorable and she found herself liking this person all the more.

Hana noticed Ais then and what she was holding, “It seems your friend found something anyways.”

Lefiya and Tiona turned to Ais and saw what she was carrying. It was a nice set of white clothes that were definitely the most modest items Lefiya had seen in here so far, though the shorts could be longer.

Tiona looked at the clothes in awe, amazed that this place had something like this, “Wow! Ais, those look very nice,” she said, “where did you get them?”

Ais blankly pointed to where Chitoge was at, “The nice girl showed me and gave me advice on what to look for.”

Chitoge chose then to look up, and saw Ais pointing at her, their eyes met and Ais smiled and gave her a polite wave. Chitoge blushed at the attention and even more so when Tiona gave an enthusiastic one of her own. She quickly turned away and pretended they weren’t there.

Tiona gave a curious hum, “She’s a shy one.”

Arue gave a giggle at that, “Fufu. On occasion. When she’s in the dungeon, she’s practically a raging gorilla.”

“Ohhh!” Tiona sounded happy, “You’re adventures too! So are we!”

Arue was getting swept up in this girl’s enthusiasm, she didn’t know many people this joyful and was having a time of it talking to her.

“Yes,” Arue started, “Hana and myself arrived in the city not so long ago and were fortunate enough to find a Goddess to take us in and bless us.”

Hana nodded in agreement, “It was very fortuitous.”

Tiona smiled, happy for their luck, “That’s great! I hope you enjoy being adventurers. It can be rough but if you have guts and determination, you can take on anything the dungeon throws at you!”

A fist not so lightly bonked her on the head at that, “You also should have some brains to help you as well. Like this one seems to forget all the time.”

The voice and fist came from the other amazon, who looked at the other one exasperatingly.

“Geez Tiona. We’re here to shop, not bother others with idle chit chat,” she looked up at Arue and Hana with an apologetic smile, “Hi, names Tione. This one’s sister,” she pointed to Tiona, who was clutching her head at the hit, “sorry to cut your conversation short but we have a schedule to keep and still have some other shops to visit before days end,” she looked at her other friends and saw Ais holding a set of clothes in her hand, “Nice Ais. That’ll look great on you.”

Ais smiled and was more and more confident with her choice now but just to make sure…

“I would like to try it on,” she said, “just to be sure.”

No one had any objections, in fact the elf looked rapturous at the thought of seeing her in those clothes.

‘A perverted elf? Now that’s rare.”

Arue was smart enough not to voice that aloud but still didn’t hide her smirk at the thought.

Hana stared at the group as they went to the changing rooms, her heart felt conflicted. It was torn between embarrassment at the thought of wearing such things and admiration to the one who was willing to wear such a thing modest though it was by amazon standards.

She looks back at the clothes she was looking at, they were far more bold, her heart beating like a drum but her mind made up.

She quickly grabbed a clothing set she was interested in and moved to the changing rooms.

Arue saw this and couldn’t help but smile, this was turning into an exciting day.

At the end of the store, Takeru viewed the scenes before her blankly.

This was turning into a strange day to be sure.

At the changing rooms, things finally came to a head.

Stepping out of the changing room she was in, Koukin came out wearing what should have been a modest set of clothes for an amazon to wear.

It didn’t account for Koukin’s figure.

She wore a pareo skirt that was cut on both sides to show the sides of her thighs. In addition to a top that seemed to be only secured at the neck and arms, leaving the back bear and the front looking like loose cloth.

On the average person it would hide a chest rather well and comfortably.

On Koukin however, it only covered most of the top of her chest, still leaving half of her chest exposed.

The Loki familia familia stared at her, at a loss for words.

Koukin paid them no mind, looking at her clothes with an analytical eye.

“The skirts’ good but the top leaves much to be desired,” she said with a click of her tongue, “It doesn’t even cover the full chest. Was this really the biggest they had?”

She finally noticed that she had an audience and found herself staring at them. Not wanting to be rude she gave a slight bow and apologized if she bothered them by exiting abruptly.

That slight bow was enough to break the Loki familia members, the valley they saw she possessed was great indeed.

Tiona coughed blood abruptly and fell back, seemingly passed out, mumbling something repeatedly like ‘They can get that big? They can get that big?’

Tione finally felt subconscious for her own chest size for the first time in her life. A feeling she wasn’t accustomed to. She found her own hands guiding themselves to her chest, patting them and wondering the woman’s sizes.

Lefiya and Ais both were staring agape at Koukin, never seeing someone with a figure like hers, other than on a Goddess.

Ais finally broke out of her shock before looking down at the clothes she had in her hands.

She looked back to Koukin, then down, then up.

“I think this would fit me fine after all.”

The whole time this was going on, the manager and owner of the store was sitting behind the counter with a dopey smile on her face.

Best workday ever!

It wasn’t until mid-evening that the Hestia familia members made it back home. It was a good day of shopping for them.

Not just for clothes, but equipment as well.

Takeru, Koukin, and Chitoge all bought weapons that better suited their tastes and technique.

They made sure to thank the Loki family girls for telling them about a good store that had appropriate gear for starting adventures.

After they recovered of course.

Going up an Elevator in Babel was a fresh experience to some of them.

Chitoge had to try her best not to laugh at Takeru’s startled cry of shock when the elevator moved.

She nearly lost it when Koukin openly cried in alarm.

Arue held her neutral expression the whole time the elevator moved, much to everyone’s shock.

Chitoge made a mental note never to gamble against Arue. A poker face that good is to be feared.

But finally they were done and still possessed a healthy amount left to add to the familia coffers.

All in all it was a good day.

They entered their home ready to end the day on a good note.

Bell’s passed out body and foaming mouth quickly squashed that thought from existence.

If one were to ask what Bell Cranell had done when he got home. He would have said these things in order.

“I greeted my Goddess and told her about the good work we did in the dungeon. I took a shower.I told my Goddess to have a good time at the party and watched her leave. I decided to eat the lunch Syr made for me…I can’t remember what happened after that.”

Which was why when he woke up in his bed, he was immediately confused. How did he get here?

“Finally, you’re awake.”

The voice came from his side and Bell turned to see Koukin. Sitting in a chair by his bedside, wearing an expression of relief.

“You had us worried for a while there,” she said, “Takeru thought you were poisoned and scouted the building, looking for any assassins. She seemed a little too familiar with similar events.”

Bell made it a priority to reassure Takeru on his condition later. He didn’t mean to worry them so.

Koukin continued, “Hana, Arue, and myself already had a good guess on what happened. Given the evidence on the table, or the floor as it were.”

Koukin didn’t need to be a genius strategist to work out that the food Bell got was less than edible. Upon looking at the remaining evidence in the lunchbox he received, she found inside it an attempt at a meat bun, only the hodgepodge of ingredients she could see inside the meal deterred her from recognizing it as food.

And her captain still ate more than one bite of it, he ate at least half of it if she wasn’t wrong.

His survival instincts needed work, that was obvious.

She let him know as such, and Bell at least had the decency to look sheepish, rubbing the back of his head with a self-deprecating laugh.

“Well regardless, we luckily had an antidote on hand, not a strong one, but one well enough to fix a bad case of food poisoning.”

Bell nodded and thanked her before asking something, “What happened to the rest of the food?”

Koukin pushed her glasses up, causing them to gleam, “I had Arue and Chitoge dispose of the material.” she said.


“Ready?” Chitoge asked, holding what was left of Bell’s food in a bundle of cloth.

Arue held a hand up to the air, her gaze focused.


Chitoge tossed the material up as high as she could, before it could reach the apex of its height, a shout rang out.


A ball of flames as big as a man, shot out and engulfed the food.

What was left could neary be called ashes as it fell to the ground.

Chitoge and Arue stared at the smoking remnants, making sure its poisoned existence was extinguished once and for all.

When only a smoke stain remained of the ‘food,’ they knew they succeeded.

Without looking at each other they raised their hands…


and high-fived each other.

Mission accomplished!

Bell sweatdropped at the methods used while he was comatosed.

A bit dramatic, if he was honest but results were results.

He had to come up with a story to tell Syr tomorrow. She was without a doubt going to ask him what he thought of the food and his answer needed to be good.


He was broken out of his thoughts by Koukin. Who was now looking at him with a stern expression.

Bell felt her gaze upon him and he immediately stood up from where he lay and met Koukin’s gaze.

It wasn’t a challenging one, it was a concerned gaze asking if ‘everything is alright.’ Koukin liked the response but now wasn’t the time for sentiment.

Now to address the problem.

“Bell,” she said, “I wish to discuss something with you. About the familia.”

Bell paid attention. Was there something wrong?

“I trust, if my guess is right, that you have little to no experience in leading, correct?”

Bell nodded in confirmation, no point in trying to lie. It was the truth, painful as it was to admit.

Koukin nodded, her gaze softening somewhat at the answer and the plain face honesty that came with it.

He was probably the most honest person she had met, in this life or her other one.

That wasn’t necessarily a good thing though nor was it a bad thing.

Time to cut to the matter at hand, no more holding back.

“In my own experience, a lack of leadership can lead to ill results,” she began, “it can lead to indecision, doubts amongst squads, hasty reactions, infighting, and even decimation.”

Bell heard her words and felt each one like a cold knife was being stabbed into him.

“A leader’s duty isn’t just to be a symbol,” Koukin continued, “nor is it to dictate everything within his or his followers' power. It is to inspire them in moments of dread, decide when decisions seem impossible, help when they are needed, and strike down foes who threaten them.”

Koukin paused and closed her eyes, remembering the person she followed, what she believed in and what she fought for.

“A leader must be great to those who trust them,” she went on, “must inspire more to follow him. Must know when to offer a hand in friendship and when to cut the throat of enemies before him.”

Koukin opened her eyes and stared at Bell, her focus unwavering, “I have served beside such leaders and despite their doubts and flaws. Despite the struggles they faced. They stood tall and inspired their followers to be better than they imagined, all the way to their ends.”

Bell was enraptured with her words, where once he was intimidated and a little scared, now he was getting excited. Was Koukin going to teach him to be like them? Was he going to be taught on how to lead?

“With that said, I would like to teach you how to lead.”

She was going to teach him!

“But I can’t teach you to be like that.”

Dreams crushed!

Koukin stared at Bell’s expression with slight pity but with a little mirth.

“For starters, what I told you was based on my past experience with those I followed and I can tell that you don’t exactly fit that kind of mold.

Bell slumped a bit in his bed, the reality taking the wind out of his sails.

“For starters, I doubt you would cut down nearly every foe to the familia, your nature is too gentle.”

Bell slumped further.

“You’re not an expert strategist by any means, in fact the thought of strategy seems entirely new to you.”

Even further he slumped.

“But at the very least,” Koukin said, giving Bell a small smile, “you’re inspiring.”

Bell looked at her, now removed from his slumping. Inspiring? Him?

Bell thought he could be some of the things Koukin said, only for her to coldly give him the facts of life.

But inspiring? Bell just didn’t see how.

“I spoke to Arue and Hana,” Koukin said, “they told me of your late night journey into the dungeon. With no armor or potions at your side. Just a knife and the clothes on your back.”

Bell felt subconscious at being told of his latest exploit. It was still a foolish action on his part and not one he’d make again if it makes his familia worried for him or even risk it in any way.

“I dare say I was inspired as well.”

Bell looked at her with wide eyes. Really?

Koukin gave a laugh at Bell’s expression, “Don’t get me wrong. What you did was reckless beyond reason. If it were anyone else, they would have died doing what you did.”

Bell had no argument to that, he was lucky he didn’t die.

“But what you did had an effect on them,” she went on, “It made them want to push themselves to do better, not just for themselves, for the familia and,” she pointed at him, right in his chest, “for you, their captain, their leader.”

Koukin now had a wider smile, “and that is something I can work with. I can’t turn you into one of the great leaders I served, but I can help you become your own kind of leader.”

Bell was speechless, he didn’t know what to say.

“So Bell Cranell, would you like me to help you become a leader of your own design?” she moved her hand that was at his chest down and open. An offer of a handshake.

Bell stared at the offered hand, his heart thumping in his chest and his mind racing.

He thought of his time within the Hestia familia so far, being welcomed by his Goddess, going into the dungeon and facing the foes within, gaining a strange magic, meeting Arue and Hana, forming a party with them, facing the monsters together now, summoning Chitoge, Koukin, and Takeru, growing more and more as a family and finally seeing it all before his eyes and realizing how important it was to him.

He wanted to protect it, he wanted it to last. It was no longer a case of wanting to lead the familia. Bell had to lead the familia, to have it grow and stand proud on its own. So that they can stand proud in it.

Bell shook the hand offered, his mind made up, “Teach me.” He said.

Koukin smiled, proud of her summoner’s determination. He had a long way to go and she knew she had her work cut out for her. But he was willing to admit what he lacked and was willing to work to gain it.

Already improving.

Now for a different matter she had to address.

“I’m glad you’re willing to work towards being a leader but there was something else I noticed that needs to be said.”

Bell was going to ask what, until Koukin made her move.

The hand he was shaking let go of his and pushed against his chest, sending him backwards into his bed with his head hitting his pillow with a soft *puff.*

He then felt someone getting in his bed and leaning over him. Bell looked up and saw who it was.

Koukin was staring down at Bell with a mischievous and sensual gaze. She was leaning over Bell on all fours and her chest just nearly touching his.

Bell found his gaze drift down slightly, to catch a glimpse of the vast cleavage her unique clothing provided before quickly bringing his gaze up to Koukin’s eyes.

Red met emerald in a sudden stare down, one Bell had no chance at winning.

“Something I noticed is that you don’t seem too comfortable around women,” she said, “or rather, you have very little experience with them, correct?”

Bell couldn’t bring himself to say anything in reply, it was another truth.

But, did it have to be pointed out now?!

Koukin’s smile widened a bit, “Your silence is telling,” she said, “I shouldn’t have to tell you that a lack of experience like that could become a hindrance, given the familia’s composition.”

Bell would have liked to say something to that but he was suffering from a stimulation overload. Her words did ring true though. If he couldn’t handle talking to women or being in the same building as them without worry, how was the familia going to take off?

Not with a sheepish captain, that’s for sure.

“In addition to your leadership training,” Koukin went on, “I’ll teach you how to be much less flustered around women. After all,”

She lowered herself a bit, her large soft chest finally touching his.

The sensation floored Bell, who could now feel their wonderful shape with great detail. Their softness, their shape, the buds beyond the clothing he could barely feel from her clothes.

This was getting intense.

“It is for the good of the familia.”

As she ended her words, Bell now recognized that her face was getting closer and closer to his face, so close that he could now feel her breath on himself.

As she got closer, Bell’s nerves finally gave in and he closed his eyes. Waiting for what happens next.

In a split second, he felt the softness on his chest was gone and he didn’t feel Koukin’s breath on his face any longer.

He opened his eyes and saw Koukin by his door, about to open it.

A question was in his lips but before he could ask, Koukin spoke up, “That’s enough for now,” she glanced back at him with a devil-may-care smile, “We have a lot to work on so there is no need to rush things. We’ll start with some lessons tomorrow, until then get a good night’s rest.”

With that said Koukin left, closing the door behind her, leaving Bell by himself.

Bell stared at the door to his room, his mind in flux before finally giving a deep sigh and laying back on his bed.

Many people in Bell’s position would have been angry, confused, and definitely frustrated, but Bell didn’t feel any of that. Except perhaps confusion but that was a given after what happened..

He let his thoughts drift about, imagining himself becoming a leader he could be proud of. When sleep finally took him, he had one train of thought go through his mind.

Despite the abruptness of Koukin’s actions, Bell felt confident she wouldn’t have gone too far. What she did was to make a point that Bell had ignored up until now, something he had to take care of.

Thankfully he had someone to help him take care of it.

As he finished his thought, he smiled in realization.

‘It’s nice to have a familia that cares that much.’

Bell settled in for a good night's rest, ready to face tomorrow and whatever it brought.

He was unprepared for the next day and what it brought.

AN: A bit sooner with the chapter this time. I had a good muse going for myself after the last chapter and decided to capitalize. Hope it turned out well. Bell is going to be taught by one of legends greatest strategists, surely nothing could go wrong…right? Had fun writing the Hestia familia meeting the Loki familia, definitely one of my favorite parts. Still so much to do going forward but I gotta handle it one word at a time.

Hope everyone had a great holiday. Take care and see ya next time!

Chapter 8

Chapter Text

Chapter 8

Hestia expected a lavish party when she arrived, one that only a God could imagine and create. Then she was reminded that this was Ganesha’s party and any hopes of it being ‘completely’ refined was optional at best.

She still couldn’t believe the entrance to the ballroom was in between a statue’s legs. A statue of Ganesha at that.

Always a God of the people but definitely one of the strangest ones Hestia had ever met.

She went about the party as best she could, saying hello to the friendly faces she knew and outright ignoring the ones she didn’t. Even glaring at a few who stared at her, or a specific part of her, for too long.

Eventually though, after taking part in some horderves, she ran into the person she was hoping to meet.

It was a woman who Hestia knew well during her time in Heaven and on Earth. She was taller than Hestia, though that’s not saying much, with a figure that told of hard work at their craft while maintaining their femininity with their curves, the red dress she wore only emphasized these traits. Though her most notable feature, besides her red hair, was probably the large eyepatch over her right eye leaving only one red eye visible on a rather attractive face.

Hephaestus, Goddess of the forge and Hestia’s best friend.

Who she mooched off of for a good while when she first arrived to this world.

Hestia only hopes that she was feeling merciful today.

She approached the forge Goddess with a casual polite stride, holding a smile on her face the whole time. She was genuinely happy to see her friend here, favors aside, it had been too long if she were honest.

And she had so much to tell her too!

“Hephaestus,” Hestia began, “It’s so good to see you again! How are you doing?”

The forge Goddess too a sip of her wine she was holding before replying, “Oh, you know, working hard for what I have, managing my many children, fixing and correcting mistakes here and there and as of recently,” she looks down at Hestia, her one eye full of suspicion, “wondering what a certain little Goddess wants from me now.”

Hestia gave a gasp and held a hand to her chest, outraged, “Hephaestus,” she said, “I’m hurt! Why do you think I want something from you?”

Hephaestus gave a sigh and punched the bridge of her nose, does she really need reminding?

“First off,” she began, “you mooched off me and my children’s work for months, all the while, stuffing your face and lazing about reading books.”

Hestia felt that truth hit her like a bullet, she even recoiled from the shock.

Hephaestus wasn’t done though, “Then you had the nerve to come to me begging for a loan, then another, then another, never paying me back for each of them.”

Hestia recoiled again, the truth hurts!

“You then begged me to get you a job because you were going through the money I gave you and you had no way of paying me back, so I gave you a job.”

That one hurt less but still stung a great deal.

“Finally,” Hephaestus throws her hands in the air, “you came to me asking to give you a place to live, which I gave you at no small expense,” she takes a final drink of her wine, draining the glass, “so yes I fully expect you to ask for something now that it’s been a while since we last saw each other. I can only imagine that the familia thing isn’t doing too well now?”

Last Hephaestus checked, Hestia only had one member in her familia and only one. If this was how things were going for her, Hephaestus doubted she’d see repayment for all she did for her anytime soon.

This was when Hestia surprised her.

After recovering from the truthful-verbal beating she received, Hestia gained a measure of confidence at Hephaestus’s words.

“Well as it so happens,” she began, “I’m now sporting a familia with six members now. My familias’ grown since last time.”

Hephaestus blinked at that, six members now? For real? Hephaestus was fortunate enough to use her craft and skills to attract other followers of the forge, thus was able to get a great start in the mortal world, but Hestia though?

Hestia had to be lying, she hated doubting her friend but she knew of her habits very well, did she use her arcanum? No she wasn’t that dumb, no God was. Did she bribe them? With what money? So many questions ran through the forge Goddess’s mind, trying to make sense of what she just heard.

Hestia could see the doubt on her friend’s face and the questions running through her mind. She did not care for it, not at all!

“Hey! The doubt isn’t appreciated, you know,” Hestia jumped and said, “I know I have some bad habits,” understatement, “but even I can get a break and get lucky with recruiting new members. I’m not completely hopeless, you know.”

Hephaestus still had reservations on Hestia, after putting up with her for so long, who wouldn’t. But in this case she could give her friend a break and now that she saw her reaction to her doubt, she was more inclined to believe her.

She was happy for her now, her familia was growing happily along and maybe it’ll set her on the honest path and she’d stop asking for favors from her.

“Well then, if that’s the case,” Hephaestus smiled at her friend, “then congratulations on getting a proper familia up and running. I’m happy for you.”

Hestia beamed up at her friend, happy she was not being doubted, “Thanks Hephaestus, I appreciate that.”

The forge Goddess nodded, “Now what was it you wanted to ask?”

“Oh! Yeah I’d like to ask a favor, please!”

Hephaestus' expectations for her friend were smashed and grinded to dust. This Goddess just didn’t lean.

Before she gave a rather harsh response and Hestia resorted to begging, anticipating her friend's response, a new voice interrupted them.

“Hey, Phea-phea! Nice to see ya here. Didn’t think this little shindig would be up your alley.”

The voice came from another God, a Goddess in fact,red haired, who wore an amazon's pareo skirt that covered her legs and a cloth wrapping around her flat chest.

Nonexistent chest, as Hestia pointed out often.

This was Loki, a trickster Goddess and founder of the aptly named Loki familia, one of the strongest familias in Orario.

She was also someone the Hestia could not stand, be it here or in Heaven.

“My children told me I needed a break from work and argued a good case for coming here,” Hephaestus said, “I’m not surprised to see you here, never could turn down good food and drink,” she smiled then and continued, “as well as flexing your power over the other Gods I’m sure.”

Loki smiled wider, not denying what was said to her. It was true after all, good food, good drink, especially good drink and of course lording her power and reputation over other deities.

It was the little things in life, always appreciate them.

Speaking of ‘little’…

Loki turned her attention down to Hephaestus’s side, spotting the short Goddess by her.

Who was glaring up at her as fiercely as she could. Which wasn’t much, Hestia had soft features and couldn’t pull off fierce, maybe mad but not fierce.

“Well well well,” Loki began, “If it isn’t the broke Goddess. Still living in that ruined church of yours?”

Hestia came prepared for this, “No longer a ruin anymore,” just surrounded by them now, “and I’m no longer broke!”

Kinda true and kinda not, Bell and the rest have been pulling out good hauls in the dungeon, but it would still be some time before she could call herself wealthy, it would be accurate to say she was decent for now.

Hestia’s answer surprised Loki and Hephaestus for that matter.

“What, you pulled another shift at the potato puff stand?” The trickster Goddess asked.

Hestia did actually but that wasn’t the point, “No actually, my familia had a good boon of new members this past few weeks. We grew by five new members!” It was Hestia’s turn to be smug, “With their hard work and my guidance, we managed to get our home base renovated.” At thankfully a good price, with a certain smith God’s mercy.

“Oh, well.” Loki seemed put off by Hestia’s announcement. She really wanted to pop the poverty balloon over her again but Loki had many tricks up her sleeve.

Bragging, being amongst her best.

“Well that’s nice for you,” she began, “starting off with one to six is a nice start for any beginner familia.” Loki looked pensive then, holding a hand to her chin in thought, “Hmmm. How many did I start with when I got to the city? Three I believe and I think I got ten, twelve, twenty when really setting up.”

Now she was one of the strongest and prolific familias in the city. Definitely something to brag about.

She looked down at Hestia with a smirk, “You have a good start but mine’s still better,” she put on a faux smile in sympathy, “but don’t worry I’m sure you’ll get there someday…in a hundred years.”

She released a mocking laugh, happy to cut down the shortstack Goddess down a peg.

Unfortunately for her, Hestia knew how to knock her down a peg as well.

With a smile she said, “and I’m sure you’ll finally grow a good pair on that barren chest of yours…in a hundred years…or more.”

Hephaestus sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose, already anticipating what was to happen.

“What was that?!”

“Yeah! I said it!”

The inevitable clash occurred, Hestia and Loki locking heads and daring the other to make the first move.

It was a coin toss between the two and always was it entertaining to the Gods around them.

“Hey look! It’s Loki No-Boobs vs Loli Big-Boobs!

“Oh I’m glad I showed up to this party!

“Ganesha! You know how to throw a party!”

“I am Ganesha!!!”

Their battle was always a spectacle to see. They haven’t thrown hands just yet but they’re getting close. Until a new voice broke the tension.

“Well well, I’m glad to see you two getting along as best as ever.”

Coming into the little grouping was a Goddess of unquestionable beauty. Silver hair that flowed like water, violet eyes that shined like jewels, and a figure that looked like it came from a painting or sculpture, a body that was a work of art and beauty, not even dampened by the white dress she wore.

Which was only appropriate, given she is a Goddess of beauty.

Freya, leader of the Freya familia and another great power in Orario, rivaling Loki familia for the spot of strongest familia in the city.

She smiled at them, bemused by what she saw, “It warms my heart to see you two getting along so well.” she said.

“No we aren’t!” Hestia and Loki replied, foreheads still pressed against each other with accompanying glares.

“Nonsense,” Freya started with a smile, “They say that friends who argue and fight like this have some of the deepest bonds with each other.”


Loki and Hestia broke off from each other at that, a loud scoff exclaimed from them both.

“Like Hell I’m friends with this pipsqueak.” Loki said.

“No way am I friends with this washboard.” Said Hestia.

Again the two glared at each other, seemingly about to clash yet again.

Freya gave a laugh, bemused by their actions while Hephaestus sighed in exasperation of them. No such thing as a peaceful party with these two.

Loki, though, decided to break her glare with Hestia and look at Freya, “By the way,” she said, “It’s rare for you to come out of your abode for a party like this. Somethin catch your attention?”

Loki’s question got Hephaestus to wonder the same thing, Freya didn’t go to parties unless she was really bored or there was something interesting going on to draw her attention.

Hestia also looked at Freya, puzzlement written on her features. Why had Freya come? Ganesha could throw a party, but a party of Freya’s taste? Unlikely.

The Goddess of beauty smiled at the attention she was receiving. She wasn’t offended or put off by their questions or glances, she was more flattered than anything. So many were willing to crawl over each other just for her attention, be they God or mortal. It was a breath of fresh air that these three still held suspicions towards her and were honest about it.

Honesty was rare in her life nowadays.

“Well if you must know and I’m sure you do, Loki,” she said, “I’m here to see for myself if the rumors are true.”

Hestia blinked, bewildered. What rumors?

Loki smiled and she opened her narrow eyes a bit, showing red eyes that gleamed with mischief and cunning, “You too huh? Yeah, the rumor passed by my ears as well. Besides the amenities, I came to see if I couldn’t drag the truth out of someone here.” she ended with a soft chuckle.

“I am curious myself,” Hephaestus said, “but I don’t have much of a horse in this race as most of you do,” she gave Loki and Freya a steady look and finished, “but I have no idea, in case you are wondering.”

Hestia found herself looking back and forth between the three of them. What on earth were they talking about?

Loki noticed her actions and gave a sigh, a mix in frustration and exasperation, “You really don’t know?” she asked.

Hestia shook her head in the negative.

“Well pipsqueak,” started Loki, “There’s a rumor running about amongst the Gods here,” she waved her arm around, including them and herself in the gesture, “that something big happened and it got Ouranos spooked enough to scout about in the city and dungeon.”

Hestia blinked, something spooked Ouranos? What could have done that?

Ouranos was a God in the city, a powerful one at that. Not for having a familia or anything physical but for taking the sacred duty of watching the dungeon and using his powers to keep the monsters from breaking into the surface. He was the only God that could use his divine power in the world, provided it was used solely on keeping the dungeon in check.

He didn’t have a familia per-say, but the guild was the closest thing that he had to one. Especially given he resides underneath the headquarters.

He had been watching the dungeon for over a thousand years, if something managed to unnerve him…

Hestia gave a visible shudder, dreading the thought.

“Now you see why we’re so curious,” Freya said, a pensive look on her face, “what could rattle him so that he sends scouts running about.”

Loki looked at her, “You too huh? Yeah, my children spotted a few around our home. Looks like Hermes’ children.”

Freya nodded, “Makes sense, given the ties between the two,” she gave another smile, “Wonder what they’ll find.”

Loki smiled alongside her, “I’ll admit, I’m curious too,” her smile turned far more cunning, “maybe I’ll look about and see what I find.”

Hestia did not feel comfortable right now. Looking between the two rival Goddesses staring each other down, she felt like she was a rabbit wandering into two wolves having a spat. It isn’t going to be fun when they focus their attention on her.

Hephaestus noticed Hestia’s nervousness and thought it was a good time to add something, “You two can speculate back and forth all you want, some of us are here to try and relax with good food and drink,” she reached to a table and picked up free glass of wine, “I would also like it with good company, isn’t that right Hestia.”

Hestia caught on to what Hephaestus was doing, duck out or defuse. Whichever gets you out of trouble the fastest.

She didn’t verbally respond, only shaking her head up and down in agreement.

Two of the most powerful people in Orario listened to the forge Goddess’s words and found themselves agreeing with them. They were here to socialize and enjoy, best to keep it that way.

They could speculate and scheme later anyway.

“Well that is good advice Phea-phea,” Loki said, turning and walking away to somewhere else, “Think I’ll do just that, there is some good grub here to enjoy.” she gave them a wave behind herself as she walked away.

“I do believe it’s best for me to leave this party in any case,” Freya said in a polite tone, “I’ve had my fill of food and drink and outside of a handful of Gods here, there isn’t really anyone interesting to talk to.”

Freya gave a small glance behind her, “Besides, I think I’ve had my fill of my admirers ogling me since I arrived,” she gave Hestia and Hephaestus each a polite smile and walked off herself.

Hestia gave a sigh of relief, glad that was all over. Of all the dumb luck, she had to run into the two Goddesses she couldn’t stand. Sometimes you can’t catch a break, but it was over now and it was time to get back to why she approached Hephaestus in the first place.

“Hephaestus! I need a favor!” Hestia said in a tone she thought sounded mature and professional.


Hephaestus’s one word felt like a hammer blow into Hestia’s gut. She didn’t even give it half a second’s thought before replying.

This wasn’t good, Hephaestus looks like she wasn’t going to budge on this.

Which shouldn’t really surprise Hestia, given that her friend literally listed off reasons why she shouldn’t help.

But Hestia wasn’t a quitter when it involved her children. Especially her first child.

With no other course, or likely none she could think of, Hestia utilized a technique passed down to her by a dear friend.

‘Takemikazuchi! Don’t fail me now!”

A gathering of the divine.

Together to wine and dine.

But rumors kiss the air.

Tickling ears unfair.

What truth can be found, when goals hardly align.

AN: A short chapter just to cover what Hestia was up to at the party, as well as move some things along behind the scenes. I had fun with this, kinda short and sweet but concise. Next chapter is Monsterphilia. I look forward to it. Take care and see you next time.

Chapter 9

Chapter Text

Chapter 9

Morning light shone through the window and onto the face of Koukin, stirring her awake. With a groan, she rose herself up to sit on her bed and gave a stretch, followed by a yawn, the blanket falling off her torso to reveal her tanned naked chest to the world.

Normally she would have bedwear on but she found herself enjoying sleeping with minimal, very minimal, clothing on. For a very good reason in her opinion.

Koukin got out of her bed, showing she only wore dark panties as her night attire, and took in a long deep breath. She exhaled smoothly and found herself smiling at the action.

No chest pains, shortness of breath, dizziness, or even a small cough.

She was for all intents and purposes a perfectly healthy woman.

A fact that nearly brought her to tears when she realized it. No longer did she have to be fretted over by her companions. No longer did she have to worry about a bloody and painful coughing fit. No longer did she have to limit herself to the sidelines. Now she could join a fight, rather than just plan for it.

The thought brought a smile to her face. She was brought to this world to experience a new grasp on life, a life her original self couldn’t experience. A life of health and potential.

The sky’s the limit in this new world and already Koukin intended to enjoy it the best she could. Though that wasn’t the only thing she intended to do in this world. She knew of some things when being called to this world, knowledge that she found herself suddenly obtaining without prompt or practice. Things such as writing or reading the common language as well as speaking it.

There were also bits of knowledge that puzzled her a great deal. Some info on figures of the past that no longer live. Or even the three great quests. Why she had this knowledge alongside the basics puzzled her.

It was worth investigating at some point and she does intend to ask her fellow summoned allies what knowledge they were given upon their summoning.

Until then though, first things first.

She moved to a closet that contained some of her new clothes. She managed to find some similar clothes to what she wore in her old world, granted they were far more conservative than what she’d like but it was still nice to find them nonetheless.

She had to follow up with that amazon shopkeeper on replicating her wears at some point. If her wardrobe does well, the familia will have a nice bit of supplementary income in addition to their dungeon diving.

Her strategists mindset always thought ahead, always prepared, always ready.

Her clothing dawned, she left her room to face the day. Only for her attention to be drawn to the end of the hallway. She had chosen one of the rooms upstairs as hers. Believing it easier to notify or inform either her captain or Goddess at a given notice.

At the end of the hallway was Arue staring outside the window. She was wearing her usual mage wear and signature eyepatch.

Koukin grew curious and went over to her and stared out the window. Arue noticed her presence but gave no motion to greet her.

Not when something facilitating was happening outside.

Koukin stared out the window as well and saw what drew Arue’s attention.

Bell stared at his opponent with renewed focus, his heart aflame with adrenaline. Beside him were Hana and Chitoge, who stood in ready battle stances, clothed, armored, and armed against the opponent they were fighting.

Takeru patiently waited ahead of them, dressed in her attire and loosely wielding a wooden sword in her hand. She was standing nonchalantly and openly, inviting the trio in front of her to attack her.

Given that, even at this distance, Koukin could make out the grim and dirt on their clothes as well as the red welts from newly formed bruises on their bodies. Koukin would be correct to assume this wasn’t the first time they attacked and failed given Takeru had not a speck of dust on her.

Even still, they tried again.

Chitoge lunged out first with a cry, Bell following behind her. She launched a series of blows at Takeru, who dodged and weaved each strike with contemptuous ease, even tapping aside Chitoge’s gauntleted fists, not as a means of avoiding them but because she could and Chitoge knew it and it spurred her to attack more aggressively.

Suddenly, Chitoge leapt up into the air, showing remarkable acrobatics, and flipped over Takeru.

If it was meant to distract her, it failed.

She met Bell’s inevitable charge, who used Chitoge’s sudden action as a faint and hoped to capitalize on it.

Wooden dagger met wooden sword, as Bell hoped to use his speed to his advantage. Takeru responded by closing in gradually into Bell’s space until eventually he couldn’t bring his weapons about properly. She reversed her grip on her sword and thrust the pommel into Bell’s chest, knocking him back and drawing a wheezing cry out of him.

Takeru, without looking, suddenly stabbed behind herself. Hearing a cry and a similar wheeze, she knew she landed her strike true. A glance back confirmed this as Chitoge laid on the ground behind her, nursing her stomach.

Takeru felt someone grab her arm suddenly, right at her blind spot.

‘Good. She got the timing right.’ Takeru thought.

Hana attempted a textbook shoulder throw, aiming to flatten Takeru on the ground. Unfortunately, she was dealing with an experienced combatant who slipped out of holds better than the one she was in.

Takeru pivoted her hips just as Hana lifted her, and rather than landing on her back as intended, Takeru landed feet first facing Hana, who looked at her with wide eyes.

The swordswoman did give her much time after that, seizing the initiative, Takeru swung her sword up as fast and as powerful as she could, aiming at Hana’s head.

The eccentric girl saw the attack coming and could only watch with widening eyes as it drew closer.

Before stopping just a fraction of an inch from its target.

Hana felt the gust of pressured air pass over her, she could practically taste the power in the strike.

She didn’t want to imagine the damage that could have done.

Takeru stared at her with a stern expression as if waiting for something obvious from her.

“I yield,” said Hana.

Takeru’s expression changed into something more gentle. She removed her wooden sword from Hana’s head and gave her a nod, “Well done,” she said, “that was the best attempt you three did so far,”

They had been sparring for a little over an hour and Takeru had beaten them handedly every single time. Whenever she won, she would point out where they went wrong and offer any advice she could give before restarting the spar again.

An effective training method…though a bit brutal.

Bell rose up slowly, nursing his stomach, groaning all the while.

Chitoge was little better.

“Like I told Hana,” Takeru said, “that was your best attempt yet. You still need to work on the obvious weaknesses I have previously said.”

She pointed at Hana, “Your opponent, monster or otherwise, will not give you a stable target to toss about. Adjust yourself to your opponent and they couldn’t escape your grasp even if they tried.”

She pointed at Chitoge, “Rushing head on only works when your opponent isn’t expecting or anticipating it. Vary your attacks that don’t simply require a head on approach.”

She pointed at Bell, “Bell, your abilities with a dagger are decent but you lack a fundamental skill in using such blades. Close quarters are the emphasis with such weapons. Do not wield them like swords. Shorten the distance of your attack to use them effectively.”

With her piece said, Takeru turned and walked to the house, “trainings’ over. Wash up and rest up, we still have to eat breakfast today,” she ended.

Bell, Chitoge, and Hana aided each other in getting themselves up before leaning on each other and stumbling their way back inside.

Not one comment passed between them but they all had small smiles on their faces. It was harsh and brutal training to be sure.

But all that effort only stoked the flames of their hearts all the hotter.

Eventually the Hestia familia sat in the lower lounge room, eating plates of eggs and toast.

Bell, Hana, and Chitoge all had taken their showers, changed their clothes, and were resting up well after such a session. Chitoge more so given how she practically inhaled the food in front of her the second it was presented.

Bell, though tired and bruised, couldn’t keep the smile off his face. When he woke up this morning to do some morning training, he hadn’t expected to run into Takeru outside. She was doing her own morning training as well, an old habit she had in her old world. When he saw her practice for a bit, he eventually found the courage to ask her to train him.

To his surprise, she agreed readily, happy to offer her knowledge to a new and admittedly enthusiastic student.

Later on, while she was teaching Bell better ways to use his dagger, they were joined by Chitoge and Hana. They too woke up early to do some early morning training. Takeru offered them to join her and Bell and the two agreed with enthusiasm.

That enthusiasm didn’t last very long.

After showing them what she could, given their diverse fighting styles, Takeru decided to put them through a test.

Rapid sparring, is what she called it. Come at her again and again until they could land a clean blow on her.

Bell was concerned about hurting her, given it was three on one. Takeru almost felt insulted if she were honest but told Bell not to worry and simply come at her.

Chitoge was more than happy to oblige, always happy to show someone what she was capable of. She wasn't, however, capable enough, and was soundly defeated.

Hana tried to go against her, herself. Only to find that Takeru’s martial art skills were far greater. Definitely so when she was thrown on her shoulders with her legs hanging by her head.

Last to attack was Bell, who finally saw Takeru as the experienced warrior she was. A warrior much stronger than any of them. Though he did try his best to land a strike of his own, he was eventually brought down himself with a single strike of her sword.

Again they would get up and again they would get knocked down. Trying harder and harder each time. It wasn’t long before eventually the trio would strategize, with Bell taking the lead.

His ideas would start simple, before eventually becoming more and more cunning. Chitoge and Hana listened to their summoner and captain readily, glad that someone was thinking of something other than “attack like mad.”

None of the plans worked but it gave Bell some better confidence in his skills to lead and to better understand his familia members abilities.

He still had a long way to go to become an effective captain but small steps were still progress.

“Still no sign of the Goddess?” Arue asked.

Koukin shook her head, “No,” she replied, “we haven’t received any word besides the message she sent us last night.”

Last night, a member of the Hermes familia delivered a written message from Hestia.

I’m gonna be staying with a friend tonight. Don’t wait up! I’ll be home tomorrow! -Your dearest Hestia

It ended with a rather cute drawing of the Goddess, pigtails and all.

Wherever she was, she was at least in hopeful company.

Koukin decided to move the topic to the side for now and focus on something else. Namely what was the plan for everyone today.

“Bell,” she said, bringing the boy’s attention to her, “curiously, what’s the plan for today?”

Bell thought for a moment, his first response was going to be more dungeon exploring but after a second thought he decided against it.

They had been going in and out of the dungeon constantly for the last few days. It was probably time for a change up.

Only nothing sprung immediately to mind, so instead he decided to take a much more simpler route.

“I was thinking that,” started Bell, “maybe today could be a free day for everyone.”

Everyone listened to their captain’s words, curious.

Bell continued, “It’s just that we’ve been working hard in the dungeon for the last few days and I think we could use a break from it,” he gave everyone an honest smile, “so for today, let’s do whatever we want.”

The rest of the familia stared at their captain, none more so than Arue and Hana, who moved to his side and checked up on him.

Hana put her hand on Bell’s forehead, “No sign of fever it seems,” she said.

Arue was behind Bell, poking at his head and looking over his hair, “I don’t see any bruises up here and given his fidgeting, no sign of a concussion.”

Which was a miracle given the training he endured.

Bell was flustered at the attention he was receiving from his first two allies. Did he say something weird?

The remainder of the familia looked on with a mix of curious and bemused expressions. An unexpected breakfast show.

Eventually Arue and Hana backed off and returned to their seats. Confused looks still present on their faces.

Bell was confused too, which was why his question shouldn’t have surprised anyone, “What was that about? Did I say something wrong?”

Hana and Arue shared a look before turning to look back at Bell, “Forgive us Bell,” began Arue, “it’s just a surprise hearing you offer a free day away from the dungeon.”

Hana stepped into the conversation, “Ever since we arrived here, we’ve gone into the dungeon almost every day.”

Bell wanted to argue but thought about it for a moment and found himself unable to say anything in return.

“We thought it was all you knew,” Arue said.

“That you had some compulsion to keep going down into the dungeon,” said Hana.

“I thought you were cursed at some point to always want to go down there,”

“I would argue it was more like an addiction.”

Bell turned red under their words. Was he really that bad? Did he go into the dungeon that much?

Maybe he needed a hobby.

“Alright that’s enough,” Koukin gently but firmly interrupted, “our captain constantly went into the dungeon in an attempt to keep the familia afloat. Now that we’re growing nicely, he doesn’t need to go down the dungeon nearly as much.”

Bell wanted to add that he was still planning on going into the dungeon pretty regularly but decided that now wouldn’t be appropriate to mention it.

Koukin gave a huff before continuing, “Honestly, it’s not like he would want to go into the dungeon every day if he could, right?” she turned her attention to her captain, who was looking away nervously.

“Bell,” Koukin started, “you wouldn’t actually go into the dungeon every day if you could, right?”

Bell sweated all the more from her question and under her gaze, followed by the gazes of the rest of the familia.

His continued silence was all the answer they needed.

Koukin rubbed the bridge of her nose. Her captain had qualities she both liked and disliked. This one was just crazy.

It was just another trait in her captain’s growing collection of quirks and qualities.

Back to the matter at hand.

“Bell,” Koukin said, bringing his attention back to her, “Today I wish to go over those ‘lessons’ we discussed last night.”

Bell was puzzled at first before remembering the offer Koukin gave him. To teach him how to lead better.

Bell gave her a smile and a nod, looking forward to what she could teach.

Arue had a sudden smile on her face and Bell immediately felt dread pile inside him.

That was a cunning smile.

“My my my,” Arue said, “giving our captain some ‘private’ lessons are you. I thought you were stoic type at first but,” she did a pose with her sole crimson eye peeking through her fingers, “you show your true form before us now!”

‘True form? What?’ Koukin was flummoxed by Arue’s sudden announcement. She didn’t know exactly what she was talking about but she knew she didn’t much care for it.

“Whatever ridiculous fantasy you’re imagining. I can assure you it’s untrue,” Koukin said with some exasperation.

Arue, being a member of the Crimson Demons, was not done with her gesticulation. Posing yet again she replied, “You may say that now but eventually those ‘lessons’ will start including ‘examples,’ some of which you may provide ‘yourself’ as a key subject.”

Koukin finally caught on to what she was saying, she blushed at the fantisful description Arue was describing.

Time to nip that in the bud.

“You’re being ridiculous!” she exclaimed, “I’m only teaching Bell on how to be a better leader. I have experience in leading myself as well as working with some of the greatest leaders I ever knew.”

Arue was not done with her clear and evident teasing, though she admits to being impressed by Koukin’s initiative in offering to teach Bell, she still wanted to keep this little game going.

“I have seen this before, nay,” she said with a flourish, “read this many times in reliable books. The situations are far too similar. The circ*mstances and motivations can’t be ignored!”

“If by reliable books, you mean fictional books and I’ve already said my motivations for the matter with not ulterior motives.”

“If it happens enough in fiction, it is only a statistical certainty in reality!

“Whose reality? Your logic is flawed!”

“It is a certainty of a Crimson Demon!”

“I want a source for this crazy logic you’re spouting! A source!”

“Is my word not enough?”

“Not even by the barest of margins!”

Bell watched the two go back and forth with this argument. Wondering if he should do or say something to intervene before this gets out of control.

He glanced at the rest of the familia to see their reactions to this and was even more surprised by what he saw.

Chitoge, Hana, and Takeru were staring at the argument transfixed while continuing to eat their breakfast, as if the ongoing argument was a show of sorts.

Which Bell supposed it was, in its own way.

This continued for some time until eventually both parties grew tired of it. Arue gave a nonchalant apology and Koukin gave an idle wave of the hand in acceptance and they both finished their meals.

Eventually they discussed their plans.

Hana and Arue were both going to an art store they spotted while out shopping. Arue desired proper writing papers and ink while Hana wanted to pick up some drawing and painting supplies for herself.

Hana expressed her need and desire to paint rather passionately, saying she wanted to illustrate some of their experiences in the dungeon.

Bell wouldn’t say it out loud, given his nature, but Hana sounded adorable expressing her need to draw and paint.

Arue was far more reserved, only saying she had some ideas for some stories she wanted to write down.

Not mentioning that they were stories she had previously written in her other life.

Bell was curious about the ideas and asked what she planned to write. She explained that it would ruin the surprise her work would invoke and asked him to be patient.

Bell let the matter go and asked the rest what they planned to do.

Chitoge gave a shrug and only said, “Whatever I feel like.”

Takeru, though, added something that put a pin in Koukin’s plans for Bell, with it igniting her curiosity.

“I would like to check out this ‘Monsterphilia’ I heard about yesterday,” she had heard about it in passing while finding a weapon for herself.

After a general explanation, Koukin changed her and Bell’s plans for one on the move. When asked why by her captain, she explained.

“A great opportunity to study monsters we will inevitably face in the dungeon one day. We should not pass this up.”

Chitoge threw her own two valis in and said that there was a festival alongside the event and said that’s where she’d be if they went.

So it was decided, Bell, Koukin, Takeru, and Chitoge would be going to Monsterphilia for the festivities and info gathering about the monsters, while Arue and Hana would be heading to the shopping district to get some art and writing supplies.

The matter settled, they finished their meals, gathered some funds for each of them, and headed out. Ready to face the excitement the day had in store for them.

They were unprepared for just how exciting it would be.

Hestia stared at the item before her, though not a Goddess of the forge or craft of any kind, she could certainly appreciate the feat of artistry and metalwork before her.

On a table lay a knife. Black in color and rather simple in nature. It was short to be sure but it possessed an edge that Hestia wouldn’t dream of touching, she almost felt like staring at it would cut her. She knew it wouldn’t and perhaps she was being over dramatic.

Still though, there was no mistaking the object in front of her. She could feel the energy it was giving off, it was a power she was familiar with that only she and other Gods could detect.

Divine energy from a divine weapon.

Crafted by the smith Goddess herself.

“It’s amazing Hephaestus!” exclaimed Hestia with a smile, leaning over the table to get an even better look.

The smith Goddess smiled at her friend's enthusiasm. She really was proud of this work, it required a bit more effort than what she usually put in her works but Hestia had been specific on what kind of weapon she wanted for her child.

“My child is growing fast, real fast, and he needs a weapon that can match his speed! Please Hephaestus!”

Hephaestus had every right to say no but the earnestness of Hestia’s request struck her deep. This was a genuine request from a Goddess who loved her child very much. She could empathize with that, she too would do anything for her precious children if they needed it.

Also Hestia performed a dogeza in front of her for several hours, both at the party and back at her home.

Takemikazuchi should never have taught her that, she’ll charge him double the next time his children needed a new weapon. See if that doesn’t teach him.

“There’s just one final thing left to do,” Hephaestus said, “run your finger over the length of it.”

Hestia removed a glove and did so, trusting her dear friend.

As she finished the task, she felt a slight tug from within herself. It was brief and barely noticeable but Hestia could pick it up. Before she raised any question to ask, she saw glowing hieroglyphic runes appear on the knife.

It only lasted a few seconds but Hestia knew of the power in the symbols inscribed.

Hephaestus really outdid herself.

“There,” the smith Goddess said, “It just needed a little bit of your divine energy to finish it up,” she gave Hestia a forge warm smile, “congratulations Hestia, your child has a quality knife that will grow alongside him.”

Hestia was so happy, so excited that she could barely stand in place.

Hephaestus saw her friend practically vibrate in place and thought it best to move things along.

“Here, let me wrap this thing up for you so you can give it to that child of yours,” she said, beginning to sheath the blade and wrap it in travel cloth.

Hestia nodded, her excitement practically unbound, “Yes!” she exclaimed, “I’ll get this to Bell as fast as possible!”

“Give it to him whenever you like,” replied Hephaestus, “Just remember what you owe me for this and this time you can’t wiggle out of this.”

Hestia nodded, if she had any worries about the price for such a weapon, she didn’t show it.

This was her gift to her first child, someone who was willing to give her a chance at being their Goddess.

Price be damned in face of a Goddess’s love.

Bell and company were walking down the street ready to head to the event at the coliseum.

He was curious at what he would see there, new monsters he would one day face in the dungeon to be sure. But what else?

Adventurers attempting to train such beasts.

Large crowds cheering at the spectacle.

An array of stands set up to sell goods and food for the event.

These were some of the questions that were at the surface of his mind, with many more besides. He was a curious and excitable soul to be sure. Hestia often said it was one of his best traits.

Koukin glanced at her captain as they walked down the road together. Taking in his enthusiasm for what was sure to be an interesting time.

She had initially wanted to set the day up and teach him some general basics in decision making as well as basic strategy, but this was a unique opportunity in its own right. With this event they could plan ahead for what they would eventually face in the dungeon. It would also allow her to think up new variations on what lesson plans she’d had for Bell.

She gave another glance at her summoner and captain, a gleam in her eye that told of harsh things to come in his future. Her GO lesson plan was growing by the second.

Bell pretended that the stare he could feel on him didn’t bring a chill up his spine. He knew who was staring at him and he didn’t want to look at her lest he see something that would really scare him, given the feeling.

He already had one strange gaze he could feel on his back when he went out most days. Having another one and from his own familia might be too much.

Takeru gave no details away on what she thought of the event they were about to see. She of course agreed to the opportunity to study new foes they were bound to face. A part of her hoped that she might get lucky and face a monster down herself.

It was very unlikely, she admits. Given that the event is heavily regulated by the Ganesha familia. Still, one could hope.

Speaking of hope, she too turned her attention to her now captain, her gaze one more curious than anything else.

When he had asked her to train him she accepted of course, knowing that her summoner lacked any martial training besides what he was able to gain during his time as the sole familia member.

Which still wasn’t much to be honest.

Still, she gladly trained him the best way she could. Inviting him to spar with her so she could best understand his capabilities. He at first was nervous, having never fought another person before and was nervous of hurting her.

She would have been insulted were it not for the sheer sincerity in the boy’s words.

But she quickly assured him that it wasn’t ‘her’ he should be worried about, especially after knocking him back a good distance to show the difference in their strength.

After that, training began in earnest and soon not alone.

Chitoge and Hana appeared later, noticing the noise outside and went to investigate. Upon finding out about the training, both of them spoke of wanting to join in.

Takeru accepted and then the training began in earnest.

Initially they attacked her individually, letting each other have a chance at bringing her down. It wasn’t long until they realized that ‘that’ was an act of futility. Sure enough, they wised up and started coming at her as a group, sloppy at first but eventually becoming more and more coordinated with each attempt.

The end result was Takeru still standing victorious, while the other three were left bruised and exhausted.

It was enough to now know what she was working with. Chitoge was a talented fighter to be sure but she needed to focus her strikes more alongside her aggression. Hana, she could tell, had not much experience in combat besides her own trips in fighting monsters in the dungeon.

Then there was Bell.

For starters, she could tell despite his experience already acquired in the dungeon. Bell was still a novice fighter at best. During their sparring sessions, she noticed he had almost no guard, he never capitalized on moments of opportunity, he had barely any knowledge in blade work, and he was almost too timid to fight her.

That changed however, During the course of his training.

As they continued to spar, she noticed him picking up where he faltered, the mistakes he made were rarely ever made twice, and she could tell he was becoming more and more reticent in fighting her.

He did not have much talent but that was made up with his potential.

She had a feeling he would grow into an impressive warrior one day. As she stared at his back, she imagined the growth he will no doubt go through as an adventure and as a warrior.

Bell shivered all the more when he felt an additional stare directed at him, this time from his other companion. Did he do something wrong? Were they angry at him?

Now there’s a third gaze aimed at him!

Chitoge stared at her shivering and nervous captain, wondering what was wrong. Was he getting sick or something? Was he more injured from the sparring than he let on?

“Nya! White hair! White hair! Come here!”

Bell and the others turned and saw a brown haired cat girl waving at them from the Hostess of Fertility.

“Come here, nya! I need to tell you somethin, nya!”

Bell had no reason to refuse and the urgency/ enthusiasm she had made him all the more curious. As such, he made his way over to her with his familia trailing behind him, their curiosity also peaked by the exuberant cat girl.

“Here white hair, nya,” she held out a purple purse to him, “Take this, nya. To silly Syr, nya!” she stated to him quickly.

Bell was at a loss at what just happened. She called him over, gave him a purse, and mentioned something about Syr? So much just happened.

Not to mention the ‘nyas’.

The rest of his group looked equally bewildered and suddenly the brown-haired girl pointed at Koukin suddenly with open astonishment.

“Nya!” she exclaimed, “Another big breasted girl by your side. Was one not enough, nya!? Syr has no chance now,” she leaned forward, looking directly at Koukin’s chest with amazement and wonder , “they’re bigger than the other girls’ too, nya.”

Koukin will admit that she was caught wrong footed by the girl’s sudden proclamation. And honestly had no idea how to respond. In her old life, she had dealt with similar words and even flirtations quite often and she usually was able to put them out of her mind or put those who said them down coldly.

This cat girl before her was an outlier though. Especially with all those ‘nyas’.

A hand came from behind the girl and gave her a quick chop to the top of her head, drawing a pained “Nya!!” before she collapsed into unconsciousness.

Before the girl hit the ground though, the same hand caught her by the back of her uniform and held her in place.

Bell saw that it was an elf, a woman in fact. She had the signature elf traits, long pointed ears, angled and gorgeous facial features, and a lithe body that was well complimented by the uniform she wore. She also possessed light green hair and sky blue eyes.

“Anya,” she said, looking down at the unconscious girl in her hand, “You need to be more clear with your words when asking a favor in addition,” her eyes narrowed a bit in disapproval and she gave the girl a shake, “Mia doesn’t tolerate when customers harass us and same can be said of us harassing them.”

The cat girl regained consciousness then and looked extremely nervous all the sudden. Practically shaking like a leaf in the elf’s grip.

The elf turned her attention to Bell and the others, “Please excuse my friend's rudeness, she is a very…expressive person,” she said, “But to get things back on to what she meant to say earlier. I’m sure you know Syr, is that correct Mr Cranell?”

Bell nodded.

She continued, “Well she went off to see Monsterphilia and neglected to take her purse with her. I would take it to her myself but we are busy at the moment. I would appreciate it if you could return it to her.”

Bell stared at the elf for a moment, a bit transfixed on how good she looked in that uniform, before sense finally prevailed.

“Sure,” he said, “we were just heading down there to check it out in any case.”

The elf nodded in thanks before turning around and entering the pub, dragging Anya along all the while.

Bell turned to his party and said, “Hope you guys don’t mind, Syr is a bit of a friend of mine.”

They all gave simple shrugs in nonchalance, “It is as you say,” begin Takeru, “we were heading there in the first place. Does us no harm in helping her out.”

Koukin and Chitoge both nod, an agreeable statement.

Bell smiled at them in thanks and together they continued down the road.

Chitoge walked closer to Bell and asked, “Hey Bell, you saw how good that elf looked right?”

Bell blushed but gave no verbal answer, his reaction was all Chitoge needed anyway.

“I know right,” she said, bringing a hand to her chin in thought, “I thought that an elf wouldn’t look good at all. Not like that anyway.”

Bell turned to her bewildered, elves were practically famous for their beauty and Chitoge didn’t think so?

“I mean really,” she continued, “goes to show the thought process that went into that uniform if it compliments an elf’s beauty so well,” she gave a hum of appreciation for the design, “they have my praise, whoever designed it.”

Bell stared at her. She was talking about the uniform and how it complimented the elf’s beauty.

Bell did recall she mentioned something about designing clothing at some point in her past life. Guess habits traveled over.

“Hmm? Why are you looking at me like that?” Chitoge asked with a tilt of her head.

Bell quickly looked forward,“Nothing. Just thinking,” he said.

This got him a raised eyebrow from Chitoge, “Uh-huh,” she said, “while looking at me? Something on your mind?”

Bell had to think of something to say. Should he tell the truth? Should he lie? While he was busy thinking of a response, Chitoge narrowed her gaze even further, putting more scrutiny upon him and making him even more nervous.

Eventually though, the pressure became too much and he blurted out a thought.

“I just thought it was interesting how knowledgeable you are about fashion and thought you could teach me a thing or two on how to dress nicely!”

His face was atomic red when he finished, how embarrassing. He could have worded that a whole lot better and without raising his voice.

He thought Chitoge thought him a weirdo now with his response but her reply was the opposite of what Bell thought.

“Huh? That it?” she asked with less of a glare and more a look that Bell just stated the obvious, “Well thanks for the compliment and sure I’ll give you tips on style. You do look like you need it.”

Her words said, Chitoge walked ahead of Bell with long strides, overtaking him and leaving him behind with the others. Bell breathed out a sigh of relief, glad he didn’t say anything to offend her or make him look like a fool.

He went back to walking alongside the others, with Chitoge being the one ahead of them this time.

Chitoge was glad she was ahead of the party then for she was doing her best to stop the flattered heat she could feel tingling her ears.

Not many commented on her sense of fashion and it was a source of pride for her. She thought it nice to hear a compliment about her stylings since she was summoned.

‘He’s not a bad guy at all.’

With that thought, she and the rest of the group went on, heading to the stadium where the festival was held in earnest. Hoping to enjoy all it could offer.

And find this ‘Syr’ person while they were at it.

Upon arriving at the festival, they were bombarded on all sides by the sheer energy of the place.

Crowds of people walking left and right, street stands offering trinkets, games, and food, and even some street music was playing here and there.

The main attraction though was at the stadium where the party found out too late that an event was already happening and that they would have to wait until the next show time.

This did not deter them in exploring what they could in this energized environment. In addition to keeping an eye out for Syr of course.

Bell wondered how they were going to even find her in this cacophony of people. It certainly wasn’t going to be an easy task by the looks of things.

But there was still some fun to be had while they looked.

Koukin found a stand of caramel apples that attracted her by their look alone. She positively glowed when she took a bite.

Takeru found a stand that held a game from the east. A fishing game where you capture fish out of the water with a thin paper net of some sort. Takeru dominated the game with little trouble. So much so that the stand owner practically begged her to take a prize of her choice so he could still do business with other guests, most of whom were scared to approach the intensely focused woman. Takeru elected to take a pair of charms that caught her attention. One was an artistic render of a tsunami wave, the other a rendition of a spiraling flame.

Chitoge herself couldn’t stay at one stand long enough to count as a visit. Seemingly running and occasionally jumping from one place to another. Whether it was playing a game or eating food, Chitoge was determined to get the most she could out of this visit.

Bell was happy to see his familia member having a good time, he himself was just enjoying the atmosphere of the place so much. It reminded him that there was still so much of this city to experience for himself. It made him all the more glad that he came here.

He was however caught off guard by what happened next.


An exclamation, followed by a sudden tackle to his torso that nearly took him off his feet. He looked down to see familiar black hair tied into pigtails with ribbons Bell remembered buying for a certain someone.

That certain someone looked up to him just then and Bell saw who it obviously was

“Goddess!” Bell exclaimed, surprised to see her, “What are you doing here?”

Hestia smiled at Bell and hugged him tighter, making him blush red, “I was on my way home from a friend’s place when I got caught up in the festivities. I looked around for a quicker way home and what do I find?” she gave a toothy smile, “I find my adorable Bell in the crowd and couldn’t resist the urge to reunite with you.”

Bell was happy to see his Goddess again and glad she was here in good spirits. He noticed something was wrapped around her, travel cloth that was wrapped securely and tight.

He tried not to notice how it was wrapped in a way that had the cloth go between her breasts, which had the effect of enhancing them somewhat.

‘Try not to stare. Try not to stare!’

Hestia gave no notice of his curious gaze, or if she did, she didn’t mind at all. She had more important things to do right now anyway.

…but that could wait after some time through the festival with her favorite child.

A perfect time for a date!

With a smile, the Goddess of the hearth takes Bell’s hands with her own, “Hey Bell! How about you take your precious Goddess on a date today?”

Bell fumbled with his words at this new development, eventually managing to put some words together, “G-Goddess is now a good time for that and isn’t that so sudden after coming back?”

Hestia shook her head, “It’s the best time Bell! A festival is all around us, it’s a nice day, and the rest of the familia are enjoying themselves. So why don’t we?”

Bell tried to say something to that but stopped. His Goddess had a point. What was there to be worried about, they planned to come here after all anyway. Might as well enjoy the most they can.

Bell then remembered the purse he promised to bring to Syr and started to fret about that.

Thankfully, someone came to remedy that.

“You and the Goddess can enjoy the festivities yourselves if you want.”

Takeru came by Bell’s side looking at him and the Goddess with a smile, “I imagine it’s been some time since you two had some personal time with one another.”

Bell wouldn’t call it ‘personal time’ but held his tongue nonetheless after thinking about it for a bit.

It had been a while since he just spent some time with the Goddess. Just sitting, talking, and laughing with each other. They were good times and he found himself missing it a bit.

He looked at Takeru, a question on his lips but she held up a hand to stop him, “You needn’t worry about your friend,” she said, “we’ll keep an eye out and find you if we see her.”

Bell nodded in gratitude and said, “Thank you Takeru. Please let the others know as well.”

Takeru nodded in return, “No need to worry about that. I’ll be sure to let them know.”

With a smile and a nod of thanks, Bell and his Goddess went off on their ‘outing’ as Bell would call it, or ‘date’ if Hestia had her way.

Either way, they were sure to have fun.

She had to be quick about this. No time to indulge in her usual fancies or dilly dally. Especially since she left her associate with the bill and left without saying much in the way of a word.

That action alone would bring suspicion and curiosity but during their meeting, her guest guessed her interests right off the bat. She would assume naturally that her leaving was because she wanted to follow up on her ‘interest’.

In a way it was, though it was definitely more out of the ‘way’ as it were.

This may seem a little too much but when she saw ‘him’ again. His white hair, his red eyes, and his soul.

By the Heavens, what a soul.

She couldn’t fight back the temptation any longer. She had to do something, to see something, to experience something. She wanted that person, that boy more than anything.

But she knew she couldn’t take him just yet. He still had so much to do before she took him into her graces, into her arms.

And someday, into her bedside.

For now though, what she was doing right now, deep inside where the Ganesha familia kept their monsters for the event in the arena, would do for now.

She walked past cages, each with a monster taken from the dungeon. Whether it was a lowly goblin, a piggish orc, or even a rare jack bird. Ganesha familia gathered a wide, varied collection of monsters.

But only one caught her eye just then.

At the far end of the area, was a large cage containing a monster that would be perfect for her plans.

She need only open the cage and get close enough.

“Hey you over there! Stop where you are!”

A voice exclaimed from behind her and she smiled ever so slyly.

“Whatever is the problem?” she asked, “Am I not supposed to be here?”

She hears the person’s footsteps approach quickly from behind her. Their frustration, evident in their stride, “Obviously,” they said, or she, now that they were much closer for her to hear, “we have warning signs and guards outside this room. How did you get past them?”

The figure turned to face the Ganesha familia member and reached up to remove the hood of the cloak she wore, “I have my ways. Ways that don’t need explaining,” she said.

The guard saw the visage revealed and suddenly stood stock still. A wave of euphoria washed over her and clouded her senses and mind in a smothering embrace.

‘What was she doing here again? Who was this beautiful person before her? What did she want? Could I give it to her? Could I give her anything?’

These questions came to her suddenly and came to her in constant waves. As if her whole mind was focused solely on pleasing the person before them.

“Are you the guard for this area?” the question sounded so simple and almost playful but to the guard, it sounded like the most precious question anyone could ask and she was obliged to answer.

“Yes,” she said, her tone dull, as if in a trance, “I’m in charge of overseeing the monsters before and after their time in the arena. As per Ganesha’s orders.”

The stranger smiled at her and the guard felt like she was gifted the world’s treasures just then, “Then you have a key to all of these cages?” the stranger asked.

She must answer, “Yes I do,” she reaches down to her side and holds up a large ring of keys, “Would you like them?”

The stranger smiled at her before walking up to her and lifting a hand to caress her cheek.

The guard felt as if a great wish was fulfilled, one she never knew she wanted until receiving it.

“Can you free the monsters then and when you’re done, sleep and forget everything that just happened.

A deep portion of the guard wanted to scream in protest but was overcomed by the irresistible desire to serve, to grant this beautiful being’s wish.

And so she did, she went to every cage and unlocked them. Finally finishing with the large cage the stranger was staring at. Her task done, she collapses in dreamless sleep.

Even with all the cages open, none of the monsters made a move to leave them. It was as if they were in a trance.

A trance not too dissimilar to the guards as it were.

“Be free and run amok,” the stranger said with a commanding wave of her arm and sure enough the creatures left their cages in a run, making a b-line towards the exit.

The stranger turned her gaze behind her and locked eyes with the monster that was in the largest cage.

A silverback.

The creature paused in its momentum to leave, to follow the orders given to it by this stranger. Who seemed to wield a power it couldn’t understand.

The stranger made a beckoning gesture with her hand and the large monster found itself leaning down closer to her.

The stranger reached a hand out and rubbed the monster's face, just above a large protruding fang. Just then, by that one moment of contact, the silverback was dedicated to this stranger. If she ordered it to rip out its own core, it would do so without hesitation or doubt.

But that wasn’t what was ordered of him, in fact, it sounded more like a request to the beast’s ears.

“There is a particular person out there. One that I want you to see to. He is young, with white hair and red eyes, traveling with a short Goddess. Find him. Fight him,” were her words.

The silverback gave no confirmation on receiving the orders. It merely stood back up and continued towards the exit with thunderous steps.

The stranger smiled as it left. She knew the orders would be followed. She had absolute confidence about that.

With her objective complete, she donned her hood again again and fixed her robes into place before leaving the area.

A smile held behind her concealed face.

Onwards to the event to see.

Where taming beasts are the sight to greet thee.

But underneath the arena stands.

Someone is plotting her own plans.

Now what happens when the beasts are free.

AN: Happy New Year with a new chapter. Things are picking up for the familia and with more to come. Thank you all for your patience and for taking the time to read this little story of mine. I honestly didn’t think it would go this well but sure enough people seem to like it. I’m grateful, so thank you all. Take care and see you next time

Chapter 10

Chapter Text

Chapter 10

Bell and Hestia were having a time of it to be sure. They went to see street performers such as jugglers and fire eaters, they browsed stalls selling trinkets from exotic places, and visited stalls selling unique snack foods. They decided to rest and enjoy some parfait together. Hestia offered some of hers if she could have some of Bell’s but the young adventurer held off on accepting the offer given he had already eaten into his.

He nearly blushed out steam when Hestia said she didn’t mind and offered her treat up to him again, showing the fresh bite she made into her treat.

Despite the suddenness of the offer and the inevitable pouting by the hearth Goddess on his refusal. They were both having a great time together.

Hestia then decided to start up a new conversation, “So Bell,” she began, “you curious about what happened at the party I went to?”

It was a start and a buildup that Hestia was aiming for, wanting to surprise her first child with the gift she brought when he was least expecting it and most excited for the surprise.

Bell thought for a moment before replying, “I won’t lie and say I’m not curious,” he said, “you were gone for the whole night and most of the morning today. It had to be important if it kept you out that long.”

‘You have no idea,” thought Hestia.

“We’ll all in all it wasn’t anything special,” she said, taking a bite of her snack and waving a hand in nonchalance, “it was typical God stuff. What kind of shenanigans they got into, who’s got the juiciest gossip, and the occasional drunken argument.”

Bell didn’t want to picture a room full of drunken Gods arguing amongst themselves. He felt it ruined the image of divinity he usually attributed to them.

Though he admits that most Gods and Goddesses he has met hardly seem… ‘heavenly’ at times.

Goibniu certainly wouldn’t seem out of place as a regular elder blacksmith from what Bell remembers.

Even his own Goddess has acted less than a divine figure on occasion. Though there was a charm to that and Bell appreciated it, given that it made him smile now and again.

Hestia continued, “But while I was there, I met an old friend of mine. One I’ve known since my days in Heaven.”

Bell kept listening, focusing his attention on his Goddess.

“After she and I caught up for a bit,” she continued, “I asked her a favor.”

Hestia looked at her child, taking note of his reaction. Bell was a curious boy by nature and it was plain to see now. He was curious to know what his Goddess asked and if maybe it was some boon for the familia.

“It wasn’t easy,” she went on, “and it took all night and most of the morning to accomplish.”

Bell listened all the more. Where was this going? Did it have something to do with the package she had wrapped around her back?

“But it’s finally ready,” she smiled at him and pointed at her back, “your ne-“

A crash and a great many screams cut Hestia off. Out of the corner of her and Bell’s eyes, she could see what looked like a game stand rolling past them. Its contents scattered across the ground. A saving grace is that they didn’t see the owner rolling along with it.

For he wasn’t there, he was already running and screaming when the monster appeared.

Bell and Hestia turned to stare at where the stand was thrown and saw the crowds of people running from that direction. What took their attention was what they saw above the crowd.

A silverback roared in the distance, its snarling head looking around itself for something to destroy, something to kill.

Bell had never seen one in his journeys into the dungeon. They existed a few floors below where he ventured, he didn’t think he would run into one this soon.

Let alone during a festival.

Eventually the creature stopped looking around when its eyes landed on something in particular. Or someone as it were.

Bell found himself looking into the red glowing eyes of the beast, his nerves aflame with sudden tension. As the crowd around them grew smaller and the panicking noise grew less and less, Bell could now faintly hear something that put a chill down his spine.

He could faintly hear the deep gurgling growl emanating from the creature’s throat.

And it was directed at him and the Goddess

The Monster moved then, when enough space was available to it, making a direct path to Bell and Hestia.

Bell acted quickly, scooping Hestia in his arms he made to run. He could outpace the monster easy enough. Its strides were long but it was still slow enough to get away from.

Bell looked around for a safe path away from the monster. He saw crowds of people huddled and squeezing through exit routes into wider portions of the area, where most adventurers could be.

Though the crowds of people unintentionally had the effect of clogging entry ways, preventing adventurers from entering the area and dealing with the beast.

Bell found an option to escape then, it was risky but it couldn’t be anymore dangerous than staying behind to get killed.

His mind set and his Goddess in his arms, Bell ran into a wide alleyway with a plan in mind.

Lose the beast in the area called the ‘Other Dungeon’.

Daedalus Street

Chitoge had to get this off her chest, this was probably the best time to do so.

“I’m so sick and tired of Goblins!!!”

She ended her exclamation by dropping her raised leg down, dropping her heel into the head of an approaching goblin. It burst into ash before its head hit the ground.

Chitoge gave a huff and looked around her. Monsters were making a wreck of the shopping stalls; her and her familia friends were just browsing.

She gave a wince at seeing some had some nice clothes that were either torn apart by the monsters or trampled on by fleeing people.

‘And the day started out so nice,’ she groaned in her head.

She saw a shadow suddenly cast over her, she turned around to meet an orc. Its fat frame and height easily overtook her, though intimidated she was not. Simply surprised that something that fat could move so quietly.

She got ready to fight this beast but before she could move to attack, she heard a loud cracking sound split the air and before she realized it, the orc was suddenly missing a chunk of its head. It seemed puzzled too and made a bleary attempt to touch its head, only for another ‘crack!’ to split the air. This time, half of the orc's head was gone as well as a few fingers from its raised hand.

It burst into ash and particles and Chitoge saw Koukin standing a good distance behind where the creature stood, a black whip held in her hand.

“This is getting out of hand,” Koukin said, looking around once before noticing a kobold running at them. She snapped her whip out sharply and split the creature’s throat, bringing it to its end. “We have to find Bell and Hestia,” she continued, “any ideas where they could be?”

Chitoge thought for a moment, before remembering something, “I think I saw them out by the other market area, near the park. I’m not too sure though”

Koukin nodded, it was the best guess they had right now, “It’s worth a look in any case. Let’s head there first. Most of the monsters are being dealt with by other adventurers and the guards. Not to mention Takeru taking more of them down then I’d care to count.”

Takeru wasted no time in her actions at dispatching the monsters the moment they appeared. Koukin would almost say it was scary how fast she went from passive observer of the shops, to a quick and cold warrior of the battlefield.

It reminded her of a few she knew in her other life.

“Excuse me!” a voice broke in between them. Koukin and Chitoge both turned to see one of Ganesha familia’s guards approaching them. He looked haggard and his clothes had cuts as well as fresh blood on them.

They assumed monster blood, given he didn’t look injured.

The man stopped near them and took in a breath, his exhaustion evident. “I’m sorry but I’d like to ask a favor of you,” he said, “Can you please help in dispatching the monsters in the other areas? We have other adventures helping us but this problem is widespread and we could use all the help we could get.”

Koukin wanted to rebuke the man and tell them they had their Goddess to worry about and their captain but Chitoge beat her to the punch, “Hey! You seen a white haired guy with red eyes around lately?”

The guard looked puzzled before answering, “Ah. I don’t know.”

Chitoge continued, “He’d be with a short woman, dark hair in long pigtails.”

The guard thought for a moment, that did sound familiar.

“She also had a big chest,” finished Chitoge.

The guard smacked a fist into a palm in realization, “Yeah I did see someone like that,” he said, “they were down south of the colosseum I think.”

Koukin looked stunned at Chitoge’s descriptors before sighing, at least their Goddess had traits easy to identify.

“Then that’s where we must go,” Koukin said. She noticed the guard about to say something and quickly added, “I’m sorry but our Goddess is potentially at risk and we can’t spare ourselves to aid you.”

She genuinely meant it, they had too few numbers to spare for any decent aid.

Something to bring up to the Goddess when the chance arrives. Provided the Goddess was safe and whole.

“Not necessarily,” a familiar voice cut in. Koukin and the guard turned to see Takeru walking up to them. She had just sheathed her blade, having finished the last of the monsters she could find in the area.

She continued, “I can go and aid in disposing of the remaining monsters. Chitoge and yourself can go seek out Bell and Lady Hestia.”

Koukin thought about it for a moment. It was a sound strategy all together and better for everyone involved in this…debacle.

“Very well,” she said, “Chitoge and I will go find Bell and Hestia. I’ll leave the monsters here for your discretion.”

Takeru smiled, happy with the arrangement, “Thank you. I wish you luck in finding our familia members.”

“And I you, in vanquishing the remaining monsters,” Koukin replied.

Takeru nodded to the guard and together they ran off to where she was needed.

Koukin turned to look at her other comrade, “Ready Chitoge?”

