Thrift Store Secrets: 15 Tips to Score Fabric for Pennies! (2024)

Do you admit to picking up fabric everywhere you go? I do. Pretty fabric, at least. You would have loved the stack I came home with the last time I browsed my favorite thrift shop. One of my favorite hobbies (besides sewing) is finding fabric treasures at yard sales and thrift shops.

Thrift Store Secrets: 15 Tips to Score Fabric for Pennies! (1)

You can also find NEW fabrics discarded from the fashion industry at FabScrap, which is fabric recycling at its best.

These are my top fifteen tips and tricks for finding great thrifted fabrics and using them, too. Learn more below.

Tip 1: Shop Small

Thrift Store Secrets: 15 Tips to Score Fabric for Pennies! (2)

I think most big thrift shops (the franchise ones, anyway) get rid of the fabric that comes in.

My favorite place to look is a small thrift shop linked to a charity. They have a great fabric and crafts section. Whenever you see a small church or charity-run thrift shop, take a quick peek inside to see what treasures they have. It could be a big win!

Tip 2: Inspect Fabrics Carefully.

Thrift Store Secrets: 15 Tips to Score Fabric for Pennies! (3)

Check for stains or odd smells. Stain remover can usually remove coffee spills or a dusty smell, but a ‘light bar’ discoloration from fabric sitting on a shelf too long is permanent.

Tip 3: Check the Cut Edges for Fraying

Thrift Store Secrets: 15 Tips to Score Fabric for Pennies! (4)

If a fabric is fraying excessively, that’s probably a sign that it’s old or low quality. Make sure there is still enough usable fabric to make the purchase worth it.

Tip 4: Look Closely at Fabric Bundles

Thrift Store Secrets: 15 Tips to Score Fabric for Pennies! (5)

Many thrift shop and yard sale sellers put fabric stacks together in bundles for easy sale. My favorite shop stacks up about 5 yards for $2. I usually have to buy the whole bundle to get one piece I really like, but for that price, who cares?

I browsed through my pictures for this article, and found lots of projects made with thrifted fabrics. Like the heavy blue duck cloth on the car cozy above.

Tip 5: Wash it!

Thrift Store Secrets: 15 Tips to Score Fabric for Pennies! (6)

I always throw my stack of thrifted fabrics in the wash as soon as I get home. That helps eliminate any funny smell, plus I find out how it will hold up. I want to know ahead of time if it can’t make it through one wash.

Tip 6: Look for Vintage Sheets and Tablecloths

Thrift Store Secrets: 15 Tips to Score Fabric for Pennies! (7)

I’m sure you know that fabric can be found in other departments too… Sheets, curtains, and tablecloths can be excellent sources of fabric, often giving you a large amount of material for a low price. This nap mat came from a thrifted sheet. Lots of people use soft vintage sheets for quilt backings, too.

Tip 7: Get the Solids

Thrift Store Secrets: 15 Tips to Score Fabric for Pennies! (8)

In general, I look for good quality solid fabrics when I am scouting out thrift stores and yard sales. It’s easier to make them look modern when I mix them with my favorite designer prints. If I have to buy other fabrics because they came in a bundle, I use them for practice projects.

The beautiful red knit fabric that I made this top from also came from a thrift store bundle. That ended up being a super find… about 3 yards (plus other stuff in the bundle), and I really like the quality.

Tip 8: Buy Neutral-Colored Fabrics, Too

Thrift Store Secrets: 15 Tips to Score Fabric for Pennies! (9)

When you find neutral fabrics like blacks, whites, or tans, consider stocking up. These are versatile and can be used in a variety of projects.

Tip 9: Check Labels and Do Phone Research

Thrift Store Secrets: 15 Tips to Score Fabric for Pennies! (10)

Look for labels on the fabric selvages or on a bolt end. These can tell you fabric content, care instructions, and the name of the manufacturer. Once, while shopping at my favorite charity thrift shop, I came across a partial bolt of the fabric pictured above. It was fabric print I wouldn’t normally buy, but when I looked up the brand online, it was 100% cotton lawn made in Italy! Then I noticed the beautiful softness and drape. I bought the partial bolt for $10, and it was enough for the backs of 2 baby quilts!