Chitoge smiled and banged the knuckles of the gauntlets together, “Let’s go!”

Together they went south, in pursuit to aid their summoner and Goddess.

They only hoped they weren’t too late.

Bell and Hestia had been running for quite some time. Ducking and turning in what felt like countless alleyways and side-passages.

This area definitely earned the title of ‘Other Dungeon’. Bell honestly lost track of where he was by now but that wasn’t the main problem right now.

The sound of stone and pavement breaking beneath something large rang from behind him. He didn’t have to look to know what it was.

Besides, the loud growling gave it away as well.

Despite Bell’s speed, the silverback was gaining on him. He and his Goddess both. No thanks to the layout of the street.

Though he could outrun the beast, his speed was rendered moot by the twists and turns he had to maneuver around.

The monster had no such problem, given how it could just smash its way to him. Walls and narrow alleyways were inconveniences at best to the creature.

They may have just pissed it off more in truth.

Desperation finally forced Bell’s hand. Finding a small rusted-gated pathway, Bell acted quickly. He stopped and finally let his Goddess back on her feet. She looked vaguely disappointed at having left his arms but now wasn’t the time to think about that.

“Goddess here! This way,” Bell urged, gesturing to the path.

His Goddess went through the gate and Bell shut it behind her before breaking the rusted handle off. Separating him and his Goddess.

Hestia was flabbergasted before being distraught, “Bell! What are you doing?!”

Her first child smiled at her behind the gate, a smile of reticence, “You need to get to safety Goddess. I’ll hold off the monster and lead it away from you.”

Hestia wanted to cry. She didn’t want this. She wanted both herself and Bell to be safe, “Bell don’t! It’s too dangerous!” she exclaimed. She could already feel tears brimming at her eyes.

They both heard the monster roar again, followed by more stone breaking. It sounded close by.

Bell turned away from her and faced down where the beast would arrive. He did that to both face where it was coming from and to not look at his Goddess right now.

He didn’t want to see her cry, even if it was for him. His heart couldn’t take it.

“Thank you for having me as your first child Hestia. I’ll always be grateful.”

With that piece said, Bell ran down the path to where the monster would be. Determined to buy time for his Goddess to escape.

Hestia felt fear and despair grip her chest as her child ran to face certain death. She felt helpless and hopeless then. Her child was about to give his life for her sake. Her first child, the only one that gave a hopeless Goddess like her a chance at starting a familia.

She didn’t want him to die like this, not this soon. He was still so young and with so much left to experience in this world and she wanted to be there with him to experience it with him.

There had to be something she could do. Something at all.

As she leaned down in frustration, she felt the travel cloth tighten around her at the action.

Hestia felt like an absolute fool then but found a fire of determination burning itself inside her breast.

She could still help Bell, it wasn’t over for him just yet.

A goal in mind and a defiance of fate that only a Goddess could possess, Hestia ran down the pathway to circle around and meet back up with Bell.

Before it was too late.

Bell dodged the next strike that would have pulped him. He rolled across the ground and found himself in a vast courtyard of some kind. He rose to his feet and stared at where he came from.

The silverback was behind him, though now obstructed in entering the courtyard, given the large buildings it was trying to squeeze through.

And with time and effort it will succeed.

For the time being, Bell had a moment to catch his breath. Perhaps even his last few.

Despite the circ*mstances he was in right now he couldn’t help but smile a little, he was terrified that’s for sure but at least his Goddess was safe.

The silverback finally pushed itself past the buildings and was now entering the courtyard with a roar. Shaking the ground.

Bell took out his guild knife and readied himself. If this was it? He was gonna go down fighting.

‘Here I thought I’d die in the dungeon, not in the streets.’

The beast took long strides towards him, chains from its manacles dragging across the stonework.

Bell readied himself to dodge at the first sign of attack, a part of him hoping he might get lucky in felling the beast. Unlikely though that was.

It rose a meaty arm up high and was about to bring it down upon him, before that though a noise cut through the air.


Something impacted the silverback’s head, right at its jaw. Making it stumble in its attack.

Bell saw it wasn’t something but rather someone.

Chitoge had seemed to have come from nowhere and drop-kicked the monster. Her greaves even digging into its flesh with their metal.

Chitoge did a flip from where she impacted and landed an equidistant away from where Bell was, her face stern and serious.

“Chitoge,” Bell cried in relief and happiness, “you’re here!”

Chitoge glanced at Bell and gave a smile in his direction. Relief plain on her features.

“Glad I got here in time,” she said, directing her gaze back at the monster, which was gathering itself up from the sudden attack, “Where’s Hestia? Wasn’t she with you?”

Bell focused his attention as well on the recovering silverback before replying, “I set her down somewhere safe and lured it here.”

Chitoge gave an approving nod, “Good idea. We can fight this thing a lot better without worrying about the Goddess in addition.”

They both stared at the silverback as it regained its focus. It seemed more surprised by the attack from Chitoge than hurt.

Which didn’t surprise her much. She knew she didn’t do hardly any damage to this monster. It felt like she kicked a wall to be honest.

This thing had to be abnormal. Its massive size is already a tell.

Before it could go on the attack again, Bell and Chitoge moved. They dashed to the beast at a synchronized speed. Bell reached it first and went for the legs, attempting to cut at the muscles at the beast’ thighs.

His knife, though, proved to be too delicate for the task. He made it about an inch through flesh and fur before the cheap blade shattered. Bell felt his heart jump into his throat but knew now wasn’t the time to freeze up. He continued his charge and ended up behind the beast and out of its reach.

The Silverback gave a growl as it failed to catch Bell in its claws but found his focus distracted by a new sensation of pain just now. It just noticed a sharp sensation in its hand and looked to see Chitoge with her hair dancing in the effort and the wind and with a greave planted into one of its fingers.

As Bell was focused on taking out the beast's trunk like legs, Chitoge went for its hands. After dashing at full speed, she launched herself up and gave a sharp spin-kick to one of its hands. More accurately, a finger, in the hope to break it. She knew she wasn’t strong enough to kill this thing with the usual stratagem she used against other monsters but she could at least take this thing apart one piece at a time.

Granted it looked like her attack wasn’t as effective as she hoped. She jumped from her area of impact before the silverback could give her a retaliatory swing.

It then made its way towards her, its objective was the white-haired one and this interloper was getting in the way of that. Best to snuff out this distraction before it becomes more irritable.

Chitoge saw the beast begin to focus on her now and made to move back further from it.

But before the creature could make it a few steps towards her, another distraction came to be.

It heard a sharp crack that rang through the air and the next thing it knew, half its vision was gone and there was a stinging pain in its now useless eye.

“Chitoge! Maneuver around and strike at its blind spot! Bell! Find a weapon and rejoin the fray, fast!”

The command came from atop a nearby building. Bell looked and saw it was Koukin standing there, her features focused on the fight before them and her whip held taught in her hands.

She swung it around herself in an impressive display of control before lashing it out against the silverback, aiming for its other eye. This time though, the beast was smart enough to dodge the incoming strike, though not without losing a few hairs off its back for the the attempt.

Bell and Chitoge felt themselves surge with some microcosm of power just then and Bell recalls that it was due to a skill that Koukin possessed.

Chitoge was quick to follow through and moved to attack at the monster’s blind side.

Bell in contrast looked around for anything he could otherwise use as a weapon. A pipe, a piece of wood, or even the broken bits of stone from the monster’s entrance into the courtyard would do, but they wouldn’t be enough.

He looked at the broken guild blade in his hands, frustration building in his chest.

He needed a proper weapon.


A familiar voice cried out to him, a familiar voice. One he thought he placed the wielder down safely earlier. He turned his gaze to see his Goddess, Hestia, running out from another entrance into the courtyard, holding what she had on her back in her arms now.

Before he could voice outrage and concern at his Goddess’s sudden arrival, she spoke first.

“I have a weapon for you!”

It was probably the best news Bell heard all day.

He glanced at Koukin and asked an unspoken question with his eyes. She met his gaze firmly and gave a nod in confirmation but also with an urge.

‘Hurry.’ Her gaze said.

Bell ran towards his Goddess, ready to receive this new weapon. They both ducked behind a previously broken fountain of some kind and Hestia revealed her gift to her first child.

A black knife of amazing beauty with an edge that gleamed in the light.

It was a wonderful gift and Bell wasn’t sure, but he felt some kind of pull towards the blade, as if it was something he was missing from himself.

He didn’t dwell on the feeling for very long, in fact it nary lasted a second before reality came crashing in on him again. Literally in this case as Bell and Hestia both jumped as the ground shook as the silverback smashed the ground in an attempt to crush Chitoge, who flipped back from the strike with a cry of effort.

Koukin’s whip snapping through the air at the beast drew more cries from it as well as splashes of blood from its body.

Bell had a weapon in his hands now, a great weapon at that. Before he could rejoin the fray, Hestia had one last thing to do.

“Let me update your status Bell,” she said, nearly ordering, “Let me give you some more help for your battle.”

Bell could hardly refuse, he may need all the strength he could bring out. He turned his back to her and lifted his shirt enough for her to work. Hestia worked fast and Bell felt some newfound strength infused inside of him.

Hestia placed a hand on Bell’s bare back and spoke in a whisper, though Bell could hear her as if she was speaking right in his ear.


Bell rose and ran back into the battle, determined to grant his Goddess’s wish with blade in hand.

He couldn’t have come at a better time. Chitoge just jumped back from another strike of the beast’s claws and followed up with strikes of her own. Only for the beast to surprise her with turning its swipe into a powerful backhand. It hit her midair at the prime of her counterattack, knocking her across the ground and drawing a pained cry from the aggressive blonde.

Bell had to hurry.

With speed he didn’t know he had, Bell dashed to the beast's legs, his knife held in a reverse grip and raised high.

He cut at the silverback’s legs, this time though, he made it bleed. Even made it cry out in pain. Bell continued his assault, making deep cuts and slashes across its legs, making it kneel down from the assault.

It reached out to Bell with claws splayed but Bell dodged them with ease thanks to his Goddess updating his status. Bell finally had a chance to go after the beast's torso and maybe a chance at its core. He ran headlong into the silverback, hoping for a quick strike and finish. But the beast was far from helpless, half blinded though it was.

With a roar, it swung its arm and caught Bell in its strike, who had just enough time to stab his knife into its arm. As the swing reached its apex, it tossed Bell into the air, knife dislodging from its arm with the adventurer.

As Bell began to fall back towards the silverback, it reached up with its hand, hoping to grab and crush Bell before he even landed.

The crack of a whip and its remaining vision going dark as well as another flash of pain, put that plan to rest.

It reared its hand back to clutch at its now destroyed eye with a howl, pain and frustration clear in its wailing roar.

As he fell, Bell saw now the beast's chest was visible and open to attack. He adjusted his position in the air as quickly as he could and fell the rest of the way towards the monster.

His knife made contact with its chest and Bell drove as much force as he could alongside his momentum from the fall.

The silverback grew suddenly silent and still and without warning, it burst into a large cloud of ash and dust. Remnants that too, were disappearing into nothing.

Bell landed with a thud on the ground on his backside. He looked around for a moment at the disappearing ash in apparent disbelief before reality settled itself in his shoulders.

He won…he actually won.

Koukin jumped down from the roof she was on, her whip was looped and back at her side. She walked where the monster stood and looked along the ground before finally spotting something. She reached down and plucked a good sized magic stone from it. It sported a crack across it, signifying damage.

Koukin stared at it for a moment before turning her gaze to Bell, a smile on her face.

“Well done captain,” she said, “that was well done.”

Bell had to correct himself, he didn’t win.

They had one…his familia had won.

He felt someone slap his shoulder and turned to see Chitoge back on her feet, bruised and a bit bloody but sporting a smile.

“We sure showed that overgrown gorilla! Didn’t we Bell?” she said.

He found himself smiling with her. They did. They certainly did.

It was that moment that Hestia made herself known and tackled Bell to the ground with a hug and a cry of, “Bell!”

Bell stared down at his Goddess, the one who brought him his new weapon, the one who updated his status that aided him in combat.

The one who came back to help him, despite the danger.

“You did it Bell! You did it!” she exclaimed with a smile.

As she said that, it was as if the floodgates opened and suddenly the courtyard became suddenly flooded with noise from all around them.

People, citizens of Orario were poking their heads out their windows or coming out into the streets now that the danger had passed.

There were exclamations everywhere from what just happened. The crowd in disbelief at what happened and ecstatic for witnessing such a spectacle.

“Holy sh*t! Did you see the size of that thing?!”

“I’ve never seen a monster from the dungeon before. Still can’t believe it now if I’m honest.”

“You see that kid though? He was practically sent flying but got the kill shot in anyway.”

“That woman with the whip cut that thing up good. Practically blinded the beast.”

“The blonde one was impressive. She met that thing head-on and was just punching and kicking it. Girl is braver than most men I know.”

All around them, compliments rained down. Commenting on them or the fight. Disbelief and amazement, the primary emotions.

Bell felt the praise rained upon him with wide eyes. Never in his life did he think this would happen to him. Sure he imagined it but reality and imagination are vastly different things.

So it made it all the sweeter that imagination became real here and now.

And what made what happened next bittersweet.

Before he knew it, Bell saw his Goddess suddenly lean to her side and fall unconscious. He swiftly acted and caught her before she hit the ground.

His joy was suddenly replaced with fear and worry. What had just happened? Was his Goddess alright?

Why did this have to happen during a time of jubilation?


He could vaguely hear Koukin’s sudden shouts, calling for someone to get aid. He sees Chitoge at his side looking down at their Goddess, concern on her features.

His worry somewhat lessens with the knowledge that she was at least breathing.

Nevertheless, he had to get her somewhere safe.


A new voice broke him from his worry. A familiar voice. He looks up and sees the form of Syr coming up to him, worry written on her features.

Bell explained the situation the best he could, with Koukin adding any information he otherwise missed. Chitoge threw her own words here and there as a good means of emphasis.

Once Syr heard enough, she told them to follow her to the Hostess of Fertility. There, they could let their Goddess rest once it became clear it was exhaustion that was affecting her.

Bell took his Goddess in his arms and with Koukin and Chitoge beside him, acting as buffers against the crowd. They went off to the pub.

Quite some time had passed when they arrived at the pub. By the time they arrived, it was nearly dusk.

When they entered the pub with an unconscious Hestia in Bell’s arms, Syr took it upon herself to explain what happened. After hearing her tale, Mia pointed up some stairs at the back of the pub, saying they could use one of the extra beds for their Goddess.

With bows and words of thanks that Mama Mia accepted nonchalantly, they found a room and had Hestia in a bed, tucked in.

For a while they waited, up to an hour before Hestia began to wake up. Bell was at her side at the time. His other two familia members were down at the pub, enjoying some much needed food and drink.

Hestia looked around the room she was in before landing her eyes on Bell. A smile graced her features, one of happiness and exhaustion.

“Hey Bell,” she began, “you look tired. Don’t tell me you didn’t rest after that crazy battle.”

Bell had to let out a laugh at that. Even now, she was worried about him.

“Sorry Goddess,” he replied, “I couldn’t rest without knowing you were alright,” he reached out and held her hand in his own, “and I’m glad I did. Now I can tell the others you’re alright.”

Hestia remembered the others and their own feats against the monster, “How are they?” she asked, “they’re not too hurt I hope?”

Bell shook his head, “No, they’re fine,” he said, “Koukin kept her distance and wasn’t attacked. Chitoge got a few scratches and bruises but she says it was next to nothing for her.”

Bell tried to tell the blonde to at least take a minor healing potion but the blonde bruiser wouldn’t have it. He tried to emphasize it more but she had an answer to give him.

“I’ve been told I got the strength of a gorilla. A few bumps ain’t gonna break me. Wanna try me, bro?”

Bell thought it best to drop the matter after that. For his safety more than anything.

He brought his attention back to his Goddess and remembered something important he noticed.

“Goddess Hestia,” he began, reaching behind him, “there is something I wanted to ask.”

He brought out the knife she gave him, sheath and all. After removing the blade, he held it out to her.

“I noticed this inscription on the blade. Is this real?”

On one side of the knife was a name engraved in red on it, so small he didn’t notice at first.


Bell was aware of who wielded that name. Only one person, nay, a Goddess held that name.

And Bell knew that this knife had to cost his Goddess something fierce.

Hestia nodded at Bell’s question, “Yep! That’s a genuine blade straight from Hephaestus herself,” she sounded proud and smug in equal measure.

Bell was agape in disbelief. His Goddess got him this blade. A blade forged by a Goddess of the forge herself.

He almost collapsed by the weight of reality then.

Hestia saw his expression and decided to relieve him a bit of his worries, “You don’t have to worry Bell. I worked out a deal with her to make you that knife. She and I found terms to agree upon easily enough. She is an old friend of mine after all.”

Oh, they worked out a deal alright and Hestia was determined not to let Bell or anyone in the familia see the receipt of such a deal.

Bell found his worries lifted off him somewhat. Not completely but enough for him not to worry so much.

“Well,” he began, “If you’re sure, Goddess.”

He was still apprehensive about this great gift he received. It honestly felt too great for him.

Hestia thought it was the best possible gift for him.

“I’m sure Bell and you're worth it and more, a thousand times over.”

Hearing her sincere words nearly brought Bell into a crying mess. He tried his best to hold back his tears of gratitude but even still, a few slipped out and down his cheeks.

Hestia smiled and wiped away at the few tears that escaped Bell before cupping his cheek, “And that right there is why you’re worth it Bell. I don’t know many who are as sincerely grateful as you are and I’m always going to be grateful for you in return.”

She gave a yawn then stretched a bit, her exhaustion coming back to her.

Bell thought it best now to leave so she could get some rest.

“You should sleep, Goddess. The owner gave us permission to rest here for as long as we can after the day we had,” he was getting tired himself if he were honest.

Hestia nodded and layed back down, her eyelids getting too heavy to keep open, “That sounds like the best idea I heard all day.”

Eventually the Goddess closed her eyes and was softly breathing shortly after, finally sleeping after a long day.

Bell sheathed his new knife and got up to leave the room as quietly as he could.

Once out into the hallway, he made his way back downstairs to the pub. Where his familia members were at.

Upon arriving in the pub-proper, he looks around before finding his familia members sitting by the bar.

He went up to them and told them about Hestia’s condition.

“That’s a relief,” Chitoge said with a sigh, “glad she was just plain exhausted instead of sick or somethin.”

A sentiment that Bell shared.

Koukin smiled in evident relief, “She was very brave today. Given all that happened,” she leaned back and stretched out a bit to loosen some muscles, her tiredness showing itself, “I think we all could take a lesson from her and rest ourselves.”

Bell and Chitoge couldn’t argue against that. They were exhausted after exploring monsterphilia, running around, fighting monsters, and especially fighting an abnormal silverback.

Thinking back on it now, it just seemed to make them more tired. With Chitoge putting her head on the table as emphasis, a droning hum coming from her to emphasize her state.

Koukin thought that a bit much and tapped her on the head, by her ribbons, “Now that’s enough of that. If you’re really that tired, then go upstairs and rest.”

Chitoge gave a groan of frustration and exhaustion before doing so. She gave Bell a pat on the shoulder, “That was some good fighting, Bell,” and continued on her way to find a vacant guest bed.

“It really was a good fight Bell,” Koukin’s words brought his focus on her, she continued, “you handled yourself remarkably well against that monster, even before Chitoge and myself arrived to aid you.”

Bell thought what he did wasn’t much, especially since he didn’t do any fighting until the two arrived, “Thanks but I didn’t really do much until you all showed up. All I did was run away until I couldn’t anymore.”

It may have been a bit self deprecating but to Bell it was the honest truth.

Koukin wouldn’t have any of it though.

“You maneuvered around one of the craziest streets in the city,” she said in a plain-factual tone, “you managed to get our Goddess to relative safety, you lured the beast out into open and favorable terrain, and you were the one who put the creature down in the end.”

Bell was silent for a moment, feeling the words sink into him. He couldn’t deny that it was true but he had to mention both her’s and Chitoge’s parts in slaying the beast.

Koukin read it on Bell’s face and brought a hand up to stall him, “Don’t think Chitoge and myself are blind to our own contributions to the battle,” she lowered her hand when he wasn’t going to interrupt her, “I just want you to be aware of your efforts involved.”

Bell thought for a moment and focused primarily on his own achievements today, he dare say he felt happy for all he did.

“It’s nice to be modest on occasion,” Koukin went on, “but too modest to the point you lessen your accomplishments is fatalism. A trait no leader should possess,” she stared at Bell with intensity, a gaze that he couldn’t turn away from. He was locked in by her green-eyed gaze.

“Stand proud captain. You were strong today.”

Those words she spoke. They were words Bell never imagined anyone directing towards him. He was a rookie, a greenhorn, a beginner, and as a certain werewolf said, a weakling.

He didn’t think anyone would call him strong. Even from his own familia. When he thought of that for a bit, maybe he was too fatalistic to himself.

Bell let the emotions generated by Koukin’s words sink into him. He felt joy and happiness at being recognized as such.

So much so that it shouldn’t come to a surprise that his eyes began misting with unshed tears.

He really was a sensitive soul in the end.

Koukin acted quickly and gave him a napkin on the table, “Now that cannot happen captain,” she said, “I don’t know any leaders who cry at being complimented.”

Not necessarily true. She knew of one who might have cried. Especially if she were the one to compliment her but that, and her, were neither here nor there.

Bell dabbed at his eyes before his tears shed, a blush on his face.

“By the way,” he started, wanting to move on to something else before he embarrassed himself again, “where is Takeru? Is she alright?”

“She volunteered to aid the Ganesha familia in dealing with the other escaped monsters. I wouldn’t worry too much, by and large we had to deal with the bigger threat with the silverback, the remaining monsters shouldn’t pose much of a challenge for her.”

Bell didn’t have anything to say to that. Frankly if he were honest, he felt someone like Takeru could have made quick work of the silverback, nevermind any minor monsters.

Still though, he hoped she was alright.

As if fate decided to answer his question, the pub doors opened and the person who walked through looked around before spotting Bell and Koukin.

“Ah! There you are. I was told you all were making your way here. Sorry I’m late.”

The voice was Takeru’s and Bell and Koukin turned to face their arriving comrade.

Before doing a double-take and nearly a spit-take at what she came in wearing.

Takeru was making her way towards them in the usual wears she donned at the start of the day. Only this time she had an extra accessory. On her face was a golden elephant mask that covered the top half of it.

She appeared to be wearing a very glamorous gold version of the Ganesha familia mask.

“Bell! I’m glad to see you’re alright,” she began, “ I trust that there weren’t any issues on your end of the festival?”

Bell needed a moment to reply, the mask throwing him off, “We ran into some trouble but Koukin and Chitoge arrived, so it wasn’t so bad.”

“Good to hear,” she turned her attention to Koukin who was equally staring at her in absolute astonishment, “I’m glad you were successful in reuniting with Bell and Hestia. I admit to feeling regretful that I wasn’t there to lend aid myself.”

Bell and Koukin stared at her for a good deal, without saying anything. Until finally they couldn’t bear it any longer and had to ask together.

“Where did you get the mask?”

Takeru raised a hand and touched it with a smile, “Interesting isn’t it?”

Not the words they would ever use to describe it.

“After aiding the Ganesha familia in either capturing or killing the monsters,” she continued, “I happened to be in a location that their God was in and he was impressed and thankful enough for my skills that he gave this mask as a reward. Said it was rare and incredibly limited. I was happy to accept it after all the effort of the day.

‘Happy to accept?’ Were the thoughts of Bell and Koukin. As well as a few patrons and waitresses.

Bell decided that now wasn’t a good time to comment on it. Especially since it had been a long day already.

“Well it’s good to have you back,” he said, “the Goddess wore herself out today, so we’re staying here for the night thanks to a friend.”

Takeru nodded and Bell told her of the guest rooms upstairs. With a small bow of thanks, she made her way to one of the rooms.

Bell and Koukin watched her go, still bewildered by the mask such an otherwise serious person would choose to wear.

They looked at each other then, a plan decided with just looks alone.

‘We won’t tell her how weird that mask looks!’

‘Agreed captain.’

Not long after, the two decided to finally retire and put this whole crazy day behind them.

At least until the next one happens that is.

Bear the burden together to vanquish the beast.

Less you be made a meal to a terrible feast.

But bring your strengths together.

And you can endure any weather.

Hestia familia knows that better, to say the least.

AN: Let’s go! Another chapter! Finally at the ten mark and what a journey it has been. I didn’t think I’d make it this far with this story if I’m honest. Was worried I’d bumble up the pacing or something like that along the line. But by some miracle I made it to chapter ten.

Not to mention the greatest surprise of all. That this little fic I started literally with the belief of ‘why not’ is actually liked by you readers. For which, there are not enough words to describe my gratitude. Though I will say the few that are true enough.

Thank you, sincerely.

Well there is still much to do and much to write and as always I appreciate any comments or critiques as this is still my first fic and my attempt at relatively serious writing.

Take care and see you again.

Chapter 11

Chapter Text

Chapter 11

A time of peace can over the Hestia familia, relatively speaking. After the events at monsterphilia, anything else could seem like a breath of much needed fresh air.

They were back home after staying the night at the pub. Before they left though, Bell made sure to give Syr back her wallet, she in turn gave Bell a quick but generous hug, thanking him for bringing it back to her.

Though the hug did not last very long with Hestia in the same room. She quickly broke them apart saying something on the lines of, “A simple thank you would suffice! Don’t need you to get all clingy with my Bell!”

Syr wasn’t put off by the short Goddess’s behavior. In fact she smiled and called it cute that Bell had such a caring but aggressive Goddess by his side.

He thought best not to comment about that, lest he bring the short but fiery wrath of Hestia upon himself.

They said their goodbyes and returned home, where they told Arue and Hana what happened during their trip.

Arue was glad they were alive and well. Especially after such an encounter. She had neither the typical over dramatic posing she usually did when in discussion. She was honestly glad they were alright and she wouldn’t diminish that with her usual shtick.

Tempting though it was.

Hana was equally glad and further asked for details of their encounters with the beasts they faced. At first it was described rather frankly in an emphasis to hurry to the end. Hana though, kept asking specifics during the length of the story, how many people were there? What monsters did you see? How tall were they? Did they have fangs? How sharp were they? How hard was it running in that maze-like street? What was the sensation he felt in finally slaying the silverback?

The barrage of questions were admittedly overwhelming for Bell and he only managed to answer a few of them before Hestia put her foot down and told her to leave the questions for another time. When they had the energy to answer them.

Which was fair. Even after a good night's rest, Bell and the rest still felt fatigued from their ventures yesterday.

Hana acquiesced with a pout, her curiosity still brimming but she knew that now wasn’t exactly a good time for them to answer her questions.

Arue commented on how they should enjoy the rest of the day off to themselves. Something Chitoge readily agreed to.

Hestia too agreed and gave a firm declaration that today would be an off day from adventuring and training.

Bell wanted to argue about that but then felt the aches and pains he received yesterday still lingering somewhat.

It probably was best to recover a bit more.

Hestia received no complaints from the rest as well though Koukin had something else to add.

“If we cannot train our bodies, then at the very least let us train our minds,” she further added that she still had yet to sit Bell down to have a tactics and strategy lesson.

Hestia thought for a moment before deciding it wouldn’t do any harm in teaching. Just so long as there were no ‘physical’ lessons of any kind.

Koukin, with a professional air about her, told her there would be no physical lessons for Bell of any kind. Her focus was on his mind.

Hestia detected no lie with her words and with a sigh of her own she waved her agreement and walked up the stairs to pick out a good book to read in her room. Chitoge and Takeru returned to their rooms as well, ready to enjoy a good day off.

Arue also returned to her room, mentioning something about ‘draft work’ that needed done. Hana, surprisingly, went down to the basem*nt. When asked, she said she set up her art supplies down there. There wasn’t much room in her bedroom so she set up in the now spacious basem*nt instead.

Bell was glad he wasn’t just going to stand around all day. He hopes that Koukin’s lessons would be informative and helpful for his journeys ahead.

Though if he were honest, the smile his would-be teacher had did not engender too much joy when he saw it closely.

He could tell she was going to enjoy this, perhaps too much.

Bell’s learning started out surprisingly easy. Koukin had set up a basic chessboard in the lounge and invited Bell to play.

So they did and Bell lost terribly.

That wasn’t the end of it though. They set up the board again and played. Bell lost again but a bit later this time.

So it repeated, again and again. With each game lasting longer than the last but with Bell losing each time. It frustrated him a good deal but he didn’t raise a voice to complain. Mostly because he was missing something from what their playing was achieving. He had only known her a short time but Bell knew that Koukin didn’t do things without good reason and he was certain she put a lesson in here somewhere.

He just had to find it, somewhere between all the losses he was experiencing.

The board was reset and a new game began. Koukin made her first move, as she has the previous times.

Bell then noticed something, something about her first move. It was the same piece she started with, in each and every one of their games.

He decided to experiment, and moved a piece of his own like he did during their last game. She in turn moved another piece, the same one she moved the last game.

And the other games before.

Bell moved a different piece this time and she moved her other pieces the same way she did the last few games.

Bell realized something about that. During each bout, he had changed his tactics constantly. Always trying something new, without considering what his opponent was doing.

Bell understood what the lesson was and he played differently this time.

As the game went on, Bell’s theory was proven correct. Koukin was moving her pieces in the same order she had been during each match. Regardless of what Bell did with his and she had won every time.

Now though, Bell understood and adjusted his strategy against her plays. It was some time later and with a few more losses, but Bell was finally able to gain a slim win.

He moved a piece in place and said, “Checkmate,” the word tasted sweet.

Koukin stared at the board, before smiling to Bell, “Indeed,” she said, “congratulations.”

Bell gave a smile of his own, a sense of pride filling his chest. After so many losses, one victory tasted so sweet.

“Do you understand the purpose of these little games?” she asked.

Bell nodded, “I was meant to focus on you in the game, not myself,” he looked down at the board, considering, “After each loss, I was more focused on how I could play better that I didn’t really focus on you and notice what you were obviously doing,” he brought a hand to his chin in further thought, “you were making the same plays each match. If I wasn’t so focused on myself and how I was failing, I would have noticed.”

It seemed obvious in hindsight now and Bell admits to feeling like a fool, though that feeling wasn’t new to him in the least and got him to chuckle a bit.

If you can’t laugh at yourself, what can you laugh at?

“You are correct,” Koukin said, “At the beginning I was determined to utilize the same movements and strategy in hopes you would pick up on it,” she brought a hand up to push up on her glasses, “I confess, I didn’t think it would take this long.”

Bell was embarrassed at that, they had been playing for nearly an hour now.

“Nonetheless you got the lesson. Adjust your strategy to your opponent. If they play aggressively, use precision to cripple. If they play cautiously, surprise them and overwhelm them. If they play slowly, rush them and topple their power. These tactics don’t just apply to the game. They can also apply somewhere else.”

Bell knew the answer to the unasked question, “The dungeon,” he said.

Koukin pointed at him, “Exactly, the games we played just now could equally apply to the many threats in the dungeon or the world for that matter. It all goes how you perceive and how you plan and how you act.”

Her eyes suddenly turned fierce and Bell felt like he was on a knife’s edge with that look, “and those decisions sometimes need to be made in critical moments. When time is not always on your side.”

Bell gulped, she was right. His own journeys into the dungeon were full of unexpected happenings and sudden events. One minute he could be facing down a pack of kobolds only for another pack to spawn behind him. He could pick up a rare drop someone missed just to get jumped by a dungeon lizard.

He could turn around a corner and come face to face with a minotaur.

He shivered a bit, doing his best to hide it from Koukin; he still had nightmares about that event on occasion.

Koukin saw his trembling and nodded, believing he understood the gravity of the lesson.

“I think that this is a good stop for the day,” she said, standing up from her seat, “it was meant to be a brief lesson in any case. To give you an idea of what you’re in for,” she flashed him a smile, “I assume you have a general idea what to expect from me, correct?”

Bell nodded, he did. Koukin believed in teaching with examples, subtle ones at that. Bell had to pay extra attention to her lessons to find the meaning of them but if this little lesson was anything to go by, it would certainly be interesting to figure out.

It would also be fun, he had to admit, the lesson was tough, but it was also fun to figure out.

Bell stood with her, a smile also on his features. One that welcomed the challenging lessons ahead.

For the following days the Hestia familia experienced a relatively peaceful time. Bell would wake up, train with Takeru, usually alongside Hana and Chitoge, eat breakfast, have a lesson with Koukin, and eventually they would venture down into the dungeon. Doing very well for themselves and for the familia.

Though that wasn’t to say there hadn’t been hiccups here and there. Especially for the sole resident male in the building. It was only a matter of time before some shenanigans were to be experienced.

Bell, after an exerting trip into the dungeon on a hot day, decided to take an early shower and went downstairs. Unaware of Hana, who decided not to go to the dungeon that day and chose to focus on her own artwork at home. This wouldn’t be a problem normally, but of course, since this was Hana, normal was the farthest thing when involving her.

As Bell went down and entered the basem*nt, he got a direct visual of Hana’s little art studio, as well as the artist herself.

Standing in front of a large drawing pad with a charcoal art piece being worked on. Naked.

Bell saw Hana in all her glory. Young generous curves before his eyes. He only saw her from behind, as she was focused on her work and didn’t seem to notice him.

He had a moment to realize that as he was looking at her from behind, he was also able to see what she was working on in front of her.

A self portrait of herself, one that seems to have herself luxuriating on a couch, also naked and well proportioned as she was in reality. Bell couldn’t help but be impressed at her skills in the arts.

She had a gift to be sure, in more ways than one.

Bell, flustered as he was only gave a loud, “I’m sorry!” before dashing back upstairs. He was positive he could wait for as long as he could for his shower.

Hana briefly glanced behind her at where she thought she heard Bell’s voice, only to find no one there. She shrugged and returned to her work. Her muse alight with inspiration and confidence. As she continued to work on her art, she noticed the charcoal marks on her hands and arms, a glance down herself showed she had charcoal marks across her body. From the collar of her neck to the backs of her calves, she had marks all over her.

She made a mental note to take a shower when she reached a good stopping point. Which would probably be soon given she could feel the charcoal marks under her breasts begin to itch.

A nuisance to be sure but worth it since analyzing herself gave her better grasp of proportions for her work.

Her muse sparked again and she continued for quite some time.

This would not be the last time for Bell to find himself in an awkward situation. Though the next one would have probably cost him his life if the fates hadn’t had mercy on him.

During one early morning, Bell found himself blearily walking down the hallway to his room to rest after a journey into the dungeon that day.

Only to walk into a room that wasn’t his upstairs.

He was suddenly aware of this when he saw Chitoge preparing to rest for the night.

She had selected a nightgown to wear and seemed to be about to put it on.

Which meant that Bell was staring at her in her underwear.

They stared at one another, absolutely speechless at what just happened.

Bell stared at her for a moment more, inadvertently taking in her appearance with her rose-red underwear highlighting her strong but well proportioned body.

Reality set itself on him again and Bell began to apologize before retreating.

“I’m sor-”

A raised hand from Chitoge cut him off. He was made stock-still by the sudden and firm gesture from her.

Wordlessly and with a neutral expression, Chitoge donned her nightwear. Smoothing it out when she was done.

She turned to Bell then and with the same neutral expression asked him a question.

“So. Left or right eye? Which one do you want me to hit first?”

Bell elected to run as fast as he could instead of answering, shouting apologies as he fled.

Chitoge dashed after him, determined to give her captain ‘something’ for his error.

Hestia thankfully stepped in and laid the matter to rest. Though gave Bell a chastisem*nt for his peeping actions, accident though it was.

Chitoge seemed satisfied with the apparent lecture he received, having deemed it suitable enough. Though promising to not be as merciful if he did it again.

Bell could only lament his poor luck.

He lamented it further when he decided to read a book in the upstairs lounge one day. Arue was there as well, sitting on a pew, going over something she had written in her notebook.

He tripped and fell face first into her generous bosom. Electing a surprised yelp from her. It didn’t help matters that she patted his head and told him, “There, there. If you wanted to be much closer to me, you could have just asked.”

Bell apologized again and ran to his room. Leaving a thoroughly amused Arue behind.

Such events happened randomly and rarely though with no poor feelings lasting long from such occurrences.

It was just another time with the Hestia familia.

“Hmmm,” mused Chitoge, walking beside Bell down the street, “aren’t you just so happy right now,” she said with a smile.

She and Bell were coming back from a shopping trip of theirs. One they shared with Bell’s guild advisor.

Bell came to Eina one day asking if it would be alright for him and his familia to explore the deeper floors. Eina at first was outraged that he would even ask that, this soon into his adventurer career especially since he just got the green light not long ago to go to floor six.

Now he wanted to go down to floor ten at least, maybe more with his party involved.

Eina was suspicious and asked him if his status was high enough for him to go down to such levels. Bell had no issues with the question and showed her his status. Eina could read the runes on his back denoting his status, but when the numbers were involved. To her shock, she saw that Bell’s status was actually higher than usual to get approval to go down to floor ten. He could go down to the twelfth floor if he wanted.

Eina thought it best he stick to floor ten for a time at least and only go further if he had his party with him. Which Bell readily agreed, good boy as he was.

Eina questioned his current choice of armor though, given it was the same guild armor he was issued with when he started out. Eina made a statement that it was time for an upgrade and offered to take Bell out to get some new armor for himself. Bell at first protested given the price of some of the armor he'd seen and was confident he could make his guild armor work for him for a bit longer.

Eina disagreed immediately and pointed out that his familia had gotten suitable equipment for themselves already, which weren’t too expensive on top of that. Eina further probed Bell and found he’s only seen the shops on the surface, not anywhere else.

She told him that she knew of some shops that could fit his needs no problem and offered again to take him.

Bell was still doubtful but Eina’s confidence eventually warmed him to the idea. Though he did ask if he could bring Chitoge along if possible. His reasoning being her eye for quality in works. Eina saw no problem with it and agreed if she wanted to come.

When it came to asking Chitoge to come along, Bell was happy that she readily agreed to help him in picking out some new armor. She seemed to puff herself up a bit in pride when Bell commented on her sense of style in his request.

They all met up by the tower of Babel where Bell got to see Eina in her casual wear. He didn’t ogle for too long thanks to Chitoge, who helpfully elbowed him in the ribs to get his mind on track. Granted she could have been more gentle about it.

They went up the tower and explored the shops on a few floors. Shops that had much more digestible prices compared to what was in Orario’s market district.

Chitoge was puzzled by Bell’s reaction and asked him why he didn’t know about this. He replied with an honest question of how she already knew about this.

She told him that when she was with the other girls, shortly after becoming adventurers, were looking for new equipment, a blue haired girl with glasses mentioned this place when overhearing them talk, saying it was usually the first place to go for most beginner adventurers.

Bell felt a little foolish for not hearing about this area sooner. He could have had some newer equipment on himself at a decent price. Way better equipment than the sole piece of guild armor he was sporting.

Chitoge gave her captain a pat on his back and assured him that such experiences happened to her quite a few times as well. Eina too gave him some back pats in comfort and reassurance.

It made him feel a little better. Just a little.

They went to various and promising stores that could be best suited for Bell. Which turned out to be harder than expected.

They passed by stores that seemed promising but whose prices outweighed the expectations. Cheaper than in the city, yes, not that much cheaper though.

Some stores had armor sets that seemed to scream with unique style and flare. This immediately caught Chitoge’s attention and she guided Bell inside to see. It wasn’t long after that they realized that the armor looked good but that was just it. Since the shop they entered was more for armor to display in home rather than wear into battle.

Another store they passed immediately drew their attention for a completely unrelated reason. That reason being, seeing their own Goddess working at a Hephaestus store they had passed. Apparently it was one of Hestia’s part time jobs she worked at today. Hestia had some questions on why Bell was going out with two girls today, but was reassured by Chitoge that they were just looking for some new armor for Bell and the other girl was his advisor.

Hestia was seemingly mollified by the answer and wished them luck before returning to work.

So they did and eventually found themselves in a rather drab shop but one that was well equipped at least.

Chitoge was at first skeptical, given the overall appearance of the place but was somewhat appeased when looking at the gear available. Most of the products seemed to be up to par with what she and the rest purchased for themselves not long ago.

Bell was walking up and down the isles when he spotted something towards the back that caught his attention. It was an armor set, light armor actually. White in color with red edged accents here and there. Bell didn’t know why but he felt a pull to this armor, whether by its design or its price, he felt that this was it. Turning the chest piece over, he noticed the armor’s name and the maker's initials on it.


Welf Crozzo

Whoever the smith was, they had talent in Bell’s eyes.

Bell brought the armor up to the others and after a look from Chitoge and Eina, they agreed it was best suited for him.

After completing the purchase they concluded their shopping for today. Before Bell and Chitoge headed back home though, Eina surprised him with a gift, a green arm protector that Bell thought was amazing and nearly too good for someone like him. He thanked her genuinely and the half-elf blushed at his gratitude.

She told him to be careful when out in the dungeon and that she would be sad if anything were to happen to him. It was meant to sound platonic but it came out as more genuine and personal. Eina realized this and quickly made herself scarce, wishing them a good day as she left with a red face.

Bell and Chitoge wished her well as she went, wondering what could have made her act so weird all the sudden.

Bringing them to the present, here and now. Chitoge was endlessly amused by Bell’s clear joy at having a new set of armor for himself. She had to admit, when Bell was like this, he could be adorable. Like an over enthusiastic rabbit.

Those eyes and hair of his make the comparison all the easier.

As they were walking down an alleyway that led to the street to get home, they found themselves witness to an event.

Namely someone running into them as they made a turn. They both looked and for a moment confused the person for a child, upon a second glance they realized it was a pallum on the ground where she fell.

“Where do you think you’re going!”

A loud angry voice came down the other way of the alley, a man was running with his sword drawn and raised high.

Bell acted fast.

He drew his knife and stepped in front of the incoming attack and blocked it in a shower of sparks. The attack was strong but reckless and Bell had little issue in holding it back.

‘Thank you Takeru,” Bell thought, grateful for her training.

“Huh?” the man looked at Bell with a glare, “the hell you doing brat?” he asked.

“Stopping you,” Bell said as if the answer was obvious, “you were about to hurt that girl right?”

The man broke away from Bell, sword still held at the ready but pointed at the fallen pallum, “this is between me and her, you ain’t got no business butting in on it.”

“What kinda business is it that makes you want to beat up on a defenseless girl?,” Chitoge said, coming to stand beside Bell, “You think we’re gonna stand here and let ya do that?” she cracked her knuckles in preparation, “That’s not gonna happen. Right Bell?”

Bell was happy to have back up with him, especially since things looked like they were about to get violent.

“Yeah,” he replied, “I don’t know what’s going on but it can’t be worth hurting someone like this.”

The man in front of them seethed, clearly frustrated. He pointed his sword at Bell and Chitoge, “You want to get in my way? You want to end up in pieces that badly?”

Bell didn’t give a response to that, he simply got ready for whatever was to come. Chitoge had no problem with replying, “You want to end up with less teeth then when you came here with? If you do, then fine. Let’s go bro,” she got into a fighting stance. Unarmed as she was, Bell knew she was still fearsome with her fists alone.

The man looked ready to charge at them but before anyone could make the first strike. A new voice rang through the alleyway.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

Standing atop stairs that led down to the alleyway they were on was an elf. One with pale green hair and a stern disposition, despite the waitress uniform she wore.

Bell recognized the uniform, it was the same one Syr and the other waitresses wore at the Hostess of Fertility.

“You shouldn’t bear weapons within the city,” she said in a stern tone, “have you any shame?”

“You just stay out of-“


The calm word of the elf did just that and the man suddenly felt a chill roll up his spine. It was spoken plainly but held a knife's edge to it. It was as much a warning as if it were an order.

The elf wasn’t done though, “I don’t want to have to get violent,” she said in a calm tone that felt like it was brewing a storm, “I always end up going too far.”

A shiver passed down the man’s spine. He gave one last look at Bell and Chitoge before sheathing his sword with a click of his tongue and walking away, not turning his back the whole time.

When he was well out of sight, the elf, Ryuu, came and approached Bell, who gave a sigh of relief now that the tense moment was over with.

“Thanks miss Ryuu,” Bell said in gratitude, “That was way too tense.”

Chitoge gave a huff and crossed her arms, “Not like we needed the help,” she said, “We could’a clobbered that guy.”

“Maybe,” Ryuu said, “but it’s best to avoid a fight inside the city if possible. The guild has rules against adventurers fighting adventurers in the city without due cause.”

Granted those rules were rarely enforced and adventurers rarely penalized, but they were still important rules.

Bell nodded, remembering something, “Yeah, Eina told me something about that a while ago,” he looked down at his knife in his hands, “we really dodged a bullet there, didn’t we?”

Ryuu gave a nod, “Yes, but I wouldn't worry much about it. I was the only witness to it and I doubt that man will go to the guild with anything to report.”

Given he was the clear aggressor, that was obvious.

Something Ryuu said surprised Chitoge, “You were the only witness? But what about-” she turned to see the pallum, only to find the girl was gone. She looked around and further down the alley but could find no trace of her.

“She left?,” Chitoge said bewildered, “Just like that? No thank yous’ or anything? Not even telling us she’s alright?”

“When I arrived, I only saw you and Cranell and that stranger you were facing,” Ryuu said, “I didn’t see anyone else.”

Chitoge scratched her head, both in confusion and frustration. Wondering where that girl went and why would she run from them?

“Well at least she is well enough to get away,” Bell said hopefully, “and we gave her enough time to leave, so that’s good.”

Bell, ever the optimist, saw the bright side where it could be seen.

“Nevertheless Mr Cranell,” Ryuu suddenly said, “I would wish you to be more careful. Syr would be most sad if anything happened to you.”

Bell had nothing to say to that, flattered as he was. With her piece said, Ryuu bade farewell to them and went on her way.

Bell and Chitoge went their own way back home as well. Having a neat story to tell their familia when they arrived.

Behind a wall, completely out of sight of the two. A short stranger smiled at her luck.

She found her new targets.

Their arrival back home was greeted warmly and with compliments to Bell’s new armor.

“Glad you can finally say goodbye to cheap armor you had,” Koukin said from the lounge, “It was only a matter of time but sooner is better than later for the lower floors we’re to face.”

Bell had to agree with her. His old armor lasted him well and true, and he admits he was still kinda attached to it but he knew pragmatically that it wasn’t to last well in the deeper floors.

He even less so, were he to still wear it down there.

Bell then noticed something. Koukin was sitting not on a pew that was left over during the renovations, but an actual couch in the lounge. He further noticed another couch that was being occupied by Arue reading a book, with a big coffee table between them.

“Noticed, have you?” Koukin asked with a smile, “We decided, while you were out, to finally get some furniture for our renovated home,” she gestured up, “the upstairs lounge is similarly provided,” she pointed to the other side of the room, “we even have a proper dining room table and chairs in addition.”

Bell looked and saw that it was indeed true. They no longer had to eat on uncomfortable pews and could sit at an actual dining room table now. This was great news and Bell was all the more happy for the day.

Though he couldn’t help but ask, “This wasn’t too expensive, was it?” he still couldn’t help but be the concerned one of the familia, always worrying about everyone but himself.

Koukin gave a laugh and Arue gave one of her own as well, “You shouldn’t worry about our familia finances for a good while Bell. We are in a good place right now, even after buying the furniture,” she gave a coy look at Arue, “Especially when you have someone that has a golden tongue for a skill.”

Arue smiled and did a pose where she sat, “The words of a Crimson Demon must be heeded no matter the reason. A discounted rate is but a taste of my almighty power over words.”

Meaning she used her unique skill to talk down on the price of furniture. It must have been a sight to see Arue haggle over price.

Bell smiled at Arue’s, once again, over dramatic performance. He gradually started to think of it as one of her best traits. Ridiculous as it was, it brought a smile out of him now and again.

The rest of the day passed without much incident. Hestia eventually returned home, they made dinner and sat at their new dining table, which Hestia was absolutely delighted to find out. Eventually, as they finished their meals, a question was asked.

“Bell,” began Koukin, “do you have any plans of summoning more allies?”

Bell was caught off guard by the sudden question. Hestia’s head shot up and looked between Bell and Koukin before settling on Bell. As did everyone’s gazes.

Bell was uncomfortable with the attention he was suddenly receiving but thought best to give an answer, “Umm, I’m not sure,” he began, “Do you think we should?” he looked around the table, “Do any of you think we should?”

Koukin was quick to answer, “I personally say we should. Your magic is unique and a very good boon for this familia. In addition, it never hurts to have more manpower in our corner,” she looked around the table to see the gazes directed at her now, “Er, well…you know what I mean,” she ended with a flush of embarrassment at her word choice.

“It is sound strategy,” Takeru added, “It has been some time since myself and the others were brought forth. We should be safe from any scrutiny of curious eyes. Especially since it would be no surprise we obtained new recruits after our actions at monsterphilia.”

Bell thought that was probably the best reason so far. After killing the silverback, he had gained a somewhat popular reputation for his exploits. It was minor all things considered but it was nice to be complimented on the streets whenever he went to the dungeon.

“You’ll get no argument from me,” added Chitoge, “More the merrier I say and we got to fill this place up at some point.”

“Nor will you have any arguments from me,” Arue said with a comforting smile, “I find the idea of meeting new people from distant lands and worlds is a reward in its own right.”

“Absolutely,” chimed in Hana, “I’ve heard tales of the worlds from our current company,” she gave Bell an honest smile full of excitement, “I wouldn’t be adverse to hearing more from potentially new allies.”

Bell looked at his Goddess next, waiting for what she thought on the matter.

Hestia heard the reasoning of everyone in her familia. She still had reservations when Bell used the magic. Given who it was from. Still, she could no doubt deny the boon of having so many people in a familia could offer. Once upon a time she thought she’d never have a home like this, never have new furniture, her own room, and most of all her own familia besides Bell.

Despite everything, summoned or not, Hestia couldn’t help but enjoy the company that has come to her home. The quirks of a few of them besides, they have both helped her and Bell in finally getting properly settled in Orario.

It would be wrong of her to stop that based on her own bias as a virgin Goddess as well. She didn’t trust Eros or his gift but she trusted Bell with it. More so since he was never compelled to abuse it.

“If you want to Bell, we can,” she said sincerely.

Bell nodded and said he would like to try tomorrow. No one had any objections and everyone got ready for bed.

Before they left, Hestia informed them that they should get their status checked with her tomorrow at some time, mentioning it had been a while since they updated.

Everyone agreed and set off to their rooms. Tomorrow was a big day with potentially new allies and a status check in addition to it.

A calm end for the Hestia familia.

It would not be so in the coming days.

A novice rabbit wears new steel.

Compliments him well with appeal.

A cross of blades was met.

But silenced by an elf with a chill threat.

Now home they rest until things get real.

AN: First slice of life chapter, hope it wasn’t too dull. Next chapter things pick up, statues are checked and summons are to be made. In addition to the next arc of the story. Look forward to it.

Take care and see you next time!

Chapter 12

Chapter Text

Chapter 12

Hestia sat back on her bed, seemingly exhausted. She wasn’t working today and she had done nothing extraneous at all. It was her mind that was exhausted and seemingly sharing her body with the burden.

She had finished updating everyone’s status this morning and everyone was downstairs waiting for her to recover from the work she did in updating their status. She had the strength to go down to be sure but she didn’t feel like she had the energy to.

She looked at the stack of papers that were on her nightstand in her room. Each one detailing their growth so far.

Arue lvl 1

S: 15-28

E: 12-24

D: 18-24

A: 20-36

M: 76-127

Hana Sunomiya lvl 1

S: 29-55

E: 18-29

D: 31-51

A: 20-37

M: 7

Chitoge Kirisaki lvl 1

S: 34-60

E: 25-45

D: 42-68

A: 30-62

M: 0

Koukin Shuuyu lvl 1

S: 28-47

E: 25-34

D: 31-50

A: 29-39

M: 20

Takeru Yamato lvl 1

S: 77-101

E: 54-81

D: 60-83

A: 64-88

M: 40

Their summoned allies were growing along healthily, in fact they were developing faster than even the average adventurer if Hestia was any judge.

She couldn’t help but wonder if that was because of something involving their summoning. Or even just their general existence. It could also be their past experiences in their previous life impacting them now.

There were a million ‘if’s’ but no clear answers to them. Bell’s magic was practically one of a kind, outside of those in wild stories she read about.


The Goddess of the hearth turned her attention to the last of the status sheets she deliberately held back from looking at too long. Given its contents were difficult to believe in at first. Her first child, captain of the Hestia familia, and possessor of a gift from Eros.

She tried not to think about that for too long but given it was on the status sheet, it couldn’t be ignored either.

Neither could anything else on it, really.

Bell Cranel lvl 1

S: 120-403

E: 48-199

D: 142-412

A: 228-521

M: 79-120

If the girls’ statuses were just above average, then Bell’s could be considered abnormal. She knew he’d been pushing himself harder lately but she didn’t think it could result in this. These numbers were absolutely insane!

She glanced down the sheet and found the main culprit.

Liaris Freeze

The skill he obtained when he was saved by the Sword Princess. A moment in which Bell found his newfound drive in adventuring. A hope that one day he could catch up to her.

‘Then there’s the other thing,” Hestia thought with some bitterness. A glance down the sheet showed Bell’s unique new magic ability.

Drop of Eros

The reason for her familia’s sudden growth in new recruits, thanks to Bell and reluctantly Eros. Though it would be a cold day in hell before Hestia ever thanked that perverted voyeur.

Looking down she saw something she hadn’t seen or at least noticed last time she checked his status.

Bell had obtained new tasks to complete.

Current tasks:

  • Mine 20 dungeon ore
  • Kill 1 Jackbird
  • Kill 30 killer ants

Time to Complete: 10 days.

In addition, she saw a new bonus task he completed.

Bonus tasks:

  • Kill a silverback at lvl 1: reward- 1 tier3 summon

Bringing Bell’s total number of summons to ten, as it read on the sheet.

‘Ten summons,” she thought, her mind in flux.

It wasn’t enough that her first child was growing at an insane rate. He also seemed to be out-performing the magic as well.

They only had enough room in their current home for just three more, nevermind ten!

She would need to negotiate hard to expand their home now and she knew Goibniu wouldn’t be so merciful with a discount this time.

So much to think about, so much to consider. It didn’t help matters that she and Koukin just had a rather tense conversation in relation to Bell’s magic.

And the skill they all shared from it.

“Annnd…done!’ Hestia said, removing the sheet of paper from Koukin’s back, ‘There you have it. Your status is updated.’

Koukin turned herself around to grab the sheet, her other arm held around her chest. Hestia tried not to stare for very long, less her jealousy become more apparent.

‘One of the only people in this home that had a chest definitely bigger than mine,’ she thought dejectedly , ‘and she’s taller than me on top of that!’

Hestia wasn’t sure at first but now she was certain that in addition to being taller than her, Koukin sported the biggest chest of the familia. Taking her place as the most ‘gifted’ woman in the familia.

Granted one didn’t have to try too hard to beat Hestia in height and she admits to losing that battle nine times out of ten in most cases.

Koukin stared at her status, her calculating expression shifting in degrees of focus. She had checked every aspect of her status. From her standard attributes to her skills and magic, and yet her instincts were telling her something was off. Not on her end but on another.

It was a suspicion she had held for a while and until now had no way of confirming it.

Koukin looked around, her chest shaking and bouncing, drawing a small growl from Hestia’s throat. She finally found what she was looking for on Hestia's nightstand, other status sheets.

Without warning, she reached over and grabbed a few of them, drawing an outraged squak from the Goddess. Koukin looked them over quickly, she was the last one to have her status checked, so the sheet she was looking for should be at the bottom.

She pulled the sheet and held it before her eyes, taking in the info. It was her captain’s status sheet and his numbers made her eyes so wide her glasses nearly slid off her face.

Hestia quickly snatched the paper from her hands, “What was that about?” she chastised, “You just decided to be nosy all of a sudden?”

This was completely out of character for her. Hestia thought her the cold calculating type. Not the nosy type.

Koukin pushed her glasses back up her nose and took a deep breath to calm herself. What she saw on Bell’s status sheet was a surprise but one she had theorized, the only issue that unnerved her was the sheer gap she witnessed upon confirming her theory.

“My apologies lady Hestia,” Koukin said, “It was something I wanted to confirm after my trips into the dungeon with our captain.”

Hestia lost her frustration, curiosity and concern taking hold now, “What do you mean?”

Koukin looked at the sheet in Hestia’s hands, still having a hard time believing what she saw, “What would say about my status?” she asked.


“My status,” Koukin said again, “Were you to comment on it, what would you say?”

Hestia thought for a moment before taking Koukin’s status sheet and looking it over again.

“Ummm,” Hestia began, wondering how to answer, “I would say that this is steady progress and you're progressing above the average adventurer,” she put the paper down and looked at Koukin again, “What’s this about?” she asked.

“And what would you say about Bell’s status?” Koukin pressed, looking at her Goddess.

Hestia didn’t say anything at first, until eventually she said with some hesitation, “…Above average…very above average?”

Hestia tried to downplay it, but knew that it was only wasted effort. There was no avoiding this.

“Abnormal in the extreme is how I would describe it,” Koukin said, rubbing the bridge of her nose, “Has this been his regular growth as of late?”

“No,” Hestia said, “It’s only jumped this high since his battle with the silverback,” Hestia looked down in thought remembering something, “but it has been insane growth, even for his usual trips into the dungeon.”

The cat was out of the bag now, or rabbit in Bell’s case. Hestia was worried about a potential overreaction to Bell’s status but from the looks of things, Koukin had already expected something like this and is only now facing the truth, and how it completely passed her expectations.

Koukin noticed the stare Hestia was giving her and the unanswered question within it, “I had already expected something was amiss since the silverback fight,” she said, putting a hand to her chin in contemplation, “ordinarily, adventures at level one wouldn’t dream of defeating a monster like that by themselves,” she held up a hand, forestalling Hestia’s comment, “I am aware myself and Chitoge both aided him in defeating the beast but that is only the start. Now he has progressed to the point he can reach floor ten by himself and further, were he accompanied.”

Koukin finally just laid back on the Bed with a sigh, her chest bouncing before Hestia’s eyes but was ignored in favor of what she said next.

“This isn’t good,” Koukin, staring up at the ceiling continued, “this isn’t good at all.”

“What do you mean?” Hestia was confused, wasn’t it a good thing Bell was progressing this fast, she understood that his growth had to be kept a secret, as well as his broken skill, but that had been well kept so far and she was confident it would remain so.

Koukin eventually rose to sit up and retrieved her clothing off to the side. Putting them on, she explained, “Bell is growing at an astonishing rate to put it politely. He has only been an adventurer for less than a month and already he is reaching a point that most could only get to after months or even years of struggles in the dungeon,” she secured her clothing, the ones she was summoned in, “It adds more reason for us to be cautious more than ever. With Bell’s insane growth and the rare summoning magic, it’s imperative we act with caution.”

“I know that,” Hestia said to Koukin, her features stern, “I know the kind of Gods that would jump at the opportunity to grab Bell for themselves if they were to find out about his growth, Nevermind the summoning magic,” she looked directly into a Koukin’s eyes, “I don’t need to be reminded how dangerous things are for us. More members or not.”

It was a good declaration and Koukin admits to being impressed by the Goddess’s resolve and will. There was definitely more to this Goddess than what she saw initially. She was a guardian of the hearth and home, attributes she took seriously.

“Good,” Koukin said with a smile, “I’m glad you’re aware of the gravity of this but this brings up another concern of mine.”

“Hmmm? What is it?” Hestia was glade the tense topic was done with and was glad to be complimented by one of her sterner children but was wondering what other topic there was to talk about.

“Why haven’t you told Bell about the skill we all share from the summoning?”

Hestia blanched. Out of all the questions she could have asked. Why did it have to be that one?

Koukin took Hestia’s reaction as confirmation to her suspicions, “I see. If I may be so bold, I believe that he should know at the very least.”

Hestia grumbled a bit before asking a question of her own, “Does it matter? Things seem fine without him knowing. Why does he have to know about that…skill?”

Koukin looked at Hestia a bit more closely, taking in her demeanor at the topic of discussion. It wasn’t just a look of uncomfortableness at the idea of using the skill but worry as well.

Koukin didn’t need to be a genius to guess why or who she was worried for.

“It’s because of Bell, isn’t it?” Koukin guessed, “You’re worried about him and what the skill means for him as well as us.”

Hestia looked down at her words. It was part of the truth but not completely.

Hestia suddenly sat beside Koukin, hands bundled at her knees. Koukin sat and waited beside her, anticipating the reason to be given.

“I’m a virgin Goddess,” Hestia began, “Things like sex and love are completely out of my purview. In Heaven, I shunned and ignored Gods and Goddesses who thought to ‘enlighten’ me of such things,” Hestia gave a scoff, recalling some of the more desperate and pathetic Gods that tried, “never worked, not on me. Mostly because I kept to myself in my temple.”

She brought her knees to her chest and rested her chin on them, before continuing, “When I descended to the mortal world, I thought that if I started a familia, I could do what Artemis and Athena did and create a familia like they did. One that didn’t involve things like sex or love. Only I found out that starting a familia was more difficult than I imagined.”

She gave an exacerbated sigh, recalling her many failed attempts at recruiting members. Before smiling at the memory of meeting her first child, “It wasn’t until I met Bell, the only person who gave me a chance at being their Goddess, that things changed for myself. At first I wanted to keep Bell pure and maybe away from the dungeon, less I risk losing him,” she gave a chuckle, “but he was determined to be an adventurer and I couldn’t stop that. Not with the goals he had in mind. After a while I accepted it and was happy he was happy.”

Hestia felt tears in the corner of her eyes as she went on, “Then he found someone he wanted to aspire to and maybe one day express himself to. Didn’t help that he somehow obtained that weird magic from one of, if not the, most perverted Gods I ever met. Things just moved so fast and I just couldn’t,” Hestia choked up, “I couldn’t…”

She felt Koukin wrap her arms around her and lead her down into a hug. Her head resting atop of hers. Hestia was speechless but lent into the embrace a bit more.

“You’re worried Bell may change for the worse, aren’t you? You’re worried he could be like those loathsome Gods and Goddesses you disliked,” she raised a hand and softly brushed Hestia’s hair, “you’re worried the magic and our shared skills could corrupt him somehow and he would no longer be the ‘Bell’ you knew.”

Hestia didn’t say anything, merely leaning into Koukin more.

Koukin continued, “You’ve known Bell for a long time. I shouldn’t have to ask, but do you trust him?”

“Yes,” Hestia didn’t need a second to confirm whether or not she trusted Bell, “I trust him, always.”

Koukin nodded, “In the short time I’ve known him. He has earned my trust as well. Not an easy feat, believe me,” Koukin gave a smile and Hestia found herself looking up at her to gauge her expression, “I don’t think I’ve met a more honest person in my life, both this and my previous one. Bell really knows how to leave an impression on someone if given enough time. You are very lucky to have him as your first child, Lady Hestia.”

Hestia found herself smiling, agreeing with Koukin. She always counted herself very lucky to have Bell.

“Which is why I believe he wouldn’t change were he to know,” Koukin said, “I believe Bell is well within his rights to know, given the connection of the skills with his magic and that he wouldn’t change were he to know, surprised definitely, but not change,” Koukin gave a tired sigh then, “In fact. I would say he would have to be heavily convinced to go through with making full use of the skill we possess. For reasons I’m sure you know.”

Hestia understood immediately what she was talking about. Bell was as shy as a rabbit at the best of times. Especially when it came to women. Hestia tried hard to aid Bell in being more confident around women but her strategy wasn’t too effective.

Her strategy being hugging Bell at any opportunity that presented itself. It sounded good in her head but she realized now in practice that it only seemed to make Bell more jumpy around her.

“I’ve been trying to work on that myself,” Koukin said, drawing Hestia’s attention back to her, “Subtle methods of course, to help him build confidence and handle himself around women without looking like a fool.”

“And how’s that working?”

“…Slow if I’m honest. Very, very slow.”

“Yeah. Expected.”

For a while they sat there, Hestia leaning into Koukin’s embrace, appreciating the hug.

The talk they had was needed, as it was an issue that needed to be addressed sooner or later, but not never.

Hestia pulled herself away from Koukin, “I still have to think about it for a bit,” she said, “and I want to set up rules about it as well.”

“I agree,” Koukin said, “It’s best that no abuse or manipulation comes from anyone involved.”

Their shared skills were a boon in their own right but could be manipulated or abused poorly if not addressed properly.

Koukin didn’t think Bell would ever do that to them. Nor would she and the rest dream of manipulating Bell for the chance of a status boost.

But it was good Hestia was airing on the side of caution and concern. Which increased Koukin’s opinion of her greatly.

The discussion at its end, Koukin opted to leave and return to the others downstairs. Letting Hestia rest for a bit after updating everyone’s status and the rather heavy discussion they just had.

Hestia sighed thinking back on it. It was a discussion that needed to happen at some point. She knew she couldn’t keep it under the rug for long and a small part of her was foolish for not addressing it sooner.

But a part of felt confident at Koukin’s words, she had faith in Bell and she had faith in the others as well.

Hestia rose from the bed with a stretch of her joints. She’d laid down long enough. There was still much to do. She had a summoning to observe and future members to induct.

‘Gosh, to think a handful of weeks ago I would think something like this was crazy,’ she thought.

The mortal world could be crazy at times.

Without further delay, she burned the status sheets and went on her way downstairs to the others. Ready to start a new crazy day with new company.

The remaining familia members were waiting patiently for their Goddess to arrive so they could begin the summonings and finally fill up their home to capacity. Though they were all dealing with something else at the moment.

Namely their captain who, after receiving his status update, was in a daze like state of some kind. He was sitting on one of the couches in the lounge area muttering something about a ‘jackbird’.

Arue was at his side, rubbing his back. Concern on her features.

“Was there something wrong with his status, you think?” she asked.

“After all he went through at and after monsterphilia? I doubt it,” replied Chitoge.

“Could it be a nervous breakdown?” asked Hana.

Takeru shook her head, “Doubtful. He’s not sweating nearly enough and he hasn’t curled up into a ball yet.”

The ‘yet’ part of that had more than a few of them concerned.

Koukin thankfully cleared things up, “I believe it’s because of one of the new tasks he received for his magic. I believe it was to kill a jackbird.”

“That it? That some sort of scary monster or somethin?” asked Chitoge.

Koukin shook her head, “No, nothing like that. If I recall, it’s a borderline harmless monster that has a guaranteed drop item worth a million valis.”

Everyone’s ears perked up at that. Bell was nervous about that? Why would he be? That sounded like the best task anyone could get! Kill an easy bird and make bank, what’s not to love?

Koukin saw their expressions and thought best to continue, “What I imagine has Bell so catatonic, is the fact that it’s a very rare monster, emphasis on ‘rare’. On top of that, it is a difficult monster to catch, let alone kill, with its outrageous speed and tendency to run away at even the slightest hint of danger. Add in the fact whole parties are often sent out in pursuit of this bird, means catching it goes from difficult to borderline impossible with competition involved.”

Now the girls had a better idea why Bell was so traumatized. The thought of the effort alone made them shudder.

At the very least, they could just finish the other two tasks and disregard that one.

Giving another pitying look at Bell, they all thought that was probably for the best.

“I’m back.”

They turned to see Hestia coming down the stairs. She gave a deep yawn as she went towards them, tired from the updates she did.

She gave a start at the sight of Bell, before sighing, “Bell. You don’t have to worry about that jackbird thing,” she said, “just get the other two done instead,” she paused and thought for a moment, “Or get none of them done. We have a pretty sizable familia as it is and it’s gonna get bigger soon. Why stress about competing tasks if you don’t have to?”

This had the effect of Bell snapping out of his daze as if physically struck with realization, “I can?” he asked, before realizing, “I can!” he exclaimed, glad to be rid of the worry.

“Hmmm. That is a good point,” said Takeru aloud, “Bell doesn’t really need to focus on completing tasks, given we have ample summons in stock.”

This was true. Even after today, Bell would still have seven summons left. There was really no rush to finish the tasks now. If they completed them during their average trips into the dungeon, then so be it, it would just happen. Nothing to stress about.

Hestia clapped her hands and got everyone’s attention, “Alright people! Let’s get ready for some new friends!”

They got themselves ready and Bell was standing at the ready, spell already at his lips, ready to go.

They moved the coffee table out of the way and moved the couches a way back to make a more open space for him to work with like last time.

After a quick discussion, they decided to stick to summoning the higher Tiers and limit it to three like last time.

“Okay Bell! Have at it!”

“May fortune smile on us for our next ally.

“I pray they are eccentric!”

“Hasn’t that been everyone already?”

Hestia’s, Takeru’s, Hana’s, and Chitoge’s voices spurred Bell into action. Lifting his hand, he felt the magic stir inside him and drive him to speak the words.

“By my voice hear. My words come. Answer my call and come forth.”

Bell had the wisdom by now to close his eyes when the flash of light came. Useful it was, the spell was always so bright when being used.

As the lights faded away, Bell opened his eyes to see who he summoned.

The woman summoned was dressed in what could only be called ‘ninja garb’. Her clothing was a light brown color from top to bottom, she wore a sleeveless upper garment as a shirt and baggy loose pants that ended at her knees with the upper thighs of them cut out on each side. Her feet were bandaged up, covering her shins, heels, and most of her foot, leaving her toes bare. In addition, she wore a mask that covered the bottom half of her face. With her hair bundled and secured by a well wrapped cloth that only allowed a few long strands of hair poking out of the front. Bell also saw at the back of her head, a topknot of some kind that showed her black hair being much longer, with the two thin ponytail lengths reaching down mid-thigh.

Bell stared a bit longer than he intended, noticing the lithe but well formed and defined muscles at wear she wasn’t covered.

This was someone built for stealth and combat in equal measure.


The sudden greeting surprised and brought Bell out of his analysis and back to the girl herself, who had a hand raised in greeting. She was looking at him with a smile that Bell could see behind her mask.

She started to continue on with her introduction before she suddenly realized something. With a small laugh, she reached to her face and pulled the mask down, revealing the cute face and kind smile underneath.

“Hi! Names Ibuki! Nice to meet you.”

Bell was better now at talking to cute or gorgeous women thanks to his previous summons, and so he had no problem in greeting Ibuki in return.

“Hello Ibuki, nice to meet you. My name's Bell Cranell,” he gave her a polite smile after his introduction.

Ibuki looked around herself for a moment, spotting the remaining familia members before focusing back on Bell, a curious look on her face.

“Wait,” she began, “You summoned me?”

“Umm, yes,” replied Bell.

“You did? You really did?”

“I cast the spell and,” he gave a gesture to her, “well…here you are.”

Ibuki stared at him for a moment, gauging his words for any falsehoods. Before smiling and giving a big jump and cheer, surprising Bell.

“Woohoo! I got a cute boy as my summoner!”

The exclamation threw Bell off a bit. A cute boy? Him? He never thought of himself as cute, or really anything if he were honest.

Not that he didn’t mind being called cute. His Goddess always said that about him.

Though he wished he could be called handsome if he were honest.

Ibuki herself was incredibly happy right now. Sure she was summoned to a new world, sure she wasn’t ‘technically’ Ibuki but she still considered herself well…herself, and sure the thought of fighting monsters in a fantasy world would be absolutely mad to consider.

But who cares! She’d fought rival ninjas, evil organizations, and in the greatest tournament you could ever be invited to. She could handle this.

Especially if she had someone as cute and adorable as Bell beside her. After her poor luck in meeting cute boys in her old world, she now had a chance in this one.

Ibuki was still hopping in joy when Hestia came over and introduced herself, “Hello, Miss Ibuki. I’m Hestia, the Goddess of this familia. I know things are probably a little weird but we need to move on to the other summonings. So if you would follow me please.”

Ibuki stopped her hopping to stare down, literally down, at the short Goddess. Taken in her appearance, Ibuki had a feeling that she was going to see all manner of unique things during her time here.

And so far, a short but stacked Goddess takes the cake.

Giving Bell a happy wave, Ibuki walked back with Hestia to the others with a small skip to her step.

Bell thought he was used to seeing unique personalities by now, thanks to his time in the city as well as him summoning new allies.

Though he admits, Ibuki’s cheerful demeanor was a nice change of pace.

He brings his attention to focus and gets ready to bring forth another ally.

Bell opens his eyes when the lights from the spell die down again.

“Is there any way of dimming that?!”

“Not to my knowledge, no.”

Bell ignored Chitoge’s and Koukin’s voices in favor of the figure in front of him now.

The first thing that stood out was her spiky red hair with two long bangs that framed an intense but pretty face. Bell found himself staring longer at her blue eyes than he meant to before continuing. She wore a strange combination of red and brown for her clothes, with a brown coverall piece that was opened at the front, showing a red wool shirt underneath that emphasized her generous chest and left her stomach bare. Her look seemed finalized with white cut-off sleeves and red wool leggings that went up mid thigh and led to black shoes.

Bell can’t say it was the strangest clothes he had seen so far. He’d seen far stranger from just the residents in the city. Sometimes even in his own home.

Takeru was really fond of that gold mask of hers at times.

“Hey,” the woman began, “You just gonna ogle me? Or are you gonna start saying something?”

Bell was brought out of his wanderings and back to the present moment, “Sorry,” he began, holding out a hand, “I’m Bell Cranell! It’s nice to meet you! Sorry I was rude!”

His sudden exclamation briefly surprised the woman, who did not expect such a strong reaction from her words. First impressions so far? She could tell this young man before her was a nervous soul. Still though, she had her own impression to make.

“It’s no problem,” she began, reaching out one of her hands to shake his own, “Names Kallen Kozuki. Nice to meet you.”

Bell returned the shake with a small smile, glad things were off on the right foot. He only hoped he didn’t put his own in his mouth anytime soon.

“So,” Kallen began, looking around herself, “this is my ‘new world’ huh? Not what I was expecting.”

Granted her previous one wasn’t anything to smile about or laugh about either. Near constant war and occupation dimmed one’s view of things after some time and Kallen wasn’t any different. Though she had to admit, things already were looking better here already, given she wasn’t in a war zone right now.

She saw the other members of this ‘familia’ and was pleased to see those that appeared to come from her own homeland. Though she did a double take when she saw some of the others, she’d never seen a wardrobe like Koukin’s or seen someone like Hestia so short yet so ‘gifted’ in the chest.

‘And was that a legitimate ninja?’

Already things were getting interesting and strange.

Hestia walked up to her and introduced herself before gesturing to join the others while Bell prepared to perform his last summon.

“Holy sh*t that’s bright!”

“I’m sorry miss Kozuki. We should’ve warned you.”

“You think?!”

As the light faded, their third and final companion revealed herself.

And the surprises never cease with this spell.

The woman he summoned was a surprise to be sure. For starters, she was a chienthrope. Brown haired with the hair on her ears being darker but were brighter at the tips. Her light brown complexion added an exotic charm that was further enhanced by her gifted and curvy body. She wore a white top that seemed to cover her upper torso but left her collar and shoulder bare as well as her stomach. In addition to baggy green pants that ended at a pair of sandals at her feet. She also possessed matching arm and ankle covers of some kind

She looked around herself and in doing so, wagged her tail back and forth that Bell saw was long and fluffy as well as the same color as her hair.

Her eyes landed on Bell again and he saw them as a nice hue of light violet.

“You summoned me?” she asked with a tilt of her head. Bell had no choice but to compare it to a curious dog, her tail wagging just made it more sound.

“Yes,” Bell said quickly and what he hoped was a straight face, “I summoned you. My name is Bell Cranell, it’s nice to meet you.”

The girl smiled, happy with his politeness, “Nice to meet you too! My name is Elbia-” she suddenly paused in her introduction and started to stare at Bell with silent focus.

Bell was off put by this, one moment she was smiling and introducing herself, the next she was staring at him in a daze.

Before he could ask what was wrong, she lowered herself to the ground on all fours. Her feet and hands splayed apart, her tail wagging slowly and with deliberation. All the while not taking her eyes off Bell.

Bell was now effectively nervous all the sudden, staring into her eyes, Bell noticed it was similar to the stare he received from the monsters in the dungeon.

And on occasion, sometimes while he was walking the streets, though he never could find who it was from.

Elbia took a ‘step’ towards him with one of her hands, causing him to take a back step. She continued and Bell found himself stopped by the couch behind him.

Matters only seemed to get worse when he could faintly hear a low growl coming from her and she lowered herself a bit more, looking ready to pounce.

“Rabbit,” he heard her say.

“Huh?” he dumbly asked.


She lunged at him then and tackled him head on, knocking both him and the couch backwards.

The rest of the familia moved in to render aid and swiftly at that.

“Come on! Come on! We gotta save Bell!” shouted Hestia.

“A beast was brought forth this day! One with an appetite to be sated,” added Arue.

“Is now really the time for that, Arue?!” exclaimed Chitoge.

“Ahhh! She’s nibbling my ear!”

“Is that something someone should actually scream about?”

“Hana! Don’t worry Bell, your Goddess will save you!”

Kallen, Ibuki, and Koukin were the only ones not jumping into the fray. Merely looking on in complete bewilderment. Though Koukin was rubbing her temples at the display before her.

“Are things usually like this?” Kallen asked, pointing at the mess before her.

Koukin gave a deep sigh, “No,” she replied, “They can get far more ridiculous.”

Kallen gave her a look that said ‘seriously’ before looking back at the scene before her.

Ibuki however was smiling at it all.

‘This is gonna be so much fun!’

After removing Elbia from Bell and getting her to calm down. Then proceeding to comfort her in her embarrassment after she realized what she did. Hestia finally got to grant them a falna, welcoming them into the familia.


S: 40

E: 43

D: 71

A: 47



Essence of Ki: Manafest will into energy. Substitute for magic.


Glade of Shade: Lessen presence when within shadows.

Passion Recipient: Status can be increased to a degree by intimacy with the summoner. Full copulation results in better increases. Results to status vary upon intent and focus.

Kallen Kozuki







Guren: Temporary increase in status when facing enemies. Effect further increased upon aggression.

Passion Recipient: Status can be increased to a degree by intimacy with the summoner. Full copulation results in better increases. Results to status vary upon intent and focus.

Elbia Hanaiman







Úlfheðinn: Ability only activates under moonlight. The user becomes beast-like, dramatically improves in all areas, and all abnormalities are negated.

Passion Recipient: Status can be increased to a degree by intimacy with the summoner. Full copulation results in better increases. Results to status vary upon intent and focus.

They all, of course, had the same reaction to the skill they found themselves sharing. Hestia told them to be silent about it like she did for the others.

Though Elbia looked momentarily disappointed with her drooping ears and tail.

Hestia found it hard to believe she was actually a werewolf as it turns out. They were generally more aggressive and off putting than Elbia was.

Despite her ‘attempt’ at Bell, she acted more modest and reserved now that her little episode was over.

She just had to have someone keep an eye on her whenever she and Bell were in the same room.

They all seemed content with what they saw on their status sheets otherwise. Kallen more so, who seemed anxious to test out her new divine blessed abilities.

Ibuki was simply excited to go out and explore the city and equally excited to go into the dungeon.

Elbia though, wasn’t against going into the dungeon, she seemed wanting to explore it as well, but her interest seemed focused on Hana’s art room. Something she mentioned off handedly when giving the three new arrivals a tour of their home.

Seems they summoned another art enthusiast. Hestia only hoped that this one would keep her clothes on. One Hana was enough, she didn’t want to deal with two. She just barely tolerated Hana’s ‘habit’ when she worked on her art and that was only if she had the door locked downstairs.

Hestia gave a sigh and laid back on her bed. After updating everyone’s status, witnessing the summonings, and giving the new arrivals a falna, Hestia was ready to call the day over and sleep the rest of it off.

Her mind chose then to remind her of the conversation she had with Koukin.

She definitely had much to think about and a big decision to make.

She was already keeping one skill from Bell, a vital one at that.

Could she really keep another when it’s tied close to everyone in the familia?

She knew she couldn’t, it wasn’t practical in the long term for starters. With so many people so far, it was only a matter of time before someone mentions it. Whether on purpose or in passing, someone was bound to say something.

Koukin was likely to, she wasn’t one to turn away a potential asset like the skill was. She was a pragmatic soul through and through.

Hestia also knew she was a compassionate one as well and that she wouldn’t put Bell in a place to be manipulated for a quick power up.

Hestia thought to the others as well. Discounting the new arrivals due to lack of knowledge or familiarity, Hestia knew in her heart that the others would do the same. They wouldn’t hurt Bell.

And Hestia knew Bell wouldn’t hurt them either. His kind nature coming first to her mind.

He may actually be hard pressed in aiding the skill use at all, given his ‘experience’ with women.

Or lack thereof.

Hestia gave a sigh at that. You would think after all the times she’d show affection to Bell he would at least be more accustomed to the opposite sex. Nevermind the fact he was the only guy in their home.

But Bell was as shy as the rabbit he resembled. At the very least he was getting better. Slowly of course, but better nonetheless.

Hestia made her choice, she couldn’t hold this back from Bell. Not when it already involved the whole familia in any case. She had to approach this cautiously though and definitely had to set up some ground rules involving it.

She stared hard at the ceiling of her room, as if looking past it and into the sky above.

And past that to the heavens, where her thoughts drifted to a new topic.

‘Just why did you do this, Eros? Why did you give up your chance to come down here?’

She closed her eyes and relaxed her body, her exhaustion taking her to dreams, but not before another thought crossed her mind.

‘And why did it have to be my Bell?’

Three new allies come from light.

To fill the house, today and tonight.

Yet a Goddess tosses and woes.

From a secret she knows.

Soon to tell, to make it right.

AN: Oh boy! This took some time to write. Sorry for such a long wait but I found myself in a difficult spot in terms of the results I rolled for the summoning.

Basically it’s Elbia. I had very little knowledge regarding her. To fix this, I binged ‘Outbreak Company’ for a good while. It was hard work and I may have rewatched scenes that made me laugh and pull at my heartstrings, but I can say with some confidence I got most of her character down pat.

Though to do that again with another unknown character could be troublesome. But that’s part and parcel for this story I guess.

Adapt and overcome! I wore this with that attitude and I’ll keep writing it with that attitude.

Now to give you all a little aid. A previous comment in a past chapter suggested I give a list of the characters and where they are originally from.

So here you go!

Summons So Far:

Tier 1: Hana Sunomiya-Don't Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro,

Tier 2: Chitoge Kirisaki-Nisekoi,

Tier 3: Koukin Shuuyu-Koihime Musou, Ibuki-Street Fighter, Kallen Kozuki-Code Geass, Elbia Hanaiman-Outbreak Company,

Tier 4: Arue-Konosuba, Takero Yamato-Eiyuu Senki,

There you have it! Hope that is to everyone’s liking. Until next time! See ya and take care!

Chapter 13

Chapter Text

Chapter 13

After Hestia gave their new members their blessings, Koukin took it upon herself to take their new members to the guild to get registered as adventurers. She suggested that the others go to the dungeon today, mentioning their coffers are going to need to be bigger now with new members.

Everyone else agreed and soon enough, they all headed out.

When arriving at the entrance to the dungeon, Takeru reminded everyone to check their gear and equipment before going in. This precaution was more emphasized now because of what they were going to do today.

They were going to reach the tenth floor today.

Bell was anxious and excited for today. He gave another look over himself to see he had everything ready.

Knife? Check. Potions? Check. Armor? Check.

He glanced at the others to see how they were doing.

Arue hardly needed to look over herself too long, she stood comfortably and confidently in her robes with her arms crossed under her chest.

Chitoge gave herself one last check up before smacking her knuckles together with an audible bang. She no longer had her gauntlets anymore, opting to go with a newly purchased set of knuckle based weapons this time. Not as armored as the gauntlets were, but much more capable at delivering damage than the gauntlets ever could.

Hana was ready as well. Standing firm and facing the dungeon with her fists tucked at her waist. Her gaze held focus and excitement for their new journey ahead.

She was trying to look fierce but Bell thought her expression just looked adorable.

Takeru fiddled with her golden arm guards, making sure they were firmly in place. Before taking a hand and placing it on her sword’s scabbard. She gave a deep breath and sighed before nodding to Bell, letting him know she was ready.

This was it. Today they explore new sights, face new monsters, and gain more experience to go further.

Bell was ready for whatever surprises the dungeon had in store for hi-

“Hi mister adventurer!”


Bell nearly jumped out of his skin at the sudden voice that came from behind him. He found himself floundering about before finally getting his bearings and turning around.

He also tried his best to ignore the barely suppressed laughter of Chitoge, Arue, and Hana.

He also tried to ignore the glare Takeru was sending his way. Her disappointment at his reaction to a surprise, obvious.

Bell saw at first a giant bag greeting his vision. It looked thoroughly stuffed with all manner of supplies and gear.

“Excuse me Mister adventurer! Down here!”

Bell turned his head down to see a short girl looking up at him, very short, even more so than Hestia. She had chestnut brown hair and similar colored eyes, though it was difficult to make out her hair given the long hooded cloak she wore.

She stared up at him with a smile, glad she caught his attention.

“Greetings mister adventurer,” she said, “I’ve seen you go in and out of the dungeon lately and wondered if you’re in the market for a supporter?”

Bell blinked at this sudden development. A supporter? Bell had heard of them before, thanks to Eina, people who went with adventurers and held onto supplies and equipment that the adventurer would otherwise need on their journey.

He didn’t think he would ever need one, given how he generally took what he felt he needed with him on his ventures.

Still the offer was a tempting one.

“You say you’ve seen Bell go in and out of the dungeon and choose now to ask?” the question came from Takeru, “What made you decide to bring the offer forward now?”

“Lili had to work up the courage herself,” she looked up a Takeru for a moment before looking down at the ground and continued, “she wasn’t familiar with mister adventurer yet and couldn’t find a good time to ask,” she looked back up, a small smile on her face now, “but now she knows he is a good person at least, if he has a party this big with him.”

Takeru stared at the girl. Her instincts were telling her something was off. This girl, Lili, if her manner of speaking was anything to go by, wasn’t telling them everything.

She had dealt with deception and deceivers before. Having had a hand in cutting down more than a few of them and being controlled by one of them at one point. Lili’s story seemed too purposeful, too rehearsed.

Too obvious.

Yet there was something about her that itched the back of Takeru’s mind. Like there was something missing to all of this.

She looked closer at the girl, noticing her eyes. She had seen those eyes before, eyes that held an uncomfortable truth.

She had them herself, once in another life.

Bell chose that moment to act on a hunch and looked closely at Lili. A dawn of recognition passing over his face.

“Hey, weren’t you the girl me and Chitoge met in the alleyway yesterday?” he asked, “You weren’t hurt too bad, were you?”

Chitoge came to his side and scrutinized Lili as well, “Hey yeah,” she said, “you look just like the girl in the alley. You okay? You looked like you took a good few hits.”

Lili shook her head, “Sorry sir and miss, but I think you must be mistaken me for someone else.”

Chitoge gave a deep hum before replying, “No, I’m sure it was you. The girl we helped out was a-”, she trailed off, looking for the word, “ pellim? A prumum? A…”

“A pallum,” Bell helpfully chimed in.

“Yeah that!” exclaimed Chitoge, “the one we helped was a pallum and you match the height and hair color so far.”

Lili gave Chitoge a smile before correcting her, “I’m sorry miss adventurer, but this is our first time meeting and besides,” she reaches up to remove her hood, revealing a pair of animal ears on top of her head, “Lili is a chienthrope. Not a pallum,” she gave her ears a twist to emphasize the point.

Bell found himself reaching out a rubbing lightly at one of the ears, having never been so close to a chienthrope before. His curiosity getting the better of him.

“Ahhh…mister adventurer please stop that,” moaned Lili, who squirmed under his touch, “They are very sensitive and this is incredibly inappropriate.”

Bell drew his hand back with a yelp, realizing what he was doing.

“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to,” Bell began, but it was too late.

“Wow. Here I thought you were the shy type,” Chitoge said, giving him a blank stare, her judgment plane.

“I’m truly envious. You acted before I could,” said Hana, unashamed.

“My my. Perhaps you're not as pure as snow after all,” added Arue with a chuckle.

Bell frantically tried to come up with something, anything, to say to get him out of this mess, but besides apologies, he couldn’t think of anything else.

“Alright enough,” Takeru interrupted firmly, “Miss. before we decide, I do not believe we caught your name in full. Please introduce yourself properly.”

Lili did so, finding the stern voice of Takeru a good insensitive, “Right,” she gave a small bow, “My name is Liliruca Arde, it’s nice to meet you all.”

Takeru nodded, glad for the introduction, “Now miss Arde. I feel compelled to tell you that you chose to render your services at a strange time. Our goal today is to reach the tenth floor.”

She saw Lili tense up in surprise, clearly she thought they were more novice than experienced.

Though, in her defense, Bell still could act like a rookie at times. Which did nothing to alleviate the appearance of a green as grass adventure he sometimes was.

“Floor ten,” Lili said in awe, “That’s impressive. Lili has only seen mister adventurer go into the dungeon a few times and he can already go to the tenth floor?” She looked up at Bell, her ears twitching and eyes full of amazement, “You must really be strong mist-no…master adventurer.”

The praise she gave Bell caused him to blush at the sudden attention. He tried to make light of it but was struggling to find the right words, flattered as he was.

The rest of the party looked on with amusem*nt. Give their captain a compliment and he becomes meek and modest all over.

Lili brought her attention to Takeru, “It’s no problem for Lili if we go down that far. I’ve traveled down further with other adventurers before.”

‘Other adventurers?’ Takeru thought. If she had gone with similar people and even further down. Why would she bother with them?

Something wasn’t adding up and Takeru was all the more cautious for it, but for now they could use a supporter.

“Very well,” she said, “we could first hand experience on what to face anyway,” she looked to others, “everyone ready?”

They all nodded and Takeru looked to Bell.

“Then captain, by your orders.”

“Right,” said Bell, “let’s go!”

They set off, Bell leading at the front with Hana and Chitoge by his side. Arue coming up behind them along with Lili. Takeru opted to cover the rear as they advanced.

Her gaze did not leave the form of Lili the entire time.

Hestia was sitting in the lower lounge of her home. She had brought a book down with her and was enjoying a good read.

After status updates, summonings, falna granting, and intense talk about the shared skill. Hestia felt she needed a break and she could think of anything better than a good read.

Though she would have enjoyed it all the longer had someone not knock on her door just then.

Hestia got up from the couch and made her way to the door.

‘Koukin and the others must be back from registering. That didn’t take long. Did they get their shopping done too?’ she thought.

It had been a common practice at this point when it came to their new members. Get them registered and get them clothes and equipment. She had even made sure Koukin had enough spending money to do so.

They were in a good place to do so. Given their current average of earnings after going into the dungeon, it was only going to go up with their new members contributing.

Hestia made it to the door, opened it, and was surprised to find who was there.

He was a man dressed as if he was about to go exploring. The orange scarf around his neck and feathered hat on his head, accompanied with a dashing smile he wore solidified this image.

Though Hestia knew this wasn’t a formal man, given the aura she could feel from him. Similar to hers in fact, and a great many in this city.

This was Hermes, messenger God and leader of his namesake familia.

“Hestia,” he began, “Good to see you! It’s been so long, old friend. I hear you’ve been doing well and I can see it’s true. This old place was practically a ruin. Now here you are!” he gave her a wide smile, “My, how far you have come. Good for you Hestia! Good for you!”

“…What do you want, Hermes? It’s my day off,” Hestia deadpanned, not swayed at all by his honeyed words.

She reluctantly tolerated his antics back in heaven but here in the mortal world, she did not want to be bothered with whatever schemes or shenanigans he found himself a part of.

She didn’t hate him but neither did she trust him.

Hermes waved her words away, unconcerned about her tone but polite enough to cut to the chase. “Sorry Hestia. Didn’t mean to sound too condescending there,” he gave her a genuine smile, “still though. I’m honestly happy you’re doing much better now than a while ago. It couldn’t be easy for you, I know that much.”

Hestia begrudgingly gave him a nod in thanks, appreciating the compliment, “Thank you Hermes but you didn’t answer my question. What do you want?” She wanted to cut to the chase already, it’s been a tiring day so far.

“Sorry, sorry,” said Hermes, reaching into a pack of his and pulling out two envelopes, “I do have a legitimate reason to be here. Two of your familia members got mail.”

Hestia took the mail from Hermes' hands, looking at them. One was addressed to Koukin and the other to Arue.

‘Hmmm? Wander what these could be,” Hestia thought.

“Well thanks Hermes, I appreciate it,” Hestia thanked the messenger God, before suddenly pausing in realization, “Wait a minute. You’re delivering mail.”

Hermes blinked at the odd comment, before giving Hestia a smile, “Well obviously. I am a messenger God after all.”

Hestia shook her head, something was off, “Yeah but you’re delivering it yourself. Not your children. You usually have your children deliver the mail instead. While you’re off doing whatever,” she looked at him more closely, her curiosity and suspicion ignited once more, “What’s going on?”

Hermes tried to wave Hestia’s question aside, not wanting to answer at first, but a steady glare from the short Goddess and a wise second thought made him change his mind rather quickly.

He gave a deep sigh before saying, “Oh, what’s the harm? It’s not really much of a secret at this point anyway.”

Hestia co*cked her head. Secret? What secret?

Hermes continued, “Yes I am personally delivering the mail instead of my children simply because,” he gave her a helpless shrug, “We’ve been very busy running an investigation as of late.”

Hestia perked up at that. An investigation involving practically all of Hermes familia? It had to be a big one if that was the case.

Then Hestia recalled something, something she remembered Loki and Freya discussing at Ganesha’s party.

“Wait,” said Hestia, “Is this something about your kids stalking about the other familias?”

Hermes twitched at the word ‘stalking’. He wouldn’t lie, that word kinda hurt to describe his familia’s actions as of late.

Regardless of how accurate it actually was.

“Investigating,” Hermes emphasized, “and yes. We’re leaving no stone unturned in our work,” he gave a deep sigh in apparent exhaustion, “though if I’m honest, the investigation is pretty much wrapped up by now. Ouranos is just gonna have to accept the fact. No God or Goddess, in the city at least, was responsible for what he sensed.”

Hestia was very curious now, “What did he sense?”

If it was enough to scare a God like him, she wanted to know too. She had a familia to look after now after all. An unconventional one, but still hers.

“He sensed a burst of divine energy inside a dungeon. Enough of it to make the old man jump in his seat,” Hermes said.

Hestia jumped at that herself. One of the rules that all Gods and Goddesses in Orario are supposed to follow is never use their divine power, their Arcanum. If any deity were to do so and be caught, they would get an express trip back to Heaven.

Leaving their familia children without a falna and to be dismantled piecemeal by any rivals they may have.

A scenario that Hestia shudders to imagine.

“A terrifying thought I know,” Hermes turned around and seemed to be ready to leave, “but fret not Hestia. Our investigation so far has determined it wasn’t anyone in the city and given there haven’t been any visiting Gods in the last few weeks, it rules out any deity outside the city as well.”

Hestia gave a sigh at that, though she needn’t have a reason to worry herself. She had no wish to ever go into the dungeon. Her children may be happy to venture down themselves, but she was comfortable right here where she was.

Keeping the home warm for when they came back.

“Then where could the power come from?” Hestia asked Hermes, “If no God did it here or outside, where does that leave?”

Hermes glanced behind himself at Hestia. He gave her a smile that spoke of an exciting truth he had confidence in.

“Why there is only one place it could have come from, dear Hestia,” he turned and made his leave, “Someone in heaven decided to forgo ever coming to the mortal world and bless some lucky soul a gift from on high!”

Hestia’s stomach dropped.

A god who decided to never descend to the mortal world. Who used their power to bless a child of the world with a divine gift.

Whose name was on the back of her first child.

That she had to keep secret at all costs.

‘Eros,’ Hestia thought, ‘they're on to you.’

‘They could be on Bell next.’

Hestia didn’t say anything as she watched Hermes leave. Her fear and nervousness were plain on her features and she found herself glad the messenger God’s back was turned to her.

She couldn’t lie if she were a rug, not to someone like Hermes. He could spot a lie from her as if she panted it on her face.

Thankfully, he took her silence as the shock he no doubt expected from someone out of the loop, “I know it’s shocking,” he began, “Something like this is unheard of and I don’t think there is a God or Goddess up above that wouldn’t want to come down here and play amongst the mortals. Which makes the thought of one giving up the chance absolutely insane,” he turned his gaze up into the blue sky, a thoughtful look in his eye, “I wonder who it was and what gift they gave to some lucky soul.”

He gave a sigh and looked back down, continuing, “Ouranos is already looking into that, by himself. He is the only one in the world who can talk to those up above,” he walked on, “not that it’s likely anyone up there would give him an honest answer anyway.”

He gave another wave behind him, “Sorry for rambling on Hestia,” he said, “I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.”

Hestia finally schooled her features and replied, “Thank you Hermes,” that was all she could really say, after receiving such an info dump like that.

Hermes left the area and was out of Hestia’s sight, she went back inside and closed the door, before leaning back against it and sliding to the ground.

There was so much to process. So much to think about.

“I have to tell Koukin,” she decided. Her unofficial vice-captain had to know. She could plan for this in a way Hestia couldn’t.

At least, she hoped so.

Bell swiped hard to the side with his knife, severing the tongue of a frog shooter that was ahead of him. He closed the distance and slammed his knife into the creature’s skull. It burst to ash a second later, dropping a good sized magic stone in the process.

They had made it to floor six with minimal issues so far and were on their way steadily to floor seven.

He vaguely remembered the last time he was here, when his emotions were high and he felt like he had something to prove. He still did, to himself and someone else he admired. Though now he had a good deal of backup with him.

He was at first worried that Chitoge and Hana wouldn’t handle the monsters so well down here, but he was swiftly proven wrong by how well the two worked in conjunction with each other and himself. The trio made an effective vanguard force, Bell would use his speed to draw the monsters’ attention, meanwhile Hana and Chitoge would move in on any blind spots and dispatch the monsters. It was a simple strategy but effective for what they were facing now.

He felt a flash of heat go over his head and he didn’t have to look to know Arue succeeded in torching an incoming group of monsters.

Arue was satisfied that her magic was no longer reducing the monsters completely to ash, magic stone and all. Since they passed the fifth floor, the monsters were far more hardy in being destroyed by her spells. She was still holding back a good deal of power but it was nice to be able to defeat monsters without reducing them to ash inside and out.

Lili watched as their party continued on, slaying monsters and picking up stones and occasionally drop-items. She had expected them to be capable given how they seemed to be still fresh adventurers, but this was way beyond her expectations.

Though definitely still kinda green, Lili could tell that Bell was a confident combatant with speed most level ones had to work months at achieving. Chitoge and Hana were a bit behind but made up for their lack of speed with strength and technique.

Chitoge could strike swiftly and sharply enough that Lili couldn’t keep track of all the hits at times. Hana was a surprise to be sure, given she used less gear then the others and tossed the other monsters up and down, left to right, with seemingly little effort but with graceful technique.

“Eyes up Arde!”

She shot her head up to see a wall shadow leaping down to her. She nearly ducked in terror before a flash of silver flashed through the monster and it disintegrated to ash, leaving a magic stone to fall neatly at her feet.

She looked behind her to see Takeru looking ahead at the others, hand on her sword, just sheathing it.

She knew what had happened and it made her both grateful for the save but nervous from the savior.

Takeru stood apart at being way stronger than anyone in the party, though she claimed to be a level one, Lili didn’t doubt that she could go toe to toe with a level two or three with her abilities.

Arue was little better, casting magic so quickly about and having no signs of Mind Down of any kind.

She may have bitten off more than she could chew with this party.

She picked up the stone that fell to her feet from the wall shadow, it was a good size and would definitely fetch a decent price.

At the very least it will be profitable.

They continued on, reaching the seventh floor and coming into contact with more wall shadows than ever before.

Hana found it difficult to fight them herself, given their amorphous nature made it difficult to lock them into a grab, but she was still able to kill a few with some lucky grabs.

The party adjusted quickly and Arue eventually stepped up and decided to take to the front lines.

By thoroughly setting the front lines ablaze. One moment there were no less than ten wall shadows before them, now there was a wall of flames from casting her ‘fireball’ spell again and again.

They had to wait a bit for the flames to calm down before they continued on, picking the magic stones up as they went.

Bell was unlucky enough to grab one that was still hot from the fire, poor fellow.

They made it to floor eight with little issue after that. Many in the party believing Arue may have scared off most of the monsters that would have otherwise been in their way.

Something that Arue thought as well and she puffed her chest out in pride. Making Bell blush at the bounciness he witnessed.

Eighth floor was when things picked up for the party. They faced more variety of monsters now than they did on the previous floors. Needle rabbits, purple moths, kobolds, goblins, and killer ants.

The party were far more on their toes now than before. But ultimately they handled themselves well.

And then Lili saw something that would completely terrify her.

As the party were making their way to the entrance to the ninth floor, they saw something unexpected.

Near the entrance was the hunched over form of a monster, a kobold in fact, only it was much bigger than any Lili or the party had seen and possessing a coat of fur that was a silver steel color then the usual gray.

Most Kobolds stood at the height of an average man, barely reaching six feet if they were lucky. This one though, even hunched over, could easily be over seven feet tall.

What it was hunched over finally was revealed. It was a pair of needle rabbits, their bloody and shredded bodies bare to them for a moment before they dissolved into ash and dust, though the gore remained.

The kobold rose up on its rear paws and Lili could see something gleam in its teeth. They were magic stones. Magic stones that were visible for a second before being crunched inside the canid jaws of the monster.

‘A monster that eats magic stones?’ thought a horrified Lili, ‘A monster that eats other monsters?!’

She knew what this was and damn their luck for running into something like this.

“Everyone!” Lili suddenly shouted behind the group, “We have to leave! Now!”

The party were puzzled by the sudden shout from Lili, completely caught wrong footed by the exclamation.

“That’s an abnormal monster! A monster that eats other monsters and grows stronger with each magic stone it eats! We have to go! Now!”

As competent this party was, they were still new, and they hadn't been in the dungeon long enough to face such a threat.

“We can fight it!”

The voice came from Bell, who hadn’t taken his eyes from the monster ahead of them.

“I know it sounds crazy but if we’re careful and pick our shots well, we can definitely win,” he spoke with conviction and confidence, believing in their chance of victory.

Bell had good reason to be confident. After felling a silverback that came from a few floors below them, what was one abnormal Kobold compared to that.

“Well spoken captain, but please allow me to handle this threat.”

Takeru, to everyone’s surprise, was walking forward to the monster, hand on her sword.

“I’m interested in facing this creature,” she said, “I haven’t run into an interesting beast down here yet and I find myself wanting in testing my skills down here.”

She stopped a distance away from the large Kobold, fully unsheathing her blade.

“Please captain,” Takeru continued, “allow me the chance to sharpen my skills on this beast’s claws.”

Bell was surprised by Takeru’s wish. He didn’t think her one with a desire to grow stronger herself. She never expressed as such during their training.

But then again, she never expressed herself often as it was. Seeming content to react to whatever comes forward.

Bell supposes he really wasn’t the best at reading people as he was, despite Koukin’s lessons in doing so.

But that’s beside the point. Bell had no reason to refuse her request and he could tell by the look in her eyes as she passed him that she wasn’t one to be defeated by this monster.

He had faith in her.

“Alright,” began Bell, “I have faith in you. Good luck,” he stood back, along with the others following his lead.

Takeru smiled and got into a stance, ready to face the monster before her.

The abnormal kobold gave no warning as it lunged forward, claws raised.

Takeru deftly dodged the first swipe and stepped to the side to dodge the next, keeping her sword raised in guard but not attacking.

‘It acts like an animal, sure,’ she thought, ‘but there’s something else.’

Again it swiped at her, going at her head next and then lunging at her torso with a gnashing of teeth and fangs.

‘Ah,’ Takeru realized, ‘so that’s how.’

Takeru finally replied to the attacks, blocking its claws in a flash of sparks with her katana, drawing a snarl from the beast. It attempted to grab her when she blocked another swipe, attempting to crush her skull.

Takeru lept back and swung her sword horizontally. The monster roared as its extended hand was split down the middle in a gout of blood.

‘It attacks from two directions at once,’ Takeru thought with a smile, ‘a simple strategy to be sure. Nothing special for any average warrior.’

‘For a monster however.’

She swung her sword upwards, cutting it at its shoulder, close to its neck. It snarled and backpedaled away, looking at her with a cautious glare.

‘It made all the difference in hunting other beasts for strength, didn’t it?’

Her curiosity settled, Takeru decided now was the time to end things. She had gotten a better fight but it wasn’t enough to tire her. She feels, once again, the only proper challenges to await her were further down in the dungeon.

But she was patient, she could rush down further if she wanted but the tactical part of her knew that opened her up to future risks she had no knowledge of and wasn’t prepared for.

For now though, it was time to end this.

She held her sword to the side, one handed, and stared at the abnormal kobold, taking in its snarling visage.

“I had fun in this fight,” she said, knowing the creature couldn’t understand her, “you were a breath of fresh air compared to those we faced down here.”

Gradually,heat crawled down her arm and across her sword, creating waves in the air.

Her sword was gradually being surrounded by light, before that light turned into wisps of flames and those wisps became torrent of flames surrounding her sword. Orange and red fire lighting up the area with their intensity.

Bell and the others took a step back, feeling the waves of heat crashing on their skin. Never before had they seen Takeru call upon such power.

“Imperial Blade,” Takeru intoned, she seemed unbothered by the power and heat she was calling forth. She raised the blade to the Kobold, who was staring at the burning sword with wide eyes, its snarling going silent.

“Come,” Takeru said to the beast, pointing the edge of her sword at it.

The monster stared past the sword and into the eyes of the purple haired woman. He gazed into those intense and focused eyes and felt something stirring inside it, a primordial instinct realized something about that stare.

It was being challenged.

Any nervousness it would have possessed then, evaporated. Its eyes glowed with a new intensity and it crouched down low, its claws digging into the ground beneath it.

For a while they just stared at each other and they both knew how this would end.

Even still, the attack commenced.

With a howl, the kobold launched itself high into the air and straight at Takeru with a powerful leap. It moved with a speed that Bell and the others couldn’t track and for a brief moment, there was a flash of light as Takeru swung her sword at a speed none of them could see and suddenly it was over.

Takeru stared ahead at the vacant space the monster once stood, the flames around her sword dying out and the heat disappearing. Her expression was stern as she held her sword downward from the swing.

The Kobold was a good distance behind her, it stood on its feet, claws outstretched, unmoving, though its eyes no longer glowed, they were dark pits now.

“You fought well,” Takeru said, “well done.”

At those words, a line of flames arched across the monster's body, a moment later, its whole body was consumed in them and it finally collapsed forward. As quickly as the flames appeared, they soon vanished leaving behind nary any ash and a large sole magic stone.

A moment of amazed silence passed, before it was overtaken by a loud cry of joy and amazement from the party members.

“That was amazing Takeru!,” exclaimed Bell, “You took that abnormal monster down so easily!”

“I’m speechless,” added Chitoge, who had a nervous sweat drop running down her head. If any were to ask she would claim it was from the heat of the spell she witnessed , “I knew you were strong just from our sparring but this,” she gestured to where the beast once stood, “this makes me see just how strong you are.”

Hana wasn’t bothering to hold her excitement, she had her hands clenched underneath her chin, while her eyes shone with admiration, “An amazing spectacle! I have to illustrate this moment on canvas when we get back.”

Takeru smiled at their words of praise, feeling gratitude at their congratulations. Though she supposes now is a good time to address something that was important in regards to her last attack.

“Thank you everyone,” she began, “I’m happy the results were to all our liking but I would appreciate something else right now.”

She then held the hand up, that clenched her sword and everyone gasped at what they saw.

Her hand had severe burns all over it, some even reaching to her wrist. Her arm guard that covered her hand was no more, seemingly bursting out from her by the intense heat, her clothing around that hand was incinerated as well, leaving only the terrible contrast between her red near-blackened hand and the unmarked fair flesh of her arm.

How she was able to hold onto her sword with that hand, when it looked like it could crack apart and fall off, was a mystery.

They acted quickly though, after getting over their shock. Bell went to Lilli, more accurately her backpack, to pull some healing potions they elected to put in there. After obtaining what he wanted, he rushed back to Takeru, who still gave no indication of being in pain despite the horrific injury. The others soon joined Bell in tending to the purple haired warrior.

All except two.

Lili stood at where she was when they first encountered the abnormal monster, her jaw and eyes wide.

She had been a supporter for as long as she could remember.

She had seen all manner of crazy things in the dungeon.

She had never seen a supposedly new adventure with not even a month of experience, take down an abnormal monster that would have otherwise killed any foolish level one to cross its path.

Yet it was now dead and that level one was still standing. Albeit with a terribly burned hand and fretting party members surrounding her.

“Amazing wasn’t it?”

The voice took Lili from her thoughts and she turned her head up to look at Arue right next to her.

“I confess,” she continued, “even I was surprised by that display of power and skill,” she looked down at Lilli, her sole visible eye gleaming with excitement and her smile wide, “What about you? What do you think?”

“Miss Takeru was absolutely amazing,” Lili said with obvious awe, “If she really is a level one? I can’t imagine how strong she’ll be when she reaches a higher level.”

“An overestimation perhaps,” mussed Arue, “But not an inaccurate one. Needless to say, any fear of us failing to reach the tenth floor has evaporated, correct?”

“Yes. Any doubts Lili would have had just went up in smoke…like a lot of things in the area.”

“And you feel a great sense of security with us now, right?”

“Yeah. Lili feels much…much safer with you all.”

“And you should know that we trust you a good deal after today. You’ve been an invaluable help to us. Your experience in the dungeon has been a bright light to push back the unknown we face here. Nevermind the boon of you holding onto our magic stones in that big bag of yours.”

Lili smiled at that, she was happy to be complimented on her experience in the dungeon. Something few, if any ever did.

“Which is why I hope you don’t break our trust,” finished Arue.

Lili was about to say something, but was cut off by the intensity of the red eye that stared down at her and the neutral expression from its possessor.

“We have great trust and faith with each other in this familia. We will always have each other’s backs when pitted against the great dangers this place can offer,” she smiled gently at her, the intensity gone and continued, “and after today, I feel we can extend that trust to you. Of a sort at least. Provided you can trust us as well, I mean.”

Lili was speechless, caught completely off guard by the sudden words thrown at her. They trusted her? They trusted her?! This was their first journey down together and already they were throwing words like ‘trust’ and ‘faith’. Lili thought it was a good working relationship, but nothing further than that.

How could they trust her? How could she trust her?

Why did she feel she could trust them?

Lili’s emotions were in a flux at what she was experiencing. She had to use all her willpower and experience to not let it show on her face. She had to give Arue an answer, or a reply, or anything really. She had to give her something that didn’t reveal herself for who she was and why she went with them.

Eventually, Lili responded.

“Yes! Lili trusts you all,” she said with a smile, “she has had plenty of other adventurers use her services as a supporter but you all have been the most kind,” her smile seemed to grow brighter, “Lili is glad to be a part of this.”

Arue nodded and smiled at the tiny chienthrope, glad for the answer.

“Hey you two! Come on!”

The voice came from Chitoge, who was jumping up and down near the entrance to the ninth floor. They saw Takeru nearby, examining her now bandaged-wrapped hand with a look of great scrutiny. Her fingers were free to move but tightness of the wraps limited her grip somewhat. She would adapt quickly, but it would still be annoying if Arue was to judge the look on her face.

The two also saw Bell and Hana a bit behind Chitoge, their expressions were ones of excitement as well, though better contained than Chitoge.

“Well we best be off,” said Arue, “wouldn’t want them to be too impatient, would we?”

“No,” replied Lili, “Best keep things moving forward,” she walked to them with Arue trailing behind.

The short chienthrope never saw the deep frown on Arue’s face, nor the sad look in her eye as the continued on.

Arue came from a village of some of the most over dramatic people in her world. Growing up in that environment, she was used to seeing and hearing about the outlandish, the stupefying, the subtle, and the bravest stories that came from such people. She herself had exaggerated plenty a tale before, often at another’s expense. Telling people about ‘why’ she wore her eyepatch was amongst her favorites.

Growing up in such a place, she was used to such tales being passed about here and there, and it gave her a good insight into which were truths and which were lies, and who was telling a truth and who was telling a lie.

And Liliruca Arde was lying.

She was lying to the whole party and what made it more painful…

She was lying to herself.

Together they sallied forth.

With a supporter to prove her worth.

A samurai faced an odd foe

But brought it down in a fiery blow.

They go on now to what else to unearth.

AN: Not gonna lie, one of my more intense chapters. Had a lot to think about in both the background and the foreground. Hopefully it comes along nicely down the line.

Writing a fight scene is still something I’m trying to get better at and I hope it shows.

Well! As before, feel free to comment or critique as always. Take care and see you next time.

Chapter 14

Chapter Text

Chapter 14

Bell stared at the earnings he and his party had made today. They had come back from their journey to the tenth floor and had expected to earn a good deal of valis, but even still, this amount blew Bell’s expectations out of the water.

Three fat bags of valis stood or slumped against one another in the middle of the waist high table in the guild headquarters, the earners of such an amount were staring at them with various looks of awe and pride.

Hestia familia exceeded expectations today and they could hardly wait to share the news with the other familia members and especially the Goddess. They had a great story to tell about their journey to the deeper floors and what they faced and overcame.

Arue incinerating a whole group of wall shadows, Takeru’s epic fight with the abnormal kobold, and Chitoge’s mad charge against a group of orcs.

That last one was one of the biggest surprises Bell had seen his party do. They had just arrived at the mist covered floor, something that made them all more cautious, given the new surroundings, when an ork carrying what looked like a tree limb, came out from behind a boulder.

Chitoge dashed to it, jumped through the air, and came down crashing her heel into the beast’s head with a mighty crack. It soon burst into ash, leaving behind the branch and magic stone.

Chitoge looked especially proud of that kill and when asked, she said it had something to do with Monsterphilia and left it at that.

Regardless, this was a time to be happy.

“Great work everyone,” said Bell, “We did better than I thought we could.”

Arue brought a hand up to her eyepatch in her signature pose, “Indeed,” she said, “the tides of fate flowed in our favor today.”

Chitoge gave their mage a deadpan look, “Does that ever get tiring?” she looked back down to the piles of money, a smile tugging on her lips again, “Well…it is the truth after all.”

Hana nodded beside her and Takeru also had a smile on her face, glad they performed so well.

Though Takeru wished they stayed longer on the tenth floor, in desire to hone her own skills, she knew she couldn’t expect that from the others just yet. They were still coming into their own strength as adventurers and Takeru knew she couldn’t rush that.

She took one glance at Bell, a thought on her mind, ‘Some of us seem to be rushing forward ahead, whether they are aware of it or not.’

Again she noticed this about her captain and summoner, he was progressing at an astounding rate. It showed not only in his advance at being able to venture so far down into the dungeon so soon, but in his combat prowess as well.

She wondered how long it would take for him to reach her level of strength.

She could take a good guess at it, but knew the surprise awaited in time.

‘Maybe I should up his training regiment,’ Takeru thought, ‘If he’s progressing like this? I can’t shirk my abilities in training him.’

He might react strongly to the change, but she had the feeling he would thank her for pushing him so far.

After he was done picking himself off the ground, of course.

Bell reached and picked up one of the bags of money, Takeru taking another, bags in hand Bell and the rest of the party thanked Lili for her help in the dungeon and went on their way.


The exclamation brought them to a halt, they turned back to see Lili at the table, gesturing to the remaining bags of money, “What about this?” she asked, “What about the rest of this money right here? Aren’t you going to take it?”

Bell, and a few others, were confused at this exclamation, before realizing that they didn’t tell her the reason they left that bag behind.

“Oh that’s yours, sorry,” said Bell, “forget to tell you earlier, but the rest of the team and I decided on a two-thirds split with the earnings we made today.”

Lili was flabbergasted. Two-thirds split? They were only taking two thirds of the money from today?

Leaving her the other third.

She understood why they took a majority of the money, they were all part of the same familia and they definitely did the most work, being the frontline fighters in the dungeon. But to give her a whole third of the earnings? That was insane! She’d never been given this much money before, from the other adventurers she partnered with. She would have been lucky to even receive a tenth of this amount.

Were these people just that generous? Or were they that crazy?

Takeru, seeing her expression, decided to elaborate, “The reason we decided to give you that much was both because of your help and experience in the dungeon and as an incentive for further partnership with our familia. It was thanks to you that we were able to bring back so much. Not to mention your insight was valuable in and of itself.”

Lillie was flabbergasted. One journey with her and they were giving her this much? Just for what scant information she had from her own experience and being able to carry so much more than others.

Again she felt she had to look at these people all over again, just to make sure they were real. Nobody was that generous, nobody was that giving, nobody was that nice.

No adventurer in this city existed like that!

“Just take the money and stop overthinking things,” Chitoge said with an exasperated, albeit with an annoyed look, “You did a good job! A good job means a good pay! Nothing too complicated about that, is there? Stop over analyzing and treat yourself something nice with that dough! Ya hear!”

Lili was taken aback by the rough way Chitoge said that to her, she knew she was aggressive from watching her fight in the dungeon. She didn’t think that aggression went into how she talked to people.

Lili was less uncertain about taking the money now though, after hearing the words delivered so fiercely.

Chitoge smiled when she saw Lili take the bag on the table, feeling proud with her diplomacy.

If anyone could call ‘that’ diplomacy.

Bell and the others elected not to comment on that and decided to move on with things.

“Thanks for your help today Lili! I hope we can work together more in the future,” Bell said with a bright smile. His sincerity practically a physical blow to Lili’s heart. It should be a crime to be honest like that.

Their business done, Bell and the rest of his familia proceeded to leave the guild hall, taking their earnings with them and leaving Lili with hers.

She looked at the bag of money on the table, a smile on her lips. She had worked hard today and she was glad for the generous earnings.

And for working with such kind people…

She shook her head, to clear whatever doubts she dared to think. In the end she had a job to do, a job she set out to complete before ever offering them her services. Whether she liked it or not

Remembering her task, made her look at the money bittersweetly.

It wouldn’t even be hers anymore before the day was done.

“This is indeed troubling,” Koukin said from her seat on the couch.

Hestia thought that was a very very big understatement.

They both sat across each other at the downstairs lounge. A cup of hot tea in front of the other on the coffee table in the middle of them.

After registering their new allies and getting them their supplies for their new life in this world. It turned out to be a bit much for their new arrivals and the decision was made for them to return home after their shopping was completed.

Koukin couldn’t blame them for that decision, much as she would have liked to bring them into the dungeon to see what they could do, she knew that coming to a new world could be a jarring experience. Some could have no issue with jumping into the dungeon, day one of summoning. Others needed time to adjust to their new environment.

Though their new arrivals had honestly good reasons for holding off going into the dungeon in any case.

Kallen wanted to have a better lay of the land. Take in their home’s position in the city, looking over alleyways and roadways, and finding the best shops for getting weapons and equipment.

Koukin knew a military mind when she saw one, and Kallen definitely had to have come from somewhere that had experienced war. She herself fighting in it firsthand. Koukin wanted to ask her what her experience in the theater of war was but decided that such a topic could wait another time, if she was even willing to share.

Ibuki, if Koukin didn’t know better, might as well have been a normal young woman. She positively glowed when seeing the clothing stores they passed by and had to be dragged away from various food stalls they passed in the market area.

That was in great contrast to how Koukin observed her move and subtly act. During their trip, she observed Ibuki looking swiftly at corner areas and anywhere that casted a dark enough shadow. She also saw her observing people very closely, looking them over for any signs of hidden weapons or deception in their expressions. The fact that Koukin saw her do this while being an excited shopper, took her off guard to say the least. There was definitely more to Ibuki than meets the eye. Though that was to be expected, given she was a ‘ninja’ if Koukin recalled. Albeit a bubbly one.

Elbia was someone Koukin thought could give Hana a run for her money in the artistic sense. When they passed an art supply store, Koukin got a face full of bushy tail from Elbia’s excited wagging. After shopping at such a place, mostly to avoid the puppy dog eyes Elbia threw her way, the werewolf girl immediately unpacked her new sketchbook and pencils and began drawing. Koukin didn’t know what she was sketching until they started to reach home, where Elbia revealed she had made a damn near accurate drawing of the market square

She briefly wondered what would happen if Elbia and Hana collaborated with their work. It would be an interesting sight to say the least. Given Hana’s habits when working on art. She hoped Elbia didn’t have such compulsions.

Another nudist and she was sure Hestia would have a conniption fit.

Koukin reached down to her tea and took a sip, her expression pensive, “At the very least,” she said, “Hermes doesn’t suspect you, that is one advantage we have.”

Hestia gave a nod, but she wasn't too assured by that fact. She still fretted at the thought of some God or Goddess finding out about Bell and his magic and what actions that could bring upon herself and most of all, her familia.

“This only reinforces what we were already doing,” Koukin said, “we can’t summon hastily or rapidly, now so more than ever,” she steeped her fingers together, her expression focused, “but even still, that is not a guaranteed security for our familia, but it is the best we have at the moment.”

Hestia nodded but had something to add to that, “And if that’s no longer viable? What do we do then?”

Koukin looked the Goddess in the eye, before looking downward. She gave a sigh, unsteeped her hands and spread her arms across the couch, looking up. A minute later she replied, “I don’t really know. To be honest, even thinking about what we ‘could’ do gives me no shortage of ideas,” she raised her head to look Hestia in the eyes, her own looking weary, “but no solid plans. Not when there are countless variables to consider.”

Hestia couldn’t fault her for not having a definitive plan of action were such a situation to occur. They’d been so focused on keeping the summoning magic a secret, that they didn’t really consider what could happen were they to find out.

‘Talk about tunnel vision,’ Hestia thought.

For now though, they both decided to keep the plan plain and simple. Avoid summoning for a good long while and keep an eye or ear out for anything involving the investigation from the guild.

Not the greatest plan, something Koukin pointed out with a grimace, but the best option they had at the moment.

Besides, they really couldn’t summon more in any case. They had officially met capacity for their home’s occupancy and any more would just be a hassle to deal with, room and board wise at least.

This made the two briefly discuss the idea of getting a bigger and proper home somewhere down the line. Hestia agreed but made her wish to keep this place obvious, given its sentimental value to her as it was her first home she owned. Koukin had no problem with it, viewing it so this place could be a potential backup site for them once they get a proper home for themselves.

Their conversation continued for a while and was finally brought to an end by a sudden arrival.

“Goddess! We’re home!” came Bell’s voice at the entrance to their home.

Any further discussion was tabled by Hestia’s cry of “Bell!” followed by her running to where he and his party arrived.

Koukin gave a sigh at her Goddess’s behavior after such somber topics, but she gave a small smile when looking at the Goddess fretting over her children like a mother hen.

There were enough intense topics for the day. Now it was time to relax and enjoy the company.

But catching a look from Takeru and Arue, Koukin had a feeling there were more issues to address now.

Not to mention she had to deliver the news that she was made vice-captain of the Hestia familia via the Goddess’s orders.

If she could end this day face down and asleep on her bed, she would count it as a win.

It was revealed at the dinner table what the party had gone through today. Giving their new arrivals a good idea of what they would expect should they enter the dungeon.

Kallen was actually excited to test her mettle now that she had her curiosity settled in this new world. Ibuki was enthusiastic as well to try her luck and to see what her captain, Bell, was capable of. Though many had suspicions on her true motives given she nearly attached herself to him at the dinner table. Hestia put that plan to the sword by practically attaching herself to Bell’s side, much to his embarrassment. Elbia was willing to try her best as well but stressed her interest in studying the artwork and media of this world. Hana appreciated the girl's interest in the arts and offered her to come work in her studio in the basem*nt.

After dinner was over and done, everyone made to get ready for bed.

Bell took his shower first, to avoid any shenanigans with the other girls, according to Hestia, though she did try to offer to scrub his back if he needed help. Bell locked the door and pretended he didn’t hear that.

Eventually, everyone got their showers done and retired to their rooms for the night.

Well, mostly everyone.

Koukin was sitting on her bed, legs crossed, with Arue and Takeru in front of her. None of them had changed into their nightwear and they all possessed serious visages at the topic of conversation.

Namely about the sudden and curious appearance of the short chienthrope girl to the familia’s latest venture into the dungeon.

“This ‘Lili’, you suspect her of some kind of ulterior motives?” Koukin asked with a frown.

“Yes,” replied Takeru, her face stern, “It all seemed too happenstance and out of nowhere to suddenly offer up her services as a supporter to us,” she looked down in thought, “she mentioned having watched Bell from afar before she could gather the courage to ask, but I don’t know if that is wholly the reason.”

“How do you mean?” Koukin asked.

“I didn’t sense much deceit in those words. I suspect she was telling the truth in part,” she brought her gaze to Koukin, “It’s what she wasn’t telling us that has me concerned.”

“In addition,” Arue added, “Bell and Chitoge both claimed to have seen her before. When they saved that girl from being assaulted in the alleyway.”

Koukin nodded, recalling the tale she was told about Bell’s and Chitoge’s act of heroism.

“But this supporter was a chienthrope, was she not? And Bell and Chitoge claimed to have saved a pallum that day,” Koukin put her chin in her hand and continued, “realistically, I’m more inclined to believe Bell and Chitoge, in this case.”

Arue and Takeru nodded, feeling the same. Bell and Chitoge both were probably the most honest souls in the familia. With Chitoge recently being revealed to be someone similar to Bell, in regards to her inability to bluff.

Koukin enjoyed that game of chess with her that time, if only just to see her menagerie of expressions.

“Bell and Chitoge may have been mistaken,” said Takeru, “but saving a pallum one day, and the next, a very short chienthrope makes her appearance? Surely I’m not the only one skeptical about this coincidence?”

She received no counter argument from the other two, given they were all on the same page about the supporter.

“I’d like to add to the theory pool, if I can?” Arue said, “While she was traveling with us I sensed magic upon her body, subtle, very subtle, but noticeable if one gave it more focus,” she smiled and held her hand to her crimson eye in another strange pose, “luckily my dark senses could feel such fine magic with little ease, as befitting a Crimson Demon.”

Takeru gave a sigh in exasperation at Arue’s overdramatic nature, while Koukin tried her best not to smile so wide and risk laughing. Leave it to Arue to diffuse the tense atmosphere with her ridiculous actions.

But what she said did bear merit to listen to, this chienthrope, Lili, was using magic of some kind and if Koukin had to theorize for what, given the information she possessed, she would say it was to obscure her appearance somehow.

This brought forth many more questions and possible theories to mind, but for now, time to cut to the meat of the matter.

“I wish to notify Bell about this,” Koukin said, “I already expect some grievances from our assumptions from him but he needs to know for the sake of his safety,” she then took her gaze to Arue, noticing something, “You seem troubled Arue, is there something wrong with my decision?”

Arue had a deep frown on her face, one of contemplation, before finally giving voice to her thoughts, “If possible, could we maybe hold off on telling our captain about this?”

Koukin was surprised by the request, especially since it was Takeru and Arue both bringing her into this conversation, “For what purpose, may I ask?” she asked in a calm tone, not angry, but curious.

“For the purpose of investigation,” replied Arue, “we know Miss Arde is lying to us, yes, but to what purpose?”

Koukin blinked, “Purpose, Arue? What purpose do you mean?”

Koukin assumed that Lili was just deceiving them for a better sake of profit with naive adventurers, while avoiding pass troubles with a disguise.

It was hardly the first time she dealt with such people, only with the added magic was it any different.

“I feel she is hiding more than just her appearance and motives,” said Arue, “Additionally, I feel she may not be so willing to go with whatever plan she is a part of.”

Takeru raised a brow at Arue, “You feel she is a victim somehow,” she guessed, “that she is going along with someone else’s idea or plan?”

Arue shrugged, “It’s a theory at least. I know though that, when we were in the dungeon, I asked her to trust us, and she said she did.”

Koukin and Takeru were silent, expecting her to continue.

“She further said she was glad to work with such a kind party. To both, she was lying,” Arue looked at her companions, her eyes showing remorse and pity at what she said, “she seemed to be lying to herself as well. Painfully so.”

Koukin and Takeru processed what Arue said with neutral expressions, taking in what she said, before Koukin finally gave voice to an answer.

“She’s being forced to,” she said, “she is being made to have to partner with adventures for another’s gain.”

The potential answer sickened them. Someone was using this young girl to infiltrate adventure groups, but to what end?

Koukin clapped her hands lightly, drawing the other two’s attention, “For the time being, we’ll keep an eye on her whenever she offers her services to us again. I still wish to tell our captain about this, but only when we have more information to go on. For now though, it’s time to rest.”

Takeru and Arue nodded and made to leave her room, but Arue stopped by her door and turned to her, a question on her lips.


“Please just Koukin, I’ve grown used to having my name spoken with familiarity, I'd rather not have it replaced with a recent title.”

Arue smiled at the reply and continued, “Then Koukin, what do you think Bell would do if he were to find out about Lili?”

Koukin didn’t need long to consider that answer and gave Arue a small smile, “You know exactly what he would want to do.”

Arue smiled at her in return, believing the answer.

“He would want to save that girl.”

Bell expected his new familia members to have unique fighting styles, as it seemed most of them did whenever he summoned them forth. So it shouldn’t have come to as much of a shock when he saw them fight in the dungeon.

Yet he still found himself amazed each time.

Kallen jumped back from a goblin’s strike and followed it with an upward strike with her new Kodachi, ending the creature’s life. She followed by lifting the hand-crossbow in her other hand and firing a bolt at another goblin running up on her, it struck true in the monster’s neck, it was a cloud of ash after a cough of blood.

Ibuki was a blur on the dungeon floor, evading strikes and closing in on enemies like a specter on the wind. Bell saw her leap over two kobolds making an attack run and at the apex of her jump, she launched two kunai knives into each beasts’ head. She landed just in time to see the burst into ash, making her give a ‘whoop’ of joy and giving Bell a thumbs up.

Elbia was similar to Ibuki in how she moved but closer to Chitoge with how she attacked. She made full use of her body’s limber motions and struck out with a growl each time. Kicks, punches, and even claw swipes helped her dispatch any foe in front her. Bell was a little frightened when she managed to cow an attacking Kobold with a snarl, just before she dispatched it with a bone breaking high kick.

Needless to say, Bell was certainly glad she was on his side.

They were on the fourth floor of the dungeon, it was agreed to be a good spot for them to get the hang of themselves in the dungeon and maintain relative safety of the party.

Though if Bell were honest, he thought they could do pretty well a floor or two down as well, but this was a good practice and it was best to keep things simple for their first day in the dungeon.

Bell was giving it his all as well, as captain, he felt he had to show his new members what he was capable of. Needless to say, they cleaned up the area they were in little time.

Bell sliced a dungeon lizard that made a good attempt at an ambush, sending its head flying. He looked over at the others who were finishing up the rest.

Kallen made the last kill, putting a bolt through the head of a kobold, pinning it to the wall. She gave a long sigh when it burst to ash and dropped a magic stone.

“Man,” she said with a breath, “you can work up a thirst doing this for an hour, nevermind all day,” she wiped her forehead, “Can’t believe you do this all the time, captain.”

Bell gave a small chuckle, “It’s not so bad Kallen. After a while you’ll get used to it too, it took me a few trips before I felt I could stay all day on a single floor.”

Kallen gaped at her captain, “Please tell me you didn’t do that, because that’s just insane,” she could understand spending a morning, or afternoon here, but an entire day? That’s just crazy.

Bell shook his head, “No,” he said, “the longest I’ve stayed in here was probably,” he thought about it for a moment, then remembered what he did not too long ago. He became a bit bashful before replying, “about a whole night…and some of the morning.”

Now everyone was looking at him like he was a basket case. A whole night and some of a morning? At level one?! What could have spurred their captain to do something like that?

“It was a while ago,” Bell said, “and it was over something ridiculous. I came back bruised and bloodied,” he looked down with a bit of shame, “I made my Goddess worry about me, she and Arue and Hana as well. I couldn’t forgive myself if I did that again.”

He raised his head to stare at his new arrivals, a smile on his face, “So now I try to do my best, while making sure I can come home to my Goddess and familia. That is something I ask all of you to do as well!”

His words made the three smile, they could feel the generosity and earnestness in his words.

Kallen was at first skeptical with Bell being her captain and summoner, she had only followed one person in her previous life, or the ‘other’ Kallen’s life, and that was after he proved himself and she saw merit in following him.

Bell Cranell wasn’t that man in any way, shape, or form, and Kallen found herself glad for it. At least with Bell she would get honest answers to any questions.

Since Bell really couldn’t lie to save his life. Which was a breath of fresh air, if she were honest.

Bell felt someone land behind him and nearly turned around with his guard raised, only to feel two soft hands hold him in place by his shoulders.

“Awww! Aren’t you the sweet heart,” Ibuki’s voice came from behind him, before he felt her start pinching one of his cheeks gently, “It’s so nice of you to worry about us like that,” she let go of his reddened cheek and started to hug him from behind, “now I’m definitely glad we got you as a captain!”

“M-m-miss Ibuki! Your chest is pressing v-very hard on my back!” Bell said with a flush that made his reddened cheek look practically nuclear. He didn’t notice because of Ibuki’s clothes but he was surprised how endowed she actually was beneath her ninja attire.

Ibuki either didn’t hear him as she swung him to and fro with her hug or didn’t mind that she was hugging him so tightly.

She couldn’t help herself, Bell was just that adorable.

Kallen cleared her throat in an attempt to bring attention to her, only succeeding in getting Ibuki to stop rocking Bell back and forth, “If your done turning our captain into a new shade of red,” she nodded her head to Bell’s blazing face, “I think we’re good to call it a day, my bag is full of stones by now, and I don’t care to haul back more than I care to carry.”

Ibuki let her captain go, much to his breathless relief, and reached down to bring her own bag of magic stones up, its contents right at full capacity as well.

“Yeah,” she said, “I’d say I’m good as well,” she turned to look at their werewolf companion, “How about you Elbia? You ready to-”, she cut herself off mid-speech, noticing werewolf girl and her gains for the day.

Standing there with a proud smile and shaking her long fluffy tail, Elbia had a bag nearly ready to burst with its contents under one arm. She raised her other arm up and gave everyone a thumbs up, her tail wagging even faster.

She was definitely done and clearly proud of herself today.

Bell was amazed as well, his own bag was as full as Ibuki’s and Kallen’s but Elbia definitely did better than they did in earnings alone.

“That’s amazing Elbia,” Bell exclaimed, “well done!”

Elbia preened under the praise, feeling proud of her work today. She at first wasn’t sure about the dungeon, or how she’d perform against the monsters. She was quick to realize that the beasts on these floors scarcely held a candle to her. Could they potentially overwhelm her? Yes, but only if she and the others let them gather their numbers.

Which they never did.

Elbia walked right up to Bell and leaned over to him just a bit. She stared at him with eyes that told of expecting something.

Bell looked at Elbia in confusion, wondering what’s gotten into her. She kept looking at him with wide eyes and a near pleading expression. Her tail was wagging, but no longer in the joyful pendulum motion it once was, now it seemed to move back and forth in frustration.

Bell was about to ask what was wrong when Kallen chimed in, “I think she wants you to pet her head.”

Bell’s face started to redden again. He just couldn’t catch a break!

He didn’t think this is what Elbia wanted and he decided to test that.

“Elbia, that isn’t really what you want is-”, he was cut off by her reply.

“Yes it is.”


“Whenever I do good work, a kind word or two is usually enough, but I did very well today, so I ask for more,” she twitched her ears up and down in emphasis, “please pat my head, captain! That is the reward I ask for.”

Bell was struck into silence by the request. His previous experience with Lili yesterday informed him that such a thing would be rude and very inappropriate. Yet Elbia was right there in front of him asking for it.

Looking up at him with eyes that shone with want for the reward, the want of head rubs..

Eventually, he caved in.

Bell reached up and began to rub the top of her head, right between her ears.

Elbia stood in place as the sensation washed over her. She soon started smiling and closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation.

Her tail began wagging again, once more in joy.

Ibuki and Kallen were off to the side, watching the strange display before them. They knew Elbia could act more…primal than most demi-humans of the beast variety, they never expected this however.

Then again, they never expected to be summoned to another world, did they?

Eventually Bell stopped his petting and Elbia leaned back satisfied, content with her reward.

With little else to say, especially after that, the four made their way out of the dungeon. Pride and accomplishment in each of their steps.

“And after Kallen took out the last of them. We decided to return after that when our bags were full.”


Bell was giving his report to his guild advisor, Eina. Mentioning the performance of his new familia members, what enemies they faced, any new threats in the dungeon, and an overall summary of their performance.

It sounds like a lot but Bell was used to it by now and he could deliver a relatively speedy report by now.

Something Eina was usually grateful for, as it saved her time with the paperwork by keeping it minimal.

But today, Eina was looking at Bell a little strangely. Not with her usual polite concern and kindness.

No, her gaze was more of suspicion and of slight accusation. As if he had done something wrong and kept it secret, only for her to find out in the worst way possible.

Bell admits to being scared of such a look, but he somehow found the courage to ask her.

“Is something wrong, Miss Eina?” Bell asked.

Eina didn’t respond at first, trying to pick and decide what words would be appropriate to use.

“Bell,” she began, “Be honest with me. Is there a reason why so many beautiful women seem to flock to your familia?”

Bell was taken aback by the sudden and strange question. Sudden; because he’d never imagined Eina to ever ask that question. Strange because…he honestly didn’t know how to answer it.

Thankfully he didn’t have to answer, someone else did.

He felt arms wrap around his neck and pull him back, coming to a stop on something soft but firm.

“Miss Eina, that should be obvious,” came Ibuki’s voice from behind Bell, right near his ears, “it’s because our captain is so cute!” she punctuated this statement by holding him tighter and swaying back and forth, a musical hum on her lips.

Bell was blushing up a storm and was trying not to be so ramrod stiff in her hold.

Eina was looking at the whole scene with wide eyes. Nevermind she didn’t even see Ibuki coming, the fact that she was cuddling Bell to her chest out in public was outrageous and completely out of nowhere.

“Miss Ibuki!” she exclaimed, standing up from her chair, “That is wildly inappropriate!”

Ibuki stopped rocking Bell back and forth and gave Eina a frown, before suddenly perking up and gently holding Bell out towards her.

“Oh! Sorry. Did you want to hold him?”

Eina turned scarlet at Ibuki’s words and found herself completely speechless. This girl was completely out of Eina’s ability to handle.

In addition, she did her level best to suppress the urge to take Bell from her and into her own arms.

‘Bad Eina! Bad! That is wholly inappropriate in the most extreme sense!’

A sudden hand-chop coming down from behind Ibuki made the girl let go of Bell, who was happy to get some distance, and clutch at the top of her head.

Ibuki looked behind her at her attacker, a frown and puffed cheeks showing her displeasure.

“That hurt Kallen,” Ibuki bemoaned.

The red head only stared at her fellow familia member with an unamused look, “You’re causing a commotion,” she said, “quit with games already. Elbia and I want to go home without a crowd watching us.”

Ibuki rubbed her head some more and finally gave a huff and nodded her head in agreement, “Fine,” she said, “Sorry Bell. Didn’t mean to cause trouble. Just wanted to have some fun after our trip to the dungeon.”

Bell finally calmed down enough to reply, “It’s alright. I was just…very surprised by that.”

Kallen gave her captain a look, making sure he was alright, before turning her attention to Eina, “Is it alright for us to go? Did Bell deliver his report yet?”

Eina regained her composure well enough to reply, “Yes Miss Kozuki. He did, thank you.”

Kallen nodded and gestured to Bell, “You alright to head out?”

Bell nodded, and looked to Eina one last time, a familiar smile on his face, “if there’s nothing else Eina, my party and I are going home.”

Eina nodded and waved them farewell. When they were gone, Eina came to a realization.

Bell never answered her question.

She sighed to herself. It didn’t really matter, it was a ridiculous question to ask in any case.

She cleared her mind and moved on to something else, namely to whom Bell and his party from yesterday had on hand to support him.

She began to look through the records of the guild on various familias inside the city.

Looking for a familia member belonging to the Soma familia.

Looking for Liliruca Arde.

She didn’t know why but she had a bad feeling about her. Even more so given the familia she was a part of.

She would be a fool not to act to the feeling.

Not long after they left the guild headquarters, Bell and his party found themselves experiencing something unfortunate.


Bell glanced over at Kallen, who was walking beside him. She had a hand on her stomach and a displeased and frustrated expression on her face.

She was hungry and she wasn’t the only one. Not long ago, Ibuki’s stomach did the same thing and shortly after her, Elbia’s stomach voiced its displeasure and further punctuated by a whine from the werewolf.

Bell too was hungry and thought now was a good time to remedy that for himself and his teammates.

“How about a detour, girls?” he asked them, “Let’s get something to eat before we go home,” he smiled at them, “It could be a reward, for your first day in the dungeon. Sound good?”

Ibuki was the first to voice her approval of the plan, followed by Elbia, who showed her joy of the plan more so by wagging her tail.

“Sounds like a good plan captain,” said Kallen, “I knew I worked up a hell of an appetite but I didn’t think it was this bad.”

They had a great day in the dungeon and definitely pushed themselves to earn what they could. A little hunger was to be expected, but they didn’t think they burned enough energy to feel like they were starving.

Bell felt what they felt no small number of times during his initial trips into the dungeon. It was something you eventually get used to. Though packing snacks or rations also alleviated it at times.

The potato puffs saved his stomach on many long stays in the dungeon.

Bell suggested where they should go and his party, curious about the place, followed him along. After a bit of a walk, they found themselves at a very familiar pub.

The Hostess of Fertility

Walking through the doors, Bell was greeted by the familiar sight of the proprietor of the establishment.

“Well well,” Mia Grand said, watching them come in, “if it ain’t the rookie coming to visit. If you’re looking for Syr, she and Ryuu went out shopping. They’ll be back soon though.”

“Thanks but that’s not why we’re here,” Bell said, “I’d like a table for me and my new familia members please.”

Mia gave a laugh, finally noticing the trio of girls alongside him, “Three more girls to your familia, huh boy? Taking them out this soon is surprisingly bold. Didn’t think ya had it in ya.”

Bell flushed at her words, “No no! It’s nothing like that,” he said, “they worked hard in the dungeon and I wanted to reward them for their work today.”

Kallen gave Bell a nudge at his side, “Just like he said,” she added, “we worked our asses off so now we’re being treated by our generous captain.”

The dwarven woman gave a laugh at that, “Not even an adventurer for a month and you’re already a captain? You’ve grown haven’t ya, brat,” she looked over the bar at Bell, taking in his appearance again before adding teasingly, “though you could stand to put more meat on those bones if I’m honest,” she waved them in, “Come on! Grab a seat before the early dinner rush sweeps them from ya.”

Bell and his party did so. When they were seated, a black haired cat-girl came and gave them menus to go over.

Bell already knew what he wanted and pretty soon they all placed their orders and waited.

“This place is very nice,” commented Elbia, she took a deep smell of the air and lightly giggled, “Smells nice especially, lots of different food is made here and it all smells so good,” she ended with a smile and a small trail of drool leaving her lips.

Kellen saw it and reached for a napkin and held it to the werewolf girl, “Calm down, the foods’ not even here yet and you’re already drooling on yourself.”

Ibuki was looking around the place with a smile and infectious giddiness about her. She was in a pub! A fantasy pub in another world! This day got better and better!

They got their food and they soon set upon it, enjoying the delicious meal and homely atmosphere.

It wasn’t too long after they nearly finished their meals, that they received some company.

“Bell!,” a voice exclaimed behind him. Bell turned around to greet the smiling face of Syr behind him. This brought a smile to his own features and he waved a greeting at the waitress.

“Hey Syr! Good to see you!”

He noticed the figure beside her and he greeted her as well, “It’s nice to see you as well Ryuu.”

The green haired elf gave a polite nod to Bell in response to his greeting.

“It’s nice for you to stop by Bell,” Syr said, “you must have worked up a good appetite to come here so early.”

Bell gestured to the others at the table with a smile at Syr’s words, “Not just me, my new familia members did well today and worked up an appetite. I’m treating them for their hard work.”

Syr then took notice of the other three at the table and her eyes widened a bit. She looked them over once, taking in Kallen’s rough demeanor, Ibuki’s eccentric smile, and Elbia wagging her tail happily while gorging herself on her plate.

“My my Bell,” Syr said, cupping her cheek, “three more beautiful women in your familia? I didn’t think you so lucky,” she shot him a small teasing smile, “if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re on your way to start your own harem.”

Bell nearly choked on his drink, Kallen actually started to choke on her food, startled as she was. Ibuki blushed a storm at the words before giving a surprised yelp at Kallen’s predicament and moved to help her.

Elbia was too busy enjoying her food to notice anything. She briefly glanced up at the commotion, blinked, and went back to eating. Her tail wagging in joy yet again, accidentally hitting the black haired cat-girl, Chloe, in the face. Drawing a surprised “Nya!” from the waitress.

Bell got his composure back and quickly tried to explain, only to fumble in his wording and speak gibberish.

Syr laughed at the chaos she caused, only for that laugh to turn into a yelp as Mia tapped a wooden spoon on the top of her head, hard.

Syr cradled her head, looking back and up at Mia with small tears in her eyes.

Mia wasn’t moved by those tears, not in the least.

“Quit bothering the customers,” she said sternly, “you want to tease the boy? Do it after hours. Until then, breaks’ over.”

Syr gave a sad moan at that but complied. Before she left, she gave the table one last look and said, “Sorry about that. Had to tease you a little, Bell,” she smiled warmly at him in particular, “how else was I to let you know how much I missed you?”

With that said, she turned and walked off to do her tasks, joining Ryuu in the kitchen.

Bell watched her go, his cheeks flushed red, ‘That girl is always surprising,’ he thought to himself.

He turned his attention to his table, seeing Ibuki pat the back of Kallen, who was graciously drinking some water now that her coughing episode was over. Elbia leaned back on her chair, empty plate in front of her, and a contentful smile on her face.

Kallen finished her drink with a loud exhale, “Dammit,” she began, nearly coughing once more, “what kinda person asks that out of the blue?”

Ibuki returned to her seat with a helpless smile on her face, “Someone with a funny sense of humor I guess?” she asked with a shrug.

“That’s just Syr,” said Bell, “She’s always like that. She likes to tease people all the time.”

Elbia chose that moment to add in a question of her own, “Does she do that to you a lot, captain?” she asked innocently.

Bell nodded, “Yeah, she always surprises me with her teasing. Sometimes she can be a bit much but she means well I think.”

Elbia co*cked her head in thought, wondering about something, she tapped a fist into her palm in realization, “Oh! Is it because she’s your mate?! Is that why she teases you?”

That statement was delivered just as Bell was taking a drink of water, next thing he knew, he was trying desperately to explain with a lungs full of water.

As Bell’s party tried to save their captain from drowning via glass cup, they were watched from the kitchen by a familiar brown haired cat-girl.

“Yet more competition for ya Syr, nya ,” Anya said, shaking her head, “these girls may not be as busty as that Koukin chick, but they got some killer bods on them nonetheless, nya.”


“I mean look at them, nya! That redhead has got a toned belly and right rounded curves to boot, nya. Chest is definitely bigger than mine, nya. Maybe even yours, nya.”


“That chick dressed like a ninja, nya, is holding back a killer body as well, nya. Looking at her from the side you can see she has her chest binded, nya. Nya, I can already guess how big they actually are, nya. She got some nice thighs too, nya!


“Nya, can’t forget that chien- no, werewolf girl over there, nya. Nearly through my nose off for a moment there, nya, but you can’t fool Anya, nya! She’s got great boobs, strong legs, and a nice tail to boot, nya!”

Anya stepped away from the kitchen opening and raised her arms up, as if in defeat for someone else and shook her head, “Sorry Syr, I’d wish you good luck but with that competition, you might need a mirac-”, she stopped when she suddenly felt a ominous force radiating from behind her, she turned around to see the silver haired waitress looking at her with a smile that was anything but kind.

Any knew she stepped in it bad this time and made her best attempt to beseech mercy from her friend and co-worker.

There would be none.

As Syr finished delivering punishment to Anya, who was nursing her sore ears and tail, she recalled something that was important.

Quickly, she rushed to her room to retrieve it and swiftly brought it back down.

She came to a stop by Bell’s table who was finally getting his breath back from nearly drowning in his embarrassment.

Something he was sure he wouldn’t live down.

“Bell! I just remembered something you might be interested in,” she held out the item, “I remember you telling me you liked to read a lot so I saved it. A customer left it on a table and never came to retrieve it.”

It was a book, a bit aged, but in great condition.

“I think you’d like what’s inside.”

New comradeship is brought to bear.

To aid the rabbit and his white hair.

Yet worry grips at the hearth.

A supporter at the heart.

Will a savior come to save her from despair.

AN: Woah! This took some time and polishing but I finally got to a point to be happy with how this chapter turned out. Things are progressing as well as they can be and there is more to write onward. Hope the wait was worth it.

As always, thanks for reading and feel free to comment or critique.

Until next time! Take care!

Chapter 15

Chapter Text

Chapter 15

Bell stared at the book before him upon his small desk. He and his party had arrived home after their little stop by The Hostess of Fertility and were welcomed back with warmth and congratulations from his other familia members. After thanking them and asking how their day was, Bell hurried to his room with his new book in hand.

Though he did stop briefly to stare at the main lounge area. Apparently, while Bell was out with his party, Hana and Chitoge decided on a potato puff eating competition. There was a brief argument between the two about which flavor of the starchy snack was the best and ultimately correlated with Hestia arriving home with extra potato puffs she was allowed to bring back. One thing led to another and the challenge was on.

It ended in a draw, with both participants laying flat on their backs, bellies sore and faces a mess with fried potato specks, as Bell had found them.

At the very least, they seemed to ultimately respect each other’s favorite flavor in the end and tapped their wrists together in a sign of respect and solidarity.

Takeru, off to the side, commented about the whole thing.

“Friendship forged from spuds. Now I’ve truly seen everything.”

Bell elected not to comment, choosing to continue his trek upstairs, giving a brief hello to Koukin and Arue, who both decided to avoid the brief chaos and read in the upstairs lounge.

Now here he was, a book before him and curiosity in his heart.

With little else to consider, he opened the book up and started to read.

At first he was confused, he started to follow along well enough, then suddenly the words started to jumble together.

He felt dizzy. Did something ask him what he’d do with magic?

He answered.

Everything went black.

Someone was shaking him.

Bell slowly opened his eyes, his head hurt. He was laying down on the table, the book off to his side. Someone shook him again and Bell raised his head from the table. Blinking blearily, trying to get himself coordinated.

“Bell,” a voice called to his side. He turned to see the concerned crimson eye of Arue looking at him. Koukin was just behind her, looking just as concerned.

“Captain, are you alright?” Koukin asked.

“Yeah,” replied Bell, “I’m a little dizzy, but I’ll be fine in a moment,” he could already feel his senses returning to normal and he demonstrated this by standing up. Arue and Koukin looked ready to catch him in case he fell but he felt fine for the moment.

“Guess I dozed off reading,” Bell said with a nervous laugh.

Arue gave a huff and poked at his chest, her frown evident and her visibly eye glowing with undisguised worry and anger, “ ‘Dozed off reading’? Bell, Hestia practically shouted from downstairs for you several times by now for dinner. Myself and Miss Shuuyu have been calling our souls out and shaking you like mad to wake you,” she closed her eye and took a calming breath, dousing the fires of her worries, “whatever you read must’ve been tediously boring for you to sleep through such noise.”