Tip 10: Plan ahead

Thrift Store Secrets: 15 Tips to Score Fabric for Pennies! (11)

If you are shopping for fabrics for a certain pattern, snap a picture of the fabric requirements before you leave. That way, you’ll know if there is enough of that ‘perfect fabric’ you found. Having a general idea of the types of projects you want to start before shopping will help you stay focused and choose fabrics that you’ll actually use.

Tip 11: Bring a Small Tape Measure

Thrift Store Secrets: 15 Tips to Score Fabric for Pennies! (12)

Thrift store fabrics usually don’t include labels indicating length and width. Bring a pocket measuring tape with you so you can check to make sure you will have enough. It may be nearly impossible to purchase more of that fabric you found for a great deal.

Tip 12: Be Prepared to Walk Away

Thrift Store Secrets: 15 Tips to Score Fabric for Pennies! (13)

Do you already have a large stash of fabric? If a fabric isn’t right for you or your projects, or if it’s damaged beyond what you’re willing to work with, don’t be afraid to pass on it. I know it’s hard! Thrift store inventory changes constantly. Visit regularly to catch new fabric arrivals.

Tip 13: Buy What You Love!

Thrift Store Secrets: 15 Tips to Score Fabric for Pennies! (14)

On the other hand, if you find a quality piece of fabric that you really love, don’t hesitate to buy it. Especially if it’s a great price. I once regretted not buying a certain piece of fabric and when I went back the next day, it was gone.

These two rolls of fabric were almost taken when I walked away for a moment to think. They turned out to be perfect for chair pockets that I sewed for my daughter’s first grade class.

Tip 14: Carry Cash

Thrift Store Secrets: 15 Tips to Score Fabric for Pennies! (15)

Most thrift stores in my area offer a 3-5% discount when paying with cash. Some shops may not accept credit cards, so having cash on hand is a good idea, especially if you see fabric while driving by yard sales!

Tip 15: Try FabScrap!

Thrift Store Secrets: 15 Tips to Score Fabric for Pennies! (16)

FabScrap is a non-profit organization dedicated to reducing fabric waste. I had a fabulous time visiting them in NYC a couple years ago. They now have locations in Brooklyn and Philadelphia, plus online virtual shopping by appointment. Learn more about my trip and how to shop there!

Tip Bonus: Look for Purse Handles Too!

Thrift Store Secrets: 15 Tips to Score Fabric for Pennies! (17)

There’s more… I often find amazing purse handles at thrift stores too. I’ll cut the handles off an old bag and sew them onto a new one that I made. Here’s how.

More from SewCanShe: Craft Fair Money Makers

Thrift Store Secrets: 15 Tips to Score Fabric for Pennies! (18)

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Thrift Store Secrets: 15 Tips to Score Fabric for Pennies! (19)
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Thrift Store Secrets: 15 Tips to Score Fabric for Pennies! (20)
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Thrift Store Secrets: 15 Tips to Score Fabric for Pennies! (21)
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Disclosure: some of my posts contain affiliate links. If you purchase something through one of those links I may receive a small commission, so thank you for supporting SewCanShe when you shop! All of the opinions are my own and I only suggest products that I actually use. 🙂

Thrift Store Secrets: 15 Tips to Score Fabric for Pennies! (2024)


Thrift Store Secrets: 15 Tips to Score Fabric for Pennies!? ›

Go Early and Often. "'Professional' thrifters like to get to secondhand shops before they open so they can be the first one in the door and the first to get their hands on any items that were put out overnight," says Marielle Conlon of That Table Lady.

How to score at thrift stores? ›

Go Early and Often. "'Professional' thrifters like to get to secondhand shops before they open so they can be the first one in the door and the first to get their hands on any items that were put out overnight," says Marielle Conlon of That Table Lady.

How to make money flipping thrift clothes? ›

Here are a few tips to help you make the most profit from thrift store flipping:
  1. Buy low and sell high. ...
  2. Minimize your shipping costs.
  3. Sell popular items.
  4. Capitalize on your wins and cut your losses.
  5. Write good product descriptions and take great product pictures.