Bell was surprised he slept so deeply. After a few trips into the dungeon, in his earlier days in the familia, Bell had been made into a light sleeper. Ready to act to any surprises waiting for him when he woke up.

Granted, Hestia seemed to be able to crawl into bed with him without stirring him. An impressive feat in and of itself.

“…Bell, what is that?”

Bell looked again at Arue and saw her looking at the book on his desk.

“Oh,” he started, “That’s the book I got from the pub. Someone left it behind and never returned. Str gave it to me.”

Arue drew closer to the book and looked over the pages, eye opening wider as a result of the realization she came upon.

“Bell,” she began, “This isn’t a normal book.”

Her captain blinked curiously and in puzzlement at her.

She elaborated, “This is in fact a grimoire, a tome with magic inscribed in it. Meant to be read so that magic may be passed down to another. They are very rare and powerful pieces of text to some people. With who knows what kind of magic instilled in them,” she looked to Bell, an expression of sympathy on her features, “They can also sell very well, with prices for such texts numbering in the tens, if not hundreds, of millions.”

Bell sat stock still at that information, his thoughts in flux at what he was told.

A book that granted magic.

A book that was worth millions.

A book he just read.

Arue looked over the pages once again before giving a great sigh.

“And this one is now useless. Congratulations are in order, captain. You are now in possession of whatever magic was in this book.”

Bell possessed magic? He had magic now?

He had magic! He nearly jumped for joy before suddenly realizing the painful truth.

He had magic…at the expense of a book that was potentially worth hundreds of millions of valis.


of millions…


Bell passed out again, this time of shock. His two familia members stared at their captain with blank expression. They had expected a dramatic reaction and this was one in the realm of certainty if they knew him well by now.

They looked at each other then, thinking the same thing.

“I guess we’ll have to tell the others what happened,” said Koukin, in a tone that said she wouldn’t enjoy the explanation to give.

Arue, the cheeky red-eyed mage, gave her a smile and pointed at her dramatically, before replying, “A duty I feel falls right upon your stern shoulders my dear vice-captain. What other person could there be?!”

Koukin looked at Arue for a moment, taking in her dramatic posturing. She then looked down to Bell, her captain.

Koukin sighed. Her new position as vice-captain is already starting to weigh on her.

She made a mental note to plan something for Arue later.

Good reasoning or not, she’d be damned before she let anyone shovel the entire responsibility on her like that.

Bell woke up some time later, on one of the lounge couches downstairs.

When he awoke, he was told his status was checked by Hestia to see if anything came about from reading the grimoire. To his, but to no one’s surprise, he was now in possession of magic.

Firebolt: Swift-Strike, chantless

When Bell read the description, he was already anxious to head back into the dungeon again to test his new spell out, but a stern talking to by Hestia put a stop to those plans, telling him that one trip was enough for the day, it was further backed by the others chiming in in support of the short Goddess’s decision.

Hestia also emphasized that Bell should keep the fact of him finding such a valuable lost book to himself, especially since he felt inclined to give it back to the pub so it could be returned to its proper owner.

He was met by a resounding unanimous “No” by his entire familia and the matter died at that.

Some time passed and Bell had a good night's sleep following the end of the day. Eventually though, his excitement superseded his need for more rest.

He woke up and at a glance outside, he saw the sun hadn’t even peeked over the horizon yet. It was still very early in the morning.

Perhaps he should wait a bit more for everyone else to wake up and they could venture down together to see his new magic.

But Bell was anxious and he honestly couldn’t wait any longer. Besides, it’s not like he’d be gone for long.

Yeah, he’d go in the dungeon early, test out his new magic, and be back before everyone wakes up.

A solid plan!

…well the best one he could think of.

Bell got up from his bed, donned his armor, equipped his knife, and made his way out of his home.

He moved as silently as possible, to avoid waking his familia members up so early and ruin his plans. Pausing only briefly at Chitoge’s door, hearing her loud but cute snores.

He finally made it downstairs and successively at the front door of his home. Smiling broadly at his victory. He opened the door and left with nary a sound behind him, closing the door just as quietly.

With it shut, Bell turned and proceeded to make his way to the dungeon.

“Took you much longer than I thought it would, captain. I expected better after all I’ve taught you so far.”

A voice off to Bell’s side made him jump and yelp abruptly, causing him to cover his mouth and look at his home with sudden worry, afraid he woke everyone up.

When no sign of the others' awakening came, Bell relaxed and turned to look at the speaker who surprised him.

It was Takeru, in her usual vestments, staring at him with her arms crossed, a smile on her face.

Bell had no words to say. What could he say? He’d been caught red handed.

Takeru walked towards him, “Honestly,” she began, “you’re like a child with a great birthday gift who wants to open and play with it immediately. What are we gonna do with you?”

Bell had no reply, but found himself scratching the back of his head and laughing embarrassingly at her apt descriptor. She’d been right, he was absolutely excited to test his new magic out.

Takeru stopped next to him, her expression mirthful, “Luckily for you, our vice-captain saw this coming and had two of us wait out here early enough to help you in testing your new magic.”

Bell wasn’t really surprised that Koukin saw through him like that, it made sense and it wasn’t like he disguised his intentions. Though that did leave one question.

“Who else is coming?” Bell asked.

He felt a soft sensation press and nearly cover the back of his head, and a pair of arms wrap around him, followed by a familiar giggle.

“Arue!” Bell exclaimed.

“Of course captain,” the Crimson Demon mage replied, a smile in her words, “what better person to accompany you in testing your magic than your sole mage in the familia.”

He couldn’t argue that, but that may be because he was flushed like crazy from the sensation he was feeling right now.

Takeru clapped her hands bringing the attention to her, “Well let’s be off. I admit to being curious at what magic Bell possesses. We best make haste to the dungeon, earlier the better.”

With that said, she went forth along the path. Bell and Arue tailing behind her.

“Wait Arue! You don’t have to hold onto me! Gyaa! You’re squeezing tighter! Your chest! Your chest!”

It was already starting off to be a pretty active day.


Bell's shout rang through the floor and a blinding bolt of fire shot from his hand. Impacting a dungeon lizard crawling on the wall. It burst to pieces upon impact, leaving only a blackened singed mark where it once was and a small magic stone falling to the ground.

Bell whooped for joy at the sensation. He was using magic, real magic! Just like in the stories he read when he was little. He felt like he could jump for joy and reach the surface with how excited he was.

Takeru and Arue watched him from behind, smiles on their faces. They were glad their captain was happy with his new magic and that he was showing good promise in using it.

Arue was especially pleased with Bell and his new magic for a very good reason. Now that he had magic, maybe it was a good opportunity to teach him what she knows about the spell arts. She knew that he only had the one offense spell, Firebolt, but in her past life as a Crimson Demon mage, she was taught the importance of creativity with magic. Not to mention the most important thing when using magic.

That you look cool doing it!

Arue smiled to herself all the more at the thought. A few lessons with her and Bell could be made into a suitable Crimson Demon. He already had the eyes for it. Granted his were more ruby then crimson but still.

Takeru had more…practical thoughts in regards to Bell’s magic. In her eyes, this was a new opportunity to test different combat tactics and attack patterns.

Since agreeing to aid Bell and the others' training, Takeru has devoted herself in doing so. They had a genuine desire to be stronger for themselves and the familia, and Takeru could respect that earnestness.

Briefly she thought back to her old world and former life, recalling those who had similar wishes like Bell did. Not just in getting stronger, but in making their mark on the world.

She recalled a young woman. A little immature at times and had a tendency of biting off more than she could chew on occasion, but was set in her goals and went to great lengths to achieve them. With herself by her side, until someone more suitable came and took the reins.

Takeru smiled at the brief memory before turning her attention to Bell, seeing him cast another blast of magic that took a pair of kobolds by surprise.

‘You and her are quite alike,’ she thought, ‘though I doubt conquest is on your mind, ‘hero’,’ she nearly laughed aloud, remembering something, ‘and you have better penmanship than she did.’

After a time had passed, they all arrived at the fourth floor, where they saw a big pack of goblins a distance away from them.

Bell was quick to act and stepped forward with his arm raised.

“Firebolt!” he shouted, launching the burning projectile from his hand at great speed.

Again and again he casted that spell, until there was nothing left of the goblins but ash and soot.

Bell raised his hands in victory, before suddenly falling back and landing on the ground with a loud *thud*.

Arue and Takeru rushed to his side, concern overshadowing any other thoughts they had at that moment.

“Bell!” exclaimed Arue, who knelt by his side looking him over for any sign of injury.

Takeru was beside her a moment later, “Is he alright?” she asked, “he didn’t get injured, did he?”

Arue looked over her captain for a moment, before giving a sigh of relief, “No he’s not injured,” she looked to Takeru, giving her a rye smile, “he’s just repeating a mistake he made when I first met him.”

Bell was suffering from mind-down, again. Arue surmised he must have been throwing more magic around than he was used to. Which, in hindsight, they should’ve monitored his spell casting more carefully.

Takeru gave a sigh at Arue’s words, “That’s a relief,” she said, “though honestly, how careless could he be? Casting magic about like that. He should have felt some kind of fatigue prior to this.”

Arue shrugged, “You saw how enthusiastic he was. Can’t really be surprised that he exhausted himself as such.”

Takeru had no reply and could only sigh before looking down at Bell, seeing his tired state and sporting a smile on his face.

Takeru shook her head, her captain was once more showing his reckless side. She’d have to add restraint lessons next time they trained together.

She looked back to Arue, a question her tongue, “So what do we do now?”

Arue sighed and rummaged at her side before pulling a wooden wand out, “I’m afraid we have to wait until the effects wear off,” she said, “I didn’t bring any mind-potions and unless you have some, we’ll have to wait until he recovers naturally.”

Takeru didn’t have any mind-potions. She’d brought health and stamina, but not mind, supposing that Bell wouldn’t honestly be this reckless.

You live and learn.

They were broken out of further discussion by the sound of monsters approaching. Looking down the path to see a pack of goblins making their way towards them with red eyes and glistening fangs.

The two weren’t worried in the least, having dispatched rabble like this with relative ease.

But before either of them could act, there was a brief gust of wind, a flash of silver across the goblins’ bodies, and the next moment they fell down in pieces.

A figure stood amidst where the goblins once stood. She was famous throughout Orario and Takeru and Arue both had heard of her.

‘The Sword Princess’, Ais Wallenstein was before them.

“Ais,” a voice said from behind the blonde swordswoman, “what on earth made you charge in like that?”

Who emerged from behind her was an elf with emerald green hair with a stern air about her. She glanced ahead of her and saw Takeru and Arue over a still comatosed Bell.

“Oh, greetings,” the elf said with a pilot tone, “sorry if we surprised you. We were just on our way back to the surface when this one,” she gestured at Ais with her staff, “suddenly sprang into action all of the sudden.”

The Sword Princess actually looked sheepish as the elf finished.

Takeru relaxed when hostilities were nowhere to be seen, “It is no problem,” she said, “we are glad for the assistance.”

The elf looked them over once, taking in their demeanor and form, “you’re welcome, but I have a feeling that the help wasn’t necessary, was it?”

Her eyes at a glance could already tell that Takeru and Arue were formidable enough to handle a lackluster group of goblins on their own.

Her gaze eventually reached Bell, who still laid flat on the ground unconscious.

She approached, along with Ais, to see who they were hovering over. When they got close, they elf heard Ais take a sharp breath. It was soft, but the elf knew a reaction like that from her was significant.

“Ais?,” the elf asked, “Do you recognize this young man?”

She nodded, recognizing his face immediately, “Yes…he was the one I saved Riveria…during the minotaur incident.”

Takeru and Arue stared at Ais for a moment before looking at each other. They were told by Hestia about the unfortunate event that transpired for their captain not long ago. How he was unfortunate enough to be in the path of a monster that outclassed him in the extreme.

And how he was saved by the timely intervention of The Sword Princess and obtained the ‘Drop of Eros’ that very day.

Their captain certainly had an exciting day back then.

“I see,” the elf, Riveria, said in understanding, “So he was the one that nearly paid the price for our error,” she looked down at Bell again, taking in his condition.

She looked back up at his two familia members, “Mind down?” she asked, “He can use magic?”

Arue saw no reason to lie, especially to an experienced mage who probably knew the effects on sight alone.

“As of today, yes,” she replied, “He just received new magic from his last update and was eager to try it out.”

Reveria pinched the bridge of her nose softly, “And he went overboard and threw more magic about then he could handle,” she had seen this numerous times during her time in the Loki familia. Countless mages eager to practice a new spell. Lucky vanguard fighters with sudden magic at their hands. Most of such people learned the hard way that magic wasn’t necessarily a gift, rather an extra condition any adventurer should be cautious when using.

“I take it neither of you have mind-potions?” she received a shake of the head from both women.

“At the very least,” Riveria continued, “you both seem capable of guarding him. His condition shouldn’t last long in any case,” she gestured for herself and Ais to go but was interrupted.

“Reveria,” Ais suddenly spoke, looking suddenly nervous, “I want…I want to compensate him somehow.”

Arue and Takeru were taken aback by this. Where the hell did this sudden boldness come from and from such a quiet soul at that?

Arue shock was replaced quickly by amusem*nt, realizing the girl probably didn’t mean anything close to ‘that’ but was definitely good teasing material in the future.

She couldn’t wait to tell Bell about this.

Reveria gave a sigh at Ais’s words, “There are much better ways of saying that,” she looked down at Bell again, a thoughtful look on her face.

She had an idea, but first.

“Would you two be okay if Ais watched after your friend for the time being, at least until he regains consciousness and she could apologize properly?” Reveria asked, “It would mean a lot to her.”

Takeru and Arue looked at one another. They didn’t really feel comfortable with leaving Bell with people they didn’t know well. More so in Takeru’s case than Arue’s, who was cordially familiar with Ais since meeting her at the Amazon shop.

Arue gave Takeru a nod, “I’ve only met Miss Wallenstein for a short time,” she explained, “she doesn’t strike me as one who would do anything untoward or malicious.”

Takeru was still a bit skeptical and looked at Ais again, who was looking at Bell with concern in her eyes and… nervousness in her feet, judging how she was subtly squirming.

Takeru was willing to let it be for now. She realized that this would be good for both Ais and Bell. Ais would get some closure and comfort in apologizing and Bell would be able to talk to his idol face to face.

All in all a win win for both parties.

Takeru relented and let the Loki familia members proceed with whatever plan they had in mind.

Both Arue and Takeru were surprised what the plan was and as they walked alongside Reveria up to the exit, Arue couldn’t help herself and had to ask

“A lap pillow?” she asked curiously, “A lap pillow is the plan for compensation?”

The emerald haired elf gave Arue a sidelong look and explained, “Ais has…little experience with others outside our familia. She seemed determined to meet that boy again, however. Now that she has an opportunity, a little gesture like this could go a long way for her,” she gave a small smile, “not to mention. Anyone else would kill to be in that young man’s place right now. I can’t think of a better way to apologize than that.”

Arue and Takeru shared a look, each with their own thoughts on that.

Takeru would say that a simple apology is the best, face to face with no distractions present to get in the way. Old fashioned but effective.

Arue thought that a more appropriate apology would be something out of her more ‘steamy’ books she had written in her past life, but knew that such a thing would be difficult to say the least for both parties involved.

She wisely chose not to voice these thoughts out loud, less the level six traveling beside them take umbrage with her idea.

“By the way,” Reveria started, “you said you’ve met Ais before?” she asked Arue.

The red eyed mage nodded with a polite smile, “Yes,” she said, “it was some time ago but it was at an amazon clothing store we were shopping at. Myself and the rest of our familia just so happened to run into her and her friends that day,” she gave a shrug, “though I confess it was a brief meeting and I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t remember me,” she looked at Takeru, “or both of us for that matter.”

Takeru only nodded her agreement. She had never really introduced herself to the Loki familia that day, choosing to stay at the back of the store and observe how things went.

Reveria only nodded, accepting the answer. It lined up with what the girls told her that day.

Granted there was one other thing.

“So you two wouldn’t happen to know who made Tiona dejected and Tione self-conscious all the sudden that day? They told me they met their ‘superior’ that day and came home rather dejected,” Reveria said.

Arue smiled in amusem*nt and explained the event that happened that day in the store. Reveria could only sigh and rub the bridge of her nose at hearing the reactions of her familia members that day.

Arue, Takeru, and Reveria left the dungeon and after some polite words, both went their separate ways.

The two Hestia members turned in the stones they gathered in the dungeon, that Bell provided with his new magic spell, and left the guild hall to head on home.

Once there, they informed Koukin about Bell’s absence and assured her of who he was with.

Their vice-captain hummed in thought for a moment before saying, “This is actually a good thing in total. Bell will have a chance to talk to his idol, this ‘Ais’ will apologize for whatever she felt responsible for, and we gain a better footing with a superior familia. All in all this is actually good news.”

Arue and Takeru agreed, as well as the other familia members who were just starting their day.

At first they were all concerned about their captain leaving so early, especially Hestia. Koukin took it upon herself to tell them she saw this coming and already worked out a plan. After explaining it, the rest seemed more mollified, though Hestia still grumbled her displeasure about it. She didn’t have long to complain however when she realized she was going to be late for work and ran off to her job.

This was already the start to an unconventional day and hopefully it wouldn’t stay that way for long.

Kallen, Ibuki, Elbia, Hana, and Chitoge were getting ready for their trip into the dungeon. Deciding to garner their own gains and experience for the familia. Not to mention Hana and Chitoge both felt like they needed to burn some energy off after their impromptu eating contest yesterday.

Koukin herself had a meeting with an amazon shopkeeper to discuss royalties for utilizing her clothing for a new clothing line. That letter she received from Hermes familia was very detailed in the potential revenue but Koukin was one for direct discussion and negotiation. After which, she herself would head to the dungeon to hone her own skills and gather earnings.

Arue herself was taking it easy after her early trip to the dungeon, along with Takeru. Both hadn’t really earned much but it was still a healthy amount to be sure.

Besides, Arue had received a letter as well. Telling her about a potential publication date for a short book she submitted. They were still going through the hoops of publishing but felt confident they could have it printed and published within the month.

Koukin admits to being curious about what story she submitted but Arue told her to look forward to her work, and she quotes, “When the sun shines upon the dark ink where I lay my muse upon, only then will you gaze at the glory of my work.”

She let her curiosity die after that theatrical explanation.

Soon enough, just as many were about to leave, a commotion was heard at the door of their familia home.

The door opened and slammed with a start, followed by a deep sigh from a familiar figure.

Everyone turned to see their captain, back against the door and slumped against it. He was breathing deeply, as if he was coming back from a long and tireless run.

“Ah, Bell,” began Arue, “glad to see you’ve made it back alright. I trust your little rest in the dungeon was an enjoyable one?” she finished with a teasing smile.

Her captain, burned red in the face, could hardly form words with his panting breath and flushed demeanor.

Kallen decided to get him some water, while Ibuki went over and tried to calm him down.

“Wow Bell,” the ninja said, “Must’ve been a crazy time in the dungeon, huh?”

The small talk helped and Bell had the focus to nod. Kallen came back with a glass of water and offered it to her captain, who took it gratefully and proceeded to gulp it all in one go. Drawing a worried sound from Kallen.

“Woah woah, Bell,” she began, “Be careful. Don’t want ya to choke to death when you just got back,” she rubbed his back as well, soothing any coughs or hiccups he could potentially get.

Koukin walked up to him, concern on her features like the others but a question on her mind, “Bell,” she said, “I trust your surprise meeting in the dungeon went well?”

Bell only looked at her with a confused expression, before remembering his ‘meeting’ and making him flounder for the right words.

When nothing telling was coming from her captain, Koukin cut to the chase, “Come now, Bell. Arue and Koukin told me of their run-in with the Loki familia and The Sword Princess. Did she apologize like she said? Did you thank her for watching out for you?”

Bell finally calmed down enough and ceased jabbering but now seemed more quiet and embarrassed.

Koukin didn’t like that. Bell had a poor poker face and couldn’t tell a lie to save his life. Now he seemed to be hiding something.

That wouldn’t do. He had the chance to talk with his idol and a formidable member of the Loki familia. Such an opportunity surely wasn’t wasted.


“Bell,” Koukin began again, more gently, “Please tell me. How did the talk with Miss Wallenstein go?”

Bell didn’t look her in the face and seemed to try to say the right words but failed.

Koukin frowned, “Surely the talk didn’t go that poorly? She volunteered to watch over you, so there were no real problems I assume.”

Bell, at that, gave her a nod but still wouldn’t meet her gaze. Which told her something else happened.

Something that Bell was embarrassed about.

She could understand being sheepish about talking to your idol. She’d been there herself once upon another world. So it shouldn’t be a surprise that Bell may have been shy when talking to her, but surely they talked about something?

“Bell. Did you talk to Miss Wallenstein when you woke up?” Koukin asked.

Bell looked at her and gave her a shy smile before replying, “Ummm, not really,” he scratched the back of his head. A nervous gesture.

Koukin frowned and arched an elegant eyebrow, “Then what happened when you woke up in her lap?”

Bell blushed at the memory again and seemed to sink into himself at recalling what he did.

“Bell,” Koukin said in a measured tone, “what did you do when you woke up?”

Bell froze at Koukin’s tone but still gave no answer. Surely Bell didn’t do something exceedingly foolish. Koukin knew he was a shy boy and being near his idol may have made him nervous, extremely so, but surely Bell had enough presence of mind not to do something too bad?

Koukin ran that question in her head again and suddenly felt a creep of apprehension enter her.

Again she asked, “Bell, what did you do?”

“…-an.” he whispered.


“I…woke up…saw Miss Ais and,” he swallowed, “I ran away.”

The whole house was quiet at Bell’s words. Ibuki and Kallen by his side had wide eyes at what Bell said.

He woke up, saw Ais, and ran away.

Definitely not the best first impression to make on someone, least of all if they’re your idol.

Bell was clearly embarrassed, now only realizing how foolish he acted. He also felt a good deal of guilt. Ais willingly stayed behind and watched after him while he recovered from mind-down and was seemingly about to tell him something too. Until Bell’s nerves won the day and he ran away from her in a fit of panic and nervousness, not helped by the fact he may have called her ‘mom’ in his delirious state when he woke up and that just made things worse.

Koukin was rubbing the bridge of her nose in apparent frustration. There goes any future plans with a positive relationship with a top familia. They weren’t destroyed or finished by any means, but seriously delayed for now.

She looked at her captain, her leader, her protege of such things. He definitely needed to work on his nervousness and Koukin was tempted to bring a lesson to bear right now.

She gave a sigh, letting the matter go for now. Scolding Bell wouldn’t do any good now in any case. He’d clearly been thinking about what he did and how foolish he acted overall. Good, maybe some self reflection would be good for him.

“Well,” Koukin sighed, “nothing to do about it now. Just know that I heard from Arue and Takeru that Miss Wallenstein genuinely wanted to talk with you in any case. Most likely to apologize for her actions.”

Bell looked down, shame filling his being.

“So you’ll just have to wait until the next time you meet and maybe not run away in a nervous panic,” Koukin said. Her tone somehow both encouraging and admonishing.

Her talk with Bell done, she and the others again prepared to leave again. Everyone said their goodbyes and wished their day well. Ibuki gave her captain a quick hug and told him that next time will be better, which he appreciated with a small blush. Kallen gave him a rather hard pat on the back with words of encouragement of her own. Hana and Elbia stated they would help Bell when they come back. Which he was thankful for but curious. Chitoge also had some words of comfort as well and a punch in the arm as her action of encouragement.

When they were all gone, it was only Bell, Arue, and Takeru left. Bell just collapsed on the nearest sofa and gave a deep sigh, exhausted with how this day went.

Arue sat nearby, a book in her hands, idly reading. She wasn’t going to tease her captain for his behavior, tempting as it was. She knew that there was a time and a place for everything and right now Bell could do without a verbal teasing.

Takeru soon announced she was going to visit a tea house she was interested in and soon departed, but not without extending an offer for them to join.

Bell politely declined, still exhausted from what happened today. Arue likewise declined, content to read at home.

Takeru accepted their refusal with grace and left shortly after.

A moment passed and Bell was still looking down on himself for his actions.

How could he run away like that? After Ais went out of her way to watch over him when he was unconscious! She did that out of the goodness in her heart! And how did he repay her?! By screaming and running away like a crazy person.

Bell sighed loudly and placed his head in his hands, his embarrassment palpable.

Arue had enough of that. Time to cheer him up.

“Captain,” she suddenly said, looking up from her book, “could you come over here for a moment?” she patted the spot next to her on the couch, her book placed to the side.

Bell looked at her curiously, but found himself compelled to do so by the kind smile on her face. He didn’t really have a reason to refuse, other than his own skittish nature acting up again. Which he decided now was probably best he not let it take over his reasoning again.

Sure enough, Bell moved and sat next to Arue, his expression holding an unanswered question.

Arue saw it and giggled, “Oh don’t worry captain,” she said, “I only wish to offer you something to help calm you down.”

Bell was curious, “Oh?” he asked curiously, “what’s that?”

Arue gave another smile, her crimson eye gleaming with mischief. She patted her lap then and gestured to Bell.

“I would like to offer you a lap pillow, my captain,” she said with a smile, “in light of recent events, I feel this time, you should be awake to better experience it yourself.”

Bell was close to bursting out in embarrassment and red again. Where did this come from? Was this Arue teasing him again?

She must’ve guessed what he thought and her expression turned a bit more serious, though she kept the smile on her face, “I’m being genuine, captain,” she said, “please, let me help you relax and calm down. I promise no mischief or mayhem, no sly jokes or innuendos, and no inappropriate touching,” she patted her lap again, “please, you seem well and truly stressed and I would like to help you, however I can.”

Bell admits he was touched by Arue’s words. She seemed genuinely worried for him and she was right. Bell was stressing himself out more than he really should over what happened today.

Another part of him was curious. He could vaguely recall how Ais’s legs felt under his head. He briefly wondered how Arue’s would feel.

With little objection, Bell accepted the invitation. Arue simply patted her lap again and gestured. Soon, he laid his head down, slowly, when his head finally made contact, Bell felt the gentle softness relax him, making him close his eyes.

“There,” he heard Arue said from above him, “isn’t that a lot better?” he could hear the smile in her words.

Bell gave her a hum of affirmation and relaxed further, feeling the warmth of her lap, a comforting sensation.

Soon his thoughts of his blunder today grew smaller and smaller as he relaxed further and further. Eventually he found himself less burdened by embarrassment and fully embraced in a new sensation.

That of sleep.

Arue knew her captain was asleep now and inwardly congratulated herself for her success at relaxing him.

She looked down at her captain taking in his features, now relaxed and serene. She smiled, one moment he was close to dying of embarrassment and shame, the next, he was laying peacefully upon her lap.

“Such a troublesome captain,” she whispered to herself. She brought her hand up and softly stroked Bell’s hair. This drew the reaction of Bell somehow becoming more at peace in her lap and relaxing further. She smiled further, “but worth the trouble,” she kept stroking his head, “if just to see you like this.”

Some time passed and Arue found herself drifting off. She didn’t know when it happened, just that she was further enjoying Bell in her lap when she felt something poke on her shoulder. This stirred her into awakening and had her meet the flat gaze of her unamused Goddess, Hestia.

She was looking at Arue with a neutral expression, giving nothing away about how she felt about Bell’s and hers’ current situation.

She merely kept her gaze leveled and focused and Arue could tell what that look was trying to convey.

“What are you two doing?” the look seemed to say.

Arue knew she had to give an answer, her captain was still asleep and content on her lap, so he was unavailable for answering.

She knew she had to give a believable answer, less she face the wrath of the shortstack Goddess of the hearth.

But then again…

“Ah Hestia. I’m glad you came back! We were about to move on to the next phase,” she bounced her substantial chest up in emphasis, “of moving from a lap pillow to a chest pillow.”

Where was the fun in that?

Bell woke to the sound and struggles of Hestia and Arue pulling at each other’s cheeks.

He would have liked to escape the situation developing right in front of him, only there was a slight problem.

‘They’re both so close…and bouncy!!!’ he screamed inside his mind.

Bell was stuck in Arue’s soft lap, with her large chest very close to his face along with the sizable chest of his Goddess very close as well. Both made even closer by their current struggling with one another.

Bell was truly trapped in a ‘soft prison’, and all he could do was watch the show from his laying position.

This was not how he thought the day would go.

His mind is gifted with magic.

He went down below, excitement erratic.

He saw his angel down below.

He ran away in panic, tally-ho.

Next time he may try not to panic

Chapter 16

Chapter Text

Chapter 16

Liliruca Arde was waiting by the large fountain near the dungeon entrance. Her gaze following various adventures and supporters alike, entering and exiting the dungeon in a monotonous regularity.

It had been a few days since she had decided to partner herself with the Hestia familia party she came across. Since then, she was pleasantly surprised by the overall gains she had made with them. She had a difficult time believing they were all level one with all they accomplished before her eyes but chalked it up to them having been in other occupations other than adventurer.

She could definitely see a few of them being former soldiers or something similar. Takeru definitely fit the bill to a t and as recently, her time spent with their new members like Kallen and Ibuki, told her that they too were familiar with combat to a great degree. Much more than any other fresh faced level one she’d met.

Lili gave a sigh and looked down at her feet. This party she’s been a part of, this familia she’d allied with, has been one chaotic surprise after another. Between Bell’s insane performance and Takeru’s preternatural abilities, Lili could hardly imagine any other adventurer performing as well as they did. She’d even say she’d been impressed.

There was another thing she was impressed by, their generosity. During each of the times she’d traveled with them, at the end of each journey, they’d make sure she got a healthy amount for the work she provided. They still took a majority, sure, but Lili always expected her share to be in the single digits in regards to percentage, the low ones at that. Yet they gave her twenty to even thirty percent of total winnings, depending on her performance, as that stern woman Koukin put it to her one day.

Lili shuddered at the memory of meeting Koukin for the first time. The moment Lili introduced herself to the her, she felt her very existence judged in the span of a second, before Koukin reciprocated the greeting and eased up on her examination.

Lili walked on eggshells whenever she was with her in the dungeon. Careful not to do anything overt that would jeopardize her cover. She only hoped it was enough.

At the very least, Ibuki and Elbia greeted her warmly enough. Perhaps too warmly if Lili was any judge to say. Ibuki nearly leapt at her, arms outstretched, when she saw her chienthrope ears and screaming how cute she was and Elbia leaned far too close to her during their first meeting, as if she was trying to see if something was right. She ended her stare by looking around Lili at her small tail before giving out a puff of air and wagging her larger tail in emphasis and pride.

Lili wouldn’t lie to herself, she felt briefly annoyed by that. She could get a bigger tail if she wanted to! She just didn’t want to trip over herself with its size is all!

She shook her head, dislodging the ridiculous thought.

None of it mattered in any case, today had to be the day, she couldn’t push it back any further. Her…accomplices were getting impatient and were pressuring her to act now, regardless of how many could get wrapped up in the attempt.

Easier said than done. Lili had thought to act far sooner but found herself unable to with her new contracted party. Between most of them having an eye on her, many of them being able to give most veteran adventurers a run for their money, and their overall numbers in general, Lili couldn’t even dream of acting against them without it backfiring horribly.

That didn’t matter to her associates, however. It was either today or…Lili didn’t want to think about that.

Subconsciously, she rubbed at her sides, where bruises once laid upon her skin. She could remember how sore her ribs were for a few days after, trying desperately to hide her pain from Bell and the others.

The pain only reminded her of what she knew throughout her life.

‘Lili hates adventurers,’ she bitterly thought.

Her thoughts were broken by the sound of a familiar voice reaching her ears.

“Lili!” the voice exclaimed, causing her to look at who was calling out to her.

It was Bell, or ‘Mister Bell’ as she had come to call him during their trips down. Walking towards her, hand raised and waving a greeting, and sporting that smile on his face.

Lili tried not to stare at that smiling face for very long, it made her… feel things she couldn’t really explain. Nor did she want to right now.

Not when there is business to be had.

“Good day Mister Bell,” she said with a smile, before noticing that he had no company with him, “are the others not with you today?”

Bell gave her a nod, “Yeah, sorry for the surprise,” he said apologetically, “everyone had their own interests to take care of today,” he gave a helpless shrug and a light laugh, “so it’s just me today. That won’t be a problem, will it?”

Lili didn’t respond at first, processing the information Bell had just foolishly shared. It was just going to be them in the dungeon. No Koukin, Hana, Arue, Chitoge, or any of the other menagerie of characters from his familia.

This opportunity seemed too perfect and Lili was keen to capitalize.

“Not at all Mister Bell,” Lili said with a smile and a twitch of her ears, “Lili has seen you take care of yourself and Lili, inside the dungeon. Lili has faith we will be fine!” she ended with a cute tilt of her head that made Bell blush at the sight.

Lili had to do her best not to laugh at such an obvious expression. She had to keep up appearances for a time, at least until they reached far enough into the dungeon that is.

Then things will change.

With a final check up on their equipment, Bell and Lili both headed down into the dungeon. Ready to face the dangers and earn the rewards.

For Lili though, it was time to put a plan into motion.

She looked at Bell’s back with a cunning smile. Glad her luck finally paid off with the most gullible adventurer she had met.

If he trusted her so much, that was on him. She never asked him for the amount he paid, she never asked him to watch over her during a big monster attack, she never asked for him to fret over her, show concern, ask her advice, be so kin-

She stopped herself from thinking about it any further.

As they continued on, Lili did allow herself a single thought to cross her mind.

On how it was a shame what was about to happen to Bell.

They pressed on through the dungeon at a stable pace. Bell was dispatching each monster with relative ease and Lili was contributing by shooting at foes overhead with her arm mounted crossbow.

They took their time going down the depths. Bell was being a bit more meticulous than he had been during his previous ventures with Lili. Making sure to grab every magic stone off the ground and checking the area thoroughly for any drop items.

Lili gave little thought to it, focused only on what's to come.

After some time, they made their way down to the tenth floor. Where things took a turn.

Bell quickly reached the floor first, having seen a large group of orcs at the bottom and deciding it was best to take them out before Lili could be seen as a potential target for them.

In hindsight, it was not the smartest decision. The minute he took one down, the rest were on guard and ready to advance upon him.

Bell leapt back from a downward strike that would have crushed his head, before following with an upward slash of his own at the creature’s neck.

He swerved around a wide swipe at his midsection, took a step back, and closed back in. Impaling his knife into the beast’s heart. Or its equivalent.

Bell launched himself back after his last strike and followed with his magic next.

With a cry of “Firebolt!” Bell blasted what targets he could see before him. When the smoke cleared, he was glad to see the group of orcs he faced were left as simply ash and magic stones.

His gladness evaporated suddenly when he saw what was waiting for him behind the smoke and mist.

Glowing eyes full of malevolence, stared at Bell. Where once he only had to deal with a small group, now he had to face what felt like a small army.

He readied himself for the next stage of combat, withdrawing another knife he got from Ibuki, a kunai if he was correct.

The next battle was to come, but a thought entered his mind before his instincts retained his focus.

‘Why did so many suddenly appear!’

He was sure there was only just the initial group he destroyed. He hadn’t seen any signs of others during his initial encounter and he doubted the orcs he killed would attract this many.

He caught something out of the corner of his vision. An item he recognized from Eina’s lessons.

A trap-bait meant to attract monsters.

His focus waned and before long, he felt a sharp blow hit his knife. His Hestia knife, knocking it out of his hands.

Before he could react to the sudden strike, an orc charged at him with a piggish roar, making him leap aside as it and others went in the attack around him.

He barely dodged swipes of fists, clubs, and tusks as he was made to go on the defensive. He counterattacked wherever he could but was unable to do enough significant damage due to the orc’s pressing assault.

“Lilli!” Bell called, “Are you alright? They haven’t gotten to you have they?!”

A calm familiar voice answered him, “I’m sorry Mister Bell.”

Bell had enough distance between himself and his foes to look in the direction of his supporter, seeing her holding his Hestia Knife and her wrist mounted crossbow out and loaded.

Bell widened his eyes at her, realizing what she did.

“You shouldn’t be too trusting, Mister Bell,” she said, storing the knife away, “you never know what threats could be beside you without your notice,” she secured her large bag and turned her back to him, “You might survive if you run fast enough,” she proceeded to do so herself, “Lili doubts will meet again.”

The orcs went to attack Bell again, causing Bell to once again go on the defensive. Feelings of betrayal welled in his heart for a moment before he gave a anguishing cry.


But the cry wasn’t for himself, rather for the poor supporter who was holding back tears as she ran away from the only adventurer she ever came close to trusting.

Lili didn’t know how long she was running, only that she shouldn’t have long to go.

She had a meeting to get to, a critical one that could decide her fate in this world for years to come.

Finally, something she could control with her bare hands.

All she had to do was meet him in the dungeon, give him the knife, and soon she’d be free of her miserable fate.

‘The knife,’ Lili thought, ‘Mister Bell’s knife.’

Despite her overwhelming desire to go through with her plan and be rid of her rotten place in life, she couldn’t help thinking back to the one she betrayed.

The one who trusted her, who helped her, who believed in her, who relied on her, who thought her more than just a supporter.

She shook her head. Why was she thinking this now? She had to do it, she told herself. She had to in order to escape from the greedy clutches of her own familia.

Yet still a part of her ached at what she did. She all but shot him in the back, which she nearly did as a form of insurance and only stayed from going that far because that could land her into a whole new fire.

At least Bell had a ‘chance’ to escape. If she actually injured him badly enough that he couldn’t, his familia would probably scour the city to hunt her down, and she wouldn’t blame them at all for that.

At least she gave Bell a fighting chance, somewhat. Without his rare knife it might be a tad more difficult but not impossible, not in the least.

Despite Lili assuring herself again and again, her clear feeling of guilt was still eating at her and it made her ask something she didn’t consider until now.

If she just told Bell, told his familia, told her party, what was happening to her. Would they have helped her?

Lilli thought back to Bell, remembering his sincere features, his overly polite mannerisms, his honest enthusiasm, and his kind nature.

It hurt her to think about him like that.

It hurt worse, remembering what she just did.

Lili felt a blow slam into her stomach all the sudden, taking the breath out of her and making her collapse on the ground coughing and groaning.

“Finally found you,” a voice called over her.

With what strength she could call upon, Lili looked up at who her attacker was. She immediately recognized him as the man that chased her in the alley some time ago.

‘Why was he here?!’ she thought with panic, ‘I thought he gave up pursuing me after I partied with Bell and the others?’

“Finally got ya, you sh*tty pallum,” he said with a growl and a wicked smile.

He kicked her in the stomach again, making Lili wheeze and curl in on herself.

She felt him tear her backpack off her back and heard him rummage through its contents.

“Ah here it is,” he said, drawing out a sword from the bag, “I wondered where this thing was,” he looked down on her, his smile sick with satisfaction, “gotta admit, you were a cunning one. Taking this from right under my nose. Must’ve thought yourself pretty clever huh,” he laughed, amusem*nt mixed with suppressed anger, “if you think my sword is the only thing I came for? Guess again!” He stomped on her, holding her down while he rummaged through her bag, “you have to have more good sh*t in here. Especially since you’ve been around that motley bunch of babes and that white haired kid.”

Lili couldn’t find the strength to speak, let alone remove the foot she was held under. Pain wracked her body and she could only watch as this man tore her bag apart in search of anything valuable.

She saw him remove magic stones, a gold watch, and her…

“Now now!” He said excitedly, “Is this a magic sword? You steal it too?!”

Yeah she did, some time ago. Held onto it in case she was well in over her head. Like right now.

She felt him remove his foot only for it to be brought down again on her arm, making her cry out.

“Can’t forget that crossbow of yours, can I? That thing can pelt monsters something fierce.”

Lili was helpless to stop him, her body was injured, her weapons were taken, and she had no one to come save her.

“Hey hey. You’re making quite the racket, aren’t ya Ged?”

A familiar voice brought Lili’s attention back. She turned her head to see a raccoon man walking towards her and her attacker, alongside two others carrying bags at their sides.

Lili knew this man all too well, she lost her first big payment from Bell and the others to this man, and at the same time, she was the one she was trying to meet with.

But given how he seemed familiar to her attacker, Lili suspected that was a mistake.

“Oh, you got here fast, Kanu,” came the reply of Ged, Lili’s attacker. He held up Lili’s magic sword with a grin, “this bitch even had a magic sword. You were right too,” he gestured to a significant pile of magic stones at his side, “that asshole she was with was loaded if he was bringing in this much on his trips down here.”

Lili was in shock, Kanu told this man about her? He told him about Bell as well.

Lili felt a cold pit of fear form in her chest.

“I see,” Kanu said with a smile, “Ged, I have an offer for you.”

“What, you want the magic sword? Hey, I deserve my share-” he was cut off when Kanu threw something at his feet.

“No,” began Kanu, “Erm, I want you to leave and leave everything you took from her and him behind, that includes the magic sword.”

Ged looked down at what was thrown at his feet and Lili felt a fresh wave of fear take her again at what she saw.

It was the severed half of a killer ant, one that was making a terrible clicking sound.

A sound that was meant to call for help.

“Are you out of your mind?!” Ged shouted, looking around himself, seeing the many glowing eyes and chitinous armored bodies making their way towards them all.

Kanu gave a shrug, as if the outcome of what was happening was as normal as the weather, “I know we can’t win against you in a normal fight,” his two allies dropped their bags, revealing more killer ant upper torsos, “you can’t blame us for resorting these measures.”

Ged looked left and right, seeing the ants closing in around him, he looked forward again and saw Kanu and his group had their weapons drawn, their gazes focused solely on him.

He couldn’t win, not with these odds. With a growl of frustration he turned to a clearing and ran, dropping what he took off Lili, “Damn you! Don’t think I’ll forget this!”

Kanu gave a chuckle before seeing where he ran off to, he raised his voice to Ged, “Oi, I wouldn’t go that way. There was a big group on that path that we-”

He was cut off by a blood curdling scream and sudden splash of blood from around the corner of where Ged ran to. A short moment later, a dozen killer ants came around the corner, their mandibles dripping with blood.

“-had to navigate around,” finished Kanu with a pitiable sigh, before shrugging nonchalantly, “Oh well, that's just one loose end tied up.”

Suddenly, Kanu swung his sword down near Lili, cutting down an ant about to encroach upon her, making her flinch at the sudden action.

“Now we move on to present business,” he said with a nasty smile, “I believe the deal was, ‘you get us enough cash, we get you out of our familia,’ that’s correct, right?”

Lili nodded, the gesture bringing a wince of pain to her features.

“Well yeah, here’s the thing,” Kanu gave an idle wave around them, “things as you can see have changed and we’re gonna need more incentive if you want us to save you.”

Lili wanted to throw up. Whether it was from the pain and stress or the disgust she felt for this man, she couldn’t say. All she knew is that he was her last lifeline out of this mess and she didn’t really have a choice if it meant getting out of this mess.

She didn’t have much else though, they claimed what she had on her already…unless.

Lili reached up to her neck, pulling out a necklace from under her shirt. On it was a small key.

“This,” Lili began, “is a key for a safe deposit box. It’s in a shop run by a gnome to the east, it has all of Lili’s savings inside.”

Kanu smiled at her and took the keys from her. Lili felt like she was giving away a part of herself along with that key. So many years saving, just to see it all given away like this, against her will.

But if it got her out of this hell, a price worth paying.

She felt a hand grab her by the front of her shirt and lift her off the ground, she stared with disbelieving eyes at Kanu, who regarded her with a nonchalant gaze and cold smile.

“Thanks,” he said, “now time for us to get out of here and you're gonna help us,” he knocked his arm back, with her in his grasp and tossed her, “make sure you ‘support’ us one last time, ya hear?!”

Lili flew through the air and landed with a hard thud, sparking new flashes of pain across her body and ringing her head something awful. In her daze-like state, she could just make out the killer ants as they surrounded her, looking at her as an easy meal rather than bother with Kanu and his cronies.

She could just make out their retreating features as they went down a passageway, carrying what was left of her bag and supplies, the raccoon man gave her an idle wave from behind and said what were potentially the last words she would ever hear before leaving.

“Be good bait for us.”

Lili wanted to cry, she did cry. As the massive hoard of ants were making their way to her, time seemed to get slower and slower, and her thoughts seemed faster and faster.

So much was happening right now, around her and inside her. She knew she probably had this coming. No, she definitely had this coming.

She finally tricked her last client and it was all for naught. She wouldn’t be free of her familia, of her supposed God, or the countless crooks around them. She would never leave the dungeon, see the sunlight, or the city ever again.

She would never see Bell ever again.

Lili lingered on that thought, longer than the others. Bell Cranell, one of, if not the, green as grass adventures she has ever met. He almost always seemed ready to fall about himself when seeing something new, his excitement practically on his sleeve. He always asked questions that Lili was compelled to answer, as the most veteran member of the party, ranging from the obvious to simply frank curiosity. He fretted over her and the other members of the party, his familia, always willing to offer a hand.

Always willing to help.

Lili rolled on her back, staring up and the dungeon ceiling, at the glowing stones embedded into it. Her mind and emotions warring with each other.

Bell was perhaps the only adventurer she had met that genuinely seemed to actually care about her, and what did she do in response to that kindness and concern?

She betrayed him for the chance at being free, only for her efforts to be spat on and tossed into her face.

She betrayed the one person she wanted to stand beside.

Really, wasn’t death what she deserved after all of that?

Nonetheless, her heart cried with regret, so much that she couldn’t help herself but give voice to it.

“I’m sorry Bell,” she whispered with tears in her eyes.

She saw the ants were just about upon her and could only hope it was quick.

“Firebolt!” a voice rang out.

A flash of light, followed by an explosion, engulfed the lead ants that were about on her.

Lili was shocked at what she saw, leaning up to see the horde of ants give pause in their execution, before turning to who exclaimed so loudly.

White hair, red eyes, and a smoking palm from a freshly fired spell greeted her.

Bell Cranel had come.

The captain of the Hestia familia did not stay still, again he fired his spell off, taking out more ants, causing them to retreat slightly from the destruction and flames being shot at them. Though not fully withdrawing, simply organizing to stand a better chance at killing this interloper who interrupted their meal.

Bell heard their frustrated chips and chirps of their mandibles, he did not care in the least, only moving swiftly to interpose himself between the monsters and Lili.

Lili was shocked, Bell Cranel was here. He had somehow escaped his would-be demise and was now standing before her.

Standing against the monsters.

She couldn’t form words. Why was he here? Why hadn’t he run away?

Why is he protecting her?

Bell stood against the many foes before him, his borrowed kunai knife held firmly in his hands but a brief glance down told Bell that the weapon was on its final legs, looking like it would break in the next swing.

He couldn’t say he was surprised, those ogre’s were really tough and Ibuki had warned him that the weapon wasn’t made for long melee combat. It was more effective to be thrown or stabbed quickly and occasionally.

Which was why when he spotted a familiar black knife on the ground, Bell acted on impulse.

Casting several firebolts at the encroaching monsters, Bell made a dash to his knife. A killer ant leapt from the smoke and into his oncoming charge. Bell swiftly named the kunai up into the creature’s head, ending it. He retrieved his knife and got ready to fight in earnest.

He swiftly cut down two ants coming from the side and leapt over another’s charge before swinging his arm around and casting a spell at its back.

He dodged, jumped, countered any attack he was confident in receiving. Killing ants left and right with blade or spell.

Lili could only watch in amazement as Bell was facing an army of monsters by himself. He had come back from facing ogres on the tenth floor and was now fighting practically an army.

‘Bell is really a beginner adventurer?’ Lili asked herself.

Before she could think more on it, she saw an approaching horde of ants coming at Bell’s back. His attention was focused on the foes in front of him and couldn’t bring himself to turn around.

“Bell! Look out!” Lili shouted.

The crack of a whip split the air and several ants had their heads split open before bursting into ash.

Lili saw the black whip swinging in the air like a cobra ready to strike. She followed its length to see a tan skinned woman in revealing clothes but with a fierce and focused expression.

“Koukin!” Bell exclaimed happily, “You made it!”

“Less talk and more combat my captain, the enemy has us greatly outnumbered,” beside her, the forms of Chitoge and Hana appeared, “even with some help, they present much a good challenge.”

The three additional members of the Hestia familia took to the field alongside their captain. Chitoge launching sharp and powerful strikes and Hana breaking multi-limbed joints and tossing the insects into broken messes. Koukin kept her distance and was dispatching what creatures came near her way with cracks of her whip, splitting the creatures in a messy but elegant display.

Add in Bell’s magic attacks and swift strikes with his knife, the battle finally turned into the adventurers favor. Though there were still many killer ants taking whatever opportunity they could to strike back.

Koukin thought it was time to end this. Snapping her whip out and cutting an ant’s head in two, she withdrew her weapon back to herself and took a step back.

“Everyone, cover me,” she began, holding her weapon above her head, “I’m going to use magic.”

Bell and the others moved around her as she prepared, ready to guard her from any would-be attacker.

Koukin took a deep breath and began to chant.

“Face forward, unflinching,” she felt heat begin to stir around her, tickling her skin.

“Stand firm, unyeilding,” she saw her comrades fight around her, igniting her fervor all the more.

“By my will, kindle,” the whip in her hand began to glow, a soft red at first but becoming more so a vermilion pink.

“By my shout, burn,” pink and red flames were licking out of the whips thong, as if along its length was an inferno trying to bite its way out of the weapon.

“Let the mountains ignite,” she swung her whip over her head, a graceful act that served a dual purpose of warning her party about her attack and drawing the monsters’ focus to her.

Bell, Chitoge, and Hana were briefly dazzled by the display Koukin was showing before taking the wise decision and moving swiftly behind her and away from her avenue of attack.

With a swing of her arm, she brought the whip around her in a full circle overhead, leaving a soft trail of embers in its wake and shouted.

“Great Flame of the Red Cliffs!”

With a quick motion, she struck her whip across the ground in a wide arch. As soon as the whip finished its course through the ground, arches and waves of red and vermilion flames cascaded toward the oncoming monsters, the flames engulfed the horde as if they were facing a flood, ants that were up on the wall were not as safe as they hoped as the flames seemed to reach up the wall and consume them like a thrashing wave.

Eventually the flames died down and what was left was burnt ground and walls, glistening with magic stones from where the monsters once were.

Koukin let loose a deep sigh, feeling great exhaustion take her, she reached to her side and pulled out a vial of mind-potion and drank the contents quickly.

“An effective spell,” Koukin said, finishing the vial, “but one I would need to practice a great many times before I find myself used to the effects of casting it.”

Bell, Chitoge, and Hana looked at the effective devastation before them, deciding not to comment about such a powerful spell and just appreciate that the caster was on their side.

Bell finally turned his attention to Lili and rushed over to her, who was sitting up and looking at everything with disbelief.

“Lili,” Bell started when he was near, “I’m sorry I wasn’t here sooner, those ogres kept me occupied for longer than I thought,” he looked over her, frowning in worry as he spotted several bruises and cuts on her. He reached to his side to pull out some healing potions, “Here,” he said, “these will help you rec-”


Bell was cut off by the sudden question of the pallum and paused to listen.

“Why,” Lili asked again, “why did you come back for Lili, why didn’t you flee,” frustration entered her voice, “you should’ve left me. You had no reason to come find me, not after what I did to you.”

Bell only looked at her with a perplexed expression, as if what she said didn’t make sense to him.

Lili could see it and it just made her more frustrated, “Lili betrayed you, Mister Bell!” she shouted, “Lili was going to take the earrings she got from you and your equipment, and she was going to sell them off. Lili was willing to let you get killed by monsters! You should hate Lili!” tears were coming from her eyes, as she felt her emotions sting at her conscience, “you should despise her! You shouldn’t want to have anything to do with me after that! You and your familia both!”

She was shaking now but she still had questions bubbling inside that she had to get out, “So why?” she asked, “Why did you come save me? Why did you bother? What did you have to gain to help a weak, pathetic, traitorous pallum like Lili?!” her eyes stung with tears as her own words jabbed into her, each hitting their self-appointed marks.

Bell was stunned by the vitriol that Lili was spewing at herself and at him. Still, he found it difficult to answer her questions, until he felt the direct answer was probably the best.

“Well,” Bell began, “I guess it’s…because you’re a girl?” he guessed.

Koukin slapped a palm to her head at her captain’s clueless attempt at an answer,Hana was giving her captain a deadpan stare directed at his back, that Bell could feel, and Chitoge had a similar look directed at him but with a comment of, “cringe,” escaping her lips.

Lili ignored the actions of his familia in favor of gapping at this idiot savior before her.

Lili couldn’t take it anymore.

“That’s why?!” she yelled at him, her outrage obvious, “That’s why you saved Lili? I knew it! Mister Bell is a womanizer! Creepy! Pervert! Playboy! Clueless idiot!”

Lili was panting for breath after her tirade, leaning over gasping for breath. She was about to go on another verbal attack but felt a gentle hand on her head.

Lili looked up to see the gently smiling face of Bell Cranel, who didn’t look even remotely affected by what she had just said to him.

“Then I guess I did it because it was you, Lili,” began Bell, “I wanted to save you because it’s you, Lili.”

The tears flowed endlessly down the girl’s face as she listened to the kind words of this person. Kind words she didn’t feel worthy of.

“I don’t need a reasonable reason…to save you Lili,” Bell finished.

The dam broke and Lili threw herself at Bell, crying her heart out in regret and thankfulness.

Bell brought his arms around her in a reassuring embrace, “Speak to me if you have any troubles. I’m an idiot, so tell me or I’ll never know.”

“I’m sorry,” Lilli bawled into him, “Lili is so sorry Master Bell!”

Bell simply held her content to hold her like this for as long as she needed.

Koukin watched her captain, proud at what she was seeing.

Still, a part of her wanted to criticize his recklessness for this plan of his. She should have insisted more about the obvious flaws in it.

Though she confesses, this was probably the best outcome for everyone.

At least the best outcome they could think of this morning.

“I believe Miss Arde has the intention of betraying us.”

Those words came from Koukin at the dinner table this morning. Everyone had woken up to a hearty breakfast provided by Kallen and Ibuki. Bell and the others thanked the two for their work and showed their appreciation all the more by gorging themselves happily.

All except Hestia, who had to take an early morning shift at one of her part-time jobs and was thus absent. Much to her wallows of unfairness.

Outside of the sound of eating, it was relatively quiet at the table. At least until Koukin made her announcement.

Bell heard this and nearly choked on his food. He swiftly downed a glass of water and began to speak, “Why? Where did this come from?”

“After initial observations from Arue and Takeru and from my own scrutiny upon meeting her, my suspicions were further aroused,” she gave an idle gesture to Ibuki’s direction at the table, “I had Ibuki trail her a few days ago, quietly of course, in hopes of confirming our suspicions.”

Ibuki felt the eyes of the other familia members on her, compelling her to talk, “Yeah,” began Ibuki, “it was after Koukin’s first meeting with her. She had me shadow her to see if we could get a hint of her plans,” Ibuki suddenly looked uncomfortable as she continued, “turns out, it’s not fully her plan.”

Koukin picked up the explanation, “She appears to have a rather… ‘unfortunate’ relationship with her fellow familia members. With them taking her earnings so they could obtain Soma wine,” Koukin had a look a disappointment on her face as she continued, “an all too common practice in that familia, if my research holds up.”

Bell was outraged at this news. Lili had been a great help to their familia. She had offered advice and insight on many things Bell had not seen or heard of. She kept track of their supplies, made sure to pick up any magic stones they missed, and she wasn’t caught offhand when Bell had a question to ask, even a ridiculous one. To Bell, Lili had been a great help and good friend.

To find out she had been abused by her familia over wine was sickening to him.

“So what do we do now?” the question by Kallen drew back Bell’s focus, “if she is going to stab us in the back, whether now or later, we can’t just keep on like nothing is going to happen. Eventually she’ll get an opportunity, then we’re screwed,” she scrunched up her face in thought, “well maybe not entirely, I’m sure most of us could give her and her associates a good run for their money,” she gave a look a Takeru and Arue, “some of us more than others.”

Takeru gave nothing away at Kallen’s slight compliment but Arue puffed her chest up in pride, making it bounce.

Koukin coughed into her hand, bringing attention back to her, “I was about to discuss that,” she said, “Frankly, we don’t need to think too hard on a decision. We can just sever our partnership with Miss Arde and be done with it.”

“But what about Lili?”

The question came from Bell, who was looking at his vice-captain with an earnest gaze. A gaze Koukin met with one of her own, albeit a far more stern one.

“What about her, captain?” asked Koukin, “It is dangerous to continue working with her. While I admit I feel some sympathy towards her, I will not risk our lives for it. Something I’m sure you agree with, yes?”

Bell nodded, but he wasn’t finished, “I wouldn’t want any of you to risk your lives,” he stood up from where he sat, “but I can’t just leave Lili either. Even if she is gonna betray us, why give us so much help as she has already?” he looked around the table, meeting the eyes of his familia members, “Why go as far as she has with us if she was just going to betray us? She didn’t have to, but she did. We can’t just ignore that.”

He took a deep breath, realizing something. It was perhaps a stupid thought, but it was one that felt right to him and he had no problem voicing it.

“Lili has been asking for help, but didn’t know how to.”

The table was silent at that. Looks were shared with one another. Koukin looked at her captain carefully, taking in his demeanor. Wondering what else he was going to say.

When he didn’t say anything else, Koukin prodded him with a question of her own.

“Then what do you want to do, captain?”

Bell thought for a moment, but again, the simplest answer came to his mind, “I want to help Lili,” he said with fervor, “I want to help her get away from those people using her like that. I want her to keep helping us,” he looked at Koukin, determination in his gaze, “that is what I want us to do,” he said resolutely.

Koukin kept her eyes locked on her captain’s own, neither of them breaking contact with the other. Until Koukin gave him a smile and nod.

“Very well captain,” she said and looked around the table, “Are there any objections to the captain’s wishes?”

Kallen stood from her seat and looked her captain in the eye, “In my old world, I’ve seen too much abuse and was almost helpless to stop it. I’m not gonna stand by when there is something I can do now.”

Elbia stood up, her ears perked and a determined look on her face, “Elbia wants to help Lili. She helped clean my tail off when I accidentally dragged it through some slimes in the dungeon,” she wagged her tail for emphasis, thankfully slime free.

Arue stood with a flourish and already everyone knew what was coming, “My captain!” she posed, “My summoner!” she posed again, “You wish to bring this lost soul, who has been trapped in despair, into the light?” she gave a huff and pushed her chest out and boldly declared, “Then it is I, The Most Voluptuous of the Crimson Demons, who will aid you in laying spark to that light!”

Everyone at the table was struck dumb by such a boastful declaration. Leave it to Arue to exceed expectations in terms of presentation.

Though her little display seemed to encourage the others to voice their agreement.

“To save someone from her own familia,” said Hana, “that is already an eccentric story on its own. One I would love to be a part of.”

“I’ve never been one to stand aside when someone is getting the raw side of the deal,” Chitoge said, cracking her knuckles, “and knocking a few bastards’ heads together just might make my day.”

“I’d this an ‘all in or all out’ thing?” Ibuki asked, looking around before raising her hand up high, “Cause I’m all in! Let’s save that poor girl!”

Takeru had nothing to add, merely locking her gaze with Bell and giving him a resolute nod.

Bell felt his heart swell with gratitude. He truly has been blessed with a great familia. They were willing to help him, they could have said no and Bell would have accepted that, but instead, they chose to stand by him and his decision.

Was this what leadership felt like? Bell still wasn’t sure. He knew it was heavy at times but at times like these, it could feel quite light.

Koukin was looking at her captain with a smile as she saw his expression, ‘Good,’ she thought, ‘he’s starting to understand.’

Slowly, yes, but it was a start.

“Then if everyone is on board with this,” Koukin began, “let’s go over any plans of action we can think of to sabotage the betrayal and bring Miss Arde out of her mire.”

They spent a good chunk of the morning going over potential plans. Some leaning on the safe side, while others were leaning on the reckless.

Their captain eventually offered a reckless idea but with a great chance of success.

In more ways than one.

Koukin looked down at the white charcoal mark on the ground. It was small and you had to actively know what you were looking for if you wanted to notice it.

Bell’s plan was simple, he would go into the dungeon with Lili alone today, much to everyone’s shock and worry. He would use white charcoal from Hana and Elbia’s art supplies to mark where he and Lili were heading in the dungeon. Koukin told him upfront that he was careless if he didn’t think Lili would notice right away. To her shock, Bell replied he would make his marks when he was picking magic stones from the monsters, when Lili wasn’t focused on him. Koukin had to relent, it was a good plan.

They would delay their own entrance into the dungeon by an hour, in hopes that would provide enough distance between them and Bell and Lili. So far the plan worked as expected, a little close to the razor's edge with those ogres but Bell proved himself capable of handling it.

But that wasn’t the full plan.

They had completed Bell’s half of the plan.

Now it was time for Koukin’s half of the plan to begin.

The strategists of the Hestia familia looked towards the pathway Lili’s ‘allies’ went, a small cunning smile on her face.

Kanu felt very proud of himself right now.

As he laid back against the dungeon wall on the fifth floor, he thought of everything he did to get himself here.

Lead and lie to that foolish pallum girl, promise a greedy rival a cut of the profits from said pallum, stab said rival in the back and take his sh*t, and finally, take all the sh*t of that foolish pallum girl.

Kanu gave a deep laugh as he twirled the lockbox key by a finger, already imagining the potential payout he would have by the end of the day.

And how much wine he’d get to buy.

That precious, precious wine.

That stuff was worth his soul and more.

Thankfully there were enough fools in this city to sell off theirs so he could get his.

He briefly glanced at his two co-cospiraters. They were resting after their long trek back up from the ninth floor. It was to be expected that they, and himself, would be out of breath after pulling off what they did.

He turned his gaze to the giant bag full of magic stones and valuable equipment, including a magic sword of all things.

That would definitely buy him enough bottles to keep him happy for a long time.

He was cut off from his musings by a sound coming from just down another pathway, footsteps, and close by too.

Kanu stood, prompting his associates to be on guard, and followed where the sound was coming from.

‘Nobody should be near here,’ Kanu thought, ‘this little hideaway is too out of the way for most adventures.’

He looked around a corner and saw someone limping along the far side of the pathway.

Coming along the wall was a woman, a very gifted one, given Kanu could make out her curves even through the brown hooded cloak she wore. She was limping along, one hand on the wall for balance, the other clutching at her side that was stained red.

Kanu was high on success and decided to take his chances again, this time with a different ‘reward’ for himself this time around.

He walked to the woman, his pace casual, “Hey,” he began, “you lookin alright there?”

The woman turned her head towards him, letting Kanu just make out the blue eyes and red hair underneath the hood. She gave a relieved sigh at the sight of him, “Oh thank the Gods,” she exhaled, “I didn’t think I’d run into anyone so soon. Please help me! I was attacked by a large group of monsters and I had to drop my supplies to escape,” she winced at the effort of talking, clutching at her side all the more, her pain evident.

“Well don’t you worry,” he pointed behind himself, “me and a few friends got some potions if you need any.”

The woman nodded her head, tuffs of red hair falling past her hood, “Thank you!” she said before frowning, “but I don’t have anything to pay you back.”

Kanu just smiled, “I’m sure we can work something out,” he said, his thoughts drifting to an ‘alternative’ form of payment.

Together, they both returned to where Kanu came from, he had a hand on the woman’s shoulder, guiding her along.

When they reached the hideaway, Kanu stopped in his tracks at what he saw.

Or who he didn’t see in this case.

His two companions were gone, the supplies and weapons were there but his two compatriots were nowhere to be found.

“Hey!” Kanu exclaimed in the space, “Where the hell did you two go?!”

He got no answer in reply and his demeanor became one of caution. Something wasn’t right.

“Sir, I just remembered something,” the woman at his side said, drawing his attention, “I just remembered something I can pay you with.”

She straightened herself and looked him in the eye, bringing her blue eyes into focus.

“I can give you an ass kicking!”

With that exclamation, the woman struck Kanu in the jaw, dazing him, she followed up with a jump and a powerful kick to his head that rendered him unconscious.

Before blackness took him, his final thought was that red stain at the woman’s side looked a little too…painted on.

The woman removed her cloak, revealing Kallen Kozuki, who stared at the unconscious raccoon man with disdain and disgust.

“Just having you touch me,” she said, “made me want to shower.”

“Sorry if this little mission made you uncomfortable.”

The voice came from the opposite end of the hideaway, where Takeru was walking towards her from. The purple haired samurai looked around at the various supplies around her with an air of pity. So much taken from that poor girl and who knows how many others had suffered similarly.

Koukin half of the plan was on the mark. Once the perpetrators got what they wanted, they would hide somewhere and potentially wait till nightfall before returning to the surface. Less eyes on the dungeon that way and less likely anyone would bother to ask any questions about their generous surplus.

Granted, it nearly rankled Kallen having to wait back while Koukin, Hana, and Chitoge went ahead to aid Bell and Lili, but her time and experience in her previous life tempered her frustrations and in the end, they are successful.

“Ibuki and Elbia got the other two?” she asked.

Takeru nodded, “Yes and they had practically no problem in doing so either,” she looked at the unconscious raccoon man at their feet, “I believe we may have come over prepared for apprehending them,” she shook her head in disappointment, “they are all probably level one. Just one of us could have been enough to handle them.”

Kallen looked down at the man again, taking note of the large swelling bruise appearing from where she punched him.

‘I thought I held back enough,’ she thought, ‘If I was a bit more serious, I might’ve killed him.’

Which wouldn’t be a big loss as far as she was concerned.

But Bell was adamant that they not kill the perpetrators, having preferred they turn them into the Guild. Koukin had wanted to argue but Bell presented a strong case for it.

Who’s to say this was the first time they’ve done this before?

The Guild would surely be interested in hearing firsthand from the perpetrators themselves and it might close the books on a few open cases involving similar incidents. Some that had disastrous endings.

Koukin saw the boon immediately, as did a few others. This would put a minor familia like theirs in good standing with the guild, granted it wouldn’t be major, but it was still a good step.

Kallen grew tired of thinking about it anymore and grabbed Kanu by his ankle and dragged him forward as she walked.

“You going to pick up the supplies?” Kallen asked behind her.

Takeru nodded, “I’ll be carrying what I can. Ibuki should be coming back to join me, Elbia was confident she could drag the other two perpetrators out of the dungeon with little ease.”

Kallen nodded and continued on, dragging Kanu along.

Takeru watched her go for a moment longer, until she turned a corner and was out of sight. She then turned and looked down the opposite way, where she knew a ways down was where her captain and remaining familia were busy with Lili.

She was absolutely confident that they were as successful in their mission as she was with hers.

She smiled, remembering Bell’s determined look to save Lili. It was a good look on him and he could stand to have that fire in his eyes more often.

Whenever he became a bit more sure of himself.

Takeru let out a laugh, her captain was certainly a unique character.

Then again…that could be said about everyone in the familia.

Compassion in the heart.

A life saved, a new start.

A new day is on after this.

One the pallum wouldn’t miss.

Her saviors by her side, it was time for a new start.

AN: Chapter sixteen! And boy was it a long one. Thankfully I got it done in good order I say! Hope you all enjoyed it! This story has certainly been a journey in and of itself and I find myself trying to solve problems I made throughout. But I wanted to write this for both the fun and the challenge and I’m not about to stop. Hope you all are still with me while I stumble along to make this story enjoyable for you and me. Take care and see you again!

Chapter 17

Chapter Text

Chapter 17

A few days passed since Lili’s attempt at treachery and the sabotaging of her abuser’s plan. In that time, Takeru and the others had turned in Kanu and his co-conspirators into the guild. Where they told Eina what happened alongside other Guild employees.

The sudden news surprised them at first but like the professionals they are, they swiftly went about investigating the men. They learned about what familias they were associated with, reports matching their deeds, eyewitness accounts that described them almost to a t, and looked up their past criminal history to find out they did something similar to a great many victims on the surface before Ganesha familia put an end to it.

Though that didn’t stop them from bringing their ill deeds into the dungeon.

What’s more is that Kanu shouldn’t even be in the dungeon, having received a house arrest order from the Guild due to a pending investigation.

One that was familiar to what Lili went through.

Something that the Soma familia captain was meant to enforce. Bringing a new level of scrutiny upon the Soma familia as a whole, forcing the captain into damage control, for all the good it did.

The God Soma, gave no sign nor interest of the proceedings around him. Focused solely on the task that made him and his familia famous, or infamous, as this situation unfolded.

Lili, thankfully, didn’t find herself on the wrong end of investigation. She was interviewed by Guild staff and was determined to be less an accomplice and more a victim. Still responsible for stealing other adventurers equipment, yes, but a tragic victim in a long series of coordinated events by those of her familia.

She had to relinquish her stolen supplies, which was unfortunate, but it was better than potential punishment. She thankfully had the key to her lockbox returned as well as the arm mounted crossbow and magic stones she obtained that day in the dungeon.

All in all, Lili got off easy. Bruised, cut, and sore here and there, yes, but overall ok.

Though given where she was now, that may not be the case for much longer.

“So, Miss supporter,” Hestia began in front of her, “I’ve just been told the craziest story involving you and my precious first child,” she drummed her fingers on the couch arm where she sat, her look one of a Goddess about to render judgment upon a foolish mortal who slighted her, “can’t say I enjoyed hearing it.”

Lili was kneeling on the carpet in the first floor lounge of the Hestia familia home. She was looking down on the floor, her face showing nervousness and worry and equal measure.

Some time after the incident, Lili found herself called to the Hestia familia home, via Ibuki appearing outside her home. Who told her that their Goddess wanted to talk with her.

Lili should have known it was going to be a talk like this and frankly it was one that she deserved and needed to happen. She wasn’t arrogant enough to believe she could escape a Goddess’s judgment, not after harming her first child.

Around her were the other members of the Hestia familia. Either sitting or standing while they surrounded her. Bell sat beside his Goddess, his face showing worry for Lili’s sake, much to the pallum’s subtle joy. Behind the couch and both Bell and Hestia, was Koukin, whose face was a mask of neutrality, giving no hints on what the vice-captain was thinking or feeling at this moment.

Many others had their expressions similarly shared with Koukin, which just made this whole experience even more awkward and admittedly unsettling for the little pallum.

At least Bell was doing his best to smile at her in reassurance.

“Well?” Hestia asked, “What do you have to say Miss supporter?”

“Lili has no excuse,” she began, “It’s true. Lili did betray Master Bell and left him for dead,” again, a solid pang of guilt ran through her at that admission, but she knew she had to be truthful with her, with all of them, “Lili can’t apologize enough. There is no apology strong enough to excuse what Lili did.”

“At least you’re honest,” Hestia said, having sensed no falsehoods in her words, the comment felt bitterly ironic to Lili though.

Hestia gave a deep sigh and leaned on the arm of the couch, propping her head on her palm, her gaze never leaving Lili. She looked every bit like a divine figure would look in ancient times and Lili could keenly feel her judgment as if it were a physical force upon her.

“I’ll be honest in turn, I don’t like you Miss Supporter,” Hestia delivered frankly, drawing a gaze from Bell at her words, “You risked the life of my first child and could have potentially risked the lives of my other children as well.”

Koukin pushed up her glasses in dismissal of the idea. She had seen through far more elaborate and covert schemes during her time in her previous life. Lili’s little scheme may have been effective on a typical standard adventurer, but not on one of the greatest strategists in all the Three Kingdoms.

Now wasn’t the time to brag about that though.

Lili didn’t have anything to say about that, simply taking whatever grievances the Goddess had to say to her. She frankly deserved worse than this.

Hestia sighed, now wanting to cut to the chase, “So Miss supporter. What are you going to do now?”

The question stumped Lili briefly before she answered, her resolve set, “Lili wants…Lili wants to keep supporting Master Bell and the others,” she looked the Goddess in the eye, unblinking, “Lili knows that she doesn’t deserve to, not after what she did, but still,” she looked around her then, “Lilli wants to make up for what she did, for what she did to Master Bell and the others,” her gaze became more focused, more reinforced, “Lili wants to prove worthy of Master Bell’s trust and the trust of the others.”

Hestia stared at Lili, giving nothing away at what thoughts were running through her mind. Until finally coming to a decision.

“If you really are that repentant,” she began, “then far be it from me to deny a child their atonement,” she looked over at Bell, giving him a smile, “Besides, Bell was very adamant I forgive you for what you did. He was nearly falling over himself for your sake.”

Bell glowed red in the face at his Goddess’s words, “Goddess, please!” he exclaimed in embarrassment.

Lili smiled and looked down at the words of Hestia, trying to hide her blush. Bell was really one of a kind if he could forgive her so readily.

“However,” Hestia suddenly said, drawing Lili’s attention back on her, “that’s not to say there isn’t going to be a punishment for what you did,” she stood from the couch and crossed her arms, looking like a God about to deliver judgment upon a poor fool, “you may have dodged the Guild, but that doesn’t mean you’re free from repercussions,” she leaned down towards Lili with a smile, though Lili had difficulty looking the short Goddess in the eye when her sizable chest was a dangling distraction, “in fact, I already thought of the perfect punishment for you. With the help of Hana and Elbia of course.”

After some initial discussion prior to Lili arriving, Hana and Elbia both had an idea they wanted to try and they would need Lili’s help to make it happen.

After explaining further, Hestia was well and truly on board with the idea.

A suitable punishment indeed.

“You can change your appearance, right?” the hearth Goddess asked.

Lili nodded and replied, “Yes. It’s a magic Lili uses to hide her identity. It’s how Lili was able to fool so many adventurers,” she co*cked her head at the odd questioning, “Why?” she asked.

Hestia gave Lili a smile that sent a chill up her spine.

“That’s what I thought. Tell me, supporter. Have you ever thought of putting your magic to work in a…artistic sense?”

Lili did not like where this was going.

Hestia wiped her hands as she stared at the basem*nt door, where Lili found herself dragged off to by Hana and Elbia, who were both anxious to get started on their new ‘project’.

A project that was going to go a lot smoother with Lili by their side to help them out. Granted, the least Hana and Elbia could have done was to tell Lili what they wanted her help with, instead of picking the surprised supporter up and carrying her away downstairs, ignoring the Pallum’s loud questions all the while.

Then again, it wouldn’t be as much of a punishment if she knew what was going to happen.

Hestia clapped her hands, garnering attention back to her and closing the matter all together. It was time to move on to different things.

“So,” she began, “Outside of our two artistic members and what they have going on today, what’s everyone’s plans for today?”

Everyone else was briefly surprised by the sudden question but they recovered quickly.

“I am going to work on my magical ability today,” Takeru readily answered, “I plan to get some health potions first and foremost though, since my magic has some-,” she held out her hand, closing and opening it as if to test it still works properly, “drastic side effects.”

Hestia nodded but gave her purple haired warrior a worried look, “Okay, just be careful though, alright?”

Takeru nodded, “I’ll certainly try my best Lady Hestia,” she gave her a small smile in reassurance, “I refuse to let myself fall to my own abilities. I like to think I have a better degree of caution than that.”

Hestia nodded, glad for the answer. She turned her gaze to the others.

“Kallen, Ibuki, and I were gonna go shopping for some new clothes,” Chitoge suddenly announced, “We realized together that all we have to wear is dungeon diving gear,” she pulled on her own clothing for emphasis, “We got next to no casual wear, ‘cept our pajamas.”

Kallen nodded along with her, “Yeah, these are good for kicking monster ass but we gotta wear something to help us relax when we’re not fighting for a living.”

Ibuki nodded along, “I wasn’t too fond of wearing my ninja gear in my old world all the time,” she shivered at recalling the hours upon hours she was required to wear it for her training, “I’d like to go about my off days with more…style and comfort.”

Hestia didn’t blame them for that and wished them their best for their shopping trip. She turned her attention to Arue, wondering what her sole mage child was going to do today.

Arue caught her gaze and smiled, “Since this is a day of respite, I shall be enjoying myself with a trip to the library. Seeing the great works of others across the lands.”

“Huh,” Hestia said in surprise, “I’m shocked you gave me an answer without posing or pontificating.”

Arue gave a laugh and waved the Goddess off, “Even I can act more…modest on occasion, Goddess.”

Hestia gave her a deadpan look, “Had to find a different word than ‘normal’, didn’t you?”

Arue looked away with a smile, choosing not to answer.

“I believe I’ll work with Takeru on increasing my effectiveness with magic as well,” Koukin said, looking at her fellow familia member, “provided she has no objection that is.”

Takeru shook her head, having none. She recognized that both she and Koukin had much to improve on in terms of their magical ability. With her, it was limiting the damage to herself so she could fight further with it. With Koukin, it was a matter of increasing her mind so she could cast her magic without the heavy risk of passing out.

Hestia turned to stare at the final, but first, member of the familia, waiting for Bell’s answer.

Bell Cranel rubbed the back of his head at Hestia’s focused stare, nervous about what to say. Until eventually he said the first thing that came to mind.

“I guess I’ll go into the dungeon today,” he answered.

Hestia stared at him, followed by Koukin, followed by Takeru, followed by Arue, and finally followed by Kallen, Chitoge, and Ibuki.

Bell felt their stares and the hidden judgment within them.

He gave a light chuckle of embarrassment.

“…Chitoge, do you and the others mind if Bell came along with you?” Hestia asked, not breaking her stare at Bell.

“No,” Chitoge replied in turn, “We’d be more than happy to welcome our captain to our shopping trip.”

“Huh?” Bell asked, surprised, “G-Goddess, what’s wrong with me going into the dungeon today?”

“After everything that happened and your last status update, I deemed it prudent that you, Bell Cranel,” Hestia took a breath and exclaimed, “That you need a break from the dungeon!”

Bell yelped and jumped back from where he sat and tumbled over the couch, landing with a thud. A short moment later, he peeked his head out with a nervous shake.

Hestia sighed and emphasized as she said, “Bell, you need a break. You’ve done great in the dungeon and you’ve done well as a captain. Take the day and treat yourself. If not for yourself,” she looked at him with pleading eyes, slightly watering, “then for me, please.”

Bell stared at his Goddess, looking into her soft eyes, seeing her quivering lip. He just couldn’t say no when she was like that.

“Okay Goddess,” Bell said, defeated, “I’ll take the day off from the dungeon.”

Hestia immediately switched back to her normal demeanor, her eyes looking as if the thought of tears never touched them, and smiling in victory.

Bell had the distinct impression he had lost a battle somehow.

Kallen saw the move Hestia played against her captain and smiled, “You gotta know when you’re getting played captain,” she said, “you’d think after being around so many women, you’d know when we’re trying to pull one over on you.”

Bell was aghast at the revelation and turned to Hestia, “Goddess!” he exclaimed, “You tricked me?!”

Hestia only nodded, completely unashamed, “Yep. Cause I know it was the only way to get you to go along with this.”

Bell wanted to say more, but found himself gasping in surprise when he felt arms encircle around each of his. He looked to his left and his right to see Ibuki and Chitoge had both his arms locked with theirs and each of them having mischievous expressions on their features.

Bell had fallen into a trap that he couldn’t escape.

“Come on, captain,” Chitoge said, walking ahead to the door, “we got to get you some better clothes than those bland ones you wear everyday outside the dungeon.”

Ibuki nodded, matching her pace, “Yep yep,” she started, “can’t have your subordinates out-styling you, can we?”

Kallen got up from the couch and moved along just behind them, “Don’t worry Bell,” she said, “we’ll make sure to pick out some good wears for you…after we pick ours out first.”

Bell tried to say something but found himself lost for words. With little reason to object, he just went along with it, giving his Goddess and remaining familia members a wave before the door closed behind him.

Hestia kept her eyes on the door for a moment longer before giving a loud exhale and flopping back onto the couch.

After the situation with Lili, the aftermath, and Bell’s status update for the tasks, Hestia felt the exhaustion of being a familia Goddess all too well.

“Did I hear right?” Koukin asked, “Bell completed his tasks?”

Hestia nodded, looking over at her vice-captain, “Yep, and then some.”

She recalled the task listing and the notes of completion. They were just past the completion date but luckily he was able to complete two out of three tasks easily enough.

Tasks 2/3 completed:

Reward, One tier1 summon

Reward, One tier2 summon

Bonus Tasks:

Kill 50 killer ants- One tier2 summon

Kill 5 Orks- One tier2 summon

Kill 10 Orks-One tier3 summon

Summon limit: Tier 1-Tier 2

Blessed Summons available: 12

Tier1- 5 summons

Tier2- 6 summons

Tier3- 1 summons

“Bell didn’t kill jackbird so the tasks weren’t totally complete,” Hestia explained, having told Koukin and Takeru about what she found on Bell’s status, “but that was to be expected, you’d have to camp out inside the dungeon for weeks just for a decent chance at that thing, right?”

Koukin nodded, “Even still,” she began, “the bonus task completion makes up for it and then some,” she gave a look around herself taking in the building she lived in before asking a question, “Have you ever gone to ask lord Goibniu for more renovations to our living situation?”

Hestia saw where this was going and gave a nod before replying, “Yeah, I did, and his mercy is absolutely spent. We got lucky. He renovated this place cheap the first time. He’s not going to show me pity or mercy this time,” she looked around herself as well, “especially since he and his familia don’t have time to do any construction work.”

Takeru, hearing this, asked, “Their attention is focused elsewhere? On what?”

Hestia gave a deep hiss as she uttered the name, “Loki,” she said, “her familia is getting ready for their next big expedition and any supporting familia they can call upon to help them is answering,” she clicked her tongue, “tsk, even Hephaestus is lending her her children’s talents.”

Takeru and Koukin both knew of their Goddess’s dislike for Loki. Given she rambled on here and there when the mention of her came up. They both had known people in their previous worlds who acted similar to Hestia, so this gave them some experience in dealing with such a thing.

Namely, changing the subject immediately before a tantrum happened.

“At the very least,” interrupted Koukin, “you received a quote from Goibniu on potential costs?”

At that, Hestia’s aggression deflated, replaced with exhaustion again. Only tired in a different sense this time.

“Yeah, I got a quote but the price isn’t very good,” she gave a look towards Koukin, “at minimum we’re looking at close to five hundred thousand valis for renovations and expansions.”

Koukin gaped at her, “Five hundred thousand at minimum?” she asked, “That’s a bit much, isn’t it? For an expansion?”

Hestia nodded her agreement, “I told him just as much. Then he started explaining. We’ve used as much space as we could in this building and this plot of land. If we want to add-on, we have to expand out from the building and foundation,” she gestured to the window, seeing the ruins of previous buildings that once stood alongside this one a long time ago, “you just have to look outside to see why that would be so costly.”

Now it made sense. The reason for the high price for renovations was the area itself. Hestia was lucky to have had the church to live in for so long, especially given it was really the only habitable building in the area. If they wanted to add more space, they would have to clear up the ruined buildings surrounding them. No small feat and definitely not a small fee for it to be done. Which really left one option available.

“Then what about finding a bigger place for our familia?” Koukin asked with genuine curiosity.

If they could no longer build their home up further without outrageous cost, then that left them with the option of finding a different place to live.

Which wasn’t as easy as it sounds as it turns out.

Hestia shook her head and the question, “Not much better I’m afraid,” she said, “the places that are available are not too much bigger than what our current home is, not to mention, the biggest ones meant for growing familias are in the millions of valis in terms of cost.”

Hestia was aware that, thanks to Bell’s summon magic, she had a familia that earned a good deal from adventuring in the dungeon now but that didn’t automatically mean she was loaded all the sudden. Better off, yes, but not loaded. Hestia had expenses to focus on enough with their current members. From getting food for such a familia, to maintaining their equipment, or restocking on their potions, Hestia saw that whatever they earned from the dungeon would diminish a good deal once all the factors were considered and though their coffers had grown well, it wasn’t enough to get them a new place.

Not to mention, her outstanding debt to Hephaestus. That would definitely slow them down in finding a new place.

Koukin sighed, then found her way to the couch before leaning back on it. This situation was not ideal for their circ*mstances.

While true they weren’t in a rush to get a new home, Hestia and Koukin both knew they needed to summon more allies to their side. With the deities of Orario looking around for whatever spooked Ouranos and him looking up in heaven for whoever dropped a blessing on the mortal realm, it was honestly only a matter of time before eyes turned to the Hestia familia and questions were raised on the unique cast and characters they possessed.

Koukin firmly believed in order to prepare for that day, they would need more allies at their side to brace for any possible probes or, Hestia hoped not, attacks from more driven Gods and Goddesses in an attempt to get Bell for themselves and the summoning magic attached to him. A scenario that boded unwell for the Hestia familia to say the least.

“No matter,” Koukin suddenly said, she took in a deep sigh and continued, “let’s not dwell on what we can’t do, but rather what we can do. At least that way we can put our energies and frustration into something viable,” she moved to stand, “and right now, training for an ill-eventuality, is probably the best course to take at this moment, as much as I hate to say it.”

Takeru walked up beside her, a small smile on her face, “Well said. It’s senseless to worry too long on topics that haven’t even come to pass yet. Right now we prepare not just for that scenario, but for all threats we may face,” Takeru tapped the side of her sword, “I didn’t come to lead armies in my old world by simply worrying about hypotheticals and neither should you as well.”

Koukin found heart in Takeru’s words and gave her a smile in thanks.

Takeru, her piece said, made her way to the door. Ready to redouble her efforts in mastering her potent magic. Koukin trails behind her, ready to do similar.

Koukin paused just near the door before turning around to stare at Hestia, a question on her lips, “Lady Hestia,” she said, “by any chance, have you thought about what to say to Bell in regards to all of our shared skill?”

Hestia blinked at her once before bursting out in a fierce blush. No…no she hadn’t and her expression was enough to exasperate Koukin, who did not feel she had the energy to scold the shortstack Goddess.

Though that didn’t stop her from saying a few words regardless, “Then I would at least advise you to take the time to think about what to say, if you can recall the previous time we talked about it.”

With that said, Koukin followed Takeru out and closed the door behind her, the sound feeling like thunder in the now silent home.

Well…almost silent.

Arue gave a cough and gathered Hestia’s attention to herself, “Well now,” she began, “I had no idea about a potential plan to tell Bell about our shared gift,” her expression held a look of sympathy as she looked at the Goddess, “are you alright, Lady Hestia?”

The Goddess of the hearth didn’t answer at first, merely sighing aloud and leaning further back on the couch, “Not really,” she answered, “Koukin and I talked about it a while ago but I never put any foot traffic into finding a way to tell Bell.”

“Wouldn’t it just be easier to tell Bell in the most honest way possible?” Arue asked, “I’ve known him well enough to know he appreciates honesty and an over complicated explanation might just go over his head.”

“I want to tell him honestly,” emphasized Hestia, “it’s just that-,” she gave a long groan of frustration, “this is completely out of my field. I have no idea where to start with an explanation that would be best for Bell would help him be more…more…”

“Receptive to the idea of laying with us?” Finished Arue for the Goddess, “I admit, it sounds like a difficult task,” she smiled at the Goddess, in comfort rather than jest, “and one that you could use some help on.”

Hestia looked at Arue, immediately picking up what she was offering, “You would help me work on a way to explain it to Bell?” she asked, “Why?”

Arue just smiled at her, “Besides the chance of sleeping with our cute and brave, rabbit of a captain?” she smiled wide when she hear Hestia growling cutely at her words, “Because I genuinely believe he has a right to know and I have a feeling that we may have to rely on that skill sooner than we think,” her expression turned serious and Hestia was caught off guard by this change, “we’ve done our best so far in keeping our origins secret, but I fear what could happen to us if we are ill prepared for an unexpected reveal.”

Arue gave a deep sigh as she thought further on it, “Despite our strength already,” she started, heavily, “I’m under no illusions that we can defend ourselves from a more hearty familia, should battle be made,” she brought a hand to her face and rubbed at her eyepatch in a nervous gesture, “despite our otherworldly origins, no one in this familia could hold a candle to a good many of the adventures in this city.”

Hestia was stuck silent by Arue’s words and she found herself agreeing with them. She was reminded of other familias inside the city that could easily take her down should they wished.

Loki, Freya, and Ganesha just to name a few. Each one more than capable of being rid of Hestia familia should they wish. Ganesha could overwhelm her with numbers alone. Loki had executives that could cut her children down with strategic cunning and raw strength.

Freya wouldn’t even need to bother with strategy, her familia was strong enough to shatter hers like fragile glass.

Which made the shared skill all the more viable in the long run, it would grant her children a boost in growth that would aid them going forward. She knew above all else though, however she decided to explain things to her Bell, she would make one thing plain and clear.

That no one was to abuse the skill. Neither they nor Bell.

She did have to put her foot down as a virgin Goddess somewhere.

“Arue,” Hestia suddenly said, “do you think, before you go to the library,” she squirmed uncomfortably, “you and I could work on an explanation to tell Bell?”

Arue was surprised by the offer, given how she and Hestia often were at each other’s cheeks, quite literally, often due to Arue’s teasing. Now though, Arue could tell that this was a critical time for Hestia and she needed the support.

“Goddess,” Arue said with a smile, “I think I could postpone my library trip for another day. I’ll be glad to help you.”

Hestia gave her a smile and a genuine thanks.

Bell was gradually getting better and better around women. Having a familia full of them certainly helped with that. Sure he gets flustered when looking at some of them on occasion, or when they get a bit too close to him, or if they outright tackle him and start hugging him out of nowhere.

‘Miss Elbia really is affectionate,’ he thought with a smile, ‘her and Ibuki.’

Now though, he was putting his best effort forth not to be a blushing mess at what he was a part of.

“Bell,” Chitoge came out of the changing room, wearing a light blue skirt and red top, she gave a spin, making her long hair fly around her, “What do you think? I thought the colors went well together but I can always do with a second opinion.”

Bell looked at her, at her clothing and her hair and found them complimented each other very well. He told her as such, making her smile in thanks.

When Bell was dragged into this little shopping trip, he had the impression that he would bear witness to more risqué clothing than this. Now he felt silly and realized his grandpa had more influence on him than he otherwise wanted to admit.

All in all, he was enjoying himself quite a bit with the others. They had gone to a few stores already and already they and himself had expanded their wardrobe considerably. Well…more so them, than Bell. He never saw the point of having so many types of clothes when all you really needed was enough to last you a week or two before having to wash them.

Even still, he was happy his familia members were having a good time.

“Hey Bell,” Kallen’s voice broke his thoughts and Bell looked to see what she came out wearing.

‘She looks like a secret agent!’ Bell exclaimed in his mind.

Kallen came out dressed in black shorts and black leggings that left a modest amount of toned thigh visible and a black long sleeved jacket with light gray trim. Add in the black shoes she was wearing to finish it, and Kallen looked like the picture perfect spy character Bell had read in his books.

“What do you think?” Kallen asked with a smile, “This is actually something I’ve been wanting to recreate from my old world,” she looked down at her arms, admiring the wardrobe, “not perfect but it’s the best I could do. What do you think?”

Bell thought for a moment before giving an answer, “You look very powerful, Kallen.”

He immediately regretted the answer, he should have picked something more flattering but Kallen gave a huff of satisfaction and smiled at his words.

“Perfect,” she said, “that’s what I’m going for.”

Bell was immediately grateful he picked the right words to say.

The sound of another changing room door opened up and Ibuki came out.

“What the hell?!” Kallen exclaimed.

“M-m-miss Ibuki! Isn’t that a little too much?!” Bell asked, his self control gone and his face lighting up in a fierce blush.

Ibuki came out wearing something neither Bell or Kallen would expect anyone to wear as casual clothes.

Given she was wearing a schoolgirl uniform, complete with short skirt and leggings that showed off her toned and powerful legs and a shirt that left a few buttons at the bottom unbuttoned so her toned midriff was visible.

“What?” Ibuki asked, doing a sudden cute pose, “This little thing reminded me of my school years. I had to try it on to see if it still works for me,” she did another pose, leaning down, hands on knees and giving Bell doe eyes, “What do you think, Bell? Don’t I look good in this?”

Bell was trying to find his voice but it was quite difficult when he was staring down the generous cleavage that Ibuki was showing him and given the sharp look in her eye, she knew exactly what she was doing.

But before Bell could offer the inevitable compliment he was to give, a new voice made its presence known.

By coughing from behind him and getting everyone’s attention.

Ibuki immediately stood up with a nervous look on her face and one mirrored by Kallen. Bell turned around to see who it was and was soon looking at the stern elderly features of the shop owner.

“If you can’t behave yourself,” she said, “please leave my store.”

Bell, Ibuki, and Kallen stood in a line before her and bowed their heads in apology.

“We’re very sorry for the disturbance!” they all said.

The shop owner gave a snort before sternly warning them again and returning back to her tasks.

Chitoge popped her head out of the changing room she was in and gave the three a stern glare of her own.

“Guess our shopping here needs to be done much sooner than later, huh?” she said with a tone that made the three feel more awkward, Ibuki more so given the wardrobe she had on.

Bell hoped that the others were having a better time than they were and hopefully one less embarrassing.

Lili had never felt more embarrassed in her entire life!

Her ‘punishment’, according to Hestia, was to aid Hana and Elbia with their artistic tasks. She had thought, initially, she would just aid them with their supplies and equipment for their studio. Then Hestia asked her about her transformation magic.

Lili now knew the scope of her ‘punishment’ in greater detail now.

“Please raise your head slightly, Miss Arde,” Hana said from behind her easel and large drawing paper, “I would like the light to catch some of those wonderful features of yours.”

Lili was currently sporting her chienthrope ears and tail and doing a sitting pose on a raised platform of some kind that was big enough for her to lay on. She was currently being used as a model for Hana and Elbia to sketch and draw. All told, it wasn’t too bad of a punishment if it was just that.

But Hana and Elbia had different ideas on what kind of model they wanted her to be, especially when her transformations and wardrobe came into play.

One moment, she was sporting bunny ears and a cotton tail, wearing a slim one piece suit that left little to the imagination. Next she was sporting cat ears and a tail, dressed as a house maid, that didn’t have a back to the outfit! Now she was in her usual and common chienthrope form wearing long strands of cloth around her chest, waist and legs.

She was at least glad they let her keep her underwear on, so long as it was covered by the cloth.

“Are you two just about done?” Lili asked, her frustration bleeding into her words, “LiliI can’t keep doing this stuff forever you know. Lili’s body has its limits.”

After so many poses, Lili felt her muscles and joints ache something fierce and was looking forward to a long shower and a longer sleep at the end of all this.

Hana gave a soft hum at Lilli’s words, “Eventually. I feel we are almost done Miss Arde, so you shouldn’t worry for much longer,” she gave a deep hum in thought as she continued to draw, “though I wish we could finish this in a more eccentric way.”

Elbia raised her head at those words and regarded Hana curiously, “You don’t think this hasn’t been exciting enough?” she gestured at the rolled up pieces of paper that contained their previous drawings of Lili, “I think we’ve been blessed with good content, wouldn’t you say?”

“Lili is Lili! Not ‘content’!” came the irate voice of Lili, who still held her pose, despite her anger

Hana gave a sigh, still frustrated that she felt something was missing, before suddenly having an idea. She waved Elbia over, who stopped her drawing and walked over to Hana who whispered into her ear.

Elbia listened, her features becoming curious, then they were overtaken by a sudden flush of her cheeks, then they calmed before she seemed to contemplate what was told to her, then she smiled and her large tail gently swayed back and forth in apparent excitement.

Lili did not like that. Something was about to happen and Lili wasn’t in the mood for surprises.

Elbia turned to Lili, while Hana walked away to the bathroom area, “You can relax Miss Arde. You just have to pose one last time and you’re done.”

“And what pose will Lili be doing next?” the pallum asked with suspicion, “Lili didn’t like how you two whispered some scheme at Lili’s expense. What are you two planning now?”

Elbia went back to her own easel and prepared a new page to work on, “Something wonderful,” she said, “a grand finale illustrating a study in contrast of two beauties close together in near embrace,” her tail wagged harder, “the idea was so spontaneous and ingenious. We were using you as a study piece, now we can put all that studying into one wonderful art piece.”

Lili raised a brow at the werewolf, “And how exactly are you going to do that?”

“By setting her pencil to paper. As do all artists wishing to create.”

Lili turned to where Hana’s voice came from and her jaw dropped.

Hana came walking out of the restroom area no longer fully clothed. She now wore the cloth wrappings that Lili similarly wore only Lili could tell there was a big difference in how they chose to wear them.

Namely, Hana didn’t wear underwear under hers.

The cloth straps still hid the important details, just barely, and clung to her tightly, leaving practically nothing to the imagination.

It was perhaps the craziest thing Lili has seen all day.

For Elbia however, it was the most exciting thing she’d seen all day and it was only getting better and better.

Hana approached the stage Lili was on and was soon crawling on it towards her. Lili herself was stock still in shock at what was happening right now. She eventually found herself laying back on the stage when Hana was leaning above her on all fours, her hands by Lili’s sides and her legs beside Lili’s own.

Lili has felt small before, she’s a pallum so it wasn’t anything new, but at that moment, being so close to Hana, Lili felt herself being smaller in a great many ways.

‘They’re nearly touching my chest,’ Lili thought, glancing down at Hana’s large chest just inches from her own, the wrappings around it showing gaps of soft flesh behind them, igniting Lili’s embarrassment again and causing her to look up.

Right into the purple eyes of Hana Sunomiya. Who was looking down at her with a neutral expression. A great contrast to Lili’s nervous features.

“Hold that expression,” Hana said, before looking to the side, “Elbia, I believe that this would work nicely. Don’t you?”

The werewolf girl nodded, her enthusiasm palpable, “Absolutely!” she exclaimed, “The contrast in figures, the lighting, the composition, the passion in your forms,” she ran back to her drawing pad and began to sketch, excited to illustrate such a sight before her.

Lili still found her gaze locked with that of Hana, who still stared down at her, her passive expression unchanging. She didn’t know how long she stared into her eyes, as this whole experience was making her sense of time go haywire, but she eventually found her gaze drifting to Hana’s shoulder, where she spotted a length of cloth moving ever so slightly on its own.

Her gaze followed the path of the cloth and she came to realization then and there.

‘The wraps aren’t holding around her giant chest!’

Lili could only watch as the wraps slowly got looser and looser and Hana’s chest got closer and closer to her own with the slack.

Lili wanted to say something, to warn Hana about what is to happen.

But that girl was practically staring into Lili’s soul and she couldn’t break out of the gaze she found herself trapped in.

‘Why did Lili have to be trapped with a weird one!’

Soon, just as the wrap was about to reach a point and completely unfurl itself around Hana’s chest and ‘crush’ Lili, Elbia’s voice broke through the air.

“Done! Hana, come see!”

Hana extracted herself above Lili with amazing haste and rushed over to Elbia, a fire of excitement in her eyes. She seemed to finally realize the losness of the wrapped around her and reached around to tighten them around herself.

It was haphazard and though tightened, the gaps of flesh between the wraps now bulged out slightly more and erotically at that, with only the important bits still being covered.

Even if by so little.

“Hmmm, wonderful,” Hana mused, looking at Elbia’s work, “you’ve captured the image perfectly and added the necessary flare with your style,” she turned to the werewolf, giving her a smile and a thumbs up, “mission accomplished!”

Elbia wagged her tail all the more at the praise she received, glad her work came out so well. She flicked her ears up in thought suddenly and her tail slowly stopped wagging as she pondered something.

She snapped her fingers in realization and said, “Now let’s try one with me and Lili can be the one over me this time,” her eyes sparkled as the image came to mind, “she can still be in her chienthrope form and we could create something of a contrast between a werewolf,” she twitched her ears and flicked her tail, “and a chienthrope,” she gestured to Lili, only to suddenly blink in shock.

Lili wasn’t on the stage anymore.

A sound towards the stairs brought their attention, seeing Lili just finishing putting her clothes on.

She’s fast,’ Elbia and Hana thought.

“No more!” Lili exclaimed, shimming her skirt back up her buttocks, “Lilis’ been punished enough! No more perverted drawings!”

With that said, Lili opened the door and ran out as fast as she could, passing by a surprised Hestia and Arue.

They heard the door upstairs open and slam shut, signifying Lili’s departure.

Elbia pouted and thumped her tail down, “Geez,” she said, “we were just finding our best muse to.”

Hana gave her a pat on the back, “Now now,” she started, “no great artist hasn’t gone through making masterpieces without a little struggle,” she pumped her fist, “this is just another obstacle for us to overcome…though,” she trailed off, looking at where Lili ran off, “I believe it better we don’t let our muse overtake our kindness,” she nodded to herself, crossing her arms under her breasts, “next time we have Lili over, let’s try to go about this more modestly,” she uncrossed her arms with a satisfied air about her.

That last gesture was enough for the cloth wrapping and it soon loosened up and the strips fell to the ground at Hana’s feet, leaving her as naked as she was born.

Hana gave no reaction to this and neither did Elbia.

This wasn’t the first time Hana had been naked down here, and for that matter, neither was it Elbia ‘s.

Since the two had been collaborating and practicing art together, they both had found something in common with each other.

Neither minded nudity for the sake of art, especially theirs.

Though when Hestia discovered this some time ago, she was adamant they at least lock the door when they, in her own words, ‘lost any sense of decency.’

They both didn’t see what the problem was but they acquiesced all the same.

Hana stretched then, loosening the tension in her body and making parts of her shake and jiggle enticingly, “if that’s it for now, I’m going to take a shower and return upstairs,” she looked upstairs at the door, “do you mind getting the door? I don’t want to upset Hestia.”

“Sure,” Elbia said and went to do just that. When she was upstairs, she turned back to Hana, “Let me know when you’re done, I want to take one too.”

She had worked up a good sweat with all the drawings she did today, which just told her she worked hard with her art today.

Hana nodded and replied, “Will do. I’ll come get you when I’m finished.”

Elbia smiled and went upstairs, closing the door behind her.

Hana walked to the shower to freshen her body after such a productive session.

She hoped Bell and the others were having a productive day as well.

Some time had passed since Bell and the others went shopping and all in all it had been a fun and exciting time.

Chitoge had nearly wanted to spend the rest of the day inside an elf clothing store, completely enraptured by the unique and stylized taste of the elves.

Kallen had herself fitted for a kimono she had her eyes on in a far eastern store they passed. She looked positively overjoyed at the variety of clothing, mentioning something about her old world and the styles that were lost there after a tragic event..

Ibuki was absolutely overjoyed when she saw a swimsuit shop that contained all manner of swimwear. She spent a good chunk of time trying on different swimsuits and bikinis, trying to find the best one for her. Bell was outside the store while this happened. He could barely keep a straight face when they were trying on normal clothing, forget swimsuits. But she found what she wanted and was happy as a clam for her choice. Though, she did lament that she could have used a ‘man’s’ opinion when trying them on, giving Bell a side glance and wiggling her eyebrows at him, making him blush at the clear message.

Good thing Kallen and Chitoge had second opinions on that, even if they actually debated about it.

Throughout it all, Bell could honestly say, regardless of the teasing he got here and there, he was honestly enjoying himself.

As they made their way home, Bell remembered something important.

After the incident with Lili and her abusers, Eina stressed to him about receiving a full report from himself about the whole thing. Takeru and the others reported the incident well enough but she wanted Bell’s account as well, saying it was for the sake of transparency.

Bell though, dense as he could be, knew that Eina just wanted to check and see he wasn’t too hurt about the whole thing. Which, in truth, he wasn’t.

He had saved Lili and helped bring some criminals to justice. He was honestly proud of himself. A rare feeling for him to be sure.

Still, Bell thought it best to at least talk to Eina just so he could relieve her worries.

He said something similar to his little group he was with, who didn’t have a problem with him going to see the Guild advisor. Provided he still keeps true to his word and does not go into the dungeon today. Which he said he won’t, with a tone of displeasure.

The others just stared at him, wondering if there was a medical condition for wanting to go into the dungeon all the time, it wasn’t healthy.

“Well Bell,” Kallen said, taking his own shopping bag with his new clothes in it, “we’ll see you back home. Don’t be gone for long or Hestia won’t let us hear the end of it.”

Chitoge nodded alongside her, “You know how she can be, Bell,” she fixed her blue eyes on him, “please don’t have us deal with that.”

Bell chuckled at their reactions but couldn’t find fault with them, knowing full well how Hestia could be at times.

“I promise,” he said, before turning around to walk to his destination.

Only to suddenly have Ibuki suddenly leap at him from behind and give him a big hug.

“Thanks for coming shopping with us, Bell,” the ninja said, leaning over Bell’s shoulder to look at him closely. She smiled when she saw his reddened expression, “we really had a good time. Thank you,” she finished.

Bell did his level best not to dissolve into a blushing mess and replied, “No problem Miss Ibuki,” he said with a strained smile, “I had fun too and thanks to you all, I have some better clothes to wear now.”

Ibuki’s smile widened at the thanks and she unwrapped her arms around her captain before patting his back, “No problem, Bell,” she said, “anytime you need some fashion tips, just come to us.”

She heard a loud cough behind her, loud and aggressive.

“Just come to Chitoge,” the ninja amended, “she’s got an eye for fashion and style.”

Bell nodded and with a final wave, he made his way to the guild while his familia members returned home with their new clothing.

Some time down the road they were surprised to see a red face Lili dash pass them all the sudden. Running faster than anyone would’ve given her credit for.

Something must’ve happened at the Hestia home,

As always.

A time for rest is here.

After dodging danger so near.

But peace is fleeting.

After a destined meeting.

Will the rabbit come to face his fear?

AN: Another break chapter for our favorite familia and heroes. Well, except for Lili. This chapter was just meant to address some things here and there as well as set up for what's to come. We are finally approaching a point that I'm looking forward to write and the implications that will follow after it. Until next time, farewell and take care.

Chapter 18

Chapter Text

Chapter 18

Ais Wallenstein, first class adventurer, ‘Sword Princess’, one who became a level two adventurer in just a year. Part of Loki familia and favored child of Loki herself. Much to Ais’s annoyance on most occasions.

She was at the Guild that day, talking with Eina Tulle, an adviser at the Guild. Recently, she had just returned something important to the elf woman, Eina recognized it immediately as the green arm guard she bought for someone she knew.

Who Ais knew as well and who she helped in the dungeon just recently on the tenth floor.

She was down there at Eina’s request when she discovered some illicit activity a supporter she investigated was a part of. In her concern, Eina beseeched Ais to go into the dungeon and aid Bell.

When Ais went in, she was surprised to see he wasn’t anywhere on the first three floors, or the fourth through sixth, and she was even more surprised when she found out where he was exactly.

The one she was looking for, Bell Cranel, was on the tenth floor, holding back a large group of orcs that were close to surrounding him.

Ais didn’t stay surprised for long when she saw he was about to be overwhelmed. Fast as a level six like her could move, Ais closed the distance between herself and the orcs within a blink of an eye. Standing in front of the foes at Bell’s back, her sword drawn and ready.

She dispatched them with almost negligible ease, so much so, it was as if she was fighting paper targets, but most of her focus was on Bell, who she watched with wide eyes at what she was seeing.

He had gotten better, much better than last she saw him. Before, she saw him passed out from mind down and before that, he was a fledgling beginning adventurer on the fifth floor in way over his head.

Now, here he stands, fighting off orcs, on the tenth floor. His strikes more well honed and amazingly casting some sort of short chant magic.

That level of progress for a level one adventurer in such a short time was insane.

And she wanted to know how he accomplished such a thing.

Back then, it wasn’t the best time to ask and she was sure he didn’t notice her anyway. He noticed ‘someone’ was helping him, but not who.

Eventually they vanquished the monsters but before she could say anything to him, Bell had dashed back towards the entrance to the ninth floor, saying thanks to whoever it was that helped him.

Ais wanted to call out to him, to tell him ‘you’re welcome’ and to apologize for what happened about the minotaur incident sometime ago and to tell him he dropped his arm guard during the battle.

But her attention became focused elsewhere, when she was given a quest by a strange cloaked figure appearing out of the fog and mist.

One that she couldn’t refuse.

After that and a few other things involving the quest, Ais found herself back at the Guild, talking with Eina, and wondering about Bell with her.

“Again, I can’t thank you enough Miss Wallenstein,” Eina said with a smile of gratitude, “and I’m sure Bell will be grateful as well for you returning this to him, I’ll let him know who it was.”

“Wait,” Ais said, stopping Eina from taking the equipment, the elf looked at her, surprise on her features as well as curiosity at the sudden outburst.

“Is something wrong Miss Wallenstein?” Eina asked.

“I…want to return it to him myself,” Ais said, looking down at the piece of equipment, “I want to…apologize for the trouble we caused him.”

By ‘we’, she meant the Loki familia and the minotaur incident, which Eina was familiar with in both a report given to the Guild by Finn, Loki familia’s captain, and by Bell Cranel, who had the most ‘vivid’ experience regarding it.

Eina was sympathetic to Ais and agreed to let her apologize but knew how Bell could be, especially around this woman in particular, “Very well,” she said, “ and don’t worry, I’ll make sure he doesn’t run away before you can talk to him.”

Ais blinked in surprise at this, ‘How does she know?’ she thought, thinking back on the last time she tried to talk to him.


A new voice rang through the Guild hall and towards the duo. Eina looked behind Ais to see a familiar face with that voice and she brightened.

“Bell,” she called in greeting, prompting Ais to turn around to see who it was.

Red eyes met golden.

Bell paused mid step in realization.

He turned and ran.

Ais felt depressed all of a sudden at the sight of him running. It was happening again.

“Bell!” Eina cried out, she turned to Ais, “Miss Wallenstein, stop him!”

Ais regained her composure, focus entering her eyes. Almost casually, Ais leaped up into the air in an impressive display of grace and speed, passing Bell overhead and landing in front of him.

Bell was so shocked at having his idol suddenly appear in front of him that stopping his stride did not reach his mind before it was too late. He crashed into Ais then.

Right into her soft chest, Bell was briefly overtaken by the sensation that he stopped any thought of running all together and was now still against her. This feeling was more enhanced by Ais wrapping her hands around his head in order to hold him in place, so he wouldn’t run away again.

Bell was speechless in the clutches and embrace of the Sword Princess. Having no idea what to do in this situation.

Ais was in a very similar state herself. She normally wouldn’t hesitate for a second before knocking back anyone who would get this close to her unless they were close friends or dear familial figures in her life. Yet she held Bell to her chest and didn’t feel any desire to push him away.

In fact, she wanted to maybe hold him tighter.

Before the both of them could dwell on it any longer, Eina came up to them.

Ais let go of Bell and watched on as he was mercilessly scolded by the elf.

“I’m sorry,” Ais said, holding out Bell’s arm guard. They were just outside the Guild building and found a place where they could talk more privately.

Bell flinched at the sudden apology, surprised by it. Ais looked sad at that reaction, believing him to be frightened of her.

Bell looked down at her arms and at the arm guard, a smile making its way to his face, “Miss Ais, thank you,” he said gratefully, he reached down to take it, holding it up, glad to see it wasn’t too damaged from where he lost it, “I thought I lost it for good when I was down there.”

Ais then bowed slightly, finally having the opportunity to say something else, “I’m sorry.”

Bell was surprised, “Huh?”

“You were nearly killed because we failed to defeat that minotaur properly,” she said with remorse, “so I wanted to apologize.”

She bowed deeper then, “I’m sorry.”

“That’s not true!” Bell said, waving at her to raise her head, “I went to the fifth floor without thinking, so there’s nothing that you need to apologize for,” he gestured to himself, “I should actually be apologizing to you, for all those times I ran away without thanking you.”

Bell suddenly bowed himself, much lower than what Ais did, “I’m sorry!” he exclaimed.

Ais raised her head to look at him in surprise, but Bell wasn’t done yet, “Thank you for saving me so many times!”

Ais felt her cheeks warm slightly and felt a similar warmth gather in her chest. She had difficulty describing what she felt right now but the closest thing she could come to was…

‘Happy,’ she thought, ‘Am I happy?’

For a moment they both stood there, Bell still bowing to Ais, his face red and Ais just stood, contemplating the sensation she was feeling.



“I hear you have been doing your best in the dungeon,” Ais suddenly said, breaking the silence, “you’ve already reached the tenth floor already…you’re amazing.”

She meant those words, Bell had made insane progress for an adventurer and Ais wouldn’t lie and say she wasn’t impressed.

Bell blushed at her words, waving his hands as if to slide the fact aside, “N-no, I’m not amazing!” he said, “I only got that far because I had the help of my familia. I still have a long way to go!”

Bell looked to the side, face still red but with a look that told her he had a thought come to mind, “I still can’t reach my goal yet either,” he said.

Ais studied Bell, listening to his words and watching his actions. The person in front of her was a far cry from the focused individual she saw on the tenth floor.

Still, despite his modesty, Ais was still intrigued by him and his rapid growth. He had grown quickly and at an unbelievable rate and Ais found herself wanting to know how it was possible.

If it was possible for her to grow that quickly as well.

Grow stronger for herself and for her familia, her family.

She thought back to a recent friend she made. A chienthrope in the Hermes familia and her expression when she saw the rewards she and her familia earned for the quest they shared.

Her anguished expression and cries at what they gained at the cost of so many of her friends' lives and how no payment would be enough to replace that loss.

She wanted to grow stronger so she could not possess regret like that.

“I’m still very inexperienced,” Bell kept rambling on, unaware of the Sword Princess’s thought behind her neutral features, “I train with my familia often but I’m still prone to make mistakes that might get me killed.”

Ais opened her mouth and said something Bell never expected to hear.

“Would you like me to train you?”

Bell stared at her, at a loss, before he was able to get out a word.


Koukin sat across from Bell, looking down at the chess set they had in front of them. They were in the main lounge having another lesson in strategy, with the game being the catalyst again.

When Bell returned from his trip to the Guild, it was already approaching sunset and the others were already retiring to their rooms for the night. Hana and Elbia sooner than the others thanks to the art session they had with Lili.

Bell was still awake enough and so was Koukin, who had a pretty active day in growing her mind to better compete with the strain of her own spell. She had gone through a good number of potions, but she felt the results were satisfactory enough. She feels confident that with proper control, she could cast that spell, at most, three times a day.

It was a small number, sure, but it was still better than only once a day.

Koukin moved a piece, trying to draw Bell into bringing his queen to the forefront, “So you managed to secure training sessions with the Sword Princess,” Koukin said, watching as Bell moved a rook to take one of her pawns, “I must say I’m surprised. You normally panic and run away when it comes to her.”

Bell gave an embarrassed laugh at that, it was probably best he didn’t tell her that he did actually try to run away when he saw her. He saw Koukin move one of her knights to the side, prompting him to move his knight to intercept, “I was surprised to,” he said, “I didn’t think she wanted anything to do with me after our last meeting,” he rubbed the back of his neck, “glad this one went better.”

Koukin moved a bishop out of the way of his rook’s path, “Nonetheless, it means that you’re getting better around women,” she looked up and gave him a smile, “more impressive, is that you managed to have a good conversation with your idol. That’s another feat in itself.”

Bell chuckled and moved to take one of her knights, “Thanks…I think. I guess living in a house full of pretty women has had an effect after all.”

He paused as soon as he finished saying that, realization coming to him. He blushed a storm of red but before he could say anything, Koukin gave a brief laugh that transformed into a soft chuckle. She looked at Bell, a cunning gleam in her eye.

“Bell,” she began, “while I appreciate you calling me pretty, there are better words to use.”

Without warning, she flung her dark hair back and moved her hands through it, as if giving it a loving caress. The motion made her generous chest bounce and her arms squeezed them together in emphasis. Koukin looked at Bell, her emerald eyes holding a smoldering expression that took his breath away.

“Some prefer to be called beautiful,” she said, her tone as heated as her display was, “don’t you agree?”

Bell could only nod dumbly, still surprised and entranced by the display he just witnessed.

Koukin smiled at him, her old expression returning, “Good,” she looked down and moved another of her pieces, “checkmate captain.”

Bell blinked at her before looking down. He saw she had him beat and he gave a groan of frustration and embarrassment.

“Again,” he moaned, “I fell for the same trick again.”

Whenever they started this little game, Koukin would do something that would throw Bell off his focus and she would capitalize on it with swift action. She has so far flashed Bell with her cleavage, lay back provocatively and continue playing, adjust her dress to the side and cross and uncross her legs repeatedly, giving him a near glimpse of the promise land between them, and now she simply flicked her hair in an elegant fashion with a smoldering look that took his breath away.

The goal of this training was to help Bell in eliminating distractions when focus was required. A common but very important lesson to teach. She lost track of how many battles she’d been in and the reason she won them was because the enemy was distracted with something else, oftentimes it was because she put the distraction in play.

She recalled someone, from her old world, who was an absolute gullible idiot, despite commanding a powerful army. A simple widespread rumor about hidden ‘treasure’ was enough to get her to focus her attention elsewhere and allow Koukin the chance to sweep her forces to the side like specks of dirt.

It was a rather clever way of getting Bell to focus and to his credit, he was seldom distracted when she performed the same actions twice, choosing to look in a completely different direction when he saw her do something sensual that made him into a blushing mess and take his eyes off the board.

Bell thought it just a new way for her to cheat at first but he had gradually warmed to the lesson, especially since she provided a good explanation for it.

“Focus is one of the best tools you can wield,” Koukin said, beginning to put the pieces away, signaling the end of the lesson, “but it varies from person to person. Someone can devote all their energy into a single pursuit or objective until it’s completion, while others can focus on a great many things at once and devote a equal amount effort into completing them,” she finished putting the game away, underneath the coffee table, “both are viable and both are vital to any warrior or leader,” a mischievous look came to her eyes and she smiled at Bell, “which is why when you lose focus, it can often lead to defeat, or a good many defeats for that matter.”

Bell laughed lightly and scratched the back of his head, getting the lesson imparted. He had done well when his focus was on the game but he knew he faltered whenever Koukin distracted him with her gestures.

Perhaps he shouldn’t be too hard on himself. Anyone with eyes could see that Koukin was an attractive woman, who wouldn’t get distracted? Especially since she knew how attractive she was and could weaponize it.

A strategist uses everything they had to bring, including themselves if they had to.

Koukin had served under leaders who thought the same and they dressed potentially more risqué than she did.

‘Bundai definitely subscribed to such things,’ Koukin thought with a smile as she looked at Bell, ‘if she were here, I doubt Bell would last a minute if she got her teeth in him.’

Though a part of her was actually curious how that meeting would go. Maybe, when they get more space, the fates would be on their side and they’d summon her by chance.

It would be nice to have another person from her old world here. She imagined the others felt the same at times.

Especially if she could be….

Koukin clamped down on the sudden feeling of longing and sadness that touched her heart but let at least one thought come to her mind.

More a hope, honestly.

‘If she could be summoned. Then things would be just perfect.’

Koukin shook the thought from her mind. It was best not to dwell on wishes and hopes right now.

“You did well in today’s lesson,” she said, “I’d say we call it a day. You have to wake up early tomorrow in any case,” she smiled, “for your lesson with the Sword Princess.”

Bell smiled in turn and nodded, he went his way downstairs to take a shower and Koukin went towards the stairs, ready to return to her room.

She paused at the bottom, when an idea came to mind.

A cunning, sly, and awful idea.

Koukin smiled slyly and went upstairs to her room, grabbing some things and making her way back down.

She went towards the basem*nt door, where she could faintly hear the sound of water running in the shower.

She went downstairs.

Bell was scrubbing his head, the shower running, humming a little tune he remembered from his childhood.

He was excited for tomorrow and he wondered if he would be getting any sleep tonight with how excited he was.

The Sword Princess, Ais Wallenstein, level six adventurer.

His idol, the one who saved his life and the one he aspired to be one day.

The one he hoped to confess to.

Bell shook his head and slapped his cheeks, the water splashing off and over him as a result.

He was getting ahead of himself, he had to focus on the here and now. He had to get stronger and though Takeru’s training was effective, the opportunity to train with a level six was too good to pass up.

He only hoped that Takeru would forgive him for this. He didn’t want her to feel like he was abandoning her for a different teacher. He would never do that to her, especially since her training helped Bell for a number of scenarios in the dungeon.

Though a much more likely scenario to play out was Takeru wanting to come along, not to monitor his training, but for the chance to spar with the Sword Princess herself.

Like Bell, Takeru also seemed to push herself to greater heights, for the simple reason, that is what a warrior like her seeks. To grow stronger and prepare for new threats, as well as honing her skills to a blade’s edge.

Nonetheless, having her face Ais was probably not the best right now. Especially since Bell wanted to keep things between himself and Miss Wallenstein as cordial as possible and bringing someone along when it’s meant to be private could harm any interaction between them.

And Bell sure as hell wasn’t about to let that happen.

He sighed as the water fell over him, the warmth soothing any dread he might have felt. Maybe he was overthinking things, as he often does. Now wasn’t the time to stress and worry, now was the time to rest and getting ready for an exciting tomorrow.

Nothing could surprise him after such a good day.

The curtain to the shower opened and someone walked in, closing the curtain behind them.

Bell gave a brief start, expecting to see the Goddess there, it wouldn’t be the first time she did this, though the event was brief when she gave him a look over and smiled before leaving.

Bell looked behind him, only to not see the Goddess behind him, instead he saw the form of his vice-captain.

Naked right before his eyes.

Bell was entranced for a moment by the sight. In that moment he saw her curvy figure in wonderful detail.

Her tan skin glistened under the spray of water from the shower, the effect drawing the eye all over her body. Her breasts stood out to Bell’s eyes, two large tanned mounds of flesh that were capped with soft pink nipples, the water dripping off the peaks creating a more dazzling effect.

She moved closer with a sway of the hips and Bell found his gaze briefly dropping down to see the delightful curves of her hips and the smoothness of her thighs as the water trailed down them, as well as seeing what was between her legs, the sight of a smooth untouched area save for a tempting slit in between her legs that promised so many wonderful things nearly rendered Bell catatonic.

Her long black hair that was gleaming wet and draping down all over her body made her look like a painting study brought into reality, her emerald green eyes no longer obscured by the glasses, a gleam in them that told of promises best spoken silently and behind closed doors.

Add in all of this and Bell could safely say that Koukin was one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen.

And she was in front of him…naked.

He had no words, his brain still trying to process what he was seeing.

Koukin made no motion to talk, she grabbed the soap and began to lather her body with it, right before his eye. She gently applied it to her stomach before bringing it up to her breasts, going to the sides first before lifting one up and lathering the underside of them, Bell saw soft flesh gently poke through her fingers as she performed this action, giving him a great idea of how soft her breasts were.

This was too much and Bell, nuclear red in the face turned around and faced the shower head.

“M-M-Miss Koukin!” Bell exclaimed and covered himself with his hands, “What are you doing?!”

He heard her give a brief hum before replying, “That should be obvious, captain,” she replied and Bell could hear the smile in her words, “I’m taking a shower, a shared one, but a shower nonetheless.”

“Why!” He asked again, his voice may have gone up an octave, but Bell ignored that, as did Koukin.

She gathered some water in her palms before splashing it against her chest. Causing the soap to slide down herself, revealing her tanned and glistening chest once more, “I thought it more economic to have a shared shower tonight. No reason to waste water when in familiar company.”

Bell wanted to argue that, but found himself struggling for words in this scenario. This whole situation was beyond him in any case.

Nevermind he could hear the advice of his late grandpa, seemingly talking to him beyond the grave.

‘Bell, you once again have a rare opportunity before you.’

‘Not again, grandpa!’

‘And this time you can’t run away!”

‘Then what am I gonna do!’

‘Simple, offer to wash her back!’


‘Yes my boy! A tried and true strategy since the dawn of time! First, you make the offer, second, she accepts the offer, third, you gently, but firmly, wash her back. Don’t just rub, press into her, feel the muscles, relax the tension. When she completely relaxes, reach around and grab those wonderful mountains upon her chest! Grab them, squeeze them, message them! Bring her to relaxation so you can enjoy the banquet of nirvana before you Bell! It’s a man’s romance!!!’

‘…goodbye grandpa.’

‘Wait Bell no-’

Cutting off whatever that was, Bell still looked at the opposite side of the shower, away from Koukin, trying desperately to figure out a way out of this.

“Bell, would you like me to wash your back?”

The offer surprised Bell and he nearly glanced back at her in his shock.

Koukin gathered some soap in her hands, admiring the bubbles being formed, “I thought it a nice gesture,” she said, “you’ve worked harder than anyone else in the familia, pushed yourself like very few I’ve seen, and have gone out of your way to do the right thing, regardless of what harm may befall you,” Bell felt her press one hand to his back, he didn’t jump at the contact, he was stock still as he listened to her words, flattered, “Let me do this for you, Bell, let me go out of my way to help you, if just a little bit.”

Bell didn’t know what to say to that. This situation was strange by itself, now Koukin wanted to help him like… like this?

And besides, after everything they had been through together, Bell can safely say he trusted her and believed she wouldn’t do anything untoward him.

At least not without his agreement.

‘Where did that come from?’ he thought.

“Okay,” he said, relenting, “you c-can scrub my back if you want. Just be c-carful, please.”

His nervousness was showing, but he tried his level best to remain calm. As well as not getting too excited at what was about to happen.

He had been getting better with women and this was just another thing he had to overcome. Granted a much softer method could have been used.

He felt a soft touch on his back that nearly made him jump, before the touch turned into a rub along his shoulder blades, making him relax.

He felt another touch, signifying her other hand and he relaxed further as she started scrubbing slow circles on his back.

Bell could feel the tension and stress leave his body at her touches. He felt an untold amount of aches and pains he acquired in the dungeon, that health potion couldn’t heal, just dissipate like the vapor in the shower.

He didn’t know how long the scrubbing lasted but he suddenly felt her hands on his shoulders and was almost rendered to mush as she gently squeezed them.

He gave a moan of joy at that gesture and it seemed to encourage her to continue on. Squeezing his shoulders in gentle rhythms and adding a slight twist when she felt a knot in his muscles.

‘Her hands feel so good!’ Bell thought blissfully.

“Geeze,” Koukin said, “I expected you to be tense after your battles but this is ridiculous,” she gave a twist at a knot in Bell’s shoulder, causing her captain to groan in pleasure, “this is long overdue, next time you feel even remotely uncomfortable physically, come see me. This definitely could have turned into something worse.”

Bell was admittedly surprised at this sudden turn of events but flattered by her genuine concern. He had to admit, he was feeling much better now than he did before, Koukin has a gift.

“This feels amazing,” Bell said with an eased groan, “I didn’t know you could do massages,” he gave a relaxed shudder as she fixed another knot in his back, “where did you learn to do this?”

Koukin gave a small laugh at Bell’s compliment before replying, “Believe it or not, I wasn’t formally trained. Rather, I was used to being massaged by another. Whenever I was overworking myself, she would come and massage my back to get me to relax,” she giggled, thinking back, “Oftentimes she would surprise me with one. Made me nearly jump out of my skin whenever she did.”

“She?” Bell asked, wondering who would do that to one of the more sterner members of the familia and get away with it.

Koukin paused at rubbing his back from the question, realizing she gave too much away. With a sigh she replied, “Yes, ‘she’,” Koukin looked up at the pouring shower head, feeling the warm water wash over her face, “my lover from my old world.”

She shouldn’t go into details, less the pain of longing starts stinging, yet Bell surprised her with a question.

“Who was she?” Bell asked curiously. He knew his familia members well, some more than others, but it was more to do with their personality and interests, rather than their pasts.

He knew some of their pasts, like Arue going into dramatic detail about her life as a novelist, or Hana, describing her experience as an artist alongside her cousin, and Chitoge was more than happy to describe her experience and success as a fashion designer in her old world, granted she was quite older back then than how she was now.

Others however were more subdued in discussing their past. Takeru would only tell him so much about a war that spanned the world that she was a part of, Kallen could get aggressive when asked about her world and would often just reply monosyllabically in an effort to end the discussion quicker, less it bring up ill memories.

Koukin was definitely in the latter of the two. Besides little snippets here and there and her obvious known experience as a strategist, she seldom talked about her old world or the people she knew in it.

As she looked at Bell’s back and felt the water calm her body, she decided that maybe, just maybe, she could share a little bit.

“She was the first princess in the kingdom I served,” softly began Koukin, “I met her when I was young, a child, and was already in training to become a strategist and aid for her mother. I spent most of my childhood growing up with her.”

She smiled, recalling those memories, “When we were little, we were mischievous little things, always causing trouble for someone, her more than me. We often got chewed out by her mother, though she would often chew us out for ‘not being more ambitious’ with our little tricks around the court and kingdom, and my lover would take that to heart.”

Bell perked his ears at the sound of her lover’s mother, ‘they were scolded for not having more ‘ambition’ with their fun?” he thought, ‘what kinda kingdom was theirs?’

Koukin continued, “When we were finally of age to take the roles we were assigned, we had already experienced so much together. Festivals, battles, ceremonies, you name it,” she dropped one hand from Bell’s back and held it to her heart, recalling a very pleasant and precious memory, “One night, we were together after a successful battle, in bed with one another and we realized something. We loved each other, more than either of us thought.”

Koukin looked at the back of Bell’s head, anticipating what she would see next, she continued, “We made love that night, long into the night,” sure enough, she saw Bell’s ears burn red at the reveal. Koukin fought back a laugh, her captain really was adorable.

She continued, “From then on, we were closer than ever before. I was not only her lover, but a trusted confidant and aid. We shared our thoughts, our worries, our joy, our laughter,” she smiled more and more as she continued, “it was truly wonderful when we were with each other.”

Bell kept silent the whole time she talked, taking in the information. He had never heard Koukin talk so passionately and so joyfully about someone. Whoever her lover was, she must have been really special.

“What was her name?” Bell asked curiously. He wanted to know the name of the person who brought his familia member and friend so much joy.

“Hakufu,” Koukin said softly in answer, “Hakufu Sonsaku.”

Saying her name brought a small pain to her heart, as if feeling an old wound that hasn't fully healed yet again. She has been in this world for close to a month now and yet she still feels longing for her old one, or at least her comrades there in any case.

She knew she technically wasn’t ‘the’ Koukin Shuuyu, she was under no illusions about that. Yet, how cruel it was for her to have to know that and know the life she had in her previous one.

Koukin, unconsciously, found herself suddenly pressing closer to Bell. Wrapping her arms around his naked chest from behind, feeling her bare breasts press against his back.

Bell tensed at her touch and seemed to be about to say something before he felt her tighten her arms around him. This wasn’t a sensual gesture, this was one of comfort. Koukin needed to hold onto something, to someone right now and Bell was there for just that.

Bell could be dense at times, unbelievably so. Yet he knew when someone was in enough pain and was asking for help.

He didn’t turn around, something telling him that wouldn’t be what was right. Gently, he brought a hand up and gently rubbed one of the arms across his chest. Comforting his vice-captain as she sought his comfort in reliving old painful memories. Precious ones, but painful nonetheless.

“It’s funny,” he heard her say, “I came in here to tease you and give you another lesson in getting comfortable around women,” he felt her press herself deeper into his back, feeling the fullness of her breasts in great detail , the softness of her cheek pressing against him, and the stands of cascading hair that touched him, “yet here I am, having you to comfort me,” she looked down at the water pouring at their feet and being drained away, “not my greatest strategy, it must be said.”

Bell had no comment to that, he suspected Koukin’s intentions weren’t exactly upfront at the start and braced himself for whatever happened. Yet right now, none of that matters. All that mattered now was finding comfort with one another.

‘I wish there was something I could do,’ Bell though, ‘something I could-’

He realized something just now, as he felt Koukin press against his back.

His back! His magic!

“What if I could help you,” Bell suddenly said, “what if I could reunite you two?”

Koukin took her head from Bell’s back and unwrapped her arms as well, staring at him in puzzlement, “what do you mean ‘reunite’?” she asked.

Bell continued, “My magic, remember? I can summon allies from different worlds,” he raised a hand and clenched it in determination, “If I can summon you, why can’t I summon her as well?”

Koukin blinked at her captain, surprised by his words and honestly, flattered. A part of her knew that Bell would say something like that, if her analysis on his character was anything to go by, which was why what she said next hurt her just as it would Bell.

“Thank you captain,” she said earnestly, “but you and I both know it’s not that easy,” he tone became more neutral, “the summoning is random and the odds of you pulling another from my world are slim at best. Not to mention, I have it on good belief that you don’t have the Tier summon available for her,” she spoke with just a tinge of pride now, “Hakufu is definitely a Tier or two higher than myself. She was a formidable warrior as she was a ruler.”

Koukin didn’t want to burst her captain’s bubble, but facts had to be stated before he went off doing something crazy like summoning a whole mess of people when they didn’t even have the space to house them.

Not to mention, the only way he could get such a high tier summon right now was through the bonus tasks, which were varied and dangerous at the best of times, and who knows what he would have to do in order to get such a reward.

But Bell wasn’t one to be deterred, “Then I’ll get it somehow. I’ll get the summon requirement met and I’ll try each time to bring Hakufu to you.”

Koukin stared at her captain, disbelief in her eyes, she knew Bell could be stubborn but this was too much.

“Bell,” she said gently, “I’m flattered but you don’t have to-”

Bell turned around and faced her, drawing a surprised silence from the strategist. Bell stared at her with a determined fire in his eyes, Koukin found herself staring into that red-eyed gaze with no small amount of shock.

“I will,” he said, his tone without doubt, “I promise you, no matter how many times I fail, no matter how many tasks I complete, no matter what happens, I will bring your lover to you.”

Koukin was at a loss for words. She hadn’t expected this to happen, she didn’t expect him to be serious about it. Yet one just had to look into Bell’s eyes to see for themselves how serious he was.

She wanted to call him out, wanted to reject his optimistic belief and call it false hope. Shame him for giving her hope that may never come to pass.

Yet she couldn’t find the words, as the warm water continued to spray down upon them, Koukin felt a different warmth begin to form in her chest.

Was it hope? Or was it something else entirely? Something that only Bell had ever brought out of her.

No, that was incorrect. Someone else made her feel like this before.

Looking deeper into Bell’s eyes, seeing that determination, she couldn’t help but compare.

‘They both have that same fire in their eyes.’

“Very well, captain,” Koukin said, speaking formally but with a clear and evident smile on her face, “I will hold you to it. Prove my doubts wrong and succeed,” her smile turned soft, “bring me my Hakufu and my gratitude will be endless.”

Bell softened his gaze and smiled in turn, “I will,” he said, “just you wait.”

Koukin realized something then, now that the atmosphere had changed back, and she glanced down, just for her eyes to widen.

Bell co*cked his head at her sudden reaction, before looking down himself and as a result, her as well.

He remembered they were both naked. In the shower.


Reality came crashing back down.

With a high pitched sound that no man should have made, Bell covered himself and turned around, closing his eyes the whole time.

“I’m sorry!” he exclaimed, embarrassed for his actions.

Koukin shook her head to clear it of what she just saw and replied, “No need to apologize Bell, it was my fault in any case,” she turned and drew the curtains aside, “I believe that’s enough showering for me anyhow. I’ll leave you to yours.”

Bell heard her leave and draw the curtains back, signifying her departure. With a sigh, he stood up and waited for Koukin to depart the basem*nt good and proper.

Bell realized something else and looked down at himself.

His shower was going to be a bit longer and a lot colder.

Koukin returned to her room, her face red with a fierce blush.

That whole event was maybe too bold, even for her. If there is a next time, she’ll pace herself much better.

‘Next time,’ she thought, ‘Next time I have to be careful.’

She suddenly squirmed and dived under the covers of her bed, as if hiding from the reality of the world.

‘How could someone so innocent looking, possess something so big?’

That was a surprise in and of itself. What really stuck in Koukin’s mind was Bell’s vow.

“I promise you, no matter how many times I fail, no matter how many tasks I complete, no matter what happens, I will bring your lover to you.”

The audacity of such a claim bordered on the ridiculous. Koukin knew that the odds of him succeeding were slim, ridiculously so.

Yet not impossible.

Koukin was a pragmatist, always had been. She saw things for what they were in front of her and planned accordingly. Whether against whatever was in front of her or with whatever’s in front of her. She would have a plan.

That mindset didn’t leave much room for hope, and yet…

Koukin turned and stared up at her ceiling, her blankets wrapped around her, her gaze contemplating.

She remembered Bell’s eyes, the ruby red eyes that burned with determination and a force of will she had only seen in a scant few.

Those few who she trusted with her heart and soul in her past life.

She signed before finding the strength to get up and turn off her light, landing back in her bed with an exhausted ‘poof’ sound.

As she closed her eyes, ready to dream, a final thought crossed her mind.

‘Could I really hope that Bell would succeed?’

She snuggled further into her blankets, as if seeking more warmth than they could provide.

‘Could I hope to see her again?’

Bell woke up before the sun rose, anxious to start his day. To start his new training.

To train with Ais Wallenstein.

After getting ready and heading out into the still night covered city, Bell ran as fast as he could to his destination.

When discussing where they could train, Ais helpfully suggested a section on Orario’s walls to train upon. It was seldom patrolled during that time of day and it gave them plenty of space to work with without being interrupted.

Bell dashed to that place right now, his excitement palpable. So palpable, he could barely afford to pay attention to anything else.

Which was why what happened next shouldn’t have come as a surprise.

As Bell turned a corner, he ran into someone, both being knocked back with shouts of surprise.

Bell shook his head and stood up, looking at who he ran into.

Still on the ground was a young woman, around Bell’s age, who was nursing her bum at her abrupt landing.

“Sorry, are you alrig-”

He was cut off suddenly in realization, hand extended to offer her a hand up when he suddenly got a good look at her.

Besides her honey-brown hair, cute face, and clothes, there was a very noticeable feature about her that Bell saw.

Her long pointed ears, signifying her as an elf.

He was about to withdraw his hand, conscious of the sensitive belief that elves did not enjoy physical contact, but was surprised to find the elf graciously accepted his hand and lifted herself up.

“Thank you,” she said, letting go of his hand, “Sorry for running into you, I wasn’t looking where I was going.”

“No no no, it was my fault,” Bell said, rubbing the back of his head, “I was distracted and wasn’t paying attention.”

They both tried to make it their own fault and apologize again but eventually they both found it pedantic and moved on to just say “sorry” once again and leave it at that.

The elf suddenly perked up, as did her ears, in remembrance, “Excuse me,” she began, “you haven’t seen Ais Wallenstein, have you?”

Bell was still as the elf went into describing Ais in detail, emphasizing a need to find her, Bell grew nervous when it became abundantly clear that this elf was a fellow familia member of Ais and Bell didn’t need to put two and two together to understand that Ais could get into trouble in offering to train him.

Not because her fellow familia members would be totally against it, her Goddess, Loki, on the other hand…

Bell had heard more than his fair share of ramblings from Hestia when Loki was brought up and he imagined the feeling was mutual for Loki with Hestia.

He didn’t want that cascade to fall on him.

The elf before him stood still, waiting for his response to her questions. Bell in turn kept staring at the elf, a nervous smile on his face accompanied by similar sweat running down his brow.

This whole situation resulted in an outcome that Bell was far too familiar with whenever he was nervous and around a beautiful woman.

Bell turned and ran.

The elf stared at Bell in bewildered surprise, completely caught off guard. She furrowed her brows in disbelief and at the whole strangeness of the reaction.

He definitely knew something about Ais and she’d be damned if she didn’t find out why.

She quickly took off after him, “Hey! Get back here, you!”

Bell and the elf ran around the city, through streets, alleyways, and empty buildings, causing a ruckus.

This meeting would result in an unexpected relationship, a rivalry between the two.

This was the fateful meeting of Bell Cranell and the ‘Thousand Elf’ Lefiya Viridis. A meeting that would affect both their worlds in equal measure in times to come.

If Bell could keep running from her right now that is.

Ais awaited atop the wall, her gaze looking at the far horizon beyond the city, the sun hadn’t even begun to rise so it was still plenty dark. She turned her gaze behind her, to the city, where a few lights were beginning to be turned on to signify businesses preparing to open in the morning proper or citizens and adventurers who wanted an early start to their day.

Ais watched a bit longer, trying to find someone in the dimly lit city. He should have been here by now and she began to wonder what was taking him so long.

She also began wondering what she would even be teaching him anyway. She had never trained anyone before and Bell would be her first.

Defense? Offense? Support? Wait, she didn’t know much at all about support. She did as a child, but it lasted short and the lesson was seldom retained after she became part of the vanguard.

Ais crouched and rubbed at her head, stressing her issue at hand and of another revelation.

‘If they found out, I’ll be in trouble!’

She hadn’t told her familia members about what she was doing. More importantly, she hadn’t told Finn, Gareth, or Reveria about what she was doing.

Her guardians and mentors had taught her everything she knew and she was about to pass some of that knowledge down to someone outside her familia. She can’t imagine that going well with the others, should they find out.

Ais lifted her head as another thought crossed her mind, one that put a little more confidence in her.

‘Still, I want to learn how he grew so fast! Especially with the expedition coming up.’

She had a week to train him, after that, the expedition was awaiting her and she would be gone for who knows how long.

She thought then of herself, with an innocent and pure look about her that she once wore and how she saw that similar look in Bell’s face when she offered to train him. Except excitement turned his innocent face into something brighter that Ais enjoyed seeing.

‘Also, seeing his expression makes me want to meet his expectations as best as I can.’

She pumped her arms to her side and gave a huff of determination, her resolve focused once more.

‘It’s my first time teaching someone, I can’t fail! I’ll do my best!’

Her confidence suddenly dropped as she once again remembered a glaring issue she had right now.

‘Still…what should I teach him?’

Any further thoughts were interrupted by the sound of someone walking up the stairs to the tower that led to the wall. She turned to see who it was and was pleasantly surprised to see Bell making his way up to her.

She blinked in shock at his disheveled appearance, he looked like he ran a marathon before he got here, sweat ran down his face and his hair was a mess.

Bell smiled at the sight of her, the action making him look even more tired, “G…good mor…ning,” he said with a tired breath.

“Good morning,” Ais replied, then added, “What happened?”

Bell managed to keep his smile as he limped along the stairs, “I’m sorry…I was chased by a forest fairy.”

The reply caught Ais off guard, definitely a unique answer, “A fairy?” she asked.

Bell's strength eventually left him and he went to his knees just before reaching the top of the stairs, “She was really beautiful,” he said blearily, before collapsing softly on the stone and lowering his head, “and really scary,” he finished.

Ais crouched so she could look at him closely, concern written on her features. Bell hadn’t passed out but he seemed a coin toss away from doing just that.

“Can I rest for a little while?” he asked hopefully.

Ais had no reason to refuse, not when she saw him like this, “Sure,” she replied.

So far, the first day of their training session was a unique one to say the least.

To train with the city’s best.

His will and body put to the test.

A promise made to reunite.

His comrade and her lover one night.

Time will tell if his words were boast or jest.

AN: Another long one and this one just puts my story at the 130k mark. Holy crap, I didn’t think I would make it this long. This story started as a writing challenge for myself so I could practice writing an actual book one day and before I knew it I had written a book length fanfiction and to my further shock, I see people actually bookmarking, commenting, and liking my story. Which I am grateful for in so many ways, thank you!

These next few chapters are where I’ll really be tested in how I write them and it may take me a bit longer in updating so I can refine some dents in my story. One event in particular coming up is probably gonna be my favorite chapter to write about since it’s been in my head ever since I conjured up this story. Looking forward to that.

Again, thank you for your support, comments, kudos, and critiques. I found them valuable and appreciated them in great measure.

Until next time, farewell and take care!

Chapter 19

Chapter Text

Chapter 19

Takeru blocked a slash aimed at her neck and replied with two quick slashes in reply. Kallen blocked the first and dodged the second strike before stepping back and creating distance between them.

Kallen ducked low and leaped back toward Takeru, swinging her sword from below, Takeru succeeded in blocking the strike but in an impressive display of athleticism, Kallen twisted her body around her strike and swung out with a leg to Takeru’s head.

Takeru saw this and adjusted her block to intercept the kick with the butt of her sword, she then drew back a hand from her grip and launched a palm strike to Kallen’s stomach, making the redhead gasp before she was launched away by the force of impact.

She rolled along the ground for a moment before coming to a halt. Takeru was relieved to see her stand up, albeit on shaking legs, with a firm grip still on her sword.

Neither of them were using real blades for this spar, having substituted them for wooden simulacrums. Nevertheless, getting hit by one would hurt like a bitch, as Kallen would testify, given she had some potent bruises on her body right now.

Meanwhile, Takeru had not a single one in her. Throughout their spar, Takeru had succeeded in blocking or deflecting Kallen’s strikes toward her, frustrating the girl to no end. Though in her defense, Takeru can safely say Kallen has been one of the most aggressive partners she had to spar with and saw bright things in the girl's future as a combatant.

Kallen knew she shouldn’t be surprised she was on the back foot in terms of this spar, she was technically fighting a living legend from her nations’ history. A fact that still boggled her mind whenever she thought about it. Regardless of that, she was determined to land at least one blow against her by the end of this session.

“Are you well enough to continue?” Takeru asked Kallen, already knowing the answer.

Kallen spat to the side and wiped her mouth before looking at Takeru and getting into a stance, “You need to try harder than that to put me down,” she said with a vicious smile.

Takeru smiled at the answer and got ready again, “Understood,” she replied, “I’ll have to try harder than.”

They went at it again, wooden blades clashing and ringing through the grounds, where others were training around them.

Chitoge and Hana were having their own sparring session with each other. Each meeting the other with fists, kicks, holds, and throws, earning bruises and welts for their efforts. Neither was willing to yield to the other, but Chitoge was certainly winning in terms of successful strikes. Even still, she didn’t want to be caught in Hana’s hold again, the girl had a mean grip and excellent technique. Not to mention getting thrown through the air did not feel good for her stomach.

Some distance from them, amidst a few partially collapsed buildings, Ibuki and Elbia were both testing themselves in terms of their speed and dexterity in a makeshift game of keep away. One would possess a colored ribbon that the other had to get for themselves, then the roles would reverse. They used the buildings as a sort of obstacle course to offer them a better challenge, as well as work on their maneuverability.

Ibuki’s ninja training was being put to the test against Elbia’s primal instincts and awareness. Both had had the ribbon taken from them in a rather intense back and forth, but both were still fresh of breath and ready to continue onward.

In another area, Koukin was working on control of her weapon, spinning, swinging, and lashing out with her whip at stone debris targets this way and that. She knew she was great with this weapon but knew she could get even better and pushed herself into doing so. Especially now that she could train earnestly without worrying about her health like she had in her old life.

Nearby was Arue, who was looking at a large stone wall with a focused red eye. Its surface was scorched almost entirely, the gray stone turning a charcoal black from her repeated spell strikes. She had been using her fireball spell constantly in an effort to exhaust herself and expand her mind reserves. She had to have thrown dozens of fireballs at the wall and was only now starting to get winded.

She knew she had a vast store of mind to draw her magic from but despite numerous trips to the dungeon, she never found her limit thanks to her cautious approach in dispatching the monsters at range. It was a sound strategy, not one she would change, but she had to see where her limits lie with her magic and how she could improve upon them.

Hestia familia was treating this early morning as a training day for themselves after hearing about Bell and his new tutor. They all knew he would be pushing himself in his training, especially if his teacher was a level six adventurer, so it was agreed that today, until he came back, they too would push themselves like he no doubt was.

When Hestia first heard from Koukin that Bell was being trained by Ais Wallenstein, or Ais Whalen-what’s-it by Hestia, her first thought was to rush out and grab Bell away from her rivals favorite child. There was just a few problem with that, one, Hestia didn’t know where they are, two, Bell would be upset if she interrupted his training with Ais, and three, Koukin outright told her to stop being ridiculous and let him be while she focused on other things that were important.

Namely figuring out a time and place to tell Bell the shared skill of his companions or finally work on her familia emblem since she didn’t even have one in the first place.

Midday was approaching and everyone was taking a break from their exertions, some readily downed stamina potions and healing potions to get themselves ready for a time of dungeon diving. They were all talking amongst themselves when a familiar figure was seen walking towards him.

Bell Cranell was walking slowly back to his familia home, his fellow members were all outside and greeted him with waves and smiles. When he was close to his home entrance he paused, just enough for Takeru to come up and ask him a question.

“Captain,” she greeted, “how was your training with the Sword Princess?”

Bell stared at her with a blank expression and she could now see the exhausted in his eyes. What happened next solidified the fact that Bell’s new training was quite arduous.

Bell fell face forward and collapsed.

This would be a pattern in these next coming days, Bell would train with Ais in the early morning and come home half dead.

His familia was worried of course but nothing could dissuade Bell from his determination in seeing his training through, even if he comes home more worse for wear than he ever did in the dungeon. It was progress, brutal but effective progress.

Seeing his drive to continue, the others reluctantly held their tongues on the matter but that didn’t stop them in making sure he went there with plenty of healing and stamina potions.

He tried to argue, believing they were better spent for when they went into the dungeon but a smack at the back of the head from Kallen, a flick of the nose from Ibuki, a brief elbow to the ribs from Arue, and an emotionless but judgmental look from Hana, stopped whatever argument he could make.

After all their morning training was done, they would go into the dungeon to test their abilities further against the monsters, as well as grow their familia coffers in getting magic stones.

All in all, the Hestia familia was going strong this week.

Bell narrowly dodged a slash of Ais’s sword, the sheathed blade cutting swiftly through the air. He acted out quickly, back stepping a pace so he could brace for the next strike. Sure enough, it came for him, with his new stance set, he managed to block successfully before swinging his knife up in retaliation. Ais dodged the blow with ease but had a smile on her face at Bell’s quick thinking and instinctive response.

He learned to counterattack properly and regularly, a step up from how he was a few days ago and Ais was happy with his progress. She could tell he was happy too as that glowing smile of his appeared again.

Their training had been productive as it had been interesting. Ais was rough at first when she was first teaching Bell, having knocked him out a great number of times by accident, but she gradually learned to temper her blows to actually impart a few lessons now that Bell was no longer in any danger of being knocked out.

Well…not knocked out quite so often. There had been instances of Ais being wrapped up in her thoughts regarding Bell’s progress that she forgot to hold back. Resulting in Bell seeing her scabbard come to his head before stars flashed before his eyes.

Though this led to an odd circ*mstance. Whenever Bell was knocked out, he would wake up in Ais’s lap, who was stroking his hair softly while staring down on him. Bell was, of course, rendered a blushing mess by such a gesture. A reaction that Ais picked up upon and eventually asked him about it.

“Do you not like it?” she asked innocently.

Bell needed a moment before replying but found his mouth already in full motion to explain, poorly, “No no no! It’s not that I don’t like it. It’s just a big surprise waking up to it is all.”

Ais co*cked her head at that answer, thinking about that answer for a bit, “So you don’t mind it if you’re not ‘awake’?” she had a sudden gleam in her eye as she said that.

Bell was scared all the sudden, he did not like that look in her eyes. They soon began to spar once again and Bell would get knocked out, just to wake up in Ais’s lap.

This happened again and again…and again…and again.

By the end of the training, Bell counted himself lucky he didn’t walk away with a concussion.

The next day, they were both recovering from their last sparring session and found themselves resting, Bell more so than Ais, who didn’t look even remotely winded.

Bell was beside her, sitting on the ground, backs to the wall, his breath coming out in raw pants. He had downed a stamina potion but still found himself gasping after the session. Ais watched him all the while, her expression neutral, giving Bell no insight to her thoughts.