How to find thrifted fabric? ›

My favorite place to look is a small thrift shop linked to a charity. They have a great fabric and crafts section. Whenever you see a small church or charity-run thrift shop, take a quick peek inside to see what treasures they have. It could be a big win!

What fabrics to look for when thrifting? ›

Several factors come into play to determine the quality of a thrifted item. Start by examining the fabric. Look for natural fibres like cotton, wool, and silk, as they are known for their durability and comfort. Avoid synthetic materials that may not stand up well to frequent wear and washing.

Should you wash clothes from Goodwill? ›

Should I wash thrift store clothes? This one is a resounding YES. Most secondhand stores don't wash the clothes before selling them. Donations are typically washed before they're donated, but we still recommend giving them a good cleaning when you get home.

How to bargain at thrift store? ›

Thrift store prices are low, but that doesn't mean they can't go lower. If you think something is priced too high for what is, ask if they're willing to take less for it. Just be polite in doing so and don't be discouraged if they're not open to bargaining.

What is the most profitable item to flip? ›

Best 20 Items to Flip for Profit
  • Watches. In general, shipping cost is a big factor to consider when creating a business where you flip items. ...
  • Sneakers. Sneakers are an awesome item to flip, especially if you are a sneakerhead yourself. ...
  • Furniture. ...
  • Vintage Clothing. ...
  • Streetwear. ...
  • Sports Cards. ...
  • Tickets. ...
  • Luxury Handbags.
Mar 19, 2024

What thrift store finds to resell best? ›

What items sell best in a thrift store? Vintage clothing, designer pieces, collectibles such as toys or mugs often have high resale potential. Textbooks and baby gear are also typically hot sellers.

How do you find rare and valuable items at thrift stores? ›

Check for Designer Labels or Tags

Valuable vintage items, like clothing, kitchenware or records, often come with a label indicating that it's valuable. With dishes, for instance, check the bottom for a brand name.

How do thrift stores source their clothes? ›

Where do thrift stores get their inventory, anyway? Finding ways of sourcing inventory for your thrift store can be as simple as visiting garage sales, scoping out estate sales, attending flea markets, and taking donations from the community.

How do you price thrifted clothes? ›

Most used clothing sells for around 25% to 40% of what it would be new. Do your research to look at competitors' prices if you need more guidance. Keep in mind the quality of the item, and expect buyers to make slightly lower offers, too.

What are the best days to go thrifting? ›

As a general rule, Bowker says that she's found weekdays tend to be better than weekends at the thrift store. “Weekends have proven time and time again to be a flop for me,” she says. “The stores are bopping with customers and the shelves aren't as full.

What type of fabric sells the most clothing? ›


This synthetic fabric is one of the most popular in the fashion industry. It's cheap to produce and purchase, easy to care for, sturdy and lightweight. It retains its shape, dries easily and tends not to crinkle or crease.

How do I become successful at thrifting? ›

10 tips for thrifting
  1. Create a budget. ...
  2. Clear out your closet in between trips to the thrift store. ...
  3. Keep hygiene in mind when giving away or looking for clothes. ...
  4. Get inspiration to help you pick the best items for you. ...
  5. Know what each store specializes in selling. ...
  6. Thrift with a friend. ...
  7. Wear something comfortable.
Mar 16, 2023

How do thrift stores keep track of inventory? ›

How Do Thrift Stores Keep Track of Inventory? Every item in a thrift store is donated rather than ordered in bulk, which means that every item on the shelf is completely unique. As such, managing and tracking inventory depends on individual scanning options that track sales and update stock counts.

What is the average profit margin for a thrift store? ›

Thrift stores generally have an average gross margin between 30% and 50%.

How do thrift stores determine their prices? ›

Their pricing is influenced by various factors, including the item's condition, brand, demand, and market value. Thrift stores walk a fine line between offering affordable prices and maximizing their revenue. While their primary goal is to sell items quickly, they also need to ensure they are making a profit.


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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.