He honestly felt like he wasn’t doing well enough, despite his progress. Feeling his goal was much further than he thought before. Nevertheless, he was determined to push forward this final day. Even if he felt like his progress wasn’t enough, it was still progress and he felt it in his bones.

He turned to look at the sky, seeing its morning blue color, it brought a smile to his face.

“It is very nice out today,” Ais said beside him, he turned his gaze to her and saw her head tilted up to the sky as well, a small smile on her face as she watched the clouds move above, “I used to do this whenever I was little. After a long day of training or going into the dungeon. It helped me relax.”

At that Ais suddenly let out a deep yawn and Bell found himself staring at her. She yawned cutely.

Ais suddenly realized what she did and had a small blush on her face at being caught off guard like that. She had to do something to save face as a teacher. She thought for a moment before coming to a conclusion.

“Let’s nap,” she said suddenly but seriously, “after a good training session, it’s important to really rest up.”

Bell blinked at her wondering where she came to that conclusion, “Umm, Miss Ais, It’s okay if you wanna-”

He was cut off by a stern glare from the Sword Princess, “It’s for training,” she emphasized.

“Miss Ais, if you’re tired, we could-”

“For training.”

Bell wisely shut his mouth after that and watched as Ais layed down on her back and closed her eyes. A moment later, she was asleep, Bell was beside her, amazed she could rest that easily and quickly.

He watched her for a bit, seeing her peaceful expression. It made him happy to see her relaxed.

‘She’s taking time out of her days to train someone like me,’ Bell thought , ‘I shouldn’t be surprised that she would get tired training me so often and so early.’

At the thought of the word ‘early’, Bell felt his own exhaustion hit him again in full, making him lay back as well, feeling his eyes grow heavier and heavier.

Before he felt rest finally take him, Bell had one thought go through his mind.

‘I hope the others are having a good time today.’

Chitoge was not having a good time today, in fact, she was having an embarrassing time right now.

Chitoge stood behind a food stand, but not just any food stand.

“Hey Chitoge,” whispered Hestia beside her, “smile a bit more. We need to attract customers, not scare them off.”

She was at the food stand that her Goddess, Hestia, worked at, aiding her Goddess in manning the stand and dispensing the potato puff treats that were quite popular in the city.

‘I should have said no,’ Chitoge thought , ‘why didn’t I say no?’

Earlier today, Chitoge and Kallen planned on going into the dungeon, wanting to test the results of their training with each other, when suddenly, Hestia came running towards them, a desperate look in her eye as well as a few tears.

They were immediately concerned that something happened to her and were quick to rush to her aid. After a few frantic words and gestures for them to follow her, they immediately rushed alongside her to see the problem. She led them right to her potato puff food stand that stood empty. They blinked in shock before feeling someone grab at their clothing, looking down they saw the Goddess again with tears in her eyes.

“Please help me!” she wailed, “The stall owner had to leave to take care of another stall and left me all alone,” she shook their clothes in her grasp, “the lunch hour is about to start and I need help! Please, my precious, kind, compassionate, loving children, help your poor Goddess!”

‘Ah, that’s right,’ Chitoge thought , ‘hard to say no when your Goddess puts on that pathetic of a show in public.’

Chitoge and Kallen had agreed to help Hestia but were surprised by the positions they were assigned. Chitoge expected just to do the labor part and just let Hestia deal with the customers while she got the food ready, but no, she had to be the front face along with Hestia in addition to preparing the food.

Chitoge glanced to the side outside the stand, remembering that she got off lucky in helping in manning the stand.

Kallen however…

Standing just a short distance away from the stand was what appeared to be a giant fluffy fried potato puff with a cartoonish smile and eyes sewn into it, complete with inordinately thin but long arms and legs. It was a mascot costume that Hestia just so happened to have on hand when the both of them arrived at the stall.

One in which Kallen was currently wearing and Chitoge did not envy her at all right now. In fact, she was honestly scared standing near her right now.

She swore she could hear Kallen grind her teeth in rage from inside the costume.

“Hestia,” Chitoge whispered to her Goddess, “you better have something nice planned for Kallen later,” she took another glance at the mascot bound girl, who was standing eerily still, “I don’t think a ‘thank you’ is gonna be enough for something like this.”

Hestia gave no motion to Chitoge’s words but a good amount of nervous sweat did drip off her head, “Yeah, I think I got a little ahead of myself with that one. Don’t worry though, I’ll be sure to pay Kallen back for this little favor.”

They watched as a child and their mother made their way to the stand, the child stopped in front of the mascot clad Kallen with a smile, looking up at the funny costume before suddenly crying and running back to their mother, hiding behind her legs.

“Mom! Mom! That potato puff growled at me!” the now frightened child said.

Hestia gulped at the sight and Chitoge nudged her with her elbow, a rye expression on her face.

“Better hope you still have a job ‘to’ pay her back, Hestia,” Chitoge said.

The Hearth Goddess could only give a pitiful whine.

Koukin stared at the store owner, her gaze cool enough to chill the air. To the store owner’s credit, she met the stare with a heated one of her own, a gaze full of unyielding fire.



Neither seemed interested in giving ground to the other, choosing to continue this silent battle of wills.

Eventually, the silence was broken.

“Fifteen percent,” the amazon store owner said, “I won’t go any higher, not with the materials I need to make the wardrobe.”

Koukin raised an elegant eyebrow in response, “Really?” she asked, “From what I heard, you’ve done awfully well in sales in regards to the clothing design I provided you,” she made a gesture at her chest, at the clothing she wore, “now that I have a better idea on the future sales numbers, I’d say a higher royalty is a proper way to finalize our business dealings.”

The shopkeeper scoffed at Koukin, “Your request for twenty percent is too high, not for how hard it is to make your wardrobe. I thought the additional copies of clothing I provided you would be enough to balance the scales between us?”

Koukin pushed up her glasses a gleam in her emerald eyes, “That was already previously agreed upon, royalties were a discussion we never brought up until your letter came and notified me,” her gaze became iron, “which told me you had already decided on the given royalties without my knowledge or consent.”

That little reveal got the shopkeeper to look away, a look of embarrassment and a bit of shame on her features, “It was the best estimate I could give you at the time,” she said without looking her in the eyes, “I hadn’t heard from you in a while so I decided to go through with it.”

Koukin didn’t need to be a genius to figure out the shopkeeper’s words and what they ‘really’ meant.

‘You were gone and I had the opportunity to make some good money, don’t blame me for jumping at the opportunity.’

Koukin gave a sigh and rubbed the bridge of her nose. The shopkeeper saw this and thought it was a sign of weakness. She focused her gaze back to Koukin, prepared to go on the market offensive once again.

Unfortunately she wasn’t prepared for the renewed glare Koukin leveled her way just then, “Your best ‘estimate’ was five percent. Don’t try to weasel your way out of what you committed,” she slammed her palms on the table and leaned forward, “twenty percent, that should be more than enough for each of us to be comfortable with.”

Again the amazon adamantly shook her head, “I admit I was… greedy, for lack of a better word, but I need a big share for the materials and production costs alone. Surely, you understand that?”

Koukin did understand.

“The materials, though not cheap, are not inexpensive enough for you to struggle with obtaining them and production isn’t a problem given how you have already sold a great chuck of your stock already and haven’t had difficulty in resupplying,” she gestured over to where a mannequin was dressed in her wears, posed provocatively around a rack of the example clothing.

The shopkeeper was sweating at openly being called out and found any defensive argument she could raise wasn’t going to end well when the evidence was all around them.

But Koukin wasn’t done, “I understand that, as a businesswoman, you are determined to get the best deal out of your situation and opportunity. Believe me, it’s not the first time I’ve done work with someone like that. Nevertheless, the royalties are not simply going to me,” she held a hand to her heart, her gaze softening, “they are going to my familia as well. We are looking to either expand or purchase a new place for our growing familia. This deal will provide a steady amount of income, which is very much needed.”

The shopkeeper listened, her face softening as she heard the words.

Eventually, she sighed in resignation. The more she thought of it, the more she realized how much she owed to Koukin for her unique clothing. Since she copied the design and put it into her store, it had been a very popular choice of clothing for not only her amazon customers, who enjoyed the unique display of refined mixed with sensual, but also other customers like humans, chienthropes, dwarfs, and even a few elves.

“Okay,” she said to Koukin, “I’ll agree to twenty percent, but no higher. I have to keep some dignity as a merchant.”

Koukin smiled, glad the shopkeeper saw reason.

“Thank you,” she said, “I and my familia certainly appreciate it.”

The amazon shopkeeper gave an idle wave in acknowledgment, simply happy to have gotten these tense negotiations over with and just wanted this day to end.

Koukin saw her look and decided to at the very least throw her a bone.

Walking over to the far side of the store, Koukin selected a few articles of clothing and went back to the front desk, showing what she picked.

The shopkeeper’s eyes looked at what Koukin selected and they widened as she saw what she selected.

In the strategist’s hands, was a two piece bikini set that put the emphasis on ‘minimal cover’. It was scarcely a set of triangles and a thong that only covered just enough.

“I am curious about something,” Koukin suddenly said, “I noticed you have a wide assortment of swimwear. Given how I lack such items, perhaps you could help me in selecting some. I’m thinking of going to Melen one day and could use a professional eye for such things.”

The shopkeeper stared at Koukin, then at the bikini, then back at Koukin, then again, back at the bikini.

A slow perverted smile came across the shopkeeper’s face, maybe today wouldn’t be so bad after all.

Takeru walked along a procession, looking and monitoring her surroundings with a careful eye.

She was looking far more at the procession itself than anywhere else, given what was being transported.

Being guided along by bull and cart with the help of some elephant masked familia members, monsters from the dungeon were being transported to a new security area underneath the coliseum run by the Ganesha familia.

Takeru was acting as additional security to ensure a safe travel for the Ganesha familia and for the monsters themselves.

Takeru didn’t think her day would involve being a part of an escort detail. She was taking it easy after her own trip into the dungeon and trying her luck on the floors past the tenth. She made it to the thirteenth before turning back, her curiosity sated and bringing fresh news about what to expect to her familia.

Though she would keep quiet from the Guild about her little curious exploration. Eina had enough to deal with involving Bell, she didn’t want to add on to the poor half-elf’s troubles.

Before she made her way home, she was spotted by a familiar figure from her experience at Monsterphilia. Ganesha, God of the masses, had stopped her and beseeched her aid.

At first, Takeru wanted to decline, given he started asking her while posing in the middle of a public street and screaming at the top of his lungs. When the topic of the monsters they kept came into the conversation, Takeru believed that it was best to lend whatever aid she could to ensure an incident like at Monsterphilia couldn’t happen again.

So here she was, watching and monitoring things as they progressed along. Keeping an eye out for any monster that grew bold enough to attempt a breakout or if anyone was foolish enough to try to break the monsters out themselves.

Thankfully, there was no issue and eventually the Ganesha familia managed to relocate the monsters successfully.

Takeru watched from the side as they finished settling the monsters in their new location, noticing something for the first time.

Some of these monsters were far more… passive than the previous ones she encountered from the familia. Sure they still growled and lunged at anyone if they got too close to their cages, but they didn’t actively try to break out despite some of them being more than capable of such a thing.

They had dragons for crying out loud, lesser ones to be sure, but still capable of flight and breathing fire. Yet they were shockingly docile and Takeru swears she saw one Ganesha member reach into the cage and pet one of the beasts, though it responded with a deep growl at the contact.

‘What kind of monsters are these?’ Takeru thought.

“I am Ganesha!” a loud and boastful voice rang out from beside her.

Takeru nearly drew her blade to cut down the sudden surprise when she regained her calm and recognized who it was.

She turned and gave a nod in greeting, “Hello lord Ganesha,” she said, “everything go well with the relocation?”

The elephant masked founder of his own familia posed in front of her before replying, “Indeed! We have been successful in our efforts today! No injuries, no breakouts, and no slip up’s,” he stood proud then, arms crossed, “as expected of my lovely children. The children of none other than I!” he lifted his arms and flexed them proudly, “Ganesha!”

Takeru stared at the God in bewilderment. She knew from her past interaction with him that Ganesha was a weird God to say the least and that was putting it lightly. She knew of no other God or Goddess that acted quite like him but to his credit, despite acting strange most of the time, Ganesha had shown himself to be a caring and capable deity.

Though it still surprised her that he would still continue to plan and hold events like Monsterphilia, despite what transpired not too long ago. Despite being a God of the masses, he seemed rather adamant in the technique of monster taming, regardless of the risks.

Though, if she were honest, Takeru wouldn’t mind being able to tame such beasts. Maybe even ride one into battle?

This thought conjured the image of herself donned in her armor and riding a ligerfang into battle.

Yeah…she wouldn’t mind at all.

“I must thank you again Miss Yamato,” Ganesha said, breaking her out of her thoughts, “your help has been appreciated and valuable to us. If there is anything we could do for you for this favor, let us know,” he flexed and did another pose, “for I, Ganesha, always repay my debt to my friends!”

Takeru blinked in surprise at that statement. She had met this God and his familia no more than twice and he already considered her a friend?

Maybe he really was as crazy as some people say?

A sharp blow struck the back of the elephant masked deity’s head, causing him to cry out in shock and pain. Takeru turned her attention to the perpetrator, who still had an armored fist raised from her strike.

She was a tall woman with azure hair and a stern face, her clothing was orange and covered most of her body except four slits around her legs for ease of movement, her arms were primarily covered in metal gauntlets that did nothing to hide the strength in them, to top it off, she carried a well crafted spear on her back that was ready to be drawn when combat was near.

This was Shakti Varma, captain of the Ganesha familia.

Shakti shook her head at her God’s antics, “Lord Ganesha,” she said with exasperation, “while I appreciate Miss Yamato’s aid as well, perhaps you could lower the enthusiasm while inside a long corridor that ‘echoes’ loudly,” she punctuated this by rubbing her ears with a wince, an action that was seen on a few other familia members nearby as well.

Takeru wasn’t too bothered by Ganesha’s loud enthusiasm, she had endured and tolerated worse, in her own home no less.

Shakti looked at Takeru and gave her a smile, “Though he is right,” she said, “thank you for helping us with the relocation. After Monsterphilia, many of our familia members have been hesitant to approach our captive monsters. With your presence, they feel a bit more secure in performing their duties with them.”

Takeru gave a small smile in response to the words, feeling genuinely grateful for the compliment. Still though, a question came to her mind, one that she couldn’t help but voice.

“If you don’t mind me asking,” she began, “why do you all pursue monster taming so fervently? I know you have some that are…passive around most people, but the risks seem rather high for such actions.”

Shakti didn’t seemed put off by the question and was about to answer, until her God literally barged between them, flexing as he did, “Allow me Shakti,” he said, “I can provide a satisfactory answer.”

His captain looked ready to argue that decision but Ganesha continued on, “You see Miss Takeru, as I’m sure you know, the dungeon spawns all manner of monsters from its seemingly endless depths and adventurers like yourself and my dear Shakti are tasked with eliminating them, less they reach the surface and cause havoc,” he stopped flexing and stood with his arms cross, his expression turned serious, “that alone should provide the masses a sense of security. Unfortunately the same can only be said for those in the city, not to those outside of it.”

Takeru listened closely, her curiosity setting itself to the God’s words.

“While the adventurers slay the beasts underneath the city, that doesn’t mean the monsters outside of it are passive. Not uncommonly, monsters have been known to spawn on the surface world, monsters even from the dungeon itself!”

Takeru was surprised by this, since her summoning, like the others, she’d been imparted with information about the world she was in. From language, brief history, concepts, etc, but there were still some things she had no knowledge of.

Like how there are monsters from the dungeon roaming around on the surface outside the city.

Ganesha could clearly see her worry, despite her usual stern expression being in place, “Fear not Miss Yamato,” he said, “the monsters spawned outside the city are far weaker than any you could find in the dungeon. In comparison, that silverback your captain slew. One spawned outside the city could be dispatched easy enough by a fresh level one adventurer, or even by a group of hearty village militiamen.”

This did set Takeru at ease but also surprised her. Monsters outside the city were ‘that’ weaker than their dungeon counterparts? It was a staggering difference to be sure.

Ganesha continued, “but even though they are considered weaker then their dungeon counterparts, they can still cause a fright to the average populace and many are not prepared to fight such things or even have the courage to do so,” he suddenly flexed again, one arm held out before him and at the monsters, “That is where we come in! By showing the people of the city, nay, the world, that these monsters can not only be beaten, but tamed as well. Then that fear will give way to confidence and through that confidence,” he curled his arms into himself and flexed them, imitating a body builder of some kind, “strength can be found! In themselves and in others! That is my goal with Monsterphilia! That is the goal of I!”

He drew in a deep breath and Takeru saw Shakti wince and cover her ears, an action she followed along with the other familia members.

“Ganesha!” he bellowed, his voice echoing up and down the corridor in deafening quality.

A swift hit to the back of the head, courtesy of Shakti, silenced the God from any more outbursts. She picked up her God by the scruff of his collar and gestured for everyone to keep moving on.

Takeru watched the familia move on without another word, eventually joining along with soft steps.

She was satisfied with the explanation she was given and her respect for this familia rose up a few notches.

Nevertheless, her instincts were telling her something. She firmly believed in what Ganesha told her, there was no doubt in her mind about that.

Yet a part of her felt that there was still more to it, more to Monsterphilia and more to Ganesha’s reason.

More that the God couldn’t say.


An engulfing ball of flame consumed the onrushing killer ants, leaving charred remains for a brief moment before they burst to ash, leaving only the steaming magic stones to fall on the ground.

Arue smiled at her work, lowering her wand, glad she had both a good handle in controlling her power output now and that these monsters were more hardy than those in the upper floors.

No more incinerating magic stones for this Crimson Demon.

She turned to see how the others are doing, just in time to see Hana flip a needle rabbit onto another needle rabbit, reducing both monsters to dust with the impact of her toss, Hana immediately went on the attack again, rushing forward and dropping a well placed heel on top of a nearby killer ant, breaking its head open and bursting to ash a moment later.

Not far off, Elbia was doing her kind proud. After some quick hit-and-run tactics upon a few imps, she successfully led them on and had them pursue her for a distance, then she turned the tables by suddenly moving in a surprising display of speed and agility, jumping, leaping, and dashing around the group of imps, corralling them into a circle of some kind, where the monsters were trying to to follow her movements and take the occasional strike at her, only to hit one of their own instead. Elbia would strike out with swift kicks or even sharp claw swipes at goblins unlucky enough to stray into her avenue of attack.

She looked just like a wolf who lured sheep into an impossible trap.

Arue swung back around to see a group of Imps head her way, one having a landform weapon that could only be generously called a club.

She raised her wand up and again with a chant of “Fireball,” from her lips, another ball of flames shot out and engulfed the onrushing monsters.

She and the others were on dungeon duty today. Earning for the familia coffers and gaining excelia for their own falnas growth.

They would normally have Bell by their side but this training session was going to be significantly longer, given how Ais will soon be going on an expedition and wanted to hammer in any lessons Bell was potentially struggling with.

Arue couldn’t help but feel a pang of remorse for her captain and summoner. After a few days of training with the Sword Princess, Bell was seemingly coming back home more busted and bruised than he ever did from his time in the dungeon, but he seemed overall happy with the training so Arue kept her tongue from voicing any objections. Still, the familia kept telling him to be careful and not overdo it.

Arue stifled a laugh at the thought , ‘It’s impossible to tell that boy not to overdo it. He’s determined like no other I know.’

That wasn’t totally true, she remembered the short, stubborn, and determined fellow Crimson Demon from her school days and how far she was willing to push herself to pursue her passion.

Arue smiled, remembering her along with the others she studied with. Times like these, she does miss them.

She stepped back suddenly as a needle rabbit attempted to jump at her with its horn. She replied by pointing her wand absent mindedly at it and a second later it was nothing but ash, sans magic stone.

“Geeze, here Lili was worried about you for a second.”

Arue looked to where the voice came from and smiled as she saw Lili lower her wrist mounted crossbow.

Since the incident with Lili’s ‘fellow’ familia members, she has taken it upon herself to be the best supporter she could be for Bell and the others, she shared every tip and trick she otherwise kept from them, told them of good spawning locations for the monsters, even offered them some of her own equipment to use in the dungeon, the later of those was rejected of course, they were content with their own means and equipment and didn’t want to take from the earnest pallum.

Arue gave a smile at Lili that glowed with confidence, “Worry not Miss Arde,” she spun around in dramatic flair and pointed her wand in the direction of more monsters coming down the chamber, “the beasts in these depths have little to threaten a Crimson Demon!” her sole visible eye seemed to glow at her dramatic pronouncement and her smile widened at what she felt was a significant display of style and drama.

“The same could be said of a passionate artist!” Hana exclaimed from beside her, facing down the same enemies.

“Agreed!” exclaimed Elbia, who crouched low just to the other side of Arue, “Our muses are burning with inspiration. Let’s end this quick, so I can sketch back home.”

Lili watched the three with a deadpan expression but found herself smiling all the same. Weird though these three were, they certainly knew how to make the dungeon more fun.

She’d only wish Bell was here with them, though for more a personal reason than anything.

But if he was working hard with his training, then Lili would work hard as a supporter!

Bell could honestly say that today was probably the most intense training day he experienced so far.

From dawn to dusk, he and Ais had been training. Bell having reached a point that Ais felt satisfied with and confident he would do well in the dungeon while she was away on her expedition.

A part of her felt a bit sad it was all over, she was unsure at first but over time she realized something.

She enjoyed being in Bell’s company.

The days she had spent with him, training him, lecturing him, and just talking with him, had started out clumsy and confusing, but as time went on, she felt more comfortable around him and more assured by his presence.

Whether it was teaching him how to properly assess an enemy or even the occasional, actually very common, lap pillow she gave him after knocking him out during their spars, Bell Cranell had really started to impress upon her.

It was still a shame that it was over, by tomorrow she would join her familia on their next big expedition into the lower floors.

And uncover the secrets down there that wormed their way up into the city.

Her thoughts briefly went back to an opponent she faced not long ago, red hair and inhuman eyes that stared at her with monstrous contempt. Someone who looked human but was far far from it. A monster that Ais may face once again and hopefully this time she was better prepared for it.

Bell and Ais were walking along the now darkened streets of the city, at this time, most of its inhabitants were ready to call the day over and retire to their beds, a feeling Bell sympathized with. They made their way through a wide alleyway when they brought up short and stopped.

A dark haired man, a cat-person, stood some ways down the alleyway, wielding a long spear and wearing a strange mask that covered half his face, blocking any visual of his eyes.

Bell would have thought the man looked cool were it not for one thing, namely the dangerous air about him that warned Bell of imminent danger.

He felt himself unconsciously tense up, preparing for whatever may happen. He tensed up all the more when he saw the man move the spear slightly.

He saw a flash of silver and a sharp breeze pass over his head the next second, followed by the sound of steel clashing against steel.

Bell blinked as the moment passed and had time to register what just happened, the cat man was now only a few feet away from him and Ais, his spear held in a ready combat position. Ais had her sword out now and held in front of Bell, having blocked the strike that was less than a second away from impaling his head before she reacted. Bell realized this himself and shudder went up his spine at the knowledge.

Whoever this person was, he was definitely a fighter on par with Ais.

Before Bell knew it, Ais and the man sprang into action. Bell could hardly keep up with what he saw, spear clashed with sword in a dazzling display of sparks and flashes. Ais’s swift and elegant technique was matched by the man’s fast and ferocious strikes. Each of them pressuring the other but neither about to yield. Bell saw the man’s face turn into a snarl, as if realizing this fight wasn’t going to go as he wanted and he soon found himself pushed back step by step by Ais’s strikes.

He wouldn’t be backtracking for long though, from above, new opponents joined the fray. Four of them came down from the roofs of nearby buildings and surrounded Ais. They were similarly garbed like the cat man but differently armed, one held a sword, another a spear, another an ax, and the last a hammer.

Bell finally got a good look at the newcomers and was surprised to see they were all pallums. Pallums that wielded such large weapons with relative ease and almost casually at that. Making him wonder if they were as strong as Ais was.

They didn’t have to be for what happened next. Ais, who only a second to register the new arrivals, acted on instinct and managed to dodge the strikes of two of them and followed up with a block and a parry of the other two, after that it went downhill for her when the cat man renewed his assault and was accompanied by the pallums.

Ais dodged, blocked, and parried the storm of strikes that she found herself trapped in. Her attackers giving her almost no time to react on the offensive, leaving her to only respond defensively to their barrage of attacks.

Ais found herself having to backstep their assault, her guard seemingly falling to their barrage with every strike. Her attackers saw this and redoubled their efforts, coming at her from all sides, determined to lay the Sword Princess low.

It wouldn’t be as easy as they thought.

When they were finally close enough and in a formation that Ais wanted, she called upon her magic and with a wide sweep of her sword, unleashed a blast of wind that caught all five of her attackers in one strike, pushing them all back.

Bell was left staring in awe at what he just witnessed , ‘I could barely see anything…this is how a first class adventurer-no, how Ais fights!’

Ais wasn’t going to give them time to recover and she finally went in the attack, leaping back into the fray and striking the four pallums with kicks, pommel strikes, and trips before closing in on the cat man and clashing against his spear again.

The cat man audibly snarled, this attack wasn’t going how he wanted and the Sword Princess was more powerful than he realized. Even with the pallums’ help, things were going to be difficult.

Ais finally realized the identities of her attackers, having gauged their strength and made her decision.

‘No doubt about it, they’re Vana Freya and Bringer,’ she thought.

A level six and four level five adventurers, attacking her out of the blue like this, why?

Ais was having a better time on the offense now that she managed to disrupt them with her powerful attack, but they were closing the gap quickly and it wouldn’t be long before she was put on the defensive again, and this time she doubted her little trick of baiting them into rushing her would work a second time.

Behind her, the four pallums moved in for another assault, this time making sure to rob Ais of any hope of a counterattack with their formation.

Just as they were about to close in, one of them, the one with the ax, suddenly raised his weapon to guard against something heading his way. He briefly felt but clearly heard the sound of something metallic hitting the flat side of his ax, a brief look down revealed it to be a pair of kunai knives.

He heard one of his brothers suddenly hiss a curse and again, the sound of metal hitting one of their weapons rang out, the one with the hammer had raised his guard to block a similar rain of kunai, the sudden and unexpected attack brought their other two brothers up short of their assault and had them all look around for the sudden perpetrator.

They then heard something land in the middle of them, they turned to see a round object had land between them.

With a lit fuse sticking out of it.


The exclamation came just as the bomb exploded. They braced themselves for the concussive blast, only to be surprised when, instead of a blast, a thick cloud of smoke covered the alleyway and themselves.

They looked around themselves, trying to get sight of each other past the thick smoke, the four of them then heard something roll at their feet, looking down, the four of them saw four smaller red bombs.

The fuses of them also lit.

With another curse, the four pallums made to knock the bombs away but once again, they were too late.

The red bombs blew up and this time there was more blast to them but that wasn’t the problem.

The problem was that these were pepper bombs. Very very potent pepper bombs.

The pallum brothers, known as ‘Bringer’ collectively, felt as if their noses were on fire. They shouted and screamed at their misfortune and cursed and swore at whoever was behind this attack.

In the cloud of black smoke, now tinged with red pepper smoke, Bell could very clearly make out what the group was saying, or shouting in this case.

“f*ck! f*ck! f*ck!! When I get my hands on *cough**cough* on whoever did this, they’re gonna pay in blood! *cough*”

“Grer *cough* keep your mouth closed. This stuff is already potent enough smelling it *cough**cough* we can’t let it get to our lungs.”

“Was it that damn rabbit that did this?! *cough**cough**cough* We should have knocked him out to be on the safe side!”

“We should have knocked *cough* his head off *cough**cough* save us the trouble later!”

“Dvalinn, Berling! *cough**cough* Keep your mouths shut! *cough**cough**cough**”

“““Shut up Alfrigg!!!*cough**cough**cough*”””

While the brothers coughed their lungs out, Ais was still facing the cat person, clashing her weapon with his. When they were locked against each other again, the cat person actually talked to her this time.

“Sword Princess,” he began, “this is a warning, if you get in the way of our-,” he stopped for a moment, catching his words, “of that person, we’ll kill you.”

Ais was confused but didn’t let it show on her face or relax her blade, “what do you mean?” she asked.

The cat person answered, rudely at that, “I’m telling you to go hurry the hell up and go on an expedition or something, you porcelain doll.”

Ais didn’t know how to respond to that but she didn’t have to for what happened next.

The cat person broke his lock with Ais and stepped back just in time to dodge a bright light heading towards him. It impacted on the ground in a burst of flames and a mighty explosion.

Both Ais and the cat person turned to see Bell, hand outstretched and smoking from his fired spell, his red eyes focused but nervous sweat beating down his face.

He definitely was in over his head if he thought he could hurt someone who was keeping up with Ais, but he couldn’t stand by and do nothing after seeing all that. He saw the smoke finally clearing from around the four pallums and took his shot. Granted, now he was the focus of attention.

The cat person didn’t seem annoyed at his intervention, but neither was he happy when his gaze landed on his four accomplices, who were only now recovering from the sneak attack they endured.

“Enough,” he said, “we’re pulling out, we’ve done what we came here for.”

The four pallums swiftly made their way near their comrade, still having the occasional coughing fits.

The cat person actually looked back at them in disgust, “You four were careless. If the others were here, you lot wouldn’t be fit to call yourselves executives.”

Enraged by the commentary, the four pallums had their own response to that.

“You sh*tty cat!”

“Like you’re one to talk!”

“Did you even land one hit on the Sword Princess?!”

“What good is a title like Vana Freya if you can’t even live up to the name?!”

The cat person visibly clenched his teeth but didn’t respond to their words. Instead, he vanished in a burst of speed, an action that was soon followed by the rest.

Ais stood there for a moment, making sure they were truly gone. When it became apparent that they were, she sheathed her sword and gave a deep sigh.

‘That was close,’ she thought, glad the fighting was over.

She turned her attention back to Bell, seeing him lower his arm now that the threat was gone. She made her way towards him, a concerned look on her face.

“Are you alright?” she asked genuinely, her gaze looking over him for any injuries.

Bell gave a deep sigh and took in a breath, the moment finally settling in on him, “Yeah,” he replied, “I’m fine Miss Ais.”

She nodded, glad he was, “That was very clever of you,” she commented, “I didn’t notice you had smoke bombs on you.”

Bell gave her a confused look and replied, “That’s the thing,” he said, “I don’t have any smoke bombs on me. I don’t know how that all happened,” he rubbed the back of his head, “I actually thought you threw the bombs.”

Ais shook her head in the negative, “I don’t carry explosives on me,” she co*cked her head to the side, “if it wasn’t you and it wasn’t me, who could have thrown them?”

Bell wasn’t able to comment on that because he was too busy staring at Ais’s face, finding her thinking expression adorable. Eventually he didn’t have to reply to the question, because someone else was.

“Ha ha ha! It was I who threw the bombs and saved the day!”

A voice, seemingly coming from nowhere, made itself known and it was a familiar voice at that, at least to Bell.

He looked around, the same as Ais, trying to find the source before voicing his guess, “Ibuki?”

From the side of one of the buildings nearby, a large piece of camouflaged paper seemingly peeled off the wall, revealing Hestia familia’s resident ninja, dressed in her full ninja garb.

Though her mask was up to cover her face, Bell could clearly see the smile that lay under it, “That was exciting, wasn’t it captain?” she made her way towards them, “Didn’t think my day would end with me pulling out my ninja tricks.”

Bell was surprised by her presence and couldn’t help but ask, “Ibuki, you were there the whole time? How did you know where to find us?”

The ninja laughed at Bell’s bewildered expression and curious questions, having just the perfect answer for him, “I didn’t ‘find’ you. I followed you. I’ve been keeping track of you two since you two ended your training for the day,” she gave him a mock frown and puffed her cheeks, “which, by the way, was insanely long. We knew you were going to be home late but not this late. Some of us were very worried about you.”

Bell had the decency to look sheepish at that and was about to apologize but Ibuki cut him off with a raised finger, “Ah ah ah, no need to apologize Bell. It wasn’t anyone’s fault, it just happened because it happened. Believe me, we’ve all had days like this,” she looked around them then, remembering the fight that took place, “well…maybe not days like these. Who were those guys anyway, they looked like they were out for blood.”

Ais took that moment to make her presence known, “It was Freya familia,” she said, “their Goddess and mine don’t exactly get along.”

That was an understatement of the extreme.

Ibuki nodded, “Ah, rival powers clashing. Seen that before,” she walked up to Bell and gave him a pat on the back, “bad luck you were caught in the crossfire, eh Bell!”

Bell could only nod at her words before realizing something, “Oh! Miss Ais,” he gave a gesture to Ibuki, “this is Ibuki, she’s a member of the Hestia familia like me.”

Ibuki gave an enthusiastic wave at Ais, “Hi! Nice to meet you!” she said, “Thanks for watching out for my captain, that was a pretty intense fight just now, wasn’t it?”

Ais gave a hum of affirmation before replying, “It was but it was also thanks to you as well,” she gestured to the remnants of the bombs, “I would have struggled with all five of them. Thanks to you, I only had to deal with one.”

Ibuki liked the praise she received but managed a slim act of modesty, “Well thank you,” she said, “though, if I’m honest, I totally just wanted to join the fight with you but,” she gave an embarrassed shrug, “I know when I’m outclassed, so those dirty tricks were the most I could offer.”

It was the truth, when Ibuki saw the first strike of the cat man, followed by the group assault by the pallums, Ibuki knew she wouldn’t last but a handful of seconds against those guys, hence her deployment of her ninja techniques and tricks. Even still though, a part of her really wanted to clash against such opponents.

But she was trained to recognize a fight she couldn’t win and how to respond to such a thing. Namely, fight dirty.

“But still Ibuki,” Bell’s voice said from her side, “thank you for your help, without you, who knows what could have happened,” he smiled at her in reassurance and gratitude, “I’m glad you were here to help, thank you.”

Ibuki smiled at Bell’s words, feeling the gratitude in them. She moved to his side and gave him a hug, prompting him to suddenly squeak in surprise.

“Ohhh you’re just the best captain aren’t you,” she gushed, much to Bell’s surprise and embarrassment, “you know how to make a woman feel special, you know that?”

She kept her hug up, despite her captain’s protestations, humming a happy tune all the while. She finally decided her captain had enough and released him from her grasp.

Bell was red faced and still trying to get his bearings together after Ibuki’s sudden display of gratitude. This wasn’t the first time she hugged him but it almost always surprised him every time and it reminded Bell that Ibuki’s ninja clothing did almost nothing to disguise the figure underneath it.

Bell could faintly remember the soft feeling of Ibuki’s chest as well as her subtle but toned physique under the clothes, the memory of it sent another flash of red across his face.

He then remembered something, or rather someone. Bell looked over and saw Ais looking at him and Ibuki with a deadpan expression and if he could look closely, he could faintly see Ais’s cheeks were slightly puffed up.

‘Was she pouting?’ Bell thought.

Ibuki finally remembered Ais and saw her expression as well. Thinking about it for a few seconds, Ibuki hatched a plan.

“Hey Bell,” she said, “why don’t you give Ais a hug too. She worked hard to protect you, didn’t she?”

Bell gapped like a fish at Ibuki’s suggestion, his face once again igniting. He looked to Ais to see her reaction and inevitably her rejection to such an idea.

He was again surprised to see her with pink tickling her cheeks and shuffling her feet.

‘What is that expression?!,’ he thought.

So much had happened today, the training, the surprise nap, the sudden attack, the arrival of his familia’s resident ninja, the hug, and now the chance to hug his idol if she was so inclined.

The sheer number of things threatened to overstimulate Bell and in his manic overthinking he did the one thing he could do in that situation.

He picked a direction and ran, fast.

Ibuki and Ais stared at where Bell was and then down where he went, flabbergasted at what they saw.

“Wow, Koukin was right,” Ibuki said, “he really does run when he gets too flustered,” she looked to Ais then and commented, “at least the training is paying off. I don’t think he was that fast a week ago.”

Ais gave a nod in confirmation. It made her happy, somewhat to see Bell progress like that thanks to her training.

Though she wished he’d stop running away like that, it hurt her feelings.

Eventually, Ibuki bayed Ais farewell and followed after Bell in hopes of taking him back home. Ais waved goodbye as well and wished her a good night before making her own trek back home.

This day had been an excitable one for the Hestia familia and it was safe to say they were all glad to be home and resting after such excitement.

They would enjoy their slumber deeply into the night.

For tomorrow will be a surprise for them all.

And a great trial for their captain.

The Hearth will stay lit.

For those who live within it.

Surprises were abound.

Solutions can be found.

And warmth is the reward and benefit.

AN: Ohhh boy! Finally got the chapter done. Sorry for the late update, I was distracted in several ways. Liberating planets, exploring the wasteland again, and finding a hundred heroes. Safe to say I was distracted in the extreme and still am on occasion.

Nevertheless, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Because things are about to pick up in the next one and it will take some time to write, given what it is. I hope I can pull it off well.

Thank you once again for reading and I’ll see you all next time.

Farewell and take care!

Chapter 20

Chapter Text

Chapter 20

There were not many things that could oppose him on this floor, or really, anything at all. His strength was too great for any creature to even dream of hurting him, were they even capable of that in the first place. This meant his task was all the more difficult to complete for his mistress, his Goddess.

Again he looked around having delved further down and even deeper into the medium floors, into spots and locations that weren’t known by any adventurer, not even himself. Yet he wasn’t daunted. Why would he be? His strength dwarfed any would be threat that dared to challenge him, in a way however, that was what the problem was. There was nothing that would stand against him. Nothing that would bare their fangs in challenge, nothing that would strike at him with claws, nothing that possessed that spark of defiance that he was looking for.

Nothing until now that is.

He heard a snort from behind him, not one of disdain from his presence, or of dismissal, or disgust. This snort was one of curiosity, as if finding a new scent and being curious, prompting further inquiry.

He heard the sound of heavy footfalls approaching him from behind, prompting him to turn around and meet this new visitor.

Standing just outside the entrance of another tunnel, a massive bovine beast called a minotaur, looked at the man with red glowing eyes, the man in turn, met this gaze with an impassive one of his own, giving away nothing from what he thought about this occurrence.

The minotaur was bigger than him, that was plain to see. Not just in height, having to be at least two heads taller than him, but also in mass of muscle. Though the man possessed a physique that practically no one in the city could match, this monster still had more mass to him than the man ever could gain.

It was certainly the mightiest creature he’d seen so far on this floor of the dungeon and all the more unique for what it possessed in its hand. A landform weapon, a rare thing to witness a monster use in the dungeon, literally pieces of the dungeon that often spawned just for the beasts in the dungeon to make use of, should they have the semblance of intelligence to realize that and do so.

Given how the man could see the creature’s firm grip upon the weapon, the creature definitely had the intelligence to do so.

For a moment, the two just stood there, eyes met in deadlock, each waiting for the first to make a move, the man wouldn’t, that wasn’t what needed to happen.

Eventually, with a bellow, the minotaur charged, its weapon raised for a mighty swing that would split any man in two.

Unfortunately for it, this wasn’t just ‘any’ man.

With minimal effort, the man raised his hand and caught the blade of the weapon with almost contemptuous ease, his expression not changing in the least, not even blinking.

The monster snarled and huffed at having its weapon stopped so easily and made a move to draw it back for another strike, only to suddenly jerk back in place. It again attempted to pull its weapon from the man’s grip but found it unable to do so, the man had a casual hold upon the beast’s weapon yet it felt like he held it with the strength of a mountain in his grip.

But that would not stop the monster from trying, with a snort of anger, the minotaur changed tactics, it suddenly charged at the man, horns bared. It made impact with the man’s torso and pushed him back. Finally succeeding in its attack, it pushed on, forcing the man back as fast and as powerful as he could until it slammed him into the wall of the dungeon with a mighty crash, sending dust and debris about the area.

The minotaur snorted in apparent satisfaction and felt the grip the man had on its weapon no longer in place. It pulled its head back, only to suddenly feel a hand holding it in place by a horn.

“Impressive,” a voice, deep and powerful, rumbled from the man, “you have more potential than the other monsters I’ve seen down here.”

The minotaur drew its arm back to swing at its prey with its weapon, only to be caught off guard as it realized something. It no longer held its weapon, no wait, it still did but only the portion that fit in its palm. He saw an arm enter its view just then and in its hand was the rest of the beast’s weapon.

“Looking for this?” the man asked before tensing his hand and crushing the weapon into dust, “you won’t be needing it.”

The minotaur bellowed again and pushed its horn forward more into the man’s gut, hoping to crush and disembowel the one who destroyed its weapon.

Again it was stopped, not by the man pulling it back by its horn, but by what the minotaur was trying to push against. No matter how much strength it possessed, no matter how sharp its horns were, it couldn’t pass through the man’s natural defense.

The man’s grip upon the creature’s horn tightened before he twisted his wrist and snapped the horn off, sending a flash of pain through the monster at such an action. It bellowed again in response, in equal parts rage and pain at what it experienced. Then the man suddenly pushed the minotaur back, the power of which sent the beast tumbling back a great distance until it slammed into the wall on the opposite side of the tunnel.

For a moment, the beast knew only blackness, until consciousness reminded it of the danger it was in and the foe it still faced. Blearily, it got back up on four limbs and hearing the sound of footsteps, turned its gaze up to see the man before it.

Standing just an inch below seven feet, his stature alone was intimidating. His eyes and hair share the same rustic color, with the eyes holding both wisdom and challenge in them. Adding to all of this was the physique of this man, muscles that looked to be carved from stone and simply had tan skin put over them.

The man’s ears on his head twitched and the monster saw they weren’t too dissimilar to a boar’s ears.

Again the man stared down at the monster and the minotaur met that gaze with one of its own. It saw the unspoken challenge again in the man’s eyes, as if he were asking it a question.

‘Is that all you have to offer?’ the gaze asked.

Enraged by this slight, though unspoken, the minotaur once again rose to its full height, huffing and snarling at the man who challenged it.

After blinking, the man’s gaze turned into one of slight admiration and respect at the monster before him, though his face remained as impassive as ever.

Casually, he reached behind him to draw a massive curved greatsword with one hand, prompting the minotaur to brace for combat. To the monster’s surprise, the man casually tosses the heavy weapon at the hooves of the monster. It looked down at the weapon before lifting its gaze back to the man, noticing him draw another blade from his back, identical to the one he just tossed.

“Pick it up,” the man said neutrally, “it is a better weapon than the one you had,” he took a stance then, his own blade pointed at the monster's chest, “you’ll need it if you’re going to survive what happens next.”

The minotaur did not understand the man’s words, did not comprehend them, but it could understand actions, for they spoke louder in the dungeon than anywhere else.

Never taking its eyes off the man, it reached down and picked up the weapon with one hand, holding in a similar way it held its landform weapon previously.

For a moment they just stood there, taking the measure of one another.

Eventually the deadlock was broken by the man, who decided to finally get things started.

“Begin,” he said, his voice cool as steel.

The monster roared, louder than it ever did before, shaking the hallway itself. It charged, weapon held high and ready to bring down onto his new opponent.

The man saw this and made his conclusion for this task he was sent down here for.

‘It should be ready soon, my Goddess.’

Bell was earnestly excited to get this day started. As he walked down the streets and to the dungeon, he couldn’t keep the wide smile off his face, he was excited to venture down and test his new abilities after training with Ais. Eager to test himself.

“You’re very jolly today Bell,” Chitoge said from his side, looking at her captain with a bemused smile, “what’s up? You have a good dream or somethin?”

From his other side, Elbia was smiling along with her captain, “Maybe he just wants to start his day with a smile?” she turned her expression to Chitoge, “it’s contagious,” she smiled all the wider and walked with a skip to her step and a wag of her tail.

Bell would like to tell them what he felt, about his excitement, but he felt he couldn’t really put his feelings into words and it just made him smile more earnestly. He would just have to burn this excitement away in the dungeon.

“Bell! Bell!”

A voice called out to him prompting him to stop and look to where it came from. He saw Syr waving her arm at him from the front of the Hostess of Fertility, a troubled look on her face.

“Bell come quick! It’s an emergency!” the silver haired waitress exclaimed, waving her arm again in emphasis towards him.

Bell, being the ever helpful soul that he is, immediately went up to Syr, his two companions following behind.

“What’s wrong Syr?” he asked, “What’s the emergency?”

When he saw the sudden glint in her eyes, Bell knew he made a mistake somewhere and he was too nice to back out of it now.

“This isn’t an emergency at all!” Bell exclaimed from his position in front of the large sink, where stacks of dishes awaited him.

He should have known better, especially when it came to Syr, things were never as bad or as good as that girl claimed and she once again pulled the wool over his eyes to get what she wanted.

“Sorry Bell,” Syr’s voice came from door leading to the kitchen, she had her head poked out and was giving him a apologetic look, “Mama Mia cracked down on me and the others for having some fun a while back and I needed the help,” she gave him one of her dazzling smiles, “I really appreciated that you didn’t run off with your friends when they saw the work, you’re so kind Bell.”

Indeed, when Chitoge and Elbia both saw what awaited them should they follow their captain, they immediately backtracked and promised Bell they’d meet him in the dungeon when he was done and ran off. Bell did not blame them in the least and wished he acted that fast when the truth was revealed.

But Bell was a kind soul and in truth, he didn’t mind helping out Syr. Though he’d be lying if he wasn’t going to get something out of it.

“Can I at least get a free meal out of this?” he asked.

Syr hummed to herself for a bit in thought before replying, “I’ll ask Mama Mia. I don’t know about a meal but I can probably guarantee dessert.”

Bell accepted that with a thanks and a smile before he set to work on the dishes. After a bit of time passed he was soon joined by another. He was surprised to see it was the green haired elf, Ryuu, who was now helping him. He tried to say she didn’t have to but was cut off.

“It was nice of you to help Syr but you needn’t have to,” she said, scrubbing a plate clean in the soapy water, “she and the others reaped what they sowed with that little party of theirs,” she handed him the plate so he may soak and dry it, “still, it is appreciated.”

Bell gave her a nod and put the plate on the drying rack, “It’s honestly no problem,” he said, “I’m just glad to help.”

For a while they didn’t say anything, merely continuing to do the dishes. When they were close to finishing, Bell asked a question that was on his mind since the elf joined him at the sink.

“Miss Ryuu,” he began, “you were an adventurer before, right?”

The elf gave no reply at first, still washing dishes, “I don’t know how or who told you,” she thought for a moment, thinking of Syr, “but I can imagine who at least.”

Bell quickly shook his head, remembering something, “No it’s just,” he started, “when me and Chitoge were facing that guy down in the alleyway, you stepped in and scared him off,” he gave a helpless shrug, “I just thought that you had to be an adventurer or something to have that confidence.”

Ryuu stopped scrubbing the dishes, debating on answering. He apparently had Syr’s trust and her affection as well if she was correct. She could extend a small measure of trust.

“Yes I was,” Ryuu answered, “Some time ago but no longer. It’s a past I don’t really enjoy talking about.”

To Bell’s credit, he could take a hint, and for a while they continued just doing the dishes. Until the real question he wanted to ask finally came out.

“If you don’t mind me asking,” he began, “how does someone level up?”

Ryuu thought about his question, wondering how to answer. She didn’t mind it, it wasn’t a question about her past, which was what she wanted to avoid. Nevertheless it wasn’t exactly an easy question, nor was it hard, it was just complicated to put into words.

Then again, leveling up wasn’t meant to be simple. If it were, this city would be chock full of first class adventurers.

“You have to do something amazing,” she began, drawing Bell’s attention, “It’s not enough to get your status up higher. You must do something extraordinary if you want to level up. What that is though,” she shrugged her shoulders, “I couldn’t really tell you, my experiences greatly differ from yours.”

She turned her head, meeting Bell’s gaze with her own. She stared into those ruby red eyes for what felt like an eternity, in order to get her point across all the better, before finally finishing.

“A better way to exemplify what I’m saying is this. You must do something that would impress the Gods themselves.”

With that said, Ryuu turned her attention back to the dishes and left Bell to his thoughts. He too went about cleaning but with new thoughts running through his mind.

Eventually he finished cleaning the dishes alongside the elf, who he thanked for her aid. He waved goodbye to Syr and Mama Mia before returning to his trek to the dungeon and meeting up with his party.

All during his journey, he was thinking about the elf’s words.

‘What could I do that would impress the Gods?’

Hours, they had been going at it for hours.

Surrounding them were the results of their progress. Gouges in the floors, cracks running down the walls, and impact craters on their surroundings.

Its grip still tight on the sword, the minotaur was on one knee before the boaz man in front of it, its breath heavy and deep but its rage and determination still strong and lively.

“That should do,” the man said, standing above the creature with a neutral expression. He saw the creature raise its head to look at him and the man saw something behind the red glowing eyes.

Rage, determination, and what he came down here to instill in such a beast.


“Stand,” the man commanded, he didn’t raise his voice, he didn’t have to, the beast could definitely hear him.

He heard it give a deep groan before doing so, slowly at first, but eventually rising to its full height. Idley, he noticed the minotaur looked bigger, its muscles now looking as if they’re too big for the skin to hold and the fur on its body had become a much thicker coat.

The man gave a hum of contemplation, maybe he overdid it in training this beast but now was too late to stop and he had his Goddess’s wish to grant.

“Go up,” he said, tilting his head in the direction, “your next opponent will be there.”

For a moment, nothing happened, the minotaur stared at the man that bested it before turning its gaze upward toward the ceiling. A low growl emanated from its throat before it turned and proceeded to walk down a passageway. One that led to the floors above.

The man watched it go for a moment, until seeing its form disappear from around a bend in the path. With his objective complete, he moved to another pathway himself that too led to the upper floors.

It was time to ensure the plan continued without interruption.

Lili watched as Elbia once again make a mess of some incoming goblins. Tearing them apart with relative ease with her claws and kicking and punching wherever possible. No matter how many times Lili saw it, she was always surprised that the ever bubbly artist could attack with such brutal precision.

Though, if Lili were honest, there was another that could give her a run for her money.

Glancing over to the opposite side of Elbia, Lili saw Chitoge being as ruthless and precise with her strikes against any monster unfortunate enough to cross her path. She saw a frog shooter launch its tongue at the blonde, only for her to evade the attack and close in upon the creature. One uppercut and a savage side kick later, the frog was rendered to ash.

Bell too was impressing upon Lili with his fighting. She wasn’t sure how, but Bell seemed much much better than the last time she saw him fight in the dungeon. Currently he was dancing around the strikes of a trio of wall shadows, before replying with swipes and cuts with his knife. A short time later, Bell was picking up the magic stones of his defeated foes.

Lili had truly ended up in an extraordinary party.

And she wouldn’t change that for the world.

“Okay,” she heard Bell breathe out, “that was the last of them. Anyone hurt?”

Chitoge gave a growl before rubbing at her side, “One of those frog shooters got me with their tongue but I can walk it off,” she looked to Elbia, “How about you? You get hit at all, Elbia?”

The werewolf girl shook her head, “No damage here,” she answered, “those monsters are nothing compared to the ones below,” she gave a few air jabs, anxious to continue, “I feel my muse stirring with inspiration and ideas and I’m full of energy to express them.”

Bell laughed at Elbia’s apparent enthusiasm, “Don’t worry,” he said coming up to her, “we’ll burn up that energy in no time when we reach a few floors below,” he ended this by gently patting Elbia’s head. Calming the werewolf down and making her smile from the action.

Lili stared at Elbia in undisguised jealousy, her own chienthrope ears and tail wiggling in frustration.

She wanted to be patted too dammit!

Bell stopped patting Elbia, drawing a sad whine from her, “We should get going,” he said, “I’d like it if we arrived at a good floor before the others arrive.”

Earlier today, after their morning training with Takeru, Bell was ready and raring to go into the dungeon to test his skills further after finishing his training with Ais. His enthusiasm was practically palpable and Takeru suggested an idea to him. He would go into the dungeon just to burn off some of that excess energy of his and the others would arrive later on and meet up with him in the dungeon. Bell readily agreed to the idea but before he headed out he was intercepted by Chitoge and Elbia, who had words of their own in having Bell go down into the dungeon by himself. After some words and agreements, the two joined him and headed off. With the others getting ready for the day themselves before joining up with them.

So now they continued on, wanting to reach a more challenging floor but not one that would overwhelm them. Which, after some discussion, was decided to be the ninth floor. Since the tenth led to a completely different biome for the dungeon, it was decided the ninth would be a good spot to wait for the others.

Bell did hope the rest would join up soon. He wanted to show his progress from training with Ais. Chitoge and Elbia alone were surprised by his new abilities and were spurred on by the sight of their captain to push themselves further.

Today was going to be an exciting day. Bell could feel it.

As they finished resting and left the seventh floor, it suddenly seemed off all the sudden and Bell felt his current enthusiasm falter at the change.

It wasn’t just him, Chitoge and Elbia felt it too. With Elbia having a much stronger reaction to the change, given that her hair, from her head to her tail seemed to stand up on end.

What was happening?

They looked around themselves, trying to locate the source of the sudden phenomenon. Seeing nothing, they continued on, with great caution.

They checked around every turn and every corner they came across, trying to see if they could spot what was causing this sensation. Bell recalled feeling something like this yesterday, when he and Ais were attacked in the alleyway. Was it another attack by that strange group? Was someone coming after him next? Was it a new monster coming from the depths of the dungeon?

‘Monster,’ Bell thought in realization, ‘Where…where are the monsters?’

Since passing the seventh floor and walking through the eighth, Bell and his party hadn’t run into another monster. No sign of tracks, no growls from the shadows, or even cracks in the walls that signified a monster spawning.

What the hell was going on?

Upon reaching the ninth floor, the sensation they felt now was practically flooding their senses. They should turn back, this was getting weird. Already they could tell that nary a monster had been in this area recently, in what was normally a fairly active floor for the upper levels. To see it this quiet and empty was unnerving to say the least.

Before Bell could give the command to head and wait for the others, a sound rang through the halls. A concussive bang that shook dust from the ceiling, followed by a cry of fear.

A human cry.

A normal person would run away upon hearing that sound. Add in the strange atmosphere they were experiencing and it should have been obvious that the most natural reaction would be to run away.

But Bell wasn’t a normal person by any means. He heard someone in trouble and his first reaction wasn’t to run away.

But to run after.

With little warning, he dashed down the hall to where the sound came from, his party giving squawks of surprise before running after him. Elbia was first to reach him, followed by Chitoge, who said not so flattering things about his impulsive decision. He also heard Lili voice similar unflattering words about his choice of action. He wanted to apologize but right now he was focused on reaching his destination.

After a moment, they eventually saw a large opening ahead of them and in the dim light the dungeon provided, they could make out the figure of two men, both quite injured.

Not too far from them, veiled in dim shadows, was what potentially hurt them.

It was huge.

Bell acted quickly, raising his arm while he ran he shouted, “Firebolt!”

A barrage of three firebolts shot from his hand and headed straight for the monster, impacting with explosive precision.

The monster stepped back from the men and inadvertently deeper into the smoke from Bell’s spell.

Bell and the others reached the room and stood in front of the cloud of gradually disappearing smoke. Without looking he said to the men, “We got this! You two get out of here!”

Neither man said anything to that, choosing to quickly vacate the area without a word and with quick steps. Leaving only Bell and his party to face off against whatever monster this was.

Bell tensed, drawing his Hestia knife and getting ready for battle. He could scarcely see Chitoge and Elbia beside him, each also getting ready for the inevitable fight ahead.

They waited until the smoke finally cleared. When enough of it faded, they could just make out the glowing red eyes most common in the monsters of the dungeon.

What they could not have expected was the height in which they saw the eyes resting at. As more and more of the smoke cleared, they could now clearly make out the creature before them.

The sight of it made Bell feel like his heart was in danger of stopping.

It stood tall, towering over everyone. Its bulk was equally gigantic and was only scarcely covered by patches of thick and matted fur. In its hand it held a large greatsword that Bell would need two hands to just barely fill the handle, nevermind the weight of such a weapon and the strength it would take to lift it. Its head is what Bell stared at the most, seeing the bovine head, both sharp and crushing teeth that littered its jaws, and most of all, the signature horns upon its head, though reduced to just one now did not take away from the lethality of it.

It was a minotaur, the biggest one Bell had ever seen. Bigger than the one that cornered and nearly killed him more than a month ago. A monster that had no right to be here so high on the upper floors.

A monster that Bell feared with paralyzing clarity.

His muscles wouldn’t move, his joints seemed to lock in place, he could feel the sweat pour down his face and back at the terrifying sensation that overwhelmed him. He could scarcely hear anything, his senses focused upon the massive beast before him. Was someone calling out to him? He could barely make out any other sound besides the deep and terrible breathing coming from the minotaur.

Finally, the monster snorted, creating a steaming mist from its exhalation. It raised its massive weapon and aimed it down upon Bell.

‘I’m going to die,’ Bell thought with horrific clarity.

“Dammit Bell! Move!”

A sudden blow struck him from the side, knocking him tumbling with his apparent savior, just as the monster’s weapon crashed down into where he once stood. Carving a savage gash into the ground that shook the whole floor.

Bell finally regained his senses and his survival instincts flooded him with adrenaline and focus to make up for his previous delay. He looked to his savior and was horrified at what he saw.

Chitoge was sitting beside him, her face a grimace of pain, her arm leaking blood in a river that covered her entire sleeve and gauntlet.

“Damn,” she cursed, “thought I dodged that attack completely,” she hissed when she stood and moved her arm, “dammit that hurts!”

Bell looked at Chitoge, horrified not only by her injury but by her getting hurt because of him.

Why had he froze up like that? This was the worst time to freeze up like that! Especially with an enemy as dangerous as a minotaur.

Bell knew the answer though and it was as painful a realization as it always was.

He was scared.

A growl tore through the air, prompting Bell and Chitoge to look back at the monster. They watched in shock and amazement at what they saw.

Elbia decided to go on the offensive and strike back against the minotaur, having latched herself to its back and was clawing at its neck with her claws. Elbia was growling loudly enough for Chitoge and Bell to hear, a noise that sounded absolutely at odds with the otherwise cheerful and enthusiastic artist. Though her growl, at first, sounded like one of determination, as she tried more and more to cut at the beast’s throat, it eventually became one of frustration as despite her efforts, she couldn’t get past the monster’s thick fur and she doubted she could break its skin for that matter, given the muscles she could feel with each swipe of her claws.

With a grunt of annoyance, the minotaur suddenly tensed before tossing his head forward, then back, and launching Elbia from its back, the werewolf girl flew through the air before impacting against the wall with concussive force, sending rocks and dust flying.

“Elbia!” Bell cried, running to his fallen comrade. He didn’t make it halfway before he was intercepted by the minotaur swinging its sword down, blocking his path. Bell jumped back and away from the creature, his knife held defensively, the minotaur went after him and swung its sword again at his side. Bell saw the attack coming and moved to intercept it with his knife. Metal met metal and Bell was worried the knife would break but was glad enough to see the blade held true against the sword.

That was Hephestus crafting for you.

Though he blocked the blade, he couldn’t block the force and was sent sliding across the ground. He kept his balance throughout the brief slide and brought his blade up to block the strike aimed at him this time.

He blocked the strike correctly this time, ensuring the force wouldn’t knock him back again nor strike his blade from his hand.

He leapt back from a follow up strike and raised his free hand at the monster.


Five bolts of red and orange fire struck the monster, covering it in hot smoke that covered its body from sight.

Bell waited, hoping he did enough damage to end this terror. He didn’t.

Bell barely had enough time to dodge a strike that split the smoke apart and pushed the air around him, the minotaur snarled when it finally caught sight of Bell, annoyed by his magic act.

Bell watched from afar, trying to see if his spell did any damage to the creature. He spotted a few tufts of fur that were singed badly enough to fall in clumps from the beast’s shoulders but no signs of burns where the flesh was visible.

His magic did next to nothing against this monster, a fact that chilled Bell.

His magic was useless, he couldn’t get in close enough to do damage with his knife, he didn’t know if he even could do damage to it, and he nearly had his back against the wall.

Too damn ironic for his tastes, it was like a repeat of the last time this happened, only now the minotaur had a weapon, which just made things more terrifying.

Bell and the monster stood apart from the other, neither making a move. For Bell’s case, he was afraid to make a move, one wrong decision could very well end his life here and now.

For the minotaur, it was suddenly a matter of caution for it. It knew it could easily kill this little man before it, but the sudden use of magic surprised it enough to look at Bell with a little more caution. Wanting to be ready should this foe pull another surprise out of nowhere.

Bell caught something from the corner of his eye, just behind the minotaur and a ways away from him. He saw Chitoge and Lili pull an unconscious and bleeding Elbia from the rubble. He saw her injuries, seeing the blood run from a gash on her head, something Lili saw to, she poured a vial of health potion over the werewolf’s head, gradually closing the wound there. Elbia still remained unconscious however.

Chitoge looked back to Bell and looked ready to charge in to help him, only to stagger and wince as the pain in her arm flared up. Lili acted quick again and made to get another health potion, only to suddenly pause as she felt her hand go through one of the pockets in her bag, the pocket she kept her and the parties’ health potions.

Bell guessed Lili had her bag damaged in the initial attack but found himself grateful that she didn’t get injured.

It made what he planned next easier in a way.

“Lili!” he shouted, “You and Chitoge get out of here! Get to the surface, fast,” he adjusted his stance prompting a warning growl from the monster, “I’ll hold it off. I have his attention, as long as I keep it busy, it shouldn’t go after you.”

Chitoge was the first to respond to Bell’s idea, “Are you out of your mind!” she yelled, “That thing will kill you! We can fight it together!”

Lili was beside her, voicing her objection, “Master Bell, that’s suicide! Lili will stay and help!”

Bell gritted his teeth in frustration before replying, “Chitoge, you’re hurt! You can’t help with one good arm and one with a bad injury at that! Lili, you’re the only one that can get my familia members, my friends, out of here! Please, I'm counting on you!”

Chitoge and Lili both hesitated, both wanting to find some reason to stay, but Bell’s words struck them with cold logic that they couldn’t deny.

Even still, they wanted to stay. They couldn’t stand the thought of running away while Bell fought this thing.

“Do it now! Get out of here!” Bell roared.

Frustratingly, Chitoge and Lili moved to Elbia’s sides and lifted the werewolf up before carefully making their way from where they entered.

The minotaur heard them move but made no motion to attack, its attention focused on Bell, waiting for his move.

When Chitoge and the others were at the entrance, the blonde turned around and shouted, “We’re coming back Bell! We’ll get help and come back! So don’t die, ya hear?!”

Bell smiled but gave no reply, choosing to continue the stare down with the monster. When the others had finally left, Bell dropped his smile and put all his energy into his focus.

He knew he couldn’t win a straight fight against this monster but that didn’t mean he would be an easy kill either.

He dashed to the side and made to maneuver around the beast. It gave a grunt of surprise before growing at its prey’s sudden evasiveness. It charged and swung its sword at Bell causing him to leap back again, the sword crashed into the ground that shook Bell.

He couldn’t afford to get hit even once, he had to use his superior speed to his advantage.

He only hoped he could last long enough for help to arrive.

Koukin and the rest of the familia were finally in the dungeon and making good pace. They had hoped to run into Bell sooner but she knew her captain would want to venture further down. At least she knew he was confident enough to do so but cautious enough not to overreach.

“Maaaaan this is boring,” moaned Ibuki, trudging along with her arms dangling, “these monsters are hardly a thought, let alone a challenge with a group our size.”

Indeed, since their initial arrival in the dungeon, the party had made swift, almost negligent work, of the monsters on the upper floors. Having a party of their size was good enough to handle the novice monsters they currently faced. Add in the fact that the party was composed of a strategist with a lifetime of war under her belt, a samurai who’s skills remained unmatched so far, a soldier who fought with absolute aggression for her country, a mage who could vaporize these monsters to less than ash with a word, a artist who honed her traditional art alongside her martial art, and the lackadaisical ninja who was more formidable than she appeared.

Needless to say, no monster on the upper floor could handle such a force.

“I wouldn’t complain so much,” Kallen said to Ibuki, “could be worse. We could have been stuck outside while that familia made their way in in its entirety.”

Indeed, in Koukin’s opinion they were lucky to have entered in the time they did. For when they arrived at the dungeon entrance, they saw the great numbers and might that is the Loki familia, getting ready for their next big expedition into the depths of the dungeon.

Koukin even saw their captain, Finn Deimne, giving a speech to the gathered crowd.

Her experience in her previous life already taught her not to judge a book by its cover. Already she could tell that despite being a pallum, Finn casted a shadow as large as a mountain and his demeanor in front of his familia demanded respect already earned. His fellow familia members and subordinates definitely saw something amazing in the man and they would follow him into the mouth of Hell if that was where he wanted to go.

Koukin knew people like that and even served under some of them and knew the characters of each. Finn was definitely someone with a set ambition and goal in mind. Whatever that was, she couldn’t guess, but it did tell her one thing.

She didn’t want her familia to ever run afoul of such a person.

Those with ambition like Finn, made terrifying enemies to face.

She hoped Bell left a good impression upon the Sword Princess during their training. Such an action would go well in allying with a powerful force like the Loki familia. If only just to avoid being enemies.

“Shuuyu,” Takeru said from the side, “there is someone ahead of us.”

Koukin and the others looked and spotted two men limping their way. One was badly injured and the other wasn’t any better but was still supporting his friend in standing despite his injuries. They caught sight of the group and pushed on further, “Hey! Please! Help!”

Both men suddenly collapsed against the wall, their wounds finally taking their toll on them. Koukin and the others acted quickly, with Kallen and Hana both offering their health potions for both men, who accepted them graciously.

The two men finally had a time for respite and earnestly thanked the party before groaning in apparent lingering pain, despite ingesting health potions. Koukin and the others gave them a moment to catch their breath and regain some strength. She was about to ask what happened when a rude voice rang through the hall.

“Eh? What the hell happened to those two?”

Koukin turned and saw that they had some new arrivals. Coming down the hall were the executives of the Loki familia, with Finn, of course, leading the way, the pallum’s eyes scanned the two injured men and suddenly narrowed in thought, “Those are some strange wounds there sporting,” he turned his attention to Koukin, “awfully similar to blade cuts. You have a falling out?”

Koukin sighed and turned to greet Finn directly, but was caught off guard by the reactions she received upon seeing them face to face.

“What the hell,” the gray haired werewolf said in disbelief, “I know it can get a bit hot down here but that’s just too much.”

“I usually keep to myself upon others' choices in wardrobe,” the emerald haired elf said in astonishment, “but this is definitely pushing the envelope.”

“So big,” Ais said in amazement upon seeing her and commenting on her chest before waving a greeting.

A familiar flat chested amazon stared at Koukin in shock, more accurately at her chest before coughing blood and falling back as if she was just hit by a devastating attack.

A long haired amazon looked at Koukin before looking down at her own chest, she pushed her breasts up in some sort of attempt to make them bigger before letting them drop. A cloud of depression overhead at her fruitless action.

Finn coughed politely and directed his drifting gaze back up to Koukin’s eyes, “Sorry about that. It’s just well…” he trailed off, unable to say something un-incriminating.

Koukin sighed, maybe she did need a wardrobe change, “No worries,” she began, “you all are not the first and definitely won’t be the last to react to my unique tastes in clothing.”

She briefly heard Kallen muttering behind her, something about ‘exhibition’ or something.

If it was what she thought, she was going to smack that girl upside the head.

“Back to the matter at hand,” Finn said, gesturing to the two men, “those two, were you the ones to hurt them?”

Koukin shook her head, “No,” she answered, “we found them like this when we were on our way to join up with the rest of our party,” she turned to where the men came from. It was a risk to turn her back on someone suspicious of her but she couldn’t help it, looking down the path and hoping Bell and the others were alright.

“Given your actions, it seems I was wrong in my initial suspicions,” Finn said wryly with a smile, having finally noticed Ibuki finished wrapping one of the mens’ heads in some gauze.

“Nevertheless, those wounds aren’t typical of a monster attack,” Finn continued, “they were attacked by someone and having a random bandit down here wouldn’t help the start of our expedition.”

One of the two men coughed then and turned to look at Finn, “You’re wrong,” he began, “It was a monster that did this.”

That got everyone’s attention, not least of all Finn. He walked up to the injured man, “What attacked you then?” he asked.

The man groaned in pain at the memory but answered, “It was a minotaur.”

The answer startled everyone. How was a minotaur up here? On the upper floors no less?

Members of the Loki familia exchanged looks with one another but it was Bete, the werewolf, who asked, “Did we miss one? I thought we cleared the floors for any trace of them last time?”

One of the amazons, Tiona, nodded her head, “Yeah! We went back and forth and up and down hunting for those things! There shouldn’t be any left.”

Again the injured man spoke, sharing more information, “I saw this thing just walk up from the eleventh floor. It saw us and tried to run us down, we evaded it the best we could but we were out of stamina and health potions and couldn’t get away. Eventually, it cut us down somewhere on the ninth floor. We would’ve died had that kid not blast that monster and draw its attention from us.”

Koukin renewed her focus on the man, a new question on her tongue, “Who was this person? What did they look like? Was he in a group?”

He was about to answer before an ache in his ribs stopped him from answering. Arue gave him a health potion to down and the man did so readily. When he got his voice back he answered, and it was everything Koukin feared.

“It was a white haired kid with red eyes. He was in a group of girls, three of them I think.”

Koukin felt a chill go up her spine, she looked at the others and they all had similar expressions.


Before she could give the order to move, a strong breeze blew past her and the others. She blinked in surprise before hearing the shocked cries of the Loki familia.

“Ais! The Hell?!” Bete exclaimed before going on the move himself.

“Alright we’re on a mission!” came the excited voice of Tiona, who made a dash past them carrying a large and strange weapon, the other Amazon followed behind her, scolding her lightly for not waiting for their captain’s order.

Koukin wasn’t going to be left behind, not while her captain and fellow allies were in danger, “Hestia familia! Move out! Our captain is in danger!” she ordered, her voice loud and hard as steel.

“Right!” the rest of her party replied and ran to aid their captain and friends, with Koukin bringing up the rear.

“I guess from your reaction, you know who he was talking about?” came the voice of Finn from Koukin’s side, she looked to see Finn and his elf companion keeping pace with her casually, “And your captain no less, I hope you don’t mind if we tag along to aid you, my familia seemed to take the choice out of my hands.”

Beside him, he could hear his high-elf companion muttering something about an ‘impulsive girl.’

“Not at all,” replied Koukin, returning her gaze forward, “I would be a fool not to turn down aid from a first class adventurer and a notable one at that.”

Finn nodded his thanks and kept his pace the same alongside her.

They rushed down further and Koukin only hoped they wouldn’t arrive too late.

Ais moved as fast as she could in the dungeon, quickly finding the best route to take to get to the ninth floor. Any monsters nearby were blown away and any in front of her were cut down in flashes of her blade.

Her driving force was to get to Bell as fast as possible. His training with her may be done but he was nowhere near strong enough to fight a minotaur.

She recalled the time she first met him, seeing him nearly killed by her own mistake, seeing his eyes filled with fear.

She didn’t want to see that fear in him, she didn’t want him to feel that scared again, not from anything in the dungeon…

And not from her either.

Ais passed a bend and found herself in a straight hallway that would take her to the ninth floor and not long after that, hopefully, to where Bell was.

Something caught her eye just then, a figure, no, three figures limping their way down the hall towards her. She saw it was a short brown haired pallum, carrying a large bag on her back and helping two others with walking, or at least one of them with walking while the other dragged an unconscious werewolf girl over her shoulder.

Ais saw the girl who was carefully dragging her friend, her friend’s arm held over her uninjured shoulder while the pallum supported her injured side. She knew this girl, she helped her pick out some clothes last time they saw each other. Her name was…

“Chitoge,” Ais called, making her way towards her. Chitoge looked up and a relief expression crossed over her face when she saw who it was.

“Ais,” she said, “thank goodness you’re here,” her expression shifted to one of pain when her injury flared up again, “Urgh! We need help! Bell needs help!” she gestured behind her with a twist of her head, “He’s back down there, fighting a minotaur, by himself!”

Ais moved to her side, withdrawing something from her waist. It was a small vial of health potion, she looked at Chitoge’s arm, found the injury, and poured the contents over the wound. Chitoge winced when the cool liquid flared her injury for a brief moment but relaxed considerably when the pain disappeared and she found herself able to use her arm much better now.

“Damn,” she muttered, “where can we get those? Our healing potions aren’t nearly as potent.”

Which sounded weird to Ais, it was just a basic healing potion. She could get it almost anywhere in the city. What healing potions was Chitoge getting?

She cut her thoughts off when she remembered that another one of them was injured. She went over to the werewolf girl and looked her over, before determining the best action. Taking another vial from her side, she gently lifted the girl’s head and poured the contents of the vial down her throat. For a moment nothing happened, then the girl gave a groan and gradually began to open her eyes.

“Jumping on a minotaur’s back,” she began, “poor inspiration.”

“Elbia!” Chitoge exclaimed, relief flooding her, “Thank goodness!”

Ais was happy to see them alright but now she had another matter to get to.

“Keep heading back,” she told the trio, “I’ll go help Bell.”

Not waiting for a response, Ais made to continue her journey, only to pause when she found her way blocked by someone.

Someone anyone in the city would recognize just by the sight of him. He was the captain to the familia her patron Goddess was rival to, the only adventurer in the city who was level seven, the highest level in the city in fact.

He was Orario’s ‘King’ as bestowed by the Gods, recognized for his immense strength by all, be they mortal or divine.

He walked forward a few steps and Ais saw him much better and the giant sword held nonchalantly over one shoulder.

Ottar, captain of the Freya familia, stood before Ais, his gaze focused upon her. He brought the sword forward and pointed it at her.

“Sword Princess,” he said, in a voice that shook Lili just by hearing it, “I challenge you. Draw your blade.”

Lili and her two companions were shocked by this development, the strongest adventurer in the city was here and was now challenging Ais Wallenstein to a fight. First the minotaur and now this! What was going on today?!

Lili felt Elbia shake from where she held her. She turned to see the werewolf girl staring at Ottar with abject fear in her eyes, the hair on her tail and ears stood on end at the sight of him. Lili had never seen her so scared and neither had Chitoge, who turned to check on her fellow familia member.

Elbia’s instincts were in a storm of warning. Every aspect of her was telling her to run and run fast. She had felt that warning before when she saw the minotaur but nothing like this. She at least felt confident, at the time, that she could do some damage to the beast and maybe debilitate it. Not now though, not against this man. This man was more than just powerful.

He was a force of nature.

Ais drew her blade and readied herself to attack. Ottar got ready himself, holding his blade in both hands now.

A second past and Ais was the one to make the first move.


With a shout and an explosion of magic, Ais launched herself at Ottar, a gale of wind surrounding her and her sword in green ethereal nimbuses of light.

Ottar met her attack head on, swinging his sword down and blocking her strike, the force great enough to ring throughout the halls of the floor and cause the nearby Hestia familia members and Lili to wince and cover their ears.

Ais pushed with all her might against Ottar’s blade, determined to break his guard and make it past him, but the giant boaz held firm, not even shaking from the pressure being put on by Ais’s magic.

Ais quickly broke off suddenly and made to strike at Ottar’s head, he quickly brought his sword up and Ais’s blade slid off the side of his colossal blade. Ottar swung his sword at Ais in return, the speed surprising her. She just barely dodged out of the way thanks to her magic and she again countered with a strike of her own that was once again blocked with contemptuous ease.

For a whole minute, they traded blows with one another. Each moving at speeds that no normal person could see with the naked eye.

Ais was frustrated she couldn’t get past this obstacle, this titan of an opponent she faced. She knew he was strong but he was also fast enough to keep up with her and swing that giant sword around as if it were a stick in his hands.

After exchanging more strikes, Ais shot both her feet out and against Ottar’s sword before propelling herself back with a graceful flip. Ottar made no move to pursue her, simply staring and waiting for what she had next to throw at him.

Lili and the others finally had a chance to blink after that whole exchange. What was happening was almost unreal. Two first class adventurers clashing with one another right before her eyes. This did not just happen, especially from opposite familia members. Lili wanted to run, but she couldn’t, the spectacle had her enthralled.

Chitoge was in a similar state, though her reasons were different from Lili’s. She too was enthralled by the amazing battle before her but at the same time, a frustration built inside of her. Her frustration at her own weakness. She knew she was formidable, a skilled fighter in her own right, especially as a beginner adventurer still, but compared to the two in front of her, she was a pebble looking up a mountain. She clenched her fists at the comparison, a new flame of resolve burning itself in her chest alongside her frustration.

Elbia was watching the fight before her with wide eyes. Her artistic muse a flame of activity and awe. What she was seeing before her were two forces of power clashing, like a hurricane versus an earthquake. It reminded her of some old art she recalled in her previous world and in this world via museums she visited. Displays depicting contrasting emotions via color or epic conflicts being illustrated in large. This fight was those pieces of work and she wished so desperately to put what she saw to paper or canvas.

But another part of her felt something different from watching the battle unfold, something that gnawed at the back of her mind until she finally gave thought to it, ‘Could I look like that?’

Ais was a good distance away from Ottar by now and a new plan formed in her mind.

Meet force with force and break through the guard.

“Lil Rafa*ga!”

Again, the green nebulas winds surrounded her only more fiercer than they were before, coating her body and blade in the wind itself.

She launched herself at Ottar and locked blades with him again, determined to break past his guard, the boaz gritted his teeth, finally feeling the amazing strength behind Ais’s magic.

He decided now was a time to change tactics.

Now was a time to ‘try’.

He roared all the sudden and pushed his blade against Ais, pushing her back and making her nearly bend her knee at the sudden change of power. Eventually the power behind his sword became too great for Ais and she jumped back, just in time for Ottar to slam his blade into the ground where she stood, blasting rock and debris aside in a cloud of dust.

Ais stared at Ottar for what seemed like the first time in her life with wide eyes, now having felt the power of the city’s strongest adventurer firsthand and she knew immediately she couldn’t win.

But she had to get past him, she had to get to Bell.

She heard footsteps coming from behind her, bare feet too.

Ottar brought his weapon up to block the strikes of Tione and Tiona, the two amazon sisters having their weapons out and ready against the King.

Now was her chance. Ais dashed forward as fast as she could, successfully passing Ottar as he was dealing with the sisters. He saw her out of the corner of his eye and with a burst of strength, he pushed the amazon duo back and made to strike at Ais from behind.

Only for his attack to be intercepted by an irate werewolf, who blocked the sword with his raised armored boot and both gauntlets. Bete Loga stared at Ottar with undisguised fury, “What the hell do you think you’re doing, boar bastard?!”

Ottar watched as Ais dashed down the hall and toward where Bell Cranell would be.

Ottar watched Ais go, over the head of a very irate Bete, he had failed. He had hoped to avoid anyone interfering with what was happening behind him but unfortunately the fates weren’t with him today.

Nonetheless, a part of him was confident about the potential outcome, his Goddess would certainly be pleased.

“My my,” a new voice said, “I didn’t expect to run into ‘The King’ down here.”

Finn walked towards Ottar with a nonchalant air of confidence about him and sporting a bemused smile on his face at the whole situation in front of him. Beside him was the emerald haired elf Riveria, who sported a guarded and cautious look as opposed to her captain’s whimsical attitude.

He then saw the rest of Hestia familia, who quickly ran over to Lili and the others and immediately checked over them, the only two who didn’t were a long dark haired woman with glasses, sporting a long whip, and a purple haired woman with eastern clothes and armor, who had a hand on her blade, ready to draw.

“Well Ottar?” Finn suddenly questioned, “What brings Freya’s strongest to the upper floors? Your Goddess have an interest in what’s going on right now?”

Ottar didn’t say anything at first, choosing to measure his words before responding, “No,” he eventually answered, “I acted on my own in this manner.”

Finn didn’t lose his smile but Ottar saw his eyes sharpen in thought, “I see,” he said in reply.

Ottar wasn’t a fool, he knew Finn suspected something was off but knew he couldn’t press further without evidence. Without that, this was as it looked, another minor skirmish between two rival familias, nothing more.

It wouldn’t be the first time.

Ottar made to leave, walking past Finn and Riveria and eventually passing by Koukin and Takeru respectively. He briefly looked down into Koukin and then Takeru’s eyes as he passed them, a sort of silent evaluation, they met his gaze with remarkable iron in theirs, neither one flinching at his presence.

‘Hardy,’ he thought, ‘very strong willed.’

He continued on, ignoring the glares directed at his back. Eventually he heard them make their way to where his Goddess’s focus was.

He hoped the young man would pull through this ordeal he was set against. Should he succeed, he will see new sights he could never see as a novice adventurer. Should he fail, then this would be where his thread will be cut and that will be the end of it.

“Break out of your shell,” he said, seemingly to someone far away, “reject the help of others and face your own adventure, the only direction that you need to look is forward.”

He glanced back, “answer that person’s love,” he finished before moving on.

Bell Cranel dodged a stomp that would have crushed his chest into powder, rolling aside a strike from a sword that would have bisected him in two.

Leaping back up and shooting another firebolt at the beast, Bell Cranell knew he was close to his end. No matter how much magic he shot, the minotaur took it with negligible ease, only coming out of the attack more annoyed than anything. Every time Bell was lucky to get close enough to cut it, he found his knife’s edge only strong enough to break the skin, unable to cut through into the muscle and bone beneath.

This was a battle that could only have one real outcome. He would die, his Goddess would lose her first child, his familia their first captain, and he would never be able to accomplish his goals.

Never see his familia grow into something amazing, never be able to become the hero he always dreamed to be.

Never stand beside the girl who inspired him the most.

Bell brought his knife to block the giant sword that came for his guts, the Hestia knife holding true but launching Bell back into the rock wall a great distance away.

He felt his remaining armor crack, he heard that sound a lot during the fight, the shoulder plates were already destroyed, one of his knee plates was gone, having burst loose and falling somewhere, and his chest piece was already shattered and broken from being tossed around so many times by the beast. A miracle that it held out for as long as it did.

Bell heard the roar of triumph of the minotaur echo around the room with deafening force, satisfied that it once again brought Bell low. He heard the pounding sounds of rapid hoove falls and immediately rolled out of the way, just in time to see the creature slam the sword down where he once was. He saw its glowing eyes stare at him, a gaze that told of hunger and bloodlust in excess.

Bell couldn’t last for very long, not that he expected to. His goal was only to distract the monster long enough for his party to escape. He knew they would get help for him as well but by the looks of things, that help wasn’t going to come anytime soon.

He found himself dropping to a knee, the weight of the situation, the exhaustion from the fight, the aches in his injuries, it was becoming too much.

As the monster approached, Bell could only wait for the end.

‘Goddess, everyone,’ he thought regretfully, ‘I’m sorry.’

Suddenly, a breeze of wind swept over him and heard the monster give a snort of surprise. Bell looked up to see a familiar figure before him.

Her blade held outstretched to the side, her blonde hair flowing beautifully as ever, Ais Wallenstein stood in front of Bell and faced the minotaur.

Bell was momentarily left breathless at the sight of her, his pains briefly forgotten.

Ais turned her head to give Bell a side eyed view and a smile of reassurance, never lowering her guard all the while, “Are you alright?” she began. Bell was still too stunned to reply, “You’ve done your best,” she continued with a gentle smile, turning to face the beast, “I’ll help you now.”

Bell stared at Ais, her words ringing in his head.

Help him? She was going to help him. She was going to save him again. Just like last time.

‘Like last time,’ he thought.

Like when he first started out as an adventurer. When he had no real idea how the dungeon operated or what dangers truly existed down here. When he had negligible knowledge or experience in combat. When he was weaker.

‘What changed?’ he asked himself.

He obtained strange magic. He summoned allies and friends from across space and time. He no longer fought alone. He faced a silverback. He obtained a weapon forged from a Goddess. He saved a dear friend from her own familia. He was taught how to fight by a stern samurai. He was taught strategy from one of the greatest strategists of her world.

He was trained by the Sword Princess herself.

‘And despite all of that,’ he thought bitterly, ‘I’m being saved again.’

He wanted to be different from how he was last time. Wanted to be better. Wanted to be stronger.

He didn’t want to be saved again!

Bell pushed against the ground, trying to stand. He felt his body yell at him for such an action, bruises, cuts, and cracked bones telling him that what he was doing was foolish. He ignored it and pushed on.

‘Get up,’ he told himself, ‘Get up!’

He rose to his feet but looked seconds away from collapsing again. He pushed himself to stand firmer, stand proud and strong. He pushed the pain behind him, focusing only what was in front of him.

His idol, his goal and in front of her…

His opponent.

He walked forward, ‘The person who I admire and long for is here!’ he thought, ‘If I don’t get up here, if I don’t reach for new heights now.’

His legs stabilized and he walked forward.

‘When will I?!’

Ais heard Bell stand, heard him walk towards her. She turned to stop him, to stop him from doing something he’d regret. She felt a hand in her wrist pulling her back. Ais was more than strong enough to shake that hand off but found she couldn’t when she met the eyes of the person she was trying to save.

Eyes that burned with determination. Ruby orbs that shined like fire, that held unwavering resolve.

“I can’t let Ais Wallenstein help me anymore!”

Ais felt her soul shake at the declaration. She wasn’t offended by the words, the opposite in fact. Those words were not spooked out of anger or rage, they were spoken out of drive, out of desire, a desire she sympathized with.

A desire to grow stronger, regardless of the risks.

Ais let herself be dragged back, watching as Bell took her place against the minotaur.

Bell readied himself again, his knife held at the ready, the minotaur adjusted its grip on the sword it carried, sensing something different about his opponent this time, its instincts telling it a different challenge awaited it.

Soon though, newcomers had arrived in the area. Ais’s allies from the Loki familia and Bell’s familia along with Lili. Everyone saw the scene in front of them, a small novice adventurer against a massive minotaur. This garnered different reactions, from horror, trepidation, wonder, curiosity, and many more.

Koukin eventually stepped forward, moving just near Ais, “Captain, we are here to help,” she began, “let Takeru and I distract the beast and we-”

“No,” she heard Bell say.

Koukin blinked at the interruption, “I’m sorry captain, but this is a threat we have to face toge-”

“No, Koukin. This is my fight, don’t interfere,” Bell said sternly this time, surprising her further.

Koukin looked at her captain, her summoner, her student. What was going on? Had he suffered a concussion? Surely Bell knew this was a fight he couldn’t win.

“Captain, with all due respect,” she began, only to be cut off again.

“Do not interfere, Koukin! Or anyone! That is an order!”

Koukin froze when Bell said that. Surprise didn’t even begin to cover what she felt right then. In all of their time together, in all that she faced with him, that they all faced with him, never once had he given an order. Sure he gave plans and suggestions but he never gave an order, Koukin had been giving orders around whenever necessary, but always waited and pushed Bell to be more assertive about what he wanted.

Now he was giving her an order, an order that told her this was his fight and no one else's. It was a selfish order but a powerful one. One spoken with strength and clarity that she didn’t expect Bell to have at that moment but once again she had been proven wrong and was surprised and impressed with him.

She would be damned if she was going to disobey her captain now after hearing him like that. He wished to fight this monster by himself, so be it. For reasons she suspected but couldn’t conclude.

She raised her arm up, “Stand down Hestia familia,” she said sternly, “our captain commands it.”

Outrage was the expected action and sure enough, a few members made their thoughts clear.

“Are you out of your mind?” Kallen said, “Do you see the size of that thing? Bell’s crazy if he thinks he can take that thing alone.”

“I don’t want to gainsay but,” Ibuki started, “this seems like a very very bad idea.”

“The abyss awaits our captain,” Arue postulated seriously, “less we act now or lose him forever.”

“Enough,” Koukin said sharply, “our captain has given the order. This is his fight now, not ours, respect his wishes.”

Before any more arguments could be made, Takeru spoke up next, “Everyone be silent.”

They turned to her, sharp words on their tongues when they saw her gaze focused forward with absolute focus.

“Look upon our captain,” she said, “what do you see?”

The others turned their gaze to Bell and watched him, wondering exactly what she was talking about.

It didn’t take them long to guess what she was talking about. They stared at Bell’s back as he faced off against the minotaur, seeing his feet set and shoulders raised along with the weapon in his hand. Bell was absolutely determined to fight this monster, determined to beat it. This was his fight and his fight alone.

“Our captain has never once been selfish,” Takeru said, moving to stand beside Koukin and in front of the others, “just this once, let us indulge our captain for his wishes. Let him fight this monster, no,” Takeru's eyes shone with pride as she continued to look upon Bell, “let him defeat this monster,” she corrected.

The others still wanted to argue, about how this was reckless, about how this was crazy, about how this was stupid, but looking at Bell and seeing him stand confidently in front of this monster, ready to fight it and determined to defeat it, how could they dare interfere after seeing their captain like that?

Chitoge and Elbia were the only ones that still had some reservations, having felt the might of the monster first hand, but they were silent in the face of Bell’s visible determination. Nevertheless, Chitoge clenched her hands in worry, an action mirrored by Elbia, they felt the strength of the minotaur first hand and the thought of Bell fighting this thing without backup was distressing.

In front of two familias, Bell and the minotaur stared the other down, the tension in the air becoming palpable between the two opponents.

Bell adjusted his stance, sliding one foot slightly out, ready to charge forth.

The minotaur exhaled a steaming cloud from its nostrils and tensed its grip on its sword, prepared to kill at the first opportunity.

The tension broke, and both charged at the other.

Bell dodged out of the way of the strike aimed to split him down the middle and retaliated with a cut across the beast’s stomach. To Bell’s surprise he managed to draw blood this time, the wound wasn’t deep but it was better than nothing. He leapt back as the monster reached for him, trying to crush his skull, he charged again and cut along the monster’s hand.

With a grunt of annoyance, the minotaur slammed its hoof against the ground, shaking the floor and knocking Bell off balance. It delivered a backhand to Bell that sent him flying. To its shock however, Bell recovered after rolling across the ground once and was up on his feet a second later, bleeding from a cut on his head but ready to fight.

Bell charged the beast and it did the same, both yelling and roaring at the other.

Loki familia were watching the fight with disbelief, this kid, this newbie adventurer had refused the help of The Sword Princess and his own familia to fight this thing. Already their first impression of this kid was that he was either arrogant or foolish.

Yet they watched on, enthralled by what they saw.

Bete Logia remembered this kid, he had a vivid memory of him covered in blood and running from Ais after she saved him. He had mocked this person, cursed his weakness, but now?

Bete watched as Bell landed two slashes against the minotaur’s shoulder and sweeping under the follow up strike that would have crushed his head.

Now Bete was enraptured by this fight, by the tenacity being displayed. He shouldn’t be impressed by this fight, it was just a minotaur, he could kill hundreds of these things and never get tired or feel threatened.

But seeing this kid fight for his life, fight for his pride, fight for the glory. It made his hair stand on end.

‘Dammit,’ he thought, ‘just who is this punk?’

Finn saw Bell leap over another heavy strike that would have crushed him into a gory mess and saw him follow up with a cut at the minotaur’s neck, cutting past thick fur and tough hide, the minotaur growled and tilted his head sharply, knocking Bell back with its one horn.

Finn felt his thumb tingling the second the fight began before him. Feeling something off with the monster, it was clearly more powerful than a normal minotaur should be, add in the fact it possessed a weapon that wasn’t a landform one and it was obvious that this monster was either a unique abnormal or potentially a tamed beast. Neither of which bode well for the young man fighting it. It was obvious, painfully so, yet he kept fighting, dodging strikes he couldn’t block, slashing at every opportunity presented to him, and never once losing that look in his eyes.

That look of bravery that Finn spent his whole life cultivating and improving.

Finn clenched his fist, his thumb tucked into it, “He’s good,” he said aloud with a smile, “really good.”

‘To think I, ‘Braver’, would be impressed by another’s courage.’

Tiona watched Bell fight, watched him push himself further and further, against the odds and against his limits. It sparked a familiar story she read, her favorite one.

“He’s like the Argonaut,” she said with a gentle smile of nostalgia, “like the story. I always like that one growing up.”

She saw Bell struggling on and on against the beast, despite the risks, he still pushed on and Tiona felt herself be inspired by the display. She silently urged Bell on, her voice low, as to not distract him from his fight.

It was safe to say Bell had bitten off more than he could chew.

Dodging under another sweep of the sword, Bell jumped up in an amazing burst of speed and landed a cut on the minotaur’s shoulder, drawing another growl from the beast’s throat as again it was made to bleed.

‘Not deep enough,’ he thought as he landed, ‘I’m making him bleed but I’ll run out of breath before it runs out of blood.’

He was happy his attacks were landing with better purchase now than they were before but it still wasn’t going to be enough. He needed to somehow get more damage from his knife or…

Bell looked up at the minotaur again, more accurately, at what it was holding.

‘That could work.’

He waited for a moment and wasn’t disappointed when the minotaur charged at him again, sword raised high to split him in two.

Bell raised a free hand and shouted, “Firebolt!” launching a barrage of fire in quick succession at the monster.

“Magic?! With such a short chant?!” he heard someone say from the crowd but paid it little attention when the minotaur was obscured by smoke. He dived to the side as the sword came haphazardly down upon where he once stood, the smoke having thrown off the monster’s aim and giving Bell the opportunity he needed.

Bell ran the hand that held the sword and plunged the knife into its wrist before twisting, causing a spray of blood and a howl of pain from the monster. It let go of the sword and Bell was quick to capitalize.

He put his knife away and made to grab the sword handle as the monster stepped back in shock at this new development. Bell lifted the sword from the ground with a groan and a ton of effort but managed to lift it up to his shoulder in an amazing display of strength from someone his size.

Bell and the minotaur locked gazes again before Bell charged back into the battle and swung the sword across the monster’s chest, cutting deep and spraying its blood in a fountain. One, two, three strikes Bell delivered to the beast, each one cutting flesh with considerable ease then his knife ever did and doing far more damage.

Bell drew his new weapon back again to strike at the beast, only for another new development to occur, the minotaur raised its head and reeled its arm back before punching out with a fist that met the blade head on. Metal cut through skin and flesh but was stopped by bone that was harder than rock.

Any normal man would be in shock at this sudden new development but Bell simply drew the greatsword back and prepared to swing again the same time as the monster brought back another fist to punch out again.

They clashed in another violent display. Steel meeting flesh and bone again and again in gratuitous battle. Both opponents neither letting up or slowing down in their attacks. Bell felt like his arms were filling with hot lead that threatened to burst but pushed on regardless, the minotaur blocked any pain it would feel from meeting the blade bare knuckled, its desire for battle fueling it to endure and push on.

Both fighters were approaching their limits but neither cared. They both wanted one thing out of this conflict.


Up above the dungeon, above the city, inside the Tower of Babel, a Goddess looked down with a face that could only be described as rapturous. She watched as the pure soul that enamored her so, fight for his life, flashing and shining with brilliant intensity.

“So beautiful,” she whispered, her voice breathy and soaked in desire, “his soul, his struggle, his spirit, his will, all of it is so beautiful.”

Her plan couldn’t have gone any better, Ottar went above and beyond when she gave the order for him to cure the young man of his fears so that he may grow and shine

And shine brightly he did.

In a sudden moment of sober clarity, her gaze drifted elsewhere, still directed at the area she could see her beloved, but also where she spotted the unique souls that were near him.

They were a variety of colors, not as pure as the blinding white of her beloved’s soul, but each were unique in their own ways that she found dazzling to look at.

What was interesting though, was the thin trails of light that somehow connected their souls to his. It was faint, a minuscule spectral thread that connected them to him.

‘Curious,’ she thought.

She did not dwell on it for long, another bright flash from Bell’s soul caught her attention again and her gaze once more returned to the spectacle before her.

“Fight. Fight long and hard,” she whispered the words with heated breath, lit by passion.

“My Odr.”

One last resounding impact with one another pushed Bell and the minotaur back from each other. Both combatants breathing in whatever breath they could claim in this moment of respite.

Bell’s body was sore beyond anything he had ever felt before. His injuries flaring up and warning him of the damage that he was doing to himself. He didn’t care and pushed aside his body’s warnings in favor of readying for another attack.

Faring little better was the minotaur, whose wounds were screaming at it in a similar manner, though it wasn’t bothered by the pain. It wasn’t bothered by the cuts from the knife, or the gashes in its torso from the sword, or even the cracked and split knuckles from it punching the blade. What bothered it was a strange sensation, a sensation foreign and new to its existence. If it had the ability to, it would try to guess the words for it, struggling all the while, but realized that wasn’t what really bothered it. What was bothering it was being unable to comprehend the sensation.

What was it feeling? It wasn’t rage, that tasted hot and burned the body. It wasn’t fear, it was far from that. Close to satisfaction, like making a successful kill. What was the word? What was the sensation? What made fighting this young warrior so thrilling? What made it wish it could fight like this forever and ever against such an opponent.

Somehow the word for what it was feeling came to the monster and it finally understood.


It was enjoying this fight. This fight, unlike any other it faced before. No rival monsters came close to giving him this feeling, even that man who broke its horn couldn’t give it what it felt right now.

It was enjoying this fight with this young warrior but it and Bell knew that this fight was at its climax and it was time to end things here and now.

Never taking its eyes off Bell’s, the minotaur lowered itself, lone horn pointed at Bell, ready to charge.

Bell adjusted his grip on the sword in his hand and did likewise to his stance, ready to meet the attack head on.

Both stared at the other, each with the same desire pushing them on.

I want to win!

Bell charged forward the same time the minotaur did, both meeting the other in a headlong collision.

Bell swung the sword down, hoping to split the creature’s skull, only to see the beast adjust its head to catch the blade on its horn. As reliable as the sword was, it had endured the abuse of the monster and of Bell and could now longer last, it shattered the moment it made contact with the horn. Depriving Bell of his best means of killing the monster.

But not his only means.

As the horn came closer to skewer Bell, he dodged at just the moment the horn caught on his shirt, tearing it. He rolled under the beast and came to its side, Hestia knife in hand and stabbed into its unprotected flank.

It raised a massive arm, prepared to crush Bell, when it felt a searing heat flare in its side.


The flare of heat became an explosion of pain as Bell pressed his other hand into the butt of the knife and shot his magic through it.


Again a flare of pain and a flash of light coursed through the beast. It gave a groan of anger and pain as the sensation scored through it. It felt the heat cook its insides, the smell of its own flesh cooking new to its senses.

Even still, it raised a massive hand to crush Bell.

“You want some more?!” Bell roared, “Fine! Firebolt!”

Again the pain flared and light could be seen flashing beneath its thick skin.


A flash again, more visible, steam emerging from the minotaur’s eyes and mouth.


Its belly distended at the pressure of power it was subjected to, the arm the monster raised falling to its side as its strength ebbed from it.


It was too much now, the spell Bell unleashed then blew the minotaur apart in a mighty explosion, a twister of flames and ash blasting into the air and scattering around the room.

When the smoke cleared, Bell stood, standing with his head held high and knife in hand, unconscious.

A moment passed and no one moved, no one said anything, too amazed at what they saw.

A level one rookie had just killed a minotaur.

Eventually the silence was broken by Lili, who quickly ran to Bell’s side, “Master Bell!” she exclaimed when she got close, checking for any serious injuries. With the remains of his shirt gone with the blast, she could see the bruises, cuts, and even burns more carefully. She was frankly in awe that Bell could fight with such wounds.

A way back, Ais was looking at Bell in pure amazement. He did it, he actually won. Against the odds he triumphed over his foe. All the while, still just a level one adventurer.

Ais felt the questions burn in her mind. How did he get so strong so fast? What did he do to obtain such strength? What was it? Was it a skill?

At the last question, Ais looked closely at Bell, seeing his bare back towards her. At his exposed falna, listing his status, abilities, or any skills he may possess.

She found herself walking slowly towards him, to see what it was. What made Bell grow so much in such a short time.

And if maybe she could learn it as well.

A gentle hand grabbed her shoulder, stopping her progress. She turned to see Riveria looking at her with a stern but not unkind expression, “That’s enough,” she began, “Even if it was unavoidable for us to see his status. Going any further would be unreasonable.”

It was at that moment the Hestia familia moved to their captain’s side, concern and caution written on their faces at Bell’s injuries and his exposed status. Arue removed her robe and draped it over Bell, blocking any further view of his back.

Koukin walked up to them, “Thank you for respecting our captain’s wishes,” she said with a grateful nod, “we are sorry if this delayed you in any way.”

Finn came up, his polite smile on display, “No worries. Just another day in the dungeon,” he gave a shrug, “can’t predict anything that happens down here. Delays are inevitable,” he focused his gaze at Bell, “I was nonetheless amazed by such a fight. Tell me if you can, who is that young man?”

Koukin smiled and turned her gaze back to Bell, pride showing in her eyes, “Bell Cranell, proud captain of the Hestia familia.”

After that, the Hestia familia made to leave, Bell being carried by Takeru and Lili by Ibuki. Finn and the others watched them go, their eyes still trailing the firm of the unconscious captain.

“Quite an eccentric group,” Finn commented, “and a lucky captain to have that many women worried about him.”

Riveria sighed at that, “Seems like he is the sole male of his familia. Quite an enviable position, should others find out.”

Finn nodded, “Let’s keep that a secret. I don’t want to bring any trouble on their heads, especially from those of a jealous mindset.”

After such a dazzling display from their captain, it was the least he could do. Though seeing a bunch of women carrying one man out of the dungeon might render that gesture moot.

Oh well, nothing to be done about that.

“Hey Reveria,” Bete suddenly said, “you saw the kids back, right? What were his stats?”

Reveria scoffed at the werewolf’s question, “And why should I say? Didn’t you hear me, it would have been intrusive and unnecessary, and quite frankly,” she leveled a glare that made it seem like she was talking to an idiot, “none of our business.”

Bete wasn’t deterred, “C’mon, I’m not asking for his skills or anything. I just want to know what his numbers are. Hell, everyone here wants to know too.”

That was true enough. Ais had seen his status thanks to her talent of reading divine hieroglyphics, a talent that Riveria earned her own way through rigorous study.

The high elf looked around her, seeing the impatient werewolf and the twin amazons who couldn’t hide their curiosity either,

Riveria gave a sigh, it honestly wouldn’t hurt, in fact it may even motivate them in the battle ahead.

“S,” she said.

“What was that?” Bete asked, wondering if he heard right.

“All of his status are over rank S,” Riveria said, saying no more on the matter.

She didn’t need to, Bete and the amazons were shocked into silence by what they heard.

Eventually they moved on, quietly wondering how a rookie adventurer could go from a scrawny weakling, into an impressive fighter in a little over a month.

And secretly, how they could push themselves to do similar.

He would never know, but Bell Cranell did something amazing, other than defeating the minotaur.

He inspired the veterans of the Loki familia that day.

In a place that was above the city of Orario, above the Tower of Babel,above the world itself, and even above space itself, a God of love and sex watched the world bellow through a reflecting pool with a bright and beautiful smile.

It couldn’t have gone better. His gift couldn’t land in better hands than that boy down below.

He had a fire in him that Eros had rarely seen before in a mortal, a passion for growth that very few had.

And his accomplishments, the God laughed, the tasks. He had been blowing through them with speed and gusto. When he had these tasks assigned, they were made with the average adventure in mind, tough but doable. In Bell’s hands though, those tasks might not be hard enough.

He wouldn’t change that though, this way his plan can actually be accomplished faster than he thought, which was always good.

Eros brought his focus back on the mortal he bestowed his gift on, a gentle smile on his face now.

“You truly went above and beyond, mortal,” he gave a laugh of self admonishment, “I’m sorry, Bell, “he corrected. He then took one finger and dipped in into the pool, a light shining around where the image of Bell showed, “after that ordeal, you have earned this little reward on top of what you have already gained,” his smile turned a bit more wistful and he sighed, “I just wish Hestia wasn’t such a prude in telling you the full use of my gift. Though I shouldn’t be surprised, she never did take a shine to me. Despite my attempts at politeness.”

Granted his ‘politeness’ could have used more clothes and conversation not start with ‘Hey Hestia! Want to hear about these two mortals I saw going at it in a field?’

Her drop kicking him out of her domain was the response he got from that. That little Goddess could kick hard.

“Though from the looks of things. She won’t be able to delay any longer,” he poured himself a glass of wine that materialized near him, “not after his allies saw him fight that fiercely and recklessly. Any one of them would want to grow stronger after that, whether through traditional means,” he took a slow sip of his drink, enjoying the exotic flavors tingling his tongue, “or unorthodox means,” he finished.

He would have liked to dwell on the topic more, were it not for a sensation that swept over him and his realm.

He tensed as he felt it course over him and even through him. This was a divine power he hadn’t felt in what felt like millennia. It was also familiar to him too.

He didn’t look around to where it came from, it would have been useless to attempt given it didn’t come from Heaven at all.

It came from the mortal world, it came from an old associate.

“Ouranos,” Eros began, talking to the air itself, “finally made your way to me. I was wondering when you were going to get here.”

“You know of what I am about to ask!” came a voice that was everywhere but nowhere.

Even down in the mortal world, Ouranos was still a force to be reckoned with and Eros was arrogant, but he wasn’t ‘that’ arrogant to deceive someone like him.

Besides, if he were honest, he didn’t want to. He was hoping he would find out eventually. Hell, he kinda hoped he found out sooner. Nevertheless, this was good.

“Indeed I do, old friend,” Eros said, “you are about to ask me about the blessing that fell from heaven,” he gave a flourishing bow, “allow me to congratulate you in finding the culprit. Yours truly of course.”

A moment of silence passed, Eros would like to think Ouranos was stunned by his confession, expecting a lie if anything.

Eros wasn’t one to lie though, he found honesty a good additive to passion, which he was all about.

“I am surprised,” Ouranos said, “the others were not as forthcoming and their answers next to nothing to go on. It is a relief that you are honest enough to speak the truth. That and the last one I spoke to claimed to be the aid of your blessing.”

Eros smiled, “I wouldn’t dare call him an aid. Svarog is more the architect to my gift. Though I did have to put in my own leg work to ensure smooth progress.”

He didn’t say what he did to help the smith of stars, that answer can wait later.

“Then I ask my final question,” Ouranos paused, as if the question held a great weight, “Why?”

For a moment, Eros didn’t answer. He could, very easily. He had no reason to keep any secrets against a God as mighty as Ouranos, especially since he actually held a great deal of respect for him.

But still he paused, debating to answer. Until finally he gave one.

“I’ll tell you alongside the other Gods and Goddesses at the next Denatus. It is soon, correct? I will reveal my intentions there before you and every other deity that attends. I know quite a few are chomping at the bit about what exactly happened and your investigation has only garnered their curiosity all the more,” he made a flourishing gesture, as if he was an actor upon a stage, “allow me to satiate their curiosity and explain my reasons there, just this once.”

His domain was silent as Ouranos contemplated. Eros knew that the first God to descend to the mortal world could just very easily refuse his offer and compel him to answer, which Eros would do with no fanfare, not wanting to cross Ouranos. Nevertheless, he hoped he would be open to his offer.

“Very well,” he intoned, “I will speak to Hermes about setting up communications with you just for that day. Until then, wait until you are called and have your answers be forthcoming.”

Eros smiled, conscious Ouranos couldn’t see it but hear it in his words, “Aren’t I always?”

He didn’t receive a reply to his glib response and felt the sensation of Ouranos focus leaving his realm.

“Finally,” Eros said, walking back to his temple, “I can tell them how I really feel.”

Among other things, that was for sure.

Triumph gained through will.

A hero’s heart is never still.

A battle ends in flame.

Inspiration striking the same.

He returns home, success fulfilled.

AN: Holy crap this was a long one, the longest chapter by far I think. Definitely took me a time and a half to get it right and hopefully I succeeded. The minotaur fight was definitely one of the most difficult things I had to write and I hope I succeeded among other things like with Ottar and Loki familia. This chapter definitely pushed me hard and I could really use some comments or critiques. Please feel free to as always.

Also, passed the 150k mark with this story! Woohoo!!! Thanks for sticking by me on this crazy little journey. I hope it has been as fun for you all as it has for me.

Chapter 21

Chapter Text

Chapter 21

Hestia watched Bell as he laid on his bed, his features peaceful despite the insane ordeal he’d been through. Or more accurately, the insane ordeal he put himself through. When Hestia found out what happened to Bell, she hadn’t left his side, her worry for her first child palpable to everyone.

Her worry became frustration the moment Koukin mentioned the minotaur and Bell’s refusal for help and downright ordering his familia to stand down. She was going to give him a piece of her mind when he woke up. He went and did it again, he pushed himself too hard and nearly got himself killed. She imagined that the others felt the same but she was surprised to find that, though they were frustrated by Bell’s reckless actions, they were also impressed and inspired by his display in the dungeon, greatly so.

When asking about what happened, Chitoge and Elbia were swift into giving their reports. They told her about their initial trip, the gradual decrease in monsters as they went down, encountering the minotaur, Bell holding it off for them to get help, running into Wallen-whats-it, seeing her clash with Freya’s strongest child, reuniting with Bell, and finally seeing the battle and the finale of it.

It was all almost too much for Hestia to take in and she had to sit down when all was said and done. What should have been a average trip to the dungeon, ended up as one of the most critical moments her familia had ever faced.

‘Stop the world! I wanna get off!’ she moaned internally.

What Bell did was reckless enough, that’s already established, but what raised Hestia’s eyebrows in thought was something else.

Namely, why was Freya’s strongest child, Ottar, down in the dungeon that day, what’s more, according to both Koukin and Takeru, they saw both Ottar and the minotaur had carried similar weapons.

Did Ottar have something to do with the minotaur? Did Freya have something to do about this whole mess?

Hestia scratched the sides of her head, her pigtails flying around as her head in a jumble,’Dammit Koukin! Why did you have to go and tell me those scary theories? I’d like to enjoy my day without paranoia, please!’

Indeed, after Chitoge and Elbia’s testimony, Koukin put her theories forward with what information they had on hand and it looked like the most likely explanation was this.

Freya had an interest in her Bell.

That thought should have been horrifying enough, but Hestia couldn’t find herself to be scared, worried ye, she’d be a fool not to be, but not scared.

For if Freya really wanted Bell, she could take him anytime she wanted to, she has more than enough power to, but the fact that she didn’t, raised some potential reasons to mind.

One, Freya didn’t want to hurt Hestia to get to Bell, given she actually seemed to enjoy Hestia’s company. How or why that is, Hestia couldn’t figure out. Something about her being so honest.

Two, she was waiting for Bell to grow to a point that would make taking him worth the effort. Sort of like waiting for fruit to ripen before picking it. This resulted in a mental image of Bell resembling an apple that Freya was about to bite into. It made Hestia shiver at the ridiculous imagery.

Three, and it was the worst scenario according to Koukin, Freya had found out about the summoning magic and was simply waiting to gauge their strength before attacking and the best way to do that is through Bell.

Though that last one was the least likely, given that everyone has kept their apparent origins covert and they hadn’t grown too quickly as a familia to warrant any suspicion.

‘Grown quickly?’ Hestia thought with a wine of displeasure, ‘not grown at all more like it.’

They hadn’t summoned any new allies since Kallen, Elbia, and Ibuki. Hestia was usually against using the magic, both for the attention it could draw…

And the fact that there would be more women in this home between her and her precious Bell!

Let it not be said the Goddess of the hearth had her priorities straight.

Hestia sighed and leaned back against the chair she was in. She was being immature, she knew that. Like it or not, with the possibility of Freya having an interest in Bell, summoning more allies may just be the best option.

Among other things.

Hestia brought her gaze back to Bell, seeing his exhausted but serene expression. Thinking about how hard he must have pushed himself down there and what impact he had on the familia as a whole.

It actually led to a decision that was unanimously decided amongst the members after what they saw and experienced.

If it meant they could protect Bell better and defend the familia, they were willing to utilize the other skill that they all possessed, albeit some with caveats.

Passion Recipient, the skill that Hestia had kept from Bell for so long due to her own constitution and, admittedly, her selfishness.

She brought her hand to her first child’s head, stroking some hair aside his brow. She had put it off for long enough and after everything that happened yesterday, she knew she couldn’t for any longer.

Bell was bound to get into these situations, there was no use denying it. He had a stubborn habit of jumping into danger, whether for himself or for others, and that was on top of the dangers that came with being an adventurer.

“You just can’t help yourself, can you?” she asked her sleeping child, “you always push yourself so far, despite the risks,” she leaned over him and pressed her lips to his forehead, the action seemingly relaxing Bell further into his slumber, “but that’s one of the reasons I love you, isn’t it?”

Hestia sat back and continued to wait. Watching as her child slept with a serine look on his face.

She hoped he rested up well, he was going to need all his strength to prepare for what she was going to tell him.

Offhandedly, she hoped the others were doing okay as well. After the minotaur incident, they could use a chance to relax.

Kallen didn’t think her day would involve her preventing her fellow familia member from trying to kill a shop owner.

Yet here she was.

She held back a very irate Chitoge, who was lunging at a drowsy looking chienthrope woman who was leaned back against the wall and looking at her blonde companion as if she were a monster straight out of the dungeon.

“Watered down potions?!” Chitoge exclaimed, “You gave us watered down potions! For how long?! Since Bell became your regular customer?!”

This whole day started rather tamed in comparison to now. After their last trip into the dungeon, the familia had a new spark within them after seeing their captain fight so hard. They had desires to push themselves hard today, some more than others, but nonetheless they had their own plans for the day to do so.

Takeru had left sometime early in the morning, heading into the dungeon, being accompanied by Ibuki, surprisingly. They both had made mention of going down to the middle floors and test themselves good and proper, despite the apparent risks.

Takeru made sense, she was always looking to improve herself, and after watching Bell fight, she finally found monsters in the dungeon that she could actually test herself properly against, regardless of how deep the floors are. Ibuki was the surprise, given she liked to explore the city, rather than train most of the time.

Bell’s actions really had an effect on everyone, even lackadaisical Arue was studying the magic of this world with a bit more fervor and focus, rather than work on her own literature. However, Hana and Elbia retreated into their art studio downstairs, saying something about working on a masterpiece. Neither of them went into details on this work of theirs but they seemed adamant to get it done.

Kallen and Chitoge were both about to go into the dungeon to test themselves similar to Takeru but were surprised when they left their home and found one Liliruca Arde walking up to their doorstep, the pallum greeted the two politely before asking about Bell. She had a visible smile on her face when she was assured he was alright and was recovering nicely.

Then she brought something to their attention that surprised the two members.

She asked them where they received their health and stamina potions, mentioning there might be something wrong with them. Chitoge and Kallen were surprised by this news and asked what made her so sure. Lili then told them of the wound that Elbia received and how their potion did little to help her, until they met Ais who supplied one of her own that worked almost immediately.

That did seem suspicious, especially since Chitoge herself was given the better end of Ais’s potion. So they elected to go to where the Hestia familia went to get all their potion and tonic needs.

A store run by Hestia’s dear friend, Miach, god of healing and potion crafter, alongside his beloved assistant and captain of his familia Naaza, a chienthrope.

Who was leaning back against the wall and away from the wild swings and grabs by Chitoge.

“Let go of me Kallen!,” Chitoge exclaimed in the redhead’s arms, “I’m gonna pluck her tail off and choke her with it!”

Lili watched from the side, a neutral expression on her face despite the chaos in front of her. She turned to look at Naaza, “Sucks to be you now huh?”

Flinching at the pallum’s words, Naaza couldn’t offer a rebuttal to her words. Despite the apparent danger she was in from a barely restrained blonde, Naaza did have a cold pit of guilt stewing in her gut for her actions.

But she had a reason for the deception, a reason she had been tricking Bell and his familia for so long.

“Naaza,” a gentle voice amidst the incoherent yelling called to her. She turned to see the sorrowful stare of her God looking at her, “Why?” he asked.

Naaza Couldn't meet her God’s gaze but a look of disquiet anger made its way to her features, “It’s because of you, lord Miach,” she said with a tone of bitterness, “your kind nature, it…it…you kept giving away potions for free. Our resources were plummeting, we weren’t making any profit to restock, let alone enough to keep the shop open,” she looked to the side, avoiding her God’s hurt gaze, “I did what I had to. Selling diluted potions with a price markup wasn’t right, I know that, but it was better than our familia collapsing from our charity.”

Miach stared at his sole remaining child, conflict and hurt echoing in his ancient soul. He wanted to argue and justify his acts of charity but found he couldn’t. It was his nature to help and be giving as it was to heal others, but what did that matter if it hurt his own children in the process.

Kallen and Chitoge looked on from the side, Chitoge’s struggling in the other’s grip had ceased when noticing the shamed look on Naaza’s face, as well as the look of guilt on her God’s face as well.

Things were clearly more complicated than just them swindling Bell and Hestia familia. Yes, it still didn’t excuse their actions, but it did have an unfortunate light of tragedy shined upon them that made their actions somewhat reasonable.

Before either of them could say anything to the duo, a loud boastful voice rang through the store along with the door opening.

“Fuahahahaha! My my Miach! Still running this shanty shed you call a store, huh? I hope it provided you enough to pay off your debt!”

All eyes in the store turned to the loud voice and saw it was a man with aged features that put him in the cusp of his golden years with energy to spare, behind him was a short young woman with silver hair wearing a uniform that was passingly familiar to Kallen and Chitoge, and was definitely familiar to Lili.

It was the uniform of who were arguably the best healers in the city, Dian Cecht Familia.

Which means the old man who came in so arrogantly was…

“Hmmm,” the old man mused, looking at the scene before him, “Having a falling out with your customers, Miach? Not good, not good at all! How can you hope to pay back your massive debt to me if you turn your own customers into enemies? Better to just hand me the pharmacy and leave, save yourself the trouble.”

The God Dian Cecht himself in all of his immodest expensive glory.

Miach walked up to the visiting God, a tired but unamused look upon his face, “Nice to see you today, Dian Cecht. I imagine you’re here to collect?”

Dian Cecht smiled, it reminded Chitoge of sh*tty car salesmen, “You guessed right my ‘friend’,” he said the word ‘friend’ as if it were poison, “and judging by the look on your face, you don’t have this month’s payment, do you?”

Miach flinched at the question, “I…” he began but couldn’t find the words.

The rival healing God raised his head and let out a loud bark of a laugh, “Fuahaha! I thought as much! Your carelessness with money and generosity are finally putting the nail in your own coffin, aren’t they?”

Miach had no response, feeling the barbs of truth sticking in him. He had been too generous, he admits that, but to have it hurt him like this? Guess the saying is true, no good deed goes unpunished.

“I’ve been very generous,” Dian Cecht said, no mockery this time, just a statement of fact, “but my kindness can only go so far. You have until tomorrow to pay up. If not? I’ll take this place and sell it! Then kick you out of the city!”

His ultimatum given, Dian Cecht turned to leave, but paused when he saw the others.

He put on his best smile and said, “If you were unsatisfied with the service my friend here couldn’t provide,” he idly gestured to Miach with a tilt of his head, “then come down to my pharmacy. We have the best doctors, healers, and we sell potions from our best crafters that are guaranteed to-” he was cut off.

“Not interested, go away.”

“I’ve heard better pitches from Potato Puff sellers, you suck bro.”

“Lili doesn’t trust anyone with a market pitch like that.”

The words of Kallen, Chitoge, and Lili seemed to have dealt physical blows to the God, who was reeling back from each of their responses.

He was not a God that handled rejection well.

He gave a huff before turning around with a flutter of his expensive robes and marched to the door, his follower giving a polite bow to them before following along.

When the two left, Chitoge, now free from Kallen’s grip, turned to Naaza, a look of pity on her face, her anger gone, “You in debt to that clown?” a miserable nod was the answer, “That sucks.”

“Is that why you gave us faulty potions with hiked up prices?” Kallen asked the two, “Your debt that bad?”

Miach gave a tired sight before turning to his only familia member, a question in his gaze. Naaza met his stare and gave an agreeable nod. He turned back to the others and said, “I think it’s best you hear the full story,”

With no small amount of difficulty, Miach explained the situation his familia was in, about how Naaza used to explore the dungeon with other members, the horrible accident she suffered down there that cost her her arm and caused her terrible trauma, Miach’s pleading to Dian Cecht for a capable prosthetic for her, and the massive debt he accumulated that resulted with almost all of his familia leaving.

All accept Naaza.

Whatever frustrations they may have felt for their actions, were evaporated by the truth, especially when Naaza showed them her prosthetic arm. Kallen had to blink twice when she saw it, she expected something more…primitive, but the arm honestly wouldn’t look too out of place in her old world.

Technology was weird here.

“Even though our circ*mstances were dire,” Miach said, “that doesn’t mean Naaza should have done what she did. For that, I can only apologize.”

Kallen scratched the back of her head awkwardly. After hearing about their circ*mstances, it left her feeling both pity and understanding of their actions and she honestly couldn’t bring herself to be mad about it.

Lili was in a similar, albeit less, feelings on the matter. Yes their situation was dire, desperate even, and she admits that she would have probably done the same in their shoes. But she had reservations about forgiving them in full thanks to the minotaur incident yesterday. Had those potions not been tampered with and been the legitimate stuff, Chitoge and Elbia would’ve had Bell’s back against that monster.

Chitoge was silent, arms crossed and eyes closed in thought, thinking about what she heard. Any previous rage she had held for Naaza had seemingly dissipated, replaced with something else. She opened her eyes a cunning gleam in them, she turned to Miach, “Hey Blue!” she began, “You need to do something to pay back Old-and-Annoying or you're out of town, right?”

Miach blinked at the sudden strange name for him and Dian Cecht but answered, “Y-yes. We need to come up with something or he’ll call my debt and I’ll be forced to leave the city.”

Chitoge smacked a fist into her palm, “Then just make a new potion! One that no one has seen before and sell it to Old-and-Annoying!”

Kallen and Lili both looked at Chitoge, wondering where this scheme came from. Naaza gave a bark of sardonic laughter at the girl’s suggestion, “It’s not just that simple,” she said, “we can’t just think up a magic potion out of thin air like that! We need to know the ingredients, experiment, the process alone could take weeks.”

“Actually I have been working on something.”

“And not to mention-,” Naaza paused in her spiel, she looked to her God, “you have, lord Miach?”

The healer God nodded, a thoughtful expression on his face, “For some time now,” he said, “it’s a potion that should theoretically heal both the body and the mind. A dual potion if you will.”

Naaza blinked, stunned by her God’s words. If this is true, and she didn’t doubt it was, then this potion could be a game changer in the field of potion craft.

“Well since she doesn’t seem about to ask it,” Kallen said, looking at Naaza, “I will. What are you missing?”

Miach looked up in thought, a hand on his chin, “I’ve been missing an ingredient, a key one in fact and there are only a few ways to obtain it.”

Chitoge nodded along but was getting impatient, “Well, what is it? Where is it? How do we get it?” her red ribbon on her head was twitching with each question somehow, drawing a curious look from Lili at the phenomenon.

She thought Bell was the only one that looked like a rabbit.

“Eggs from a bloodsaurus,” Miach said, “a vicious monster that can found on the lower floors of the dungeon.”

Chitoge, Kallen, and Lili started at that. A monster from the lower floors? They imagined the ingredient would be rare and difficult, but not ‘that’ difficult. After the incident with the minotaur, Hestia familia had a newfound sense of caution around the beasts in the dungeon. Though some were definitely more confident than others at handling such monsters. Takeru was absolutely confident in her skills at fighting such beasts and Arue herself commented that she could unleash her magic might against such foes with little difficulty, were she so inclined to.

Kallen was on the fence about such things. She was sure she could hold her own against such a monster like a minotaur but her time in her old world taught her caution was the better form of strength when power wasn’t enough.

A lesson she and many others from her old world learned the hard way.

Chitoge knew her limits and after her scuffle against the bovine monster, she would feel more comfortable and confident with fighting such a foe with backup on her side.

Though both could agree with this, fighting a lower level monster was definitely outside the ballpark for them.

Miach saw their expressions at his words and gave them a reassuring smile, “No need to worry,” he said, “that is thankfully not the only place they are found. In fact, they are one of the rare monsters that spawn on the surface and lay eggs much more often than their counterparts down below.

Chitoge perked up at this sudden news, “Oh! That’s great! Monsters on the surface are typically weaker than those in the dungeon, right?”

Kallen nodded, “Yeah and the power gap between the two is wide and vast. We shouldn’t have a problem handling something like that.”

Lili made a noise, drawing attention to her, “Lili is glad you’re confident but Lili would rather be on the side of caution if we are gonna do what I think we’re gonna do.”

Chitoge gave the disguised pallum a smile, “If you mean help these two out, get a unique potion developed, and negotiate better deals for us in the future? Then yes!”

Miach was honestly heartfelt by the offer, “You would do that?”

Chitoge passed the God a toothy grin, “Sure, but not for free mind you,” she said with emphasis, “In exchange, it’s like what I said, we want better deals with your potions and no more diluted crap or price hikes,” she paused in thought before continuing, “and we want a few of those new potions for ourselves as well.”

“That is-,” Nazareth started, before being cut off by Kallen, who stepped forth.

“Or, you could reject our help and try to find a better way yourself,” she shrugged nonchalantly, “it’s your familia at risk after all, not ours. Besides, we still want to keep coming here. Our captain is fond of this place and our Goddess is good friends with Miach. We don’t want that to end on bad terms for them.”

Naaza couldn’t bring herself to argue against that. What they said was true, Bell came here regularly and bought her potions at her asking price, unaware of her deception. Still smiling and being so polite and kind, she knew Miach was a near and dear friend of Hestia, having been the Goddess’s drinking buddy alongside Takemikazuchi.

Could she really jeopardize that over her being stingy about the offered deal? No she could not.

With a sigh, Nazza nodded her head, “Very well, but you’ll need a guide,” she looked them over, “unless any of you know where to go and what to look for? Then I must come with you.”

The offer surprised everyone, especially Miach, “Naaza,” he began, “are you sure?”

Naaza looked to her God and gave him a smile, “It isn’t the dungeon, that’s already better for me. Besides,” she looked at the others, her face sober, “I do harbor guilt for what I did to Bell and the others. I can at least help them with this.”

Kallen and Chitoge smiled at her offer. They still held some reservations about her, but if she was sincere, they could give her a chance

Bell was really rubbing off on them.

Lili would have said something about this whole situation being a little too dramatic but could not bring herself to word them.

She too was swept up in this moment here.

After retrieving their weapons and gear, Chitoge and Kallen, alongside Lili, followed Naaza as she led them outside the city and into the deep forest that surrounded Orario.

They had told Koukin and Hestia what was going on and despite Hestia’s reacting badly to the news about Bell being swindled for so long, they had approved of the plan and wished them the best of luck.

Kallen inquired about the rest of the familia whilthey were there. Koukin told her that Takeru and Ibuki were still in the dungeon, Arue was still out at the library studying magic of the world, Bell was still resting, and Hana and Elbia continued to lock themselves downstairs in their studio.

Chitoge asked if they should be worried about them but Hestia assured her that she was leaving food outside the door for them and that they had been taking it and leaving empty plates outside.

With little else to comment, the party of four went out to take some eggs.

…That did not sound as epic as it should.

They traveled through the forest now, a good distance from the city. They kept their eyes open for any signs of monsters and especially bloodsauruses. Though Naaza assured them that they shouldn’t have a problem with finding one, they weren’t exactly subtle creatures, though they do try.

Eventually, after moving through the forest for some time, they entered upon a clearing where large trees hung overhead and covered the area in patches of shadow and with grass that grew to reach up to their waists at the lowest and over their heads at the highest.

“This is the spot,” Naaza said in a whisper, “this is usually the bloodsaurus preferred nesting grounds.”

“How can you tell?” Kallen asked in a whisper.

Naaza pointed at several areas of grass that seemed to be taller than the rest but were awkwardly tilted in different directions and looked quite messy, “the monsters try to move through the grass without disturbing it and they push the taller grass over their nests as a type of protection from birds or other types of egg eaters.”

Chitoge looked to the grass again, a question on her tongue, “Why do they not want to disturb the grass though? What’s the point of that?”

Naaza was about to move ahead until she heard Chitoge’s question. She was about to answer but it was Lili who offered the explanation, “Monsters on the surface are much weaker than the ones in the dungeon,” she looked at the grass with great displeasure, given how it all hung over her head, “they had to adapt to a different hunting strategy and an ambush hunter wouldn’t like to leave a trail.”

Little was said after that explanation, sobering as it was, and the party went into the grass with their heads on a swivel. They could definitely handle a monster, should one appear, but caution was the best approach for this mission, given what was at stake.

Didn’t want to smash some eggs in the middle of a fight after all.

They reached their first nest, pushed the tall overhanging grass aside to see the eggs, eight of them all in a clutch.

Naaza gestured for Lili to come over with her bag and began depositing the eggs inside. While Kallen and Chitoge were watching around them for any signs of trouble.

Nazza deposited the last egg and gave the others a silvered thumbs up with her prosthetic, “That’s one nest down, a few more to go.”

“How many do we need?” Chitoge asked, still watching around them, “Shouldn’t that many be enough? They're not exactly small.”

Naaza shook her head, “We need at least twenty or more if we want a decent chance of success in making the potion. Having extra would balance any rooms of error that would come in crafting it,” she gave them a rueful smile, “one of the first lessons I was taught from others in my familia before they all left.”

No one had anything to argue that but Lili groaned about having to walk through a forest in a forest, thanks to the tall grass. Chitoge rubbed the grumbling pallum’s head, taking some sympathy at her plight of height. This seemed to make Lili grumble more but she didn’t push Chitoge away.

Her softly wagging chienthrope tail was all the answer the blonde needed.

They continued on and again found a nest, bigger this time with ten eggs in it. They gathered them up and made to move to the third and final nest that would be the end of this mission if their luck still holds.

As they followed Naaza, Lili spotted something on the ground just beside them, she gave a cough that stopped their progress and moved to see what it was. She picked it up and examined it.

It was a tooth, a fang at first sight but was thicker and as wide as Lili’s hand at the base and was long enough to be considered a dagger in the pallum’s hands.

Lili turned to the others and showed them her find, “Lili found this on the ground,” she said, “Would this be a tooth from one of those things?”

Naaza nodded and looked around them, “Yes. That’s the tooth of a bloodsaurus,” she flicked her own chienthrope ears, as if looking for a certain sound with them, “let’s move with more caution. We’ve been lucky not to run into any by now, but that might not be the case for long.”

The rest of the party nodded and followed along, with as much caution as they could, as if they were in the dungeon itself.

Kallen had her kodachi drawn and hand crossbow held high, ready for whatever comes. This wasn’t her first time in a thick forest waiting for an enemy to show up, if one was to in any case. Granted, this was her first time in such a forest without a machine to cocoon herself in and fight from within that.

Chitoge was walking softly along, her gaze traveling around herself for any signs of trouble, her fists clenched within her gauntlets and ready to strike out. She had a sense of danger, one that was practically raised within her from her family itself in the Queen Hive Gang and was further focused from her time in the dungeon. It was silent for now but Chitoge knew that could change at the drop of a hat.

Who goes into the forest and does not expect life there?

They reached the third and hopefully final nest, this one bigger than the others which was already a good sign. Naaza and Lili pushed the large grass aside to peer into it and Naaza smiled when she saw another healthy batch of eggs, another eight if she counted them right.

Lili was frowning as she looked into the nest, her instincts telling her something was off. Something about all of this was off. They had ventured into what was known monster territory, stolen eggs from a known aggressive species, and not once have they seen any sign that they were there. Not even a footprint.

This wasn’t adding up and Lili finally realized something as Naaza was putting the eggs in her bag.

The realization chilled her.

“Everyone,” Lili whispered with urgency, drawing everyone’s attention, “do you hear that?”

Chitoge and Kallen listened, and Naaza tilted her head to pick up any sounds, “I don’t hear anything Miss Arde,” she said.

“I’ve got nothin either,” Chitoge answered with a shrug.

“I don’t hear anything but the wind Lili,” Kallen answered, turning to look at her, “You sure you heard something?”

“No, Lili didn’t,” Lili answered with a fearful shake of her head, “and that’s the problem. Nothings making a sound. No birds or bugs, no animals, nothing,” she looked around her urgently, “and we’ve gone through three nests so far without running into a single one of those monsters.

The three finally caught on to what she was saying and the realization was sobering. Naaza quickly put the last egg in and gestured to the others, “We should go, now.”

A deep rumble stopped any motion they were about to take.

It was a deep sound, loud in a way that didn’t hurt the ears but could shake your bones.

Chitoge and Kallen stood more on guard and Naaza withdrew a bow on her back and notched an arrow. Lili moved between them and readied her repeating wrist mounted crossbow.

They didn’t hear it again but everyone knew it was there, something was there.

They scanned the terrain, the tall grass making it difficult enough, add in the shadows cast by the trees and leaves and that made spotting any creatures extremely difficult.

Regardless, they all put their senses to the test in trying to locate the origin of the sound.

They did not have to look long, given it decided to attack.

The tall grass parted or was stomped down by the onrushing monster. It nearly closed the distance with them but the others caught sight of it as soon as it appeared and made to jump aside of its assault.

They were lucky enough to avoid the sudden leap and snapping jaws as it went past them and destroyed the nest under foot.

They all quickly recovered and looked upon the attacker, who was shaking its head in frustration at missing its kills.

It was a bloodsaurus but it was massively different from how Naaza described one.

For starters, it was huge. Much bigger than a usual bloodsaurus on the surface, maybe twice the size of one if Naaza could guess. Next, its pebbled skin was not only the crimson blood red for which it got its name, but also sporting black stripes up and down its flank like a tiger of some kind. Lastly, it was the eyes. Most monsters, whether they are on the surface or in the dungeon, usually sported glowing red eyes, this one however had glowing purple eyes that looked to be leaking light like some malevolent tears of some kind.

This was an abnormal monster that was plain to see, and they were now being hunted by it.

The abnormal bloodsaurus looked around before spotting Naaza, who froze with weapon in hand at the beast's evil stare. It growled before prowling over to her, its jaws opening to reveal a maw of curved teeth and fangs.

She couldn’t move, her fear and trauma preventing her. This was just supposed to be a simple mission in dealing with relatively simple monsters. Not something like this. What could she do? Why was this happening? Was she going to die? What was going to happen to Miach if she did? Who would take care of the store? What-

“Like hell I’m going through this again!”

Naaza felt someone tackle her from the side just as the monster's jaws snapped down where she once was. She looked to see Chitoge who was looking at her with complete anger and annoyance.

“Get it together Naaza,” she said, standing up and pulling her up as well, “we need you to focus and help us beat this thing.”

Naaza shook in place, now realizing just how close she came to death. This was a mistake. She shouldn’t have come here. It was like the dungeon. It was like when she lost her arm-

Two hands slapped both sides of her cheeks and push them together, she was made to look directly into Chitoge’s eyes.

“Calm down,” she said firmly, “you’re not alone. We will beat this thing together. Alright?”

Naaza calmed down somewhat enough to nod, making Chitoge smile slightly, “Good,” she said standing up, “let’s go help the others, they’re distracting it right now.”

Naaza stood herself and though fear still stabbed at her heart, she readied her bow and prepared to fight.

Kallen and Lili were both keeping the creature’s attention on them and they could see the apparent frustration in the monster’s actions.

They’d guess that the charge it did was only for a good ambush.

Though the monster was an abnormal, it didn’t seem to have enough speed to close the gap between it and Kallen, who leapt out of the way of any charge that it would use on her. She followed up by shooting the beast with her hand crossbow, trying to aim at the softest parts she could find but to know avail.

Neck, arms, legs, hindquarters, all of it seemed to have increased defenses to attacks, or the weapon she was using couldn’t put out the damage she needed.

She put her hand crossbow away and focused her strength into wielding her kodachi. She saw the beast turn back to her and she got ready.

‘Any time now, Lili,’ she thought with some urgency.

With a roar, the bloodsaurus charged at her, only to flinch when a small bag seemed to fly out from the grass and into the monster’s snout, disgorging its contents, the monster suddenly roared, not in display, but rage and panic at what it was smelling.

Lili said it was some kind of monster repellent and she swore up and down about how effective it was.

Given that Kallen could even see actual tears roll down the monster’s eyes, she didn’t doubt it for a second.

Kallen rushed forward, blade in hand and made to cut at, what she hoped, was a soft underbelly. She swung her sword left and right as she passed the tiny arms and titanic legs, and was happy to see her sword cut through flesh and draw razors of pain from the monster from her actions. She slid past its underbelly and took one swing at the tail, successfully cutting flesh, only to suddenly stop when she felt she hit something hard. Kallen looked to see her blade had cut into the beast’s flesh, but stopped somehow when it made contact with those strange stripes the monster had.

Kallen tried to push her blade to keep cutting but to no avail. It was like she was trying to push her blade through rock.

“What the hell are these stripes?!’ she thought with some frustration.

She withdrew her blade from the monster’s tail when she saw it about to spin around and take a bite at her. Jumping back just in time to avoid snapping teeth.

She slid to a stop some distance away, her gaze never leaving her foe, who returned her stare alongside a deep rumbling growl.

Kallen could see her work underneath the creature, given its massive size, and was proud to see the cuts she made were making it bleed something fierce. She now knew something useful about this beast from her actions.

Those stripes had to be modified scales or something and they were tough enough to stop her sword strike dead on contact. Add in the fact that this thing was clearly stronger than a monster on the surface had a right to be and this presented a clear challenge for the group.

A challenge that Kallen couldn’t help but smile at.

It was insane, really. Here she was fighting an abnormal monster almost by herself and she was smiling like a loon. A quick introspection told her why.

After Bell’s fight with the minotaur, she was overcome with amazement and excitement at her captain and summoner for beating the odds and defeating that beast. She could remember almost every detail of that battle, every strike Bell threw, every near hit for the minotaur, Bell lifting the giant sword, the minotaur unleashing a final charge, and Bell blasting the monster into ashes.

It was stimulating to see and it sparked something in her. One was admiration for her captain, not something easily done, the other was something else.

Inspiration, Kallen was inspired by Bell’s fight and it made her want to push herself to greater heights. Made her want to stand out on her own.

And the funny thing is, she wasn’t the only one.

An arrow shot from the tall grass and impaled itself into the bloodsaurus’s eye, making the monster roar in agony and turn to the area it was attacked. Only to be struck in the back of the head by a blond blur that dropped an armored heel upon it.

Growling, the monster stumbled a step before lashing behind it with its tail, missing its attacker by a hair. Chitoge backflipped off the monster’s back and landed a short distance from Kallen.

They shared eye contact for a moment with each agreeing on one thing.

They were going to beat this monster!

Kallen dashed forward, with Chitoge trailing behind her, “Attack between the stripes!” Kallen shouted, not only to Chitoge, but to Lili and Naaza, “The black stripes are extra armored somehow! Aim between them and at the underside. There’s no stripes there!”

She struck again at the beasts underside, drawing a splash of blood and a howl of rage from the monster. Chitoge, lacking any bladed weapons of her own, decided to strike at the beast’s feet in an attempt to break a toe, she succeeded in a strike that cracked a massive talon, but no sign she broke bone, the monster clearly felt it, given it gave another grunt of pain.

Bolts suddenly rained down upon the creature from somewhere not far away inside the grass. Many bounced off the monster’s hide from where the stripes were at, others hit well and true and stuck themselves in, not deep, but enough to draw the monster’s focus.

As it turned to pursue whoever shot at it, another arrow shot from the other side and nail the monster in one of its nostrils.

It felt a blinding flash of pain and reared its head and roared at the sensation and out of pure rage.

Chaotically and wrathfully, it swung its head back and forth, bellowing as it did so, its tail lashing this way and that and smashing against the ground and nearby trees with thunderous percussion.

Kallen could see their attacks were doing damage, yes, but they weren’t going to get a kill shot in anytime soon at this rate, and the monster was more guarded around its eye now that it lost one. She knew they were capable of taking this thing down, they just needed to put their focus into an effective strike.

This was getting really frustrating, and Kallen couldn’t keep her anger in check for very…long.

‘My anger,’ she thought, ‘my skill!’

‘Guren’, a skill she possessed since the moment she was summoned. It’s effects were simple, it would give her a temporary boost of her status when facing certain odds, greater odds if she remembered right, and the effect was increased depending on her aggression.

She looked again at the monster, seeing its massive size and weight that dwarfed her, its powerful tail, sharp claws, and bone crushing teeth.

If fighting this thing didn’t count as ‘greater odds’, she didn’t know what did. She focused now on herself, more accurately, her anger and let it boil to the surface and through her being.

“Chitoge! Everyone!” she shouted, “Try to keep it busy, I’m going to try something that might kill it.”

She wasn’t responded to but Chitoge quickly ran and the monster and went low, dodging gnashing teeth that nearly took her in half, once she was under the belly, she lept vertically and landed an impressive high kick to where Kallen cut the beast previously, drawing another angry roar from the monster, that was cut off in guttural coughs as a bag of something potent landed in its mouth with a puff of a red cloud.

Lili had to thank Ibuki next time she saw her for sharing her spice recipe for her pepper bombs.

Kallen felt her anger pool from her and bubbling out to the surface, she could feel it was having an affect on her. Her muscles felt hot, she could hear her heartbeat in her ears rapid fire, her vision was getting blurry except where she saw the bloodsaurus, her main focus, her enemy, her target.

She tightened her grip on the kodachi, feeling like the handle would snap in her grip if she squeezed it harder, the worry and frustration of that happening fueled her anger all the more.

She saw Chitoge leap into the tall grass, just as the monster went to follow her. It wade through the grass, its head swinging left and right, trying to find her or the others that it sought to kill. Shaking its colossal head and knocking the arrow out of its nose, it rose its head up to smell the air, to track its targets.

‘That’s it!’ Kallen thought, ‘That’s the moment!’

Tensing her legs, her anger and frustration fueling her body, she leapt forward through the air with speed she didn’t know she had, her skill boosting her status to a degree she never tested herself.

In a single second before she struck, she realized how bad of an idea this was. She never tested or practiced with her skill and using it now was reckless in the extreme.

But it will be so worth it if she succeeds.

As she drew near the monster, she struck out at the monster’s neck, slicing into it as deep as she could with as much strength she could muster.

She felt something snap in her grasp just as she finished her leap and delivered a long cut to the beast, landing on the ground in a slide. She looked at her weapon and grimaced as she saw her blade had snapped right above the guard.

But thankfully that sacrifice was worth it.

She looked back to the monster and saw it thrashing its head left in right in clear panic and pain, its blood fountaining from where Kallen’s attack struck.

Eventually the monster began to move slower and slower, as its strength ebbed away from the blood loss, it collapsed forward, its one working eye dimming ever more. It seemed to tense up as it layed there, its stripes losing their ebony color and becoming a pale gray. It gave one final hiss through its nostrils and the light died in its eyes as the last drop of blood spilled from its neck. Soon enough, the monster began to dissolve into ash, falling in upon itself.

Kallen rose to her feet, her hand that held the remnants of her sword shaking from her exertion.

“Well,” she began, “that’s that.”

Chitoge came to her side, a wide smile on her face, “That was amazing Kallen!” she exclaimed, “Next time, you should lead with that!” she patted Kallen’s back uproariously.

Kallen tensed and gave a brief shout of pain when Chitoge’s hand touched her back. Seemed she really needed to train with that skill more.

“Oh crap!” Chitoge said, seeing her reaction, “Are you alright?”

Kallen managed to wave off her worries, though the action caused her to wince again, “Yeah, I’m fine,” she groaned as dull pain echoed through her body, at least it was going away somewhat, “never tried to use my skill like that is all.”

Chitoge kept her eyes on her in case Kallen needed her help, when it became clear she would be okay, Chitoge gave a sigh of relief, “Well you certainly tested the limits of it, I’m sure,” she looked back towards where the monster once was, “That thing was way stronger than we thought,” she turned to look at Naaza, who was coming out of the tall grass towards them, her gaze directed at the pile of ash, “They get like this on the surface?”

Naaza shook her head, her grip still tight on her bow. She may have held her fear back in order to help them, but the weight of the experience still has an effect on her, “No,” she answered, “or at least not often, if at all. Abnormal monsters like that are obscenely rare on the surface,” she gave a shrug, “but not impossible. It would take years for it to happen though, close to a decade if it solely ate monsters on the surface.”

Chitoge rubbed her head in frustration while Kallen just gave an exhausted sight, “Guess we know why the nests weren’t guarded,” she said, “that big bastard must have come in and ate the others,” she looked up into the canopy, seeing the sun through the leaves, “monsters really are vicious. Whether here or in the dungeon.”

Naaza went over to the now large mound of ash that was the bloodsaurus, she looked over the large pile of ashes before spotting what she was looking for, “Well, at the very least,” she reached down and picked up the magic stone of the monster, its size filling her palm, “we get a nice bonus on top of the eggs.

“That’s very nice for you,” came a familiar voice from the grass, “but Lili thinks that all she wants at the end of the day is a nice long bath.”

The pallum disguised as a chienthrope walked out of the grass and Chitoge and Kallen held back their laughter with all the will power they could muster.

Lili had apparently been too close to the beast when Kallen slit its throat and as a result, was liberally splattered with the monster’s blood. From her backpack, to her boots, she was completely splattered with gore and she did not look amused at all right now.

Naaza was the only one that wasn’t laughing, though she definitely winced at seeing Lili in such a state. It also may be because Naaza could smell the blood’s noxious odor with her sensitive nose and she didn’t want to imagine how it would feel, given the smell.

Chitoge calmed down enough to finally look at Lili with a straight face, “Sorry Lili,” she apologized, “after that crazy fight, seeing you like that…well,”

“Lili is happy she was able to amuse you,” the pallum said in a low tone, “now, how about we go home before this blood stains Lili’s clothes and gear.”

The rest nodded and made to leave the area, with Lili trailing behind. Before she began walking away, Lili looked down at the pile of ash, her curiosity and instincts screaming at her that something was off about this, that they were missing something important. This monster was too strong to be on the surface. Something like this was usually called in to the guild and adventurers were dispatched, quickly at that. How had it gone so long undetected? Someone had to have known, a creature like this doesn’t just get this strong and this dangerous without someone knowing about it or stumbling upon it, especially this close to the city.

‘This isn’t right,’ she thought, ‘this is all too weird.’

Something in the pile of ash caught her eye, she couldn’t get a good look at it but it almost looked like…

“Hey Lili!” Chitoge shouted back at her, “C’mon, aren’t you in the rush to shower? We don’t want that blood to dry out in your hair, do we?”

Lili started at Chitoge’s voice, drawing her attention away from the ash for a moment. When she looked back, she didn’t see what caught her eye, ‘If it was even there in the first place,’ she thought.

The fight was intense, her eyes must be playing tricks on her.

“Lili is coming!” she shouted back before running to her party, leaving the remains of the monster and the scene of battle behind.

Some time had passed since the small party fought the bloodsaurus, the sun was getting lower and approaching twilight.

In the area in which the monster fell, there was still only the pile of ash, unique given at this point, the ash should have already dissolved into nothing or be whisked away by the wind. Yet it still remained, as if in contempt of the elements and reason itself.

A flash of light briefly appeared in the tree line, followed by heavy footsteps through the tall grass. A man broke through the tall grass, wearing a deep hood and cloak that obscured any visual of his face.

He stood in front of the large pile of monster ashes, a contemplative hum leaving his lips briefly. He reached a gloved hand inside his cloak, pulling out a medallion attached to a silver chain. The medallion was an ivory disc with the image of a balancing scale on one side and a stylized bird on the other side.

He held the medallion over the ash pile, seeing it emit a soft halo-like glow of green light. He eventually held the object over a certain spot and the medallion spinned as well as glowed its brightest. He put the medallion away and reached down to where it spinned. Grabbing and pulling up a fist full of ash, he held his hand upright and opened it up, allowing the material to fall around his palm and through his fingers, only to leave behind something when all the ash had fallen from his hand.

It was a small thing, barely the size of a valis coin, it could have been confused for an especially dark rock but the man knew just how important this small bit of material was.

He reached into his cloak again, this time pulling out a small crystal orb. He muttered something and the orb emitted a soft hum before a voice could be heard from it.

“I hope you’ve come to report good news,” a melodious voice said from the orb, in a tone that expected much and more.

“Both good and bad I’m afraid, my lady,” the man said, his voice smooth but calculating, “bad news first, the experiment outside the city has been terminated.”

He heard the voice sigh but could not sense any anger in it, “That is certainly bad news but not the worst in the least,” her tone became professional, analytical, “it was a loose gamble none of us saw going anywhere and it’s honestly more of a shock it had lasted this long,” he heard the sound of shuffling papers, “tell me, how long has it been since we set up this test in that area?”

The man thought for only a few seconds, the answer coming almost immediately, “three years, seven months, and seventeen days,” he said neutrally, “I would need to look at the records for exact hour and minute.”

“Don’t bother,” the voice said from the orb and the sound of paper being moved started again before going silent, “accuracy, though important, is not necessary all the time.”

He gave a grunt at that, his disagreement evident. The voice from the orb spoke again, a touch of humor in her tone now, no doubt from his reaction, “Despite this unfortunate happening, are you sure this was the only experiment that was destroyed?”

He didn’t need to even think of the answer to know it, “Yes my lady,” he said, “this was the only one that our spells indicated was destroyed. All others continue to persist.”

“And the material?” she asked, “please tell me you retrieved the material.”

Again, the man looked at the small black piece of mineral looking substance, “That would be the good news, my lady,” he said, “the scale has been retrieved, no signs of damage.”

“And the magic stone?”

At this, the man grimaced, his displeasure in his voice now, “No. which means that leaves the only and obvious conclusion to what happened,” he gave a pause as he looked around, noticing a few small bolts sticking or laying in the ground as well as a small gag that reeked something awful, “that and the clear evidence surrounding me.”

“Adventurers,” the voice said with a touch of venom to her tone. He heard her take a calm breath before continuing, “Well, as unfortunate as that is, I couldn’t care less about that stone. Just so long as the scale is back in our hands, all other matters are trivial.”

There was a pause before the woman asked on another topic, “Out of curiosity,” she began, “based on our last observation, how strong do you think the monster was before it was slain?”

The man thought for a moment, recalling numerous reports about this experiment from previous observations. Its size and overall growth, behavior patterns, confrontations with other monsters, its diet habits, and more.

“I would safely say somewhere at either a high level two or a low level three,” he said. He looked around the area, noticing the damage that surrounded him, “Perhaps higher. Impossible to say without more information.”

He heard the voice give a click of her tongue, “That’s all? I seriously expected more given the close proximity to the dungeon itself.”

The man shrugged, “variables to consider next time,” he said.

“There is no next time,” the voice said, her tone one of finality, “It was risky enough to try it there in the first place. Now, no doubt, whoever killed the monster will report back to the guild and an investigation will be done in the area,” he heard her hiss a curse in a language he didn’t understand before continuing , “Dispose of the remains properly and purge the area itself. Don’t even allow the grass to say anything.”

The man nodded before replying, “Of course my lady,” he said, “it will be done,” he deactivated the orb, knowing the person on the other side would be doing the same right now.

He pocketed the material he was sent to retrieve and began to prepare the surrounding area for further destruction.

He took out some beakers filled with various chemicals from inside his cloak and splashed them about the area, coating the ash on the ground, the surrounding grass, the nests, and even a few trees with their potent mixture.

Once he felt the area was thoroughly prepped, he made his way towards the tree line and took out a single match, lit it, and threw it right at where the monster’s ashes lay.

Almost immediately, the ashes were consumed by dark blue and soft green flames, the particles seemingly being burned away into nothing. Soon the flames touched the grass and the fire was spreading rapidly and engulfing everything that he doused with chemicals but leaving areas he didn’t douse untouched.

When he saw the inevitable destruction that lay ahead, he turned his back to the controlled inferno and walked back into the forest proper, whispering a string of words in an unknown tongue before vanishing in a flash of light.

Leaving no trace of him ever being there at all.

So the adventure continues.

With three at a different venue.

After diving into the nests.

Killing a beast that impressed.

They return home, glad to not be on the menu.

AN: Another rather long chapter…I thought I was gonna take it easy this time but couldn’t help myself. Nonetheless, hope it was good.

Not gonna lie, I’ve been looking forward to writing this chapter for a while, with it being the first step in what will be a series of events to come to the story. It will be slow at first, I’ll be trying to mix it into the plot whenever I can and I have a few moments down the line to do that best, but I think it will turn out interesting to say the least.

Next chapter is gonna be a big one (god help me!) we find out what Takeru and Ibuki were doing during this time as well as Arue, Hana, and Elbia. Then we get to the point I’m sure many of you have been waiting for, the reveal to Bell. Look forward to it!

Take care and see you again!

Chapter 22

Chapter Text

Chapter 22

Another minotaur was cut down with swift precision and technique. It burst into ash a moment later, its magic stone falling to the ground and Takeru let out a breath and sheathed her sword.

She looked behind her to see similar magic stones on the ground in good quantities. Her previous opponents she had felled.

“Great opponents,” she said, wiping a drop of sweat from her head, “I should’ve been on this floor the whole time.”

After seeing Bell’s battle with the minotaur, Takeru as well as the others felt something in them ignite at seeing their captain accomplish something near impossible.

For others like Hana and Elbia, it was working on a ‘masterpiece’, as they called it, locking themselves downstairs in their studio until they completed it.

Those like Takeru, it was about pushing past their limits and gaining new heights of strength. Though, that came with its own set of problems right now.

Takeru heard a noise approaching from behind her. She glanced back to see a trio of hard-armored glaring maliciously at her. They curled themselves up into balls and rolled towards her with incredible speeds. When they were at a certain distance, they launched themselves from the ground, aiming to crush her under their weight, velocity, and armored hide.

It was over for them in three slashes and a burst of fire cutting into each of them..

Takeru dispersed the flames she had called upon, noticing that her hand had only minor burns this time, it would be healed by tomorrow.

It was funny, she had seldom called her flames when fighting the minotaurs but when it came to these creatures, she had a much harder time cutting into that shell of theirs without severely damaging her weapon.

The dungeon was full of surprises.

She idly glanced down at her sword, noticing with a frown at how damaged it was. It had more chips and cracks in it now than it ever did when she explored the dungeon previously. Granted the floors she was on previously were next to nothing to the floor she was on now.

She was going to have to get her blade replaced. Gain a better one hopefully, one that could handle the monsters down this far.

And maybe farther if she could.

“Wow,” a familiar voice said nearby, “I knew you were looking forward to fighting these things, but maybe you went a bit overboard?”

Takeru turned to see Ibuki approaching in her full garb and mask, the ninja looking around her and at the magic stones on the ground. Not just the ones from the hard-armoreds and minotaur, but also the ones from other monsters that challenged her previously.

There used to be quite a few monsters in this area, but now there weren't, Takeru was a bit of an overachiever today.

Ibuki idly picked up a minotaur magic stone, looked at it, and then looked at the sacks she had strapped to her sides. She had six of them and each of them were filled with both her and Takeru’s gains in the dungeon. Mostly Takeru’s, Ibuki had a different motivation into going into the dungeon besides getting some good excelia and magic stones.

“Have you finished your tasks?” Takeru asked, sheathing her sword, “I was worried when you went off on your own without me.”

Ibuki waved off her concern and tossed her the magic stone she was holding, which Takeru caught casually and put in her own sack strapped to her side, “Don’t be,” she said, “I wasn’t the greatest ninja in my world but I’m more than good enough to sneak my way around these floors undetected,” she paused in thought, recalling when a minotaur spawned out of the wall she that was at her back, the thing nearly crushed her before she ended it swiftly via neck break, “mostly,” she finished admittedly.

Ibuki pocketed the magic stone in one of the bags and reached into the chest of her clothing, pulling out a folded up piece of paper that she quickly unfolded and showed to Takeru, “What do you think?” she asked with a smile her mask failed to conceal, “Pretty good if I do say so myself.”

It was a hand drawn map of the fifteenth floor, or at least a great chunk of it. Enough of it carefully illustrated to show the routes between the beginning of the floor and the end that led to the sixteenth, with pathways here and there in winding detail that branched off into areas that Ibuki traveled only so far in, before turning back, leaving those trails as open ended lines on the map. Which was expected, given she was only focused on the best routes to the next floors in any case.

Though there was one thing Takeru had some complaints with…

“Ibuki,” she began, “not to sound rude but…are the doodles really necessary?”

Here and there across the map were various cartoonish drawings depicting ridiculous things. A minotaur with a head too big for its body, a ligerfang with more fangs then head, and even an Almiraj that was absolutely too cute to be considered dangerous,

Ibuki huffed and folded the map back up before returning it to her chest, “Hey, if Hana and Elbia can be creative whenever they want, than so can I,” she put both hands on her waist and stood taller, as if in pride, “besides, my maps are better than those boring ones the Guild.”

Takeru only sighed at Ibuki’s immature confidence, “Well, nonetheless, good job,” she proceeded to walk past her, “I think that is enough for today, let’s go home.”

“Alright!” Ibuki said with a playful salute before following beside her, arms crossed behind her head, “you think the others are doing alright?”

Takeru barely turned her head to acknowledge the question, “Why wouldn’t they be? Not like they were coming down with us in any case,” she paused, remembering something, “except Kallen and Chitoge. Those two were talking about going down with us before we left.”

Ibuki nodded, “Yeah,” she agreed, “haven’t seen them at all. You think they decided to stick to the upper floors?”

“Not unlikely,” Takeru answered, “but those two are hot headed at times, so I wouldn’t put it past them in trying to join us,” she smiled, “though given the mood everyone’s in, I suppose we’re all a little hot headed.”

Ibuki smiled, it was true, everyone was feeling a bit full of energy and enthusiasm after Bell’s fight. Everyone had to do something with all this energy inside of them. For Takeru, it was pushing herself further and trying to find her match down in the dungeon. For Ibuki, it was using the best of her ninja training to provide for her familia. In this case, make accurate and up to date maps of the upcoming floors the rest were bound to take on.

“So,” Ibuki began, starting a new subject, “Hestia’s finally going to tell Bell, huh?”

“Yes,” Takeru answered, “if I’m honest, I believe she should have told him from the onset. It only complicates things the longer she holds something like that off.”

Ibuki nodded, “Yeah,” she said, “still a ridiculous skill to possess for ourselves, right?” she co*cked her head to the side in thought, “Can’t say I’m against it though. Especially if I can do it with someone as cute as Bell,” she gave a giggle, “Though I’m not that easy to get with. If he wants to lie with me, he at least owes me a good date.”

“If that is what you wish,” Takeru said, “I’m not so complicated myself. If he chooses to lay with me, I would appreciate it. If not?” she gave a shrug of her shoulders, “then there’s always next time.”

“Yeah,” Ibuki agreed, “Though I suppose the hard part would be getting Bell to agree to it in the first place. As brave and awesome as he was against the minotaur, Bell can still be a bit jumpy around women,” she co*cked her hip to the side and brought a hand to the back of her head, “especially hot ones like us, right?”

Takeru didn’t deign that last part with a response, but focused on the former, “That may not be as much of an issue now,” she said, “according to Koukin, Bell has grown a great deal confident around women, to the point where he and Koukin shared a shower with each other.”

“What!” exclaimed Ibuki, “Really? He didn’t just run out the second Koukin bared some skin?” she gave a whistle, “that is impressive.”

Takeru thought it best not to include the part that it was Koukin who left the shower first after seeing something quite impressive upon Bell. Ibuki was easily excitable at the best of times.

They continued on, handling the occasional monster attack here and there, and making polite conversation. Ready for a peaceful return home.

Arue was not too comfortable with how magic worked in this world. It just seemed so…boring.

She was at a library within the city, one that specialized in holding and containing various texts on magical theory, practice, items, and history.

She admits that the magic here was interesting in its own way and quite a few figures she read about while here could practically be called walking forces of nature.

Arue sighed and closed the book she was reading, a disappointed air about her. What she read was magic in regards to the individual, more accurately, what she read was how many magic spells one could possess when blessed with a falna.

Three honestly seemed way too low of a number.

Arue huffed in thought. If what she read was true, then she was already full in regards to her magic abilities so far, having three of her spell slots filled already at level one.

Granted, those spells were quite potent and Arue had only casted one of them constantly so far. She had thought of utilizing the other spells on occasion but given her knowledge of those spells she had from her old world and how she struggled with holding back on her fireball spell for so long, she didn’t want to imagine the potential collateral that would occur if she casted the other two, especially if she was near her party at the time.

She wondered how her old friends would have reacted to this…how Megumin would have reacted to this.

‘Knowing her,’ Arue thought with a smile, ‘she would only really need one spell in any case.’

With a sigh, she got up and returned the book to the shelf. All in all, her research had been much less than what she had hoped and she overall refused to believe a mage like her from a clan of ‘Demons’ was limited to three spells.

Like Hell she was going to take that laying down! She didn’t know how, but she was going to defy the odds and somehow do more magic than what the logic of this world said was possible for her status.

‘Logic’ never stopped The Crimson Demons before and it certainly won’t this time!

‘But that was enough of that for today,’ Arue thought, cooling her frustrations, ‘it’s time to head home in any case.’

She proceeded to make her way to exit the library with a bit of disappointment but with a new spark of ambition.

There was also something else, she was eager to get home to see Bell, both to see if he was doing any better.

And to see his reaction to the big reveal regarding their skills.

They had been at it for hours.

Hana inhaled and exhaled deeply, sweat covering her face.

Nearly a day so far.

Elbia’s tongue lolled out as she was also catching her breath, sweat beating down her face.

It was almost done.

Wearily, they both rose to their feet, brushes in hand and with a stubborn burst of vigor, continued their work.

“The shadows need to be more defined,” Elbia said, working on said shadows.

“Agreed, but we can’t neglect the lighting. It’s good, but the details need to be emphasized to reflect this,” Hana said, making careful strokes with her own brush.

And so they continued. Hestia familia’s chief artists continued their craft with focus and vigor.

They would get this project done. It had to be done. Their muse will not be stopped!

When Bell had woken up feeling like his whole body was a massive bruise, he knew he made a mistake somewhere.

That was emphasized all the more by Hestia, who saw him wake up and rushed to his side, fretting over him for a moment before suddenly pinching his cheeks really really hard.

Eventually, after no small amount of begging and asking for mercy, Hestia released his cheeks with a huff and a few words for him to ponder on.

“I’m not gonna chew your ear off, Bell,” Hestia said, “you know what you did and the others know what you did and I know what you did,” she leveled a stern stare at him, “couldn’t help but be reckless again, hmmm?”

Bell had the decency to look away at that, his guilt showing on his face, as well as a bit of amazement of the truth of the matter. He defeated a minotaur, at level one. He defeated a minotaur at level one by himself.

That was incredible! That was amazing! That was…mad.

How the hell was he alive right now!?

Hestia nearly laughed at seeing his expression shift into disbelieving amazement and terror at what he accomplished. ‘Good,’ she thought, ‘he understands at the very least.’

“You’re not getting off easy for this, mister,” she wagged a finger at him, “consider yourself on leave from any dungeon diving or adventure activities until you’re completely,” she leaned forward and near his face, her features leaving no room to argue, “and I mean completely healed. Goddess’s orders. Understand?”

Bell wanted to argue that, instinctively so, but Hestia leveled another stern look that made Bell want to hide under the covers.

“Yes Goddess!” He exclaimed, holding his blanket to his face.

Hestia nodded before turning and walking to his door, “I’m gonna get you something to eat. You could use some food after all that you’ve been through.”

At the mention of good, Bell’s stomach audibly growled, making him flush red in embarrassment, “That would be very nice, Goddess.”

Hestia smiled at her first child but paused just as she was at the room’s entrance, “Also, when I come back, I want to talk to you about something. Something important,” she looked back to him, an apologetic look on her own face that worried Bell, “something I should have told you a while ago.”

Before Bell could ask what it was, Hestia left his room and closed his door, leaving Bell to blink in surprise and wonder what she meant.

Hestia walked downstairs, trying not to show any nervousness.

Which failed the second Koukin caught sight of her sweating face.

“Hestia,” Koukin began, putting aside a book she was reading in the lounge, “if this is too much for you, I can talk to Bell in your stead.”

Hestia shook her head, flicking some of the sweat off her face, “No,” she said, “it has to be me. I held it from him because of my own sensibilities when I shouldn’t,” she took a deep breath that made her chest balloon somewhat and make Koukin’s glasses slightly fall off her nose at the sight, “and I held it from him for so long…among other things,” she whispered the last part so Koukin couldn’t hear it.

Her vice-captain pushed her glasses up and reached for a stack of papers on the coffee table, “Then I believe these will have some weight of their own to take off your shoulders,” she handed them to Hestia, “not that I believe Bell would doubt your words, but evidence and facts are always best to have on hand in these kinds of things.”

Hestia took the stack, looked them over and nodded, “Good idea,” she said, “this will definitely help.”

She took another breath and slapped her cheeks, “Alright!” she exclaimed, “First! I’m hungry! Nerves are getting to me! Second! Bell hasn’t had any food since coming home, he has to eat too!” Hestia proceeded to march over to the basem*nt door, “Hana! Elbia! I’m not waiting anymore for you two to be finished with whatever crazy artwork you’re doing,” she reached for the handle, “I’m making something for Bell and you two aren’t going to stop me!”

She reached for the door handle and twisted, expecting it to be locked. Only for it to turn with her motion and gently open up, “Oh it’s unlocked,” Hestia said softly in surprise, “yay.”

Koukin watched her Goddess walk down the stairs. She was proud of Hestia right now. Finally, she was ready to talk and inform Bell about the skill she and her fellow summoned allies possessed. She wished she did it earlier, much earlier actually, but she supposed it wasn’t as important then as it was now.

The battle with the minotaur and the apparent intervention of Ottar made things different.

For the minotaur battle, it was a clear reminder of both their captain’s bravery as well as his recklessness. Both attributes that Koukin could recall on some of the best leaders she served, as well as those she fought.

And often those she served met an unpleasant end and she would not allow that to happen to Bell.

If Bell was determined to keep pressing on like this, then his familia will press on with him and utilize everything they can to help him and themselves by extension.

In regards to Ottar’s intervention…Koukin admits to being chilled by that certain detail.

Having any experienced familia as an enemy at this time was not ideal. Having Freya familia as one was tantamount to a nightmare.

Virtually unchallenged in the city with the exception of Loki familia, Freya familia was a juggernaut to contend with. Executives all level five to level six, with Ottar being the sole level seven. With their own soldiers being level three to four on average, Freya familia was a power any fool would know better than to mess with.

‘Then why did their strongest member appear in the dungeon that day?’ Koukin thought, looking up at the ceiling where her captain rested above, ‘What business does Orario’s strongest have with our captain?’

She didn’t have answers, but she had a mountain of theories. All of which she discussed with the Goddess.

If Koukin had to pick any of the ones more likely to be then the rest, it would be that Bell caught Freya’s eyes somehow. Something Hestia lamented uproariously, much to her chagrin.

Koukin had planned for countless battles and wars in her past life. She strategized against overwhelming odds, superior arms and equipment, environmental hazards, and even the damn mystic and powerful sorcerers that plagued her homeland and beyond.

Yet that was back in her old world, not this one. This one was a completely different beast to take on, where the magic and mundane walked hand in hand and clashed with blade and blade. Something her world rarely saw in comparison.

Koukin couldn’t plan against Freya familia, tragic though it was. She had not the resources or manpower to compete against such a foe.

Not yet anyway.

She focused her gaze up with more focus, as if trying to see past the ceiling and into the room where her captain rested. Where her summoner rested.

“Bell Cranell,” she muttered, “you might be our best bet overall.”

Between the summoning and their shared skill, Hestia familia could stand a chance if given enough time.

Koukin just hoped Freya was merciful enough and complacent enough to give it to them.

“Koukin!” a familiar godly voice called up to her from the basem*nt, “I need your help!”

Koukin blinked in surprise, Hestia sounded like she was…whining? She went down there to make some food, what could have happened?

Hestia’s vice-captain rose to stand and walked to the basem*nt, the sight that greeted her nearly caused her to fumble down the last steps.

“Wha-I-how?” she struggled to find the words, “what the hell happened here?”

“I don’t know! Just help me get these two up!”

Hestia’s voice followed with a grunt of exertion as she tried to pick a clearly exhausted Hana off the ground, who was beside a tired and delirious Elbia similarly laid out on the ground.

Seeing two of the familias artists pass out was one thing.

It was another to see them completely naked. Their clothes apparently discarded all around them in some form of manic fit. Leaving their bare bodies visible to the world, covered in splashes of paint, charcoal, and ink.

“Don’t just stand there,” Hestia said, struggling to bring Hana up, “help me get these two to the showers. They smell something funky and are covered in paint!”

Koukin sighed and moved to help. She walked past Elbia, Hana, and a squawking Hestia, “Hey! Where are you going?!”

Koukin didn’t respond, continuing over to the sink where she filled up two cups of water. Once they were good and full, she walked back to the two artists, “Let’s actually wake them up before shoving them into the shower,” she said, tossing the water in each of their faces.

Elbia woke with a start, sputtering and spitting water out, “Wha-huh?” she looked down at herself, “Why am I wet?” she asked, completely unbothered with being nude.

Hana jumped from Hestia’s arms when the water hit her, her eyes wide and active, “What happened? Did we spring a leak?”

Koukin wanted to laugh at their reactions but decided now wasn’t the best time for that. Something in the room caught her eye and she looked to the far wall to see a massive square object leaning against it, with some kind of large cloth covering over it.

“What is that?” she asked.

As if prompted, Hana and Elbia launched themselves in front of it, a fire of excitement and passion burning in their eyes that distracted Hestia and Koukin from their nude forms.

“Allow us,” Hana said, reaching for one side of the cover.

“To introduce,” continued Elbia, doing a similar action on the other side.

““Our masterpiece!””

With a flourish, they pulled the cloth down to reveal a canvas of massive size, nearly reaching the ceiling with its height and just as nearly the width of the room.

What was on it though rendered Koukin and Hestia speechless.

“You two did this?” Hestia asked in amazement, “I knew you two were talented but this is…wow.”

Hana put her hands on her hips and stood straighter, the action making her generous chest bounce, “Thank you lady Hestia,” she began, “Elbia and myself have been working on this project for the last-,” she trailed off, suddenly caught off guard by something. She turned to Elbia, “How long have we worked on this?”

At the question, the werewolf shrugged, her tan chest and fluffy tail bouncing with the motion, “No idea,” she answered, “I lost track after hour…twelve, I guess?”

Hestia would have commented on her children’s careless behavior in ignoring sleep but she was still transfixed by the art piece before her. It stirred emotions inside of her in ways she never imagined since arriving to the mortal realm.

This had to be displayed! In the living room maybe? Maybe the upstairs lounge? Or maybe go all the way and display it at a museum inside the city!

A polite cough brought attention back to the present. Hestia, Hana, and Elbia turned to see Koukin, who no longer had a look of amusem*nt on her features, replaced instead with one of grim tidings. Hestia was surprised to see such an about face, she saw that Koukin was just as impressed with this piece as she was. What could make her do an about face like that?

“Is something wrong?” Hana asked, co*cking her head to the side on seeing Koukin’s expression, “Do you have a critique to share?”

Hana and Elbia fully expected criticism, regardless of how well their work was. It was just a part of being an artist. Granted Elbia could try to handle criticism a little bit better. Last time they had a mock-critique over each other’s work, Elbia tried to hide behind her own tail when flaws were pointed out. She had gotten better since then, if just barely.

“Somewhat a critique,” Koukin replied to Hana’s question, “Just one thing I’ve suddenly noticed about the work.”

“What is it? What is it?!” Elbia nervously asked, her tail now shaking in fits as she leaned towards Koukin with her hands close to her chin held in nervous fists, “Is it the colors? Lighting? Shadows? Canvas texture?”

Koukin tried to find the words to break the news to them gently, “Something to do with the canvas, yes,” she said, “This is a custom canvas, correct?”

“Yes,” Hana answered, “we made the frame ourselves and stretched the canvas material over it ourselves,” a common practice for herself and something she was happy to teach Elbia, who was used to working with premade canvases.

“I believe you made an error at some point,” Koukin said.

“Where?” Hana asked.

“In the dimensions of the canvas. It’s too big to be moved out of the basem*nt.”

Hana and Elbia blinked at that, before looking at the painting, then the door, then the painting again, then once more the door.

Their eyes widened in horrific realization, with Elbia’s tail standing on end at the understanding of what they’ve done.

They messed up!

Bell was sitting on his bed, finally having strength to do so. He’d gotten plenty of rest and was feeling refreshed, even with the minotaur fight still fresh in his mind.

He still had trouble believing he beat it. It was a surreal feeling having defeated something that would practically turn someone like him into paste on a whim. It made the victory taste all the better though.

He wondered how much his status had grown from that fight. He hoped it was a good amount.

He was about to leave his room to check on his Goddess when a loud sound rang through the home.


The wailing sound made Bell jump from his door. He stood for a moment in shock before recognizing those voices.

“That sounded like…Hana and Elbia!”

He ran to his door, opening it up and ready to run downstairs.

“Hey! Hey! Hey! Enough of that, it’s not the end of the world! Now put on some damn clothes already!”

Bell paused just outside his doorway at hearing his Goddess’s voice from below, “What?” he asked aloud.

“Hestia is right you two, this is ridiculous. I’m sorry you’re unable to move your painting but that doesn’t explain why you two are naked in the first place,” Koukin’s voice rang.

“We were so wrapped up in our inspiration,” he heard Hana say, “our clothing stymied our flow.”

“You sure you weren’t looking for an excuse to get naked?” Bell heard Hestia deadpan, “You do do that a lot.”

“No! No! It’s true!” Elbia’s voice intervened, “I was skeptical too, but Hana opened my eyes to the truth. Clothes can limit creativity!”

There was a moment of silence and Bell understood why, he was still trying to process what he just heard.

“Is this the start of a cult?” he heard Hestia say loudly, incredulously , “I feel like this is the start of a cult of some kind and I’m not having it in my familia!”

“It is not a cultish belief, Goddess,” Hana said resolutely, “it is the truth of life, my wise cousin taught me so.”

“What you just said sounded exactly like something someone would say in a cult!” Hestia exclaimed, “and was your cousin in a cult? Did she brainwash you somehow?”

“As I’ve told you, Goddess,” Hana said, her voice firm and unyielding, “clothing can limit creativity! Nakedness can open the mind!”

“When have you ever told me that?! And we’re off topic now! Just put some clothes on!”

“No! Not yet!”

“What do you mean ‘not yet’?!”

“Not when I still feel the sparks of inspiration in me!”

“Well I’m putting out those sparks! Go take a shower! You and Elbia both before Bell sees you two.”





Bell returned to his room and shut the door. It was probably best he not get involved right now.

Eventually Hestia returned to Bell’s room, carrying a tray that held a bowl of homemade potato puffs and some hot tea.

Bell was glad to see the food and drink, his hunger had been growing all the more since he woke up. He was also surprised to see the state his Goddess was in.

“Goddess,” he began, “What happened to your hair?”

Hestia’s twin pigtails were frazzled nearly every which way. Long strands sticking out around her in a messy tangle and even some sticking to her body and face.

Hestia put the tray down on the nearby desk and quickly smoothed her hair back into its normal shape, with some difficulty, “It’s nothing, Bell,” she said, “just a little skirmish between Goddess and children.”

She wasn’t going to tell him that she nearly had to drag Hana and Elbia to the shower, with Koukin’s reluctant help, and messed up her hair in the scuffle. That sequence of events was too ridiculous and embarrassing to recall ever again.

Hestia tapped the tray with a finger, “Well? Come on Bell,” she said with a smile, “you don’t want it getting cold, do you?”

Bell shook his head, a grateful smile on his face and he went to his desk, sat down and ate.

Hestia moved to his bed and sat on it as she watched her first child eat. He was enjoying the food, simple as it was, with great relish. Glad to have something in his stomach after the craziness he faced yesterday.

She hoped she made enough for him, given what she was about to tell him, a full stomach might help him digest the information she was about to tell him a bit better.

Bell finished his meal with a final gulp of his tea, a content sigh leaving his mouth, “That was delicious Goddess,” he said genuinely, “that was probably the best meal I’ve had in a long time.”

Hestia felt herself perk up at Bell’s kind words. Feeling the honesty and kindness in them.

‘You really are too precious, Bell,’ she thought, ‘I just hope you still are after what I tell you.’

No sense in beating around the bush any longer, Hestia got down to brass tacks, “Bell there is something I need to tell you,” she began, her tone serious, “in fact, it’s something I probably should have told you a long time ago.”

Bell was surprised by this sudden change over his Goddess, but nonetheless he listened.

Hestia took another breath, no going back now that she started, “It’s about your magic,” she said, “Drop of Eros to be precise,” she said the God ‘Eros’ name with just a tinge of venom that Bell was oblivious to, “When you summon someone, they have their own abilities, magic, skills, etc,” she inhaled again, trying to smooth her nerves at what she was about to say, “you know this already, but there is something else to. Something…I’ve kept from you.”

Bell blinked in surprise. His Goddess had kept something from him involving his fellow familia members? What for?

Hestia saw the look of confusion on Bell’s face and continued, “It’s not anything bad per say,” she squirmed in place, “just maybe…a little awkward is all.”

This garnered another confused look from Bell and Hestia decided a more direct example was probably for the best. She reached into her chest, pulling a stack of papers before Bell’s blushing face at seeing the act.

“Here is everyone’s status,” she said, holding the stack out to him, “look at the skills section and you could probably guess what I kept from you.”

Bell took the stack of papers, trying his best to ignore how warm they felt and the pleasant odor they had. He looked over the first page for a moment, his eyes widening as he sought the section his Goddess told him to look for.

He read the skill, he read it again. He brought a hand up to rub at his eyes before reading it again and again. He moved the paper to the back and read the next one, then the next one, then the next one. Each of them having the same skill upon each paper.

Passionate Recipient: Status can be increased to a degree by intimacy with the summoner. Full copulation results in better increases. Results to status vary upon intent and focus.

It was the strangest skill he had ever seen or heard of. It was almost unbelievable that such a skill was there before his eyes, yet here it was. He looked to his Goddess, who’s face held shame and embarrassment in equal measure.

“Goddess,” Bell began, “this is…how long has everyone had this skill?”

“Since they were first summoned,” Hestia answered softly, “they’ve had this every time.”

Bell was speechless for a time and blushing up a storm, trying to process the fact that everyone he had summoned had this skill straight from the get go. He was also processing why Hestia kept something like this from him. He wasn’t mad at her, just wondering why.

Hestia could see the unasked question on Bell’s face, the one meant for her, “I’m sorry Bell,” she said, bowing her head, “I kept it from you for my own reasons, my selfishness as a virgin Goddess. I was worried that you could be corrupted by that skill, given who it came from,” she released a deep sigh, “after talking about it with a few of the others, I no longer believe that,” she rose her head and stared Bell in the eye, a soft smile on her face, her eyes glistening with unshed tears, “you will always be you, Bell. No matter the skill or the actions, you will always be my first and most precious child.”

Bell felt a warmth in his chest at his Goddess’s words, feeling the kindness in them as a physical force that eroded any faint misgivings he had about her keeping this from him.

He had already forgiven her in any case. She was acting as she always did, watching out for him and the others in her own way. Bell could hardly blame her for that. Hestia could be overprotective, silly, selfish, and more at times, but those were some of the things that Bell loved about his Goddess and made him thankful she took him in when no one else would.

He reached over and grabbed Hestia gently by her shoulders, making her give a soft squeak in surprise. He drew her in and hugged her.

Hestia went stiff at this surprise development but soon relaxed and leaned into the hug, wrapping her own arms around Bell’s back and squeezing. A few tears left her eyes then, knowing that her child had forgiven her and was letting her know the best way he could.

“I’m sorry,” Hestia said, her head on his shoulder.

Bell patted her back gently, a soft smile on his face, “Don’t be Goddess. You were looking out for me, for all of us like you always do,” he gently hugged her tighter, “you wouldn’t be the Goddess I admired if you didn’t.”

He heard her sniff, “You’re not mad?” she sniffed again, “You’re not mad I kept something like this from you for so long?”

“Not at all Goddess,” Bell said gently.

They held each other for a good while longer, each assuring and comforting the other.

Eventually Hestia let go and so did Bell, each having flush cheeks for the contact they had.

“Is there anything else, Goddess?” Bell asked innocently , “Anything else you want to tell me?”

For a moment, in an act of guilt, Hestia wanted to tell Bell about his skill, then one she had been keeping secret, Liaris Freeze, the skill responsible for Bell’s insane growth.

‘Should I tell him? I already kept everyone’s skill a secret from him for so long and I’ve kept this one on top of it. Is he ready? Would him knowing lessen the skill’s effects? Is now even the right time? What about later when we-’

Hestia was caught off from her internal ramblings by a pair of gentle hands on her shoulders. She looked to see Bell staring at her gently with the kind smile of his.

“There is something, isn’t there?” he asked, “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”

Hestia was speechless for a moment and was about to say something until Bell raised a hand to stop her, “Goddess, I’m reckless, foolish, and I’m still inexperienced when it comes to adventuring,” he gave her another kind smile that made Hestia’s heart jump, “whatever it is, you can tell me when you believe I’m ready.”

Hestia tried to find the words to say to Bell, wondering where this side of him came from, eventually she settled on a few words to say, “Are you sure Bell?” she asked him, “Are you sure you can wait?”

Bell nodded, “Yes Goddess, I can wait,” there was a light behind his eyes that made Hestia’s heart sore, “I’ll prove myself ready for whatever it is for however long it takes,” Hestia felt Bell squeeze her shoulders gently, “to you, our familia, and myself.”

Hestia found herself smiling at Bell’s answer. He really surprised her with how cool he could be at times and it made her love him more and more.

But now was the time for another matter, one that required everyone to be present for.

She got up and gestured for Bell to do the same, “Come on Bell,” she started, “the next part of the explanation is next and we’re going to talk about it with everyone.”

“Talk about what?” Bell asked, watching Hestia walk to the door, before remembering the specifics of the skill they all had and blushing up a storm again.

Hestia chuckled at her first child’s expression, “It’s written on your face, I see. Yep, since that skill involves both parties to…participate,” that word enhanced the blush on Bell’s face, “I believe it’s best everyone talks about it to settle some ground rules that will be followed in this home,” she emphasized before opening the door, “come on Bell, the others already know and are expecting this talk next.”

Bell paused for a moment, getting his bearings. He was still honestly rearing from all he was told just now, the skill coming back to his mind in detail.

But also a question, how does everyone else feel about the skill they had? How did they feel about him?

Did they want to…use that skill to get stronger?

Did they really want Bell for that?

It was still a crazy skill and Bell was still surprised by it, but he wasn’t discomforted by it or by the chance he would be asked to help utilize it.

His time in a house full of beautiful women had helped Bell greatly in his shyness around them, especially since some of them have been more ‘active’ in getting him comfortable. Koukin had no issue flaunting her beautiful body to him whenever she taught him. Arue always seemed to find a good opportunity to tease him with her chest and calm demeanor. Hana and Elbia had shown him their ‘exotic’ artworks that he still burns red in remembering. Even Ibuki glomped him out of nowhere with her hugs, making him feel her toned but soft body under her ninja garb.

Everyone has had a hand in aiding Bell in his comfort and confidence around women to some degree. It was time to see if it paid off.

He got up and followed Hestia to the door.

“So it’s finally time, huh?” Kallen asked, leaning back against the couch, “about time if you ask me.”

Koukin gave a nod at the redhead’s words, “Indeed,” she began, “It’s been put off long enough and Hestia knows it. What happened in the dungeon yesterday only heightened the issue.”

Takeru, standing by the couch, nodding, “Indeed, the minotaur was one thing. Freya familia’s ‘King’ is another more dangerous beast. After all of that and the potential risks, it’s best we explore all avenues available to us for the immediate future.”

Arue hummed thoughtfully from her seat on the couch, “Indeed. Things have gotten suddenly chaotic all the sudden,” she reached down to her lap to pet something, “and if I’m frank, I wished we told Bell much earlier than now. Can’t say I was completely comfortable keeping a secret like this for this long.”

A mewling sound came from her lap and Elbia turned her head to look at Arue from where she laid, “Really?” she asked, “You’ve never seemed to mind.”

Arue chuckled and rubbed Elbia’s head in a way that made the werewolf girl shiver and melt in her lap, “We Crimson Demons are masters at hiding our thoughts and emotions! None shall gaze behind the veil of our spirit made manifest!”

Kallen looked over to her, completely unamused, “So basically, you have a hell of a poker face.”

Arue gave no response, simply content to pet Elbia, whose tail was wagging happily in the air.

“She really does,” Ibuki said from behind Kallen, “Chitoge and I have played some games with her and she beat us like nine times out of ten,” she puffed her cheeks in apparent mock frustration, “we couldn’t tell if she was serious or joking depending on what we played.”

“All I know,” Chitoge added, “is that I’m never playing an actual game of poker with her. Not worth the risk.”

Hana nodded beside her, seated in a chair and nursing a cup of tea, “Indeed, a losing battle awaits anyone who challenges her in a game of chance.”

She herself tried to play poker against her, strip poker in fact.

She was completely defeated in five hands. With Arue not even losing her eyepatch.

Hana had to admit though, it was an eccentric game to be sure!

Everyone turned at the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs, seeing Hestia and Bell making their way down.

Bell’s flushed face told them all that Hestia proceeded with telling Bell about the skill they all shared. Now it was time for the hard part.

Hestia and Bell stood just a distance away from the lounge. Hestia looking better at finally telling Bell what she had kept from him. Bell, by contrast, looked nervous and frankly, clueless at how to even start the conversation.

Thankfully, that’s why Koukin was there.

“Captain,” she addressed Bell formally, “I take it Hestia told you about the skill we all share?”

Bell nodded, not trusting himself to speak right now, but doing his best to remain calm.

“It is a ludicrous thing, to be sure,” she said, “it’s one thing to be able to summon us across space and time. It’s another to have a skill that increases our status by being…intimate with our summoner.”

Bell looked down at that, flushed red, embarrassed by the idea. Even still, there was more to be said.

“Even though it is ludicrous,” Koukin continued, “it’s also something we shouldn’t dismiss out of hand, especially now,” this drew Bell’s gaze directly to her and she continued, “the minotaur fight reminded us of the dangers and surprises the dungeon possessed and how stubborn our captain can be at times,” this unsurprising reveal made Bell rub the back of his head sheepishly, “furthermore, there is something else we may need to be ready for.”

Koukin knew that everyone, sans Bell, knew what she was talking about. She explained for Bell’s sake, about the appearance and attempted delay by Orario’s strongest, Ottar. Bell’s expression changed from shock to disbelief when she finished.

“But why?” he asked, “Why would someone like that even be there in the first place? He’s so strong! I’ve heard stories about him even as far away as my village.”

Koukin imagines everyone in the whole world has heard about Ottar in one form or another, but that was beside the point.

She told him of her theories and with each one, Bell grew paler and paler with the potential threat they faced. Finally having to sit down himself in a nearby chair, Hestia by his side to comfort him.

Koukin eventually ended on the most likely theory, that being Bell caught Freya’s eye somehow and this was her attempt to test him. Needless to say he passed it.

“Don’t worry too much Bell,” Hestia said beside him, “Freya likes me too much, for some reason. She wouldn’t hurt me because she knows it would hurt you and her,” she gave a sigh, “we still have to be ready for if we end up butting heads with her or her children in the future.”

“Which brings us back to the skill we all share,” Koukin added, “Bell, as strong as we are, we wouldn’t last five minutes against a familia that big or that powerful. Not without some serious aid on our side,” Koukin gave a sigh and continued, “which leaves us few options right now.”

Bell nodded along, trying to keep his embarrassment at what he was potentially about to be asked, “What are they?” he asked.

Takeru stepped forward, “One option is to summon more allies to aid us. Having more allies, regardless of how strong or weak they are, would be beneficial in the extreme,” Takeru rubbed her chin in thought, “though that may not be practical enough, given our current living conditions.”

Hestia chose that time to interrupt, “I’ve thought about that,” she said, “I’m going to Goibniu tomorrow with a great chunk of our coffers. Thanks to Takeru and Ibuki going into the dungeon today, we avoid ending up in the red in terms of our finances,” she grumbled at the end though, “granted, if I’m successful, we are definitely gonna have to save up for a house or mansion of some kind. This place is still an old building, no matter how many renovations are done to it, it can’t handle too much more.”

Bell was a little sad about that. This place was his home in about every sense of the word. He loved it even when it was still a rundown church amidst ruins. Even still, he knew that, if his familia was going to grow, they were going to have to find a better place for themselves.

“Now for the next option, the one we really need to talk about,” Koukin said, “Our skill ‘Passionate Recipient’ will allow us to grow stronger based upon our intimacy with you. How much stronger, I can’t say, but there is one thing I want to put forward first and foremost,” her eyes took on a comforting stare directed at Bell, “Bell, if you are uncomfortable with this, you can say no.”

Bell blinked in surprise at this, wholly expecting something else.

Koukin continued, “While yes, the skill offers a potential boon to the familia, we would rather not have it at the cost of eroding trust with our captain. If you are uncomfortable with this, we will not ask you of this anymore after today and continue to earn our strength in the dungeon as usual.”

“But what about Freya familia?” Bell asked, “What about them or other familias that might come after us if they find out about the summoning magic?”

Koukin leaned back in her chair, a sharp gleam in her eye, “Then I suppose, as the familia strategist and vice-captain, I would have to find a solution to prepare for that. It’s not the first time such a situation came against me.”

Bell would have been comforted by Koukin’s words, had he not seen her expression just then. It was too stiff and lacking the complete confidence she usually displayed when talking about strategy against an enemy.

Bell looked at the others, “What about the rest of you? How do you all feel about it?”

Arue was first to reply, “I have no objections myself in utilizing the skill. You are not an unpleasant man, Bell. I find myself blessed to have been your first summon and to have you as my dear friend,” she gave him a gentle smile, “I would never in my life dream of abusing that fact. Even for such a potent skill.”

“Meeting you has been an eccentric experience, Bell,” Hana said suddenly, “I have no desire to abuse that,” her purple eyes burned with determination , “I would jump into the dungeon naked and unarmed before I ever dream of hurting you.”

“Not gonna happen,” Hestia deadpanned, “I’ve talked to you about that before,” and a good several times since.

“Before this turns into something weird,” Chitoge added, then paused, “well…weirder, I feel much the same. You're a good person, Bell,” she blushed suddenly as if surprised to have said those words, “don’t expect a better compliment than that!”

Kallen chuckled at Chitoge’s sudden embarrassment at giving such a basic compliment, before turning to stare at Bell, “I’ve met and known a lot of people whom I’ve been proud to fight beside. I can say with confidence that you are one as well and skill or no, I’m not about to ruin that if I don’t have to.”

Elbia rose her head from Arue’s lap, “You’re a good person, Bell. If you don’t want to mate, Elbia will respect that.”

Bell blushed at the werewolf’s frankness but again, felt flattered by the sincerity in her words.

He felt someone wrap their arms around him and he looked behind him to see Ibuki with a wide smile on her face, “I don’t have a complaint about the skill,” she said, “I do however have an issue if it doesn’t feel right to you. If it doesn’t? Forget it,” she squeezed him harder, “Seeing you sad just ruins that cute face of yours.”

Bell was blushing something fierce at Ibuki’s words and actions. Before he could say anything in reply, Ibuki yelped and jumped back, releasing Bell. Ibuki rubbed the bare side of her thigh that was visible in her garb, a frown on her face, “Hestia,” she whined, “that hurt!”

Hestia, who had her hand outstretched to where she just pinched the ninja, huffed and crossed her arms, “We are having a serious moment here. Stow the cuddling antics.”

A polite cough brought Bell’s attention to Takeru, “I have no issue with the skill itself. As long as it’s mutual. If it is not? Then that will be the end of it,” she gave him a gentle smile, “you are our captain, Bell and our dear comrade, I would never wish to damage that.”

Bell was honestly flattered and humbled by the words of his familia. They had a chance to get stronger but not if it risks his trust in them.

He turned his attention back to his vice captain, who met his stare with one of her own. A gentle smile played itself across then, “Despite all the teasing I’ve subjected you to, I would never go that far unless you are ready, the skill is good but you’re worth more than just that, Bell.”

Bell was at a loss for words. Ultimately, the decision lay with him. Could he do this? Was he brave enough?

He thought about his battle with the minotaur and his battle with the silverback. He thought of the time he and the others saved Lili from her own familia. He thought of all the training he went through with Takeru and Ais. He thought of the lessons Koukin taught him and her methods at getting him comfortable around women.

All of that required him to have no small amount of courage to achieve and overcome.

Strange as it was, this shouldn’t be any different.

‘Grandpa,’ Bell thought, ‘watch over me.’

“I’ll do it,” Bell said, his voice steady, “but I have conditions of my own.”

The others shared curious glances, wondering what he meant. They thought they covered all the bases of this conversation.

“I want you all to know that the same is applied to all of you,” Bell said, “I don’t want to take advantage of any of you either. If we do this, we do this together, mutually.”

Everyone was stunned at this proclamation. Here they were worrying that they were taking advantage of Bell and here he was saying he wouldn’t take advantage of them.

Because quite frankly, the thought of Bell doing that never crossed their minds. Knowing the kind and compassionate person he is

They smiled at their captain, once again impressed by his abundant benevolence.

This definitely went better than anyone could have thought.

“Okay! Now that that’s settled. I’m going out drinking with some friends!”

Hestia’s sudden proclamation ruined the feel good mood of the room and Bell practically squawked at Hestia’s words.

“G-Goddess!” Bell exclaimed, “Where did this come from?!”

“From the fact that I’ve been dreading this conversation for over a month!” Hestia said, stomping a bare foot, “Now that it’s over and the decision has been made. I’m going to go out for a drink with my friends to drown my anxiety!”

That did not sound healthy at all in the least! Was the collective thought of her familia.

“Besides,” Hestia continued, “Miach is treating. Something about making a new breakthrough potion and he wanted to celebrate.”

Chitoge and Kallen fist bumped, no one noticed.

“Anyway,” Hestia began walking to the door, “I’ll let you all figure this out in more detail. Don’t tell me how, I don’t want to know,” she turned to them just as her hand was on the doorknob, “just try not to make too much noise is all I’m asking.”

With that final piece said, Hestia walked out the door and to whatever destination awaited. Leaving Bell alone with the girls.

Everyone’s eyes looked towards each other in a sudden realization.

After revealing the skill they all shared and Bell’s agreement to help them utilize it…

Now what?

A skill revealed, a meeting met.

With consent given, rules are set.

Yet still threats will loom.

Some could spell doom.

Hope must continue, for the God’s bet.

AN: Yeah, this was a much more complicated chapter than I initially thought. At first I was gonna make it more cut and dry, but realized that ‘Bell can give us a power boost by being intimate with us’ didn’t really vibe with me. So after one, two, three, and four revisions. I think I got it done well enough.

I always remind myself that this story was literally done on a dare and the fact I’ve kept it going for this long is mind boggling. I try not to take it ‘too’ serious, but always end up doing so in any case when I write a chapter..

Speaking of, I’m going through my chapters and renaming them for ease of navigation sometime soon. Look forward to that!

Anyway, take care and see you next time!

Chapter 23

Chapter Text

Chapter 23

It was a sight anyone would be surprised to see. A master was at work in front of them. With great practice and incredible strength…

Hestia downed her fourth mug of beer in one pull, slamming the mug down and giving a mighty belch.

Miach, Takemikazuchi, and Hephaestus watched Hestia with wide eyes at the short Goddess’s ability to throw them back. Each were slightly red in the face from their own beverages but none so like Hestia, who was already gesturing to a nearby waiter for another one.

“Well this is certainly a surprise,” Miach said, taking a light sip of his own beer, “I had thought I was the enthusiastic one today but Hestia has me beat.”

Takemikazuchi nodded and took a slow but long drink from his own mug, savoring the flavor before speaking, “Indeed, our dear Hestia appears ready to drink the night away and then some,” he stared at the hearth Goddess with a fair level of concern, “though I hope she doesn’t overdue it.”

“She won’t,” Hephaestus answered the war God, swirling her wine glass before taking a delicate sip, “not while I’m here. I’ll stop her before she goes too far.”

Which was probably gonna be soon, by Hephaestus’s judgment.

Hestia took the mug the waiter dropped off and drank its contents, slowly this time. She exhaled a breath when she had enough and blearily stared at her friends around the table.

“Miach,” Hestia began, “I’m so glad you invited me to this. Things keep getting crazy in my home with my familia and I…I…I,” Hestia struggled to find the words in her drunken stupor, eventually finding what she thought were the right ones, “I couldn’t keep up with it. Things kept getting crazier and weirder and I just had enough. I needed a time like this,” she flopped her head on the table, her face turned towards the healing God, “Th-Tha-Thanks for this Miach. I really owe you one.”

Miach waved Hestia’s drunken compliment aside, “Nonsense Hestia,” he said, “I actually owe you and your familia, especially Bell, a debt I don’t think I could repay,” he was about to explain until he saw Hestia turn her attention to the table she lay her head on, softly counting the grooves in it, “…though perhaps I’ll tell you more about it some other time. When you’re in a better state.”

Hestia moaned in apparent appreciation, “that’s prob-praba- that’s good I guess.”

Hephaestus sighed at the sight of her dear friend, “Goodness, Hestia,” she began, “I thought for certain, things would be better for you right now. You have a good sized familia now, your first child beat a minotaur at level one, shockingly enough,, and you have had no problems meeting your payments to me for that knife I forged.”

Granted those payments looked suspiciously small, given her familia size, but Hestia was at least paying on time.

Takemikazuchi and Miach shuddered at the potential payment Hestia had to pay off. Hephaestus did not play favorites when it came to her craft.

Hestia only groaned loud in response to Hephaestus’s words, “Things are better but also crazy at times. I don’t know how you do it, Hephaestus. What did you do when your familia got bigger and bigger and more problematic?”

‘There are better ways to ask that question,’ Hephaestus thought, before answering her question.

“I adapted,” the Goddess of the forge said simply, “Running a familia is never simple and it can get more complicated with more and more people,” she took another sip of her wine, draining it before continuing, “but as their Goddess, it’s my duty to help and aid them in any way I can regardless. A compliment when it is earned, a scolding when it’s required, encouragement when it’s needed, and much more,” she reached out a hand and patted Hestia on the head, drawing a content mewl from the short Goddess, “no matter how big my familia has gotten, no matter what kind of characters are in it, no matter the trouble they can bring, I adapt and overcome just as they do and I always try to have my familia be the place they are proud to be in.”

Hephaestus’s words were meant for Hestia, but she almost forgot that she also shared a table with two others.

Two others were crying manly tears and dripping not so manly snot.

“Hephaestus! Truly you are a kind soul!” Miach stated passionately.

“Never thought I gave any other impression,” she said.

“Your words,” Takemikazuchi began, “they inspire me to do better myself. Not just for my sake but for my children as well!”

“That’s what you always should be doing,” Hephaestus deadpanned.

Despite the proclamations of the forge Goddess’s kindness from the two other Gods, Hestia found herself smiling at Hephaestus’s words. It was exactly as she said, Hestia had to adapt and overcome, just like her children do everyday in the dungeon.

It wasn’t going to be easy but nothing worth doing ever was.

She finally drained the last of her drink and laid her head on the table again and eventually found herself drifting into the land of dreams.

Maybe she did have too much to drink.

Bell laid back on his bed, watching the ceiling, his desk lamp providing a nice soft assortment of shadows upon it.

He thought about going to sleep, but he had already rested enough as is and couldn’t force himself to rest even if he wanted to. Especially after what happened downstairs.

The reveal of everyone’s shared skill was shocking enough, add in the appreciation he felt from everyone and commitment to not abuse the trust of everyone with the skill, and needless to say emotions were a bit high at the time.

Koukin decided to step up and pretty much encourage everyone to just…rest. Take the remaining day off and just rest.

It was an especially tiring day for some more than others, with Kallen, Chitoge, and Ibuki more than happy to shower and end the day for themselves. Hana and Elbia eventually realized how exhausted they really were and nearly crawled their way to their rooms.

Bell wished he could sleep, but he had already slept for over a day and couldn’t really bring himself to sleep right now.

‘Maybe I’ll tire myself out if I keep doing this,’ he thought, continuing to stare at the ceiling, ‘can’t think of anything else to do right now.’

He did have something in mind…but Hestia basically suspended him from dungeon diving.

He was starting to really think he had a problem about that.

Bell was taken out of his thoughts by the sound of polite knocking on his door. He rose to sit on his bed now and said, “Come in.”

The door opened and Koukin stepped inside, closing the door behind her. She looked at Bell, her features one of concern but holding a kind smile on her face.

“Greetings captain,” she said, “I hope I’m not bothering you.”

Bell shook his head, “No no, it’s fine,” he gave her a shrug, “I’m not doing anything right now. I’m still thinking about-,” he paused and gave a heavy sigh, “about everything I guess.”

Koukin nodded her head in sympathy, “It was certainly a lot to tell you all at once, I admit,” she moved to sit on his bed, waiting for a nod from Bell to do so, “but I imagine it would have only gotten worse in time.”

Bell couldn’t refute that and gave no voice of disagreement, instead looking down at the floor in thought.

“Captain?” Koukin asked, “Is everything alright?”

He didn’t say anything for a while, simply looking down at the floor in thought, eventually he replied, “It’s just all so crazy to think about,” he looked to her and gave a helpless shrug, “the skill you all share and the Freya familia wanting me,” he looked back down to the floor, “guess it’s all finally hitting me how serious things are getting.”

Koukin moved closer to Bell’s side, putting a hand on his shoulder, “Does it worry you?” she asked.

Bell shook his head, but paused before replying, “The Freya familia having an…interest in me is surprising enough by itself,” he could still scarcely imagine why that is, “this ‘skill’ you all have…I know I’d said I would help you all…but,” he blushed as he thought about it more and more, “it’s still just a lot to take in and I wonder if I’m even…,” he trailed off as his face burned a nuclear red, “good enough.”

Koukin tried to not let any surprise show on her face, she would think the threat of the Freya familia would be more…critical, than the utilization of the skill. She had to remind herself that Bell was still a young man and though she had helped him in bettering himself around women. He was still relatively new with intimacy.

“Why would you think you’re not good enough?” she asked.

Bell squirmed in place a bit, it honestly looked adorable with his blushing face, “I’ve never even had my first kiss. I really just don’t know what to…do.”

Koukin thought about how to reply to that, trying to pick the most tactful way to approach this. Eventually she settled to keep it simple and direct…for a start.

“You have at least been given the important…’talk’ I hope?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.

Bell sputtered at that sudden question at first but responded, “Y-yeah,” he answered, “My grandpa took me aside one day about three years ago and told me about sex and…other stuff,” he blushed again, remembering something he couldn’t help voice, “he liked to call it the ‘Passionate Dance of Power’.”

Koukin had never met Bell’s grandpa, but if she did, she would punch him in the face for such a ridiculous description of such a thing.

Then she caught something about what Bell said. Three years ago? Bell had to have been too young to understand the nuances of sex.


“Bell,” she started, “how old are you anyway?”

Bell looked at her curiously at the sudden question but had no issue with replying, “I’m sixteen. Just turned sixteen this past spring.”

Koukin looked at Bell for a moment longer, a look of surprise on her features. Bell was a little worried when she didn’t say or move for a bit. He was more surprised when she raised her hands to cup his cheeks and tilt his head this way and that. Looking over him as if analyzing something she was just seeing for the first time.

“Ummm, Koukin,” Bell began, flustered, seeing her look at him closer with a calculating expression, “is everything okay?”

She realized what she was doing and let go of Bell’s face, “Sorry about that, that was very rude of me,” she said with a hint of red dusting her cheeks, “I was sidetracked, let’s get back on topic.”

She whispered something about ‘looking much younger than she thought’ but thankfully for her, Bell didn’t hear it.

She shouldn’t act so surprised. She knew plenty of people in her old world that looked shockingly young but were surprisingly much older than they appeared.

“Back to the matter at hand,” Koukin said, “it sounds to me that what you need is another lesson.”

Bell blinked at her, “Another lesson?” he asked, “In what?”

Koukin shot Bell with a smile that he was both familiar with and helpless against. It was the same smile she wore whenever teaching him how to be more comfortable around women. Only this was different, her eyes had that charming gaze to them but there was something more, something smoldering.

It honestly excited him a bit with their intensity.

“A final lesson to teach you, my dear captain,” Koukin said, her voice sending an exciting chill up his spine, “the lesson in pleasure.”

Bell was red on the face once more, immediately catching on to what Koukin was implying and finding himself speechless at the offer.

Suddenly, as quick as a blink, Koukin’s eyes returned to their usual calculating gaze with a hint of compassion in them. Bell lost his blush at the quick change and blinked in surprise.

“Of course, that is unless you want to,” Koukin said in a gentle voice, “I am not going to pressure you in any way. If you wish to do this, then I would be happy to do this with you. If you do not, then that is that and I’ll push no more.”

Bell was speechless at this and found himself honestly flattered by her concern. He had his own questions to ask though, before he could make a decision.

“If I did say yes,” began Bell, “would you be okay with this? I don’t want you to feel compelled to do this.”

Koukin smiled at Bell, “I’m sure Bell,” she began, “In truth, I actually wish to.”

Bell was once again struck silent by his vice-captain’s words. Flattery and shock passing over his features.

“Is it really that surprising, my captain?” Koukin asked candidly, “Needless to say, you have had an impact on all our lives. Between your kindness and bravery, are attributes that most women would find attractive,” she leaned closer, “I certainly do and I can think of a few more in this home that do as well,” that smoldering look came back, “it would be my pleasure to lay with you this night, if you would have me.”

It was as good as confirmation as Bell could honestly get and the thought of saying no was swiftly dismissed. He was still nervous but he wouldn't run away this time. There was only one thing for him to do.

And that was to strive forward.

‘Time to go on a new adventure,’ he thought.

“Alright,” Bell began, “how do we start?”

Koukin leaned closer to him and reached a hand to cup his cheek, “I’d say this is the best place to start.”

She brought him in closer and closed her eyes, an action Bell mirrored. Koukin’s lips met Bell’s in a soft embrace. Bell briefly went stiff at the moment of contact, but relaxed as the sensation of Koukin’s soft lips settled on him.

Carefully, Bell raised a hand and wrapped it around Koukin’s waist, pulling her into him. She briefly made a sound of surprise before taking her hand and wrapping around his back, drawing him in. Bell now felt both her soft lips on his and her large chest pressing against his own. A sensation that amazed him with their size and softness.

For a handful of minutes, they embraced. Clothed as they are, they could feel each other’s heat, both in their bodies and in their souls as well.

Eventually, they both broke away. Bell and Koukin took quick breaths as the sensations ran through them. They looked into the others eyes, red ruby meeting green emerald. Each gaze holding something for the other.

Bell eventually spoke, his voice panting, “Th-that was…wow.”

Koukin smiled and gently squeezed him closer, “Quite the poet you are, Bell,” she teased, “I hope that was satisfying for you as it was for me.”

Bell nodded, “Yes yes. That was amazing,” he said, “I read about it in stories but to experience it-,” he couldn’t find the words and his expression only made Koukin smile widen.

That was the first step, now for the rest.

“If you have no objections,” Koukin began, “we can continue.”

Bell nodded, eager to continue.

Koukin smiled and stood from the bed. Drawing a curious gaze from Bell, “Umm,” he began, “aren’t we going to kiss again?”

She had to hold back a laugh at the question, but the smile on her face showed it was there, “Oh we certainly are but we are going to be doing more than kissing, remember?”

Bell did remember and was now curious where this was going to go. Koukin gestured for him to stand and he did, “I encourage you to turn around my captain and begin relieving yourself of your clothes. I will be doing the same,” she finished, turning her back to him and divesting herself of her wardrobe.

Bell already had his back turned to her the second she mentioned she was taking her clothes off. Again a blush burned its way to his face but he shook his head of any embarrassing responses or reactions and slowly started to remove his shirt.

‘The real adventure begins here,’ he thought.

“It’s so unfair! I mean, I dote on him all the time and now I’ve got competition! Koukin always teases him, Hana and Elbia might be nudists, and I’ve even caught him looking at Takeru whenever she wore anything beside her battle wardrobe. Seeing and admiring those muscles…I could get a six pack if I really wanted to! That would be a step up from her I think?!”

Hephaestus did not comment on that, choosing silence as the best form of response.

“Bell! Why do you have to be so wonderful?! Why do you have to be so likable?! Why do you have to be so hot?!”

“Hestia, would you quit squirming!” Hephaestus said, “It’s difficult enough to carry you as it is.”

Hephaestus did not expect her day to end with her carrying her best friend back home on her back while she was in a drunken stupor.

Yet here she was.

“That’s so rude! I’ll have you know I don’t weigh much at all!”

“Yeah? Well most of your weight is in your chest and having it pushed against my back is starting to cause me problems.”

“Pshhh! You’re fine! You’re tall enough to handle it.”

“If you quit squirming, I’ll have a better time handling it.”

“How can I stay still knowing that Bell is probably being seduced right now?!”

Hephaestus sighed, she had to hurry home and put Hestia to bed, this was just ridiculous.

And to top it all off, Hestia had a meeting with Goibniu to get to tomorrow. By the looks of things Hephaestus was going to have to play mediator between the two, given Hestia was going to suffer from a killer hangover.

“Damn those two,” Hephaestus whispered, “next time I see Miach and Take, I’m dragging them to my forge and have them hand cool my children’s crafts.”

Tsubaki would certainly get a kick out of that.

With a sigh, she continued on, carrying the short complaining Goddess on her back.

Hestia was surely overreacting, given what she had told Hephaestus about Bell, he was perhaps too shy for a woman’s advances.

Though that was half a month ago...

Bell finally divest himself of his undergarments, now standing in his room naked. This felt surreal for him. Standing just behind him was his vice-captain, his tutor, his ally, his friend.

And she was perhaps just as naked as he was right now.

He remembered the last time he saw her naked, or at least partially, given the steam and moisture in the shower. It was a sight that stayed with him and he would see her in her entirety now.

He had to admit, he was excited and a part of his anatomy definitely agreed with the thought.

“Bell,” Koukin said, “you can turn around now.”

Bell did so and the sight that greeted him took his breath away.

Koukin stood in front of him as bare as he was. Her hip slightly co*cked to the side. Bell saw her beautiful tan skin seeming to shine in the lamp light. He traced his gaze over her, from top to bottom. Her emerald eyes seemed to glow with unspoken confidence, her long dark hair cascaded down both her back and her front, locks catching on the wonderful curves of her large breasts before continuing down. His eyes briefly remained on her breasts, seeing their full, supple, and firm shape standing proud before him, wonderful pink tinged nipples graced his eyes, their color wonderfully contrasting with her tan complexion. He looked down, seeing the slender waist and curving thighs that made his mouth dry. Between those thighs he could make out a thin slit under a small fuzz of hair.

He knew what it was and he knew what he would inevitably be doing to that spot later.

“My my Bell,” Koukin said, bringing his attention back up to her. He saw her face was slightly colored by a blush along her cheeks as she too stared at his naked form. Her eyes dancing along his lean and toned physique and her gaze lingering on his waist for considerably longer, “you have a body to be proud of, I’m impressed.”

Bell felt himself redden, not just in his face either, “And you look amazing Koukin,” he replied, “I know that you’re proud of your body and now that I see all of it. I can definitely understand why you would be. You’re beautiful.”

Koukin fought back the flush growing in her face. This was no time to be lost in flattery, it was time to get things going. She walked over to Bell, hips swaying that drew his eye, when she was not even a step away from him, she grabbed his arms and lifted them up. Moving her hands to cup his own, Bell stared dumbly at her, or more accurately, her wonderful chest that was nearly pressed against his own.

“Now for the next lesson,” Koukin said with a smile, “this time though, you are going to be the one to take initiative,” she ended her words by taking Bell’s hands and placing them on her large breasts.

Bell was almost paralyzed by the sensation he was now experiencing. He felt the softness that now enveloped both of his hands, the heat of her body, the feeling of her heartbeat through his palms, the rigid feeling of her nipples pressing against his fingers. He couldn’t help himself, he began to squeeze and the sensation became greater the moment he did. He felt the soft flesh of her breasts escape between his fingers as he squeezed gently, he heard her take in a breath but could already tell it was one of pleasure, he could feel her heartbeat quicken gradually through her chest and knew he was doing something right and it inspired him to squeeze and caress the wonderful mounds in front of him all the more.

Koukin watched as Bell played with her breasts, her face sporting an undisguised smile. She admits, this was going better than she thought. Bell took to her body like a fish to water. It was honestly pretty impressive.

If he liked her breasts now, she had a surprise for him.

Before Bell could react, Koukin wrapped her arms around his head and brought him into her chest. Bell gave a brief sound of surprise before being silenced by her great bosom.

“You looked like you were having fun,” Koukin said, her voice as sweet as honey in his ears, “but I hear feeling these things this close is arguably better than just grabbing them.”

She gently squeezed Bell’s head closer to her chest and he couldn’t imagine leaving such a place right now. Not only was his head nearly consumed by her wonderful chest, but the rest of his body was also pressed closer to her. Giving him a full body experience of the woman who held him.

Bell had to return the favor and he believed he knew how. His grandpa’s lessons were varied and ridiculous but he did tell him some useful things. Namely where the sweet spots were.

Bell again caressed Koukin’s breast before finding his target. He placed gentle kisses along the generous mound before latching his mouth on the pink nipple he sought, gently sucking and biting it.

Koukin threw her head back and gasped, nearly making Bell draw his head back in worry, but a hand at the back of his head pulling him closer and tighter told him that that would be a mistake. So he continued his actions, gently sucking and nibbling while rubbing and squeezing the very same breast.

Koukin did not plan for this but she wasn’t about to stop it either. She hadn’t expected Bell to be so proactive in this and it was a pleasant surprise for her.

‘As always, Bell. You are full of surprises,’ Koukin thought with a smile, looking down at Bell as he handled her breast.

Another surprise awaited her when she felt Bell’s other hand glide around her waist and caress her back before drifting down and grabbing one soft cheek of her behind and gently fondle it. Koukin moaned deeply at his actions and started caressing Bell as well. Rubbing his head as she pressed his face into her chest and gently stroking along his arm, feeling the muscles along them. Her hand eventually drifted lower and lower, touching and caressing his chest and stomach before finally reaching her goal. Her soft hands enclosed around her target and Bell’s mouth left her breast as he gasped in surprise and pleasure as she gently fondled his length.

“It’s as impressive as I remember,” Koukin said with a grin, “I don’t think it’s fair that you are trying to pleasure me without feeling some yourself.”

Bell could hardly respond, Koukin’s hand was expertly handling his manhood in a way he never thought possible. Seeing his rapturous face stirred something inside Koukin but she bottled it down. It wasn’t best for Bell to see ‘that’ side of her just yet.

Maybe another time.

“Don’t stop now Bell, let’s make it a competition,” Koukin said, drawing Bell’s red face to her, “you keep up your actions and we’ll see who caves first,” her smile became a bit more mischievous, “winner gets to decide the pace for the next step.”

Bell could already tell what the ‘next step’ was and once again a fiery excitement flooded his being.

“Deal,” he said before returning his mouth to her breast, only this time his attention was on the other one. Bringing fresh gasps from Koukin’s lips at Bell’s fresh initiative.

This did not stop her from her own objective. She continued her ministrations upon Bell’s manhood, stroking its length, teasing its tip, and more. She had to admit, Bell performed perhaps better when competition was involved. She had to make a note of that later.

Both continued to please the other, drawing passionate fueled moans from themselves in their actions.

Bell kept up his gentle caresses, his gestures determined but thorough. He switched between breasts, licking and kissing at skin and nipples in loving fervor. His hand on her ass fluctuated between a gentle grip and firm handling.

Eventually though, one was bound to fall to the other's touch and experience triumphed over talent this day.

Bell removed his mouth from her breast with a gasp, both his hands wrapping around her in some desperate embrace, his head poking out from her large chest, “Koukin, I’m-,” he moaned again, “I’m gonna-.”

Koukin was the clear winner but she wasn’t going to have Bell climax here. It was far too early for her liking.

She withdrew her hand from his manhood and brought it to his head along with the other. With no preamble, Koukin brought Bell to her lips again, igniting a passionate kiss that was unlike the one they previously shared.

This one was different because now their tongues were dancing with each other now. Bell was surprised at first when he felt Koukin’s pass his lips and enter his mouth to dance with his tongue. It was another wonderful sensation that he was quick to act as well, meeting her tongue with his with lustful fervor. Each feeling the other’s mouth and enjoying the other’s taste.

Bell didn’t know when he took a step back to the bed, but soon he felt his knees make impact with the side of it, making him fall backwards and take Koukin with him. Neither one breaking from the kiss.

Eventually though, breathing became more taxing and the two broke apart. Trails of saliva connecting one to the other. Koukin raised herself up from Bell, realizing she was on top. She looked down at Bell, seeing his red face and blissful expression as Bell likewise looked up into her face, seeing her look of undisguised passion and steamy gaze.

For a moment they just remained like that, locked in some kind of daze. Until eventually, Koukin offered to move things along.

She adjusted her position, putting her waist at level with Bell’s. Bell felt the heat and wetness of her womanhood caress against his length, making him gasp at the sensation. He heard Koukin give a moan of needy pleasure at her own actions, the pleasure she triggered sending shivers up her spine.

“This is it Bell,” Koukin said, “this is the final test. Are you ready?”

Bell was so wrapped up in the lust he felt from all this that refusal was the farthest thing from his mind.

He answered Koukin by gently caressing her thighs before his hands found their way to her hips, a smile on his lips that Koukin returned. Accepting his unspoken answer.

She raised herself up slightly from his waist and reached down to direct Bell’s manhood to its destination. Bell felt the head of his length wetten from the moisture escaping Koukin’s slit, enabling for ease of passage. When Bell felt a small opening touch his length, he knew Koukin felt the same. She dropped her hips, encapsulating Bell and herself in a whirlwind of pleasure and sensations.

Koukin let out a long moan alongside Bell’s sharp gasp, the sound bouncing around the room and into their ears. Just hearing the other make such noises enhanced the pleasure both were feeling from their contact with the other.

She rested her hands on Bell’s chest and leaned forward, her black hair falling around her head and obscuring both her and Bell’s heads from sight. She took deep breaths as the feeling of their union settled within her. She felt a hand touch her cheek and she looked to see Bell gently caressing her face, a look of concern on his face.

“Are you alright, Koukin,” Bell asked gently, “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

‘Always worried about others,’ Koukin thought, a smile making its way to her face, “No Bell, I was just once again surprised,” she gave him a laugh, “I should’ve been better prepared to take on someone of your generous size,” the compliment in her words made Bell blush and Koukin tried not to laugh at the modest expression of her captain.

She leaned back again, strands of her long hair draping around her and falling onto Bell’s body, making him think he was looking at an exotic living art piece momentarily.

“Are you ready to continue?” Koukin asked.

Bell didn’t reply at first, instead he reached up to her head, drawing a curious look from her, just before he gently removed her glasses and placed them aside on his desk.

He smiled at her, seeing her emerald eyes unobstructed, “Now that I can see your beautiful eyes all the better, yes,” he replied.

Koukin felt her heart skip a beat at those words and a fresh flush warmed its way across her face.

Her captain was formidable indeed.

With a smile, Koukin began to rock her hips against Bell, drawing pleasured moans from her captain’s mouth. Bell did not stay idle though and eventually began to lift his hips in response to hers.

Koukin felt Bell’s length dig and grind inside her, making her lose her composure and moan alongside Bell. Soon the rocking of her hips wasn’t enough and she quickly adjusted her knees so she could lift her hips. When she did, Bell felt the air cool his wet manhood, bringing a shiver to him before Koukin dropped her hips back down, pushing him deeper inside her.

Bell moaned the same time as Koukin did, both feeling the rapturous pleasure they were giving the other. Koukin rose and dropped herself upon Bell, who met her with thrusts of his own. It was a clumsy but pleasurable dance at first, but soon they matched their actions with the other, bringing new found ecstasy to the forefront.

Bell watched as his vice-captain bounced on him, seeing her face, normally stern and professional, made into a mask of joy and pleasure. Her moans only excited him more and more. His gaze drifted down and he saw her breasts, firm and large, bounce with their motions. He tracked her nipples, the rosy tips drawing his eyes with the motions. He reached out both hands and grabbed both breasts, squeezing them not roughly but not too gently either.

“Ahhh! Bell! That…that feels so good!” moaned Koukin, “Please! Keep playing with them! Enjoy them!”

Bell did as she asked and her response made him thrust harder into her. She moaned louder in response to both his touch and his thrusts.

She had hoped to have lasted a bit longer than this, but she could feel something stir in her core. As if a dam was about to break inside her.

“K-Koukin,” Bell stammered, his voice desperate, “I’m about to-about to-,”

It seemed like she wasn’t the only one about to burst.

Koukin redoubled her bounces, shaking the bed and making Bell moan louder, “I’m there too, Bell!” she exclaimed, tossing her head back and wringing her hands through her hair. Causing an elegant show that sent Bell over the edge.

Koukin felt as if fire was shot into her as Bell came, triggering her own climax. Both of them groaned and moaned at the amazing sensations they were feeling.

Koukin found herself panting and having to lean forward onto the bed, inadvertently dropping her breasts just below Bell’s face. Bell saw the dangling tit* before him and was transfixed by their proximity, almost tempting him to kiss them, but he too was out of breath from his climax and let himself relax with his arms dropping upon Koukin’s waist.

“That *huff* was *huff* incredible,” Bell said amazingly. He had been nervous and even scared at first but was swept up in the passion he and Koukin created and those fears soon became nonexistent.

“Indeed *huff* Bell,” she looked down into his eyes, ruby meeting emerald. She gave Bell a smile, “I think it’s safe to say that your fears of underperforming were unfounded,” she moaned as she felt Bell’s manhood twitch inside her, “and that you just might be a natural at this.”

Bell blushed at the compliment and all the more when Koukin let herself gently fall on him, her face just next to his and her wonderful chest pressed deeply near his face, almost threatening to smother him. For a while they just laid there, enjoying each other’s warmth and presence.

Then Koukin began to feel Bell harden inside of her, making her lean back up and stare at her captain with a look of surprise. Bell had a deeper blush on his face, embarrassed by his body’s reaction.

She raised her elegant eyebrows at her captain, “I suppose you would like another round?” she asked with a mirthful smile, her eyes sparkling with delight.

Bell could only nod, not trusting himself to speak less he say something embarrassing.

Koukin leaned down and locked lips with Bell in a gentle kiss, Bell responded by wrapping his arms around her and bringing her closer. Enjoying the feel of her body pressed against his.

Time became a blur for the two on this night of passion. Bell had ended up on top of her now, holding her arms and crossing them over the other, her breasts becoming more punctuated with their bouncing as a result. He thrust down into her, not going fast but going deep, savoring the sensation of her. A feeling Koukin was likewise taking from Bell.

Soon they changed into another position, with Koukin on top of Bell but facing away from him, bouncing her hips on his and giving Bell a lovely sight of her ass. Bell found his hands reaching forward and groping each cheek as they bounced, an action that Koukin appreciated. She whipped her head back and stared at Bell encouraging him to squeeze harder, an action he was happy to do so.

Again they changed when they reached climax together again. This time with Koukin sitting on Bell’s lap and bouncing with her arms wrapped around him while Bell sat up with her with his arms wrapped around her. They stared into each other’s eyes, seeing the lust in each of their gazes. Koukin wrapped her legs around Bell and Bell tightened his grip around her, feeling every detail of her body press against him. They met in a kiss, tongues meeting in a dance of their own.

Bell could feel his climax approaching and knew that this one could be the final act and he wanted Koukin to share it with him. He redoubled his efforts and increased his thrusts into Koukin, causing the strategist to gasp in his mouth.

Koukin knew then that Bell was close to bursting, same as her. Like her captain, she moved her hips faster and met his thrusts from her sitting position. Never taking her lips off Bell’s. Eventually the end came and both moaned into the other's mouth as they climaxed together. Both feeling lights spark behind their closed eyes at the euphoria.

Once the sensation wore off, they opened their eyes and removed their lips from the other. A trail of saliva connecting them once more. Bell loosened his grip around her waist and Koukin likewise uncrossed her legs from around Bell’s waist and extracted herself from him, but never leaving his arms.

Exhaustion from their activities finally settled upon them and Bell found himself leaning back on his bed. Dragging a surprised Koukin with him. Bell’s head hit his pillow with a soft thump and his eyes closed, falling asleep.

Koukin watched Bell as he laid still, breathing softly, signifying his rest. She watched him, wondering if he really was asleep. A few minutes passed and Koukin was more sure of it. She adjusted her position, bringing her head to lay beside Bell’s on the pillow, watching her captain rest with a peaceful expression on his face.

She smiled, seeing him like this. So at peace after the sex they had. It made her want to pet his hair and whisper sweet nothings into his ear. Just like she did with…

Koukin felt an old pain enter her heart, remembering her past life and who she shared it with. Who she supported, who she fought alongside, and who she loved.

Thinking about that now, about ‘her’ now would ruin this moment between her and her captain. It was better not to dwell on such things, especially after such a wonderful experience.

Koukin adjusted her position again, leaning herself against Bell’s body with her head in the crook of his neck. She almost made a sound of surprise when she felt his arm wrap around her and hold her closer. It was a gentle gesture and one that Koukin found herself smiling at.

‘Of course you’re a cuddler,’ she thought with a smile, ‘I shouldn’t be surprised.’

With no intention of escaping, Koukin reciprocated Bell’s hold with one of her own, draping an arm across his chest and wrapping a leg around his.

She saw his lamp was still on, as it had been during their activities and she reached over to turn it off, the darkness of the night covering them both.

Koukin sighed and closed her eyes, allowing rest to take her. She didn’t doubt that she and Bell were potentially noisy and she imagined the others in this floor probably had some complaints.

Not to mention what Hestia’s reaction will be when she finds out. That will be a situation in and of itself.

For now though, Koukin rested alongside her captain. Not letting the worries of tomorrow bother her tonight.

A lesson in flesh was learned.

With passions about to burn.

After such a long time.

It finally reached its prime.

Without a doubt this reward was earned.

AN: Wonder how many of you expected a lemon this chapter? I certainly didn’t at first but eventually decided on it. Thinking it was probably appropriate by now thematically and given it has been over twenty chapters and I did put ‘sex’ in the tags. So it really was only a matter of time.

And before anyone asks, yes I aged up Bell. Not gonna lie, I didn’t feel comfortable writing him having sex at fourteen. Way too weird and frankly wrong. But I know some don’t really like characters who are too aged up, so I met halfway at sixteen. God knows that seemed to be the age to get down in High School when I grew up. Complete mess at times.

Getting back on track, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and enjoyed my first shot at writing a lemon. As always, reviews and critiques are welcomed.

Take care and see you next time!

Is It Wrong to Summon Waifus in the Dungeon - PoetIbn (2024)


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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

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Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.